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Bee Gee News October 17, 1950

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October 17, 1950" (1950). BG News (Student Newspaper). 957.

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AChiO Float Wins 5th Annual Action taken at the Oct. 4 meeting resulted in a new system Senior men who plan to of bid distribution by the 16 fraternities at this University. apply for Omicron Delta Kap- This is the new arrangement as it stands now: pa tapping ceremonies in mid- All rushees may pick up any or all bids which he may Key Parade As 2,500 Watch - "■have received from fraterni- January must have their ap- ties at the secretary's desk in plications in to Louis C. Fer- Tryouts To End Dean Conklin's office from 12 nandez by Dec. 21. Representative p.m. Thursday until Friday at Sophomore and junior men For 'Three Men' noon. who expect to be eligible in Names of men who will have re- To Present Film ceived bids will be listed on the the future should also turn their Tonight is the last night for Roger Clause, vice p r e s i - the casting of Cecil Holm's bulletin in the Well. applications in to Fernandez, dent of the bank and public "Three Men on a Horse." It This system is designed to be chairman of the honor points com- will be held in the Gate Thea- an improvement over the former relations dept. of the Federal method of personal distribution. mittee, by the same date. Reserve Bank of Cleveland, tre at 7 p.m. ' ODK, national men's leader- Fraternities must observe the will present a film and lecture Casting b e gTrfiast night following regulations: ship society, will hold its mid- year on "A Day At Federal for the three-act modern All bids must be turned in to ceremonies in an all-campus as- farce, which is under the di- Dean Conklin's office by the fra- sembly sometime in January. An Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Rec Hall. rection of Robert D. Richcy, in- ternities by Wednesday noon. outstanding speaker is usually structor of speech. It has 16 Each bid must have the respective The movie will cover as many included in this assembly program, comic parts. fraternity initials in the upper left operations of the Federal Reserve such as last year's speaker, Carl Anyone interested in trying out corner for simple recognition. V. Weygandt, Chief Justice of the as can be shown on film. Mr. for this play, the first major pro- t'lause's tiilk will cover operations With these bids, each fraternity Ohio Supreme Court. duction of the year by the Univer- must send along a written list of Another tapping ceremony will of the Federal Reserve which sity Theatre, may obtain a copy could not be shown on the film. all the men for whom they are be performed on Honor's Day next of the play from the Community ■ending in bids. Dean Conklin's After the movie questions will be spring. On that night a formal Drama Service Library, 111 Gate offiro will sort and distribute the banquet will be held for all new answered. Theatre. bids and check them off on a mas- The program, which will last and old members. The plot involves a henpecked ter list compiled from the indi- an hour, is being arranged by the husband who gets mixed up with vidual fraternity lists. Dr. Emerson C. Shuck, faculty economics and business adminis- secretary of the society, explains three bookies when they discover To avoid errors, three fraterni- tration departments. The public he can pick winning horses. ty representatives, Harold Hakes, that ODK is composed of out- is invited. "Three Men on a Horse" began Dave Lorenzi, and Bud Nachtigall, standing leaders on campus who Members of the Wood and Lu- collect and distribute ideas for its run in 1U35 and met with much will assist Dean Conklin's office in cas County Clearing Association success. Starring in the long run this work. the betterment of college life. and bankers of Toledo will be He also said that this society productions were Sam Levinc and Between Thursday noon and present. Mr. Clause will present Shirley Booth. Friday noon no bids will be dis- acts as a liaison between the ad- his progrnm to the Rotary Club of ministration and students, but Assisting Mr. Richcy is Natalie tributed except through the Bowling Green later in the eve- Woodin, stage m a n a g e r ; Stan does not impose on the power of Dean's office. Each bid will bo ning. Morris, graduate student technical the Student Senate's ideals. stamped there. No bid will be director; John II. Hepler, instruc- valid unless stamped. One gains consideration of the tor of speech; and Victor Young, Open rushing starts at noon Fri- ODK Circle through the activities Debaters To Go chairman of publicity. (I n 1 . Fraternity representatives he participates in here on campus, may pick up their respective un- such as athletics, publications, MARY AGNEW !• pictured above mounted on top of the "Sundae claimed bids and proceed to make scholarship, speech, music, etc. Special" which won firti place for the Alpha Chi Omaga tororily entry Junior Class Cards in the fifth annual Kay parade held Sunday. To Kent Friday ptnona] contacts. Mr. Shuck stated that ODKs are Representatives of the junior All fraternity men are urged chosen for the work they do in the • • * Bowling Green's debate cU» will tell dm cards in the By FLO BEATTY not to carry on rushing activities organizations under these cate- squad will attend the annual Well Wednesday and Thursday in the vicinity of Dean Conklin's gories, not how many organiza- The Sundae Special dished up by Alpha Chi Omega fall Northern Ohio Debate from 9-12 and 1-4. office. tions they belong to. sorority won the 1950 Key Parade trophy, Sunday afternoon, Conference this Friday at The Bowling Green chapter. under perfect weather conditions. Kent State. Beta Tau, of ODK consists of 11 An estimated 2,500 persons also saw Gamma Phi Beta M. Harold Mikle, president undergraduate students, three and Alpha Phi sororities take second and third places respec- of the NODC and Raymond Literacy Expert To Address graduate students, and four facul- tively from a field of 16 floats. ty members. A new faculty mem- Yeager, instructor of speech, ber is elected each year for four The prize float featured* will accompany the squad to the Mary Agnew who represented conference. Assembly On Communism years. a maraschino cherry perched Student Production Main question of the one-day The members are: Richard L. conference is Resolved: Non-Com- Dr. Frank C. Laubach, noted missionary, educator, and Doll, president, John W. Wilson, on a sundae special. She was surrounded by Alpha Chi Omegas munist Countries Should Form a literacy expert will speak at an all-campus assembly in the vice president; Guy A. Smith, Jr., Opens Tomorrow draped on the float, symbolizing New International Organization. Main Aud., Thursday, Oct. 19, at 4 p.m. He will discuss liter- treasurer; Dr. Shuck, Louis A. strawberry, mint, lemon, and Students of the debate squad acy as a weapon against Communism and the means of Daigneau, Anthony W. Steere, Al- "Love Goes To College," the chocolate ice cream. second anual student musical, wi attending are: Bill King, Lee Elli bringing Christianity to backward areas of the world. lan J. Libbe, Jack L. Myers, Doug- son, Gloriannc Johnsonbaugh, Bar- Dr. Laubach has been engaged in setting up literacy las E. Hartzell. Neil A. Pohlman, Bette Bell, Barbara Koons and begin its 4-night run tomorrow at Shirley Taylor were chairmen of 8:15 p.m. in the Main Aud. bara Rollins, Adele Kihlken, Mari- - 'mmnaiirnacampaigns through governments Louis C. Fernandez, and Bruce D. lyn McClintock, Ron Polhill, and missions in 76 countries. By Oliver. the float that brought the trophy Edith Ludwig, author of the to the Alpha Chi Omegas for the Charles Jacobs, Doris McCartney, Dorm Decorations his method, approximately 60,000,- Faculty members also include: musical, will introduce 20 new and John Maragakes. 