Publ~shedunder the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

Vol. LW-NO. 18 Price 50 cents , 12th April, 1955 Regrstcred as a Newspaper at the GPO Pubhshed every Tuesday

CONTENTS . OFFICiAL GAZETTE. I OFFICIALGazem-(Conrd ) Govt Not~ceNo PAGE General Notrce NO 460-Appo~ntments, etc 306 Nakulu County Council 461-Kenya Pohce Reserve-Appomtment, etc 306 Municipal Board of -Tenders 462-East Afiican Rallways and Harbours- Appointment, etc 306 Methods of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws, 1953-Pnces of 463464-Obituary 306 Dlesel Engme Fuel 011 895 465-466-The Natlve Lands Trust O~dmance- H M Supreme Court of Kenya 896 Settlng Apart of Land 306-307 In H M Court of Appeal for Eastern Afr~caat Kampala 467-The Min~ng Ordinance-Apphcation for -Cause L~st 897 Spec~alLicence-Mrima Prospect 309 Companies Ordinance 898 468-The Increased Product~onof Crops Ordmance -D~str~ct Production Committee-Appomt- Probate and Adrnlnlstrat~on 899-903, 916 ments 309 Bankruptcy Ordinance 904-907, 909 469-The Increase of Rent (Restr~chon)Ordlnance 309 Change of Name 908 470-471-The Anlmal Diseases Ord~nance 309-310 Transfer of Bus~nesses 910, 911 472-The Education Ordmance 310 D~ssolut~onoi Partnersh~p 473-The Emergencj (Detamed Persons) Regula- tlons, 1954--Committees of Inspection 313 East Afncan Currency Board 474-The Emergency Regulatlons, 1952-Appolnt- Not~ce ment 313 Revocation of Power of Attorney 475-476-The Increase of Rent (Restr~ctlon) Ord~nance 313 477-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appomtment 313 / SUPPLEMENT No 19 478-The Emergency Regulat~ons, 1952-Appoint- ments 313 1 P~oclnrnatzons Rules and Regulatzons 1955 479-Land Advisory Board, Coast Prov~nce 313 1 Govt Notlce No PAGE 480-The Kenya Reg~ment (Territorial Force) 491-The Emergency Regulat~ons, 1952-Forfe~ture Ordinance-Commiss~on 314 I Order 193 481-482-The Courts Ordmance-Appo~ntments 314 0 492-The Emergency (Amendment of Laws) (No 6) 483-The Factor~esOrdinance-Appointment 314 Regulat~ons, 1955 484-485-The W11d Anxmals Protect~onOrd~nance- 493-The Prohibited Areas (No 5) (Amendment) Appointments 314 Order, 1955 486-490-The Local Government (County Counc~ls) 494-The Emergency (Control of Crops, Food and Ordinance 314-315 Dwellm~)Regulahons, 1953-Order General Not~ces 315-324 495-The Emergency Regulatlons, 1952-Order 496-The Ammal Dlseases (Amendment) Rules, 1955 General Notice No 497-The Forfeiture of Lands Ordmance, 1953- Language Exammatlons-March, 1955 882 Local Pubhc Purpose East Afr~caH~gh Comm~ss~on-Tender Board 883 498-The Police Ordmance-Curfew Order Tenders for the Sale of Prepared Hides 884, 918 499-The Forest (General) (Amendment) Rules, 1955 Registration of T~tlesOrdinance 885 500-The Natlve Lands Trust Ord~nance-Adjust- ment of Boundaries C~tyCounc~l of Nalrobi 886 501-The K~tale Mun~cipahty (General) (Amend- L~quorL~censing 887, 890-892 ment) By-laws, 1955 1 6 h 306 osylcxx'. oxzsvrs 12th Apnl, 1955

I GOVERNMENT N ozqcE N o 460 G ovl RNMENT N OTICE N 0 462 l ' N 'POIN TM EN TS EAST AFRICAN aA llw Avs AN D H ARBOIJRS i - ROBBRT STEPHBN W INSER to be M umclpal A frlcan OM cer, M om APPOINTMENT ? basa, Coast Provm ce, m th esect from 4th M arch, 1955 W ILLIAM URQUHART, () B F, B Sc M I C E y Deptlty G eneral FERGUS JAMES M CCARTNEY to be Tem porary D lstrlct OK cer. M angger acted as G eneral M anager from Fih Febluary to M eru Dlstrlct, Central Provlnce wlth esect from 20th M arch. 14tl't M arch, 1955 and to be Actlng General M anager wltil 1955 e&ect from 2nd Aprll 1955 ALAN GCORGE BROOIK.S to be Admlnlstratlve Asslstant, M eru REVERSIONS D lstmct, Central Provlnce wlth edect from 19th M arch, 1955 RICHARD H AwKlxs W HITTINGTON, Actlng Chlef Operatlng Super- , JOHN GxssoN to be Adm lm stTatwe Asslstant, M eru Dlstrlct lntendent, reverted to hls substantwe rank of Asslstant Cluef Central W ovlnce wlth eqect from 19th M arch, 1955 Optratlng Superlntendent wlth esect from 14th M arch 1955 PSTER HAMILTON LANS to be Dlstnct Oëuer (Cadet), CHAIU Es IAIN W o'ruERspooN B A (CANTAB ) Assoc INST T Act- Dlstrict, Rlft Valley Provm ce, wlth elect from 21st M arch. m g Asslstant Chlef Operatlng Supermtendent reverted to 1955 hts substantlve rank of D lstrlct TlaK c Supellntendent wltN /' effect from 14th M alch 1955 / JAMES PHILIP BRUCE to be Temporary Dlstrlct Oœcet (Ktkuyu Guard) South Nyerl Dlstrlct, Centlal Provlnce, wlth efect A F KtRBY from 28th M arch, 1955 G enelal M anazet ARTHUR BRUCE TANNAHILL to be D lstrlct Comm lsgloner, N alrobl Extra-provlnclal Dlstnct wlth effect from 1st Aprll, 1955 G ERALD SMITH, Admlntstrattve Asslstant, to be Actlng Dlstnct Revenue Oë cer Central N yanza D lstnct, N yanza Provlnce Govs1Treasury, wIth elect from 1st October, 1954 - . / 'l REVERSION GOVERNMENT NOTICF XO 46> ' 1 EDWIN CHARLES EGGINS ceased to act as Asslstant Secretary THE N ATIVE LAN D S TRU ST ORD IN ANCE f Omce of the M lntster for Internal Secullty and Defence wlth ICJA 100) l elect from 14th M a1 ch 1955 SETTING A PART ol LAND r R G TURNBULL W HFREAS l $ conslder lt deslrable to set apart under sectlon l e chlej Jec?efa/y 21 of the Natwe Lands Trust Ordlnanue certam portlons ot l jand m ore paltlcularly descrlbed m the Schedule below , m the South N yanza Dlstrlct of the N yanza Land Unlt and whereas y ------thys settlng apart has been duly approved by the propel authonty (and the com psensatlon deposlted wlth the D lstrlct ; G Commlssjoner) I do hereby m accordance m th the provlslons of OVERNMENT NOTICE N0 461 sub-sectlon (1) of sectlon 15 of the afolesalfl Ordmance notlfy ) that the area of land descrlbed ln the Schedule below has been 'l KENYA POLICE RESERVE Set apart for the purpose speclsed ln the sald Schedule A PPOINTM ENT C H W ILLIAM S, r Dfstllct Comlnandant Klsumu, Promnctal ctpm mlxxioaer j zames Ross-w hyto (12t'tz March, 1955) 1st Aprzi, 1955 Nvanza Provlnce t: R ELINQCISHMENTS SCIIEOUZ.E D lstrlct Comm andant Jvfzce .-East N yokal Locatton I K Johnson (1st Aprll 1955) p E urpose .-w grjcultural Instructors' H ouse I Ronald M oore (21st M arch 1955)

') Bdwm Paul cmmn (28th rebruary, 1955) Anreesoa -tph1 oanc roe f fbapopurnoaxalrmteastely) I' luo-onox staltmg at a polnt A on a beanng of 2720 for 21t) ft to a l Dlstilct Commandant pomt B ! thence on a beanng of 3520 for 210 ft to a polnt C j L B L Evans (lqt Apnl, 1955) thence on a beanng of 262* for 210 ft to a polnt D , l , j E M 'FYLER thence on a bearmg of 172* for 210 ft back to the startmp t X r Chlef Is%l# O7cer K 1: R pomt, A h ) I 12th Apnl, 1955 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZET TE 307

GOVERNMENT N orrcs No 466 Place - M ahaya, Asem bo Locatlon Appltcant --Afllcan Angllcan Church THE NATIVE LAN DS TRU ST ORD IN ANCE Purpone - school (Cap 100) A ïea - 1 65 acres SBTTING A PART op LAND Deso fpflt??l oj boundarles W H EREAS f conslder lt deslrable to set apart under sectlon Stal tlng at a yako trce 10 yards south of the south-west 23 (1) of the Natlve Lands Trust Ordmance certaln poltlons of colner of the perm anent school bulldlngs , thence northerly land, m ore paltlcularly descnbed ln the Schedule below, ln the 110 yalds to another yako tree , thence easterly for 80 yards , Central N yanza Dlstrlct of the Nyanza Land Unlt, and whereas thence southerly for 130 yards , thence nortlz-westerly for 60 thls settlng apart has been duly approved by the proper authorlty yards to the startlng polnt l do hereby ln accoldance wlth the plovislons of sub-sectlon (1) of sectlon 15 of the afm esald Ordlnance notlfy that the areas of Place - -Bar K orw a Sem e Locatlon land descnbed ln the Sehedule below have been set apart for the A ppllcant - M 1l1 H lll R om an Cathollc M lsslon purposes speclfied ln the sald Schedule Putpose - school C H W ILLIAM S A rea --4 8 acres K lsum u, Prom nckal Ctp/?7/?:lr lt?rIc? Desotptlon (# boundarles 31st M arch, 1955 Nyanza Promnce Startlng at a polnt on the webtern bank of the Kom bewa- SCHEDULL M aseno road 3 m lles from K om bewa Dlspensary , thence nolthwards followlng tho lm e of the road for 192 yards , Place - Os111, Klsumu Locatlon thence at nght angles westwards for 122 yards , therr'ce at rlght Appllcant - Afrlcan lnland M lsslon angles southwards for 192 yards thence eastwards for 122 Putpose - school yards to the startlng pom t A 'ea - 5 acres Place - N vakoko East K ano Locatlon Descrtptlon of boundattes Startm g at a lqrge tree 123 ft from the north east corner of Appllcant - Afrlcan Angllcan Church the perm anent school bulldm g on a bearmg of 10O thence on Purpose - school a bearm g of 1400 for 218 ft to a large rock , thence on a A rea - 3 6 acres bearlng of 1750 for 200 ft to another large rock , thence on a beanng ol 2650 for 678 ft , thence on a bearlng of 350 for Descrlptton 0/ boundartes 210 ft , thence on a beanng of 45â for 450 ft , thence south The school bulldlng hes 0 9 m lles northwards down a track eastelly for 275 ft to the startm g polnt whlch leaves the A hero-K lblgon road 5 3 m lles from 1ts m nc- tlon wlth the A hero-hliwam road Startlng at a pomt 95 yards Place - Thul dlbuoro N yakach Locatlon due north of the northern corner of the school bulldlng , Appllcant - Afncan lnland M lsslon thence easterly followm g a llne of slsal for 160 yards , thence Purpose - school soutll-westerly for 150 yards , thence north-westerly followlng A tea - 2 acre.s a thorn hedge for 120 yards , thence north-easterly for 100 yards to tize startlng polnt Descrtptlon o! boundarles The perm anent school bulldlng ls approxlm ately two Imles Place - slm enya, South U genya Locatlon south of K usa M arket 'I'he plot ls rectangtzlar 375 ft by 300 ft , the longer slde runnlng east-west The south-east Appllcant .- Afllcan Angllcan Chulch corner of the plot ls 75 ft south and 200 ft west of the Purpose - school centre door of the perm anent school bm ldlng A rea - 3 1 acres Place - N yakach, N yakach Locatlon Descrmtlon oj Atp/zntftzritv A pphcant - A frlcan lnland M lsmon Slm enya Church ls at the top of a hlll 50 yards south of the Purpose - school Rang'ala-Yala road The school plot starts at a polnt 180 yards down a track leadm g due south from the south-west A rea --4 8 acres corner of the church , thence on a bearlng of 1 00 for 150 Deso lptlon of boundartes yards , thence on a bearlng of 280* for 100 yards , thence on Startlng at a pomt on the south-east slde of the road leadlng a beallng ot 1900 for 150 yards , thence on a beanng of 100* fl om N yakach A frlcan Inland M lsslon Statlon to thc m am for 1O0 yards to the startmg pcnnt road and 250 ft from the M lsslon Statlon , thence on a bear- 1ng of 2000 for 260 ft , thence on a bearm g of 110Q for Place - o sleko, Sam la L ocatlon 811 ft , thence on a beallng of 20O for 260 ft , thence on a Appltcant - Af1 ican Angllcan Clm rch bearlng of 290* for 811 ft to the startlng polnt The south west boundary of the plot passes 3 ft outslde the perm anent Purpose - school school bulldlngs , lt ls 104 ft from the south-west corner of Alea - 6 acres the plot to the south-west corner of the bm ldlngs Desctlptkon 0/ boundartes Place - Rabuor, W est K ano Locatlon Startlng at a polnt 400 yards from the lake sbore along the Appllcant - Afrlcan Inland M lsslon boundary between the Ylm bo and Sam la Locatlons , thence followm g that boundary easterly for 180 yards to a plle of Purpose --xschool rocks , thence northerly through a cassla flonda tree for 130 A 'ea - 10 acres yards , thence north-westerly for 100 yards , thence westerly Descrwtkon ()/ boundarles for 88 yards to the centre of a stagnant pool thence southerly The plot ls a square 750 ft by 750 ft lts north wlde runs for 170 yards to the startlng polnt parallel to and 30 ft from the m aln N alrobl-K lsumu road opposlte the turn to Rabuor M arket, and 1ts west slde adlolns Place - Nyakongo, U yom a Locatlon Rabuor G overnm ent Cam p Appïtcant - A frlcan Inland M lssson Place --om beyl, East K ano Locatlon Purpose -é chool Appltcant - ytfrlcan Inland M lsslon A rea - 4 5 acres Purpose --school Descrwtïon of boundarses A tea - 2 acres Startlng at a polnt 1.1. mlles north-westerly down a track Desolptlon oj boundanes from M anyuanda Dlspensary , thence north-westerly follow- The plot ls rectangtzlar 160 yalds by 60 yalds, the southern 1ng the slde of the track for 170 yards , thence at rlght angles shorter slde lylng adjacent to the K lsumu-K lblgorl road about south-westerly for 130 yards , thence at nght angles south- 20 nules from K lsum u easterly for 170 yards , thence at rlght anglcs north easterly for 130 yards to the startlng polnt 'rhe north-west corner of Place - K ag1lo, G em Locatlon the plot ls 20 yards north-west of the north-west corner of A ppltcant - M 1l1 H 111 M lsslon the school bulldlng Purpose - school A 'ea --4 7 acres Place --Akoko, Sakwa Locatlon Descrlptlon oj boundarkes Applïcant - Afrlcan Angllcan Church The scnool hes 500 yards down a track leadm g m a Puipose - school southerly dlrectlon from the N g'lya-M ahera road at a pomt A rea - 5 2 acres 7 m lles from N g 2ya C M S Statlon and 3 m lles from P W D Corner, M allera , startlng at a polnt 30 yards south-east of Descttptkon t# boundartes the south east corner of the perm anent school bulldm g , thence A rectangular plot 660 ft by 345 ft , the longer slde lylng northerly for 145 yards , thence westerly fcr 145 yards , thence east-west The north-west corner lles 40 yards east and the southerly for 115 yards , thence çasterly for 110 yards to the south-west corner 93 yards east of the road to Akoko 4 rmles slgrtln: pom t, south from 1ts lunctlon wltlz the Port Southby-Bondo road 308 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZE'IV E 12th Aprll, 1955

Place - Yenga, North U genya Locatlon plot for 130 vards , thence at nght angles southerly for Applïcant .- African Anghcan Church 80 yards , thence at rlght angles easterly for 120 yards , thencu at rlght angles northerly tor 80 yards to the start- Purpose - school lng polnt A 'ea - 7 5 acres Plot B, school - startlng whele the westeln slde of the Descrwtton oj ll(??z/7#t7/Teâ surveved M lsslon plot m eets the road thence alongslde The plot hes 0 7 m lles down a tl ack from the Nzola Brldge- the road wt-sterly for 185 yards , thence at nght angles Busla road, and 3 4 mlles from N zola Blldge Startlng at a southerly for 100 yards , thence at llght angles easterly K eyo tree 70 yards north-east of the school bulldlngs , thence for 185 yards to the western slde ot the M lsslon plot , due w est for 240 yards , thence south eastelly for 200 yards , thence alons that boundary for 100 yards to the startyng thence easterly for 175 yards to an Obel tree , thence due polnt north for 160 yards to the startlng polnt Place - u lum bl, Gem Locatlon Pllïce - hlyang om a, Sakw a Locatlon A pplkcant - A frlcan A ngllcan Church A ppllcant - M 111 H 111 R om an C athohc M lsslon Pltrpose - sl-hool Purpose - school A rea - 3 5 acres A l C'J - 7 3 aclt.s D escnptlon t# boundaltes Desotptton oj lltplfrlltz//ey Startlng at a polnt on the northeln edge of the Y ala K lsa Staltlng at a polnt approxlm ately 34 11 k-ast, 00O 10 road 21. mlles from Yala , thence easterly parallel to the load south , thence on a beallng of 188/ 25 fo1 181 ft , thence on for 184 yards , thence northerly at light angles to the road a bearlng of 275 20 for 278 ft , thenue on a bearlng of for 6.j yalds , thence westerly for 220 yards r thence southerly 30j 00 for 782 ft , thence on a bearm g of 49O 00' for for 115 yards to the startlng polnt 299 ft , thence on a beallng of 124 25 for 869 ft to the staë tlng polnt

