
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81, 052508 (2010)

Mixed -classical dynamics with time-dependent external fields: A time-dependent density-functional-theory approach

Ivano Tavernelli,* Basile F. E. Curchod, and Ursula Rothlisberger Laboratory of Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ecole Polytechnique Fed´ erale´ de Lausanne (Received 27 February 2010; published 19 May 2010) A mixed quantum-classical method aimed at the study of nonadiabatic dynamics in the presence of external electromagnetic fields is developed within the framework of time-dependent density functional theory. To this end, we use a trajectory-based description of the quantum nature of the nuclear degrees of freedom according to Tully’s fewest switches trajectories surface hopping, where both the nonadiabatic coupling elements between the different potential energy surfaces, and the coupling with the external field are given as functionals of the ground-state electron density or, equivalently, of the corresponding Kohn-Sham orbitals. The method is applied to the study of the photodissociation dynamics of some simple molecules in gas phase.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.81.052508 PACS number(s): 31.10.+z, 31.15.ee, 71.15.Pd, 31.50.Gh

I. INTRODUCTION Beyond such quasiclassical methods, the semiclassical WKB-type approach has a long tradition in adding part of the In the mixed-quantum classical description of molecular missing nuclear quantum effects to the classical simulations. systems, only the quantum character of the electronic degrees Semiclassical methods [7–9] take into account the phase of freedom are considered while the nuclear motion is treated at exp[iS(t)/h¯ ] evaluated along a classical trajectory and are a classical level. In the adiabatic case, this picture corresponds therefore capable—at least in principle—of describing quan- to the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) limit where the nuclei move as tum nuclear effects including tunneling, interference effects, point charges on the potential energy surface (PES) associated and zero-point energies. The most common semiclassical with a given electronic state. Despite the success of this methods have been extensively reviewed in recent articles approximation, many physical and chemical processes do [10–13]. not fall in the regime where nuclei and electrons can be The intuitively appealing picture of trajectories hopping considered to be decoupled. In particular, most photoreactions between coupled potential-energy surfaces gave rise to a pass through regions of the PES in which electron-nuclear number of quasiclassical implementations [14–21]. The most quantum interference effects are sizable and often crucial well-known method is Tully’s “fewest switches” surface for a correct description of the phenomena. In addition, hopping method [14–18], which has evolved into a widely used there are cases in which a quantum treatment of the nuclear and successful technique. In recent years, the term “surface degrees of freedom (DoF) is essential, like, for instance, in hopping” and its underlying ideas have also been used in the description of zero-point motions, tunneling effects, and the stochastic modeling of a deterministic differential equa- quantum interferences. tion, for example, the quantum-classical Liouville equation In the mixed-quantum classical approaches, the wave [22,23]. packet is approximated by an ensemble of particles that Finally, using the Bohmian (or hydrodynamical) interpre- follow classical trajectories. The classical path, or Ehrenfest tation of it is possible to derive formally approximation is the most straightforward one. Here, the exact equations of motion for quantum trajectories (or fluid classical subsystem evolves under the mean field generated by elements). At the end of the 1990s, there was a strong the electrons, and the electronic dynamics is evaluated along hope to turn this approach into an efficient computational the classical path of the nuclei. An important limitation of the method for the description of nuclear quantum dynamics classical path approach is the absence of a “back-reaction” of [24–26]. However, at present no extension to the treatment the classical DoF to the dynamics of the quantum DoF. On of multidimensional systems has been suggested. the other hand, these methods are well suited for the study In this paper, we present a trajectory surface-hopping of the nuclear dynamics in the full phase space (without the ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) scheme that couples need of introducing constraints or low dimensional reaction nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom with an exter- coordinates) and can easily be implemented in software nal electromagnetic field. All relevant quantities, namely packages that allow for the “on-the-fly” calculation of energies ground- and excited-state energies, nuclear forces, nona- and forces. One way is to employ Ehrenfest’s theorem and diabatic couplings (NACs), and transition dipole elements calculate the effective force on the classical trajectory through are expressed as a functional of the electronic density or, a mean potential that is averaged over the quantum DoF equivalently, of the Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals in the framework [1–6]. of linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (LR-TDDFT). Similar approaches have been derived for model potentials [27] and for complete active space self- consistent field (CASSCF) potential energy surfaces within *ivano.tavernelli@epfl.ch the mean-field approximation for the nuclear dynamics [28].

