2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2


1. In 1981, the holder of this office denounced the "23-F" coup, safeguarding democracy in his country. A non-British "Glorious Revolution" brought Amadeo of Savoy to this office in 1870. After leaving Naples, Napoleon's brother Joseph Bonaparte took this title for five years, and Alfonso XIII abdicated it in 1931. This title returned to use in 1975 when Juan Carlos I was named the successor of Franco. For the point, identify this title held by the Bourbon rulers of an Iberian country. ANSWER: King of Spain [or Rey de España; or Monarch of Spain] 019-13-87-12101 2. This composer scored a soliloquy to the text of John Donne's poem "Batter my heart, three-personed God." The New York Philharmonic commissioned him to create a memorial to the victims of 9/11. The libretto of that opera by him was created by Peter Sellars from declassified documents and the favorite poetry of Robert Oppenheimer. For the point, name this composer of On the Transmigration of Souls and Doctor Atomic, who shares his name with an American President. ANSWER: John Adams 066-13-87-12102 3. One refinement to this system involved the division into trittyes of the city, coast, and plains regions. Organs of this system included the ecclesia and the boule, and Ephialtes (eff-ee-AHl-teez) strengthened this system by weakening the Areopagus. Solon, Cleisthenes (CLICE-thuh-neez), and Pericles successively improved this system, which was scrapped during the rule of the Thirty Tyrants. For the point, name this system by which adult male Athenians voted on legislation. ANSWER: democracy in Athens [prompt on Athenian government or similar answers] 020-13-87-12103 4. Storylines in this comic strip have included Lacey Davenport's election to Congress and liberal 's relationship with conservative Chase Talbot. This strip frequently runs on editorial pages and depicts real people as talking symbols, such as a waffle for Bill Clinton or an asterisk with a legionnaire's helmet for George W. Bush. For the point, name this -created political comic strip, which proceeds in real time and is named for software engineer Mike. ANSWER: 019-13-87-12104 5. This man argued that the Hebrew prophets did not have knowledge beyond that of normal people in a book saying that the Bible should be studied in the same way nature is studied. This author of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus wrote another philosophical text that contains the section "Of Human Bondage" and is arranged as a geometric proof. For the point, name this Dutch Jewish philosopher who was accused of a pantheistic view of God after publishing the Ethics. ANSWER: Benedict de Spinoza [or Baruch Spinoza] 030-13-87-12105

2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2 Page 1 of 6 6. A Southern-dominated boarding house known as the "F Street Mess" encouraged the passage of this bill, which became necessary in order to create governments in areas around the planned transcontinental railroad. This legislation was opposed in the Peoria Speech. It was signed into law by Franklin Pierce, and it included the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. For the point, name this 1854 bill that sought to have two namesake territories decide the slavery question by popular sovereignty. ANSWER: Kansas-Nebraska Act 030-13-87-12106 7. During World War I, this man planned the logistics preceding the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. He led a failed American mission to end the Chinese civil war. Winston Churchill called him the "organizer of victory" for his efforts as Army Chief of Staff during World War II. In a 1947 address at Harvard, he proposed a program that sent ships loaded full of wheat over to Europe. For the point, name this Secretary of State for Harry Truman whose namesake "plan" provided for the European Recovery Program. ANSWER: George Catlett Marshall 080-13-87-12107 8. One ruler of this city married Byzantine princess Zoe Palaeologus in a bid to make this city the "third Rome." Another prince of this city defeated Mamai at the Battle of Kulikovo, diminishing the power of the Golden Horde. A more powerful ruler of this city blinded the architect who created its onion-domed St. Basil's Cathedral. Under Ivan III, this city extended its power over former rivals such as Novgorod and Tver. For the point, name this city that rose to control all of Russia. ANSWER: Moscow [or Muscovy] 080-13-87-12108 9. A general serving this ruler crushed Sextus Pompeius's revolt in Sicily. His intended successors, Gaius and Lucius, died early. This ruler asked for Varus to give him back his legions that were destroyed at Teutoberg Forest. He forced his Pontifex Maximus, Lepidus, into exile. He won the Battle of Philippi fighting alongside a man who later clashed with him at Actium. For the point, name this enemy of Mark Antony and first Roman Emperor. ANSWER: Augustus [or Gaius Octavius Thurinus; or Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus; do not accept or prompt on "Julius Caesar"] 232-13-87-12109 10. The Pichincha Volcano in this mountain range was the site of a battle where José de Sucre defeated Melchor Aymerich. The Potosí silver mine is found in this mountain range. The Altiplano region of this mountain range contains a body of water where the Uros people piloted reed boats, Lake Titicaca. The Urubamba Valley, adjacent to this range, is located near Cuzco, a ruin of the Incan Empire. For the point, identify this mountain range located along the west coast of South America. ANSWER: Andes Mountains [or Andean Mountains] 066-13-87-12110 11. This colony's claim on an island caused repeated conflict with the trader William Claiborne. This colony protected all trinitarian Christians with its Act of Toleration. It was named in honor of Charles I’s wife and was founded as a safe haven for Roman Catholics. A dispute over its northern border was settled by the surveyors Mason and Dixon. For the point, name this colony, whose original charter was given to Cecilius Calvert, the Second Baron Baltimore. ANSWER: Maryland 185-13-87-12111

