JR EAST JAPAN What is a MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM STAMP RALLY Stamp Rally? In the Stamp Rally held by JR East Japan, collect stamps from the major stations around the JR East Japan area in the special pamphlet (stamp booklet). You can receive prizes and other perks based on the number of stamps collected.

Calling all Gundam fans. The legend of the Universal Century is being brought to life by JR. Please note that only 1 stamp booklet per person is permitted. Only 1 prize will be offered to participants even if Prizes Conquer the challenge of they have 2 booklets. The prizes are limited in quantity (first come, first served). We kindly ask for your understanding. completing all stations! limited Participate in the stamp rally and enjoy the following! Complete all stations and Grab a stamp booklet Get 9 stamps and Prizes receive a 1/144 RX-78-2 E235 limited Getting to 9 stations & Gundam exclusive JR East and get started! receive a prize! Prizes Prizes Shopping with Suica! limited Try out the gourmet rally! limited version model kit! Spend over 500 yen (including tax) at Collect 5 gourmet stickers for eating a Goal Shop and receive a prize! Gundam foods and receive a prize! Contains a wealth of information Original about sticker Original cards the Gundam featuring famous Original series! scenes badge

6 in all

Exchange period for prizes is January 9 (Thurs.) to February 28 (Fri.), 2020.

獻給所有鋼彈迷。宇宙世紀的傳說在JR甦醒了。 每人限領1本集章冊。持2本以上也僅限領取1份獎品。 數量 獎品數量有限(依先到順序),敬請見諒。 挑戰所有車站! 有限 贈送車站完走特製鋼普拉 參加紀念章收集活動,歡樂暢遊! 領了集章冊之後 集滿9個 數量 [1/144 RX-78-2 E235鋼彈JR 有限 數量 數量 東日本專用機Ver.]! 馬上開始! 紀念章換贈品! 集滿9站&Suica購物! 有限 挑戰美食接力! 有限 於終點商店購物滿500日圓(含稅)以上 享用鋼彈美食, 可獲得贈品! 集滿5張貼紙換贈品! 鋼彈系列相 印有 關資訊數不 特製貼紙 經典劇情的 勝 數! 特製卡 特製 金屬徽章 共6種


献给全体高达粉丝。宇宙世纪的传说,如今在JR复苏。 印章手册每人限领1本。即使持有2本以上,奖品也只能送1份。 数量 奖品数量有限(先到先得),敬请谅解。 挑战走完全部车站! 有限 赢取走完全部车站原创高达模 参加印章收集活动,尽享欢乐! 收集9个印章, 数量 型[1/144 RX-78-2 E235高达 有限 拿到印章手册,出发! 数量 数量 JR东日本专用机Ver.]! 赢取奖品! 走完9个车站&使用Suica购物! 有限 挑战美食接力赛! 有限 在终点店铺购物满500日元(含税)以上, 品尝高达美食, 即可领取奖品! 收集5张贴纸,即可领取奖品! 高达系列相 关信息也应 原创贴纸 原创 有尽有! 经典场景卡 原创胸章



모든 건담 팬들에게 바친다. 우주 세기의 전설이 지금 JR에 되살아난다. 스탬프 수첩은 1인당 1권만 사용할 수 있습니다. 2권 이상 있어도 경품은 1개밖에 드리지 못합니다. 수량 경품은 수량 한정(선착순)으로 배포합니다. 미리 양해해 주시기 바랍니다. 모든 역 달성에 도전! 한정 모든 역 달성 기념 오리지널 건담 스탬프 랠리에 참가하면서 즐기자! 스탬프 수첩을 스탬프 9개에 수량 프라모델 [1/144 RX-78-2 E235 한정 수량 수량 건담 JR 동일본 전용기 Ver.] 받아서 시작! 선물! 9역 달성&Suica로 쇼핑! 한정 구르메 랠리에 도전! 한정 선물! 골 점포에서 500엔(세금 포함) 이상 쇼핑을 건담 구르메를 먹고, 하면 선물! 스티커를 5매 모으면 선물! 건담 시리즈에 오리지널 오리지널 관한 정보도 스티커 가득! 명장면 카드 오리지널 캔 배지 총 6종

※경품 교환 기간은 2020년 1월9일(목)~2월28일(금)입니다.

Organizer: East Japan Railway Company; Support and supervision: SOTSU CO., LTD., SUNRISE INC.; Support: Tokyo Monorail Co., Ltd., Tetsudo Kaikan Co., Ltd., LUMINE Co., Ltd., JR East Retail Net Co., Ltd., Nippon Restaurant Enterprise Co., Ltd., JR East Food Business Co., Ltd., JR East Urban Development Corporation, JR East Station Service Co., Ltd.

©SOTSU・SUNRISE This stamp rally is not just for show! Fight to complete all stations!

Stamps feature characters and mobile suits that fought in the legendary wars of the Universal Century!

