Plant Listing

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Plant Listing HORTICOPIA® A to Z Name Name Abelia x 'Edward Goucher' Acacia estrophiolata Abelia chinensis Acacia farnesiana Abelia x grandiflora Acacia graffiana Abelia x grandiflora 'Francis Mason' Acacia karroo Abelia schumannii Acacia longifolia Abelia zanderi 'Sherwoodii' Acacia melanoxylon Abeliophyllum distichum Acacia pendula Abelmoschus esculentus Acacia redolens Abelmoschus manihot Acacia rigens Abelmoschus moschatus 'Pacific Scarlet' Acacia rostellifera Abies alba Acacia salicina Abies balsamea Acacia stenophyllodes Abies bracteata Acacia willardiana Abies cilicica Acacia wrightii Abies concolor Acalypha hispida Abies firma Acalypha pendula Abies fraseri Acalypha wilkesiana Abies grandis Acanthus balcanicus Abies holophylla Acanthus mollis 'Fielding Gold' Abies homolepis Acanthus montanus Abies koreana 'Prostrate Beauty' Acanthus spinosus Abies lasiocarpa Acca sellowiana Abies lasiocarpa ssp. arizonica Acer buergerianum Abies nordmanniana Acer campestre Abies pindrow Acer campestre var. austriacum Abies pinsapo 'Glauca' Acer capillipes Abies procera Acer cappadocicum Abies sachalinensis Acer carpinifolium Abutilon x hybridum Acer circinatum Abutilon megapotamicum Acer cissifolium Abutilon pictum Acer cissifolium ssp. henryi Abutilon theophrasti Acer davidii Acacia abyssinica Acer davidii ssp. grosseri Acacia aneura Acer diabolicum Acacia auriculiformis Acer elegantulum Acacia baileyana Acer x freemanii Acacia berlandieri Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' Acacia cavenia Acer glabrum Acacia coriacea Acer griseum Acacia cultriformis Acer heldreichii Acacia erioloba Acer hyrcanum HORTICOPIA® A to Z Plant List Page 1 of 48 Name Name Acer japonicum Acer tegmentosum Acer japonicum 'Acontifolium' Acer triflorum Acer macrophyllum Acer truncatum Acer mandschuricum Acer ukurunduense Acer maximowiczianum Acer velutinum Acer miyabei Achillea 'Coronation Gold' Acer mono Achillea aegyptiaca Acer mono ssp. okamotoanum Achillea filipendulina Acer monspessulanum Achillea millefolium Acer monspessulanum var. ibericum Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels' Acer negundo Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' Acer negundo 'Variegatum' Achillea tomentosa Acer oliverianum Achimenes longiflora Acer opalus Acoelorraphe wrightii Acer palmatum Aconitum x 'Blue Sceptre' Acer palmatum 'Autumn Glory' Aconitum x cammarum Acer palmatum (Dissectum Group) 'Crimson Aconitum napellus Acer palmatum (Elegans Group) 'Omuroyama' Aconitum uncinatum Acer palmatum (Palmatum Group) 'Bloodgoo Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' Acer pectinatum Acorus gramineus Acer pensylvanicum Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Acer platanoides Acrostichum danaeifolium Acer platanoides x truncatum Actinidia kolomikta Acer pseudoplatanus Adansonia digitata Acer pseudo-sieboldianum Adenium obesum 'Crimson Star' Acer rubrum Adenophora confusa Acer rubrum 'Franksred (Red Sunset®)' Adenophora liliifolia Acer rubrum 'October Glory®' Adenophora stricta Acer rubrum var. drummondii Adiantum capillus-veneris Acer rufinerve Adiantum macrophyllum Acer saccharinum Adiantum pedatum Acer saccharinum 'Beebe' Adiantum raddianum Acer saccharinum 'Pyramidale' Adiantum venustum Acer saccharum Adonis annua Acer saccharum ssp. floridanum Adromischus triflorus Acer saccharum ssp. grandidentatum Aechmea blanchetiana Acer saccharum ssp. leucoderme Aechmea chantinii 'Samuri' Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum Aechmea distichantha Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' Aechmea fasciata Acer spicatum Aechmea variegata 'Fredricka' Acer stachyophyllum Aegopodium podagraria Acer subintegrum Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum' Acer tataricum Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala Aeonium haworthii Acer tataricum ssp. semenovii Aeonium urbicum HORTICOPIA® A to Z Plant List Page 2 of 48 Name Name Aeschynanthus lobbianus Agave murpheyi Aeschynanthus pulcher 'Black Pagoda' Agave neomexicana Aesculus californica Agave ocahui Aesculus x carnea Agave palmeri Aesculus flava Agave parryi Aesculus flava x pavia Agave parryi huachucensis Aesculus glabra Agave parryi var. conesii Aesculus glabra var. arguta Agave parryi var. truncata Aesculus glabra var. pallida Agave parviflora Aesculus hippocastanum Agave potatorum Aesculus indica Agave salmiana Aesculus parviflora Agave schottii Aesculus parviflora f. serotina Agave schottii var. treleasei Aesculus pavia Agave sebastiana Aesculus sylvatica Agave seemanniana Aesculus turbinata Agave shawii Aethionema grandiflorum Agave shawii ssp. goldmaniana Afrocarpus falcatus Agave shawii ssp. shawii Afrocarpus gracilior Agave sobria Afrocarpus usambarensis Agave stricta Agapanthus 'Headbourne hybrids' Agave utahensis ssp. kaibabensis Agapanthus africanus Agave utahensis x mckelveyana Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis 'Huntingto Agave victoriae-reginae Agastache x 'Blue Fortune' Agave vilmoriniana