000 people have learned to read in Exra F. Vogel, graduate assistant first time. songs, including "We're From Gamma Phi Beta took second Forming the conference are 16 206 languages throughout the in sociology; Carl E. Maynard, Bowling Green." Students are To Receive Trophy place with their 100 proof idea, colleges from northern Ohio, who world. graduate assistant in history; urged to attend the Wednesday "The Toast of the Town." Their will also be at Kent State. Two Homecoming residence tro- Students of education and the James E. Hof, graduate assistant and Thursday performances to Throughout the day will be sym- phies, one to the most outstand- foreign languages will be especial- candidate, Marian Callaway, was avoid Homecoming crowds. in speech; Dr. Walter A. Zaugg. placed in a vineyard setting be- posiums and discussions in small ingly decorated women's dormi- ly interested in Dr. Laubach's chairman, department of educa- tween an oversize "bottle" of The dancing chorus has been groups on the main topic. tory and one to the most outstand- method and procedure. He is tion; Harold Anderson, director champaign on ice and a row of chosen for the event. ingly decorated men's dormitory, widely known for his development of athletics; and Benjamin L. grape vines. They are: Nancy Steck, Lois will be presented at the Bowling of phonetic picture-word charts, Pierce, chairman, department of "All the bees are buzzin round Zierk, Shirley Cunningham, Anne Henderson Named Green-Baldwin-Wallacc game Sat- and the education slogan^ "Each business administration. my honey" won third place for Hammon, Marilyn Steinke, Mari- urday. One Teach One." Alpha Phi. Yellow and black bees lyn Sullivan, Edward Plants, Wal- Editor Of Bulletin Alpha Chi Omega sorority will While living among a backward were really swarming around Jane ter Prinz, Jim Liedtke, Clyde In- award these trophies after the Mohammodan tribe of 600,000, crowning of the Homecoming Magazine Wants Turner as she stood beside a re- cledon, and Dwight Rangcler. Jerry Henderson has been Dr. Laubach reduced their speech Queen at the game. The decora- alistic grey honeycomb. named editor of the Daily Bulle- Sally Squire, special events edi- tions will be judged by a commit- tin. tee of townspeople and faculty Twenty Writers tor of the Key, was parade chair- The editor is chosen through Frethman Class members who are not affiliated man and Allan Libbe, Key editor, written application submitted to Wanted!! Twenty aspiring- announced the decisions. with any fraternal group on cam- the journalism dept. pus. journalists to work on Made- Judges were Miss Carol Chase, Campaign Start* At present, the staff is still be- Decorations will be judged 60 m o i s e 11 e Magazine in New instructor in home economics, ing formed, and some positions are Twenty-two freshman opened per cent on the originality of York. Apply immediately. Otto G. Ockvirk and Phillip R. still open. There will be a meet- Wigg, both instructors in art. campaigning last night for the theme, 30 per cent appropriate- This isn't a college prank. class elections which will be held ing of those interested today, at ness of theme, and 20 per cent on 6:16 p.m. in 315A. Freshmen es- Mademoiselle annually con- Thursday from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. effort or amount of work required. pecially, but also upperclassmen ducts a contest to select mem- in tha Wall. Deadline for the completed deco- bers for their College Board who are interested, are encour- rations will be 10 a.m. Saturday, Work Proceeds Campaigning for pras i d a n t aged to attend. in New York. at which time the judges will start are: Harold DeCamp, Charles Information to be published in The 20 women chosen will work their tour of the residences. Green, Robert Stahl, Jamas Ay- the Daily Bulletin should be re- on the August 1951 college issue On First 'Eyas' ars, Douglas Thomas, Ronald ceived in the journalism office, for a salaried month writing and Patton, and Richard Davis. The staff of "Eyas," student 316A by 3 p.m. the day before the editing for the issue and meeting William Opia, Carol Ballsom, announcement is to appear. - They 206,306 Meeting designers, artists, and" writers. literary magazine, was completed Richard White, Tad Deutsch, Students getting credit for today with the addition of two stu- may also be phoned in, phone In addition, you have a chance John Veller, and Nail McDonald 2631. journalism 206 and 306 are re- to win ten cash prizes which are dents to the business staff and art are tha candidates for tha vice quired to attend a meeting; in awarded to the best entries in each editor. presidency. 31SA at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. of the three assignments given by Anne Huston and Dan Kolarick This concerns students working have been named to the business Jack Dawan, Elaine Stedka, the editors. The outstanding Russian Film Next on the Bee Gee News and the staff to assist Business Manager Al Frank Gould, Joan Payne, and board members are given a letter Charles Greenway are up for The Foreign Films Series has Key. Dr. Frank C. Laubach of application for future positions. Iandola. Marlene Swanzel has been appointed art editor by Edi- elections to the position of sec- replaced the Faculty Movies Ser- to phonetics, giving them a written To enter, all you have to do tor Carl Huston. retary, while the treasurer will ies. is submit a data sheet on your- "With the completion of the be selected from Connia Less, It is hoped that students may Student Court Gets language for the first time. self, a snapshot, and state why staff, contributions may now be Henry Spangenberger, Benson attend these movies on a single ad- In 1946, he assisted the United you wish to be on the College processed," Editor Huston said. Jackson ,aad Pauline Shank. mission basis. At present how- 1st Parking Case Nations Educational, Cultural, and Board. Deadline for all material is set ever, a policy of the Board of Scientific Organisation in prepar- Fields of interest such at art, for Nov. 1. Short stories, poetry, Trustees prohibits students from Herbert Scogg pleaded guilty ing recommendations for a world fashions, writing, promotion, mer- essays, articles, photographs, and Honorary Meets paying for any campus entertain- before the first session of the year plan of fundamental education. chandising, or advertising are open art work are being considered. ment However, tha foreign films of Student Court Wednesday. Dr. Laubach is now touring 36 for you to try out your talents. Contributions should be sent to Speeches by foreign students are independent of the activity fee Charged with straddling the park- cities where he will address col- Your qualifications will be tested Carl Huston at the Delta Tau Del- about Japan, Austria, and Egypt fund, and so must be self-support- ing line at North Dorm Oct. 10, leges and civic groups on the vital throughout the year on the three ta house or placed in the box in will be featured at the first meet- ing. the defendant stated that, there importance of teaching the world assignments. the south end of the English Bldg. ing of the year of Kappa Delta Pi, Next film in the series is "The were extenuating circur" jinces to read. Further information has been Subscriptions to "Eyas" are be- national education honorary. The Russian Spring" to be shown Oct. for another car had be* 'n his He is the author of "Toward a posted on various bulletin boards ing sold in advance this year. . The meeting will be Wednesday at 26. It is a comedy of errors, satir- place at the time he had> rked. Literate World," "The Silent Bil- around campus and has been sent magazine sells at 60 cents for a 8:15 p.m. in Studio B in the PA izing Hollywood. The dialogue is However, the court fouV.. him lion Speak," "Teaching the World to sorority presidents. year's subscription of two , issues. Bldg. in Russian, with English titles. guilty and issued a f 1 fine. to Read," and other books. BEE GEE NEWS. Friday. October 13. 1950 Spoil* New BG Faculty Member, Falcons Meet Chippewas Sideline* Peggy Kirk In Golf Show Gwin, Augenstein On Hurt List; Local golf fans are in store for quite a treat tomorrow at CrossCountry Team By JIM DUERK 1 p.m. Three outstanding women professionals, including BG Favored To Whip 'Cousins' famous Peggy Kirk of Findlay will give an exhibition of the Faces BW Today; MORE TROUBLES at Toledo old Scottish sport on the University Golf Course. By GENE VEVERKA University. In a previous column, With Miss Kirk will be Shirley Spork, one of the nation's JohnCarrollForfeirs Fresh from their upset over Bradley, Bowling Green's your writer referred to Coach Bob gridders travel to Mt. Pleasant, Mich., where they will meet Snyder's haste to secure his per- up-and-coming women professionals, who this week joined Expecting plenty of competi- sonal crying towel. Reports are their favorite "cousins" from Central Michigan College at the women's division of the* the Wolverine women's amateur tion, Bowling Green's cross coun- ttaft-tt* ex-Chicago Bear field goal 2:30 p.m. on the Alumni Field. Bowling Green State Univer- crown in 1049 after two years as try team left today for Berea, O., expert has abandoned his towel The Chippewas have been easy prey for the Falcons in sity health and physical educa- runner-up. In 1947, she gained where they engage the Baldwin- the past and all the Michigan warriors have to show for the for a thick blanket. It seems he the women's national intercol- Wallace seven in a dual meet. not only is losing games, but he tion dept. To complete the legiate crown over Grace Lenczyk BW has a problem of depth as seven games played thus far is* than „„ poundl may lose his football team. trip, Clara Mosack, a RobbinB Col- at Ohio State's Scarlet course. the majority of their 1940 team a lone 7 to 0 victor, scored Central Michigan's mentor, who Whtn the grid ■•••on op«n«d lege graduate, is also scheduled Before joining the pro rankw, was composed almost entirely of in 1946. is a T-f.ormation advocate, will at TU, Coach Snyder had 36 to compete. Also