Place '- sllanga, North Ugenya ' A ppllcant - M 11l H 1l1 R om an C athollc M lsslon Place .- f hulalm bo K lsum u Locatlon Purpose - school A ppltcailt - A f rjuan A ngllcan C hurch A 'ea --4 acres Pu; pose --school Desotptlon (# boundartes z'lztfz - 4 9 acres A pathway leadlng south from the m aln Ukwala Yala road Deîowtlon oj :tpzf/ztftxzle.î opposlte Nzola Tradlng Centle reacheq the southeln cornel of Stal ting at the polnt w hele the track to the school m eets the the plot aftcr 206 yards H ere the patlaway forks and forms K lsum u-M aseno road , thence south-westerly for 500 ft , the boundary of the olot on two sldes Startlng at the fork , thence at ryght angles soutn-easterly fo1 230 ft > thence at thence along a pathway north easterly for 570 ft , thence llgllt anglus north easturly for 150 ft , thence south-easterly westerly f or 630 ft , thence south-wcsterly for 135 ft to a along the slde of the scllool gardens for 320 ft , thencc north pathway , thence southelly along that pathw ay for 600 ft to casterly for 310 ft , thence north-westerly for 425 ft to the the startlng polnt startlng polnt Place - slgalam e, Sam la LocatTon Plaf e .- f hlga, W est K ano Locatlon Appllcant - Afrlcan Angllcan Chuluh A ppllcal't - M l1l H ll1 R om an Cathollc M lssion Purpose - school /hfz pose - school A rea - 3 7 acres Area .--.4 2 acres Descrlptlon tJ/ boundal tes Descllptlon oj boulldatles The plot lles 300 yards down a track leadlng east from the Slo-port Vlctorla load 4 mlles from Slo Startlng at a polnt Startlng at a polnt apploxlm ately 34O 50 48 east, 180 ft north-east of the school bulldm g , thence southerly for 00 05 t2'' south , thence on a beal m g of 91O for 690 ft , 250 ft , thence at nght angles westerly for 470 ft , thence at thellce on a bearlng of 1780 20 for 249 ft , thence on a beal- rlght angles northerly foc 425 ft thence south easterly for ,ng of 2670 20 for 663 ft , thence on a bearlng of 353* 35 500 ft to the startlng polnt for 290 ft to the startzng polnt Place .-Bar t'Nyahela), Klsumu Locatlon Place .- W agal, G em Locatlon Apphcant - Afrlcan Inland M lsslon Appllcant - Afrlcan Angllcan Church Purpose - school Pulpose - school A rea .-.4 3 acres z1.? ea - 4 4 acres

Desowtlon t# boundarkes D est Flpfftprl o.f Jptl/f/zffa?/euç Startlng at a polnt on the south edge of the Nyahera Startlng at a polnt onv the south edge of the A bom-M langa M aseno road 2 m lles from Ogada M lsslon Statlon , thence due road thence due south for 490 ft , thence dtle east for 335 south for 500 ft thence due west for 400 ft , thence ft thence due nortl't for 590 ft , thence westel ly fol 370 ft northerly for 525 ft thence due east for 290 ft to the to tlte staltlng pom t startlng polnt Place - M udem bl, Samla Locatlon Place - N am boboto, Sam la Locatlon Appltcant - M 111 H 111 Rom an Cathollc M lsshon A pphcallt - A frlcan A ngllcan Church Purpose - school Pulltose .---school A rea - 3 2 acles A rea - 4 2 acres Descrmtlon oj boundarkes D esctwtlon oj :tp//afftwlc-î Startm g at a pom t 4 m lles down the tl ack leadlnp south- Startlng at a polnt on the north edge of the N anglna road westerly from the Lwambwa-port Vlctol la road I.I mlles from 270 ft south east fl om the school bulldlng , thence north- L wam bwa , thence due south for 475 ft , thence due west for eastcrly for 300 tt , thtmce at rlght angles north westelly fo1 250 ft , thence northelly fo1 500 ft , thence easterly for 460 ft thence at nght angles south-westelly fol 500 ft , 300 ft to the startlng pom t thent e eastel iy for 490 ft to the startlng polnt Place - N yam nlnpa, G em Locatlon Plact - Luanda, Gem Locatzon Appllcant - Afrlcan Angllcan Church Appllcant - Afrlcan Angllcan Church Purpose - school Pulpose --school A rea - 5 acres A 'ea - 5 acres Descrïptïon t7/ boundal Iey Descblptfon oj boundarles The area Is m ade up of two lectangulal plots The school Startlng at a polnt on the road to Got Regea from the plot ls 70 yards by 220 yards, wlth 1ts southein slde (70 yards) Y ala M aseno load , thence due east for 220 ft thence due adlolnlng the old road from M zganda dukas to N am asole south for 420 ft thence duc west for 520 ft , thence due The playm g lield plot is 122 yards by 70 yards, w rth lts nortll fol 380 ft , thence eastelly for 305 ft to the startlng northern slde adlolnlng the above load, the north west colner polnt of thls plot bem g dlrectly acloss the road flom the south- eastern corner of the school plot Placc - U 1 anga G em Locatlon Plaa - N yabondo, N yakach Locatlon A ppllcant - Afrlcan A ngllcan Church Appllcant - M 11l H11l Rom qn Cathollc M lsslon Pltlpose - school Purpose - school A tea --4 5 acres A rea - 5 8 acres Descl fpflt?rl oj boundal tcs Descrlphon t?/ boundartes Staltlng at a polnt on the south edge of the Luanda-Asem bo The area Iq m ade up of two rectangular plots - road , thence northerly at nght angles to the road for 300 ft , Plot A , playm g field - startlng at the south east corner of thence due west for 570 ft thence due south for 400 ft , the surveyed M lsslon plot , thence westerly adlom lng that thenoe easterly foI 540 ft to the startlng polnt 12th A pnl, 1955 TH E O FFICIA L G AZEH E 309

Place --onltko, East K ano Locatlon G OVBRNMENT N oTlcs N o 469 (& S B 1841141311) Appllcant - Afncan Inland M lsslon Pulpose - school THE INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDIN ANCE Area - 20 acres (No 22 oj 1949) Descl tptlon t# boundal Ies R EN T CON TROL BOARD - NYANZA PROVIN CB Startlng at a polnt .) mlle n01th east from the K lsumu A PPOINTMENT N alrobi and K lsum u-K lsll road m nctlon , thence on a bearlng of 45O for 880 ft , thence on a bearlng of 1350 for 830 ft , IN EX ERCISE of the powers cenfelled by sectlon 3 of the thence on a bearlng of 225 for 1,120 ft , thence on a bear- lncrease of Rent (Restllctlogl) Oldlnance, 1949, the Governor lng of 2550 lor 310 ft thence for 800 ft to the startlng has keen pleased to appolnt- polnt M R L LEw ls Place - Awasl, East K ano Locatlon to be a member of the Rent Control Boald fo1 the Nyanza Provlnce durlng the absence of Lt -Co1 G L Gam len from Apphcant - M 111 H 11l Roman Cathohc M lsslon the C olony Purpose --school A rea - 11 8 acres By Com m and of the G overnol Descrlptlon oj lztllfrltftzzfe,ç N alrobl, A H OPE-JONES, Startlng at a polnt approxlm ately 35 03' east, 00@ 08' 30 ' 4th A prll, 1955 M embo /o? Commerce and Industry south close to the Ahero-M uhoronl road , thence on a bearm g of 268 for 248 ft , thence on a bealm g of 358* 25 for 1,498 ft , thence on a bearm g of 69 50' for 558 ft , thence on a beanng of 1781 10' for 274 ft thence on a bearlng oi 2645 for 190 ft , thence on a beanng of 1820 20 for 1,390 ft to the startm g polnt G OVSRNM ENT N orlcs N o 470 çouar I0j Plans of the above are filed ln the oë ce of the D lstnct Com - m lsslonel , C entral N yanza TH E AN IM AL DISEA SES ORD IN AN CE (Cap 213) IN EX ER C ISE of the powers confelred by sectlon 4 of the G OVERNM BNT N olqcE N o 467 A nlm al D lseasbs O rdlnance, l hereby declare- (M ln 2011 /4) (a) the areas descnbed ln Schedule I and Schedule 11 to be ïGlnfected areas ' ln lespect of the dlseases lndlcated at the THE M IN IN G ORDIN AN CE head of such Schedules r and W ap 168) (b) the Government Notlces speclfied ln the first column of APPI-ICATION FoR SPBCIAL LICBNCE- M RIMA PROSPECT Schedule 1ll to be am ended ln the m anner speclfied ln the second column ot such Schedule APPLICATION S al e lnvlted for tlle grant of a speclal ltcence under the M lnlng Ordlnance over the M rlm a Prospect m south e tst K enya Appllcants would be requlred, lnter alla to under- K abete K D S M ACOW AN , take a program m e of research work on the benefclatlon of 4th iprll, 1955 Acttng DJ/ ector oj Veterlnary s'ezllce,î the radlo-actlve and pyrochlore-beallng ore ln addltlon to prospectlng and/or development work, and make thelr results SCHEDULE I- EAST COAST FEVER avallable to the G ovelnm ent The llcensee would, at the end os the perlod allow ed fo1 an approved program m e of research, L O 758 /4 (pal t) and 777/ 1 I E M cKechme, Esq , P O Box have the optlon o' proceedlng to a speclal nunlng lease, wlllch 192, , U asln G lshu D lstrlct w ould requlre productaon w lthln a speclfed ttm e, or of r. llnqulshlng al1 ngnts over tho area Partlculars and form s of SCHSDIJLE II- FOOT-AND-M OUTH D ISEASE apphcatlon may be obtalned from the Commlssloner (M ines L O 4379 (Chumbl), H D Hl1l, Esq , P O M achakos, and Geology), P O Pox 339, Nalrobl Appllcatlons m response M achakos D lstrlct to thls notlce must rcach the Commlssloner (M lnes and Geologyl L O 1458/ 1, M alor H Hannay, Songhor Dlstrlct al the above address, not later than 11th June, 1955 L O 7324/ 1, L F Eames, Esq , Songhor Dlstrlct lpallobl, W D HARVERSON , SCHEDIJLE II1 7th A prll, 1955 Commlssloner (M I?le.ç and Geology) Filst Coltlmn j Second C'tp/f/vlrl Government Notlce No J By deletlng from Schedule I (Foot- 1731 dated the 6th ' and-M outh Dlsease) thereto the day of D ecem ber, followlng - GOVERNMBNT N ozqce N o 468 1954 4L O 8159 N G Parker, (Agr 4/JJ/J/;#3 E sq , P O K am pl ya M oto, N akuru D lstrlct '' THE IN CREASED PRO DU CTION OF CROPS Government N otlce No By deletlng from Schedule I (Foot- O RDIN AN CE 8 dated the 28th day and-M outh D lsease) theleto the of Decem ber, 1954 lollowlng - (No 7 oj 1942) :

GOVBRNMSNT NollcB No 471 Scfœotqz Iï- Lcontd ) (Qual /O) - - --' - Flrst Column Second Column TH E AN IM AL DISEASES ORD INAN CE f -G - - overnm ent x otlce x o By dcletlng from schedule 11 (Cap 213) 117 dated the 24th day (Foot-and-M outh Dlsease) there IN EXERCISE of tba powers conferred by sectlon 4 of the '3f January, 1955 to the followm g - Anlmal Dlseases Ordlnance I hereby declare- A ItI= o 3644/21, M essrs , zam be Ltd , P O sottk, sook (a) the areas descnbed m Schedule 1 to be Ismfected areas'' m Dlstnct '' respect of the dlseases lndlcated at the head of such .Lv o 3644/ 10, M essrs schedule , and Kapterongel Ltd , P O sotlk, (b) the Government Notlces speclsed ln the iirst column of sotlk Dlstrlct '' schedule 11 to be amendud ln the manner speclsed ln the <

- - . . - - Bay 1s a-1:5j 12th Aprll, 1955 OPFICIM - G AZEW E 3t t

Regutratmn Date oj Reglstratton Date ol Nulnber Name t?/ school Reglstratton N lfpzl,er Name 0/ school Reustratton 2071 H H The A ga K han Schoo 1 , Oyugts 15-3-1955 K anyenyalnl Pzlm ary School 11-1-1955 2072 H H The Aga Khan School, klsu 15 3 1955 Kahutt Prtmaly School 11-1-1955 2073 H H s The Aga K han Sclm ol, M um las 17-3-1955 K lluro Tnterm edlate Sclzool 11-1-1955 2074 H H The Aga K han School, N ambaro 17-3-1955 Klrure Prlm ary School 11-1-1955 2075 H H The Aga K han School, Bugom a 17 3 1955 W elthaga Prlm ary School 11-1-1955 2076 H H The Aga Khan School, brodenck Gathungull Prlmary School 11-1-1955 Falls 17-3-1955 K mnden Pnm ary School 15-1-1955 2077 H H The A ga Khan School, K1m 111l1 17-3-1955 K landell lnterm edlate School 15-1-1955 2078 Indlan Pnm ary school, K akam ega 17 3-1955 Gatheru Pnm ary School 15-1-1955 2079 Bohora Pnmarv School, Nalrobz 17-3-1955 Gltuto Prlmary School 15-1-1955 2080 shree Rukshm anl Balm andzr, N alrobz 17-3-1955 Gatham bara Pllznary school 15-1-1955 2081 N atlonal Busm ess College, M om basa 25-3-1955 K athukelnl Prlm ary School 15-1-1955 2082 Prem ler college, N alrobl 25 3-1955 K ahuhla Practlslng Pnm ary School 15-1-1955 6029 cheboswa Estate Przm ary sclzool 4-1-1955 G athenla Pllm al'y Scbool 15-1-1955 6030 Central N ursery school 4-1-1955 Gatltum l Pllmaly School 15-1-1955 P c E .A. K ahulna Interm edmte school 15-1-1955 6031 Gatelguru Prlm ary sclaool 7-1-1955 Vort H all Prlm ary School 15-1-1955 6032 K lglo Prtmary school 7 1 1955 lscgo-Glthungtlrl Pnmal'y School 15-1-1955 6033 Klunyu Pnmary School 7-1-1955 Y o o-txthungtln Tnterm edlate School 15-1-1955 6034 N aaro Pnm ary School 7-1-1955 Gzttllldulnl R lrrmry SchO0l 15-1-1955 6035 K lhumbulm Pnmary school 7-1-1955 W atuha Pflm ary School 15-1-1955 6036 K lhum bulnl Interm edlate Schooi 7-1-1 955 M UBW B Pflm itry SChO01 15-1-1955 6037 M utluthl Prtmary school 7-1 1955 X ztltbl Prlm itry SChOol 15-1-1955 6038 M uthltlu Interm edlate School 7 1-1955 M llm tl Prlmary School 15-1-1955 6039 M aganlo Przm ary school 7-1-1955 GlttlD Prlm al'y School 15-1-1955 6040 M agatuo lntermedlate sohool 7-1-1955 K am bara Prtm ary School 15-1-1955 Yakarengo Prtm ary scllool 15-1-1955 D E B cuthanga Prlm al'y schoo! 15-1-1955 6041 N gm da Interm edmte school 7-1-1955 Km ztlum Prunary school 15-1-1955 6042 N gm da Prtm ary school 7-1-1955 K el'u Prjmary School 15-1-1955 6043 Gathera Przm ary school 7-1-1955 M ananga Pnm arv School 15-1-1955 6044 K andara Interm edlate School 7-1-1955 w ahundura Interm edlate School 15-1-1955 6845 saba saba Przm ary school 11-1-1955 w ahundura Pnm aly School 15-1-1955 6046 G lthtm a Prtm ary school 11-1-1955 Gakurwe Prtm ary school 15-1-1955 * 47 Gathlm a Jntelm edlate Anhool 11 1-1955 K jam un Tnterm edlato school 15-1-1955 c c M K lam un Prlm ary scitool 15-1-1955 Gatura Prlmary scllool 11-1-1955 K lambugl lnterm edaate Sclzool 15-1-1955 M ban-ya-ruga Prlm ary school 11-1-1955 N yaklhal Prlm al'y School 15-1-1955 Thm ta Prlmary school 11-1-1955 K awaharura Pnm aly School 15-1-1955 Rwegetha Pnmary school l 1-1-1955 G atumbl Prlmary School 15-1-1955 G atanga Prm laly school l 1-1-1955 N JIIm G Interm edlate School 15-1-1955 Gatanga Interm edlate school 11-1-1955 X umbe Prlmary School 15-1-1955 G akm Prtm al.y sehool 11-1-1955 N dugam ano Pnm ary School 18-1-1955 K trlptho Prtm az.y school 11-1-1955 K myona Prlm ary School 18-1-1955 Ruchu Pnm ary sclzool 11-1-1955 G lcagllnl Pnmary School 18-1-1955 Ruchu Interm edmte School 1 1-1-1955 Chom ô Prlm ary School 18-1-1955 K ahum bu Pnmary scllool 11-1 1955 K artm nyaka Pnm ary School 18-1-1955 K apra Pnm ary sclloo, 11-1-1955 X dakalm Prlm ary School 18-1-1955 Glthegl Prtm aa school 11-1-1955 Chturtz lnterm edlate School 18-1-1955 G pthzm a Prlmary school 1 1-1-1955 Glm ru Prtm ary School z 18-1-1955 G alcbanlllu Prtm aly school 11-1-1955 K W0ls0s Estato Pnm al'y School 18-1-1955 Galchanltru Intermedmte school 11-1-1955 A A c K lgum o Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6156 K am aguta Pnm ary School 20-1-1955 Nlora Pnm m'y school 11-1-1955 6157 M warano Prmaazy sclltyol 20-1-1955 rhara Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6158 K arm a y'rlm ary school 20-1-1955 M uthltiu Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 s s s N genda Prm mry scltool 11-1-1955 6159 x angeo a a term edmte sclzool 20-1-1955 Itaga Przmazy school l 1-1-1955 (;j6() o jkom ora prlm ary school 20- 1-1955 Iohagkt Interm edlate school 11-1-1955 6j6j M akom bokl Przm ary sclzool 20- 1-1955 Gatondo Pnnaal.y school 11-1-1955 K lum u Pzlm ary school 11-1-1955 A A C M ugom Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6162 K ahanro Prtm a.ry school 20-1-1955 M ugom lntelm edaate school 11-1-1955 6163 K abul Pnm ary School 20-1-1955 Klangunyl Pnmary solmol 11-1-1955 6164 Klam butlua Pzlm ary school 20-1-1953 K langunyz Interm edlate sclzool 11-1-1955 .6165 Gatondo Pnmary School 20-1-1955 Nllzm bl Prlm ary sclzool 11-1 1955 6166 Iyego-lhlg.'z Prm mz.y school 20-1-1955 Gztlm ngun Przm ary sclzool 11-1-1955 6167 Gacaragelm Pnmary School I 20-1-1955 G atun Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6168 K lm athl Prlm az.y school 20-1-1955 Gatun Interm edlate school 11-1-1955 6169 K zambleo Pnm ary School 20-1-1955 K tangage Przmary sclzool 11-1-1955 6170 Iclcz Pnm azy scllool 20-1-1955 K nm berwa Prtmary school 11-1-1955 c c M F'ort H all Interm edlate school 11-1-1955 6171 K abm Prlm al'y School 20-1-1955 Gtkandu Pnm ary sclaool 11-1-1955 6172 Iclm athe prtm ary scllool 2+ 1-1955 K onle Prtm ary school 11-1-1955 6173 M ananga Ivtm ae sohool 2c-1-195s M ucunguca Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6174 K anyenyalm Prtm ary school 20-1-1955 x I (u 6175 M uguru Prunary school 2:-1-1955 6087 G lthlzm u lnterm edlate School 11-1-1955 6176 Icagakl Pnm ary School 20-1-1955 6088 Glthum u Pnmaz.y school 1 1-1-1955 A A C A a. c 6177 M uthm a Interm edlate school 20-1-1955 6089 M am zngt Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 f. C M 6090 Glthungun Przmary school 11-1-1955 6178 M aram (Fbrt Hal1) Pnmazy School 20-1-1955 6091 Gltlmngun lnterm edlate School 11-1-1955 o E B 60923 KMlhurmm Prm mry school 11-1-1955 617: zo rogo Interm edlate school 20-1- 1955 6094 K ukerenm Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6180 M ukurwe Pnm ary school 2:- 1-1955 6095 K ahrlugmtubnul Prrztm azryy school 11-1-1955 P C E A 6096 M aragwa Prtm ary sclaool 1 1-1-1955 6181 K andanl Pnm ary school 20-1-1955 6097 M ungutm Pnm ary sohx l 11-1-1955 A A C 609: M urarandaa Pnznary jscllool 1 1-1-1p55 6. 1. 82 K. .ah. aro Przm azy sclltytg 20-1-1955 * 99 G atuya Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6183 Gatltu Pnm ary school 20-1-1955 6100 M analm Pnmary scàool 1 1-1-195s I c c M 6101 G thagara Pnm ary school 11-1-1955 6184 N gurwelm Prlm ary school 20-1-1955 61*2 Ndum rnf Prm lazy & ltool I 1.4-1:55 A x c 6103 Kagum o Pnm ary school 11-1-195s 6jg5 sathajtht Ivlm sry a hool 2+ 1 6104 M -1955 utlzlrza Pnmal'y school 11-1-1955 6186 M ungarja w jmary scjmol , .0.1-1955 *' # ,111 31 2 TH B OFFIC IA L G A ZEH E 12th Apnl, 1955

