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Hambledon Parish Magazine St Peter’s Church & Village News May 2013 50p Hambledon Parish Magazine, May 2013, Page 2 PARISH CHURCH OF ST PETER, HAMBLEDON Rector The Rev Simon Taylor 01483 421267 [email protected] Associate Vicar The Rev Catherine McBride 01483 421267 Mervil Bottom, Malthouse Lane, Hambledon GU8 4HG [email protected] Curate The Rev David Jenkins 01483 416084 6 Quartermile Road Godalming GU7 1TG Curate The Rev James Gibson 01483 421267 2 South Hill, [email protected] Godalming GU7 1JT Ordinand in training Mr Alwyn Webb 01483 425244 36 Pullman Lane Godalming, GU7 1XY Churchwarden Mrs Vicky Page Sawmill Cottage, Salt Lane Hydon Heath, GU8 4DH 01483 869849 Churchwarden Mrs Jacqui Rook 1 Hambledon Park, Hambledon, GU8 4ER 01428 684390 Assistant Churchwarden Mr David Chadwick, Little Beeches, 14 Springhill, Elstead, Godalming, GU8 6EL 01252 702268 Church Treasurer & Gift Aid Dr Alison Martin Tillies, Munstead Heath Road Godalming GU8 4AR 01483 893619 Sunday Services Full details of these and any other services are set out in the Church Calendar for the month, which is shown on page 5 The Church has a number of Home Groups which meet regularly during the week at various locations. Details from Catherine McBride Tel: 01483 421267 Alpha details and information from John & Jeannie Postill Tel: 01428 687968 Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals contact Copy deadlines for the Hambledon and Busbridge Church Office Tel No: 01483 421267 (Mon – Friday, 9.30am – 12.30pm) June magazine Where there is sickness or where a visit would be valued, contact the Church Wardens The deadline is Thursday, 16 May The Rector is normally off duty on Fridays Please send your copy to The Associate Vicar is normally off duty on Fridays John Hindley Busbridge Copse Farm, Salt Lane, The nearest Roman Catholic churches are St Teresa of Hydestile, Godalming, GU8 4DH Avila, Chiddingfold (Fr Chris Bergin 01428 643877); Email: [email protected] St Edmund, Croft Rd, Godalming and St Joseph’s, Tel: 01483 860219 Milford (Fr Michael 01483 416880) TO SUBSCRIBE £5 per year Advertisers, please contact AND HAVE THE MAGAZINE Tony Parker DELIVERED, PLEASE CONTACT Email: [email protected] PAT WILLIAMS 01428 682455 Tel: 01428 683577 Hambledon Parish Magazine, May 2013, Page 3 Vicar’s Views – May s I write this we are just about to have our Parish Assembly and the Annual Parochial Church Meet- ing is in a few days’ time; both great opportunities to look back and reflect on the past year. For me, A it is also the end of my first full year here in Hambledon. In many ways it seems to have flown past and it feels like only yesterday that we crammed into Hambledon church for my licensing service, in other ways it feels like I’ve been here for ages – which I’m taking as a good sign that I am feeling settled and at home. Thank you for making me feel so welcome. Shortly after I started we had the Village Fete, Ball and all the Jubilee celebrations and I quickly learned that, for all its quintessential rural charm, Hambledon is a village that knows how to let its hair down and enjoy itself! All these events were thoroughly enjoyable and a great introduction to village life. It was wonderful for the church to be able to use the marquee on the Sunday of that weekend and welcome many villagers to a packed service of around 300 people. Over the year I have been delighted to continue the strong links with our excellent Nursery School. I am now serving on the board of trustees – a fantastic group, of very dedicated people - and one of our church team has been going in as a volunteer each week. We have held short Harvest and Easter services for the Nursery in the church, which have been great fun and attended by around 80 people – half of whom were under 4 years old! The church also helps to host a monthly coffee morning with the Nursery in the Merry Harriers, for the mums and carers of pre-school children, so do pass the word round to anyone you know who might appreciate this opportunity The church also hosts its own coffee morning on the third Tuesday of every month, up at the church itself, to which all are welcome. This has gone from strength to strength this year and there is always a plen- tiful supply of cake and good conversation. If you need a lift, just let us know and someone would be happy to bring you. Our Sunday services have each grown a little and each Sunday we have around 50-60 worshippers across our two services: the traditional service at 9:30am and contemporary service at 11:00am and we have recently had our new audio-visual system installed, which will enhance our worship at both these services. The system includes a new induction loop and we were very grateful to receive a grant from the Community Fund towards the cost of this. We had good turn-outs for our Remembrance