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MM 2 5 198\ Un:tel ~. '.4Ito] I"!~; Ii;: ..... ' rutJtd6e. (lnd Redanticldd 4.••. '. -I~ "\S '3r.,4!', ""ed. 1o. the p'!'Sdeidf't _itl~I' . ,,.. ler I PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS pA R·~,i:..'!!.!Jd:"_-" FLOWABLE HAZARDS TO HUMANS TRI·BASIC COPPER Fm spray ..nk IppRlxlmllely Y. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREW ACTIVE INGREDIENT 11ftOU"1 01 Flowatlle Tr' ....Ic B.,lccopper.ull.l. "" ''''',''",., ...... " .... 54.0% I.nk 10 .boul '1, lull .nd INERT INGREDIENTS, " . , " .,,', ...... ,'.,.,' 48.0% WARNING (Copper ., ...... 111c 21.2%) apra,lnglsospr"der'Sllclck:"~i'~:~;I:~~;:::': HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Til.. producl contalna .Iba. of lII-h.1O copper eullaleperpUon. c-.,elrrlta-. Do_ getln.,n. Wear_... or faoolhilld AI_: rot.nd Shot hole ..... 1\IIIcIIIItg. 100 gallona waler wilh ~ gallol\ lor conlrol of Brown rol ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Slage, Do nOISDI,a. •• HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Brown rOI apply gallons combined • :nn produCII. tOllc 10 fI,h. Keopouf of I.kn, ._m., or ponds. Do • no: .ppIy ...... __ condHIon. drift lrom .... I".fecl. Do per acre. Note: Use 1Va f._ popcom slage. Wilh • not _tamlnate w..... 1_, or feed bJ .tor.ge, cIUnInO of equip- WARNING ment, or dI __1 of w...... Brown rot. apply 2 to STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT spreader-sticker...... ------~ DIRECTIONS FOR USE II.wlllowtel: DrInk 1 or 2111 ..... 01 w.ler or milk and Induce vomll· ApriCOt.; Brown rot .IId SlIot Il0l. .•• .. Ing by louchlng b.ck ollhroal wllh finger or blunlobJect. Do nolln· per 100 gallons waler cOfl'blned . , • II .. a ...... 11on of Federal I•• 10 u.. III.. produCt In I rna""", 1ft. duoovornlling or IIlve anything by moulll lo.n unconsclou. person. • COM ...... willi Ita "bellng. Gel mtellcll.Uenllon. conlrololBrown rot Shot should IIole be ~'i~:~~:!~~~;1 ~nn,lI"" •• r;- when trees are in leat. II In .,e" Flu.h 'Y" willi ••Ier lor ...... 115 mlnut.. , hoIcIIng 1 'I. gallons slicker per acr,. ar.o .F ayend ••p.rt. SHIc medical attention Immedlalely. swelling buds and reduce to 1 V.. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL apply Ihe maximum rale So Ieft.lde pa.. 1 lor .ddllion.. procautlonary .Iat.m.nt•• November and December. but STOR~GE: Do nol.II_lhl. pcoducllo ...... Sld.t tam· I peralurea .bo.. 40' F. Avocados - Anthracno.e.Scab, water. Begin treatment when Pnllclde, .pra, ml.lurl, or fln ..lllh .. cannol ... Mfg. by: Cities Service Company DISPOSAL: laslspray 140 UHd ,IIould ~. dllpoHCl olin. I.ndllll.pprowed Copperhill Operations 8·1956. or Similard~:~~:~~~:~~,::;:::J types lor pulicide,. or burled In • IIf. place •••, Irom Copperhill, Tennessee control effectiveness. ••t.rsuppll ... EPA Reg. No. 1109-34 EPA Est. No. CONTAINER fo,.11 m.I.I or P/•• llc conl./nl.. , Irlpll rln .. (or FonnNo.N4A noaa - 1 quart DISPOSAL: equlv.... ,I) and dl,_ 01 In.n Ipprovediandllll Repeal when lIower or bury h. a III. pI.ce. Fo, .11 fibre drum .. open Net Contents __ Gallons Cane spol and bumlng .nd dumping I. pfohlblltel. Con.ull apply ",he. leall bUI~s~~gin la,op,.n J Federal, S"I., or Ioc., dIIpoaal.ut"","," for.p­ 8 posl·h&MlSI spray proved procadu.... 100 gallons wale' combined with 1