R eglshatton Date 0/ R egkshatton Date t# .N';f/?7!?c? .NbF?7e oj School R eglstlatloll N///7;J7c7 Name 0/ School R eglstratlon D E B 6275 N cunguru Prlm aly School 28-1 1955 6187 G acalage Pllm ary school 20-1-1955 6276 M uthangene Prlm azy School 28 1-1955 6188 Glachukt Inferm edlate Scllool 20-1-1955 6277 Gltlllwe Pllm ary School 28-1-1955 6189 Glachukl Pllm aly School 20-1-1955 6278 lnheela Pllm aly School 28-1-1955 6190 K lalutm a Prlm ary School 20 1-1955 6279 M ltunguu Pljmary School 28-1-1955 6191 Thulta Pllm ary Scltool 20 1-1955 6280 K aaga G llls' Prtm ary School 28-1-1955 6192 M bugltl Prjm ary School 20-1 1955 628 l lllndlro Pnm ary School 29-1-1955 6193 G akarara Pllm ary School 20 1-1955 6282 K am atungu Pllm aly School 28-1-1955 6194 M uruka Prlm ary School 20-1:1955 6283 Tabata Pmmary School 28-1-1955 6195 Thale Pnm ary School 20-1-1955 6284 K unene Prlm ary Scbool 28-1-1955 6196 G akurall Pnm ary School 20-1-1955 6285 N tem wene Prlmary School 28-1-1955 6197 Gltuambâ Pllm ary School 20-1-1955 C C M A A C Egojl Boys' Intermtdtate School 6198 G acaralgu Pzlm aly School 20 1-1955 Chuka Interm edlate School C S M N kubu Interm edlate Scbool Chogolla Boys Interm edlate School 22-1-1955 M eklndun Interm edlate School E gwunlau lntelm edlate School 22-1-1955 N kabone lnterm edlate School Ikuu Interm edlate School 22-1-1955 A m ong entl Pnm ary School K allonduthl Interm cdlate School 22-1-1955 M utham be Pnm ary School N dagene Interm edlate School 22-1-1955 G atonga Plzm aly School K abul Pn m aly School 22 1-1955 K yam url Prlm aly School N gathlka Pnm aly School 22-1-1955 N tunyal Prtm aty Suhool K am bwlm bl Pllmary School 22-1-1955 K am anyakl Pnm azy School NJull Pllm aly School 22 1-1955 K athnanga Pnm ary School Klangua Pllmaly Sohool 22-1-1955 Ryenya Pllm ary School K atharaka Pllm ary School 22-1-1955 M arlm antz Prm zary School Kllalo Pnm aly School 22-1-1955 K athangachlm Pnm ary School K uum l Pllm ary School 22-1-1955 R olelwlro Prlm al y School M ukuunl Pllm aly School 22-1-1955 M werangondu Prlm ary School R ubate Pllm aly School 22-1-1955 K angeta-Kaongo Pnm ary School N daganl Pnm ary Schooi 24 1-1955 Keeja Prlm ary School K lm ucla Pllm ary Suhool 24-1 1955 Ellanl Prlm aly School K lrlndlnl Prlm aly Sclaool 24-1-1955 K ahene Pnm ary School M utlndwa Pnm ary School 24-1-1955 G echaraka Prtmaly School N gelu Pnm ary School 24-1-1955 1- eera Pnm ary School K allonduthl Pnm azy School 24 1-1955 Lem bene Pnm ary School Glkurune Pnm ary School 24-1-1955 K lone Prlm ary School K anyakm e Plym als School 24-1-1955 Roram a Pnm al'y School lthlm barl Pnm ary School 24-1-1955 N gongo Pnm ary School K allam pau Prlm ary School 24-1-1955 Egam bang-ombe Pllm aty School M autlnl Pltmaly School 24-1-1955 N thale Pnm aly School K langondu Pllm aly School 24-1-1 955 K athanga Pnm ary School Gakuunz Pllm aly School 24-1-1955 M okutha Pllm aly School K lerenl Prlm ary School 24-1-1955 Luclutl Prlm al'y School G atuntune Pllmaly School 24-1-1955 K lam uchle Pnm ary School Lower Chule Pllmaly Scheol 24 1-1955 K eloglne Pnm al'y School Y ururu Pllm aly School 24-1-1955 Rllu Pllm aly School K lenl R lm ary School 24 1-1955 M aten Prlm ary School G ltangarl Prlm ary School 24-1-1955 M aatha Pnm ary School Gatuntu Prlm aly School 24 1-1955 K arlene Pnm ary School K airaa Pnm al'y Scllool 5 A Angelh Pnm ary School 6234 Ktam logo Prtm ary School 25-1-1955 K erenm ua Prlm ary School C S M Am wam ba Pzlm ary School 6235 M ukm Pnrnary School 25-1-1955 E garjo Pnm ary School 6236 lkum bo Pnm ary School 25-1-1955 M om bom Pnm ary School K aroe Prlm ary School M M S K allakom o Prlm ary School Glkum tme lntelm edlate Sohool 25-1-1955 A kalga Pnm ary School K aaga Boys Interm edlate School 25-1-1955 Egandeno Prtm ary School K am allz lnterm edlate School 25-1-1955 Klnolo Pnm al'y School K augu Interm edlate Scbool 25-1-1955 N kabone Pnm ary School K atheene Intelm edlate School 25 1-1955 N g'onp Pnm ary School K legol Prlm al.y School 25-1-1955 M olwa Pnm ary School M wltelja Pllm ary School 25-1-1955 M agum onl Pnm ary School A theru G altl Prlm ary School 25-1-1955 rolo Pllm ary School M lathene Prlm ary School 25-1-1955 K am aende Pltm aly School K lgane Prlm ary School 25-1-1955 M bwero Prlm ary School K lthuune Prlmaly School 25-1-1955 Chera Prtm ary Scbool K athela Pllm ary Sohool 25-1-1955 M onga Prlm ary School Thuula Prlm aly Scbool 25-1-1955 E rum a Pnm aly School R ulga Pnm ary school 25-1-1955 Kyonyo Pllmal'y School K lrlene Prlm ary School 25-1-1955 K aongo Pllm ary School K m m lrli u Pllm ary School 25-1-1955 M pukonl Prlm aly School N J1a Prlm ary School 25-1-1955 K am achuka Prlm ary School M aua Pnm ary School 25-1-1955 M uthara Prlm ary School N thtm blzl Prlm aly School 25-1-1955 L olre Prlm ary School G lthongo Prlm aly school 25-1-1955 M ekm dum M arket Prlm ary School K athen Prlm ary School 25 l 1955 N kubu Prlm ary School M arlene Prlm ar'y Swhool 25-1-1955 Egakeram ba Pllm aly School K nrua Pnm ary School 25-1-1955 M utwate Pnmary School N taklra Pnm ary School 25-1-1955 Rugucha Pllm al'y School N luklnllru Ihlm ary School 25-1-1955 Eolt Pllm ary School M ulathankarl Pllm ary School 25-1-1955 K ethato Pllm ary School M wlllne Pllmary School 25-1-1955 Cugu Pllm aly School 25 1-1955 K enoru Pnm aly Scllool K achyambakl Prlm ary School U rlngu Pltm aly School 25-1-1955 G aturl Pllmary School K lanlal Pmm ary School 25-1-1955 K a1 am a Pllm ary School 25-1-1955 Ankamta Pnm at'y School K lblzlchza Pllm ary School 25-1 1955 E bet: Prlm ary School M zkumbune Pnm ary Scbool 25-1-1955 G ltlm Pllmary School M akandune Prlm ary School 25-1-1955 Thathl Pllmary School K ztheo Pltm aly School 25-1-1955 N kuene Pnm ary School N aathu Prlm aly School 25-1-1955 K lllrwa Pnm ary School A thelu-ltw jne Prlm aly School 25-1-1955 M onltho Pnm ary School K aurm e Prtm aly School 28-1-1955 N dotnbent Prtm ary School

h 12th Aprll, 1955 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZET TE 313

