U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, FLOWABLE TRI-BASIC COPPER
:1 ,, 'I -------~ACCEPTE....,· '--" MM 2 5 198\ Un:tel ~. '.4Ito] I"!~; Ii;: ..... ' rutJtd6e. (lnd Redanticldd 4.••. '. -I~ "\S '3r.,4!', ""ed. 1o. the p'!'Sdeidf't _itl~I' . ,,.. ler I PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS pA R·~,i:..'!!.!Jd:"_-" FLOWABLE HAZARDS TO HUMANS TRI·BASIC COPPER Fm spray ..nk IppRlxlmllely Y. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREW ACTIVE INGREDIENT 11ftOU"1 01 Flowatlle Tr' ....Ic B.,lccopper.ull.l. "" ''''',''",., ........ " .... 54.0% I.nk 10 .boul '1, lull .nd INERT INGREDIENTS, " . , " .,,', ....... ,'.,.,' 48.0% WARNING (Copper ., ......111c 21.2%) apra,lnglsospr"der'Sllclck:"~i'~:~;I:~~;:::': HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Til.. producl contalna .Iba. of lII-h.1O copper eullaleperpUon. c-.,elrrlta-. Do_ getln.,n. Wear_... or faoolhilld AI_: Brown rot.nd Shot hole ..... 1\IIIcIIIItg. 100 gallona waler wilh ~ gallol\ lor conlrol of Brown rol ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Slage, Do nOISDI,a. •• HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Brown rOI apply gallons combined • :nn produCII. tOllc 10 fI,h. Keopouf of I.kn, ._m., or ponds. Do • no: .ppIy ....... __ condHIon. drift lrom .... I".fecl. Do per acre. Note: Use 1Va f._ popcom slage. Wilh • not _tamlnate w..... 1_, or feed bJ .tor.ge, cIUnInO of equip- WARNING ment, or dI __1 of w...... Brown rot. apply 2 to STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT spreader-sticker. ..... --------------~ DIRECTIONS FOR USE II.wlllowtel: DrInk 1 or 2111 ..... 01 w.ler or milk and Induce vomll· ApriCOt.; Brown rot .IId SlIot Il0l. .•• .. Ing by louchlng b.ck ollhroal wllh finger or blunlobJect. Do nolln· per 100 gallons waler cOfl'blned . , • II .. a ......11on of Federal I•• 10 u.
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