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MIXING DIRECTIONS AND ChInIH (Sour\: Brown rot, BIonDm blight - use 210 2'/. quan. DWABLE plus 'I. 10 1 g8;lon spreader·slicker. APPly al popcorn and lale RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE bloom Spray add 5 iu.,; 'r!lsh hy jraled spray per l00gallons. F SICCOPPER 2'1. quans plus5lbs. of &Nay [me per IOOgalionsapplied al pel, FIII.pr.y I.nk .pprollm.t.ly ,,, lull 01 w.lor.nd with .glt.lor running•• dellhI raqulrocl Use 210 2'., quans per 100 gallons plus'!. 10 1 gallon Slicker an amounl 01 Flow.bIe Trl-B ••lc Copper. 'I ••prl.~r.sllckar Is raeomma_. 1111 spr.y spray...... 54.0·4 I.nk 10 .boul 'I, lull .nd .dellhI .mounl raeommended by IhI m.nul.cturar 01 IhI ...... 4e.o% .pre.dlr·sllckar. Flnl.h IIlIIng lhe spr.y I.nk wllh w.tor.nd keep .gll.lor running unlll , •• _ ..1I1c 28.2%' Cilrul: Brown rol- Use 1 pinl per l00gallon5 waler by d;lule spra .praylnlll8 camp ..... N_ .11_ . pa.llclda 10 ram.ln In IhI tpray tank _lghL In 75 gallons waler by concenlrale sprays. In areas where co previously occurred add 'I. lb. of fresh high qualify spray lime lor e ~. or 1l\oII8IIo cappar.ulfa" per gallon. FRUITS AND NUTS BaSic Copper uSed. Apply allirsl indication of rain or 'irsl app I C Repeal as needed 10 prolect during weI wcather. I Almonet.: B_n roI.nd Shothola - Convenllonal dilule spray - Use 210 2'1. quans in ...... 100 gallons wal8l' with 1 gallon slicker and apply 350 10400 gallons per acre. Bud spray. CDru. (FIorIda.nd T..... ) - .aI._.nd Gr... y spot (or pkIIt • lor conlrol of Brown rol and Shol hOle should be applied al bud Ihrough popcom Use I'" pinls per 100 gallons waler by dilule spray. With aerial REACH OF CHILDREN. slage. Do nol spray allerlrees are in leaf. As adormanl spray for conlrol ofShol hOle and use 5 to 8 quarts per acre diluted to the proper concent,f"tior, L IF SWALLOWED. Brown rol apply December 15 10 January 15. Conoenlrale sprayers - Use 1'410 1'/. sprayer used, bul do nol use less Ihan 10 gallons per acre. Fo.m gallons combined wilh 1102 gallons slicker and apply asabove in 25 to 5Ogallons waler , to 3 weeks .IIer pelal fall. Repeal 4 weeks laler II necessa~ ~.j per acre. Nole:Use 1 't. gallons per acralhrough swelling buds and l'!,gallonsperacrain pilling, make a Summer spray (June 10 July). Sulfur, wellabll!, 9 ~HHING popcorn slage. With aeridl spray dUring Ihe dormanl season for conlrol 01 ShOI hole and eluded in sprays tor malanoS8. A spreader-sticker may be add~~ Brown rOI. apply 2 10 2'" gallons per acra '" 20 gallons 01 waler combined with a tpP.ACTICAL TREATMENT spreacJer-sticker. .' I CDru. (FI_ only, - llmas - Rid Algi - Mi. 1'I, pints per t plied as a dilule ground sprAY. Apply in Ihe early summer (JuOOI 1 ..._ 01 w.ler or milk .ndlnduce ...... 11· Apricots: B_n rol.nd Shot hola - Conventional dilute spray - Use 210 2'1. quans Repeal in lale summer (early Augusl, loconlrol new colonies. A ~ Ioal wIth'/ngIr Of blunl obfect. Do nol In­ per l00gallons waler combined wilh '/0 10 1 'I. gallons Slicker, As a dormanlspray lor added if desired. ~Ing by mouth toan uncon",-peraOft. conlrol '0' ShOI hole disease apply November 1510Janua" 15. Bud sprays 'or control of Brown rol shoUld be '1pplied Ihrough swelling buds and popcorn slage. Do nol spray . Fllbens - Filbert or B.ct.rI.1 bllghl- Mi. 3 quarts in l00'gall , when trees are In leaf. Concentrate