1050-2947/2010/81(5)/052508(13) 052508-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society TAVERNELLI, CURCHOD, AND ROTHLISBERGER PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81, 052508 (2010)

In the last years, LR-TDDFT has become widely used for the composed of nuclei and electrons, calculation of vertical excitation energies [29–31] and excited- ∂ state properties [32,33] of medium to large-size molecular Hˆ (r,R,t) = ih¯ (r,R,t), (2.1) systems in gas and condensed phases [34,35]. It has been ∂t shown that LR-TDDFT yields good excited-state properties in many cases [33,36,37], but fails in others [38–41]. In addition, where Hˆ is the molecular time-independent Hamiltonian excited-state LR-TDDFT gradients and forces have also been and (r,R,t) the total of the system under implemented in different software packages [33,36,42]. These investigation, r is the collective position vector of all electrons { } { } allow the use of LR-TDDFT–based AIMD approaches for ri , and R the one of the nuclei Rγ . the study of photochemical reactions [43,44] and fluorescence The first step in the derivation of mixed quantum-classical spectra [34]. However, as stated above, AIMD in excited states dynamics consists in the formulation of an Ansatz for the requires the inclusion of nonadiabatic effects that are beyond representation of the total system wave function. Depending the BO approximation. on this choice, different approximate mixed quantum-classical The main issue regarding the computation of nonadiabatic equations of motion can be obtained, for instance, the so-called couplings within LR-TDDFT lies in the intrinsic difficulty Ehrenfest dynamics, which makes use of a simple factorization to compute matrix elements of which are not of the total wave function into the product of a fast electronic simple functionals of the electronic density. The nonadiabatic and slow nuclear part, according to coupling matrix elements are unfortunately one of those  i t dt E (t) quantities, since their calculation requires knowledge of the (r,R,t) = (r,R)(R,t)e h¯ 0 eh , (2.2) many-electron wave functions of the states involved in the coupling. Nevertheless, several schemes for the calculation where the phase factor is of nonadiabatic coupling vectors (NACVs) within TDDFT  ∗ ∗ are nowadays available, provided that one of the states is the Eeh(t) = drd R  (r,R) (R,t) . Cernyak and Mukamel [45] were the first to give an explicit formula for the NACVs within the TDDFT density- × Hˆel(r; R)(r,R)(R,t), (2.3) matrix approach, followed by the approach of Baer [46] based on real-time TDDFT. Later, Tavernelli et al. [21,47–49] and and Hˆel(r; R) is the electronic Hamiltonian that depends Hu et al. [50] independently suggested an additional solution parametrically on the nuclear positions. to the problem using Casida’s formulation of the LR-TDDFT In this paper, we start with the same Ansatz used in equations. the derivation of the Born-Oppenheimer dynamics and we Here, we extend the nonadiabatic dynamics of molecular expand the system wave function at a given time t in a linear systems to the case of the interaction with an external time- combination of static electronic wave functions, dependent field. This requires the calculation of the so-called ∞ transition dipole matrix elements, which, following the same (r,R,t) =  (r; R) (R,t), (2.4) development as in [30,47,49], can be easily expressed as a J J functional of the KS orbitals. J In the next section, we review the formalism used in the with time-dependent coefficients J (R,t), which in the Born- derivation of the mixed quantum-classical equations and, in Oppenheimer limit correspond to nuclear wave functions. particular, we focus on the description of the assumptions {J (r; R)} describes a complete set of electronic basis func- and approximations that lie at the basis of the trajectory tions that are solutions of the time-independent Schrodinger¨ surface-hopping approach. The addition of the coupling with equation, an external radiation field is presented in Sec. III, where we also discuss its implications for Tully’s surface-hopping Hˆ (r; R) (r; R) = Eel(R) (r; R), (2.5) dynamics (a detailed derivation of the coupling term is given in el J J J Appendix A). In Sec. IV we present the derivation of the NACs and depend parametrically on the nuclear coordinates R. and transition dipoles within the framework of LR-TDDFT. el = EJ (R) HJJ(R) is called the J th potential energy surface The numerical details of the implementation in the plane wave (PES), which is a function of the nuclear coordinates R. code CPMD [51] are given in Sec. V. In Sec. VI, the quality of Inserting Eq. (2.4) in the time-dependent Schrodinger¨ the method is tested in the simple cases of photoexcited lithium ∗ Eq. (2.1) and multiplying from the left by J (r; R) we get, fluoride (LiF) and oxirane molecules for which extensive and after integration over r, highly accurate studies are available in the literature. Sec. VII summarizes and concludes. ∂ (R,t)  h¯ 2  ih¯ J =− ∇2  (R,t) + H (R) (R,t) ∂t 2M γ J JI I γ γ I  2 II. MIXED QUANTUM-CLASSICAL MOLECULAR h¯ γ + D (R)I (R,t) DYNAMICS 2M JI γI γ The starting point for the derivation of mixed quantum-  2 − h¯ γ ∇ classical equations of motion is the nonrelativistic time- d (R) γ I (R,t), (2.6) M JI dependent Schrodinger¨ equation for the molecular system γ,I=J γ

