Magazine Issue #115 Vol. XI, No. 6 SPECIAL ATTRACTION November 1986 9 THIEVES: Picking the pockets of the underworld Publisher 10 Lords of the Night Eric Oppen Mike Cook 14 A Den of Thieves Vince Garcia Editor 26 The Art of Climbing Walls Vince Garcia Roger E. Moore 28 Honor Among Thieves Eric Oppen and Robin Jenkins Assistant editor 32 Getting Up in the World Robin Jenkins Robin Jenkins 34 Tools of the (Thieving) Trade Vince Garcia Fiction editor Patrick Lucien Price OTHER FEATURES Editorial assistants 38 Hammer of Thor, Spear of Zeus James A. Yates Marilyn Favaro Georgia Moore Weapons of choice for clerics to choose Eileen Lucas Debbie Poutsch 42 Sharper Than a Serpents Tooth Ray Hamel and David Hage Why does it have to be snakes? Well, why not? Art director Roger Raupp 46 Airs of Ages Past Ed Greenwood Magical harps from the Forgotten Realms Production staff 48 Theres Something on the Floor. Reid Butler Linda Bakk Betty Elmore Kim Lindau Carolyn Vanderbilt Humorous and deadly things that lie underfoot The Ecology of the Harpy Advertising Subscriptions 50 Songs of beauty. Barbara E. Curtis Mary Parkinson Pat Schulz 52 . Songs of death Ed Greenwood 55 Elven Armies and Dwarves-At-Arms James A. Yates Creative editors Troops for demi-human lords Ed Greenwood Jeff Grubb 60 Door Number One, Door Number Two, or. Dan Snuffin Creative door design with a rude twist Contributing artists Denis Beauvais Joseph Pillsbury 62 Stayin Alive John J. Terra TOP SECRET® game advice for all agents Diesel Roger Raupp Jeff Easley Jim Roslof 71 The Role of Books John C. Bunnell Larry Elmore Richard Tomasic Whos that with the scarf and the police box? Jim Holloway David Trampier When Only the Best Will Do Kevin Marzahl Marvel Bullpen 76 Heckler & Koch weaponry for the TOP SECRET® game 85 An Interstellar Armory Gus Monter New weapons and defense systems for Knight Hawks gamers 89 The Marvel®-Phile Jeff Grubb A terminal solution to ultra-powered heroes DEPARTMENTS 3 Letters 84 TSR Previews 99 Dragonmirth 4 World Gamers Guide 92 Gamers Guide 102 Snarfquest 6 The Forum 94 Convention calendar 82 TSR Profiles 95 Wormy COVER Denis Beauvaiss talent for capturing the essence of fantastic conflict is beautifully pictured in this months cover, The Antagonists. The eternal struggle of good and evil was brought to life without the use of models or props; the artists imagination and his brushes were his only tools. 2 NOVEMBER 1986 Hello, hello A week ago today in fact, ex- actly a week ago as I write this I suddenly became the editor for both DRAGON® Magazine and our new DUNGEON Adventures. Kim Komputer kudos having such nice people writing for you. Not Mohan has left TSR, Inc., for a new only are their reviews interesting and informa- career elsewhere, and we wish him tive, but they are even nicer in person, so to the best. The rest of us have lots to Dear Hartley and Pattie, speak. Be nice to Pattie especially! She deserves do. I enjoyed your introductory article, The Role it. We welcome Marilyn Favaro back of Computers, very much. One subject I would Marian Mel Viles to our staff. I shared Marilyns office like to see covered is on computer programs Altoona, FL which aid DMs of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & three years ago when I came to TSR, DRAGONS® games. For example, they might Inc. Her return means a lot to us speed up character or random encounter gener- and to me personally. Good workers ation (combat resolution is probably most fun to Dear Dragon, are hard to find! do by hand). In regard to the article, The Role of Com- For your own peace of mind, puters in issue #110 of DRAGON Magazine, one I know of a few commercial products in this DRAGON Magazine is rolling ahead area, but I suspect the real stars are home- excellent program for integrating computers with traditional role playing is Dragonfire. Ive as usual. We have a wide assortment brewed programs that few people know about. of special gaming packages planned Perhaps the best way to start this investigation used it in several campaigns with excellent for future issues. This issue presents is to include a call for programs from your results. I look forward to a review of any other readers in one of your columns. computer products that can be used while role- a special collection on the Thief, Thanks for your help. playing, especially another product by the same certainly one of my favorite classes Allen Cohn company called Handbook of Horrors. in the AD&D® game. We have a lot Millbrae, CA Martha Paulalis of other things planned, but Pat No address Price has pointed out that it is best Dear Sir and Madam: not to announce them yet.