2003 N° 1 Special conference on “Paleoweathering and Paleosurfaces in the Ardenne-Eifel region” at Preizerdaul (Luxembourg) on 14 to 17 may 2003 Field trip guides F. Quesnel, coordinator FIELD TRIP GUIDES Location of the field trips stops and other paleoweathering features on the Geological map of the Ardenne-Eifel region and its borders. Digital geologic 1/1,000,000 map of France upon the European DEM (500 m step). BRGM GÉOLOGIE DE LA FRANCE, N° 1, 2003 1 FIELD TRIP GUIDES Field Trip I: May 16, 2003, morning Meso-cenozoic paleoweathering of the Haute-Lesse area (Ardenne – Belgium) Johan Yans (1), Florence Quesnel (2), Christian Dupuis (1) (1) Géologie fondamentale et appliquée, Faculté polytechnique de Mons, 9, rue de Houdain B–7000 Mons, Belgium.
[email protected] (2) BRGM, CDG/MA, BP 6009, F-45060 Orléans, Cedex 2, France The Haute-Lesse area is located in the Western part of the Belgian Ardenne. We suggest to visit 2 quarries (Fig. 1). The first one outcrops the unweathered rocks near the Lesse river. The second one outcrops the weathered rocks (saprolite) on the plateau. Fig. 1.- Location of the 2 stops in the Haute-Lesse area (from Belgian topographic maps - IGN 59 and 64). GÉOLOGIE DE LA FRANCE, N° 1, 2003 3 FIELD TRIP GUIDES STOP 1. Lesse quarry: the unweathered rocks The old quarry (abandoned since the 1960’s) is located near the Lesse river (around the Maissin village) at the elevation of 330 m. It outcrops unweathered mainly schists of the late Lochkovian (Early Devonian) Oignies Formation (Fig.