Canadian Society of Zoologists Advancing the study of animals and their environment Société canadienne de zoologie IETY OF OC ZO S OL Favoriser l'étude des animaux et de leur environnement N IA O D G I A S N T A S C S O E I C G I Winter 2005 Volume 36 Number 1 E O T L E O C ZO AN E ADIENNE D Hiver 2005 Volume 36 Numéro 1 BULLETIN BULLETIN ISSN 0319-6674 CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRES Vol. 36 No. 1 Winter – Hiver 2005 Editor’s Note….……………...…....1 Message du rédacteur……….…....1 Editor – Rédacteur en chef President’s Address…...…….…….2 Message de la présidente…….….17 Sally Leys U of Alberta, Biological Sciences, Secretary’s Report………..…...…..3 Rapport du secrétaire…..……....18 Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E9 Phone 780 492-6629 Treasurer’s Report…......................4 Rapport du trésorier…………….19 Fax 780 492-9237
[email protected] Report of the EEE Section……….5 Rapport de la section ÉÉÉ….…..20 Report of the CPB Section……….6 Rapport de la section PB&C……21 Translators – Traductrices Michele Brassard Proposal for a new section:CMD...7 Une nouvelle section : MDC...23 Céline Audet Letter to CSZ students……………8 Lettre aux étudiant...s………...24 BULLETIN OF THE CANADIAN SOCIETY OF ZOOLOGISTS Update from the Canadian Quoi de neuf au Musée Museum of Nature……………….8 canadien de la nature?................25 The Bulletin is published three times a year (winter, spring, and autumn) by the Canadian Society of Zoologists. Members are invited to Fry Medallist 2004………….…...10 Médaillé Fry 2004……………....26 contribute short articles in either English or French and any information that might be of Science Advocacy Report………..11 interest to Canadian zoologists.