* I believe that Datasofts Alternate Reality As editor, I do have two favors to The City game would be a wise choice to review Though it is beyond the capacity of the editor ask of you, the readers. First, you in DRAGON® Magazine, as I feel that it lives up to give answers to some of these questions, can help expand our coverage of to its billing as the Ultimate computer fantasy perhaps they could be answered by the Lessers adventure. The game is for most micros and is games by writing articles on them. or by other readers in the Forum. The very We have a definite lack of material the first in a promised series of Alternate Real- strong response to our computer column has on the D&D® game, for example, ity games, all of which will interlock to form an been very heartening, however. Well continue entire world. our coverage of computer gaming in future particularly covering the Compan- S. Kunz issues of DRAGON Magazine as best we can. ion, Masters, and Immortals sets. Chicago, IL RM The BATTLESYSTEM game, Orien- tal Adventures, and Dungeoneers Dear Dragon, Survival Guide (and the soon-to-be- I loved The Role of Computers in issue #110! released Wilderness Survival Guide) I fervently hope it becomes a monthly feature! I have an IBM compatible (Leading Edge) and would certainly benefit from supple- have noticed to my disappointment that there is mental articles. Our coverage of an extreme shortage of really good games for TOP SECRET® and assorted science- IBM PCs. Of the nine games you listed, not one fiction games is good at present, but is available to me. If I want to do some role- coverage of non-TSR® games is not. playing computer-style, will I have to go out and Though we plan to devote the lions buy an Apple? share of this magazine to the Julie Belinski AD&D® and D&D games (as our Zimmerman, MN readers wish us to do), we like vari- ety (as do our readers). Though we Dear Sirs: cannot assign articles on these top- A couple of months ago, you published a ics, wed be happy to see them. review of The Bards Tale, a computer game. I Second, if there was ever a better was interested and attempted to track down Electronic Arts, the company which markets it. time to make your voice heard, this I called TSR, Inc., but no one could help me at is IT. You have a fresh team and that time. I did not pursue the problem very were ready to listen. Grab a pen long, having many other things on my mind. and send in your thoughts on This month (DRAGON issue #112), I noticed DRAGON Magazines future goals. the game again mentioned in the review You wont have another chance like column, and again tried to find where I could this one. get a copy. Many calls to Orlando later, I decided Until next month, aloha. in disgust that I was not going to find it in Florida, at least not locally. Hartley and Patti Lesser had put their address in the column. As a last resort, I called them. Pattie answered and was most gracious and helpful. She took the information and contacted Electronics Art for me, then called me back from California to be *By the way, we will have an April sure everything would work out correctly. I would like to compliment your magazine on Fools issue. D RAGON 3 The World Gamers Guide If you live outside the continental SF = STAR FRONTIERS® game; ST = other game-players who would be United States and Canada, you can be STAR TREK®: The Role-Playing Game; interested in corresponding about the included in the World Gamers Guide by MSH = MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ activities that they enjoy. Unfortunately, sending your name and full address, game; TS = TOP SECRET® game; T = we cannot extend this service to per- plus your gaming preferences, to World TRAVELLER® game; RQ = RUNE- sons who live in remote areas of the Gamers Guide, DRAGON® Magazine, QUEST® game; VV = VILLAINS & U.S. or Canada, or to U.S. military P.O. Box 110, Lake Geneva WI 53147. VIGILANTES™. personnel with APO or FPO addresses. Abbreviations in parentheses after a The World Gamers Guide is intended Each eligible name and address that we name indicate games in which that for the benefit of gamers who live receive will be published in three con- person is especially interested: AD = outside the continental United States secutive issues of DRAGON® Magazine; AD&D® game; DD = D&D® game: CC and Canada, in areas where nearby to be listed for more than three issues, = CALL OF CTHULHU® game; GW = gamers are small in number or nonex- you must send in another postcard or GAMMA WORLD® game; istent, as a way for them to contact letter.
