§Edfvy, J., 1971
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Odonatological Abstracts 1971 apparentlycontributed by his brother, Joze Poljanec. (15286) KUMARMUKHERJEE.A., 1971.Food-habitsof 1980 water-birds in the Sundarban,24-Paiganas District, West Bengal,India, 3. J. Bombaynot. Hist. Soc. 68(3): 691-716, (15289) ALSCHNER, G., 1980. Klipp und klar hundert- - (Author’s current address unknown). mal Tierwandenmgen.Bibliogr.Inst., Mannheim-Wien- X and -Ziirich. 210 Hardcover 27.2 ISBN 3-411 - Various Zygopt. Anisopt.taxa arelisted from stomach pp. (19.8 cm). of 4 viz. Bubulcus ibis -01717-1. contents egret spp., coromandus, alba E. and E. Some massive odon. in and Egretta modesta, i. intermedia, g. garzet- migrations Europe elsewhere ta. are briefly described and their possible causes are tenta- tively speculated upon. Notable is the Sept. 1947 Sym- danae in Ireland that have (15287) [SCHWAIGHOFER, A.] §EDFVY, J., 1971. petrum migration may originat- ed in In Profesotji KlasiCne gimnazijev Mariboru, 2: Dr. Anton Spainor Portugal. Argentina,Aeshnabonariensis Schwaighofer. — [Teachers of the Maribor Grammar appears in huge migrations across the Pampas,followed School, 2: Dr. Anton Schwaighofer]. £as. Zgod. Naro- closely by the cold storm, “Pampero”. — (/Abstractor’s In of dopis (N.S.)7[42]: 130-131. — (Slovene). Note: the face the oncoming monsoon, similar mi- A biography of the renowned Austrian odonatologist grations ofPantala flavescens were recorded in India by of his F.C. Soc. (1855-1933), based mainly on the recollections Fraser, 1918,7.Bombay not. Hist. 25: 511). and students colleagues during his Maribor years, Slov- enia(1892-1901).— For another biography,appreciation (15290) HOHN-OCHSNER, W„ 1980. S'Puurebuebli ofhis odonatol. work and for his odonatol. bibliography, vam HUttnerseeli. — [A country lad from the HUttner M. Lake],Heimatk. ii+64 see Bedjanic, Erjavecia 12(2001): 1-4. Sammlung,Richterswil. pp. (Swiss [Zurich dialect], with editorial Preface & appreciation of 1972 Author’s work in Germ.). Author’s youth reminiscences, written when he was Bom; 31-V- (15288) [POUANEC, L.] SEDIVY, J., 1972. Profesoqi aged 70, published on his 95th birthday. Klasicne “Seeli” gimnazije v Mari bom, 3: Dr. Leopold Pol- -1885, am Hiittnersee, Samstagem/Richterswil, - janec. — [Teachers of the Maribor Grammar School, Switzerland;deceased; 7-VI-1981,Zurich; secondary Cos. — 3: Dr. Leopold Poljanec]. Zgod. Narodopis (N.S.) school teacher, splendidnaturalist and a prolificwriter, Hon. Doctorate 8[43]: 100-108,portraitincl. - (Slovene). Univ. Zurich (1942). In many ofhis (over A he touched comprehensive biography of the Nat. Hist, teacher, 60) publications upon dragonflies,providing Geol. & Palaeontol. Reader atthe Univ. ofLjubljana,and information on the occurrence ofvarious less common High School Inspector (1872-1944); Slovenia. His high spp., e.g., Epitheca bimaculata, etc. Manyofhis papers school Zoology textbook (1910, revised 2nd edn 1929) and monographshave appeared in local periodicals of was usednation-wide during several decades. In addition limited circulation,therefore his odonatol. work remained taxonomic unknown. to the Slovenian and names, the etymologies largely ofthe latter also stated. odon. are Some ofthe figs were 84 Odonatologicai Abstracts 1985 -8900 HM Leeuwarden). Species richness in the littoral samples exceeded that of (15291) BOINSKIY, V.S., 1985 Produktivnost’soob- thebottom samples, gathered at 60 (1981) and 55 (1982) — Netherlands. 