052508-2 MIXED QUANTUM-CLASSICAL DYNAMICS WITH TIME-... PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81, 052508 (2010) where state  (r; R), selected by the initial conditions. The equation  J for A describes in this case a continuity equation for the = ∗ ˆ J HJI(R) J (r; R)HelI (r; R)dr. (2.7) amplitude. Different is the case when the coupling terms are nonzero γ dJI(R), the first-order coupling vectors, are defined as and therefore we need to consider them explicitly. The  time evolution of phases and amplitudes acquires terms that γ = { ∗ ∇ } dJI(R) J (r; R)[ γ I (r; R)] dr, (2.8) mix contributions from other potential energy surfaces than the initial one, and the classical limit must be taken more and Dγ (R), the second-order coupling elements, are given by cautiously [52]. In particular, transfer of amplitude from one JI     PES to another becomes possible thanks to the coupling terms, γ = ∗ ∇2 DJI(R) J (r; R) γ I (r; R) dr. (2.9) which make, however, the solution of the set of Eqs. (2.11) and (2.12) more involved. The dynamics that emerges can γ γ be described as follows: The first equation (for the phases) Setting the coupling elements dJI(R) and DJI(R) equal to zero, one recovers the time-dependent Schrodinger¨ equation gives the nuclear motion of the system on the initial electronic for the uncoupled nuclear wave functions in the potential of potential energy surface HJJ, and the second equation (for the electrons. the amplitudes) describes nuclear amplitude transfer between The classical limit of the nuclear degrees of freedom is different potential energy surfaces. taken in the polar representation of the nuclear wave function, Tully proposed an approximate solution of this coupled

i set of equations based on the so-called independent trajectory SJ (R,t) J (R,t) = AJ (R,t)e h¯ . (2.10) approximation (ITA), which is known as trajectory surface Inserting this representation in Eq. (2.6) we obtain, after hopping (TSH). Within this approach, the nuclear wave packet separating real and imaginary parts, propagation is replaced by the time evolution of a set of trajec- tories evolving according to the Hamilton-Jacobi equations  2 2  ∂S (R,t) h¯ ∇ AJ (R,t) 1 obtained from the classical limit of Eq. (2.11), where the J = γ − ∇ 2 [ γ SJ (R,t)] trajectories are considered decoupled or independent from one ∂t 2Mγ AJ (R,t) 2Mγ γ γ another. This approximation implies that all nuclear quantum  2 − − h¯ γ correlation effects are neglected. The transfer of amplitude HJJ(R) DJI(R) 2Mγ between different PESs is taken in charge by a stochastic γI surface hop procedure, which requires the evaluation of the  γ AI (R,t) { i [S (R,t)−S (R,t)]} first-order coupling elements, d (R)inEq.(2.8). First, × e h¯ I J JI AJ (R,t) the nuclear wave packet J (R,t) in the expansion (2.4)is  h¯ 2 ∇ A (R,t) replaced by the complex-valued time-dependent amplitude + dγ (R) γ I Cα(t), which apportions trajectories (labeled by α) among M JI A (R,t) J γ,I=J γ J electronic states according to the correct quantum probability,  { i [S (R,t)−S (R,t)]} so that × e h¯ I J , (2.11)  1  ∞ | |2 ∼ α 2 and J (R,t) dt CJ (t ) M =  {α} t 0 ∂AJ (R,t) h¯ h¯ =− ∇ A (R,t)∇ S (R,t) α ∂t M γ j γ J × δ(R − R (t ))δ(t − t ), (2.13) γ γ  h¯ once a sufficient number of trajectories has been sam- − A (R,t)∇2 S (R,t) 2M J γ J pled. The relation holds due to the ITA assumption, while γ γ α  the R dependence of the CJ (t) coefficients is determined  i { [SI (R,t)−SJ (R,t)]} by the initial conditions only R(t = 0) and Tully’s equa- + HJI(R)AI (R,t) e h¯ I tions of motion for the nuclei. The time-dependent dif- α  ferential equation for the amplitudes CJ (t) is obtained by − h¯ γ ∇ dJI(R)AI (R,t) γ SI (R,t) replacing Mγ γ,I=J ∞   { i [S (R,t)−S (R,t)]} α = α × e h¯ I J . (2.12) (r,R,t) CJ (t)J (r; R), (2.14) J Equations (2.11) and (2.12) correspond to the exact Schrodinger¨ equation for a nuclear wave function evolving in in the time-dependent Schrodinger¨ equation, and reads (in the the potential of the different electronic surfaces determined by Schrodinger¨ representation),  Eq. (2.5). In the simple case of zero nonadiabatic couplings, the  ˙ α = α − ˙α · α ih¯ CJ (t) CI (t) HJI ih¯ R dJI , (2.15) classical limit applied to the phase, SJ /h¯ , leads to an equation of motion that corresponds to the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation I of . In this limit, the nuclear quantum where the label α indicates that the corresponding quantities system is described by classical independent trajectories are evaluated for the trajectory α of the ensemble of trajec- obeying the Newton equations with forces computed from tories. Because of the adiabatic representation of the elec- the expectation value of the electronic Hamiltonian in a given tronic wave functions, the matrix elements HJI are diagonal


