Congressional Record-Senate. 2935
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1910. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2935 By Mr. :MALBY: Petition of cltizens ot Richville, N. Y., Also, petition of Washington Playgrounds Association for a.n against repe..-il of the oleomargarine law-to the Committee on appropriation for children's playgrounds-to the Committee on :Agriculture. the District of Columbia. By Mr. :MANN: Petition of Jackson Park Lodge, No. 79, Also, petition of Associated Fraternities of America favoring Switchmen's Union of North America, in opposition to proposed House bill 17543-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post increased rate of postage on periodicals-to the Committee on Roads. the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Aiso, petition of Philadelphia Board of Trade favoring Senate By Mr. MILLINGTON: Petition of C. D. Fairchild, Oris bill 1614 and House bill 3075, against government envelope print kany Falls, N. Y., for Grange No. 758, Patrons of Husbandry, ing-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. against any change in oleomargarine law-to the Committee on Also, petition of Charles Frederick Brusie, of Mount Pleasant Agriculture. Academy, of Ossining, N. Y., favoring House bill 15798-to the Also, petition of varions residents of Vernon, N. Y., in opposi Committee on Military Affairs. tion to proposed increased rate of postage on periodicals-to the Also, petition of Jamaica Bay Association, for an appropria Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. tion to .deepen the waters of the upper Hudson River-to the By Mr. MURDOCK: Petition by citizens of McLouth, Jeffer Committee on Rivers and Harbors. sox. ~Jounty, Kans., against an increase in tbe postage rate of Also, petition of citizens of New York, in mass meeting, under periodicals-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post the auspices o:f the United Spanish War Veterans, for an Rouds. appropriation to raise the wreck of the Maine-to the Com Also, petition of citizens of Quincy, Kans., for an amend mittee on Naval Affairs. ment to the National Constitution permitting women to vote Also, petition of Progressive Harbor, No. 9, American Asso to the Committee on the Judiciary. cia tion of Masters, Mates, and Pilots, of Norfolk, Va., for House Also, petition of residents of Latham, Kans., for a bill pro bill 20162-to the Committee on Labor. hibiting the white-slave trade-to the Committee on Immigra By Ur. SWASEY: Petition of Board of Trade of Portland, tion and Naturalization. Me., against Senate bill 5108-to the Committee on Interstate Also, petition of citizens of Quincy, Leon, and Latham, all and Foreign Commerce. in the State of Kansas, for a law prohibiting the interstate By Mr. TAYLOR of Ohio: Petition of F. R. Jaynes and other shipment of liquor-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor citizens of Columbus and Grogan, Ohio, protesting against the Traffic. passage of Senate bill 404 and House joint resolution 17-to Also, petition of citizens of Whitewater, Butler County, the Committee on the District of Columbia. Kans., against a postal savings-bank law-to the Committee on Also, petition of Starner-Copeland Company and other citizens the Post-Office and Post-Roads. of Columbus, Ohio, for repeal of the corporation-tax law-to the Also, petition of citizens of Hardwick, 1\finn., Oberlin, Kans., Committee on Ways and Means. and Neodesha, Kans., protesting against an increase of rates of By l\Ir. YOUNG of Michigan: Petition of citizens of the po tage on second-class mail matter-to the Committee on the Twelfth Michigan Congressional District, for an eight-hour law on Post-Office and Post-Roads. government works (H. R. 1544l)~to the Committee on Labor. By Mr. PLUMLEY: Papers to accompany bills for relief of Also, petition of Branch No. 94, Polish National Alliance, '.A.hira M. Buckman and Charles G. Capron-to the Committee against the Hayes immigration bill-to the Committee on Immi on Invalid Pensions. gration and Naturalization. By Mr. ROBINSON: Paper to accompany bill for relief of By Mr. WASHBURN: Petition of citizens of Massachusetts, George W. Allen-to the Committee on Im alid Pensions. against Senate bill 404, relative to Sunday observance-to the By Mr. RUCKER of Colorado: Resolution of the Colorado Committee on the District of Columbia. state board of horticulture, signed by the officers thereof, By Mr. VREELAND: Petition of Gwardya Kr61owej Jadwig, praying for the passage of Ilouse bill 16919-to the Committee of Dunkirk, N. Y., against the Hayes' immigration bill-to the on Agriculture. Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. SABATH: Petition of citizens of New York City in ma s meeting, for an appropriation to raise the battle ship Maine-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. SENATE. Also, petition of Downtown Taxpayers' Association, for the eight-hour bill-to the Committee on Labor. WEDNESDAY, March 9; 1910. ' Also, petition of Towarzystwo Sztandar Polek Grupa, No. 633, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Z. N. P., against the Hayes immigration bill~to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER. By Mr. Sl\Il1:'H of Iowa: Petitions of citizens of Silver City, Mr. KEAN called the Senate to order and directed the Sec Harlan, and Mmden, Iowa, for establishment of postal savings retary to read a communication from the President pro tem banks-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. pore, which was read as follows: UNITED STATES SE~.ATm, By Mr. Sl\HTH of Michigan: Petition of East Washington Washington, D. 0., March 9, 1910. Citizens' Association, for Senate bill 4624, branch library in the l hereby appoint Hon. JoHN KEAN, a Senator from New Jersey, to District of Columbia-to the Gommlttee on the District of Co perform the- duties of the Chair In the United States Senate this day, lumbia. I being necessarily absent. WM. P. B'nY:m, By Mr. SULLOWAY: Petition of Union Lodge, Knights of Presidmit pro tem.pore •. Pythias, of North Ilumpton, N. H., against Senate bill 1712 relative to uniform worn by fraternal organizations-to th~ Mr. KEAN thereupon took the cha.Ir as Presiding Officer, Committee on Military Affairs. and directed the Secretary tc> read the Journal o:f the proceed ings of the last legislative day. Also, petition of La Societ~ des Artisans Canadiens Fran~ais. of New Market, N. H., for House bill 17509, relative to fraternal joURNAL. publications in the mails-to the Committee on the Post-Office The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's and Post-Roads. proceedings, when, on request of Mr. LoDGE, and by unanimous By Mr. SULZER: Petition of Religious Liberty Bnreau consent, the further reading was dispensed with, and the Joui: ngainst Senate bill 404, relative to Sabbath observance in th~ nal was approved. District of Columbia-to the Cotntnittee on the District of Co OIVIIrSERVICE RETIREMENT IN NEW SOUTH WALE~ lumbia. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate ·a com Also, petition of Urban A. WalteL", for an appropriation to pay munication from the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, trans expenses of railway mail clerks when on runs from home ter mitting, in response to a reso!ution of January )..1, 1910, a re minals-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post:Roads. port relating to civil-service retirement in New South Wales, Also, petition of James E. Wesi:t Washington Playgrounds Asso which (with the accompanying paper) was referred to the ciation, for an appropriation for playgrounds for the children Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment and ordered to to the Committee on the District of Columbia. be printed. (S. Doc. No. 420.) Also, petition of St. Louis Paint and Oil Club, favoring the food and drugs act of June 30, 1906, favoring board of scientific MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. experts on controverted points touching pure foods-to the Com A message from the House of Representatives, by w: J. mittee on Agriculture. Browning, its Chief Clerk,. announced that the House had dis Also, petiticm of Marine Trades Council against battle-ship agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the dis constl"Uction being given out to outside contractors-to the Com agreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the mittee on Naval Affairs. Senate to the bill (H. R. J4464) making appropriations. to p~- 2936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARoH 9, vide for the expenses of the government of the District of Re also presented a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1911, and for Ker West, Fla., remonstrating against the enacbnent of 1egls- other purposes; insisted on its disagreement to the amend 1i:tion ,!o create a court of commerce and to amend the act en ments of the Senate, and asked a conference with the Senate titled .An act to regulate commerce," which was ordered to lie on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon and had on the table. appointed Mr. GARDNER of Michigan, Mr. TAYLOR of 'ohio, and He also presented a petition of the trustees of the Internal Mr. BURLESON, managers at the conference on the part of the Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, praying for the House. enactment of legislation providing for the survey of the unsur The message also annotmced that the House had passed a bill veyed lands known as the Everglades, in that State which was (H. R. 21419) making appropriations for the service of the referred to the Committee on Public Lands. ' Post-Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30 1911 and for other purposes, in which it requested the concurre~ce of Mr.