5 shchestv zoobentosa ozerbasseyna r. Barguzin. [Pro- stations in Friesland, the clusters werethe ductivity of zoobenthos communities of the lakes in result oftheTWINSPAN dendrogram.Either Enallagma the Barguzin R. basin]. In: VI. Kuz’mich et al., [Eds], cyathigemm,Erythromma najas or Ischnura elegans (al- of Gidrobiologiya i gidroparazitologiyaPribaykal’ya i ways asingle sp. these) were among thecharacteristic in 3 clusters. Zabaykal'ya, pp. 122-130, Nauka, Novosibirsk. ISBN taxa none.(Russ.). — (Author’s address not stated). 6 lakes 1987. Das were sampled. Some odon. larvae were found (15296) SCHMIDT, E., Renaturierungsprojekt only in samplesfrom Bol’shoyTulutolake; Baikalregion, RegenriickhaltebeckenRodderfeld in der Kemstadt Rhei- Russia. bach. /«: R. Schmidt & K.-A. Spp. are not stated. Erhard, E. Schwaizlose, [Eds], 25 Jahre Arbeit fur Natur- imd Umweltschutz, (15292) DUMONT, M.J., FARJON, H.C.N. VAN 1962-1987, pp. 41-56, Vogelfreunde Rheibach, Rhein- DERPUTTEN & R. REILING, 1985. Milieu-inventari- bach. — (CoesfelderStr. 230, D-48249 Diilmen). satiesin inventarisaties Includes references to several odon. — Rheinbach Nederland: opprovinciateenna- spp.; tionale school 15 km SW Bonn, van bodem, water, lucht, flora en fauna; Germany. onderzoeksverslag. — [Environmentinventarisations in the Netherlands Sticht. Toegepas. Landschapsecol., (15297) STORK, N.E., 1987.Guild structure ofarthropods Vol. xxiii+88 Vol. 2: 8 fold. tabs. from Bornean rain forest trees. Ecol. Ent. 12: 69-80. - Nijmegen. 1; pp. (text), Nat. Hist. - Ent., Mus., Cromwell Softcover (17.0x24.0cm). ISBN none. (Dutch). (Dept Rd, London, SW7 The odon. field volunteers and 1976 5BD, work,by since organ- UK). ised by the Europ. Invert. Surv. (Netherlands), is briefly Over 23000arthropods, collected by insecticide fogging mentioned (p. 42), and the potentialvalue ofthe odon. for from the Bornean lowland rain forest trees, referable to the generalmanagement policies is stated. approx. 3000 spp., were assigned to guilds. The odon. are mentioned, but no spp. list is provided. (15293) HALDAR, D.P., T. SENGUPTA & S. GHOSE, 1999 1985. An annotated list ofseptate gregarines (Apicom- plexa: Sporozoa) from insects in India. Rec. zool. Surv. 1999. India 7(2/3): 311-322, — (First Author’s last known ad- (15298) CIOS, S., Wedkowanie w Finlandii, I: dress; Protozool. Lab., Dept Zool.,Univ. Kalyani, Kaly- Lipienie z Merikarvianjoki, — [Fishing in Finland, 1; ani-741235, India). Graylings ofthe Merikarvian river]. Pslrag Upieh 7(21): 10-12. — The bibliographically cross-referenced list includes 17 (Polish). (Annas Lindgrenin 12, HN-00570 and libellulid with 21 coenagrionid spp., actinocephalid Helsinki). described them. and dactylophoridgregarine spp. horn 6Thymallusspecimens were collected (VI-1998);a total larvae found of 14 Onychogomphus forcipatus were in - their stomachs. These the (15294) LOOHUIS, J„ 1985. Libel [Dragonfly], were laigest