spray - Use 1'1. to 1 V, gallo'lS combined 'hith t to suitable spreader·.licker and apply by dilule groun,lspray. Make ~ w.'" lor .1 ....115 minutes. hOIcIIng 1111 gallons sticker per acre and apply as above. Note: Use 1y, gallons per acre through August or early September before first heavy fall r~!ns.lf heavy r ~Ii o_1on Immedlatlly. swelling buds and reduce 10 1 % gallons In popcorn slage. When bud bllghl is a problem, and early winter, repeat application when l;~ of lea\-'8S haveltto~ ,I apply the maximum rate shown above after most of the leaves have fallen. usually In 1_I.,...,.utlan.ry ..., ...... November and December. but ahead of fall rains. G.-pas: Anlhr.cnosa. BI.ck rot, o-ny mll_ - Dilule 5pray~ gallons water, Make first application when new growth is y, inc A,OUdOs-Anlhracncse,Scab,BIotch(CIrcosporaspot)-Use3plntsperl00galions 1010 14 days. Concenlrale spray - Use 2102'1t quansperacr water. Begin treatment when blossom buds open. Repeat at monthly intervals making good coverage and apply as !l;tated above. ~j s Service Company lasl spray 140 days alter bloom. Addition 01 a spreader·sllcker such"~ Nu·Film 17, Triton mill Operations 8-1956. or similar types at their manufacturer's recommended rate wll1 enhancedisease M.ngos - Anlhracnose - Mi. 3 pinls per 100 gallons waler emili, Tenne ..H control effectivenesS. panicles are about 2 inches long. Repeat weekly until fruit tiel 8!1 ~ monlhly Ihrough Seplember. This will require aboul 12 apphq EPA No. Bem" (Bilckbem". Boysenbarrlls, Dewberries. Logonbem", Raspbem"t. Anth.. c­ spreader·slicker. such as Nu·Fllm 17. Triton B-1956orstmllarlyt1 l ea .. IICSI> - Use' quan per 100 g.lllons 0' waler. Begin spray when lea' buds beginlo open. er'S recommended rate will ennance disease control. " , Repeal when flc.wer bUcis show and continue all0 10 14 day inlervals. Lea' and Cane spol and Yellow rusl- In spring sprays use 1 quan per 100 gallons of wal&r and OUv":L•• ' ...... (.... cockspol'-Use2102v. quans per l00goll ~8n.. __ Gallons apply when lea' buds begin 10 open and repeal when flower buds Show white. Also make la14.0clober. Nola: In areas with 10 inches or less rainlall per Y"l a posl·ha.... 1 spray alter pruning, bul be'ore fall rains ""gin 10 fall. using 3 quans pet 100 gallons. Concentrate sprays - Use 1'12 gallon per acre In "~ 100 gallons waler combined with I 10 1'/. gallons sticker. waler. Read and follOW aboV9 nole on. rainfallllmltalion. I

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CheItfft (Sour): Brown rot, BIOIIOm bllghl- Use 210 2'1. quarts per 100 gallons waler PllelMl lnd Nectarines: Peachbllght(SIIolhOlt), Leaf curl.ndlrownret. IkIt_.nd canota: Down, mIIde I plus 'I. 10 1 gallon spreader·slicker. Apply al popcorn and lal& bloom slages. In lale Twlgblloht - Dilute spray - Use 2103quarts per 100 gallons waler pluS 1 10 1'1> gallons acre. Begin treatment' bloom spray add 5 Ibs.Iresh hylrated spray IImeper l00gallons. For leal spot apply 2 to sticker. Concenlrale sprays - Use I '1,10 2gallon8 per acre plus I 101 'h gaUon sticker in 2'1> quarts plus Sibs. 01 spray I me per l00gallons applied al pelallall. For$hol hole­ 251050 gallons waler per acre. The lall dormant spray for leaf curl and Shot hole must Ctlery- Eartrbtlllhll QuiNe! Use 2 10 2'1> quart. per 100 gallons ptus 'I, to t gallon sticker and apply a8 a dormant be applied before the