CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1654 HON
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E1654 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 14, 2001 Reaffirming further our support for the im- count the position adopted in Dayton (Ohio/ and end the application of sanctions that ad- plementation of the Convention of the USA) with respect to Bosnia-Herzegovinia; versely affect Cuba and our allies. Rights of the Child; Aware that peoples of different ethnic, re- Pleased that the WVF is a part of the Coa- ligious, and historical background do have f lition Against the Use of Child Soldiers; differences, sometimes substantial almost HONORING RICHARD ‘‘AL’’ AVC also supports the Coalition Against insurmountable differences; SEAGLER the Use of Child Soldiers and the findings of Noting further that the Stability Pact in- the Report ‘Impact Of Armed Conflict On cludes a ‘‘Coordinator,’’ a citizen of a nation Children.’ AVC also (a) urges upon the Inter- not among those of the Eastern Balkans; HON. SCOTT McINNIS national community to offer special care and Supporting the Stability Pact and the elec- OF COLORADO protection of refugee and internally placed tions of a democratic state and urging the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children and (b) further urges international peoples to support the results of the elec- support for the findings of the Report, in- tions wherever in the Balkan States; Friday, September 14, 2001 cluding calling upon governments to prevent Also supporting the position that individ- Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to the recruitment and demobilization of chil- uals accused of ‘‘war crimes or crimes take this opportunity to honor Richard ‘‘Al’’ dren under the age of 18. against humanity’’ must be brought before Seagler for his service to our great nation in the appropriate court; VI. BAN ON ‘‘ANTI-PERSONNEL’’ MINES Believing with respect to the totality of World War II. Anticipating that he would get Noting that the US used the phrase ‘‘global the Balkan States that ‘‘recognition by drafted, Al courageously enlisted with the humanitarian tragedy caused by the indis- every State in the region of all the other Navy. It is my pleasure to pay tribute to Mr. criminate use of anti-personnel mines’’ States in the region and renunciation of all Seagler for the sacrifices he made in pre- Reviewing the long-standing position of forms of nationalism leading to the notion of serving the freedom of our nation. AVC in support of the total ban of land ‘greater State,’ ethnocentrism, xenophobia, Mr. Seagler experienced many sleepless mines, or anti-personnel mines; and intolerance toward minorities’’; Noting at the same time that generals of nights as Japanese forces made countless at- Continuing to respect the final act of Hel- tacks on his construction battalion that was lo- the US Armed Forces established that land sinki, which emphasizes the security and co- mines hurt the US more than they helped operation in Europe; cated on the island of Guadalcanal. The cam- our Armed Forces; The American Veterans Committee con- paign at Guadalcanal cost America a great Continuing to observe that around the tinues to adopt the position that mediation number of lives before the United States de- world children and women and other civil- and discussion, together with (a) peace-keep- cidedly took the island and changed the ians have sustained injuries and even death ing, economic, and infrastructural support course of the Pacific Theater in World War II from land mines; from NATO and the UN, including in both in- forever. Mr. Seagler played a vital role in AVC continues respectfully to urge the stances the US, and (b) vital governing pro- President of the United States to adopt a America’s course of action by directing a con- visions of Bosnia-Herzegovina and other Bal- struction battalion whose job included pro- strong position with the goal of eliminating kan States will lead to a state of multi-eth- land mines, or anti-personnel mines, from nic, multi-culture, and multi-denomination viding a workable infrastructure for American our global life. with full respect for the rights of all the peo- troops and maintaining open supply lines in VII. WORLD VETERANS FEDERATION—A HALF ple concerned. Guadalcanal. CENTURY OF AVC SUPPORT IX. ISRAEL AND THE MIDDLE EAST These important construction battalions Reviewing with gratification the more Applauding in the early days of AVC the were known as ‘‘Seabees,’’ but their name than half century history of the WVF and establishment of the nation of Israel; and recognition have since disappeared from the founding membership of AVC in WVF in Supporting the leadership of President our national memory. Mr. Seagler sweated his 1950 as well as the continuing AVC member- Jimmy Carter in bringing together Prime days away in order to sustain the American ship now in 2001; Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and operations in the region. In addition, Al accom- Reviewing also the long and consistent Egypt’s leader Anwar Sadat; plished many great feats in the construction programs and work