preys consumed. Grasduinen 1985(7); 4-11. (Dutch). - (c/o Eds: P.O. The high number isprobably due to the swollen state of Box 6003, NL-2001 HA Haarlem). theriver, causinghighvelocity, because ofwhich the bot- Acondse, high-qualitypresentationofdragonflybiology, tom-dwellinglarvae were washed away andmadeeasily available the Cf. OA by one of the Editors ofthis naturalists’ monthly, with to fish. 15299. some selectedtop photographsreproduced from profes- Wedkowanie sional literature. (15299) CIOS, S., 1999. w Finland!!, 2: i — Lipienie z lijoki Oudonjoki, [Fishing in Finland, 1987 2: Graylings of the li and Oudon rivers]. PstragLipieh 7(21); 12-16. (Polish). — (Annas Lindgrenin 12, FIN- -00570 (15295) CLAASSEN, T.H.L., 1987, The macroinverte- Helsinki). brate fauna of littoral and bottom substrata as a tool for 6/12-V1I-I998, 15 graylings and 1 river trout were col- lected from biotypology of Frisian waters. Hydrobiol. Bull. 21(2): the Oudon, and 14 graylings from the li. In 181-191. — last known the stomach of I Somatochlora (Author’s address: Dept Public only grayling a single sp. Works & Envir., Prov. Friesland, P.O. Box 20120, NL- larva was found. The record is not commented upon. OdonatologicalAbstracts 85 L.A. & N.O. (15300) KHROKALO, MATUSHKINA, stract only]. (Ukrain.). — (Dept. Zool., Fac. Biol. Kyiv 1999. Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonala) of Kaniv Dnieper Taras Shevchenko Univ.,Volodymyrska64,UKR-01033 district.Izv. har'kov. ent. Obshch. 7(2): 26-31. (Ukrain., Kyiv). - with Engl, s.), (Dept Zool., Fac. Biol., Kyiv Taras 1995-1997 and 40 collected in During 1999, spp. were Shevchenko 64, UKR-01033 the Univ., Volodymyrska district, the Ukraine. 12 of these, new to the fauna of Kyiv). listed here Crocothemis Sumy, are (inch e.g. erythraea). The 1999 records for 30 8 recorded are presented spp., spp, were Since 1882,44 spp, were from the district. from the the Kaniv not previously reported area of Re- the The information serve, Ukraine. on larval habitats is (15305) NELSON, B., 2000. Aquatic insect communi- for 13 supplied spp. ties ofNorthern Irish freshwaters. Verb. int. Ver. Limnoi 27(2): 891-894. — (Dept Zool., Ulster Mus., Bot. Gar- 1999. On the banks (15301) MUKUNDAN, M„ of the dens, Belfast, BT9 SAB, N. Ireland, UK). East-West Books, Madras, iv+256 Mayyazhi. pp. Soft- Northern Irish data sets have been compiledfor Odon., ISBN 81-86852-29-8. Price and cover (12.8x20.3 cm). (in aquatic Heteroptera aquaticColeoptera.There are24 RsIC 185.—net. — & of Odon. in 17 India): (Distributor: Rupa Co., spp. resident Ireland, spp. were recorded 7/16 Ansari Rd, New Delhi-110 002, Daryaganj, India). from N Ireland. Records from 233 localities were avail- Anovel, framing the 1940s atMayyazhi, Kerala,India, a able foranalysis, and 5 end-groupswereidentified,viz. (1) melangeofnative and wave nationalism myth legend; a of rivers, (2) pools on cutover bogs and mesotrophic lakes, the and of sweeps over town agroup dedicatedyoung men (3)eutrophic lakes and pools,(4) oligotrophic bog pools is determined to liberate Mayyazhi from theFrench. The and small lakes, and (5) flushed heaths. Species assem- Author is ofKerala’s best known fiction and of each characterised