Who's What In· M .. C.;Yc~, . Team
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. SWARAIYA, December 2, 1972 SPORTS COMMENTARY: . an aggressive Tight-hand ,opening . bat, excellent fielder and 'useful WHAT IN· M .. C.;YC~, .TEAM medillmpacebowler; '.made his WHO'S <,'--- .. ,'.1.' _ '. _ •• > • - Test debut this year; against Aus- SIDELINER tralia. " '," ", ,,' , WITH THE ARRIVAL of the MeC knocksb6th at Chel~allk and Bom- ' ' .. D. L. (DENIS)' AKuss.(Warwick team in India for a full. tOlir of' bay,.~here his team, West Zone, shire), 29; a' dependable right the country, Test cricket is already .wrested'chack the Dlileep Trophy hand opening, bat,brilliant Helder in the air. Ajit yv'adekar has', from last year's surprise winners, both aLslip and outfield; made his been selected captain and the team"" Ceritral Zone. That was not the Test debut in··1967 against the he will lead in the first Test agairlsf':only encouraging sign. Dilip Sar- West Indies. the visitors to be played in Delhi, .... desai, who set India on the road • A.W. GU~EIG. (SlIssex),2G; an a11- will be picked at the 'end of the to· victory in the 'Vest Indies but rounder-fast-mediumbowler and tourists' ' match.' against' the, was not so successful in England, 7f~:~-scorjng15atsman;stands 6 ft. Cricket BoardPresidenes XI;"signalled his' return to fom1 with 12 111. ",tJ ' .', .. starting on D6cember5.. ", a' brilliant tlu:ee-figure -knock in a G. G. (GEm:F) ARNOLD (Surrey), Indian cricket ,has had. itssek:recorcl partnership ,with 'Vadekar; 28; fast-mediuil1"ibo\vler; made his backs and t~illmphs and has ,so too has the Mysore off-spinner, Test debllt.in,,.1967;·on his first bitten the dust of utter defeat' . E., A. S .. ,Prasanna. With rare per- tour~ but cOllld\l2,ea'real threat to more often thaI) tasted vi<;tOl'y, and .' sevenince"Prasanna has estab- Indian batsmeri!£ ,',.'.. ' yet it never lost its bearings .. On ,'lished his~claim to. recognition. .'. R. M. H. (Bo~)CO'FrAM (North the other hand, it has prospered,;: . '- As' Farokh Engmeer, who has amptonshire), .28; a' fast··medium and its never~say-die' spirit' was, "returned to India on. an invitation bowl~r, c~n' alsQi,>.po.wL cutter~; eventually re~arded in the last·· ~£roT? the Board to. ma~e himself born lllLmcohlslllre, he began hIS tours of the West Indies and Eilg- "avaIlable for the senes, hImself has career ~ith cG~ainp Hampshire, land, which P4t India right on top~ ·,.~aid, it wOlll~ be. suicidal to under- and . last season .joined, Northants; of the cricket ,world .. , .' - . .'. rate the tounsts lust because of the made his' TesC:-HebuL in 1968-69 In all its ch~quered Test cricket<.absence of. GeofF Boycott and againstPakis!aIi:~".,' , history, India has never been up Jol~n . Snow. T!ley are. a ,well- ,JACKIE BIRK~~~i-IAW (Leicester against a more challenging series';:' t.rall~ed, well-kmt team WIth ~ pro~ slure), 32;· off-spmner;, played for Unfortunately, the portents._ are )~sslOnal app~oachthat, could his native Yorkslh~ein.1958, joined not quite stimulating. Over half make all the dIfference, and a fine Leicestershire1two·1 years later; a dozen Test stars of South Zone, ,blend of youth and' experience, most sllccessful;:;pinner of the 1972 for