2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2 Page 2 of 6 12. The last usage of this item involved Hamida Djandoubi and took place in 1977. This device was first tested on corpses at the Bicetre hospital before making its debut at the Place de Greve. This item was named in honor of a doctor who mandated that "means of a machine" be employed to extend a noble privilege to all classes. Robespierre and Louis XVI were among the many Revolutionary victims of, for 10 points, what device which cleanly chopped off the head of those sentenced to death? ANSWER: the guillotine [or Louisette; or Louison; or the widow] 019-13-87-12112 13. Members of an offshoot of this organization were killed in the 1982 Hama Massacre. This organization created the Freedom and Justice Party to run in its country’s 2011 elections. General Al Sisi arrested the senior leadership of this organization after leading a coup against a now-deposed president from this party, Mohamed Morsi. For the point, name this Islamist movement in Egypt. ANSWER: Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt [or The Society of Muslim Brothers; or al-Ik?wan al-Muslimun; prompt on the Brotherhood] 153-13-87-12113 14. A ruler of this empire defeated the Egyptian king Taharqa, and exploits of that ruler's son were described in The Story of Ahikar. The Dur Sharrukin was abandoned after the death of a ruler of this empire, Sargon II. A ruler of this empire was murdered by his sons, the brothers of Esarhaddon, and another ruler of this empire organized the first library in the Middle East. For the point, name this empire, ruled by Sennacherib and Ashurbanipal, that had a center at Nineveh. ANSWER: Assyrian Empire 030-13-87-12114 15. During one of these events, Franz Beckenbauer and Gerd Muller's team defeated the "total" strategy. In one of these competitions, a winning score by Alcides (al-SEE-dayz) Ghiggia became known as the "Maracanazo." In 1930, this event awarded the Jules Rimet (ree-MAY) Trophy to its first host, Uruguay. Marco Materazzi was headbutted in the chest by Zinedine Zidane in this tournament’s 2006 final. For the point, name this tournament, most recnetly won by Spain and won five times by Brazil. ANSWER: FIFA World Cup 232-13-87-12115 16. Etienne Maurice Falconet used this material for an equestrian sculpture of Peter the Great. This material was used by Auguste Rodin in a sculpture depicting a scene from a surrender during the Hundred Years’ War. The Burghers of Calais and Myron’s original Discobolus were both made from this material. The Renaissance’s first freestanding nude sculpture was made from this material, and was Donatello’s second David. For the point, name this alloy of copper and tin. ANSWER: bronze 185-13-87-12116 17. A first-hand account of this place was written by the courier Armin Lehmann. This unmarked location is currently surrounded by a Chinese restaurant and parking lot. Six children were murdered in this place after being drugged with morphine. The most famous inhabitant of this place was married in its map room and fell into a rage upon hearing about the failure of Steiner's troops to move. For the point, name this shelter where Eva Braun's lover committed suicide during the end of World War II. ANSWER: Hitler's bunker [or Fuhrerbunker; or leader's bunker; prompt on bunker] 020-13-87-12117