Stamp Stations GOAL Collect stamps and get limited-edition goods! MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Oku Akabane [MEDEA]


GOAL Minami-Kashiwa [FA YUIRY] Kashiwa MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Kita-Kashiwa Jūjō Ōji Kita-Kogane

CHAR’S COUNTERATTACK Abiko [HAMAN KARN] Tennōdai [THE-O] [LALAH’S MOBILE ARMOR] MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN Kami-Nakazato Itabashi Minami-Senju GOAL Stations with a 9-Station [ELPEO PLE] Mikawashima [HATHAWAY NOA] Komagome [M’QUVE] Sugamo Completion Goal Shop [JUDAU ASHTA] Kita-Senju Tabata [Z GUNDAM] Toride GOAL [ZAKU] Ōtsuka [BAWOO] [JEGAN] Special GOAL Special Goal Counter [RECCOA LONDE] Nishi-Nippori Shim-Matsudo Ikebukuro [GYAN] [ν GUNDAM] Ayase GOAL Kameari Mabashi GOAL Mejiro [ZAKU III CUSTOM]



[CHAR’S Z’GOK] (CHAR AZNABLE)] Nippori Kanamachi

Higashi-Nakano Takadanobaba [PLE-TWO] [JERID MESSA] Asagaya Ogikubo GOAL [WHITE BASE] Kōenji Nakano [HIZACK] Iidabashi

[QUBELEY] Uguisudani Ōkubo [DOM]


Suidōbashi Ueno Shin-Ōkubo [DIJEH] Okachimachi Collect stamps from all 65 stations and [RYU JOSE] Shinjuku GOAL Akihabara receive a prize at the Special Goal Counter! GOAL 9-Station Completion Goal Shops (12 Shops) [CHAR AZNABLE] [ZEONG] Ichigaya [QUBELEY Mk-II] GOAL Yotsuya Tōkyō Station (GRANSTA Marunouchi South Exit Shop), [GUNCANNON] Bakurochō Yoyogi Station (Yoyogi Shop), Nishi- [GUNTANK]

(Nishi-Ogikubo Shop), Akabane Station (Akabane Shop), [QUIN MANTHA] [ZZ GUNDAM] Kanda Coloring based on (Ueno Iriya Gate Shop), [GLEMY TOTO] Shin-Nihombashi [GOUF] the Yamanote Line (Ichigaya Shop), Ōimachi Station (Ōimachi Central Gate Shop) Shinanomachi [MATILDA AJAN] [METHUSS] GOAL Series E235! Special GOAL Tōkyō Kōenji Station (Kōenji Shop), Ōji Station (Ōji Shop), [KAI SHIDEN] Kameari Station (Kameari Shop), [FOUR MURASAME] Ōmori Station (atre Ōmori Shop) Yūrakuchō Ebisu [GUNDAM]

Ikebukuro Station (Ikebukuro East Exit Shop) [YAZAN GABLE] [LALAH SUNE]

Gotanda Shimbashi

[EMMA SHEEN] [KAMILLE BIDAN] Meguro Shinagawa Special GOAL Special Goal Counter [ARGAMA] [GUNDAM Mk-II

(A.E.U.G.)] Ōsaki Hamamatsuchō Tōkyō Station [PAPTIMUS SCIROCCO] Exit at the Marunouchi Underground South Gate, Dōrin Square Poseable with Parts already Tennōzu Isle Limited edition model moving parts! colored! [UNICORN GUNDAM/BANAGHER LINKS] not available in stores!

Marunouchi Underground South Gate Marunouchi South Exit [HAMBRABI] Tamachi EV Shops Haneda Airport International Terminal Prizes Marunouchi Underground Central Gate NewDays [KSHATRIYA/MARIDA CRUZ] limited Kamata [AMURO RAY] Haneda Airport Terminal 1 GOAL GOAL [SINANJU/FULL FRONTAL] Original Gundam model kit for completing all stations Shops Dōrin Square Ōmori Ōimachi (1/144 RX-78-2 E235 Gundam exclusive JR East version) Tōkyō Monorail Special Goal Counter [BRIGHT NOA] [HYAKU-SHIKI] When receiving your original Gundam model kit for completing Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line all stations, please let us check to see if you have a stamp of Haro on your hand and, if not, give you one.

Request from JR East Japan The prizes are limited in quantity (first come, first served). We kindly ask for your understanding. JR東日本的提醒 • Please note that only 1 stamp booklet per person is permitted. Only 1 prize will be offered to ●獎品數量有限(依先到順序),敬請見諒。 • participants even if they have 2 booklets. We cannot accept booklets from surrogates. ●每人限領1本集章冊。持2本以上也僅限領取1份獎品。不可由他人代領。 In order for us to hand over prizes, when receiving your original Gundam model kit for ●領取車站完走特製鋼普拉獎品時,需在手上蓋領收章,敬請配合。 • completing all stations, please let us put a stamp on your hand.

JR东日本温馨提示 JR 동일본으로부터의�부탁말씀 ●奖品数量有限(先到先得)。敬请谅解。 ●경품은�수량�한정(선착순)으로�배포합니다. 미리�양해해�주시기�바랍니다. ●印章手册每人限领1本。即使持有2本以上,奖品也只能1人1份。不可代领。 ●스탬프�수첩은 1인당 1권만�사용할�수�있습니다. 2권�이상�있어도�경품은 1인당�한�개밖에�드릴 ●为交付奖品,在领取走完全部车站原创高达模型时,请您配合在手上盖章。 수�없습니다. 상품의�대리�수령은�인정되지�않습니다. ●경품을�건네�드리기�위해서, 모든�역�달성�기념�오리지널�건담�프라모델�증정�시의�핸드�스탬프 날인에�협력해�주십시오.

• The resale or transfer of prizes or any such similar actions (such as putting them up for auction) is strictly forbidden. • Stamps and Goal Shops of each station are located outside the ticket gate. • Tickets to each stamp station or Goal Shop station, or an equivalent payment method such as Suica, are The prizes are limited in quantity. We kindly ask for your understanding. required to participate. • Illustrations/ pictures/ train route maps are reference images. • For detailed information regarding each Goal Shop, please refer to p. 4 of the stamp booklet. • Designs and specifications may differ from the images and illustrations shown on this poster. • The event may be cancelled or have details changed without prior notice. • The information contained in this PDF is current as of December 2019. Official Twitter account: @gsr2020jre www.jreast.co.jp/gsr2020/