instance, Hopped in their' well-equipped in every depart- slimmer; usefu)i'left~harid batsman. recent Duleep Tl'ophy semi-finalat ment, as the thumb-nail sketches NORMAN' , G~FORD(\Vorcester Chepauk, which 'had the status ,of;. of:_~~~-p~,<~ye~s given. below, would shire), 32;' left~arm', spinner; made a Test trial and which West Zone.' ,sl~0w ';/",':, ,." , . '. his Test debuE-'in 1964; had a good won so handsomely. These in-" - -A .. ' R. (TONY)' LEWIS (Glamor- match againsfIndia at Lord's last eluded· B. S. Chandrasekhar, the\. gan), ·captain; 34; right-hand bats:' year with, four WIckets iIi each Mysorespinner and the hero ofjnaJ~; 'first Welshman ·to ·lead Erig- innings.. ./ '. India's, OVill vIctory lasf- :year;.).,:1'Vld,:aIld .. firs~ to skipper England p, 1. POCOCK (Surrey), 26; oH whose bowling was easy n1e~tJor'.:i'vith?u~,p1~ying, for England; w.as. spinner ana a:,usefulibat·, made.his the'punishing West ZOlie batsmen;;' . 12th. man m .~he __ ?naLTest against Test d~Dutjn .1967ag~inst the and Manstir Ali Khan Pataudi the West IndIes 111 1966. 'Vest Indies. ' ,,' who, in his come-back campaign, ;, .. :]\1. H. (MIKE) DENNESS (Kent), C. M. (CHHIS) OLD (Yorkshire), would seem to have batted himself ,.vice-captain, 32;' 'stylish right-hand ?4; once considered' successor to out of the reckoning, If the South. "batsman; when in foIl flow, can be . Freddie Trueman; .'.' Old is a Zone .!est aspirants' S~10W ~vas" ~ sh~erioy to watch; has played genuine, if somewhat unlucky, depresslllg, even more dlsappomt- ,)11 but· one Test aCYainst New speed merchant. - " ,;',;'<f;;, . ing 'was the failure of West's Ram- Zealand iri 1969~ '. b . ,.D.L., ,,(BEREK).i;i'~U;NDERWOOD nath Parkar, hailed as tbe fiI?-d of K. W,. R. (KEInI) FLETCHliu' , (Kerit),.27;::ari~'. Ul~'&:SlHiL .. typ{;- . of the season to fill the' void left by (Essex), 28, a seasoned Test bats7 left-hrm. ::ispinrreri~;rrbte'd :,sfor:t'his the virtual dismissal of Ashok rpan; .m~de his Test debut in 1968 remarkableco·ri:';isten;::y;~ade his Mankad as Sunil Gavaskar's open- ~lgainst Aus,h:alia; has toured Pakis7 , Testd.eb.llti·iJ~t~~f3?;~Jl.~}d4ha~,s~ f.ar ~ng partnel'. As though these tan an.q Australia and New t;1k.en)20:~wICl<~tS:"1ll~:;27,:.::;:r:ests. were not enough to cast a gloom Zealand. ' , " G. R,:.b (GRA,HAM)"!Roope, (Sur over India's Test outlook, Gavas-,. A. P. E. (ALAN) KNUrl- '(Kent); rey), 26;right-h''alld\lJatsmar{''und , kar himself continues ,to grope ~~li. 26;. a veteran Test wicket-keeper t t d' ' r fi Id' I Id 59 the, dark. ." '. '. ~,. ' with 36 Tests to his credit,. in the ou s an I,ng ~.Ip' e. ~r;?~ .. ' catches 111 the '·1971 season; can Bllt the pre-Tes\ seajon has~ot " dune' mould as his illustrious pre- also_bowl' seamers.' .. ,.,._ ,'. '.'-" been without its s.i v,er. i.ni11g .. ·, Jit ,:' :ecessors Les Ames and Godfrey ~ R. ~OLCHA~D) (Le!cester)ir2~;, has Wa?ekaJ':, who was> ,~n ,aut9.rytflt,H:: . Evans; has played many a match- c9me1n pl:;tce,o£ the. )!ldisposed chOIce for the cap~aJpcy,~ hfl.s~~;~u,-r'l_: .' sa\ling'innings as well. Bob Taylor; -smart :I<eel,Ji:Nlls \vell into top fomi with·t1iree!f!gure, 'BAulw WOOD (Lancashire), 30,' as at' ··1~- t~ ,'.,,_. - ,. < ... 1 enaciousua ."" 'Ho,' ,,"''''_ .