in the exhibi- the new BG instructor taught at middle distance men. Bee Gee field a team that is faster and candidates. Today, • month Not too much trouble is an- Detroit's Hutchins interme d i a t e took last year's meet by a com- ticipated this year because the younger than any Chippewa team later, du« mainly to injuries, school in the health and physical fortable margin as Frank Kilgore, Chippewas haven't been exactly in recent years. tha Rockets number juil 24 and Bob Mickits* and Lee Pate pressed education dept. setting the fdot- Although these two teams have Uncle Sam it threatening to At BG, the youthful links star the old record here. tak* two more. b a 1 1 world on played many thrillers in the past, will handle all women's golf in- But the Yellow Jackets will fire. After Central's acute problem of lack of There has been some talk of struction and teach other physical opening with a depth should take its toll. booking a freshman game with education courses. Do We Or Don't We? victory over some outstanding school and more Miss Spork plans to have a wo- Alma, the Chips talk of cancelling the remainder men's golf team next spring, the That's The Question have been of their schedule. As it looks Frosh Work Offense Bowling Grrfn'i crois-coun- scalped in their now, they must make a choice last three con- between this and reverting back to try achvdula read "Oct. 10— As Opener Nears John Carroll—Hire." tests. the days of the "II iron men." Whether • • • At 3 p.m. Tuesday, the Fal- "Concentrate on offense," was Coach Bob Augenstein the order from Freshman Foot- THE BOOSTER CLUB, which con thincladi began their warm- Whittaker can sponsors pep rallies, still hasn't ups for the meet which was to Mar not play . . ball Coach Bruce Bellard as his field his team team swung into their last week come out of their semi-hyberna- begin at 4 p.m. About 4: IS, at full strength depends on how tlon. Oh, they did sponsor a rally with no sign of the JC boys, the of practice before the season's fast ace backs Bob Gwin and Mel opener against Heidelberg, Friday, before the Miami game, but what Falcons began wondering Augenstein recover from last has happened since then?? whether it really was Oct. 10. Oct. 20 on the local high school week's injuries. Gwin suffered a gridiron. A sign in the Nest put up thic John Carroll officials cleared twisted ankle and Augenstein ag- week calls for students to give the the matter soon after with a gravated a knee bruise against The yearlings missed an oppor- football team a send-off today at phone call, explaining they were Bradley. tunity to scrimmage with the var- unable to put a team together to sity early in the week because of 4 p.m. Apparently Boosters eye- HSTS 16 Lettermen lids arc still drooping or their ears make the trip. the weather, but have come up are plugged. The team is to leave Coach Matthews* crew won However new head coach War- with a couple such sessions with at 3 p.m. by a forfeit. ren Schmakel does have a better their more experienced counter- team than the record indicates. W*«. tk» Boo.ten Club PEGGY KIRK parts in the last few days, have liiil LnftT, a junior, who run- Holder of Little All-American the last few days. ha» a difficult task in promotion tion will be Jack Chapman ano honors when guard on the 1942 of pap rallies and iuth. But if the mile on HW- Ohio College According to Coach Bellard it Hugh Skelly of the Falcon golf Central eleven, Schmakel has 18 any organisation should make championship track team. Lafer, will be a strong opponent that team. returning lettermen. an effort to create more student \tfio finished fourth in the state the young Falcons will face when support of our athletic teams, Miss Kirk rates at the top of SHIRLEY SPORK meet at Delaware last June, is Bowling Green, on the other they line up before the Heidelberg it is the Boosters Club. feminine golf circles, along with first in Bowling Green history. capable of running a 4:29 mile, hand, will be looking forward to Student Princes. The Princes Mildred "Babe" Z a h a r i a I and She also anticipates enrolling in and in expected to be able to carry this one. Most of Michigan's re- took last year's yearlings into It will take the co-operation of Grace Lenciyk. the university graduate school, his speed over into the longer dis- the students. Rut to the Boosters turning men remember the 1949 camp in an opening contest and working toward a master's degree. tance. tilt when the Chips tried desper- we say there will be little school Miss Spork, a graduate of De- they will be out to make it two in spirit unless efforts are made troit Redford High School in 1046 ately to stop the Falcons and Jack a row, if they can. in that direction. and Michigan State Normal Col- Woodland. In the past week the complete lege in 1949, joined the pro circuit We're not "rah-rah" boys but But the Falcons weren't to be Freshman Football schedule for last May, and played in seven Nine Sailing Crews Entered stopped as they ran over the Ma- 1950 was released. It includes wj do believe the football team is tournaments during the summer. giving their best and deserve all roon and Gold eleven, 20 to 0, and four gamca, three at night and the support they can get. And as In the transcontinental Weath- neither was Jackie Woodland. one day contest. However there things stand now, they deserve ervanc tourney, the former Michi- In First Regatta Tomorrow Some Falcon lettermen haven't is only one home game, the open- gan amateur champion finished forgotten the humiliating treat- much more than they are getting. tive years for possession of the er. sixth and also played in the Cleve- Nine sailing crews from ment rendered their . • • • trophy. The complete schedule follows: THE I'LL HATE MYSELF IN land and New York medal play sec- area schools will participate in Quarterbacks Are Planty Oct. tions. She also took sixth in the The event will be managed un- THE MORNING DEPT. — Michi- the first Annual Bowling der the rules of the Midwest Col- The Chips are well fortified at 20, (n) Bar* gan to upset Army—watch Koces- Carrolton Open two strokes behind the quarterback position where Babe Zaharias. Miss Spork also Green Invitational Sailing Re- legiate Sailing Ass'n. of which the 26 Toledo Uaiv. (n) there kl and Perry; Oklahoma over Tex- they have returning letterman Cal Nov. competed in Eastern Open Tarn local club is a member. The club as; pity poor Tulane with Notre gatta Saturday and Sunday Webster plus newcomers Andy 3 Ohio Uaiv. (d) there O'Shanter, nnd National Open ia also a member of the Inter-Col- Dame out to avenge their Purdue on the Maumee River at the MacDonald, Dick Mysliewiec, and 9 Kent State (n) there tourneys. legiate Yacht Racing Ass'n. of defeat; and Bowling Green over Perrsburg Boating Club. The North America. Don Kolebar. All of these men Central Michigan — only IF they Having played golf since she are over six foot and weigh more play as they did against Ilradley. was 12 years old, Miss Spork won event is being sponsored by Starting time is 9 a.m. Satur- the local Sailing Club. day with the action carried over to Meeting Set For Monday Notre Dame, University of Sunday. A banquet is scheduled HARLEY'S HAY Michigan, Northwestern, Wayne, for Saturday evening for the par- To Start Soccer Team G b M DRUGS RIDES Toledo, University of Chicago, ticipating teams. LOOK! Oberlin, DePauw, and Howling The Bowling Green Sailing Club With the aim of establishing "The Friendly Store With Make reservations Now Green will participate in the meet. was organized four years ago. inter-collegiate soccer on this Here's Greyhound's The Open Door" Picnic Grounds Illinois Tech of Chicago was in- They own one boat and plan to campus, a meeting of all interest- Special vited but was unable to accept. buy another one this year. The ed players has been scheduled for CAMERAS FILMS Fully Insured The meet will consist of nine group has had the use of the Per- 4 p.m. Monday in room 103 Men's races with two divisions in each. rysburg Boating Club facilities for Gym. WEEK-END FREE DEVELOPING ON Phone 8363 Each team will participate in a their sailing activities. So far, a bare minimum of play- ALL FILMS I"(»1 of 18 events. No team will Bill Critter is commodore of ers has been reached concerning HARLEY IRELAND use the same boat twice. Three the club, while race chairman Bar- the team. The purpose of the EXPRESS between 100 N. Main Ph. 6071 Brim Road trophies for first, second, and third ney McArdel is in charge of the meeting is to contact those exper- Special Ratet Available places will be awarded. A team event James Wright is the club's ienced players on campus who are Bowling Green must win first place three consecu- new sponsor. not already signed up. and Columbus ir Home in time for dinner Free Free Free Friday! The Main Restaurant * Back in time for study Sun- day! WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN THIS Offers University Students Quantity SMITH-CORONA PORTABLE??? And Quality Meals

