
Arkansas of Conservation Interest

Arkansas Birds of Conservation Interest (ABCI) are a focus of the Arkansas Important Areas (IBA) program. A site may be recognized as an IBA if it consistently supports a significant population of one or more ABCI species. Audubon tracks their populations at IBAs. Audubon Arkansas and the IBA Technical Committee consider these species to be at risk in the state to varying degrees. It is our hope that no native species currently occurring in the state be extirpated. Mottled Duck (Clint Sowards) Trumpeter Swan (Dan Scheiman)

Hooded Merganser (Robert Herron) Northern Bobwhite (Robert Herron) Pied-billed Grebe (Robert Herron)

Anhinga (Dan Scheiman) (Nick Anich) Little Blue (Charles Mills) (William Branham)

Black-crowned Night-Heron Tricolored Heron (Robert Herron) (Robert Herron) Yellow-crowned Night-Heron White (Robert Herron) (Robert Herron)

Osprey (Ryan Brady) Swallow-tailed Kite (Ron Howard) Northern Harrier MississippiMississippi Kite Kite (Bill Branham) (Robert(Robert Herron) Herron)

Yellow Rail King Rail (David Arbour) (USFWS) Purple Gallinule Common Gallinule (Bill Branham) (Charles Mills)

Piping Plover Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Ryan Brady) (Ryan Brady) American Woodcock (Richard Baetsen) Least Tern (Ryan Brady)

Short-eared Owl (Ron Howard) Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Dean Elsen) Ivory-billed Woodpecker Willow Flycatcher (John James Audubon) (Ryan Brady)

Loggerhead Shrike Bell’s Vireo (Robert Herron) (Ron Howard) Bank Swallow Bewick’s Wren (Dan Scheiman) (Ryan Brady)

Sedge Wren Marsh Wren (Ryan Brady) (Dave Herr) Sprague’s Pipit Black-throated Green Warbler (Matt White) (Ryan Brady)

Cerulean Warbler Worm-eating Warbler (Ron Howard) (Ron Howard) Swainson’s Warbler (Nick Anich) Bachman’s Sparrow (Joe Neal)

Rufous-crowned Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow (Robert Herron) (Charles Mills) Henslow’s Sparrow Smith’s Longspur (Robert Herron) (Ron Howard)

Rusty Blackbird (Nick Anich)