lall rains begin - usually Irom November 15 to December IS. pected or first appear lopray spray. i Spring bud sprays for Brow~ rot. , uri. and ShOI hole should be applied belore the control tank·mix FlOW ,ollhe loliage buds swell and again In luU pln~ bud stage. Do not apply alter pink bud stage or labeled rates as Ihe 1 l'Iull10 Cltrua: lrownrol- Use 1 plnl per 100 gallons waler by dilule spray or % I)8110n per acre damagelo Ihe lIowersmay result. (Optimum spray time to control Brown rot Is the spray used alone at labtrleo ilJhL In 75 gallons water by concenlrate sprays. In areas where copper spray Injury has at lull pink bud stage.) For Leal curl control application must be made before lollage prevlousty occurred add 'h lb. 01 Iresh high quality spray lime for each lb. 01 Flo",able Tri· buds swell. Consult your Slate Agricultural Experiment Station. To .Id In control of Cucurlllte (cucu""*"1 BaSic Copper uSed. Apply al flrsl Indication 01 rein or IIrst appearance 01 Brown rot. pe.ch I.Cllllal spot. apply 3 pints per 100 gallons water plus sticker alter teaves begin mildew - Use 1 quartj first expecled or who Repeat ~c; nt!eded to protect during wet ~eather. to fall for dormant season. diseases. ~.lfts in . Clillamle onI,: For.llght.nd L•• leurl contraI- 2102V, gallons In 20 gallona 01 water ,.prays COruS(FlorklI Ind T.... ' - MlllnOl•• nd G.... , lpot(or plnk·plnlng ofgrapelrult,­ With sticker may be applied by aircraft to one acre during dormant season. 0nI0nt: ,...,.. blotch r.poorn Use lila pints per 100 gallons water by dilute spray. With aerial or concentrate sprays acre. Begin when fl1aJ [.ole and " use 5 to 8 quarts per acre diluled to the proper concentration lor the specific Iype Pe ... - Flra blight (Wlliern U.s., - Use 'I, pint per 100 gallons of waler•.• pply 400 I to 111, sprayer used. bul do not use less than 10 gallons per acre. Fo,mel.no.. control apply 1 oallons spray per acre. '!Iil~ .C9lIcentrate sprays use 2 plnls per acre In recommended Peanuts: CIrcOIpora r.water 10 3 weeks alter petal'all. Repeal. weeks tale" II necessary~ totOmSY lpot (or pink· quantilles of waler. Apply at j(joy, !>loom and repeat at 510 7 day Intervals during bloom. first expected or app 'acreln plttlngl make a summer spray (June 10 Julyj. Sulfur. wettabtIl9r.fJoWable:m" lit In­ 00 not uS~'Oh.O·Anlon. Comic!'!. or Se;;kel varieties. wettable or flowablf:' ~ hoand cluded in sprays for melanoSe. A spreader-sticker may be add.~4~ desired..... t • ,. . " ~\'Ilth a Plums .nd PlUnea: Brow'; rcit, Shol hOlt - Use 2 to 2'1. quarts plus I 10 1 'I. geUoo Peppers - BaCltrlat~ Citrus (Florida only) - lImeS - Alga - Mix I 'h pinlS per 100 gallons 01 ap· sticker pet !C!O;g'l.lIons watc!r. For Shol hole control apply as a dormant In November or and continue at 7 d w~te: disease appears and plied as a dilute g'Jund spray. Apply in Ihe earlyaummer (JUn€) os a preventsli;,,; spray. December belOre heavy fall r"'IOsbegln. For Brown rot controt apply alearly bud or