Issue #182 Vol. XVII, No. 1 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Dragons: the lords of fantasy June 1992 9 Our annual tribute to our namesakeslong may they live! Publisher Not Cheaper by the Dozen Spike Y. Jones James M. Ward 10 Twelve of the DRAGONLANCE® sagas most egg-citing creations. Editor The Vikings' Dragons Jean Rabe Roger E. Moore 17 Linnorms: the first of a two-part series on the Norse dragons. The Dragons Bestiary Gregory Detwiler Associate editor 25 unhealthy branches of the dragon family tree. Dale A. Donovan Fiction editor F ICTION Barbara G. Young The Dragonbone Flute fiction by Lois Tilton Editorial assistant 84 He was a shepherd who loved musicbut he loved his audience more. Wolfgang H. Baur Art director R EVIEWS Larry W. Smith The Role of Computers Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser 55 From Mars to the stars: two high-powered science-fiction games. Production staff Gaye O'Keefe Angelika Lokotz Role-playing Reviews Lester Smith Tracey Zamagne Mary Roath 96 Now you can be the smallest of creatures or the most powerful. Through the Looking Glass Robert Bigelow Subscriptions\t 112 A collection of draconic wonders, for gaming or display. Janet L. Winters U.S. advertising O THER FEATURES Roseann Schnering Novel Ideas James Lowder 34 Two new horrific novels, spawned in the mists of Ravenloft. U.K. correspondent The Voyage of the Princess Ark Bruce A. Heard and U.K. advertising 41 This month, the readers questions take center stage. Bronwen Livermore The Wild, Wild World of Dice Michael J. DAlfonsi 45 Okay, so how many six-sided dice do you own? Kings of the Caravans Ed Greenwood 48 A land like the Forgotten Realms requires tough merchants! Dragonslayers on the Screen Dorothy Slama 62 Some handy guidelines for letting your computer be your DM.
The Mark of Athena OLYMPIC EVENT KIT in celebration of new york times #1 best-selling series | Greetings, Demigods! In The Heroes of Olympus, Book Three: The Mark of Athena, the Greeks and Romans are coming together, and the results are bound to be epic! As Jason, Percy, and friends unite, they soon find themselves on a quest . and the Prophecy of Seven will begin to unfold. Bring a little Greek and Roman magic to your local bookstore or library with The Mark of Athena Olympic Event Kit! Inside this kit you’ll find party ideas, reproducible activity sheets, discussion questions, and more to make for the ultimate Heroes of Olympus celebration. So prepare your lucky laurel wreath, practice your Aphrodite charmspeak, and get ready to party with The Heroes of Olympus! Have fun, | 2 Table of Contents Throw a Demigod Fiesta .................................................4 Getting a Proper Demigod Education .............................6 Determine Your Greek or Roman Allegiance ...................7 Uncover a New God ........................................................8 Joining the Heroes of Olympus Quest .............................9 Greek and Roman God Challenge ................................. 10 Who Did What When? .................................................. 12 Giving the Girls Their Due ............................................ 14 Who Said What Now? ................................................... 16 Great Beasts of Greek Mythology ................................. 17 What Comes