Registtatton D ate 0/ G OVBRNMENT N OTICB N O 475 Number Name oj School Reglstratlon (.lf5W 18411412114 H G M THE INCRE ASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINANCE 6369 Klana Prlm aly School 11-2-1955 6370 N gegu Pllm aly School l 1-2 1955 (No 22 oj 1949) 6371 lkum a Pllm aly School 1 1-2-1955 R SNT CONTROL BOARD, C oAsT PROVINCE- A PPOINTMENT 6372 M unyu 1n1 Pnmaly School 1 1 2-1955 IN EX ERCISE of the pow els conferred by sectlon 3 of the D E B Increase of Rent (Restrlctlon) Ordlnance, 1949, the Governor 6373 R lronl Pllm aly School 11-2-1955 has been pleased to appolnt- P C E A CABTAIN C W H AMLEY, o B 15 6374 G ataru Prlmary School 11-2-1955 to be a mem ber of the Rent Contlol Board for the Coast Pro- 6375 G atlna Pnm ary School 11-2-1955 vlnce, vlce M r R A H awklns, leslgned 6376 N geca Prlmary School 1 1-2-1955 6377 Lall Prlm ary School 11-2-1955 By Com m and of the G ovelnol G athlrulnt Prlm aly School 1 1-2-1955 6378 N all obl, A H OPE JONES, A A C 1st A pnl, 1955 M tnlsteî /t?? Conlmerce and I nduôtry 6379 Klblku Prlm ary School 11-2-1955 6380 Klngeno Prtm aly School 1 1-2-1955 6381 G akoe Interm edlate School 11-2-1955 G OVSRNMENT N o'rlcE N o 476 P C E A LI:SB 1841141211) 11-2-1955 6382 Icaclll lnterm edlate School THE INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINANCE M H M 6383 Yeacouthl Farm School 22-2-1955 (N o 22 oj 1949) R ENT CONTROL BOARD, CoAsr PROVINCE- A PPOINTM BNT D E B 6384 Swahlh Vlllage (M usl1m) School 28-2 1955 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 of the H G M lncrease of Rent (Restnctlon) Ordlnance, 1949, the Governor 6385 Shaun M oyo Interm edlate School 22-2-1955 has been pleased to appolnt- M R J M ACINTYRE, o B E S A 6386 Quarry Road Nulsery School 22-2-1955 to be a m em ber of the R ent Control Board for the C oast 6387 Endarasha Ltd Pllm ary School, M welga 22-2-1955 Provm ce durm g the absence from the Colony of M rs S H M Slm pson C C M 6388 Kahett Rural Tralmng Sehool 22-2-1955 By Com m and of the Governol A A C 6389 A A C Prlm ary School, K abete 22-2 1955 N alrobl, A H OPE-JON ES, 1st A prll, 1955 63O M athm Pohce Lm es School 22-2-1955 M I?7J:/er /tp? Commerce and Industry 6391 K enya Canners M rlcan Pnm ary Sohool, Tiuka 22-2-1955 G OVERNMENT N tm cs N o 477 A A C 6392 Elgon Estates School 28-2-1955 TH E N A TIVE A U TH O R ITY O R IX N A N CE 6393 Tm dlret Farm School 28-2-1955 W ap 97) A PPOINTMENT N alrobl, W J D W AD LEY , 6th Apnl, 1955 Dlrector 5/ Educatlon IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby appolnt the person named ln the Schedule annexed hereto to be the Ofliclal Chlef of the alea nam ed thereln G OVERNMENT N o'ncE N o 473 (Emer 4512216A) A C C SW AN N , N yerl, A ctlng Provlnclal Com m ksstoner, THE EM ERGENCY (DETAINED PERSONS) 31st M arch, 1955 Central Provïnce REGU LA TTON S, 1954 SCHEDIJLE (G N No 1142 o! 1954) Klambu D lstrlct Cclif?c/ Provlnce COM M ITTEES OF IN SPECTION N am e - W allace M ungal N luguna ADDITIONM- AH OINTMEAITS A rea - N dum berl Locatlon IN EX BRCISE of the powers conferred upon hlm by regula- W lth c#ccf pom - 1st Apnl, 1955 tlon 6 of the Emergency (Detamed Persons) Regulatlons, 1954, R em arks - On probatlon, vlce Jonn K agal, leslgned the G overnor has been pleased to appom t the persons respectlvely nam ed ln the lirst colum n of the Schedule hereto as addltlonal m em bels of the Comm lttees of Inspectlon appom ted G OVERNMENT N oTlcs N o 478 under G overnm ent N otlce N o 132 of 1955, ln respect of the TH E EM ERG EN CY REGU LATION S, 1952 camps respectlvely speclfed opposlte eaeh such pam e m the second colum n of the sald Schedule A PPOINTMBNTS SCHEDULE IN EX ERC ISE of the pow ers conferred on m e by regulatlon 817 (6) of the Emergency (Amendment) (5) Regulatlons, 1953, 1, A ddlttonal M em bers C am ps Anthony Charles Clm stopher Swann, Actm g Provlnclal Com mls- Stephano m 'lklara M eru sloner, do hereby appolnt the underm entloned to be members of The Rev Charles M uhoro s/ o Karlrl Nyerl a com m lttee em pow ered to grant exem ptlon from the provlslons Chlef Bernard M akonga Em bu of regulatlon 85 ln respect of Tluka Dlstrlct- The Rev Obadlah Karmkl s/o Nganga Fort Hall John Lambert W ordsworth, D O (Chatrmanj By Com m and of tlle Governor D avld Capbell M ccreath, M c , T D A rchlbald Tunstall Tralll JOH N CU SACK , John M aclver Cam pbell Cochlan N alrobl, M tntster jor Internal Secunty Governm ent N otlce N o 313 dated 23rd February, 1953, Ts 7th Aprtl, 1955 and Dejence hereby cancelled A C C SW AN N , G OVERNMENT N OTICE N () 474 N yerl, A chng Provtnclal C om m ïsstoner, 31st M arch, 1955 Central Provtnce TH E EM ERGEN CY R EG ULATIONS, 1952 A PN INTMENT G OVERNM ENT N oTlcs N o 479 IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred on m e by regulatlon (Lnd 41234 80 (6) of the Emergency (Amendment) t'No 5) Regulatlons, 1953, I Robert Evcrard W mnwnght, Provlnclal Com mlssloner, do LAN D ADVISORY BOARD COAST PROVINCE hereby appomt the underm entloned to bê a m em ber of a IT IS hereby notlfied for general m form atlon, w lth reference com m lttee em pow ered to gl ant exem ptlon from the provlslons to G overnm ent N otlce N o 832 of 1952, that the Com rm ssloner of regulatlon 80 ln respect of the westel n part of N akuru of Lands has been appom ted m em ber and D eputy Chmrm an D lstrlct - of the taand A dvlsory Board Coast Provlnce W R M ULLOCK, EsQ , mce J F K epple, Esq The Repstrar of Tltles, M ombasa, has ceased to be a m ember of the Board R E W AIN W RIGHT , C H H ARTW BLL, Promnclal Com mlssïoner N alrobl M tmster y(yr Educatton, rcâtzur Nakuru Rtlt Valle.v Provmce '/th Alpnl, 1955 and rcnd: 3 14 TRE OFFICIA L GAZEW E 12th Aprll, 1955 GOVERNMSNT Nolqcs No 480 (De/ 30l2l1l1j GOVERNMLXT NoncE No 485 THE KENYA REGIM ENT (TERRITORIAL FORCE) rH E W ILD AN IM ALS PROTBCTION ORDINAN CE ORD IN AN CE LNo 1% oj 1951) W ap 89) A PPOINTM LNT COMM ISSION IN EX EA CISE of the powers confelred by sectlon 52 of the IN EX ERCISE of the powm s coniulled upon the G overnor W lld A nlm als Protectlon Ordlnance, 1951 I helcby appolnt- by sectloq 3 of the Kenya Regment (Terntollal Force) Ordm- ance, and a11 rlthel powels theleunto enabllng, the Governol M Rs OLGA ANNB OLIVER HIbDLBY has been pleased to com m lsslon tho follow lng gerltlem an as to bt an H onorary G am e W alden for a perjod of five yeals an oK cel of the Reglm ent wsth eflkct from 31d Aprtl, 1955 - from the date hezeof To be âectlntt T It?ffrc/pcn/...- N alrobl, W H H ALE , OLINCR M ONTAGUE BEAUCHAMP M ILTON 7th Aprll, 1955 G ame W ardel' By Com mand of the Governor JOHN CU SACK , N alrobt, M ïnkster ltpr I'lternal jsccll/l/y G ovi RNM CXT N cfrjcs N o 486 6th A pill, 1955 and Dejellce THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY COUNCILS) ORDIN ANCE GOVERNMSNT Noucs No 481 (J & L 121611 /4) (No 30 oj 1952) THE COU RTS ORD IN AN CE THE N vxxzx SOVTH R URML D ISTRïCT COUNCIL- N OM INArIONS (Cap 3) 1 IN BXERCISE of the powers uonfelted by sectlott 6 (2) (c) APPOINTMBNT of tbe Local Govelnment (County Counclls) Ordlnance, 1952, I hereby appolnt- IN EXERCISE of tlle powers conferred by sectlon 5 of the Coults Ordm ance, the Governor has been pleased to appom t- M r W alter Sutherland Gratton W llklnson M r W llllam Angus Kerr ERlc D oxovAx G ORDON M 1 G eoffrey Copland G ray, to be a M agtstrate of the Ftlst Class wtth powets to hold a M r W lillam John H astlngs Geol go, Subordmate Court of the Flrst Class m the Coast Plovlnce M r Robelt Steuart Clnnam ond wh1lst holdlng h1s present appolntment as Dlstrlct Om cer, Telta Lt Col Challes Reglnald Pyndar W alkel Dlstllct, Coast Provlnce to be m em bers of the N yanza South Rulal Dlstnct Councll 1o1 tlte penod com m encang 6th Aprll, 1955 , and explllng on the day By Comm and of the Governol of the annual m eetm g ln 1956 of thc County Councll of N yanza N alrobl E N GRIFFITH -JONES, 2 ln exerclse of tlto powels cortferled bv sectlon 6 (2) (b) of 4th Xpnl, 1955 M lmsto /or Legal M atrs the s t1d Ordlnapce, I he1 eby appolnt- M r Raollbhal Talllbhal Patel M r W llllnm Klmutal M altm , G OVERNMENT N orlcs N o 482 * (J & L 12161 1 I8) to be m em bels of the Nyanza South Rural Dlstrlct Counctl fo1 the pvllod com m enclng 6th Apl ll, 1955 and explrm g on the day TH E COURTS ORDIN AN CE of tht, annual m edm g m 1956 of tho County Ctmncll of N yanza (Cap 3) 3 In exerclse of the powel s confelled by sectlon 6 (4) of the A PPOINTM ENT sald O rdm ance, I hereby appolnt the D istnct C om m lssloner ot IN EX ERCISE of the powers confened by sectlon 5 of the the admlm stlatlve dlstrlct of K encho to be a m ember of the Courts Ordm ance, the Governor haq been pleased to appolnt- N yamra South Rural D lstllct Councll M THUR BRUCE TANNAHILL W B H ANELOCK to be a M aglstrate of the Flrst Class wlth powers to hold a Nallobl M knlster jor Local Gtplzezlz?zlca/ Subordlnate Court of the Flrst Class lh the N allobl Extra- 9th A pnl, 1955 H ealth and H ouslng Provlnczal Dlstllct, whllst holdlng hls present appolntm ent as Dlstrlct Com mlssloner, N alrobl Extra-provm clal Dlstrlct By Comm and of the G overnor GOVERNMENT N OTICE N 0 487 N alrobl, E N GRIFPITH JON BS THF, LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY COUNCILS) 4th Apnl, 1955 M lntsto /o? Legal .4#clr: ORD INAN CE (No 30 oj 1952) GOVERNMENT N ozqcs N o 483 Tlu N YANZA N ok'l'ét R IJRAL D 1sTRfcT COIJNCIL- N OM INATIONS Lluab 241811) 1 IN BXBRCISE of the powers contelred by sectlon 6 (2) (c) of th( Local Government (County Counclls) Oldlnance, 1952, TH E FACTORIES ORDIN AN CE 1 hereby appom t- (No 38 oj 1950) M r Leslle Evelyn Laurence, J lx AIYOINTMENT M r Robert G eosrey W llfled H udson, IT IS notllied for general m folm atlon that, m exerclse of the M r Repnald Pearce, powers conferred by sub-sectlon (1) of sectlon 68 of the Factones M 1 G eorge D uncan 'W llson, Ordlnance, 1950, the G overnor has been pleased to appolnt- M l m chard Francls M ase, M r Sldney W llham O tztl am , EDW ARD FREDERICK TRBVOR H ANCOCK M r Lalllbhal D evltbhal H m docha to be an lnspector for the purpose of the executlon of the sald Ordm ance to be m em bers of the Nyanza N orth Rulal D lstllct Councll fo1 the pkllod com m encm g on 8th Aplll, 1955, and explrm g on the By Com m and of the G overnor day of the annual m eetlng m 1956 of the County Councll of N yam a C H H ARTW ELL, N alrobl, M tmster ytpr Educatton, 2 In exerclse of the powers conferred by sectlon 6 (2) (b) of 7th Aprll, 1955 Labour and Lands the sald Ordlnance, I hereby appolnt- M r Bllanll Vahl, M r Petel Shltakha GOVBRNMENT NOTICE N O 484 to be m em bers of the N yanza N orth Rulal Dlstllct Councll fol THE W ILD ANIM ALS PROH CTION ORDINAN G the ptllod comm encm g on Eth A pnl, 1955, and exm rm g on the day of the annual m eetm g ln 1956 of the County Councll of (No 18 oj 1951) Nyanza A PPOINTMBNT IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 52 of the 3 1t1 exelmse of the powers conferled by sectlon 6 (4) of the W lld Am mals Protectlon Ordm ance, 1951, 1 hereby appolnt.- sald Ordlnance 1 hereby appolnt the D jstllct Comnussloner of the admlnlstratlve dlstnct of K m lcho and the D lstl lct Com m ls- JOHN W REFORO SMITH, EsQ sloner of the adm lnlstratwe dlstrlct of Centl al N yanza to be to be an H onorary G am e W arden for a perlod of ftvo years m embels of the N yartza N 01th. Rural D tstrtct Counml from the date hereof W B H AVELO CK , N alrobl, W H H AT.E, N alrobl, M tntste' jor fztxw! Government, 7tl1 Apnl, 1955 Game G tzrdca %b. Apnl, 1955 H ealth tITIJ Ilouang 12th Aprll, 1955 TH 17 O FFICIA L G A ZET TE 31$

G DVSRNMBNT N oTlcis N o 488 GENERAL N oTlfzL N o 883 THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY COUNCILS) EAST AFRICA H IGH CO M M ISSION O RD IN A N CE TENDSR BIIAIUA- A I>POINTM SNT ol4 INSURANCB BROKERS qNo 30 of 1952) TH E East Afrlca Hlgh Comm lsslon are consldermg t'he THF. N Y NNZA COUNTY C OUNCIL- N OM INAFIONS appolntm ent of lnsurancê Blokers who would be reqm red to handle all lnsurances for the depal tm ents of the non self 1 IN EXERCISE of the powers confel :ed by section 4 (c) Ull) contam ed qervlces of tht. East Afnca H lgh Comnusslon of the Local Govelnment (County Counclls) Oldlnanie, 1952, I ht leby appolnt- Brokels who wlsh to be consldel ed should subm lt dttatls of thelr proposed term s of appoTntm ent, and any other relevant M r Petez Shltakha, paltlculars, to the Seclttary, I'Ilgh Com mlsslon Tender Board, M r A fzal K han A wan, P O nox 5010p N alrobl, not latcr than 1st June, 1955 tc be m em bers of the N yanza C ounty Councll for the pellod ct rnm encm g on 15th Aplll, 1955, and explrlng on the day of tl e annual m eetlng m 1956 ol the County Councll of N yanza G ENERkL N o'rlcs N o 884 2 ln exelclse ot the powers contelled by section 4 (c) (1v) (11) AFRICAN LIVESTO CK M ARK ETIN G O RG ANIZATION ot the sald O ldlnance, l hereby appolnt the D lstllct C om m ls slonel of the adm lnlstl atlve dlstllct of Centl al N yanza and the D EPARTM LNT OF VETEPANARY SERVICES D ystrlct C om m lssloner of the adm lnlstrative dlstrlct of K erlcho TBNDER boR THc SNLE os PREPARBD AIIDES tt be m em bers of the N yanza County Councll LICEN SED buyel s can obtam tull detalls of glades, welghts and quantltles Ilom the D tl ectol of Vetellnary Selvlces, K abett W B H AVELO CK :sallobl A'flrll-sfe? jor Local Govetnment 'lhe hldes m ay be vlewed at the H lde Store, Veterm ary 9th Xwll, 1955 H ealth and f.ltp/d-çlng Resealch 1 abol atoly, K abete, on W ednesday, 13th Aprll, 1955 Tendel s m wrltm g m alked Tender ' should zeach the undor- slgncd by Saturday, 16th A pnl, 1955 CrovsltNwfElql NoT1cB N o 489 N C W EBB, Tl'lE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY COUNCILS) 41h Apnl 1955 jol Dtrectot oj Vetermaty Sentces O R D IN A N CE qNo 30 oj 1952) GENERAL N oTlc.c N o 885 THs K ERICHO U RBAN D lsrRlc'r COIJNCIL- N OM INATIONS TH E REG ISTRA TION OF TITLES ORDIN AN CE 1 IN EXERCISE ot the powers conferled by sectlon 6 (3) (J8 of the Local Govelnm ent (County Counclls) Ordm ance, 1952, W ap 160) 1 heleby appolnt- W H BREAS H1s Hlghness S1r Sultan M oham ed Shah A gha M r W llllam A ngus K en , K han of London ls reglstered as proprletor of Plot N o 855 of M r G eoffrey Coplànd G ray, Sectlon 111, M om basa Island, by vlrtue of Certz cate of Owner- snlp N o 8451 leglstered m the Coast Reglstry as N o C R to be m embezs of the K erlcho U lban Dlstrlct Councll fol the 7261 / 1 , and whereas suëclent evldence has been adduced to I,ertod com enclng on 4th A plll > 1955, and ewplrlng on the day of snow that the sald celtlfkate of ownershlp relatlng to the tNe amtual m eetm g ln 1956 of the County Councll of N yanza sald plece of land has been lost, notlce ls hereby glven that 2 ln exelclse of the powels confmled by sectson 6 (3) (c) ot after the expll atlon of 90 days from the date of the pubhcataon the sald O rdlnance, 1 heleby appcunt- of thls notlce l shall zssue a plo>lslonal certé cate provlded M r Talta A rap Tow ett, that no oblectlons have been recelved m thm that penod to be a m em ber of the K ellcho Urban Dlstllct Councll fo1 the M ombasa, D H PIRICE, perlod com m enclng on 4th A plTl, 1955, and txplrlng on the day 2nd Aprll, 1 955 Regutrar 0/ Tttles d)f the etnnual m eetlng in 1956 of the County Counctl of Nyanza 3 In exertlse of the powers confent.d by sectlon 6 (4) of the CIBNERAL plollcs l:o 853 vald Ordlnance, I hereby appom t the Djstlzct Com m lssloner of 1 he admm lstratwo dlstrlct of K erlcho, to be a m em ber of the TH E M U N tCIPALITIES ORD IN AN CE Kerlcho U rban D lstrzct C ouncll (Cap 136) W B H AVELOCK Nalrobl M lntubter for Local Goponment M UN ICIPAL COU NCIL OF N AK URU 9th iplg, 1955 Ilealth and S tprfhwpTg AFRICAN TM NSPORT COMPANY, LIMITED- OMNIBUS A GREEMENT W HEREAS by sectlon 59 (39) of the M umclpahtjes Ordmance tcap 136 of the Revlsed Edztlon of the Laws of Kenya), when- GOVBRNMBNT N OTICB N o 490 evet any servtce of motor omnlbuses or other vehlclts drawn or propelled by amm al, m echam cal or electrlcal power for the THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY CUUNCILS) carrkage of passengers ls estabhshed, acqulred, m am tamed or ORD IN AN CL carned on elther by the Counctl or by any person or com ora- (No 30 oj 1952) tlon under an agreem ent entered m to wlth the Counctl under the sald Ordm ance, the Councsl ls authorlzed and em powered FILLING oF V ACANCIBS RIJLES to prohlblt, for such pm lod m each case as the Governor m ay IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferrt.d by the above- approve, the carlym g on by any other person or corporatjon m entloned rules I hereby nomlnate- of any servtce as aforesald m thln the M um clpahty M r W alter Longm oor M acpherson, And whereas the M um cm al Counctl of N akuru proposes, M l Joseph Erlc Spearlng, sublect to the consent of the Governor, to prohlblt the carrym g M r H ubert N oel Blanchford, on by any person or corporatlon, other than a person or to be m em bels of the Kencho U rban D lstllct Councll for the corporatton under an agreem ent entered m to wtth the C ounctl, pellod com m encm g 4th A prll, 1955, and explrlng on the day of of any such serwces as afozesald the annual m eetlng m 1956 ot the Cotlnty Councll of Nyanza N ow notlce ls hereby given that at a m eetang of the M um clpal Counml of N akuru to be beld on W ednesday, the 25th day W B H AVELOCK , of M ay, 1955 a m otlon wtll be m troduced to prohlblt for a N alrobl, M kntster jor Local Government perlod of 21 years from the 1st day of A ugust, 1955, the carry- 9th Apnl, 1955 H ealth and S ouxwng mg on by any pelson or corporatlon (other than a person or corporatlon wlth whom the Counctl has entered m to an agreem ent M1th respect to the establlsbm ent and carrpng on GBNBRAL N oTlcs N o 882 of a servlce as next theremafter mentloned) of any servlce *lu n Jp/J/J) for the carrmge of passengers for htre or reward wltbln tlle M um czpahty of N akuru provlded that- LAN G UA GE EX AM INATIONS- M ARCH , 1955 (c) the nght of any person to p1y for htre wlthm the sald H IGHSR SwAHII.I EXAMINATION M um cm ahty w1th any pubhc vehtcle or other 'vehtcle duly hcensed to carry not m ore than stx passengers (Pass, Oral Part Onlyj , and TH E followlng results are notlâed for general m form atlon - (bj the nght of any pel-son to carry for hlre or reward In any duly hcensed vehlcle passengers departlng to or J Bylne (Dlstlnctlon), Admlnlstratlon arrlvm g from any place outslde the lnm ts of the sald P G P 17 Fullerton (Dlstlnctlon) Admlnlstlatlon M um cm altty, D G Hughes (Dlstlnctlon), Admlmstratlon S E N apler Bax Pollcc shall not be adected by such m otlon J M Oswald Pollce Any oblectlon to the m otaon must be sent m wntm g to the F C Constant, Pohce Town Clerk m th n one calendar m onth from the date hereof J J K earney, Pohce K M LOUIS, A N LAW , Secretary, Ttpwa Clerk, '' u ngugges Board Ist Agrtl, 1955 M unmwal JFme.w Nnlruru 316 1 H E O FFICIAL G AZEW E 12th A prtl, 1955

G FNERAL N orlcs No 886 CITY COUNQ IL OF NAIROBI j N OTICE ls hereby gw en that the Clty Counell of N alrobi at a m eetm g held on the 29th M arch, 195 5 ,m ade the foilow m g provlslonal apportlonments ol the cost of constructlng Hathl Lane-Tembo Lane under the provlslons of the M unlczpalltles and Townshlps (Prlvate Streets) O rdlnance, nam ely - .