• No Stops—Straight Through 1 • Fast, Time-Saving Service I • Comfortable Greyhound MEAL TICKETS AT A SAVINGS Super-Coaches 1 Here's Your Convenient Schedule:. Lv. BOWLING GREEN Friday) 3:40 p.m. Ar. COLUMBUS (Friday) 6:55 p.m. CASH FOR PERSONAL CHECKS Lv. COLUMBUS (Sunday) 5:10 p.m. Ar. BOWLING GREEN (Sunday) 8:16 p.m. ROUND TRIP FARE QUICK BREAKFAST AND SHORT $5.40 ORDERS (U.S. Tax Extra) WATCH FOR DETAILS IMPORTANT Please advise your Greyhound Agent in advance, both in Bowling Green and upon arrival Friday night In Columbus, whan yon in- tend to use thair new Greyhound Bob Younkin Bowling Green - Columbus Stu- Earl Office Supply Co. dent's Express! 115 W. Oak St Bowling Green, Ohio MAIN RESTAURANT Greyhound Terminal 111 E. Wooater Telephone 8171 North Main, end of Court Street Phone 4061 GREYHOUND ODK Wants Council Votes New Applications Bee Qee Official Student Publication Frat Bid Distribution Bowling Green State) University. Bowling Green. Ohio In By Dec. 21 Bids To Go Out Thursday Noon; VoL 35 Leadership Society Tuesday. Octobw 17, 1950 No. 8 To Be Picked Up At Dean's Office Requires Activities The Interfraternity Council has moved to take some of For Membership the "rush" out of rushing on 1950-51 fraternity candidates. AChiO Float Wins 5th Annual Action taken at the Oct. 4 meeting resulted in a new system Senior men who plan to of bid distribution by the 16 fraternities at this University. apply for Omicron Delta Kap- This is the new arrangement as it stands now: All rushees may pick up any or all bids which he may pa tapping ceremonies in mid- 2#500 Watch -^have received from fraterni- January must have their ap- ties at the secretary's desk in plications in to Louis C. Fer- Tryoufs To End Dean Conklin's office from 12 nandez by Dec. 21. Representative p.m. Thursday until Friday at Sophomore and junior men For 'Three Men' noon. Names of men who will have re- who expect to be eligible in To Present Film Tonight is the last night for ceived bids will be listed on tho the future should also turn their the casting of Cecil Holm's bulletin in the Well. applications in to Fernandez, Roger Clause, vice p r e s i - dent of the bank and public "Three Men on a Horse." It This system is designed to be chairman of the honor points com- will be held in the Gate Thea- an improvement over the former mittee, by the same date. relations dept. of the Federal method of personal distribution. Reserve Bank of Cleveland, tre at 7 p.m. I ^ Fraternities must observe the ODK, national men's leader- will present a film and lecture Casting b e gTTir'iast night following regulations: ship society, will hold its mid- year on "A Day At Federal" for the t h r e e - a c t modern All bids must be turned in to ceremonies in an all-campus as- Thursday at 4 p.m. in the farce, which is under the di- Dean Conklin's office by the fra- sembly sometime in January. An Rec Hall. rection of Robert D. Richey, in- ternities by Wednesday noon. outstanding speaker is usually structor of speech. It has 16 Kach bid must have the respective included in this assembly program, The movie will cover as many comic parts. fraternity initials in the upper left such as last year's speaker, Carl operations of the Federal Reserve Anyone interested in trying out corner for simple recognition. V. Weygandt, Chief Justice of the us can be shown on film. Mr. for this play, the first major pro- With these bids, each fraternity Ohio Supreme Court. Clause's talk will cover operations duction of the year by the Univer- must send along a written list of Another tapping ceremony will of the Federal Reserve which sity Theatre, may obtain a copy all the men for whom they are be performed on Honor's Day next could not be shown on the film. of the play from the Community sending in bids. Dean Conklin's spring. On that night a formal After the movie questions will be Drama Service Library, 1H Gate ofllco will sort and distribute the banquet will be held for all new answered. Theatre. bldl and check them off on a mas- and old members. The program, which will last The plot involves a henpecked ter list compiled from tho indi- Dr. Emerson C. Shuck, faculty an hour, is being arranged by the husband who gets mixed up with vidual fraternity lists. economics and business adminis- three bookies when they discover To avoid errors, three fraterni- secretary of the society, explains tration departments. The public that ODK is composed of out- he can pick winning horses. ty representatives, Harold Hakes, is invited. "Three Men on a Horse" began Dave Lorcnzi, and Bud Nachtigall, standing leaders on campus who Members of the Wood and Lu- collect and distribute ideas for its run in 1036 anil met with much will assist Dean Conklin's office in cas County Clearing Association success. Starring in the long run this work. the betterment of college life. mid bunkers of Toledo will be He also said that this society productions were Sam I-cvine and Between Thursday noon and present. Mr. Clause will present Shirley Booth. Friday noon no bids will be dis- acts as a liaison between the ad- his program to the Rotary Club of ministration and students, but Assisting Mr. Richey is Natalie tributed except through tho Bowling Green later in the eve- Woodin, stage manager ; Stan Dean's office. Each bid will bo does not impose on the power of ning. the Student Senate's ideals. Morris, graduate student technical stamped there. No bid will bo director; John II. Hepler, instruc- valid unless . One gains consideration of the tor of speech; and Victor Young, Open rushing starts at noon Fri- ODK Circle through the activities Debaters To Go chairman of publicity. d a y . Fraternity representatives he participates in here on campus, may pick up their respective un- such as athletics, publications, MARY AGNEW it pictured above mounted on top of the "Sundae claimed bills and proceed to make scholarship, speech, music, etc. Special" which won first place for the Alpha Chi Omega sorority entry To Kent Friday Junior Class Cards ia the fifth annual Kay parade held Sunday. personal contacts. Mr. Shuck stated that ODKs arc Representatives of the junior All fraternity men are urged chosen for the work they do in the • * * Bowling G r e e n' 8 debate class will sell class cards in the By FLO BEATTY not to carry on rushing activities organizations under these cate- squad will attend the annual Well Wednesday and Thursday in the vicinity of Dean Conklin's gories, not how many organiza- The Sundae Special dished up by Alpha Chi Omega fall Northern Ohio Debate from 9-12 and 1-4. office. tions they belong to. sorority won the 1950 Key Parade trophy, Sunday afternoon, Conference this Friday at The Bowling Green chapter, under perfect weather conditions. Kent State. Beta Tau, of ODK consists of 11 An estimated 2,500 persons also saw Gamma Phi Beta M. Harold Mikle, president undergraduate students, three and Alpha Phi sororities take second and third places respec- of the NODC and Raymond Literacy Expert To Address graduate students, and four facul- tively from a field of 16 floats. Y eager, instructor of speech, ty members. A new faculty mem- The prize float featured* will accompany the squad to the ber Is elected each year for four Mary Agnew who represented conference. Assembly On Communism years. Student Production Main question of the one-day The members are: Richard L, a maraschino cherry perched Dr. Frank C. Laubach, noted missionary, educator, and on a sundae special. She was conference is Resolved: Non-Com- literacy expert will speak at an all-campus assembly in the Doll, president, John W. Wilson, surrounded by Alpha Chi Omegas Opens Tomorrow munist Countries Should Form a vice president; Guy A. Smith, Jr., draped on the float, symbolizing New International Organization. Main Aud., Thursday, Oct. 19, at 4 p.m. He will discuss liter- treasurer; Dr. Shuck, Louis A. Students of the debate squad acy as a weapon against Communism and the means of Daigneau, Anthony W. Steere, Al- strawberry, mint, lemon, and "Love Goes To College," the chocolate ice cream. second anual student musical, will attending are: Bill King, Lee Elli- bringing Christianity to backward areas of the world. lan J. Libbe, Jack L. Myers, Doug- son, Gloriannc Johnsonbaugh, Bar- Dr. Laubach has been engaged in setting up literacy las E. Hartzell, Neil A. Pohlman, Bette Bell, Barbara Koons and begin its 4-night run tomorrow at Shirley Taylor were chairmen of 8:15 p.m. in the Main Aud. bara Rollins, Adcle Kihlkcn, Mari- 'campaigns through governments Louis C. Fernandez, and Bruce D. lyn M c C 1 i n t o c k , Ron Polhill, and missions in 76 countries. By Oliver. the float that brought the trophy Edith Ludwig, author of the to the Alpha Chi Omegas for the Charles Jacobs, Doris McCartney, Dorm Decorations his method, approximately 60,000,- Faculty members also include: musical, will introduce 20 new and John Maragakes. 