= el el HJI δJIEJ (R), where EJ (R) are the eigenvalues of In Tully’s dynamics, the classical trajectories evolve adi- Eq. (2.5). All matrix elements in Eq. (2.15) are computed using abatically according to Born-Oppenheimer dynamics until a an ab initio electronic structure calculation or, as in the present hop between two potential energy surfaces (HII and HJJ) case, density functional theory (DFT) for the ground-state and occurs with a probability given by a Monte Carlo-type proce- time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) for the dure. In the “fewest switches” algorithm, the transition prob- excited states. ability from state I to state J in the time interval [t,t + dt]is

     t+dt Im Cα(τ)Cα∗H (τ) − Re Cα(τ)Cα∗(τ) α (τ) α + ≈ J I JI J I JI gIJ(t,t dt) 2 dτ α α∗ , (2.16) t CI (τ)CI (τ)

α = ˙α · α where JI(τ) R dJI(τ), and a hop occurs if and only if hopping probability, where we replace the matrix element   R˙ · dJI with the total coupling elements, α α gIK <ζ< gIK, (2.17) α α α ωJI A0 λ α −iωt KJ −1 KJ (t) = R˙ (t) · d (t) − · µ (t)e . (3.3) JI JI h¯ c JI where ζ is generated randomly in the interval [0,1]. In In addition, a classical electrostatic interaction term of the practice, a swarm of trajectories is propagated independently form, starting from different initial conditions, and the final statistical  nucl α =− α · distribution of all these trajectories is assumed to reproduce E (R ) Zγ Rγ E(t), (3.4) the correct time evolution of the nuclear wave packet. It is γ important to stress that, at present, no formal justification of with E(t) =−1 ∂ A(t) added to the potential energy of Tully’s algorithm has been formulated. c ∂t the nuclei, which, according to Tully’s scheme, follow a “classical” trajectory on a single PES with possible surface III. INTERACTION WITH THE RADIATION FIELD hops according to the hopping probability gJI. The interaction with an external radiation field leads to a It is convenient to formulate Tully’s surface-hopping further coupling between molecular energy states, which is equations in the interaction representation where the wave function (r; R,t)inEq.(2.14) evolves according to the induced by the interaction Hamiltonian (see Appendix A), ˆ  explicit time-dependent part of the Hamiltonian, Hint(t), e  ˆ =− · i t el Hint A(ri ,t) pˆ i , (3.1) ˜ = h¯ 0 dt EJ (t ) 2m c J (r; R,t) e J (r; R,t) e i  i t dtEel(t) = e h¯ 0 J U(t,0) (r; R,0), (3.5) where A(r,t) is the (classical) vector potential of the electro- J magnetic field, pˆ is the momentum of electron i, e is where U(t,0) is the time-evolution operator of the Hamiltonian i ˆ + ˆ ˜ = the electron charge, me is the electron , and c is the speed Hel Hint(t), and J (r; R,0) J (r; R,0). In the interaction i Hˆ (t−t ) of light. representation, the fast rotating phase factor e h¯ el 0 is In the presence of an external radiation field, the differential therefore removed and the time dependence of the eigenstates equations for the expansion coefficients in Eq. (2.15) become is induced solely by the interaction Hamiltonian Hˆint(t). (with A0 =|A|) Since the time evolution of the wave functions (r; R,t)is α  exclusively in the expansion coefficients CJ (t), we obtain in ˙ α = α − ˙α · α the interaction representation, ih¯ CJ (t) CI (t) HJI ih¯ R dJI  I α α i t dtEel(t) C˜ (t) = C (t)e h¯ 0 J , (3.6) A J J + 0 λ · µα −iωt iωJI JIe , (3.2) which satisfy the [Eq. (2.15)], c   α i t el − el ˙˜ = ˜ α h¯ 0 dt [EI (t ) EJ (t )] λ µα ih¯ CJ (t) CI (t) JIe , (3.7) where is the polarization vector and JI is the position dipole vector between states I and J . A complete account of I the derivation of the coupling term with the external radiation where the coupling matrix JI elements of Eq. (3.3)are field is given in Appendix A. evaluated for the time-independent adiabatic states J (r; R). Tully’s surface-hopping scheme remains practically un- Correspondingly, the transition probabilities of Eq. (2.16) changed, with a simple modification in Eq. (2.16)forthe become