N AME AND A DDRESS Frontage Total Cost A m ount Feet Cost Per Foot sh cts t, R 209 PLo.r N o - Road Reserve clty councll of N alrobt 10 58 587 13 136/2 Puran Chand M any, Box 368, Nalrobl 50 63 2,809 72 136/3 ,, ,, , ,, 55 00 3,052 23 136/4 - . , - 55 00 3.052 23 136'/5 E s Grokan. c/o Pëoloctrx and M anagement, Box 3963, NalrVbl 55 (% 3-,052 23 136/6 .. - - ' - - - ., ,, 55 00 3,052 23 136/7 bharl'mshl M eglut iind Popatlai Oangan, Box 1$51, Nalrobl 54 50 3,024 48 Road Reserve cltv councll of N alrobl 10 03 556 62 136/8 E ! Groqan. c/o Prolects and M anagement, Box 3963, Nmrobl 41 50 2,303 05 136/9 . - - ' . - ., ,, ,, 50 00 2,774 76 136/10 Klllnélnl Harbours ind W harfs Eitate Co Ltd . ( lo Box 3963, Nbl 50 00 2.774 76 136/11 - . ',, u 36 00 1.,997 82 136/12 E s érogan, c/o Prqects and V anagement, Box 3963, Nalrbbl 43 00 2',386 29 136/143 ,, , , ,, , , ,,s 455 00 Q g 23,052 23 w 71 ,497 28 136/1 5 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 00 a ,49,7. ag 136/16 ,, ,, ,, ,, , 45/00 Tw P 2,497 28 137/17 n ,, 45 00 4 1) 2 497 28 Road Reserve Clty Councll of N alrobl 10 58 5$7 13 136/18 E S Grogan, c/o Proleots and Management, Box 3963 Nalrobl 62 85 i/ û 3,487 87 136/19 ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 80 136/20 ,, ,, 40 (12 2,219 8 1 136/21 ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 81 136/22 ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 81 136/23 ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 81 136/24 , ,, 53 74 2,982 31 R oad R eserve Clty Councll ol N alrobl 10 30 571 60 136/25 E S Grogan, c/o Prolects and M anagement, Bo K2 3963 Nairobl 34 8 l 1,931 78 136/26 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 81 136/27 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 81 136/28 s, ,, ,, ,, ,, 40 00 2,219 81 136/29 ,, , ,, 61 80 3,429 60 136/199 x M aad s M Jeptulla and otkers, Box 1()($L, xatrobl 103 65 5-752 e7 crown I-and 135/50 7,519 60 sI, 1,594 47 88,485 33

N OTICE Is hereby glven that the Clty Councll of Nalrobl at a m eetlng held on the 29th M arc hz 1955, made the followm g provlslonal apportlonments of thevost of constructlng Ambala Close under the prmqslons of the M unlclpalltles and T. ownshlps (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, nam ely -

N AME ANo A DDRESS Frontage Total C ost A m ount Feet C ost Per Foot Sh cts L R 209 v PLOT N o 2788/9 Klhndlnl Harbours and W harfs Estate Co Ltd c/o Bpx 3963, Nb1 57 20 2,350 52 2788/23 ,, ,, 62 51 2,568 73 2788/1 l ,, ,, 58 34 2,397 36 2788/12 ,, ,, 56 73 oq !n: 2,331 21 Road R eserve Clty Councll ot- N alrob) 10 00 cxrt- m'n- 410 93 2788/25 Klllndlnl Harbours and W harfs Estate Co Ltd , c/a Box 3963, Nb1 9 50 .. tc''l 390 38 2788/14 15 00 q. c 616 39 2788/15 40 00 ; 71 1,643 72 2788/16 40 00 1,643 72 2788/17 42 37 i/ è/ 1,741 10 2788/18 121 19 4,980 05 2788/19 ,, ,, ,, ,, 53 97 2,217 78 2788/20 ,, ,, ,, ,, 115 01 4,726 10 Sh 68 1 82 28,0 17 99 ! 1

N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of Nalrobl at a meetlng held on the 29th M arch, 1955, m ade the followlng provlstonal apportlonments of the cost of constructlng Grogan Crescent under the provlslons of the M umclpalltles and Townshlps (Prlvate Streets? Ordlnance, nam ely - . I N AME AND A DDRESS Frontage Total Cost A m ount Feet Cost Per Foot Sl1 cts L R 209 PLOT N o - 3011/20 Klllndlm Harbours and W harfs Estate Co Ltd , c/o Box 3963, Nb1 39 22 2,192 75 lkoad Reserve C lty Councll'of N atrobl 20 00 1 118 18 30l 1/19 Klllndlm Harbours and W harf: Estate Co Ltd , c/o Box 3963, N b1 29 91 t.q 1,672 24 30 1 1 / 1 8 , , , , , , , , 40 ()0 wt-- Z 2 , 2 3 6 3 6 3 0 1 1 / 1 7 , , , , , , , 4 5 0 0 & # 2 , 5 1 5 9 0 3011/16 ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 ()0 = oh 2,515 90 301 1/15 ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 00 $:4 :J:1 2,515 90 3011/14 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 00 2,515 90

3011/13 ,, ,, . ,, ,, ,, 45 00 ëhl i/ 2,515 90 136/R Unsurveyed Plot, E S Grogan, Box 3963, NalrobL 45 00 2,515 90 3011/22 E S Grogan 278/27 15,557 79 677 40 37,872 72

& 12th A prll, 1955 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZET TE 317

N OTTCE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on the 29th M arc ha 1955! m ade the followlng provlslonal apportlonmonts of the cost of constructlng Reata Lane under the provlslons of tho M unlcmalltles and T.ownshlps (Prwate Streets) Ordlnance nam ely - ' NAME AND ADDRESS FrFoneteat ge TCootsatl PeCr oFsot ot1 Amount l Sh c/J Pto'r LN oR -209 ( 301 1/20 Klllndlnl Harbours and W harfs Estate Co Ltd , c/o Box 3963, Nbl 87 01 3 893 3011/21 ,, ,, ,, ,, 18 03 806 3011/2 ,, ,, ,, ,, 7 00 313 3011/3 ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 00 2,013 3011/4 ,, ,, 45 00 2,013 3011/5 ,, ,, 7 80 349 R oad R eservg Clty Councll of N alrobl 10 00 447 301 1/6 Klllndlnl Harbours and W harfs Estate Co Ltd , c/o Box 3963, Nb1 45 00 2,013 3011/7 ,, ,, ,, , ,, 45 00 ,.,. = 2,013 3 011/8 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 00 4 %gDt 2,013 3011/9 ,, ,, 45 00 ,W.a .+. 2,013 3011/10 ,, 45 00 M G 2,013 3011/11 ,, 45 00 .Wf. ' 4 2 ,013 3011/12 ,, 45 00 2,013 3011/13 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 45 00 ?1 ?@ 2,013 3011/14 ,, 45 00 2,013 3011/15 ,, 45 00 2,013 3011/16 ,, 45 00 2,014 3011/17 ,, 45 00 2,013 3011/18 ,, ,, 76 00 3,400 3011/19 ?, ,, 160 93 7,201 R oad Reserve Clty C ouncll of N alrobl 8 00 357 R oad Reserve Clty C ouncll of N airobl 8 00 357 1,012 77 l 45,320 81 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on the 29th M arch, 195 5 ,m ade the followlng provlslonal alTortlonments of the cost of constructlng the lane between plots 301 1/21 and 3011/1 under the provlslons oî the M unlclpalltles and Townshlps (Prlvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely -

N AME ANo A DDRESS Frontage Total Cost A m ount Feet Cost Per Foot Sh cts L R 209 PI-OT No - $ 4 3011/21 Klllndlnl Harbom s and W harfs Estate Co Ltd , c/o Box 3963. Nb1 60 07 p X 775 17 3011/2 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 12 78 ;; ö l64 92 3011/1 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 52 11 = Q 672 45 124 96 i; # 1,612 s4

N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll ot Nalrobl at a m eetlng held on the 29th M arch, 1955, m ade the followlng provlslonal apportlonments of the cost of constructlng the lane between plots 3011/5 and 3011/6 (M sufi Lane) under the provlslons of the M umclpahtles and Townshms (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely - ) NAME AND ADDRESS Frosfxltt Ze Tcootsjl pocs Ojjoto t Amotlflt Sh cts L k 209 PI-OT No - 71 3011/5 Klllndlnl Harbours and W harfs Estate Co Ltd , c/o Box 3963, Nb1 80 00 zk- 7 970 56 3011/6 ,, ,, 80 00 g: .-4 970 56 ,-? Q 160 00 J l g j 1,941 12 N OTICE xs hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a meetlng held on the 29th M arc hw 1955, m ade the followlng provlsional apportlonments of the cost of constructlng Sher Lane under the provlslons of the M unlclpalltles and Townshlps (Prlvate Stroets) Ordlnance, nam ely -

N auE Axo Aozmsss Frontage Total Cost Am ount . Feet Cost Per Foot

P L R 209 :c LOT No - p. ; 7: 136/28 5 E S Grogan, c/o Prolects and M anagement, Box 3963, Nalrobl 780 2 51 :&x- . C 7g455j 2896 136/7 Dbarlkshl M eghll Q d Popatlal janga m Box jà1, Nalrobl 70 21 t.ei 2 745 29 136/24 E S Grogan, c/o Prolects and M anagelent Box 3963, Natrobi 80 25 851 86 1 300 92 / 3,194 30 / 1 N OTICE Is hereby glvcn that the Clty Councll of Nalrobl at a m eetlng held on the 29th M arc hx 1955, m ade the followzng prow szonal apportlonments of the cost of constructlng Ambala Lane under the provlslons of tho M umclpalltles and T.ownshlps (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, nam ely - ..--. . ::r .. .. - ... - --- . . . - ---. . N AME AND A oou ss Frontage Total Cost A m ount Feet Cost Per Foot s'h cts P 1, R 209 &) LOT No - (1 4 gg() 90 136/4309 E S ,G, rogan, c/o Prolects and M anagement, Box 3967, Nalrobl 70 00 g&t Q 860 90 136/35 ,, 65/00 t.ep Q 799 41 136/36 ,, 65 00 799 41 270 00 j 3,320 62

N wm om , JOHN RISEBORO UG H , 4th Aprll, 1955 n wa Clerk

# 318 TH E OFFICLYL G AZEW E 12th Apnl, 1955

GENERAL N oencs N o 887 M r K assam N anll Zlwam Slsal Estate, P O M urka, Zlwanl - Slsal Estate, Telta D lstnct THE LIQUOR ORD INANCE M r Kassam Nanll, P O M urka Kenya Kyanlte Ltd premlsus, (Cap 266) i? O M ulka L oxs'r LIQUOR LICENSING C otlRr R ATIFIC,ATION OF TRANSFBRS Tl'tE followlng apphcatlons fol llquol llcences w11l be con Fl om M r C B Patel, Plot N o 92, Tononoka Lohana Road, sldeled at a m eetm g ot the Coast Llquol Llcenslng Court Lo be M ombasa (W me M elchant's and Grocer's Llquor Llcence), to held ln K adelbhoy H all, M om basa on M onlay, 9th M ay, 1955 M l G B Patel and three otlaers, tladlng as Comm on W ea1th at 10 a m Provlslon Store From M r Akbelah Javel Kermall of M watate (W lne M erchant's APPLICATIONS tnd Glocel s Llquol Llcence), to M /S Fazal Jamal & Sons, W ln.e M elchalzts and Groce; 5 Llquor Lïcences tladm g as M vatete Tladlng Stolu M watate From M l Akberall Javer Kelm all of M watate (Non Splrltuous M 1 Sadruduan Fazal, P O Box 518 M om basa, Plot N o 65, Llquor Llcence), to M /S Fazal Jamal & Sons, tradlng as Sectlon X X, K washlbu R oad M om basa M watete Tradm g Store, M watate M 1 Chhaganlal Damll and M r H arllal D amll, tradm g as H arlsh 1R'1 ()m M 1 Prem abhal M akanll Patel, plemlses Q 342, Kmyozl Plovlslon Stoles P O Box 2589, M om basa, Plot N o 148, Road 7 M alengo ('Non-splrltuous Llquol Llcence) :1to premlses Sectlon XVI, prem lses P Zlwanl R oad, M om basa (1 442, Plot No 7, Sectlon XI, Klnyozl Road, M ombasa M r N alshl Solpal Shah P O Box 2316, M ombasa, m em lses Flom M r F D Qureshl Sundowncr lnn, Chagamwo, Plot No Q 664, Klnyozl Road, M alengo, M ombasa 1023, Scctlon VI (General Retall Llquor Llcence), to M rs M r Fulchand M eghll Shah, P O Box 54% M ombasa, Shop Pyarall Jam al, Plot N o 1023, Sectlon V 1, Chamgam we N o P 527, N ew M akupa M arket, M alengo, M om basa Flom M rs Shella K N olton, Iûkam bala H otel, K lkambala M r Fazal Rahemtulla, c/ o P O Box 518 M ombasa, prenuses (General Retajl Llquor Llcence), to M l R M and M Js N o D 95, K uze R oad, M om basa Thelm a A Cublson, Klkam bala H otel M l G ovm dbhal Ravlibhal M lstry and M r Vasanlt Ratanlt M lstry, Florri M essrs O S K apadla & M K R angan of M azeras tradm g as Coastal Frult Stole, P O Box 1276, M om basa, (Sbn-spm tuous Llquor Llcence), Glve and Take'', to M r prem lses N o N 1007, M akupa Road, M om basa K hatn M aganlal N arandas M rs Bhagwantl K artar Sm gh Bhogal, tradlng as Bhogal Pro From M r Tam K ee, Plot N o 24, Sectlon XV1Il, Statzon Road, vlslon Stores, P O Box 1947 >M om basa, plem lses N o W 905, M ombasa (W 1ne M etchant's and Glocer's Llquor Llcence), to Plot 61R-8 Sectlon M I, ofl M akupa R oad, M om basa Plot N o 5(J, Sectlon X II, M akupa Road, M ombasa M r M ahomedally M awjl, P O Box 17, M ombasa, Shop prem lses standm g on Plot N o 200 201, Sectlon X X., M J1 M pya Road, O E B H UGH ES Chalrnlan M om basa C oust Ltquoï D censtng Ctpu? t M r Ram Parkash Anand, Tudor General Stores P O Box 2320, M tpazbfzm M ombasa, Piots Nos 292/293, Sectlon X, Tudor Road M om basa G eneral R etall Ltquor Ltcences G IOIERAL N o'rlcB N o 888 M r P A Petley, Petley s H otel, P O Lam u Petley's H otel, N AK URU COU NTS COUN CIL Lam u M r Akberall Allbhal Janm oham ed, P O Box 529, M om basa EtccTzox R BSIJLTS- D UNDORI W ARD Plot No 12/ 11, Sectlon XIX, Sharlfbhal Stleet M om basa IN ACCORDANCL wlth the pl ovlslons of sectlon 31 (1) M r Ram znnall M anlee Janm oham ed, P O Box 6060, takonl, ot the Local Govelpment (County Counclls) Oldlnance, 1952, Plot N o 62/67, Sectlon II, Llkonl 1 h w e to announce that the vacancy on the M r P D Pmto, Summ er H otel, P O Box 537, M om basa Councll caused by the leslgnatlon of M r R Hawklns has Plot N o 270, Sectlon X VIII, M )l M pya Road, M ombasa been filled by the electlon of M r Arthur Roy Bm gley on M r Jam al H ablb P O Box 229, M om basa, Subdwlslons 29th M arch, 1955 213/216 ot Sectlon XX, Statlon Roadr M ombasa W A PERREAU , N on-spïrktuous faltl/zt?? Llcences Cletk // the County Counctl M r Japhet Kltuto, P O Box. 2800, M ombasa, Plot N o 105, Sectlon X , plem ses N o L 741, Klzlwl Locatlon, M om basa M r Dahyabhat Dullabhbhal Patel, P O Box 263, M om basa, GSNBRAL N o'rlclz N o 889 Plot N o 221, Sectton X-1/1 M akupa M arket, M om basa M r Chebol s Jo Barttl, (2) Klptenal s Jo Chebol (3) Cltebtl s/o N AK URU COU NTY COU NCIL Chebm P O Box 270 M ombasa, Plot No 860/42/ 1 M N LlcsNslNG olp BfcYcLss BY LAw s M ahndt R oad, K lsaum , M om basa M r Bakall Athm am , P O U kunda, Sunba H llls, K wale Dlstnct UNDER sectlon 113 of the Local Government (County Shah D ayalal D haram shl, P O Box 1306, M om basa, Plot N o Couaclls) Oldlnance 1932, notlce ls hereby glven that the P 243, M alengo, near M akupa M alket, M om basa N akuru Coun ty t-ouncll w ll1 at 1ts m eetlng m M ay 1955, o: at A(r Ngome s/o M duruma, M acklnnon Road, Plot No 6, som e later date consldel applylng for approval of by laws relat H aklnnon R oad 1ng 1 o the llcenslng of blcycles threughout the C ounty Councll M r U m ar b1n Ahm ed b1n Tahlr, P O Box 435, M ombasa, alea Com es ot these by-laws crtn be seen at the County Counctl M w andonl K lsaunl, M om basa prem lses K A 1-793 oë ct s durlng worklng nours M l K hm pl N alslu Sha, Kalolem , P O Box 1922, M om basa, N akuru W A PERREAU prenuses on Plot N o 4, Kalolenl, Klhli D lstnct 5th A pnl, 1955 M rs Bhagwantl K altal Slngh Bhogal, tradlng as Bhogal Provlslon Clerk ybr the County C'fptflTrll Stolu, P O Box 1947, M om basa, prenuses N o W 905, Plot 61 R 8, Sectton X 1I, off M akupa R oad, M om basa M r M wll s/o Kamuga, c/o M wembe Tayan Canteen, P O G EN>RAL N o'rlcs N o 890 Box 440, M ombasa, K ldungunls Llkonl, Plot 164 Scctlon 1 M S M r A bdullasul H assanah Paldhan, P O Box 175, M om basa, PLATBAU LIQUOR LICENSIN G COURT shop plemlses N o 3-393, Changanawe, M om basa THE followlng appllcatlonç wl11 be consldeled at the next M r Joseph M Jam es, M gattge N ytka, P O Btlra, M gange N ylka m eet Lng of the Plateau Llquor Llcensm g Court to be held Tn (M wanda Lecatlon), Vo1 Dlstllct the Dlstnct Com m lsslo: er s Oë ce Eldolut, on M onday, 9tb M l Chhaganlal D zmll and H alllal D amll, tradm g as H ansh M ay 1955, at 10 a m - - Provlmon store, P O Box 2859, M om basa, Plot N o 148, N Bw A PPLICXTIONS Sectlon X'Vl, perm lses P Zlwam R oad, M om basa M r Abbas Bllal b1n M usa, P O Box 328, M om basa, Plot No W lne A.fe?c/?c/?;/,& a'ld G rocers Alt/utp? Llcencc P 336, Zm am Road, M ombasa Eldol et Cheap Stol e P O Box 81, Eldoret, Plot 46, Sectlon IX M r Hamath b1n Juma, W aa, Kwale W aa Sohool (no prenuses N 0ll-.%pll lfJ/t)!/# Llqtlol* Zl&d/lf.d Number), Kwale Dlstnct K lplagat arap Chesaln 1 K aptelen, Tam bach M r M oham ed All Allbilal G ulam hussem , P O Box 1207, Am al Chand K ota, Plot 9, Sectlon (X-V1 Eldoret M om basa, Plot N o 116, Sectlon V 1, C hangam we ln ths Lallubhal Rancllhodll D eaal, Plot 69 Sectlon IX Eldolet M unlclpal Area of M om basa Rotlch alap K w zm bal, Yokot M alket, Plot 4 Tam bach M r Ram Plakash A nand, Tudol G eneral Store, P O Box 2320 M 14 Patel & Co , Ttmboroa M ombasa, Plot Nos 292/293, Sectlon X, Tudor Road, Gl egory alap M lchlr, K aptertm, Tam bach M om basa M epa Samant Shah, Plot 5 Turbo M l N assolo Om ar & Salehe Sham bl Ngom bonl, P O Box 6034, Alllbhal & Sons, Plot 19, Sectlon X VII Eldol et D konnl, N gom benl on M om basa-shlm onl R oad, K wale B R M lstly, Plot 65, U ganda R oad, Eldoret D lstnct Cheluset atap Chum o, Bugal Tam bach M r Devchand Depar Shah c/o P O Box 325, M ombasa, shop Coronatlon Grocers, Plot 43, Sectlon IX Eldolet premlses No Q-342, Plot No 167, Kanyozl Road, M ombasa Tuyol arap Chepketany, Tam bach , M r Rastkbhal M am bhal K Anun and M r K nshhlal Chum lal N atw il Stores Plot 47 Sectlon IX Eldord Pandya, tradlng as K edal Stores, N D I, Vo1 D lstnct S D Patel, Plot 67, Suctlon IX , Eldoret M r Ve1J1 Vala Shah, tradm g as M aldo Ratlon Store, P O Box