I Juatis Repeat In lale summ. (early Augustl tocont.,1 new cotonles. A dweader.stlcturr may be full pope 'n stages. Con ••r.t'ale spray - Use I 'to gallons plus I to tv. gallons ,"Ieker Pole_ Eartr.nd ~ adtled if desired. • • ~ ••••• In 25 to 50 ga11~n$ waler 811!iapllly to one acre. prdy for emerge and repeat :\{, "Iuolof callfornl. "0,,1,. F"r alrcra!, spr{oy to controt ShOI hole and Brown rol blossom bllghl , FIIbtrts - FIlbert or Bacterlll bllllht - Mix 3 quarts in 100 'g,lIlolls 01 waler al/Illng a apply 2 to 2'1, gallons plus shcker In 20 gallons waler and apply 10 one acre during " spray Spln•• h: Anthracno~ wITh 1 to suitabte spreader·stlcker and apply by dilute ground spray. Make IIrst applicati~n ill late dormant ~~~o: . ~ quarts per acre. 8er:l~ "'OU9h August or early September before IIrsl heavy lall rains. If heaw rain. contlnueifuilh6 fall t Wilnull ..; Becteilll bllgil~(WMlem U.S.I- Apply 1'1. gallons per acre. In can centrale I~)blemf and early winter. tepeat application when )<~ of leaves have 1:tsdpp,e6. : SlIgo,S-caiCOS~ ...... tPray"", u.c lOOV~lIons spray per acre. Make two treatments. the IIrst In early prebloom 1"ally In pears and repeat eve! ~ Grapes: AlI1hracno.. , BI.ck rot, Downy mildew - Dilule spray - Use 1 quart per tOO (t % plslillate. nol catkin. blooms ,haWing) and Ihe second In tate pre bloom when 1010 20',', plstlllale. not catkin. blooms are Showing. Repeat applicalions lor bllghl conlrot 3 gallons water. Make first application when new growth i!;; '/2 Inch long and repeat every Toml_lectorIel to 4 times during the gro ..... mg season If necessary 10 control disease. f l.Jaltons 10 to 14 days. Concentrale spray - Use 2 to 2'1> quarts per acre In sufflclenl waler for Bllghl- Use 210 4 pil 'makfng good coverage and apply as stated atove. Repeat at 7 to 10 oj~ ~1 1riton VEGETABLE AND FIELD CROPS Bravo. Dithane M-4S. ~llsease Mlng~ - Anthracno.. - Mix 3 pinls per 100 gaUons water. Begi,.lreatmenl when Miling tnslructlons: Mix recommended lmoun" 01 FIow.bte Tri·B.slc for OM .CII In broad range 01 toma!1 panicles are about 2 Inches long. Repeat weekly until fruil sel and then continue sprays .u"lcIenl w.ter lor ~ coveraga with •••h t,PI ollpr.y". With dllu.. groundspr.",. prOducts used in midi monlhly Ihrough September. This ",III require aboul 12 applications. Addition 01 a gan... Uy .ppl, 20 10 50 lIallonl spr., po 1.11. With .oncanlr.te _y"'aa-.tly.p­ ed tate of Oithane "'1 ~"lhrac­ spreader·slicker. such as Nu·Fllm 17. Triton B·I956 or similar Iypes at their manufactur· pi, 20 10 50 g.lIons IIIr.y Plr I.ra. WhO, • Ifllt Ipra,_ genortU, .pply S 10 10 gatlans Trl·Baslc Copper. , ).,open. er's recommended rate will enhance disease control. Ipr.y Plr .c... bul do not u .. t.t" !hon ~ ~.lIons spray mixtull per .crt. ConIuIt the rl at and mlnul.ClulI' lor r.. ommandod ...1 ... oIUInK gar _ for 'Ighrtn IIIr.",. olerand Olives: L ••fspot(peaCOCk lpotl- Use2102V. quarts per lOOgalions waler and apply In AIce: Seedlol Ind d. ~omake late October. Nole: In areas w~h 10 InCheS or '_ss rainlall per year. use onty 1 quart per sa.M(G...... nd dry): Bact.rlat bUg.,.. • - App:, i 10 2 quarts per acre. Begin Irealmenl Flowable Trl·aosic C! ~.Ht8per 100 gallons. Concentrate spra~s - Use 1 'h; gallon per acre in not less than 40 gallons when disease Is first e)(pecte~ anti repeCli at 7 to ·0 day intervals until haf'fest of green devices generally us~ "ater. Read and follOW above note on rainfalilimltation. beans or UP to 6 sprays on dry beans. \ lor leed or lOOd purol . , I