   t  t+dt α α∗ i dt (Eel(t )−Eel(t )) −Re C˜ (t )C˜ (t ) JI(t )e h¯ 0 I J gα (t,t + dt) ≈ 2 dt J I . (3.8) IJ ˜ α ˜ α∗ t CI (t )CI (t )


IV. CALCULATION OF THE COUPLING TERMS WITHIN R˙ · dJI. Using the fact that S is diagonal (Siaσ ≡ Siaσ,iaσ ) and DFT AND TDDFT setting [21]  In the following we want to apply Tully’s trajectory S−1 surface-hopping dynamics to the study of photophysical and I ≡ iaσ I ciaσ eiaσ , (4.5) photochemical processes of simple molecules in laser fields ω0I using DFT and TDDFT for the description of the different PESs involved. To this end, we need first to derive the we define the auxiliary many-electron excited-state wave ˜ contributions to the coupling element (t)inEq.(3.3), function I as a linear combination of singly excited Slater determinants, namely the nonadiabatic coupling term R˙ · dJI and the λ · µ  radiation field coupling term proportional to JI as a ˜ { } = I † ˜ { } functional of the electronic density and its linear response I [ φ· ] ciaσ aˆaσ aˆiσ 0[ φ· ] , (4.6) perturbation. iaσ A one-to-one mapping between TDDFT and many-body where ˜ 0[{φ·}] is the of all occupied KS perturbation theory (MBPT) quantities within linear response N orbitals {φiσ } = , which, one at a turn, are promoted into a [30,49,50] is used to derive useful expressions for typical i 1 virtual (unoccupied) orbital, ψaσ . wave-function-based quantities as a functional of the elec- The nonadiabatic coupling elements at the midstep t + δt/2 tronic density and its linear response variation. In particular, of a TDDFT MD dynamics [21] can therefore be calcu- Oˆ for any one-body operator, , the mapping between MBPT and lated as TDDFT quantities gives (we only consider transitions from the ground state 0) R˙ · d0I |t+δt/2 =˜ 0(r; R(t))|∇R|˜ I (r; R(t)) ·R˙ (t) ∂ O†S−1/2e = ω1/2 |Oˆ | , (4.1) =˜ (r; R(t))| |˜ (r; R(t)) I 0I 0 I 0 ∂t I where, in second , the operator Oˆ = 1 [˜ 0(r; R(t))|˜ I (r; R(t + δt)) † = |Oˆ | 2δt iaσ oiaσ aˆaσ aˆiσ has components oiaσ φiσ ψaσ , ∞ N −˜ 0(r; R(t + δt))|˜ I (r; R(t)) ]. (4.7) and iaσ stands for i=1 a=1 σ ∈{α,β}. The creation † and annihilation operators aˆiσ and aˆiσ act on the Fock The full nonadiabatic coupling vectors d0I can also be { }N space spanned by the occupied φiσ i=1 and the unoccupied computed using the same formalism [47]. However, they are { }∞ ψaσ a=1 Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals [the index i (a) labels not directly required in the calculation of the surface-hopping occupied (unoccupied) KS orbitals, and σ the state]. probabilities according to Eq. (3.8). − In Eq. (4.1), ω0I is equal to the