549, M om basa, prem zses W 163, Bzg Road, Km gorant, Eldorct, W N B LOUD ON , Chatrm an M om basa 31s1 M arch, 1955 Plateau Ltquor D censmg Court 12th Aprll, 1955 TH E O FFICIAL G A ZE'IV E 319

CIENERAL N tm cs N o 891 N y Abutl Nyam w Aro, Plot 13 >K eblrlngo M alket, South N yanza H ezron Obyelo, Plot 6 Kenyenya M arket, South N yanza NYANZA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT O nte'l Ontell, Plot 2 Klam okam a M alket, South Nyanza Johnson M atunde) a Prot 19 Sectzon V ll K lsu Tow nshlp, The underm entloned apphcatlon wlll be heard by the N yanza South N vanza 1. lquor Llcensm g Court at 10 a m on M onday, 9th M ay' 1955, Lawlencc Tolo, Plot 6, l dhlwa M alket, South Nyanza at the Central Nyanza Afrlcan Dlstrlct Councll Hall, Klsum u - Nyakundl M webl Plot 4, M anga M arket South N yanza A PPLICATION Splllanus Bererlo, Plot 5, N yqblkaye M a1 ket, South Nyanza N on-splrttuous Llquor Ltcence Petro M btche Plot 7, N yam bullwa M arket, South N yanza Zrtchm lah K elonche Rltongo K uJ t South N yanza A4essrs A F & Co , Plot N o 15, Oyugls Tradm g Centre S O O bm a & C o , Plot 9, Sam eta M arket, South N yanza South N yanza M Szld J'zbeth Sale T'radlng Centre, South N yanza Iusumu, T A W AT I'S, Chalï rpcn M achoka Oyugl, Tenga M arket, South Nyanza 5th Aprll, 1955 N vanza fzqlrft?? Ltcenslng C'tp?z? f Jam es M uzee & Sons, Plot 2 M aseno Tladm g Cfm tre, Centlal N yznza Edpald Agutu Plot 35 Alam M alket, Centl al Nyanza G FNBRAL N oTlcE N o 892 G er 11d Oledo Plot 11, Bolo M arket, Central N yanza Joseph M unlal, Plot 14 Bol o M arket, Central N yanza NYANZA LTQUOR LICENSING COURT James M artln Opondo, M uhanda M arket Centlal Nyanza TH E undelm entloned appllcatjons wlll be heard by the D W llson O kum u, Plot 8, N yam asay la M alket, Central N yanza Nvanza LlquoT Llcenslng Coul t at 10 a m on M onday, 9th O ndlek M bayl, Plot 6 Nyam ware M Arket, Centlal Nyanza M ay, 1955, at the Centlai N yapza Atllcan Dlstllct Councll H all, Ochleng Hajlga Plot 10 Odtado M alket, Central N yanza K jsum u - Ansenktus Akuku Plot 4 01 echuodho M arket, Central Nyanza Alfled Ogony, 01110 Plot 9, Pau Akuche M arket Central CONFIRM ATION oy TRANSFERS N yanza W lne M elchallts t7n(/ Gl ocels f-ltytftpr Llce'lce F Adol & Sons, Plot 11 , Ramula M arket, Central N yanza Gel s / o *kecll, Plot 1, Ramuia M arketp Central Nyanza Non âwsrlfl/tplf.s Llquo' Of/-/dce/ice Obale & Sons, Plot 5, Rang'ala M alket, Central N yanza A N Chadha from Plot 28, K onzl Lane Klsum u to Plot 28, Peter Opondo & Co Plot 7 Uwal M alket, Centl a1 Nyanza Sectjon 39 Blackett s dvenue, K psum u Boaz Ochuodllo M lgott Plot 15 K ombewa M arket, Central N yanza N Ew A tyet-lc/x-rloNs K iqum u Plovlslons & Lake Supplles Ltd , Plot 9, Sectlon II, tt7) M e C/tl'e? s Club faî(.?lztz? Llcence Statlon Road, Klsumu (dtferred from last meetlng) M chuga Slngh Nyanza Tea Room , Plots 28 and 29, Sec- K e1 icho Salllng Ciub K erenga Estate, K erlcho tion LX V III K lsum u (J?) Gene; t'Cf Reïall Llquo; Lice pctr.j- H ablb Dostm oham ed K lm 11Tl1 Em pol lum , Klmlhll N 01th Caje and Rtl/clu?tzrff Lïqlkor Llcencc N yanza Nashel Abdus Plot 35, Sectlon LXVIII, K lsum u Bhanll F M ehta Plot 8, M lrogl Tl adlng Cent) e, South N yanza Klsum u. P M G ORDON , Chalnm an, W tne M elc/?f7rlr: a'ld Gltpcé'/.s Llqtloî Llcences 31st M arch 1955 N l(7nzl Ltquor Llcenslng C'tpurf K aroka Tradlng Company Plot 4 Ka1 oka Tladlng Centl e, South N yanza M olaanlal Lalll & Co Plot 24 O dera Street K lsum u G ENERAL N OTIf E NO 893 Allbhal K assam , Plot 25, Nambare Tradlng Centre, N 01th N yanza M UN ICIPAL BOARD OF K ISU M U G ulam huseln M awJl Plot 1 N am bale Tradlng Centre, Soutb TsxolRs FoR D USTBINS N yanza TEN DBRS are lnvlted for the supply of 500 mlld steel dust- M alt fylqutp/ Lkcences blns of 2.1. cuhc feet capamty K enya Tea Com pany Ltd , fo1 Soclal Hall Chebown Estate These blns m ust be provlded wlth llds and mcst conform to K erlcho D lstnct Britlsh Standard Speclik atlon N o 792 of 1947 wlth an addl- V lallal Jelam Valtha Cent) al C o'd D llnk H ouse, Plot 29, tlonal rtlnforcement of the rlm by a l-lnch hoop Each b1n D e Boel Street, K lqum u must be embossed w4h the letters M B K .-each letter bemg Jadavll Shlvjl, Plot 16, K lm lllli T 1 adlng Centres, N orth N yanza slx m ches 111 helght N on-spll s/r/t/lf,î L lquol 0 11-1 lcence The lowest tendel or any other tender need not necessartly W hlham Llgabo Sugam a Plot 10, K hayega M arket N 01th be accepted N yanza Tenders, ln sealed envelopes m arked Tv ender for D ustbsns'' - the tender to lndlcate the prlce per bm f o r K lsum u and the Non â'ps/l/l/tpus' Igqlfol 0# llcences date of delw ery ln Klsum u- should be addlessed to the under- K enya Tea Company, Ltd K apgwen Estate, K erlcho D lstrlct slgned on or before noon on Saturday, 11th June, 1955 Jephtha Avugwl Luseno, M ago M a1 ket, North Nyanza (deferred from last m eetm g) TH OM A S AN D ERSO N . Benlam ln O m ukaya, Plot 4, Bukura M alket >N orth N yanza Towp Clerk Bukura Retall Co-operatlve Store Soclety, Ltd , Bukura Farm K lsumu, M umctpal ömce: Jnstztute > N orth N yanza 6th Apnl, 1955 P t7 Box 105, Kïsum u Roblnson W akhungu Chonge, Chebukwobl M arket, N orth N yanza Stepha noy Im ba) a, Plot 3, Ebusbelatsl M alket, N orth N yanza Eltjah Abuyeka Enane, Plot 12, Ebusblratsp M arket, North GENERAL N o'rlcs N G 894 N yanza A mbuh Agalo, Plot 3, Em abungo M arket, North Nyanza VA CAN CY lN KENY A G OV ERN M EN T Sam son Angvlu, Khwlsero Com m unlty Soclal Hall Canteen, K lsa Locatkon, N o1 th N yanza CIvIL SERVICB CrMMlsslox

Benlam m Lw one & M atange Plot 2, K lvagala M arket, N orth Personal s'ecreftp.y Grade I M 'nlx/rv oj Annculture Ammal N yanza H usbando and Hzrcfc? R esources N athan A naya, Plot 22, M agada M alket, N orth N yanza Evans Tlego Ombewa, Plot 17, M alengo M arket, North N yanza APPLICATION S a1e m vlted for the followm g penslonable N arshldas O dhavll Plot 16, M alaklsl Tradlng Centle, N orth post and should bt submltted to the Secretau to the Clvil N yanza Servlce Comnusslon, P O Box 5595, N alrobl, so as to reach A subwa N ale, Plot 6 Se1 em M arket, N orth N yanza h1m not Jater than 2nd M av, 1955 Apphcants ln the G overn- Chbaganlal M onll Pattl, Plot 2, K arungu Tradlng Centre, Soutb m enl servlce should subm lt thmr appllcatlons on Form G P 1, Nyanza (deferred from last meetlng) ln trlphcate, thl ougb the heads of thelr departm ents who should Nyachotl M enge & Bros Plot 7, Ogembo Tradlng Centre, South transm lt tbem Mqth tlnelr recom m endatlons to tlle Secretaly Salary scale Nyanza (defelred from last meetlng) # Sllvanus Oroo Plot 13, D arala M blll M alket, South Nyanza E714 by f 30 to f504 k 834 by E30 to E924 (M ale) Francls Ong tm Onchera, Plot 15 D arala M blh M arket, South E660 by E24 to :684 by f30 to f 744 f 774 by f30 to f 864 N yanza Leo Nyosore, Plot 6, Gesouso M arket, South Nyanza (Female) G erlson O ngell Plot 1, G esusu M arket, South N yanza Appllcants must be servlng ol cers of tlle K enya G overn- Thom as M oywaya, Plot 3 lgele M arket, South N yanza ment who have paseed the Govelnment Senlor Shorthand and A lexandel W anga O ngayo Plot 1, Im bo M arket South N yanza Typtng Exam lnations or thell equlvalent The dutle,s of the Lavlshanker Praladll Plot 3 K arungu fladm g Centre, South post are those of pelsonal secretao to the M lzllster for N yaqza A grlculture

Ism all M oharned H alee, Plot 1 K arungu Tladm g Centre, South ln addltlon to the, salal'y of the above post a tem porary- and N yanz.a varlable cost of lwlng allowance ls pald at the rate of 10 per K arm ah M ltha, Plot 6, K arungu Tradlng Centre, South N yanza cent of salary 320 T H E OFFICIA L G A ZE'I'TE 12fh A prll, 1955

GkTNeRMI- No'ricy. No 895 G ENERA.L NorlcE N o 897 M ETHODS (JF CHARGE (IZAPL) BYELAW S, 1953 IN HER M AJBSTY S CO URT OF APPEAL FOR Pm cEs og DIESBL ENo1xF Y'vhl- OIL SA STERN AFRICA AT KAM PALA PUKSUANT to Byelaw 6 of tho M ethods of Charge (EAPL) C Acss Lls'r Byelaws 1953 , nottce ls hereby gtven that tho latest pnces pald by the Company for fuel o1l deltvered on or befm e the first day Bdore M /lJ# P W orln V P and Jenktns J ./1 of A prll, 1955, were as under - Tu( sday, 19th A prll, 1955 at 10 30 a m Ddtvered to the juel oll storage Shs f//c/etue or ftwl/c.ç at pe? ton D ecrease I or Setzhln.v C lntïnal Appeals (/rtl/n Kenyaj Cl A No 75/ 55 Reglna j.s Cherem sl o Gukull (Pa1t Heard) Nalrobl South Powel Statlon 307 79 + -/04 cts Cl A N o 144/ 55 Reglna 1J' Samal w/o M ukanda d/o M barakl Power Statlon, M om- M um ta basa 252 20 N o change C1 No 92/55 Reglna vs Abong s/o Loudam M ereronl Power Statlon, Cr N o 93/55 Reglna v,ç Akopel s/o Lochalll Nakuru 320 59 -1- - I 10 cts Cr No 94/55 Rcglna &J' Lomolyo s/o Lochalll Eldoret Power Statlon 334 65 + -/24 cts Cr No 95/55 Reglna v.î Ebcm s/o Ermn Klsumu Power Statlon 333 82 - -/ 18 cts C1 N o 96 / 55 Rcglna v.ç Ebulmn s Jo Lokwall Kttale Powel Statlon 338 70 + - /05 cts Cl N o 120/55 Rcgma v.ç Robelt M qbeere s/o Tharam ba Nanyukl Power Statlon 324 98 + -/01 ct Cr No 985/54 Reglna 'p& Reuben W ambwa Klslanganl Cr Ne 102/55 Regma v.ç Alan Norman Cooper Cr No 1(j4 / 55 Regma v.ç M ohamed Hassan Ismall jor cz7ff on behalf oj Cl No 754/54 Reglna z s Const 550 Joseph M 'Rm gera //7E' E ast .d.# lcan Power dr D ghhng Co , Ltd , Cr No 755/ 54 Regma vy Const 3895 Robtrt Njogu 5th Aprjl, 1955 G EORGE C REED , Sec?eftpy Bejote Nlhtll P W ol ley F P tznff Jenklns J .4 Tuesday, 26th Aplll, 1955, at 9 30 a m b'o' ,#./etz? lng t;'r//z?I?;J/ Appcals (> ont Ugf7?7#f?) GBNERAL N o'rlcs N o 896 Cl A No 902/54 Reglna Jzx Levl Klwanuka Cr A No 63 J55 Reglna 1 s Ausl Klbowa H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E CO URT OF K EN YA Cr yk No 62/ 55 Regma v.v Yowana Ruhendar uku NOTICE ls hereby pvcn that the followlng Sesslons of H er C1 A No 69/ 55 Regma & s Alalabu Klzlto M alesty s Suprem e Court of K enya wlll be held at the places Cr A No 110/ 55 Reglna vs Kaklzlba s Jo Biksamba Cr A No 111 /55 Reglna vs Poltasl Burubdl and Another set out hereundcr - Cr lk No 121 / 55 Reglna 3 s Nasanalrl Rutamuka SIJPREMB Cotm,r CRIMINAL SsssToxs AT M oMBzsà :15-4-55 * For H earlng FoI .Nb(?/ lng Cl k 11 Appeals Cr C No 28/54 Regma v, Karlsa s/o Kltsao C A No 80/54 Uganda Ratlon Stoles and Othels v.ç Pyaralt C< A No 2/ 55 Oma: SaAfl vo Rtgma Bandalt and O thels Cr A No 6/55 M ohamed Suleman v: Regma C A No 11/55 Busega M lllels & Industtles, Ltd v.v P Cr A No 7/55 Hasham Suleman w Reglna Patcl C A No 16/55 Uganda Gtowcls Co-operattve Umon, Ltd SUPREME Cotm'r CRIMINA.C SessloNs AT N AIROBI, 4-4-55 vç E K Kastm ba and O thels Cr C N o 43/55 Reglna v.ç Lajsomok Ene Netolu A No 24/55 P A Patel and Another Harlbhal V Patel SIJPREMC COIJRT CRIMINAI SBssloxs AT N AIROBI, 12-4-55 Cr C No 52/ 55 Reglna T s Kanoko s/o Klkanga N allobl M D D ESAI N F SHA W , 9th Aplll, 1955 A ssoclate R eglîtlal Acttng Deputy Regtstrar