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ilonswater P•• c .....nd Nect.rlnes: PMChbllght(Shol ho"~ IAo.I Cllil.nd Brown rot, B\otIom.nd c.rrots: Downy mlkllw, C.lCOSpor. and AIt.... rI ....1 bllght- Use 1 '4 10 2 Quarts per es. In late TwIg bllghl- Dilule spray - Use 210 3 quarls pe",oo gallons walerplusl10 I'll gallons acre, Begin trealment when disease firsl appears and repeal al710 10 oay Intervals, I :apply210 sliCker, Concenlrale sprays - Usc 1'I, 102 gallons per acre plus 110 I '/, gallon Slicker In "olhole­ 25 to 50 gallons waler per acre, The lall dormanlspray lor Leal curl and Shol hole musl CIIaIy - Early bllghl- Use 2 quarts per acre. Begin Irealmenl when dlseas.ls first ex· ~ , a dormant be applied belore Ihe fall rains begin - usually Irom November 1510 Decer.lber 15, pecled or flrsl appears. Repeal al7 day Inlervals up to harvest. Nole: For beSI disease Spring bud sprays lor Brown rol, Leaf curl. '~nd Shol hole should be applied belore lhe conlrol tank·mlx Flowable Trl·Ba8lc with Bravo. Dlthane M-45, Maneb. or Manzale. all al foliage buds swell and again In lull pink I!ud stage. Do nol apply after pink bud slage or labeled rates as the tank·mlx will improve disease control over any of these prOducts il· m per acre damage to Ihe lIowers may result. (Optimum spray time to control Brown rot Islhe spray used ale 11"::' at labeled fates. .' 'f ,njury has al tull pink bud stage., For Leaf ,.rl control applicalion musl be made belore foliage i.lwableTrl- buds swell. Consult your State Agricultural Experiment Slation. To .klin control of Cueumll. ,~'UC\lmbsrs, squ.sh••• """.Ion., cant.loupae, - Downy ml_, Powdery 6rown rot. ....cIIBact_1 apot, apply 3 pints per 100 gallons waler plus sliCker after leaves begin m.-- Use t Quart per acre. Begin spray Irealmant 2 weeks weekly before dlse... ls to tall tor dormant season. flrsl e.pected or when it IIrSI appears an .. repeal weekly .s long .. needed 10 control I diseases. I ClHlomll only: For BIIgbI.nd La.I curl control- 2102'1, gallons In 20 galtons 01 waler I '.pelrull) - with sticker may be applied by aircraft to one aCre during dormant 88ason. OniOns: blolch (Ciliforni. only) .nd Down, mildew - Use t'l, 10 2 quarts .... I'ale sprays acre. Begin ..hen planls are 4 to 8 Inches and repeal al 710 10 day Inlervals. I CIlIC Iype P.... - FI .. blighl (W.. lern U.s., - Use ,/, plnl per 100 gallOns of waler, Apply.oo ,,,ollopply I gallons spray per acre. ~!I~.Cfltlcenlrate sprays use 2 pinla per acre In recommended P ••nut.: CIrcospor.... 1 spol - Use t 10 1,/, quarts per acre. Begin when disease Is S(Or pink· quanlilies of waler. Apply all0';' bloom and repeal a1510 7 day Inlervals during bloom. fir:· t e.pecled or appears, Repealall0 10 14 day Inlervals, Nole: The addition of 21bs. Of I m,'1I!11l- Do nol us~"I1.rrAnlon...... CQm~e.., . or Seckel vanetles. weltable ('r 'towable sulfur per acre In a tank·ml .. will enhance leaf spot control. I Plum ••nd Ptun.. : Brow'; rei'; Shot IIoIa - Use 2 10 2'1, Quarts plus 1 10 1'/, gallon Poppera - B.ct.I.I.pol - use 310 4 plnls per acre, Slart sprays in Seedbed or field slicker pe~ lCP.QaJlons wal6t. For ShOI hole conlrol apply as a dormanl in ~"vember or end conllnue at 7 day Inlervals, Nole: II Is very Importanl Ihal sprays begin before t, ~~I~;a~ disease appears and continue sprays during the cr•• feal fruiting period for best control. I,Hive spray. December belore heavy fall minsbegin. For Brown rOI control apply al earf~ green bud or ~K6tmaybe lull popcorn siages. Con


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