energy gap EI E0,the Replacing in Eq. (4.1) the general one-body operator Oˆ with matrix S has components, = the position operator rˆ i rˆi one gets directly the transition dipole matrix element expressed in terms of TDDFT quantities, δ δ δ S = ik jl στ , (4.2) ij σ,klτ −1/2 † − (fkσ − flσ )(lσ − kσ ) µ =− 1/2 0I eω0I r S eI , (4.8) e are the TDDFT eigenvectors of the pseudoeigenvalue † I rˆ = r aˆ aˆ r equation, where, in , ia ia aσ iσ , and is the vector with elements ria =φa|rˆ|ψa in the basis of KS = 2 orbitals. eI ω0I eI , (4.3)   = δ δ δ ( −  )2 + 2 (f − f )( −  ) V. IMPLEMENTATION ij σ,klτ στ ik jl lτ kσ iσ jσ jσ iσ ×Kij σ,klτ (fkτ − flτ )(lτ − kτ ), (4.4) Recent developments [33,36] have shown that it is possible to further simplify the calculation of the TDDFT equations I and K is the matrix form of the TDDFT kernel [29]. All for energies, forces, and expansion coefficients ciaσ using matrices and vectors are given in the basis of KS orbitals perturbation linear response TDDFT. The linear response {φiσ } with corresponding occupations fiσ and orbital energies change in the density due to an external perturbation, δV , can iσ . The operator Oˆ can be the position operator, rˆ as in [30] be expanded in the set of linear response orbitals of the Kohn- ∇ ˆ { } or the gradient RHel in [21,47,50], or any other one-body Sham wave functions, φiσ . Following standard perturbation operator of interest, and may depend parametrically on the theory, the perturbation induces a first-order change in the KS → + atomic positions, R. orbitals φiσ (r,t) φiσ (r,t) λφiσ (r,t) where we impose the  | = Of particular interest is the use of Eq. (4.1) for the derivation conditions φiσ φjτ δστδij (i,j < N). of auxiliary many-electron wave functions as functional of The linear response orbitals are solutions of the perturbative the electronic density or, equivalently, of the set of occupied TDDFT equations [53], and virtual KS orbitals. It was recently shown [49] that these reconstructed excited-state wave functions, ˜ [ρ], can be N  I ˆ σ − | +Qˆ σ σ SCF| = | used to derive exact (within the approximation of TDDFT) H0 δij ij σ φI,jσ δvˆI φiσ ωI φI,iσ , linear response quantities like, for instance, the nonadiabatic j=1 coupling between different potential energy surfaces I and J , (5.1)


Qˆ σ = ˆ − N |  | ˆ σ where 1 i=1 φiσ φiσ , H0 is the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian, ij σ is a Lagrangian multiplier ensuring orthog- σ SCF onality of the ground-state orbitals, and δvˆI is the change in self-consistent field (in the adiabatic approximation) upon perturbation,