G BNBRAL NoTlcy N o 898

THE COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE (Cap 288) IT IS notlhed for general lrzform atlon tl at the followlng com panles have been zncol porated ln K enya dm lng the pellod 16th to 31st M arch 1955 - PRIVATE COMI ANIBS N om lllal Name of C'tp//grtzrdy Capltal .,4 ddress (7/ Reglstoed Ogcc Sn Europcan Plovlslons Llmlted 150 000 Plot N o 890, D elam ere Avenue, N auob: H all s G arage Llm lted 15B (%0 Plot N o 8 Sectlon XVI, G ngg Street, Eldoret M um bu Estates Llm lted 2 000 Tum am l Llm lted 300 009 M onestates CoFee Llm lled 1 000 000 M ukhl M anspons, Gulzaar Stleet, N allobl D unfold H all & Partners Llnuted 40 000 K em e Ium lted 400,000 N aro M o1 u House Llmlted 400 000 Ambassador (East Afnca) Llmlted 200 000 Plot N o 582, G ovelnm ent R oad, N alrobl Insulance Selvlces Llm lted 10,000 Quallty Eggs L mlted 40 000 E Crookson Iam lted 2,000 Vjthaidas Trust Llm lted 2,000,000 The U nlted A fnca Press D mlted 100,000 Consulàte Cham bel, Race com se Road, N mlobl Ashwln & Company L m lted 400.000 M om basa H ouse, Fort Jesus Road, M om basa Sundu R lver Llnuted 300 000 M ltuhell & Clozler Ltmlted 400 000 Essex Close Llmlted 36,* 0 t R No 7741 / 10, Kltlsulu Eqtate Lower K abete, N allobl P J R oche and C om p-tny Llm ltt.d 100 (100 W hlttakel s Bmldm g Sallsburv Road, W eqtlands N auobt A uto and Safall Equlpnw nt Llm lted 50,000 lllot No 1 )6J 30, Grogan Road Nallobl Qualry Selvlces of East Afrlca L1m ted 100,000 Servall Bulldlng, Shlm anzt Road, M om basa Queensway Flollsts Llmlted 60,()% Stanvaù I'louse Yolk Street N alrobl B C F Llm lted 2 0û0 Plot N o 1 Section V1I D onald Avenue N kkultl Plm twell D m lted 10,0% Plot No 629/2 Bazaar Lane, Naklobl Atlas Conqtructlon lumlted 400,* 0 Stewarts Bm ldlng Vlctorla Street, N an ob1

N alrobl D J COW ARD

7th Aprll, 1955 Regls/ral o! (7(?/?l.ptz/7le-? 1 2th Aprll. 1955 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE 321

G BIrBRAL N o'rlcs N o 899 G ENERAL N OTILB N o 901 1 N H ER M AJESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA IN HhR M AJESTY S SUPREM E COURT OF K EN YA AT N AIROBI TH E D ISTRIG DELEGATE S CO URT, ELD ORET PROBA TE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISIRATION IAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made ln thTs C xuss N o 24 oF 1955 Coltrt ln .- IIl //Je nîatte o! clf//lrll.çf?tz/ft:?/i oj tlle estate 5/ Chlmanbhal (1) CAUSE No 96 otv 1955 Chaturbhaï Pa/cl oj Eldoï et deceased Ey Rogel Geoffrey Buekley and Edward Jackson H olllster ot N allobl thc attolneys of Francls Layton Perkins, one of the TAK E N OTICE that lettel s of adm lnlstratlon m testate of the exer-utors nam ed ln the w1ll of the deceastd, for a grant of estate of C hlm anbhal Chaturbhal Patel, w ho dled at Baroda, lettl rs of adm lnlstratlon wlth wlll annexed of the estate of H ugh Indla on the 22nd day of July 1954, were glanted to the under- slgned as attorney of K am alaben, w ldow of the deceased, on Ro , M acGregor Lalrd ckf Bahatl, N akuru in the Colony of thc 29th day of M arch, 1955 Kenya, who dled at Bahatl ln the sald Colony on the 1st day ot July 1953 A nd that a11 persons havlng any clalm s agalnst ol owlng ' m onevs to the qbove-nam ed estate are requlled to prove such (2) CAIJSB No 97 og 1955 clalm s bcfole m e, the underslgned, or to pay to m e the am ount by Khushl M ohamed s/o Nlzam D1n of Nalrobl, the attorney due as the case m ay be, on or before the 24th day of M ay of Savdarn Blb; w,dow of the deceased through h1s advocate 1955, after whlch dato the clalm s so ploved w111 be pald and S M Akram , Esq , of N allobl foz a grant of letters of adm m - the estate dystnbuted accordlng to 1aw lstratlon lntestqte of tne estate of Allmohamed s/o Nlzam D1n of N alrobl who dled at Vlllage K ot Khadam All-shah Dt C D A M IN , A dvocate M ontgom ery Pakpstan, on the 7th day of July, 1952 (also Attol ?stry of Kamalaben wltftplv oj C C Patet deceased) (3) CAuss No 98 oF 19!5 K lsum u, P O S tk't 592, fly Edith Blam ley Plneo of N alrobl, the executllx named ln 2nd A plll, 1955 de Boer Street X fll/zn;f the w11l of the deceased, for a grant of probate of the w111 of W llfred F1 ank Plneo of Eldoret m the Colony of K enya, who dled at Eldoret on the 31st day of October, 1954 GENERAL N orlcs N o 902 (4) CAUSE No 104 fEm 1955 IN H ER M AJESTY 'S SUPREM E COURT OF K EN YA 11y W Jlllam Brabazon H allow es of Elm entelta ln the C olony AT N AIROBI of K enya the executor named ln the w1l1 of the deceased, PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION through hls advocates, M essrs Buckley FH olllster and Com pany of N alrobl, for a grant of probate of the w111 of Dlana G race TAK E N OTICE that apphcatlon havm g been m ade m thls H allowes of Elmentelta, who dled at Nallobl on the 1st day ot Court m - Fe nruary, 1954 (1) CAUSB N0 105 otp 1955 fhlq Court wtll proceed to lssue tNe grant ualess cause be 1) (1) Rlchard Njlus Thompson and (2) Reglnald Leshe show n to the contrary and appearance m thls respect entered Thom pson, both of N anyukj ln the Colony of K enva, the on or before the 26th day of A prll, 1955 executors named m the wll1 of the deceased, through thelr ad&ocates, M essrs K aplan and Stratton of N airobl for a grant R H LO W N IE, of probate of the wlll of M abel T hom pson of N anyukl, w ho Nalrobl, D eputy R cdjrlzç/ll? dled at N anyukl on the 27th day of N ovember, 1954 ôth Apl 11, 1955 H M xçrzflzt-zLx Court oj Kenj a (2) CAuss No 106 op 1955 Vta/c - The wllls above nam ed are deposltcd and open to By Stewart M ackenzle Cook 'rhom son, an advocate of N alrobi lnqpectlon at tbe C ourt and one of the attorneys of the executors nam ed m the wlll of the deceased, through h1s advocates, M essrs K aplan and Stratton of Nmrobl, for reseallng m the Colonf of Kenya of the G I NERAL N olqcs N o 900 probate of the w11l wlth a codlcll thereto granted forth of the D lstrlct Probate R eglstry at Exeter of the H lgh C ourt of Justlce IN l4ER M AJESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA qn 'England, of the w1ll of Cecllla Joan M axwell-l-lyslop of AT M OM BASA Brlstol, England, who dled at Brlstol on the 23rd day of PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION D ecem ber, 1954 I'AKE N OTICE that appllcatlon haplng been m ade to thls (3) CAusE No 107 oF 1955 Court Tn - By Alfred Donald Phlpos Thom as of Subukla ln the Colony of K enya one of the executors named m the w111 of the (1) CàtlsB N o 9 op 1955 deceased, for reseallng ln the Colony of K enva the grant of By Jeram bhal Govlndll K uverll of M om basa, Kenya Protec probate granted by the H lgh Court of Justlce, the Pnnclpal toI ate, the son of the deceased, for Ietters of adm lnlstratlon of Probate R eglstry, London, England of the w1l1 of H elen tl1- estate of G ovm dll K uverll of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, Augusta Thomas of Sussex, England, who dled at Chlchester, who dled at M om basa on the 23rd day of Septem bef 1949, Sussex, on the 231.d day of October 1954 lntestate Tlus Court w11l proceed to jssue the grant unless cause be (2) CAIJSB NO 14 oF 1955 shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered By Hatlm all M ollam edall Jlvanlee of M om basa, K enya Pro on or before the 26th day of Apnl 1955 tcitorate, the son of the deceased, for lettels of adm lnlstratlon R H LOW N IE of the estate of Ruklyaba) A bdulhusseln of M om basa, K enya N alrobs, D ep/f/y R eglstrar Plotectorate, who dled at M om basa on the 10th day of M arch, 1952, lntestate 7th Aplll 1955 H M Supreme Court t# Kenya N ote - The wllls above nam ed are deposlted and Open to (3) CAIJSB No 16 oF 1955 : Inspectlon at the Court By M 1 s Jean H enderson and lan Stuart M cW alter, both of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, the executors, fof grant of pro- bate of the w111 of John Laldlaw H enderson, late of M om basa G ENERAL N orlcs N o 903 Kenya Plotectorate, who dled at M om basa on the 27th day of PROBATE A ND AD M IN ISTR ATION S( ptem ber, 1953 TAK E N OTICF that aftel fourteen davs from the datt of (4) CAuss No 17 0F 1955 thts Gazette, I ntend to apply to H M Suprem e Coult at By Dondo blntl Jum a of Llkom , K enya Protectorate, tbe N alrobl for representatlon of the estate of tho person named w tdow of thc dcceased, for letters of adm lnlstratyon of the yn the second column of the Schedule hereto, who dled on the eqtate of K uto b1n Sallm of Llkonl, K enya Protectorate, who date set forth agam st ius nam e dted at Llkonl on the 22nd day of Januaryy 1952, lntestate And further take notlce that a11 persons havmg any clalm s (5) CAUSE No 18 oF 1955 agam st the estate of tlze sald deceased person are requlred By Antonlo Jose M enezes of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, to plove such clalm s befove m e m thln two months flom the the attorney and /or agent of Barbara Perelra, wldow of the date of thls G azette > after whlch date the d alm s so ploved duceased for lettel s of adm lnlstratlon of the estate of Peter w111 be pald and the cstatc dlstnbuted accordlng to law Ollver Perelra of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, who dled at N alrobl, L N LEA CH , slombasa on the 5th day of Decem ber 1952 lntestate 7th Apnl, 1955 lor Jh//?//c Trustee Thls Court wlll plc-fceed to lssue the same unless cause be SCHEDULE shown to the contrary and appearance m thls respect entered on Publlc Testate or beforc the 19t11 day of A prll 1955 Trustee's D ate of or W S O D A V IES D eputy R egtstlar cause N o X am e Of Deceased Address o eatu Intestate Alombasa, H M Supreme Court 5/ Kenya 29th M arch, 1955 M om basa 29/55 Bernard Storrs Nyer, 17-3-55 Testate N ote - el'he wlll ln Cause N o 16 of 1955 has now been deposlted and ls open to lnspectlon In Coult $ 322 THE OFFICIAL GA ZETTB 12G Aprll, 1955

G BNERAL N tm cB N o 904 G BNERAL N OTICE N o 909 TlV BAN KRU PTCY ORDIN ANCE IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN FA FIRST M BBTING oF C REDITORS Axo Pum Ic EXAM INATION AT N AIROBI D ebtor s z7cme - N aranbhal ValJ1 Patel BAN KRU PTCY AN D W IN DIN G U P Addless - Cjo Rellance Press (M ombasa) Ltd , M ombasa G usE N o 5 or 1955 Descï lptlon - com posttor In //?e matto oj M aktnyambu Asbestos M tnes Ltd Court - H M Suprem e Court, M om basa No oj matter - 1 of 1955 and Date o/ fiîst pltgcflng of c/cffrlo/s - 21st Aprll 1955 l?t the nltzf ter 0/ the Ctl/'rtpcrlle/ Or#lrlc/lcF (Ccp 2.88) H out and place - 2 30 p m m y oëce, Inland Revenue Buzld- N OTICE ls hereby glven that a petltlon for the wm dmg up lng Fort Jesus R oad, M ombasa of the above-nam ed company by the Suprem e Court of K enya Date ()/ Publlc E'xtwnlnc/ltprl - 22nd Aprll, 1955 at N alrobl was on the 24th day of M arch, 1955, presented to H our c??J place - 10 a m H M Sup, em e Coult M ombasa the sald Court by Stlrlm g-Astaldl Englneerm g Llm lted, a llmlted Date oj t?/ de3 /t?? sltlnmaï 3 admknl%h c/l(??7 - 231-d Feblmary, llablhty com pany havlng 1ts remstered o/ ce sltuate at 1955 C hangamwe, M om basa a credltor of the above-nam ed com - pany, and that the sald petltlon ls dlrected to be heard before M om basa, A C BECTOR, the C ourt slttlng at the L aw C ourts N alrobl, at 10 30 o'clock m 31st M alch, 1955 Agent oj the flf/ïcpcl Recetveï the forenoon on the 29th day of A pnl, 1955, and any credltor or contnbutory of the sald com pany deslrous of supportlng or opposlng the makmg of an order on the sald petltlon m ay G SNERAL Norzes No 905 appear at the tlm e of hearlng m person or by hls advocate for that purpose, and a copy of the petltlon w1l1 be furmshed to THE BANK RU PTCY ORDIN AN CE ata.y credltor ol cotttmbutory of the satd company reqm rm g tl'te A DJOURNED PUBLIC EXAM INATION s zme, by the underslgned on paym ent of the regulated charge D ebtot s llam e - purshottam Gokaldas K otecha, tradlng as for the sam e K otecha & C,o W L H ARRAGIN Addless - Of Statlon Road, M om basa jor Hamllton, Harnson and M athews D escrlptkon - Broker Advocates Ior the Petkttoner, Cou' t - H M Supreme Court M om basa Stanvac H ouse Prlvcje Bag, N trlroàv No ()/ matter - 8 of 1954 N ote - Any person who m tends to appear on the heanng of Date of plkbltc examlnatlon - 22nd Apnl, 1955 the sald petltlon muqt sel've on or send by post to the above- H otlr and place - 10 a 1'n , H M Suprem e Court, M om basa named Harm lton H arnson and M athews, advocates for the petl- Date ta/ otdel /t?7 çummal) tztf??zlnàxf?tzfftpz? - 11th February tloner, notlce ln wntlng of h1s m tentlon so to do The notlce 1955 must state the nam e and address of the person 7 or tf a :rm * the nam e and addreqs of the firm , and must be slgned by the M om basa A C XECTOR , person or firm or h1s or thelr advocate (If any), and must be 31 st M a1 ch 1955 Agent // the OMclc/ Recewe; sclved, or lf sent by post must be sent by post m suëment tlme to reach the above-nam cd not later than 4 o'clock m the aftelnoon of the 28th day of A pnl, 1955 G BXBRAL N o'rlcya N o 906 THE BAN K RUPTCY ORDIN AN CE GENERAL N oTfcE N o 910 N OTICE OF D IVIDEND TH E FRAUD ULENT TRAN SFER OF BUSIN ESSES D ebtor s nam e - Balashanker Jlvatram ORDIN AN CE A ddtess - 'Kanm gu, South N yanza D eso m tton --Tradel W ap 286) Court - R esldent M aglstrate s Court, K lsum u N OTICE Is herebv glven that the buslness of grocenes and No oj matter - 4 of 1952 pl ovlmon m e1 chants carrled on by K antllal Laxmlchand M ehta A m ount pe? J - 20 ccnts of N alrobl m the Colony and Protectorate of K enya under the Flrst or #FITW or tp//lc/ w?s't4 - second n tm e and style of M ehta Provlslon Storc on Plot N o 47, East W hen payable - 15th Aprll, 1955 lelgh, Sectlon 1, N alrobl aforesald, has, as from 4th Aprll W hele payable --rlnhe Officlal Recelvel 's O mce, Law Courts 1955 bcen sold and transferred to H asham N athoo Ghorl of Bulldyng, P O Box 231 N alrobl N alrobl aforesald N all ob1 D J CO W A RD The address of the transferor ls P O Box 5983 N aTrobl 6th Aprll, 1955 &jhclal Recelvel 'l'he address of the transferee ls P O Box 3935, N alrobl The sald busm ess w 1ll be carned on by the sald H asham N athoo Ghon under the sald nam e and style of M ehta Pro- G ENERAL N olqcE N o 907 vlslon Store at the sam e prem lses at N alrobl The tl ansferee ls not assum m g nor does he m tend to assume THE BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE any llablhtles lncurred by the transferor ln the sald buslness up ADJOIJRNBD PUBLIC FXAMINATION to and lncludlng 4th A prll 1955 and tlle :ame m 11 be pald and D ebtor s ntzm e .- R em u Plrbhal dlscharged by the sald transferor Addless - P O Box 853, N alrobl D escrtptlon - lnsurance agent K ANTILAL LAX M ICHAN D M EHTA Court - H M Suprem e Court of Kenya, N alrobl Tranderor No SJ mattel - 11 of 1954 H ASH AM N ATH OO GH ORI, Date 0/ adwuïned publlc examlnatlon - 29th Aprll, 1955 Transjeree Hou' and place - 10 30 a m H M Supreme Court, Law Courts Butldm g, N alrobt G ENBRAI NorlcE No N alrobl D J CO W A R D , 6th iprll 1955 Omcial Receïver TH E FR XU DU LEN F TR AN SFER O F BU SIN EKSES O R D IN A N CE GENERAL N oTlcE No 908 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness of hardwares m elchants carrled on by M otlchand Ramll Shah, Llladhar H adha N OTICE OF CHAN G E OF NAM E Sllah and K eshavlal D evshl Shah under the name of Colonlal Plovlders on Plot N o 2665, Indla H ouse Stew art Street, 1, Chandlakant s/o Satyendra Thakore of Nallobl ln tlle N allob: ln the Colony of K erya has been sold and transferred Colony of K enya archltect, heleby gtve publlc notlce that by a to Colonlal P1 ovldel s Iam lted as from the 31st day of M arch deed poll dated the 4th day of Aprll 1955, duly executed by m e 1 955 as the father and natural guardlan of m y splnster m fant daughter, Shakuntala Shella heretofore called and kno!vn as The xddress of the tl ansferols ls P O Box 3547 N alrobl Shakuntala who was born at N alrobl afolesald on the 4th day The addless of the transferees ls P O Box 3547, N allobl of A pnl, 1950, a Bntlsh sublecf , and whose blrth was reglstered A Il debtq due to and owlng by the sald transferors w1ll be wlth tbe Reglstrar General of Bllths and Deaths for the Colony recelved and pald by the sald tlansferees and Protectorate of K enya at N alrbbl aforesald under Entry No 1356/ 1950, l assumed for and on her behalf the name M OTICHAN D RAM JI SH AH , Shejla ln addjtlon to the name Shakuntala for a1l purposes and LILAD HAR H ADH A SH AH on behalf of the sald Shakuntala Shmla I hereby authonze and KESHAVLAL D EV SH I SH AH , request a11 persons to deslgnate descnbe and address her by D ansjel ors such nam e of Shakuntala Shella only M R SHAH D :l ector Na4ltrho bVl nl, C1H95AJNDRAKAU s/o SATYENDRA THAKORE Na1lsrto bAlplll /(?z Colontal Provlders D nzlfeff , 1955 Jianstereek 11th Apnl. 1955 TH E O FFIG A L G AZE'IT E 323