of WVF in behalf of vet- Noting with satisfaction the further move- battalion while dodging the enemy’s bullets, erans as well as those who have suffered on ment toward conciliation, reconciliation, account of war—the WVF program always and peace formulated by Palestinian Author- living in a disease-infested jungle, and laying including support of the UN; ity and the present and immediate past down to sleep to the sound of the Japanese Recalling the guidance of WVF by the Prime Ministers of Israel; fighter planes bombing the Guadalcanal coast. CREDO created by the late UN Undersecre- Urging the leaders of Israel and Palestine Mr. Speaker, Mr. Seagler showed great tary General Ralph J. Bunche . the Credo today to continue using mediation in arriv- courage and heroism as a soldier in World having the celebrated phase ‘‘None can speak ing at agreements, including an agreement War II. Therefore, it is my privilege to acknowl- more eloquently for peace than those who with respect to East Jerusalem; edge his honor and pride for our great Nation. have fought in war’’; AVC continues to support the right of Al is still an active citizen in Montrose, Colo- Noting that WVF has consistently brought Israel to peace and economic and veterans from all over the world to its Gen- sociocultural development and the use of the rado where he has served as a role model for eral Assemblies, Council meetings, and such instruments of discussion and mediation in both young and old. I commend Mr. Seagler special meetings as the the 1990 Conference the consideration of all elements and aspects for his distinguished service to the state of on the Mediterranean held in Malta, and ob- of difference and conflict between Israel and Colorado and our great Nation. serving that WVF has celebrated its 23rd its neighboring peoples and nations—wheth- f General Assembly (Paris 2000); er they be Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Leb- Taking pride in the fifty-year leadership of anon, or any other nation state, AVC in sup- STATEMENT ON HOWARD AND WVF Presidents and Secretaries General; porting the above stated development in RIETA PARK CIRCUMNAVI- The American Veterans Committee con- Israel in no way implies that it does not sup- GATING THE GLOBE tinues to support without reservation the port similar development of Palestine as World Veterans Federation and looks for- well as all other nations as they too seek ward to continuing membership and con- peace and improvement of the quality of life HON. ROB SIMMONS tribution to WVF programs. for their peoples. OF CONNECTICUT VIII. THE SOUTHEAST BALKIN STATES X. CUBA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Having goals of peace, security, and devel- Observing that Fidel Castro has been in Friday, September 14, 2001 opment in the Balkans and well aware that power in Cuba for more than forty years and Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- what was once Yugoslavia is now Yugoslavia/ that all efforts to remove him and change his Serbia (including Montenegro), Bosnia- regime have been and continue to be futile; nize Howard and Rieta Park, a couple from Herzegovinia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Slo- Recalling that the US has resumed rela- my hometown of Stonington, CT, who, on venia and further recognizing that this Euro- tions with Germany, Japan, and Vietnam June 10, 2001, concluded a 31,000-mile sail- pean sub-region also includes such nations after devastating wars and relations with ing journey around the world. states as Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Roma- Russia subsequent to the Cold War; Traveling on their 53-foot Sparkman and nia, and Turkey; Believing that the Helms-Burton Act has Stevens yawl, named COMET, the Park’s od- Noting with appreciation that the World not been and will not be effective in achiev- yssey took them across the Caribbean, Veterans Federation (WVF) brought together ing its stated goal(s), and judging further through the Panama Canal to the Galapagos its member organizations (International that this Act of Congress has only created Conference, Luxembourg, 5–7 May 1996) to ar- conflict between us and our close allies; Islands, across the Pacific to the French Mar- rive at ‘‘principles to be followed and meas- AVC believes that the US appropriate to quesas, the Cooke Islands, Tonga, Fiji, New ures to be taken’’ for attainment of those the present times should establish diplo- Zealand, and New Caledonia. goals . and that the Luxembourg Inter- matic relations, permit commercial rela- They trekked to the Great Barrier Reef national Conference carefully took into ac- tions, continue to provide humanitarian aid, along the Australian coast, across the Indian VerDate 11<MAY>2000 07:19 Sep 15, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14SE8.018 pfrm01 PsN: E14PT1 September 14, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1655 Ocean, around the tip of South Africa’s Cape of Southeast Texas and for myself our sym- It is my honor and a privilege today to pay of Good Hope and through the southern Atlan- pathy for those who have lost loved ones in tribute to Joey Bishop.