Day service and Christmas and Easter services. The fam- ily service on Christmas Day was especially fun as we squeezed into every available seat and enjoyed some audience participation (thanks to those who gamely joined in with readings and prayers and passing the par- cel!). During Holy Week, in the run-up to Easter, we tried something new and had a number of creative in- stallations in the church and around the churchyard which helped to tell the Easter story. Despite the bitterly cold weather we had a good number of visitors who found this a moving and inspiring experience. It has been particularly encouraging for me to see how members of the church have been involved with various village events and to see their support for many village activities, from helping with the shop, to in- volvement with the football club and from working with the Almshouses’ trustees to holding Rock and Roll evenings in the village hall to raise money for the Community Fund. The last thing we want to be is a ‘holy huddle’ at the top of the hill. We are here to bless and support our local community and are always willing to hear of ways in which we might help; so do let us know. The Bible gives us a helpful way of thinking about what it means to be church. It talks about the church as being a body. Each part of the body has its own specific and unique contribution to make to the whole. No one part of the body is more or less important than any other part and it’s crucial that each part of the body is doing its bit in order to ensure the body is working properly. For the church that means every member is val- ued and has a valuable contribution to make. If that’s true for the church, then it would seem to be true for a village too. Over the past year I’ve discovered that Hambledon is a lovely place to live, but let’s make sure Hamble- don remains a great village to be part of by all doing our bit and finding ways to support one another and sup- port our community. Catherine McBride, Associate Vicar, God bless, Hambledon and Busbridge Hambledon Parish Magazine, May 2013, Page 4 CHURCH CALENDAR May 2013 5th May 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) 6th Sunday of Easter 11.00 am All Age Messy Church ____________________________________________________ Thursday 9th May 7.30 pm Churches Together Service at Godalming United Church, Ascension Day Bridge Street. Preceded by a Bring & Share Supper . ____________________________________________________ 12th May 9.30 am Morning Prayer (BCP) 7th Sunday of Easter 11.00 am Holy Communion (with children’s groups) ____________________________________________________ Saturday 18th May 8.30 am to 10.00 am - Prayer Breakfast in Church Rooms A time to meet together for prayer: all are welcome ____________________________________________________ 19th May 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) Pentecost 11.00 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups) ____________________________________________________ 26th May 9.30 am Morning Prayer (BCP) Trinity Sunday 11.00 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups) ____________________________________________________ And in June 2nd June 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) 1st Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am All Age Church Service, with baptism ____________________________________________________ Services at St. John’s, Busbridge 8.30 am 1st & 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion 10.00 am Every Sunday “Classic” service in Church “Contemporary” service in Busbridge Junior School Groups for children of all ages in various locations – turn up & ask 6.30 pm Benefice Evening Worship St Peter’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting, on Sunday 21 April he meeting was attended by members of the PCC and 26 other parishioners, including some members of the T Busbridge congregation. Our churchwardens, Jacqui Rook and Vicky Page, were re-elected and David Chadwick agreed to continue as deputy warden. Derek Miller and John Adams continue as our representatives on Deanery Synod. The meeting, the first for The Revd Catherine McBride who has been the Associate Vicar since May, received written reports on the buildings and equipment, PCC and various activities of the church in the past year and accepted the accounts, presented by our treasurer Alison Martin. Alison reported that the fi- nances of St Peter’s are in good order, thanks to the continued generosity of Hambledon people. The Rector, The Revd Simon Taylor, chaired a lively meeting and spoke of his vision that Hambledon and Busbridge could take an active role in bringing people to the Christian faith by reaching out to a much wider group of people, showing love and care to all; leaving a legacy to future generations of a growing church and helping to bring the nation to Christ.