'^THE ARGONAUTICA OF GAIUS VALERIUS FLACCUS (SETINUS BALBUS BOOK I TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH PROSE WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY H. G. BLOMFIELD, M.A., I.C.S. LATE SCHOLAR OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD OXFORD B. H. BLACKWELL, BROAD STREET 1916 NEW YORK LONGMANS GREEN & CO. FOURTH AVENUE AND 30TH STREET TO MY WIFE h2 ; ; ; — CANDIDO LECTORI Reader, I'll spin you, if you please, A tough yarn of the good ship Argo, And how she carried o'er the seas Her somewhat miscellaneous cargo; And how one Jason did with ease (Spite of the Colchian King's embargo) Contrive to bone the fleecy prize That by the dragon fierce was guarded, Closing its soporific eyes By spells with honey interlarded How, spite of favouring winds and skies, His homeward voyage was retarded And how the Princess, by whose aid Her father's purpose had been thwarted, With the Greek stranger in the glade Of Ares secretly consorted, And how his converse with the maid Is generally thus reported : ' Medea, the premature decease Of my respected parent causes A vacancy in Northern Greece, And no one's claim 's as good as yours is To fill the blank : come, take the lease. Conditioned by the following clauses : You'll have to do a midnight bunk With me aboard the S.S. Argo But there 's no earthly need to funk, Or think the crew cannot so far go : They're not invariably drunk, And you can act as supercargo. — CANDIDO LECTORI • Nor should you very greatly care If sometimes you're a little sea-sick; There's no escape from mal-de-mer, Why, storms have actually made me sick : Take a Pope-Roach, and don't despair ; The best thing simply is to be sick.' H.
Rick Riordan ( Is the Author of fi Ve RICK RIORDAN at Sam Houston State University
This guide was created by Dr. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rose Brock, an assistant professor Rick Riordan ( is the author of fi ve RICK RIORDAN at Sam Houston State University. New York Times #1 best-selling series with millions of copies sold Dr. Brock holds a PhD in library throughout the world: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the science, specializing in children’s Kane Chronicles, the Heroes of Olympus, the Trials of Apollo, and young adult literature. and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. His collections of Greek myths, Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods and Percy Jackson’s Greek Many more guides can be found Heroes, were New York Times #1 best sellers as well. His novels Michael Frost Michael on the Disney • Hyperion website for adults include the hugely popular Tres Navarre series, winner at of the top three awards in the mystery genre. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with his wife and two sons. Books by Rick Riordan The Trials of Apollo BOOK ONE BOOK TWO BOOK THREE BOOK FOUR BOOK FIVE THE HIDDEN THE DARK THE BURNING THE TYRANT’S THE TOWER ORACLE PROPHECY MAZE TOMB OF NERO Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover 978-1-4847-3274-8 978-1-4847-4642-4 978-1-4847-4643-1 978-1-4847-4644-8 978-1-4847-4645-5 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 Paperback Paperback Paperback Paperback Paperback 978-1-4847-4641-7 978-1-4847-8064-0 978-1-4847-8065-7 978-1-4847-8066-4 978-1-4847-8067-1 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 Other Series Available This guide is aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards for Literature, Writing, Language, and Speaking and Listening.