δvˆσ SCF(r,ω) I    1 δ2E = 3 + xc d r ρIσ(r ,ω), |r − r | δρσ (r) δρσ (r ) ρ=ρ0 (5.2) where  = ∗ + ∗ ρIσ(r,t) φiσ (r)φI,iσ (r,t) φI,iσ (r,t)φiσ (r). (5.3) i In the of the occupied KS orbitals and their FIG. 1. Population in a two-state system showing Rabi os- { } cillation under the influence of a constant electromagnetic field response orbitals φiσ ,φI,jσ the auxiliary SD wave function used in the computation of linear response properties simplifies with frequency 0.44 a.u. (black, ground state; gray, first excited to state).  ˜ { } { } = † ˜ { } I [ φ· , φI,· ] rˆI,iσ aˆiσ 0[ φ· ] , (5.4) iσ description of this type of dynamics has been addressed † in several publications [57–60]. In particular, Takatsuka where rˆI,iσ is the creation operator for the linear response et al. have described the interaction of an intense laser orbital φI,iσ corresponding to the excitation frequency ωI . pulse with different molecular systems [61,62], including These are the auxiliary wave functions used to compute the LiF [28]. However, none of these approaches provide an on nonadiabatic coupling according to Eq. (4.7). the fly trajectory-based description of the photodissociation The calculation of the transition dipole moments from dynamics, which includes nonadiabatic coupling effects as the perturbed linear response orbitals φI,iσ is done us- well as coupling to the radiation field at the same level of ing the definition (A11) together with the expansion in theory. In the following, we study the photodissociation of LiF Eq. (5.4). Alternatively, in the case of periodic systems, using the mixed quantum-classical trajectory surface-hopping one can use the Berry phase expansion described in method outlined above, which describes both coupling terms Ref. [35]. within LR-TDDFT. All developments were implemented in the software pack- age CPMD [51]. 1. Electronic structure of LiF We focus our study on the first two excited states of VI. APPLICATIONS LiF, which are known to be fundamental for the dissociation A. Rabi oscillations in a two-level system of this heterodiatomic molecule [28]. Furthermore, it is Before addressing real molecular systems, we tested the important to note that couplings between states of a different developed modified SH scheme on a model two-level system multiplicity cannot be described by our formalism due to + the absence of spin-orbit couplings. The ground state of based on the H2 potential energy surfaces. An electromag- 1 + 1 × 12 2 LiF, 1  , is followed by a doubly degenerate 1  state netic field of intensity 3.5 10 W/cm oscillating at a 1 + frequency that corresponds to 97% of the exact level splitting (called first excited state) and a 2  state (second excited energy is applied to the system and the oscillations of the state). Due to symmetry reasons, an avoided crossing is corresponding population probabilities for the two states are formed between the ground state and the second excited state monitored in time (Fig. 1). The observed Rabi oscillations (both of -symmetry) at an internuclear distance close to ∼ ˚ show a maximum of probability transfer of about 64% 4.00 A (CASSCF result; Ref [28]). At larger distance, the 2 + 2 due to the slightly off-resonance frequency of the applied ground and first excited state correlate with the S(Li) P (F) field. dissociation channel and the second excited state with the still-bound 1S(Li+) + 1S(F−) channel. The ground state is a bound state with an equilibrium distance of 1.59 A˚ within DFT B. Photoexcitation of LiF by a strong laser pulse using the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional and plane The interest in ultrafast spectroscopy of alkali halide waves basis set (experimental value, 1.5639 A[˚ 63]; Coulomb- molecules has constantly grown since the development of Attenuating Method, CAM-B3LYP with aug-cc-pVDZ basis femtosecond laser pulses. Using this technique, Zewail et al. set, 1.58 A).˚ Both 11 and 21+ states are characterized by were able to monitor wave packet oscillations of a sodium the transfer of one electron from the fluoride to the lithium iodide molecule, trapped in its first excited state due to the cation and are then formally dissociative. However, due to presence of an avoided crossing between the ionic ground the avoided crossing discussed before and the mixing with state and the covalent excited state [54–56]. The theoretical 11+,21+ remains bonding at large internuclear distances.


FIG. 3. (Color online) LiF under a polarized pulse λ = (1,0,0), = = FIG. 2. (Color online) First two excited states of LiF molecules. with ω 0.2 a.u. and A0/c 1.0 a.u. (a) Population of each state Energies (TDDFT-PBE-TDA) are given with respect to the ground for one trajectory. General color code: black, ground state (GS); state. Color code: green (left atom) = fluoride; brown (right atom) red and orange (light grays, superimposed), doubly degenerate first = lithium. CAM-B3LYP with aug-cc-pVDZ basis set calculations excited state (S1 and S1 ); blue (dark gray), second excited state (S2). instead give the excitation energies of 5.61 eV for the 11 state and (b) Potential energy surfaces along the dynamics obtained by DFT and 6.09 eV for the 21+ state. Orbitals are plotted with an isovalue of LR-TDDFT calculations. Green dashed line highlights the running 0.05. state. (c) Bond length of LiF along the simulation. The red dotted line represents the bonding distance at 0 K.