000 people have learned to read in first time. songs, Including "We're From Ezra F. Vogel, graduate assistant Gamma Phi Beta took second Forming the conference are 15 206 languages throughout the in sociology; Carl E. Maynard, Bowling G r e e n." Students are colleges from northern Ohio, who To Receive Trophy world. place with their 100 proof idea, urged to attend the Wednesday graduate assistant in history; "The Toast of the Town." Their will also be at Kent State. Two Homecoming residence tro- Students of education and the James E. Hof, graduate assistant and Thursday performances to Throughout the day will be sym- phies, one to the most outstand- foreign languages will be especial- candidate, Marian Callaway, was avoid Homecoming crowds. in speech; Dr. Walter A. Zaugg, placed in a vineyard setting be- posiums and discussions in small ingly decorated women's dormi- ly interested in Dr. Laubach's chairman, department of educa- tween an oversize "bottle" of The dancing chorus has been groups on the main topic. tory and one to the most outstand- method and procedure. He is tion; Harold Anderson, director champaign on ice and a row of chosen for the event. ingly decorated men's dormitory, widely known for his development of athletics; and Benjamin L. grape vines. They are: Nancy Steck, Lois will be presented at the Bowling of phonetic picture-word charts, Pierce, chairman, department of "All the bees are buzzin round Zierk, Shirley Cunningham, Anne Henderson Named Green-Baldwin-Wallace game Sat- and the education slogan, "Each business administration. my honey" won third place for Hammon, Marilyn Steinke, Mari- urday. One Teach One." Alpha Phi. Yellow and black bees lyn Sullivan, Edward Plants, Wal- Alpha Chi Omega sorority will While living among a backward were really Bwarming around Jane ter Prinz, Jim Licdtke, Clyde In- Editor Of Bulletin award these trophies after the Mohammodan tribe of 600,000, Magazine Wants Turner as she stood beside a re- cledon, and Dwight Rangeler. Jerry Henderson has been crowning of the Homecoming Dr. Laubach reduced their speech alistic grey honeycomb. Queen at the game. The decora- named editor of the Daily Bulle- tions will be judged by a commit- Sally Squire, special events edi- tin. Twenty Writers tor of the Key, was parade chair- Freshman Class The editor is chosen through tee of townspeople and faculty man and Allan Libbe, Key editor, members who are not affiliated Wanted!! Twenty aspiring written application submitted to with any fraternal group on cam- announced the decisions. the journalism dept. journalists to work on Made- Judges were Miss Carol Chase, Campaign Starts pus. At present, the staff is still be- Decorations will be judged 60 m o i s e 11 e Magazine in New instructor in home economics, ing formed, and some positions are Twenty-two frethmen opened per cent on the originality of York. Apply immediately. Otto G. Ockvirk and Phillip R. still open. There will be a meet- Wigg, both instructors in art. campaigning last night for the theme, 30 per cent appropriate- This isn't a college prank. class election! which will be held ing of those interested today, at ness of theme, and 20 per cent on 6:15 p.m. in 315A. Freshmen es- Mademoiselle annually con- Thursday from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. effort or amount of work required. pecially, but also upperclassmen ducts a contest to select mem- in the Well. Deadline for the completed deco- bers for their College Board who are interested, are encour- rations will be 10 a.m. Saturday, Work Proceeds Campaigning for pret i d • n t aged to attend. in New York. are: Harold DeCamp, Charles at which time the judges will start Information to be published in their tour of the residences. The 20 women chosen will work Green, Robert Stahl, James Ay- the Daily Bulletin should be re- on the August 1961 college issue On Pint 'Eyas' ere. Douglas Thomas, Ronald ceived in the journalism office, for a salaried month writing and P«tton, and Richard Davis. The staff of "Eyas," student 316A by 8 p.m. the day before the editing for the issue and meeting William Opie, Carol Ballsom, announcement is to appear. - They 206,306 Meeting designers, artists, and" writers. literary magazine, was completed Students getting credit for today with the addition of two stu- Richard White, Ted DeuUch, may also be phoned in, phone In addition, you have a chance John Veller, and Neil McDonald 2631. journalism 206 and 306 are re- to win ten cash prizes which are dents to the business staff and art are the candidates for the vice quired to attend a meeting in editor. 315A at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. awarded to the best entries in each Anne Huston and Dan Kolarick presidency. of the three assignments given by have been named to the business Jack Dewan, Elaine Stedke, This concerns students working the editors. The outstanding Frank Gould, Joan Payne, and Russian Film Next on the Bee Gee News and the staff to assist Business Manager Al Key. board members are given a letter Iandola. Marlene Swanzel has Charles Green way are up for The Foreign Films Series has Dr. Frank C. Laubach of application for future positions. elections to the position of sec- replaced the Faculty Movies Ser- been appointed art editor by Edi- to phonetics, giving them a written To enter, all you have to do tor Carl Huston. retary, while the treasurer will ies. is submit a data sheet on your- "With the completion of the be selected from Connie Leah, It is hoped that students may Student Court Gets language for the first time. self, a snapshot, and state why staff, contributions may now be Henry Spangenberger, Benson attend these movies on a single ad- In 1946, he assisted the United you wish to be on the College processed," Editor Huston said. Jackson ,and Pauline Shank. mission basis. At present how- 1st Parking Case Nations Educational, Cultural, and Board. Deadline for all material is set ever, a policy of the Board of Scientific Organisation in prepar- Fields of interest such as art, for Nov. 1. Short stories, poetry, Trustees prohibits - students from Herbert Scogg pleaded guilty ing recommendations for a world fashions, writing, promotion, mer- essays, articles, photographs, and Honorary Meets paying for any campus entertain- before the first session of the year plan of fundamental education. chandising, or advertising are open art work are being considered. ment. However, the foreign films of Student Court Wednesday. Dr. Laubach Is now touring 35 for you to try ont your talents. Contributions should be sent to Speeches by foreign students are independent of the activity fee Charged with straddling the park- cities where he will address col- Your qualifications will be tested Carl Huston at the Delta Tau Del- about Japan, Austria, and Egypt fund, and so must be self-support- ing line at North Dorm Oct. 10, leges and civic groups on the vital throughout the year on the three ta house or placed in the box in will be featured at the first meet- ing. the defendant stated that there importance of teaching the world assignments. the south end of the English Bldg. ing of the year of Kappa Delta Pi, Next film in the series is "The were extenuating circumstances to read. Further information has been Subscriptions to "Eyas" are be- national education honorary. The Russian Spring" to be shown Oct. for another car had been in his He is the author of "Toward • posted on various bulletin boards ing sold in advance this year. - The meeting will be Wednesday at 25. It is a comedy of errors, satir- place at the time he had parked. Literate World," "The Silent Bil- magazine sells at 60 cents for a 8:16 p.m. in Studio B in the PA izing Hollywood. The dialogue is However, the court found him lion Speak," "Teaching the World around campus and has been sent to Read," and other books. to sorority presidents. year's subscription of two.issues. Bldg. in Russian, with English titles. guilty and issued a $1 fine. BEE GEE NEWS, Tuesday, October 17, 1950 Jhu* lona ? ? ? I \| ARCH,VES # KAMPUS KOPP »KOHL COAL*