~ ____________________________________________________Reunion Issue ---------i--- CLUB 100 AUGUST 1975 Vol.29 No. 4 1st V.P. Yasuo Takata responding for Club 100, Hawaii 33rd ANNIVERSARY REUNION PROGRAM Master of Ceremony •••• • Eric Y. Abe Opening Remarks • • • • • • Eric Y. Abe Moment of Silence Honoring our K.I.A. • (Please Rise) Invocation (Please Remain Standing) Rev. William S. Terao Dinner '. • ': . .' • • • • • • 7: 30 p.m. Welcoming Addresses President, Club 100, So. Calif. Chapter Young O. Kim President, 442nd Veterans Association Chick Furuye General Chai rrnan, ,Reunion Corrnni ttee ' • Y. B. Mamiya Response, Club 100, Hawaii •••• . 'In troduc tion of Gues ts and Members • • • • . Keyno te Speaker • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • Mario Machado KNXT-TV (CBS) Reporter and Program Host 1 PUKA PUKA PARADE BOA R D o F D IRE C TOR S Official Publication of Club 100, an In CLUB 100 OFFICERS corporated Association of Members of the 100th Infantry Battalion. President • • . • Ralph Ikeda 1st Vice President Yasuo Takata Editorial and Business Offices, 520 2nd Vice President George Hagiwara Kamoku Street, Honolulu, HI 96814. Secretary • • • • • Wilfred Shobu Treasurer • • . • • • Henry Kawano Published bimonthly and mailed to reg Assistant Treasurer •• Jack Hirano ular club members, honorary members, Executive Secretary Donald Kuwaye next of kin, Gold Star parents and spe cial friends of the club. CHAPTER PRESIDENTS PUKA PUKA PARADE STAFF Able Chapter Tsuneo Morikawa Baker Chapter • Stanley Nakamoto Edi tor . Donald Kuwaye Charlie Chapter. ' •• Sumio Ito Assistant Janice Kochiyama Dog Chapter. Ronald Watanabe Headquarters Chapter Arthur Tamashiro REPORTING STAFF Medics Chapter Kent Nakamura Rural Chapter . • Susumu Ota Able ..• . • Donald Nagasaki Hawaii Chapter Takao Miyao Baker . • • . • Tom Tsubota Kauai Chapter . • Makoto Takiguchi Charlie Donald Kuwaye Maui Chapter .•••• Kaoru Moto Dog Mrs.
1 THE SYMBOLISM OF THE DRAGON Chinese flying dragon (courtesy of Ensiferrum 7071168) THE PRIMORDIAL SEVEN, THE FIRST SEVEN BREATHS OF THE DRAGON OF WISDOM, PRODUCE IN THEIR TURN FROM THEIR HOLY CIRCUMGYRATING BREATHS THE FIERY WHIRLWIND. The Stanzas of Dzyan Out of the whirlwind spoke the voice that ignites, that sounds like no voice ever heard. It is, instead, a flame that swirls down out of yawning darkness and scorches the flanks of the trembling world. Amongst the clouds gathered in storm, its fiery curves are sometimes glimpsed and the scraping of its taloned feet echo up the blackened caverns leading to the bowels of the earth. These are aspects of its voice . extensions of its flaming breath. They shine like glittering scales spiralling through the atmosphere. They project forth in the wake of that thunderous tone which issues from the depths of the very source of sound, from the primordial throat which opens out to another world. Thus it is that dragons float at the edge of the universe and near the apertures leading to unknown but frightening realms. Their fiery breath resounds and their reptilian form expands and contracts into myriad shapes described in thousands of stories the world over. But their exact nature remains a mystery and, despite their legendary reputation, for many persons they have never existed. It has been held that the dragon, "while sacred and to be worshipped, has within himself something still more of the divine nature of which it is better to remain in ignorance". Something double-edged is suggested here, and the question of the existence of the dragon deepens to become one of how to approach the Divine without being incinerated by its lower emanations.
