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Plym°u* District Library 223 S Main Stieet ^ 1A A A A ^ymouth,Plymouth, Mich. Mich. 4817 48170 (omeTown COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Pynumth Observer Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 116 years [ * K W i m www. observerandeccentric. com 7 5 0 Volume 116 Number 18 Plymouth Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ Booher asks for state’s help Plymouth-Canton Schools Superintendent Dr. said she asked Dearborn police on He then asked for information from her Kathleen Booher has asked the state attorney Wednesday to investigate 18 telephone personnel file,” said Shay “Kathleen calls that were made from Maloney’s later spoke to the employee who gave general’s office to look into bogus phone calls office at Lear Corporation in Dearborn out the information, who expressed and e-mails she says were made to undermine to Berkley Schools, Booher’s former surprise that she had applied for her in the district. district Shay told the Observer that another job Kathleen then indicated many of the telephone calls were hang she had not applied for a position in BY TONY BRUSCATO ton school board president Mike Mal ups, but at least one of the calls was Indiana ” S t a f f w h i t e r oney for using a false name in order to nearly a half-hour m length Maloney has been unavailable for [email protected] obtain confidential employment infor “The caller said he was representing comment However, Shay said that in A police investigation, has begun to mation about Superintendent Kathleen the Bloomington, In d , school district talking with Lear Corporation officials, determine if criminal charges are war Booher and received an application from Kath Maloney has denied making the calls _ The district’s attorney, Kan Shay, ranted against former Plymouth-Can leen for their superintendent’s position P lea se see INVESTIGATION, AG Pumpkin patch Residents: Did You Remember? Mechanics Standard Time started today at 2 a.m. use street ' 1 ft 1 T H E WEEK as track m V * l 4. iP * BY TONY BRUSCATO staff Writer AHEAD [email protected] When Steve Bruce moved to Harding Response to terror: A Street about 10 years ago, he thought he was moving into your typical, quiet mother rejoices, and local Plymouth neighborhood And, for the students tell how the most part, it is Sept. 11 terrorist attacks According to residents, the tranquil neighborhood, where the speed limit is have affected them, all on 25 mph, changes faces each day when Page B5. r k Harding is transformed into a one- block test track between Wing and y . «. j v - A t f J S # Burroughs Residents say cars a trucks drive upwards of 60 m WEDNESDAY endangering children who play m v neighborhood Frights and fun: H al Bruce and his neighbors say t i ■ . ** 1 f can’t get cooperation from March loween comes for kids of on Mam Street, which uses Harding to h - \ < 9 • test drive vehicles it repairs all ages, with Plymouth \ r * . K\ ft? o - 5»j[ law enforcement officials “For years I couldn’t figure out who the guv in the blue shirt, speeding urging trick-or-treaters to . down the street, was,” said Bruce hit the streets between SlAFF PHOTO Bv PAIT HURSCHMANN “Then, one day I was able to follow The great pumpkins: Kenny Perrella and the folks at Plymouth Rock have a great deal for any him and found out he worked at March 5:30 to 8:30 p.m Tire one needing pumpkins before Wednesday's Halloween holiday With literally hundreds of “I talked to the manager, who admit pumpkins available, Perrella is ready to give them away to school groups, civic organizations ted knowing about the problem But FRIDAY and possibly even families or individuals looking for the Great Pumpkin Bargain. Anyone all he would say is that his employees wanting to check out the deal can call Perrella at Plymouth Rock, 451-5500 wouldn’t listen to him,” said Bruce “Another time I saw a Corvette, silver Auction time: The Ply with a black top, going at least 60 down the street I went to March Tire, mouth Community and there it was ” Chamber of Commerce Plymouth firefighters give from the boot Bruce said he talked to the manager^ “I got no satisfaction He was totally annual meeting and Gala uncooperative ” by Kurt Kuban ■ ‘This is just phenomenal, been raised when the fund-raiser Auction takes place at Staff Writer began m the days following the terror Michael Stephens, who has lived on [email protected] net and beyond anything I ist attacks Hardmg seven years, tells similar sto Laurel Manor m Livonia. nes “And, if they’re dnving a Mus In the month and a half since the could’ve imagined.’ “This is just phenomenal, and beyond Tickets are $60. For anything I could’ve imagined We’ve tang or Corvette, they squeal the tires Sept 11 terrorist attacks, the Ply and go as fast as they can between mouth Community firefighters have Jim Haar done fund-raisers before, but this time details call the chamber —Plymouth firefighter it was different People were saying Wing and Burroughs ” raised $45,000 to aid the families of the Bob South, the general manager of office, 453-1540. New York firefighters who lost their they just had to donate money to this cause I had people hugging me It just March Tire, doesn’t believe his employ lives community Boots were also placed at ees are the culprits Harding Street They raised the money through a some businesses gives you goose bumps,” Haar said All the money was placed in a New residents are looking for INDEX “Fill the Boot” campaign, where fire Jim Haar, president of Plymouth’s “They haven’t filed any complaints, fighters collected money at various firefighters union, said the total was York Fire Fighters’ Disaster Relief Apartments/G4 M alls/C6 locations throughout the Plymouth far more than he thought could have P lease see RESIDENTS, A6 A r ts / C l M ovies/C4 Please see FIREFIGHTERS, A2 Automotive/H6 New Homes/El Classified/E,G,H Obituanes/A7 Harvest time Classified Real Estate/El State looking into possibility lndex/E5 Service Guide/H6 Crossword S p o rts / B l Puzzle/E8 T a s te / D l of illegal campaign signs Jobs/G 6 Travel/C8 BY TONY BRUSCATO re-use them in the commission race STAFF WRITER “Everyone knows who paid for those tbruscato@oe homecomm net signs,” said Vorva “I re-used signs The Michigan Secretary of State that had state representative on them, Elections Division, is investigating a and I reused signs that had commis complaint concerning alleged illegal sioner on them I’m a frugal person ” campaign signs being used by Ply Vorva’s lawyer, Carol Levitte, told mouth city commission candidate the Observer this week that Vorva’s Jerry Vorva statement at the forum didn’t go so far Plymouth resident Matt Krawczak as to say he knew the signs were ille filed the complaint following Vorva’s gal admission during the Oct 4 Plymouth “He said he knew the signs people Observer-League of Women Voters were talking about were his signs,” candidate forum that his yard signs Levitte told the Observer “That does are illegal because they don’t include n’t mean he knew they were illegal ” the name of the person or committee Boyd said if the signs were found to that paid for the signs be m violation of Michigan’s Campaign STAFF PHOTO BY PAUL HURSCHMAJJ “I found it appalling that Mr Vorva Finance Act, Vorva could be fined had such disregard for policies and Goat’s milk: John “Farmer John” Forshee of Ypsilanti gives $1,000 procedures,” said Krawczak “If he has Sarah Schmitt of Canton, 8, a hand milking a goat during a such little respect for policies and pro In a letter to the Compliance and Rules Division dated Oct 20, Levitte, school-wide assembly Oct. 17 at the Canton Charter Acade cedures, how do you think he will treat my for Harvest Day Forshee's dog Buddy, a 4-year-old Bor his constituents9” who represents Vorva, said “ Mr Liz Boyd, communications director Vorva has had no illegal or undisclosed der Collie takes advantage of the situation. The charter for the Secretary of State’s office, said contributions or expenditures m school doesn't celebrate Halloween, choosing instead to cele Krawczak’s complaint was received regard to these signs When the signs brate the harvest each year with a special day set aside for Oct 13, and a letter advising Vorva in question were first printed and activities and festivities. Students dressed m farm clothes, was sent to him Oct 17 used, they were fully disclosed at all played bingo, pumpkin bowling and had a hoedown They During a question concerning the reporting junctures in accordance with use of yard signs at the forum, Vorva the Act ” also snacked on corn muffins, apples and cider and pumpkin said he cut off the bottom information Boyd said the investigation of the bread. from old campaign signs so he could complaint will continue A 2(P) The Observer & Eccentric/ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2001 Bunt earns annual carrier award Firefighters i- page A1 Hitiiulon M B«i.* 1 i * 3- liiUTM't'i t.U* Pl\JT.«'1tJ' Fund Haar and other Plymouth t: eremony Thursday, York Carrier of the Y> nr lue-cLiv <ir -%»u (1 aid hu^nii- cirul firefighters presented the money proud of the Ply- “I think this is outstanding tin- an n j.ii >i s iid» tt-U-bidiion to the Michigan Professional unity for providing h 11 11„ i i - uiu I* -i h i i What a show of support from Bunt i.«* a nm h-t'radt r at p to the families of p in i iiuii i_i rii i -<i i ii >.aleri High school v L it b»* refighters in New this community,” he said vi-itv nl Mith.irnn and -t id\ union meeting held at St John’s ( >n’< i iu» ( 11 < ■ n PI i, mi I Jflvonte sublftl IS aeiftlC' '■‘lit lliil Township The money was then l.vvpla' ni tin M >rnn J’ln.