We wonder just how many Key waullesXiandldaleB for Homecoming queen, and aspirant* to freshman cTasT offices have resigned themselves to the fate which In past years has been so common to any annual candidates—destruction and "borrowing" of campaign posters! We wonder Just how many pictures and posters, most of which have cost the group Involved a great deal of time and effort, will be adorning the walls of various dormitories. Why do we wonder? Because we have seen what amounts to willful destruction of private property happen time and again on Bowling Green's campus. Warnings have been Issued, pleas have been made; but the abatement appears to be slight. Aside from the point of destroying the product of some- one else's efforts and money, lust how neat does it look to have Music Graduate the campus Uttered with semi-mutilated campaign literature? Taylor Realizes Ambition There may always be those who have the collecting "instinct," Sideglances but there is no valid reason why such behavior should continue. Conducts Show No, there's no law against it, and the campus police have far As Junior Class President By W. DUANE ZUMBRUNN too much to do without bothering to ride herd on a group of light- SOMETHING NEW was added For Opera Star By GENE DENT fingered Louies. But the rules of human decency should be at the disc dance last Friday Sidney Baron, a graduate "I feel that I have accomplished just about everything enough to guide the person with the college-level mind; and I have strived for in college," said Bob Taylor, junior class night — games. These dance these rules say, "Think of the other fellow." from the music dept. of Bowl- games proved successful to a ing Green in 1938, was the president. conductor of the orchestra for Taylor rolled onto the Bowling Green campus from Endi- large degree and caused stag lines Honorary Initiates the Robert Merrill show, cott, N. Y.. in Sept., 1948. When he arrived here he knew to diminish on the part of both Gsmma Theta Upallon, geogra- ^Official which was featured at the few people. Now very few people fail to recognize him. men and women students. phy and geology honorary, will State Theatre in Toledo on During his freshman year Previously, a few people would hold a business meeting and ini- Announcement dance while a large percentage of tiation of new members Thursday Oct. 11. 3rd Annual Faculty Taylor was elected vice presi- at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts And. Form* are) avaiUbU for Feb- Since leaving; Bowling; Green, dent of the Work Shop Play- those attending stood in stag ruary gradual** who daslra to Mr. Baron has become very popu- groups. Now, with the addition register with the buraau of ap- lar in the music field. He has Show Under Way ers.. It was his first step toward the ambition of becoming of the mixer games, the disc B— Qm AMI* pointments, Ralph H. Gear, di- played in the New York Symphony Television will be the theme of dances should prove to be some- rector, announced today. Those Orchestra, and, while serving in a class president. the third annual Faculty Show thing to look forward to. Associated CoUegiate Press may be obtained In 217A from the Navy during World War II, which is scheduled for Feb. 15. 16, The next year he added the vice • • • 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. All February directed two benefit concerts at 17. presidency of the sophomore class National Advertising Service graduates are urged to register Carnegie Hall. THOUGHT FOR TODAY: We Final plans for the show are not lltl«l|dH ST -all early as the bureau is receiving Mr. Baron has been a great as- as his second step. Last spring he yet completed. Letters have been received an unsigned letter in the 11.23 MM SMMMMJ 12.30 M* fW calls for graduates in numerous set to Robert Merrill for several climaxed his desire by being elect- office Saturday from a freshman FublUh.d MaU-WMklr, •«cpl dvltx sent to all faculty members re- fields at the present time. years and he is particularly re- ed president of Yacallon periods, br Sowltng Grass questing that they submit ideas and since our policy makes it im- Students who don't plan to sponsible for Mr. Merrill's becom- the junior class. Slata UalTMlllT ■tudMfcl for the show. possible to print letters of that work immediately upon gradua- ing one of the most popular Met- Recently he nature, we were forced to lay it EDITOIIAL STAFF tion are urged to register also. ropolitan Opera baritones. A special committee will ap- prove the ideas submitted by the was appointed aside. However, he did have a Ducou Iiaann Mlm-U-ChUI Merrill McEwen, chairman of chair man of good point in writing, so we will T». WlmdmlU the music dept., played in a string faculty. Dr. R. L. Hutchison, pro- Joh. Kadcibauib MaafUe Editor fessor of biology, is coordinator, the Student pass it on to the rest of the stu- llm Dttnfe Sf«rk> Idllor Classifieds quartet with Mr. Baron at a sum- Senate Sugges- dent body. mer music camp in 1930 in the and Miss Ann Marley, instructor H«l rrator kM Idllor The Classified Ad manager is in of music, is secretary of this com- tion Committee. The gist of it is that college DM TUd«ll _XMM> Idllor the Bee Gee News office to accept Adirondack^. Mr. McEwen states But Taylor's Co. It Dal mittee. spirit at this university is nil when rxlura Editor ads during the following hours: that the music dept. has attempted interests aren't Irta Irwla Edllor The show, which will probably it comes to supporting the football Tuesday, 11 to 11.15, Wednesday, several times to engage Robert solely tied to team. He also stated that "it was Nancy Haom .... SocUIr Sailor Merrill and Mr. Baron for a per- have 18 scenes, will include dance INUI 10 to 11, Thursday, 10 to 11:15. class activities. too bad that more students couldn't likor -Hufcumsay Edltoc formance here, but there has al- numbers, and a faculty Charleston. BUMU ST. Said. Editorial AdrlM* Since his fresh- have been at the big send-off Fri- MALE STUDENT and wi|e can combine ways been a conflict of dates. It will be done completely in revue work (or her as housekeeper with two style. man ye a r he day afternoon to show the boys •UIINESS STAFF room and bath apartment and meals for bob lavler has figured in SUIT iu Ia> MHH Moaoq.r both. Wages good and pleasant surround- Some faculty not in the show that we are rooting for them even Do. UdTtaa ings. Location In Perryaburg. Arranae- many variety shows and has played if we can't go to the game." MnnUq m*n could continue until graduation for will handle the backstage, and Irad BMklaei . Clreulatlo* desirable couple. Bos No. 10. Bee Gee Ruland To Speak business functions. supporting roles in two University He has a pretty good point Jok. I. Mlroo News. Theatre productions and several there. Adrian Ruland, instructor in o n e - a c t plays. Last year he • • • chemistry, will speak on the "As- ACE Discussion played the role of Sebastian in WHEN THINGS go wrong for pects of the Chemical Industry" Members of the ACE will meet "Twelfth Night." LEHMAN'S at the second meeting of the from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow eve- Dr. Robert Hubach of the Eng- Chemical Journal Club, 7 p.m. ning in the PA Aud. A discussion He is second vice president of lish dept., they happen early in Wednesday, in 140 Chemistry on the "Whats and Whys of ACE" Alpha Phi Omega, national serv- the morning. 100% Nylon Diamond Argyle Hose.. $2.95 Bldg. All interested are invited. will be held. ice fraternity, and is historian for Last Tuesday morning his 8 the Sigma Psi Omega, social fra- o'clock class was locked in its Eng- 100% Wool Diamond Argyle Hose... 2.96 ternity. lish room for sbout five minutes All Cotton Diamond Argyle Hose .. 1.50 He graduated from Union Endi- overtime before someone finally Everything For The Student cott High School in 1945. Taylor placed his shoulder against the Arrow Shirts served 20 months in the Navy as door and knocked it open. STUDY LAMPS ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS RM S/c and hopes that his name is Then on Saturday morning McGregor Sportswear misplaced and the Navy permits about 5 a.m., the house in which UNIVERSITY T-SHIRTS BRIEF CASES him to graduate. he rooms on fire and he SWEAT SHIRTS FILLER PAPER had to abandon his bed in a big COLLEGE MASCOTS LAUNDRY CASES hurry. PENNANTS DRAWING BOARDS Professor Quoted • • • B.G. SOUVENIRS DRAWING SUPPLIES QUOTE OF THE WEEK . . . B.G. STATIONERY ART SUPPLIES One male student recently re- In Chemistry Book ceived his orders to report for a STUDENT SUPPLIERS FOR FIFTEEN YEARS physical. He is a member of the Dr. Lewis E. Miller of the Bowl- army reserve corps. When told ing Green chemistry dept. is quot- in a joking manner that he was a ed in a new book on industrial fool for having signed up after chemistry. his separation a few years ago, his Kiger Drug Store The book, entitled "Titanium, only remark was: Its Occurrence, Chemistry, and "How was I to know?" 108 South Main Street Technology," cites data from ex- see periments over the past two years AFTER DR. CHARLES A. Bar- by Dr. Miller under the topic, "In- ren, professor of political science, organic Reactions of Titania." had finished introducing Col. Hu- The bibliography of the book ac- bert Kellems last Wednesday, the knowledges his research paper of colonel took the floor and asked the same title. the professor whether he had re- Titanium compounds are used in cently received a higher commis- making stronger steel alloys and sion in the army than he had had in exterior white paints. Due to during the last war. the inert properties of titanium The professor, who was a lieu- oxide, these new paints will not tenant in the last war and sta- wash off as ordinary "white lead" tioned at the Pentagon in Wash- pigments do. ington, said "No." With that, Dr. Miller spent the summer the colonel said he would see what continuing his research at Niagara he could do about it. Falls, the only place where titani- The professor declined the offer um is produced on a large scale. for some reason.