Editor’s Note Potash Hill “That our acts are essentially optimistic is a central quality of Marlboro College,” says art The Magazine of Marlboro College . Winter 2014 professor Tim Segar in his feature titled “Outsiders: The Art of Joseph Beuys.” In an excerpt from a talk he gave incoming students last fall, Tim describes the delicate balance between curiosity and skepticism that all inquiring students must navigate. He suggests that Beuys’ enigmatic art exemplifies the transformative possibilities of curiosity, but that skepticism plays a time-honored role in academics as well. This issue of Potash Hill has many offerings along the spectrum from curiosity to skepticism. Peter Sullivan’s inquiry into the possibilities of recognizing nature’s independent subjectivity is balanced with Robert Cabin’s editorial on “scientizing” public debates. Elizaveta Mitrofanova curiously explores the health benefits of a mysterious mushroom, while President Ellen McCulloch-Lovell expresses skepticism about using college ratings for awarding federal financial aid. You’ll find something for every degree of incredulity in this issue, and hopefully we strike the right balance for your own transformative experience. I welcome your comments, both curious and skeptical, in response to this issue of Potash Hill. You can read responses to the last issue on page 50. —Philip Johansson, editor Editor: Philip Johansson Staff Photographer: Elisabeth Joffe ’14 Potash Hill welcomes letters to the editor. Mail them to: Editor, Potash Hill, Marlboro College, P.O. Box A, Marlboro, VT 05344, or send email to: The editor reserves the right to edit for length letters that appear in Potash Hill.
DRAGON Magazine Is Still Read the Ecology of the DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) Is by the Same Kind of People
D RAGON 1 Publisher: Mike Cook Editor-in-Chief: Kim Mohan On this day. Editorial staff: Roger Raupp Contents Patrick Lucien Price Mary Kirchoff Vol. IX, No. 1 June 1984 Roger Moore On this day in 1976, the first issue of Layout designer: Kristine L. Bartyzel DRAGON® Magazine rolled off the press. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Subscriptions: Mellody Knull (Which day? Oh, sometime in June. When Contributing Editors: Ed Greenwood a magazine has a birthday, it lasts for a Great Stoney . .41 Katherine Kerr month.) Way back then, it was The Ken Rolston All the parts you need to make Dragon without the ®. It was produced Advertising Sales Administrator: a miniature cardboard castle Mary Parkinson by two people, and it was read by a healthy This issues contributing artists: proportion of all the people who were de- voted to the new hobby of fantasy role- Denis Beauvais Harry Quinn Roger Raupp Dave Trampier playing. Dennis Kauth Kurt Erichsen The name is different now, and the staff Jerry Eaton Craig Smith is a little larger, but some things never OTHER FEATURES Jeff Butler Larry Elmore change. DRAGON Magazine is still read The ecology of the DRAGON® Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is by the same kind of people. The hobby isnt published monthly for a subscription price of $24 slithering tracker. .9 new any more, and a lot more people are per year by Dragon Publishing, a division of involved in it, but the basic makeup of our Dont look now, but . TSR, Inc. The mailing address of Dragon Publishing for all material except subscription readership is the same now as it was when Familiars with a special use .
TABLE OF CONTENTS Reference Charts from D&D® Basic X2 Character Attacks X26 PART 1: INTRODUCTION X3 Monster Attacks X26 How to Use This Book X3 PART 6: MONSTERS X27 The Scope of the Rules X3 MONSTER LIST: Animals to Wyvern . X28 Standard Terms Used in This Book X3 PART 7: TREASURE X43 Assisting A Novice Player X3 Treasure Types X43 The Wilderness Campaign X3 Magic Items X44 High and Low Level Characters X4 Explanations X45 Using D&D® Expert Rules With an Early Swords X45 Edition of the D&D® Basic Rules X4 Weapons and Armor X48 PART 2: PLAYER CHARACTER INFORMATION X5 Potions X48 Charts and Tables X5 Scrolls X48 Character Classes X7 Rings X49 CLERICS X7 Wands, Staves and Rods X49 DWARVES X7 Miscellaneous Magic Items X50 ELVES X7 PART 8: DUNGEON MASTER INFORMATION X51 FIGHTERS X7 Handling Player Characters X51 HALFLINGS X7 Magical Research and Production X51 MAGIC-USERS X7 Castles, Strongholds and Hideouts X52 THIEVES X8 Designing a Dungeon (recap) X52 Levels Beyond Those Listed X8 Creating an NPC Party X52 Cost of Weapons and Equipment X9 NPC Magic Items X52 Explanation of Equipment X9 Designing a Wilderness X54 PART 3: SPELLS Xll Wandering Monsters X55 CLERICAL SPELLS Xll Travelling In the Wilderness X56 First Level Clerical Spells Xll Becoming Lost X56 Second Level Clerical Spells X12 Wilderness Encounters X57 Third Level Clerical Spells X12 Wilderness Encounter Tables X57 Fourth Level Clerical Spells X13 Castle Encounters X59 Fifth Level Clerical Spells X13 Dungeon Mastering as a Fine Art X59 MAGIC-USER AND ELF SPELLS X14 Sample Wilderness Key and Maps X60 First Level Magic-User and Elf Spells SampleX14 fileHuman Lands X60 Second Level Magic-User and Elf Spells X14 Non-Humans '.