Gst saziz- N orzcE N o 917 G SNERAL lçoTlce pko 916 DISSOLU TION OF PA RTN ERSH IP JOSEPH W RIG HT, D ECEA SED N OTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore PURSUANT to tlle Tlustee Oldmance (No 28 ot 1929), subslstlng between (1) m yalp Hemra, Shah , (2) Khlmchanû all persons havmg clalm s agam st the estato of tho late Josepil Hemra) (3) Nathalal Bhagwanll , (4) Vanechand M adhavll , and W rlght of Kenya Reglm ent, also c/o Kenya Co-operatlve (5) Vlrpal M eghll Shah, carrpng on busmess at (1) premlses Creamerles, Llm lted N awasha, and P O Box 83, Nalrobl, who standlng on Plot No 7 Agada Street, Klsumu , and (2) dled on 27th M arch, 1955, ale requlred to send partlculars prerlyses standm g on Plot N o 196, R odgers Road M om basa, thereof to the T ustee Branch, Barclays Bank D C O , P O m co-partnershm m the hrm nam e or style of Dayaljj H em ra) Box 963, N alrobl Kenya Colony on or before 15th June and Company, has been dtssolved by mutual consent of tho 1955 after w hlch tlle adm m lstlator w lll proceed to dlstrlbute afol esald persons wlth eFect from 31st M arch, 1955, by retlre- the assets, havm g rt-gard only to valld claTm s then notlfied mtn t therefrom of the aforesald N athalal Bhagwam l TRUSTEE BRANCH , The saCd buslness, as from 1st Apnl, 1955, ls bmng carned on Barcla) s ulM ll/v D C O by the aforesald (1) Dayalp Hemra) Slmh , (2) Khzmchand 5th A pltl 1955 # O B ox 963 N allobt Hernra) (3) Vanechand M adhavll s and (4) Vlrpal M eghll Shah, the contmulng partners, m co-partnershlp under the same tirm G ENERAL N oTlcs No 917 nam e or style and at the sam e places EA ST AFRICAN CUKREN CY BOARD > 11 debts due to and owmg by the sald buslness w11l be PA Y M EN T of the valuo of the follow lng m uttlated currency rect l&ed and pald by the aforesald contlnumg partners notes has been cialm ed by the persons nam ed A ny other person DAYALJI H EM RM SHAH wlshm g to subm lt a clalm ln respect of these notes should com - K HIM CH AND H EM RAJ m unlcate at once wlth the Cunency OKcer, D ar es Salaam VAN ECH AN D M A DH AVJI, Non // notes - BI9Q 13016, C /41 61610, F/20 49990. for VIRPAL M EGH JI SH AH , Sh 5 each , W /9 59146, C/46 60447, for Sh 10 each p C onttnulng Partners D / 12 67578, for Sh 20 D /7 97418 for Sh 100 Name and address (7/ clalmatlt - The Standard Bank of South M ombasa, N ATH ALAL BH AG W AN JI Afrlca, Ltd , IRar es Salaam J st A pnl, 1955 R ett' lp;.g' Partner No tp/ noïe - B/89 90173, for Sh 5 Name and address ()/ clafmant - B Bonfoce, M oshl No ol note - Bj1Q 00160, for Sh 5 G:NHRAL N on cE No 913 Name and address t# clalnlant - Rangasan Sawakz, M oshl Nos // notes - B I 11 93262, .8/86 77122, for Sh 20 each DISSOLU TION OF PA RTNERSH IP 4 Name czg# address tp/' clalmant - loseph Slrzto, M oahl NOTICE ls hereby glven that the partnersh p heretofore sub- No t# note - Ml4 65755. for Sh 10 > slstlng between Assa Smgh s Jo Ganga Ram and Han Slngh s/o Name and address t?/ clalmant .-Anael Nalman, M oshl K atha Sm gh, carrym g on busm ess on Plot N o 16A Rallway No // note - V I4 47108, for Sh 10 Sltlyng, N akuru, under the nam e or style of m ft V alley Concrete Nanke and address 0/ clalmant - J B Gondwe, M beya has been dlssolved by mutual consent as from the 31st day of No t7/ note - BI42 99828, for Sh 10 January, 1955, by retlrement therefrom of Assa Smgh s /o Nanle and addtess 0/ clalmant - Raphael Glmense, Nanslop G znga Ram Ukerewe The contlnumg partner, Harl Slngh s/o Katha Slngh wzll No 0/ note --C/43 13050, for Sh 5 henceforth carry on the sald busm ess at the same placo and Name and address t# clatmant .-M essis M bulu Tradmg Co , under the sam e firm nam e A1l debts due and owm g to the M bulu partnerslup up to and m cludlng the 31st day of January, 1955, , wlll be collected and pald by the contlnum g partner, H arl Sm gh Nos 0/ notes - E/ 18 6410 1. B/31 54687, for Sh 5 each , s/ o Katha Slngh D /30 24193, D /21 15995, D /20 88743, C/56 23061. C /56 15272, for Sh 10 each M SA SINGH s/o GANGA RAM , Name and address t)j clallnant - Tsere Gllando, M bulu R etkrïng Partner No oj note - Bj65 29549, for Sh 5 HARI SINGH s/o K ATHA SINGH , Name and add'ess (7/ clatmal't - Akberall H M Fazalbhoyp N akuru Contlnutng Partne' Dar es Salaam No tp/ note - B/47 49629 ior Sh 20 Name and address t# clalmant - Bayltazarl Katza, Bukoba Nos oj notes - Bl39 84738, for Sh 5 , L/7 14166, G SNERAL l4oTlcE lfo 914 R/ 7 83413, for Sh 20 each Name and address t# clalmant - The Natlonal Bank of lndla D ISSOLU TION OF PARTN ERSH IP Ltd , M wanza NOTICE ls hel eby gtven that the partnershlp heretdfore sub- No oj note - C/41 86438, for Sh 10 lstlng between N alottambhal Ranchhodll M lstry and Chhagan- Name and addtess 0/ clatmant - sezf Saldl, M oa, Tanga blzal Ranchhodll M zstry, both of N mrob), carrymg on the busl- Nos oj notes - Tl 12 21880, 8/68 91357, 8/72 82372. ness of general provlslon merchant at Park Road, N alrobl, under 9/48 96882, for Sh 5 each the tirm name or style of Bharat Provlslon Store, has been Nc?ne and addtess tp/ clalmant - ulaya M pelekamanje. dyssolved by m uttzal consent wlth effect from the 31st of M arch N ewala 1955, by the retlrem ent therefrom of the sald N arottam bhal No 0/ note - F/38 06089 for Sh 5 Ranchhodjl M lstry Nalne and address oj clfuzntzuf .-Ablsa, Shemkuyu, Lushoto Al1 debts due to and owlng by the said busm ess shall be No tp/ note - E/46 20356, for Sh 5 rect-lNed and pald by the contlnulng partner the sald Chhagan Name and addtess oj clalmant --omar Athmah, Dar es bhai Ranchhodll M lstly who w111 henceforth carry on the Salaam buslness under the sald nam e of Bharat Provlmon Store P N PA T EL , G ENBRAL N o'rlcE N o 918 N qlrobl Advocate /ol b0th the pattles DEPARTM EN T OF VETERIN ARY SERV ICES 1st A prll 1955 P O Box 5193, N az'obl T:NDERS FoR THE SAI.B oF PREPARBD Hm ss ANp SKINS LICEN SED buyers can obtam detalls of gradts, welghts and quantttles from the D lrector of Veterlnary Servlces, P O K abete G sxsltxl- N tm cs N o 915 The hldes and skm s m ay be wewed at the H lde Store. D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSH IP Veterm aly Research Laboratory, K abete, dunng the week Tenders, ln writlng should reach the underslgned by 18th. N O TIC E zs hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore sub- A pnl, 1955 slstlng between U m elll M usa and M oham ed M usa carrym g on buslness of tallolm g under the fil'm nam e or style of H ollyw ood E P RICFa Tallorlng H ouse at Cross Road, N alrobl, has been dlssolved for Acttng Dtrector of Veterlnary Servmes by m utual consent as from the 24th day of M arch, 1955, by the retlrem cnt therefrom of the sald Um erll M usa G ENERAL N oTlcB N o 919 The busm ess ls bem g contm ued by the sald contm ulng partner M oham ed M usa under the sam e firm nam e and style of H olly- N OTICE wood Tm lonng H ouse at the sam e place as from the 25th of I A bdul H ak of K lsum u and Sakwa m the Colony of K enyas M arch, 1955, and al1 debts duc to and om ng by the old partner- Arab trader and hotel propnetor, hereby notlfy that no person shlp w1l1 be recelved and pald by the sald contlnm ng partner, has any authorlty whatsoever te pledge my credlt or deal m m y M ohamed M usa name and on m y behalf N an obl A R A U F, K lsumu, 26* M arcb, 1955 Advocates m rb0th ptzl tles 21st M arch, 1955 ABD UL HAK , 324 O PFICIAI. G AZRT I'E 12G Apnl, 1955

Gnxsluc Norlcs xo 645 actual orosortmnate cost elther pay (wztllln seven days of demand-) or- be refunded tlle amo u-nt by wluch the actm l pro- TH E CROW N LAN DS ORD INAN CE portlonate cost exceeds or falls short of the amount pajd as aforesald R vm v T ow xsua - ltssioEx'n wu Pun s l N OTIC,B s hereby gtven that olots m Rut'ru Townshm 9 The grantee shall from ttme to ttm e oav to the Com m lm- as descnbed m tlw scixedule are av-allable for ahenatlon a Z'd Sloner of Lands on demand such propo r-t1 o-n of the cost of hcatlons are m wted for the dlrect grants of the m dlvldual m am tam m g all roads sem ng or adlom mg the land as the palpopts C om m lssloner m ay assess 2 A plan of the plots m ay be seen at the Oë ce of the 10 Should the Commlssloner of Lands and/or the I-ocal D lstnct Com m lssloner Thtka and at the Pubhc M ap Oë ce of Autllonty at any tune requlre the sald roads to be con- the Survey D epartm ent, N allobl, or m ay be obtam t.d from the structed to a lugher standard, the grantee shall pay to the D lrector of Surveys, P O Box 1766, N alrobl, on paym ent of Com m lsstoner on dem and such proportton of the cost of such Sh 3 post free constructlon as the Com m lssloner m ay assess 11 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, cllarges, duttes, 3 Appllcatlons should be subm ltted to the A ctzng Com mls- assessm ents or outgom g of whatevcr descrlptlon as m ay be sloner of Lands N alrobl through the Dtstrlct Com mlsslonel Hnposed, charged or aqsessed by any G overnment or Local Thtka, statm g the plot reqm rtd m order of preference Authorlty upon the land or the bm ldlngs erected thereon zn 4 A ppllcatlons m ust be sent so as to 1 each the D lstrlct cludm g any contrlbtm on or other sum patd by the Governor C omm lssloner n lka, not later than noon on the 18th day of m heu thereof A prll, 1955 12 The G overnol or such person or authorlty as may be 5 A ppllcatlons m ust not be sqnt to the A ctm g C o mm lsszoner appom ted f or the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon of Lands tfte land and 1ay and llave access to water m am s sem ce plpes and dram s, telephone or telegraph wlres and electmc m am s of 6 Apphcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlèns thelr a11 descrlptlons whether overhead or underground and the cheque for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt wluch w111 be dealt wlth gl antee shall not erect any bulldm g m such a way as to cover as follows - ol m terfere wlth any extstm g ailgnments of m am or servlce (c) If the appltcant ls olered and takes up and pays for a plpes or telephone or telegraph wtres and electnc m am s plot wlthln a pcnod of 14 days as requlred by Condttlon 7 below, the deposlt wlll be credtted to h1m 13 The grantee tf and when called upon by the Local A uthorlty so to do shall at ius own expense connect m th the (b) lf the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful the appllcant's deposlt nearest water and electrtctty supply m am s and wlth the gewer w11l be returned to h1m where such exlsts or may eventually be m stalled (c) lf the appllcatlon ls successful and the appllcant falls to take up and pay for the plot ofered to hlm m thm N alrobl, J A O 'LOU G HI .1N , a pellod of 14 days as reqm red by Condm on 7 below , 5th M arcil, 1955 Jor Actïng CtAmnusslorlel oj fztzucfs . the Com m tsstoner of Lands m ay declare tlle deposlt for- $ felted and the apphcant shall have no further clalm thereto SCHEDVLB 7 Eaeh allottec of a plot shall pay to the Com mlsszoner of Lands wlthm 14 days of noté catlon that h1s apphcatlon Plot N o Acreage prSeomnmdm ARnentuaal l SFurevees y Raonadds has been approved the assessed stand prem mm and proportlon of annlzal 1 ent, together wlth the survey fees tlze fees payable Dram s m respeot of the preparatlon and reglstratlon of the grant Acres fà Sh cts Sà cns (Sh 120) and the stam p duty m respect of the grant (approxt- Payable mately 2 per cent of the stand premlum and annual rent) In on default of paym ent wtthln the specé ed tim e the Comm lssloner L R 125/96 0 1479 1,030 206 00 191 50 donaand of Landq m ay cancel the allocatlon and the applluant shall L ït 125/97 0 1148 805 161 00 s, ,, have no further clalm to tbe grant of the plot L 5L 125/98 0 1148 805 161 00 ,, ,, L R 125/99 0 1148 805 161 00 ,, ,, 8 The cost of sewers to serve the plot shall be payable L :( 125/100 0 1148 805 161 00 ,, ,, by the gl antee L R 125/101 0 114$ 805 161 00 ,, ,, L Ft 125/102 0 1148 805 161 00 ,y ,, 9 G rants w11l be m ade under the Crown Lands Ordlnance L )k 125/103 0 1148 805 161 00 (C>ap 155 of the Revlsed Ethtlon of the Laws of Kenya) and L Tt 125/104 0 1148 805 161 00 htles w1ll be lssued under the R emstratlon of Tztles Ordm ance L ït 125/105 0 114S 805 161 00 The term of the grants m ll be 99 years from the first day of L R 125/106 0 1049 990 198 00 ,, . L lt 125/116 0 1675 1,170 234 00 the m onth foilowlng the noté catlon of the approval of the L ït 125/117 0 1148 805 161 00 grant L Yt 125/115 0 1365 952 190 40 L R 125/114 0 1148 805 161 00 ,, Specïal C ondttïons L R 125/113 0 1148 805 161 00 ,, ,, 1 The grantee shall erect complete for occupathon wlthln L R 125/J12 0 1148 805 161 00 24 m onths of the comm encem ent of the term bm ldm gs of L Tt 125/111 0 1148 805 161 00 appl oved deslgn on proper foundatlons constructed of stone L ït 125/110 0 1148 805 161 00 burnt brlck or concrete m th roofing of tlleq or other permanent L R 125/109 û 1148 805 161 00 ,, ,, m atenals approved by the Comm lssloner of Lands and shall L R 125/108 0 1148 805 161 00 ,s mamtaln the same (Includlng tlze external palntwork) m good L R 125/107 0 1269 888 177 60 and substanttal tenantable repalr and condltlon 2 The bmldmgs shall not be erected untll plans (lncludmg CJBNERAL lloTlcE lfo 920 block plans showm g the posltlcn of the bm ldm gs and a system of dratnage for dtsposm g of sewage surface and sullage water REVOCATION OF POW ER OF AW ORN EY on the land), drawmgs, elevatlons and çpeclficatlons thereof N OTICE ls hereby gw en by me, tlle undermgned Sarwan shall have been approved m wntlng by the Local Authorlty Slngh s/o Hjra Smgh, of P O Box 368, Nalrobl, contractor, and the Com mlssloner of Lands Such plans, drawmgq, eleva- that a powor of attorney dated the 15th day of D ecember, 1951, tlons and spccï catlons shall be subrmtted m trm hcate to 1he and glven by m e to Bhagwanll Rala, m erchant, of N alrobl, s Local Authortty wlthm three months of tlle com mencement hereby revoked and cancelled and that he, the sald Bhan anll of the term Raqa has no longer any authontv to act as m y attorney 3 The plot and dwellm g-house shall be used as a prw ate thcreunder resldence for the grantee and h1s famlly only N allobl, 4 The bm ldm gs sball not cover m ore tban 50 per centum 14th M arch, 1955 SARW AN SINGH s/o HIRA SINGH of tbe area of the land 5 The grantee shall not subdm de the land GCNE,RAL N oncE N o 921 6 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet or charge thc land or any pa1 t thereof except wzth the prlor consent m REVOCATION OF POW ER OF AW ORN EY wrltm g of 1he G overnor no apphcatlon for such consent N OTICE ls hereby glven that the power of attorney executed (except m respect of a loan reqmred for bmldmg purposes) , wtll and glven by m e on tho 27th day of August, 1952, to M r b: consldered untll Speclal Condltlon N o 1 has been M athuradas Jam nadas, appolntm g hzm as my attorney and perform ed agent, and a11 other powe