2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2 Page 3 of 6 18. Milanese revolutionaries boycotted this product to resist Habsburg control during the Five Days. A vituperative "counterblast" against this product was written by James I. This product was first brought to France by Jean Nicot. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced a form of this product to England from America, where it was cultivated by Pocahontas's husband John Rolfe. For the point, name this cash crop of colonial Virginia, used in pipes and cigarettes. ANSWER: tobacco 080-13-87-12118 19. A "communique" issued in this country introduced a policy of "constructive ambiguity" and made a mutual promise not to "seek hegemony." Secretary of State William Rogers was embarrassed by being excluded from meeting this country's leader. Henry Kissinger arranged a trip to this country, which was made palatable by the anti-Communist reputation of the President. For the point, name this country to which Richard Nixon traveled in 1972, meeting there with Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong. ANSWER: People's Republic of China 019-13-87-12119 20. Lyndon Johnson was photographed kissing the bald head of an occupant of this position, a fellow Texan who had mentored Johnson. The longest-serving holder of this post in American history was Sam Rayburn. The phrase "All politics is local" was coined by the man who held this position during the 1980s, Tip O'Neill. During the 2000s, a holder of this position devised the Hastert Rule. For the point, name this highest position in the House of Representatives. ANSWER: Speaker of the House 080-13-87-12120 21. The decisive battle of this conflict saw the first use of wireless telegraphy during a battle. During this war, the largest land battle in Asia prior to World War II was fought at Mukden. This conflict began with a surprise attack on a fleet anchored at Port Arthur, which one side desired because of its lack of a warm Pacific port. This war was ended after the naval battle of Tsushima Strait. For the point, name this war of the early twentieth century which was ended by the Treaty of Portsmouth. ANSWER: Russo-Japanese War 230-13-87-12121 22. One senator from this state delivered the keynote address at the 1968 Democratic Convention. The "Big Five" corporations wielded political power in this state. The 1993 Apology Resolution recognized that the indigenous people of this state never relinquished their sovereignty. Long-serving Senator Daniel Inouye (INN-oo-WAY) represented this state, which includes a cemetery in the Punchbowl and the USS Arizona memorial shrine. For the point, name this most recently created state. ANSWER: Hawaii 020-13-87-12122 23. Fort Hall was established where this more northerly route split from its southern neighbor. Marcus Whitman led the first large-scale group, consisting of nearly a thousand emigrants, along this route in 1843. The last overland segment of this route was the Barlow Road, which replaced a raft down the Columbia River at The Dalles. This route started in Independence, Missouri and ended in the Willamette Valley. For the point, identify this trail used by settlers of a western state. ANSWER: Oregon Trail 066-13-87-12123

2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2 Page 4 of 6 24. The brutal Sullivan Campaign was a response to the Wyoming Valley massacre in this modern-day state, where the Paxon Boys operated. The Braddock expedition targeted Fort Duquesne (doo-KANE) in this state. A city in this state was the destination of a seventy-mile journey by Caesar Rodney. A meeting convened at Carpenters’ Hall here in response to the Intolerable Acts. For the point, name this state founded with the Frame of Government by a namesake Quaker. ANSWER: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 232-13-87-12124 25. The U.S.S. Nashville was sent to assist a revolution in this modern-day country, where William Gorgas founded a hospital to treat yellow fever and malaria. An unratified treaty pertaining to this country, negotiated by Tomas Herran, was followed by a more successful one negotiated by Philippe Bunau-Varilla. John Hay led the U.S. effort to engineer this country's independence from Colombia. For the point, name this country, home to a canal connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific. ANSWER: Republic of Panama [or Republica de Panama] 020-13-87-12125 26. A king with this name advocated divine right in The True Law of Free Monarchies. Robert Catesby planned a failed attempt to assassinate a king with this name. A king with this name was the only son of Mary, Queen of Scots. Another king with this name was replaced by William and Mary in the Glorious Revolution. The Gunpowder Plot targeted a king with this name. For the point, give this name of two English kings, one of whom ordered a namesake translation of the Bible. ANSWER: James 185-13-87-12126 27. This compound’s 6-APA core was produced by John C. Sheehan in the process of developing its total synthesis. Dorothy Hodgkin confirmed Ernst Chain’s theory of its structure, including its beta-lactam ring. Resistance to one of these compounds is a common selectable marker gene. A "halo" found in a Staphylococcus culture led to its discovery. For the point, name this class of antibiotic derived from a fungus by Alexander Fleming. ANSWER: penicillins [or aminopenicillins] 232-13-87-12127 28. Robert Mushet improved on a process to create this material by adding a compound called "spiegelsein," made partially from manganese. Karl Siemens developed the open-hearth process to tightly control the carbon content in this material. One method of creating this material uses a converter to blow compressed air through molten pig iron and is named for Henry Bessemer. For the point, identify this alloy of carbon and iron, whose production gave a nickname to Pittsburgh. ANSWER: steel 239-13-87-12128 29. The Concord Prison and Marsh Chapel experiments required participants to perform this activity. Timothy Leary toured the U.S. advocating this practice. Every arcade game imported into the US in the 1990s displayed a slogan stating that winners don't perform this activity. Nancy Reagan created the "Just Say No" advertising campaign to discourage this activity. For the point, name this activity which Richard Nixon declared "war" on, resulting in prosecutions for marijuana possession. ANSWER: taking drugs [or using drugs; or selling drugs; or trafficking drugs; accept specific kinds of drugs at any point in the question] 020-13-87-12129

2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2 Page 5 of 6 30. Joseph de Maistre's Letters to a Russian Gentleman were written in defense of this body. Modeled on a similar entity founded earlier in Rome, it targeted groups such as "marranos" and "moriscos" and often sentenced victims to the auto-da-fe. Established after the conquest of Granada to root out insincere conversions, it was long led by Tomas de Torquemada. For the point, name this institution founded by Ferdinand and Isabella to find heretics, often using torture and other brutal methods. ANSWER: the Spanish Inquisition [prompt on Inquisition] 019-13-87-12130

2013 NHB Set C Bee Round 2 Page 6 of 6

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