Agathis robusta Agave weberi Agave americana Ageratina altissima 'Chocolate' Agave americana 'Variegata' Ageratum houstonianum Agave americana var. expansa Ageratum houstonianum 'Blue Danube' Agave angustifolia 'Marginata' Aglaonema commutatum Agave attenuata Aglaonema modestum Agave aurea Aglaonema nitidum 'Silver King' Agave bovicornuta Aglaonema pictum Agave chrysantha Agrostemma githago Agave colorata Agrostis x 'Pennlinks' Agave decipiens Ailanthus altissima Agave deserti Ajania pacifica Agave deserti var. deserti Ajuga australis Agave difformis Ajuga genevensis Agave franzosinii Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa' Agave funkiana Ajuga reptans Agave guiengola Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' Agave huachucensis Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' Agave lechuguilla Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Agave macroacantha Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' Agave multifilifera Ajuga reptans 'Rosea' HORTICOPIA® A to Z Plant List Page 3 of 48 Name Name Ajuga reptans 'Silver Beauty' Aloe affinis Akebia quinata Aloe arborescens Akebia trifoliata Aloe bainesii Albizia julibrissin Aloe brevifolia Albizia lebbeck Aloe buhri Albizia saman Aloe camperi Albuca canadensis Aloe chabaudii Alcea rosea Aloe ciliaris Alcea rosea 'Powder Puff' Aloe claviflora Alchemilla alpina Aloe commutata Alchemilla erythropoda Aloe dichotoma Alchemilla mollis Aloe dorotheae Aleurites fordii Aloe esculenta Aleurites moluccana Aloe ferox Allamanda blanchetii Aloe glauca Allamanda bolivinensis Aloe hereroensis Allamanda cathartica Aloe juvenna Allamanda schottii Aloe kambensis Allium aflatunense Aloe littoralis Allium bucharicum Aloe nobilis Allium giganteum Aloe petricola Allium karataviense Aloe reitzii Allium moly Aloe rupestris Allium oreophilum Aloe saponaria Allium rebdonense Aloe scabinofolia Allium schoenoprasum Aloe sinkatana Allium senescens 'Glaucum' Aloe somaliensis var. marmorata Allium sikkimense Aloe somaliensis var. somaliensis Allium sphaerocephalum Aloe striata Allium stellatum Aloe striata x saponaria Allium tuberosum Aloe striatula Allium vineale Aloe suprafoliata Alluaudia procera Aloe vera Alnus glutinosa Aloe virens Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis' Aloe zebrina Alnus glutinosa 'Pyramidalis' Alopecurus pratensis 'Variegata' Alnus hirsuta Alpinia formosana Alnus incana 'Laciniata' Alpinia zerumbet Alnus japonica Alstroemeria aurea Alnus maritima Alstroemeria haemantha Alnus orientalis Alstroemeria hookeri Alnus rhombifolia Alstroemeria ligtu Alnus tenuifolia Alternanthera dentata 'Ruby' Alocasia x amazonica Alternanthera ficoidea 'Big Red' Alocasia spp. Alyogyne huegeli HORTICOPIA® A to Z Plant List Page 4 of 48 Name Name Alyssum spinosum Anemone vitifolia Amaranthus x 'Intensa Pink' Anemonella thalictroides Amaranthus caudatus Anethum graveolens 'Fernleaf' Amaranthus cruentus Angelica gigas Amaranthus hypochondriacus 'Pygmy Torch' Anguloa clowesii Amaranthus retroflexus Anigozanthos flavidus Amaranthus tricolor var. salicifolius Annona glabra Amaranthus tricolor var. salicifolius 'Early Sp Annona muricata Amaryllis belladonna Annona reticulata Ambrosia artemisiifolia Anomatheca laxa Ambrosia trifida Antennaria parvifolia Amelanchier x Antennaria rosea Amelanchier alnifolia Anthemis tinctoria Amelanchier arborea Anthurium andraeanum Amelanchier canadensis Anthurium x ferrierense Amelanchier x grandiflora Anthurium scherzerianum Amelanchier laevis Antigonon leptopus Amelanchier laevis 'Lancifolia' Antirrhinum majus Amelanchier lamarckii Antirrhinum majus 'Little Darling' Amelanchier ovalis 'Pumila' Aphananthe aspera Ammi majus Aphelandra squarrosa Ammobium alatum 'Bikini' Apium graveolens var. rapaceum Amorpha fruticosa Aptenia cordifolia Amorpha nana Aquilegia caerulea Amorphophallus rivieri Aquilegia canadensis Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana Amphitecna latifolia Aquilegia flabellata Amsonia hubrichtii Aquilegia x hybrida 'McKana's Giant' Amsonia tabernaemontana Arabis caucasica 'Snowcap' Ananas comosus Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi 'Variegata' Anchusa capensis 'Blue Angel' Arabis sturii 'Skyrocket' Andrachne colchica Arachis hypogaea 'Jumbo VA' Andromeda polifolia 'Blue Ice' Aralia elata Andromeda polifolia 'Grandiflora Compacta' Aralia spinosa Andropogon gerardii Araucaria araucana Anemone blanda Araucaria bidwillii Anemone canadensis Araucaria heterophylla Anemone coronaria Arbutus x andrachnoides Anemone hupehensis Arbutus menziesii Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm' Arbutus spp. 'Marina' Anemone hupehensis var. japonica Arbutus unedo Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' Arbutus xalapensis Anemone magellanica Archontophoenix alexandrae Anemone sylvestris Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Anemone virginiana Arctostaphylos diversifolia HORTICOPIA® A to Z Plant List Page 5 of 48 Name Name Arctostaphylos edmundsii Artemisia vulgaris
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