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N~./A •M ~~ N E T WO RK Ci1994 TSA , Inc All Rights Reserved RPGA Bulk Rate U.S. Posta ge Paid Madison, Wisc. Postal Permi t #2925 n~./A •M ~~ N E T WO RK ci1994 TSA , Inc All Rights Reserved RPGA "' Headquarters POB 509 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 -- 2 Sample file Oklahoma : I will be attending college this fall at Central State University in Edmond, Oklahoma. Classiiieds I am interested in starting an RPGA"' Network club , or just in getting a group together to play Missouri : Experienced AD&D® Game player the AD&D® Game. If you are interested , please Looking for other gamers in your area? Start­ and OM seeks other gamers in the Kansas City contact: Char les Beasley , 304 Bernie Housing , ing a new club? Put it in the POLYHEDRON"' area. I am also very interested in the MARVEL Bernie , MO 63822 . Phone: (314) 293-4620 . Newszine classifieds! There is no charge for SUPER HEROESN and TOP SECRET .., this service, but the submitter of the ad must Games. Contact: James A. Johnson, 6436 East Puerto Rico : I would like to form a gaming club be a member of the RPGA"' Network. Each 16th, Kansas City , MO 64126. in the San Juan area. My gaming interests in­ ad should be 25 words or less. No commer­ clude the D&D® Game (all levels), the AD&D®, cial advertising accepted. Montana : I am looking for anyone in the south­ TOP SECRET ®, GAMMA WORLD ®, east part of Montana who would like to play the GANGBUSTE RS"', INDIANA JONES"' , and D&D®, JAMES BOND 007"', or TRAVE LLER® CAR WARS"' Games. Other games are also United States Regional Games. I am also willing to try other RPGs. welcome . Please contact: Cesar Diaz, 190 Hos­ Ages 12-16 preferred . Contact: Darren C. tos B543, Hato Rey, PR 00918. Phone: (809) Alabama: Our new club " Dungeon Masters " is Edwards , Box 324, Broadus, MT 59317. 751-7324 . looking for members. We specialize in the D&D® Game. If you are intere sted in joini ng, please New Jersey: Brave (or not so brave) adventur­ Tennessee : I, Erik, head master of the "Guild contact: Jason Andrews , P.O. Box 251, Midland ers wanted to rid the world of various evil and of the Demented Gnome," need players in the City, AL 36350 or call Donald Leger at (205) 983- not-so-nice things . We meet at a local library. If mid-south area for the AD&D ®, STAR 1340. you are 14 years of age or older , experienced FRONTIERS®, CAR WARS"", TOP SECRET®, with role-playing games , and would be inter­ and VILLAINS & VIGILANTIES Games. Are California: I'd like to find someone in the San ested in joining our gamers' club, call Andy at there any female gamers out there? Contact: Bernardino area who likes to play the D&D® and Erik Sledd, 104 Shady Oak Court, Fairveiw, TN TOP SECRET® Games. If you are interested in (201) 494-8278 . Please , no half-ogres! 37062. Phone: (615) 799-2043 . putting together a game , please contact: Gene New York: Attent ion western New York Mikkelson , 2056 Nolan 5-D, San Bernardino , gamers! The "Frewsburg Gamers ' Associa­ Texas : Experienced player of the AD&D® Game CA 92405. tion " (an official RPGA"' Network club) is in would like to find other gamers with the same in­ terest to form a group in the Houston area. I'm California: I would like to form or join a role­ need of members . We play all games made by bored to tears , so please contact: Kevin playing group. My interests include the AD&D®, TSR , Inc. and many others. (Be prepared for Griswold, 2614 Hollis , Houston , TX 77093 . STAR FRONTIERS ®, Battle Tech"' , Aero Tech"' , one of the most exciting AD&D® Game cam­ Phone: (713) 694-2645 (weekends only). TRAVELLER®, STAR FLEET BATTLES , CAR paig ns ever!) Contact: Shawn Lucas , P. 0 . Box WARS"', JAMES BOND 007, and RINGWORLD 582, Frewsburg, NY 14738. Phone : (716) 569- Virginia: We are starting an RPGA"' Network Games. Contact: Kelly Alexander , 48871 Ga­ 4172 . club in the Henrico County area , and we need may Drive, Fremont , CA 94539. Phone : (415) New York: Demented OM looking for players to players and DMs (ages 12 and up). We special­ 656-7178. try his style . I play most role-playing games. ize in the AD&D® and STAR FRONTIERS® Games . Contact: Randy Largen , 5417 Raleigh Florida : I would like to meet some gamers (ages Warning - we play with some slightly hack and Road, Richmond , VA 23231. Phone: (804) 226- 18 and over) who play or judge the AD&D®, TOP slay type players! I have 1O years of experience. 