KLEVER'S JEWELRY STORE In Orono, Maine, ■ favorite gather- ing spot of students at the University of Maine is the Snack Bar in Carne- gie Library because it is a cheerful place—full of friendly collegiate TROPHIES &sSt atmosphere. And when the gang CUPS - - FIGURES gathers around, ice-cold Coca-Cola ( <>k(> gets the call. For here, as in college for all sport events haunts everywhere—Coke Wongs. POPULAR PRICED Aikfor il tilhir w*y . . . Loth trtuU-mtrki mt*n tiu smmi iking. Stop in, see them •onus UNDSS AVTMOSTTT of mi COCA-COU COMMMT IT IJVMI.I COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 121N. Main St Oi»»o.t». i BEE GEE NEWS. Tueeday. October 17. 1950 Page 3 Students Urge Rambling Rows Dance Features 50 New Discs ANCIE PALERMO PAT MATTACHIONE Greater Efforts The youngest member living »t from DePauw, Northwestern, Uni- open to anyone instead of con- More outstanding pieces of evidence were added to prove the Phi Kappa Tau house is the versity of Michigan, Notre Dame, By Booster Club sisting of two representatives that Bowling Green is an up-and-coming campus, as the past "Baroness of Summit," commonly and the University of Toledo, Fri- Considering that school spirit is from each dormitory, as it has weekend brought new events and ideas to the social scene day evening, who came here for known aa "Gretch." She is the I been. The larger the organisa- Firsts included: the premier showing of "The Spectre the Sailing Club meet in Perrys- getting better but still is not what tion, the stronger it will be." of the Rose in this area at the campus movie; a new type 6-month-old German Shepherd it should be, we have asked two burg, Saturday and Sunday. Nadine Peot, a freshman from of disc dance; and innovations at the Saturday orchestra that moved in as the Phi Tan's Exchange dinners for last week f r.e s h m e n and two sophomores LaGrange, III., suggests that some dance. mascot. were between: Alpha Chi Omega (young blood), "What suggestions Taking the form of a disc A large tree in the center of the type of entertainment or skit be .oom, with its varicolored fall- Recently elected officers of West and SAE; Delta Gamma and Sig- do you have for improving school included in pep rallies. "I think jockey show, Friday night's ma Chi; Keppa Delta and Delta ing leaves, represented the spirit Hall are: Harry Featherstone, spirit, particularly in respect to Freddie Falcon is a good idea," de- dance, sponsored by the social of autumn. Pumpkins and corn Upsilon; Alpha Xi Delta and PiKA; clares the Kohl Hall resident. "If committee, had Bob Johnson spin- president; Dave R e i c h e r t, vice Chi Omega and ZBT. football games?" husks provided decorations around ning and announcing the platters. the room. president; Ray Brenner, secretary; Gamma Theta Nu began eating Another sophomore, Pat Smith Over 60 new records were re- and Bob Tuttle, treasurer. at their house yesterday with Vin- of Fostoria, agrees that the pep cently purchased for the disc The ceiling was done in fall Phi Mus gave a tea Friday after- nie Ferrasxa as acting steward. rallies need better promotion. dances, and were played for the shades of crepe paper, and the noon in honor of their new house- She points but further, "It is not first time Friday. band stand, where Hal CaudiU's mother, Mrs. Faye G. Wallen of To help everyone get acquaint- orchestra presided, was all black. Findlay. Ex-Chemistry Instructor ed, mixers and dance gnmes were During the intermission, a tap The Gamma Theta Nu's new another new feature of the dance dancing act with Jo Simpson, Nan- housemother, Mrs. A. Lathrope, Succumbs At U. Of M. in the Women's Gym. cy Stiles, Ginny Clayton, and was honored with a tea, Sunday Playing for the first time in Dawn Voeliow wearing matching afternoon. Word has been received of the Bowling Green, "The Spectre of costumes of black derbies, and the Rose," a picture with a ballet jackets, nnd white shorts; a solo by Mrs. Lee Z. Hafkin, Toledo death Thursday of Mary Louise Nadine Peot Julian Grana theme, was the Friday campus Jean Gray; a vocal dual by Ji Blade reporter and BG journalism Gabel, an instructor in chemistry movie. "The son of Monte Cris- Simpson and Pat Workman; and m instructor, was the dinner guest of here from 1948 until 1960. She he could carry out some sort of to" was ■ihpwn, Saturday r.ighi. piartrf medley by Marian Callo- the Sigma Rho Taus last Tuesday. died of leukemia at the University special theme each week, it would The crescent, symbol of Gamma way, who was also the accompan- Delta Gamms received two be better than just running Phi Beta, along with the present ist, entertained those present. Hospital, University of Michigan, around." plaques from Phi Kappa Psi fra- Ann Arbor, Michigan. Pat Smith Bob Brockman autumn scene, provided the theme The programs were rust-colored ternity in appreciation for their "Everyone should take an active for their "Crescent Mood" dance Miss Gabel was currently doing only the students, but the faculty with the abstract design of a tree serving at the Phi Psi initiation graduate work at the U. of M. interest in the football team, no in the Women's Gym, Saturday. on the cover. banquet. greater school spirit." matter how poor or how good it She received her BS degree there also, who should try to develop Alpha Gamma Deltas took their in 1947 after spending her first is," declares Julian Grana, of Ni- hayride party to Fort Meigs in "Boosters Club should sponsor agara Falls, N. Y. A member of In Bowling Green it's two undergraduate years at Bowl- more activities and should give Perrysburg Friday night. ing Green. Funeral services were the freshman football team, Julian their pep rallies more publicity," states, "The more cheering there (John) "Friday the Thirteenth" party held Monday in Bellevue, O. says Bob Brockman, a sophomore was given by the Sigma Rho Taus is, the better is the spirit of the from Lakewood. He adds, "I team. Cheering has a tremendous Cheetwood's for Alpha Sigma Phi Friday night think Boosters Club should be in honor of the Alpha Slgs' na- psychological effect on a team." tionalization last spring. CHURCH HOUSE of Dog collars for the new pup- pies were presented to Delta Tau LUNCHES FLOWERS Delta fraternity by the Delta Gam- G & M Drug Store Phone mas. 60c and up Members of Chi Omega sorority 5734 entertained representatives of oth- • CORSAGES er sororities at a coke party, Oct. lc Sale 6. SHOE Holland Snack • WEDDINGS Dr. and Mrs. Cooke and Dr. and • HOSPITAL VASES Mrs. Balough were dinner guests at the Gamma Phi Beta house last Bar Now On • FUNERAL DESIGNS Wednesday. SHOP Fine Flower Gifts Chuck Kurfess' farm in Luckey waa the destination of the Phi Kappa Tau hayride and wiener roast Friday night. Chi Omega held a slumber party with Alpha Phi Friday night, which was climaxed with breakfast Saturday morning. Sigma Nus had a hayride with- SMEIL 'EM out wagons on Oct. 7. The house was piled high with bales of straw OPtN SNVOVCt and hay and other assorted "corn- belt" props through which the "hog-wrestlers" made their way. Phi Mus entertained sailors LOOK! Here's Greyhound's Special

WEEK-END • < •«» • » r« «' EXPRESS between * ♦» • « «» ♦ » Bowling Green » ♦ »i and Columbus if Home in time for dinner Friday) it Back in time for study Sun- IAMET LEI:, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS '53 day!

» • i

KOTOS TAKE* *T nm 9m. • No Stops—Straight Through! • Fast, Time-Saving Service! • Comfortable Greyhound /Si. Super-Coaches I COMPARE CHESTERFIELD Here's Tour Convenient Schedule: LT. BOWLING GREEN Friday) 3:40 p.m. WITH ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! Ar. COLUMBUS (Friday) 6:66 p.m. BEFORE YOU SMOKE THEM Lv. COLUMBUS (Sunday) 6:10 ML can tell Chesterfields will smoke milder, Ar. BOWLING GREEN (Sunday) because tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder. 8:16 p.m. :«s ROUND TRIP FARE AFTER YOU SMOKE THEM $5.40 have no unpleasant after-taste. (U.S. Tax Extra) IMPORTANT WHILE YOU SMOKE THEM you get more pleasure than Please sdvise your Greyhound any other cigarette can give you -th at's why millions of Agent in advance, both in fowling Green and upon arrival Friday smokers say: THEY SATISFY. night in Columbus, when you in- tend to use their new Greyhound r Bowling Green - Columbus Stu- h dent's Express! Greyhound Terminal tj 111 E. Wooster Telephone 8171 GREYHOUND LEADING SELLER IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES Pav4 BEE GEE NEWS. TuMday. October 17. 