PT Conditions in the South Wales Coalfield
Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 153, 1996, pp. 265-275, 10 figs. 2 tables. Printed in Northern Ireland P-T conditions in the South Wales Coalfield: evidence from coexisting hydrocarbon and aqueous fluid inclusions D. H. M. ALDERTON’ & R. E. BEVINS2 I Department of Geology, Royal Holloway (University of London), Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK ’Department of Geology, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff CFl 3NP, UK Abstract: Siderite nodules in the Carboniferous Coal Measures of South Wales contain cavities which are often infilled with quartz, carbonates, sulphides, and hydrocarbons. The quartz contains a mixture of hydrocarbon and aqueous fluid inclusions. The aqueous fluid inclusions consist of a dilute brine (3 wt % NaCl equivalent) and have homogenization temperatures in the range 97-212 “C (mean 143 “C). The hydrocarbon fluid inclusions are dominated by methane with a small component of higher order hydrocarbons;their homogenization temperatures are in therange 35-78°C (mean54°C). It is assumed that the two fluids were trapped simultaneously during growth of the quartz and thus a P-T estimate of entrapment can be obtained by graphical intersection of the hydrocarbon isochores and the aqueous fluid bubble point (homogenization) temperatures assuming hydrocarbon saturation. This method gives temperaturesbetween 130 and160”C, and pressures between 40 and 55 MPa. The timing of mineralization is uncertain, but it is suggested that it took place during burial and low grade metamorphism of the subsiding sedimentary basin (i.e. in the Upper Carboniferous). The hydrother- mal fluids were probably derived from evolved meteoric or connate waters expelled during subsidence and sediment compaction.
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