MYSTARA MESSAGE BOARD (AOL) Folder 2 - 25Th Aug 1995 to 12Th March 1996
MYSTARA MESSAGE BOARD (AOL) Folder 2 - 25th Aug 1995 to 12th March 1996 Subj: * New Folder Date: 8/25/95 2:37:04 PM From: TSRO Tank Posted on: America Online Please resume the Mystara discussion here --TSRO Tank Subj: Mystara books? Date: 8/25/95 4:14:00 PM From: Anodaewyn1 Posted on: America Online Now, maybe I'm missing something... but, the only book that I have for the Mystara setting is the Dragonlord series. Just the two. Are there others? ~~J Subj: Re:Mystara books? Date: 8/25/95 4:40:24 PM From: TSR Bruce Posted on: America Online There should only be three (Dragonlords, Dragonkings, and Knights of Mystara coming out in November). Bruce Heard Subj: Swashbucklers & Firearms Date: 8/25/95 4:41:58 PM From: TSR Bruce Posted on: America Online Repeated from previous folder: Subj: Firearms & Swashbucklers Date: 95-08-25 14:10:47 EDT From: TSR Bruce Posted on: America Online Just a note to say that I'll be posting some questions to debate in the Red Steel folder, hopefully today. This has to do with adapting a campaign setting to firearms and swashbucklers. In general this Page 1 of 170 MYSTARA MESSAGE BOARD (AOL) Folder 2 - 25th Aug 1995 to 12th March 1996 affects the use of firearms vs. armor, and secret fencing passes favoring skilled swordsmen with rapiers and main gauche. I'm just looking for comments and opinions. Thanks. Bruce Heard Subj: Re:Mystara books? Date: 8/25/95 8:53:30 PM From: Anodaewyn1 Posted on: America Online okay cool....thanks for the info.
May 1980 The Dragon feature a module, a special inclusion, or some other out-of-the- ordinary ingredient. It’s still a bargain when you stop to think that a regular commercial module, purchased separately, would cost even more than that—and for your three bucks, you’re getting a whole lot of magazine besides. It should be pointed out that subscribers can still get a year’s worth of TD for only $2 per issue. Hint, hint . And now, on to the good news. This month’s kaleidoscopic cover comes to us from the talented Darlene Pekul, and serves as your p, up and away in May! That’s the catch-phrase for first look at Jasmine, Darlene’s fantasy adventure strip, which issue #37 of The Dragon. In addition to going up in makes its debut in this issue. The story she’s unfolding promises to quality and content with still more new features this be a good one; stay tuned. month, TD has gone up in another way: the price. As observant subscribers, or those of you who bought Holding down the middle of the magazine is The Pit of The this issue in a store, will have already noticed, we’re now asking $3 Oracle, an AD&D game module created by Stephen Sullivan. It for TD. From now on, the magazine will cost that much whenever we was the second-place winner in the first International Dungeon Design Competition, and after looking it over and playing through it, we think you’ll understand why it placed so high.