1950 BG Pass Defense Fails Again; Falcons Bow By BILL GREENHILL Sidelined. Falcon Coach Robert Whittaker must drill his men in the Cross Country Team Cuffs fine points of pass defense if he hopes to come out on the Toledo Wins. First BT JIM DUERK long end of Saturday's Homecoming game with Baldwin-Wal- lace. RETIRING TO our corner, we In Sailing Regatta raise the white flag of truce with The BG pass defense was conspicuously absent Saturday Oberlin, Baldwin-Wallace; as they lost, 12-0, to Michigan Normal at Mt. Pleasant before Toledo JJniversity snatched first the bookies. All Saturday we place in the initial Bowling Green 6,000 fans. The Chippewaf>- battled in the middle of the ring 42 to Phil White who dropped the Invitational Sailing Regatta spon- with a radio and television set, a Crosten Finishes Second passer hit for 15 out of 22, ball deep in Central Michigan ter- sored by the Bowling Green Sail- pencil, and a piece of yellow while the Falcon passing at- ritory. The half ended a few ing Club Sunday. The regatta paper. Coach Dave Matthews' cross country team puts their un- tack was as feeble as ever. minutes later with the ball in BG's was held at the Ottawa Boating The yellow paper was of course defeated record on the block today when they run against For the fourth straight game, the possession in midfield. Club on the Ottwaa River at To- a football "ticket." Our teams Ball State, Indiana. The Ball Staters possess one of the middle of the Falcon line couldn't The Chips almost scored again ledo. The Maumee River at Per- were marked plainly and even up hold the onrushing foes and as a early in the third quarter. BG rysburg, where the meet was sched- finest Midwest cross country squads. result the Falcons were able to until 2 p.m. Saturday our confi- BG added to its laurels over the weekend with a double kicked off and McDonald started uled to be held, was unsuitable for dence had not faltered. complete only 3 out of 19 tries. to throw again. This time he sailing Saturday. But then, the weekly ordeal be- victory over Baldwin-Wallace and Ohio Conference Champion Rune 99 Yards threw six times and completed Bowling Green came in sixth be- gan. The kick-off—and Sampson Oberlin College. The Chippewas Homec o m i n g five, the longest going for 44 hind Michigan, De Pauw, Chicago, Jones, the unheard-of sophomore It was Sophomore Marv crowd plus a couple of BG rooters yards. This drive put the Chips and Omerlin. Notre Dame and from Southwestern Palona scam- Kirk, Chapman Crosten who once again led on the BG 4, 1st down and goal Wayne completed the eight team pered 111 yards for a touchdown. Coach Matthews' long dis- to go. The Chips made a yard lineup. Northwestern did not at- We had picked Angelus-Chris- Exhibition Victors tance runners as they scored an through the middle, but then the tend. tian, favored to win by 13 points. 18-41 victory over BW and took Falcon line stiffened. Russ Clark Three gold cups were awarded The battle of wits was on—just Over Skelly, Mosack measure of Oberlin, 26-29. was dumped for a 5 yard loss. the first three teams and were between the two quarterback*, the All three teams ran together The payoff came a minute later made permanent trophies instead officials, the bookies, and us. Professional Peggy Kirk over the short 3.7 mile course in when Bruce Falb nailed McDon- of rotating as originally planned. Minutes later, the same "un- and Jack Chapman teamed to what is known in cross country ald 17 yards behind the line of The local Sailing Club has plans heard-of" Jones grabbed an An- circles as a double-dual meet. i scrimmage ending the threat. of attending the Ohio State In- gelus punt and went all the way to defeat pro Clara Mosack and Crosten finished second to Obcr- The Falcons tried 21 passes and vitational Sailing Regatta on Nov. the one. But Palona held and Hugh Skelly 2-1 in a 9-hole lin's Dave Staley with a time of completed three. BG failed to 4-5 and a similar event at North- ance again we could breathe. 18:43. Frank Kilgore and Whittaker 1.11. exhibition best ball match at Pass Defense?? Endi Threat complete a pass in the entire first western over the Thanksgiving WITH THE score still 7-0 going Pate helped BG's cause by finish- half. weekend. the University Golf Course ing fourth and fifth, respectively. into the last quarter, Palona found last Saturday. saw Gary Baillargeon, Michigan The Chips were held to a minus The club is holding a meeting themselves. They rammed for Baldwin-Wallace p la c e d Bill halfback, take Hal Dunham's open- Lafer in a tie with Kilgore for three yards on the ground in the in 106A Thursday at 7 p.m. for three quick touchdowns. After P1 a y i n g on a windswept ing kick-off on the one yard line second half. all interested in sailing. the first two, Joe Suretoe kicked course, Miss Kirk and Chapman fourth place, while Tom Venablc and run back through the entire the extra ponnt. On the third, his played a steady game of golf to and Jim Bercns were close-up for Falcon squad 99 yards and a TD. extra point conversion would edge the losers. the Yellow Jackets. After the CM kick-off, the Fal- mean that we would win $1,000 Skelly opened up with a birdie The victories gave the Falcons cons moved the ball to the Chip- dollars. Will he make it - - - TTT7 three on the first hole to put his four straight triumphs without de- pewa 47 yard line before being feat. Previously, the BG harriers Homecoming Battle Nears Two minutes later, we slowly side one-up. Chapmun came right forced to punt. The Chips failed had defeated Albion, 28-27, and picked our exhausted frames from back with a par three on the sec- to get anywhere and John Pnr- l/xn\ football interest is ex- ment, despite the fact that Phillips the floor and proceeded, once we ond to set the match all even. The received a forfeit from John Car- tenio kicked 41 yards to the BG roll. has gone. Ed Haddox, fullback had collected our wits, to rip our third and fourth holes were holved 30. The rest of the first quarter pected to hit the season's peak in '49 h:is shifted to the tailback ticket to shreads. Once this was with birdies und pars respectively. was an exchange of punts as here Saturday when Bowling WOMEN'S NEWS spot and does the throwing. accomplished, we proceeded to use Chapman put his side one up with neither team could get rolling. Green State University enter- For receivers, Haddnx has a pair very harsh language ad recom- a par three on number five. Num- Simondt Completes Three of standouts in veteran end Norb ber six was halved with pars. Seniors, Alumni Clash tains Baldwin-Wallace in the mended that all bookies should The rest of the third quarter Hecker and sophomore halfback take a fast train for a hot place. .".HI h annual Homecoming Day Miss Kirk won number leven In WRA Hockey Feature and all of the fourth was a punt- Dick Delaney. Hecker, brother We swore again we'd never play with a fine cut shot, which left ing duel between Simonds and Par. grid struggle. of the graduated all-time BW those f o o t b a II tickets again. her with one put for a par three ANNUAL Alumn a e - 8 I n i o r tenio. BG-BW clashes in r e c e n t scorer Boh, tallied three touch- "WHAT DID you say, Pete? to put her side two-up. The Hockey Game, sponsored by the downs in the Jacket opening win eighth hole was halved with per BG had one other chance to years usually have turned into WHAT DID you say, Pete? WRA, will be held at 9:30 a.m. score when they moved to the over Ohio Wesleyan, two on pass- threee which decided the match. free-scoring duels, the last two Oh, today's the day for the tick- Saturday on the Women's Fields. Michigan 18. A penalty against es. His other marker came on an The teams played the ninth hole meetings furnishing outstanding ets. Be sure and pick one up for Everyone is welcome to watch. CM put the ball on the 3 but the end around, a play he excels at. me. I've got them all figured FOR for their beet ball totals. Following the game, the WRA examples of offensive football. Chips held. Last year the Yellow Jackets out- Delaney. an Akron high school SURE this week." Hugh Skelly, with his tremen- will serve breakfast to all the product, plays right halfback and dous tee shots, Miss Kirk and players and faculty. About the middle of the second scored the Falcons, 34-21, at quarter, the Chips started a drive Berca and in 1948, Bowling Green does the punting for Coach Eddie IM Football Scores Chapman with their sterling iron Committees for the day are as Finnigan's team. He made the shots, gave a stirring show. follows: decorations for the field, that led to their second score. came out on the long end of a Quarterback Andy M oDoitl d 3.1-28 tally here. scholastic All-Ohio team as a jun- niAT LIAOUI Miss Shirley Spork, new member Jennnine Morris; reception room, ior. Sigma Nu._ threw seven passes on this drive 21 PI Kappa Alpha 0 of the Women's Physicul Edura- Rernadine Reinhardt; food, Doris This will be the 14th meeting of 3lgma Chi 19 Delia Tau Delta.. 0 and completed five for 67 yards. Once again running from a Alpha Sigma Phi 7 Theta Chi fl tion Division staff, promoted the Wurster; favors," Ada Gustaveson; the two Ohio rivals. To date, The scoring play also was a pass modified single wing formation. Phi Kappa Tau ...IS Delta Upeilon 8 exhibition, but did not play. She invitations, Anne Houston; pub- Baldwin-Wallace holds a decided Phi Dell_Delta.-. Kappa Sigma 6 from McDonald to Partenio from BW is expected to be stronger de- Alpha Tau is also a ranking professional. licity, Phyllis Jones. edge in the series with nine wins Omega , 19 Gamma Thsta Nu 0 e e e the 22 into the end lone. The try ngainst two for the Falcons. The fensively with the addition of some Beta Sigma ._ ..16 Sigma Psl Omega fl Chips Foil Drive beefy linemen from last year's Sigma Alpha The Owels 13 Ten Pine _—0 BALLOTS for the coming WRA '31 and '43 games ended in ties. Epsllon -40 Zeta Beta Tau 0 Big Wheels 94 Ramblers 0 elections may be secured in the for the extra point failed. The Jackets, who featured sen- frosh squad. Coach Finnigan does Newman Club 13 Pike Peaken ... t not use the platoon system but INDEPENDENT LEAOUI ookere — e Ml«eie 0 main hall of the Women's Bldg. to- BG lost their best chance to sational Tommy Phillips in their rrewd C A Wing Panthers 0 1'lowni . 6 Darts _..0 day from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. score a few minutes later when aerial circus last season again makes some shifts when the ball Rockets 40 Cowbarn rriers 7 Degenerates fl changes hands. Cowboys 0 3ixiociats 25 Johnson Boys 0 All members are urged to vote. Rex Simonds passed from his own seem to be potent in that depart-

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