2280. SECRET®, and STAR FRONTIERS ® Games . I Any female players at all are welcome. Contact: am new to the RPGA"' Network , with three John C. S. Galv in, 510 West 218th Street, New Virginia : I have recently relocated , and I am years of outside playing experience . Contact: York, NY 10034. Phone : (212) 942-5933 . desperately seeking a new gaming group. I Michael McCormick , 2166 Sun nyside Lane, have 6 years role-playing experience in the New York : Mature 14-year-old looking for Sarasota, FL 33579. Phone : (813) 955-9730 . AD&D®, WORLD®, TRAVE LLER®, and gamers who play the D&D®, AD&D ®, GAMMA TWILIGHT 2000® Games , and everything in be­ Georgia : Join the " Dragon Alliance of Gamers VILLIANS & VIGILANTES and/or STAR FRON­ tween . I am also willing to learn new games. and Role-Players " (DAG R), Atlanta 's only regis­ TIERS®Games in and around the Buffalo area. I Contact: David Oxender , 16B South t ered RPGA"' Network Guild. Our group spon­ am also inte rested in the BattleTech "' and Kingsbridge , Chesapeake , VA 23320. sors RPGA Network tournaments at seven MARVEL SUPER HEROES"" Games . Ages 13- southern conventions and presents its own 16 prefe rred . Contact: Scott Byiewski , 56 Washington: Lonely gamer looking for some­ yearly gaming convention , DRAGON CON. Call Denise Drive, Cheektowaga, NY 14227. Phone: thing to do. I am interested in the D&D® Game, (404) 296-7148 (voice), or The Dragon BBS at (716) 668-8229 . and would like to join a gamers' club in the (404) 294-4510 (300/1200 Baud , 24 Hours) for Douglas County area. Contact: Joe Schmutzler, additonal information . North Carolina : Experienced player interested 2525 North Astor Court , East Wenatchee , WA in starting or joini ng a group that plays the 98801. Phone: (509) 884-7718. Massachusetts : Lone ly player seeks others in AD&D® and TOP SECRET® Games. Ages 18 the Fall River area to form a co-ed gaming and up. " Hack & Slashers " and "Monty Haul­ Wisconsin: 14-year-old gamer experienced in group . Ages 10-18 preferred . I have played the ers " need not apply. Contact: Paul Billings, the D&D® Game, and willing to become experi­ D&D® Game, and I would be willing to learn oth­ 2145-F Fiddlers Court, Winston-Salem , NC enced in the AD&D® Game, is looking for a gam­ ers - any RPG will do. Please contact: Mike 27107. Phone: (919) 785-3360 (after 6:00 P.M.) ing group in the Racine area. I also play the Costa, P.O. Box 634, Assonet , MA 02702. STAR FRONTIERS® Game. Contact: Tim Wolf , Phone: (617) 644-2195 (10:00 A.M. - 8:30 P.M.) Ohio: Our new ADVA NCED DUNGEONS & 2910 Thornapple Court , Racine, WI 53402. DRAGONS® Game club on the east side of Michigan : Our small AD&D® Game club is look­ Cleveland needs players and DMs . Contact: Special ing for serious and experienced players (ages Ken Evans, 1041 Pembrook , Cleveland 16 and up) in the Metro-Detroit area . Contact: Pen Pal Wanted : I would like to strike up a cor­ Heights, OH 44121. Phone: 382-2776 (after responden ce with one or more other gamers Charles Moss, 20875 Winchester , Southfield , 4:00 P.M.) who share my interests . I play the AD&D®, Ml 48076. Ohio : Established communication network of STAR FRONTIERS®, CAR WARS"' , TOP SE­ Michigan : Experienced gamer and OM looking gamers across the state wants new contacts. CRET®, and VILLAINS & VIGILANTES Games . for a gaming club or players in the northwestern For details , send SASE to: Bob Kindel, Box 24, Contact: Erik Sledd , 104 Shady Oak Court, Fair­ Wayne County area. I play the AD&D®, STAR Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222. veiw , TN 37062. Phone: (615) 799-2043 . FRONTIER S®, and GAMMAWORLD ® Games. Contact: Eric Larson , 16335 Riverside, Livonia, Ml 48154 . BBttleTech ,nd Aero T&ehare trademarks of FASA co,po,ation. CAR WARS i$ a trademarks owned by TexasInstruments. Inc. PARANOIAis a trademark own«J by West End Games, Inc. TRAVELLERis a regisrer&dtrademark own&dby GameDesign. MS Workshop. TWILIGHT2000 Is a trademark owned by GameSample Desigf'P&fSW orkshop. CONAN Is a trademark ol Conan Properties, Inc. file POLYHEDRON - N ewszine Issue 31 Sample file - ----- Contents Special Module Feature 11 R avage r (Par t II) - by J eff Grubb. A bandit leader kn own only as "The R av­ ager" brings ruin to the Border Kin gdo ms. Six player characters must destroy the - source of his power and defeat him before he can complete his evil plans. Features 8 The Plebe Zone - by Steve Th earle. One volunt eer mem ber relates his experi­ ences at Network HQ prior to GEN CON ® 19 Cam e Fair. 9 The Big Con (a nd me) - by Skip William s. The co-autho r of this years Masters tournam ent reveals the truth about pre-convention work at HQ. 23 Aliens in the Cryptic Allianc es - by Jame s M. Ward. Th e truth is revealed in this issue 's cover story - aliens ha ve infiltrated the p ower gro ups of the GAMMA WORLD ® Came! 26 Unofficial New Druid Spells - by Jon Pickens and Skip William s.
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