The different symmetries and degeneracies of these two states  cE2 ∼ = E0c = 0 o are due to different origins of the excited electron. The state 200 fs. According to the relation A0 ω and I 3 ,a 1 + 2  results from the excitation of an electron initially in pulse with ω = 0.2 a.u. and A0/c = 1.0 a.u. corresponds to a 1 = × 15 2 the 2px (F) orbital (see Fig. 2), whereas 1  is obtained by pulse of intensity I 1.4 10 W/cm . promoting one electron from either the 2py (F)orthe2pz(F) Another important parameter of the simulations is given by orbital. the orientation of the polarization vector of the electric field System setup. The system is composed of an isolated LiF with respect to the LiF molecular axis. Depending on the sym- molecule, aligned in the x axis of a box of dimensions metry of the states involved in the photoexcitation process, dif- 14 A˚ × 8 A˚ × 8 A.˚ All calculations employed Goedecker-type ferent polarizations of an incoming electromagnetic radiation pseudopotentials [64–66], a cutoff of 120 Ry for the plane wave will favor different transfers of amplitude [see Eq. (3.3)]. For basis set, and a threshold of 10−7 a.u. for the convergence of instance, a laser pulse whose electric component is polarized the orbitals. The LR-TDDFT equations were solved within along the bond axis (x in Fig. 2) will couple the ground state the Tamm-Dancoff approximation to obtain the unperturbed exclusively with the second excited state of  symmetry. In- excitations energies and nuclear forces [33]. The adiabatic stead, when an isotropic field is considered, coupling of the  approximation was used for the TDDFT kernel allowing the ground state with excited states of  symmetry becomes also use of the ground-state GGA xc-functional PBE [67]. Only possible. the first two excited states have been taken into account for The photodissociation of LiF. A pulse of frequency 0.2 a.u. = λ = the dynamics. The initial geometries were sampled from a and A0/c 1.0 a.u. with a polarization vector (1,0,0) canonical distribution at 100 K obtained from a ground-state is used to photoexcite a LiF molecule initially prepared Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. From this equili- in its electronic ground state. Figure 3 shows the time brated ground-state distribution, different initial configurations evolution of the square of the time-dependent amplitudes | α |2 were randomly selected and considered as starting points for [ CJ (t) , defined in Eq. (3.2)] together with the time series the surface-hopping dynamics. Initial velocities were set equal of the energy of the different potential energy surfaces under − to the corresponding ground-state values. Because of the high consideration and of the Li F bond length. As expected, we frequency of the radiation field, the time step for the integration observe transfer of amplitude from the ground state to the second excited state (21+), while no changes are observed of the nuclear equations of motion was reduced to 0.5 a.u. 1 (∼0.0121 fs). The functional form of the applied radiation in the populations of the two degenerate states (1 ). For field is given by [28] symmetry reasons, a pulse oriented in the (1,0,0) direction is not able to couple the HOMO and HOMO-1 orbitals to (t − t )2 the dissociative channel represented by the LUMO orbital. A(t) =−A λ exp − 0 sin(ωt) , (6.1) 0 T 2 Figure 3 shows the corresponding oscillatory behavior for the populations (in the Schrodinger¨ picture) with no net transfer where the frequency, ω, and the maximal amplitude, A0,are into the LUMO excited state. As a consequence, the system used as tunable parameters. t0 and T are set equal to 100 and is driven only shortly by the excited states and returns almost 67 fs, respectively, which produces a pulse of a duration of immediately back in the ground state. Because of the surface


FIG. 5. (Color online) LiF under an isotropic pulse, with ω = = FIG. 4. (Color online) LiF under an isotropic pulse λ = 0.2 a.u. and A0/c 0.5 a.u. For the description of panels (a)–(c) and √1 (1,1,1), with ω = 0.2 a.u. and A /c = 1.0 a.u. For the description the color coding, see Fig. 3. 3 0 of panels (a)–(c) and the color coding, see Fig. 3. Inset in panel (c) presents the bond length variation for seven additional trajectories, depicted by gray lines. the outcome of different simulations started from different initial configurations extracted from a ground-state Boltzmann distribution at room temperature. The lower panel of Fig. 4 hops, the system acquires some additional kinetic energy shows the time evolution of the lithium fluoride bond length during the relaxation on the excited surface, which leads for 8 of such trajectories. In most cases, after a few initial small to an increase in the bond length fluctuations. However, no amplitude oscillations around the equilibrium bond length we real dissociation is observed with such an x-polarized laser observe a clear signature of the photodissociation process at pulse during the entire length of our simulations (∼150 fs), the time at which the pulse reaches its maximum intensity as expected from the ionic character of this state at long (around t = 100 fs). distances. A second point of interest is the characterization of the On the other hand, using an “isotropic” polarization vector, effects of the pulse intensity on the photodissociation dynamics √1 (1,1,1), the observed state population dynamics changes of the system. The variation of the intensity of the pulse 3 drastically as depicted in Fig. 4. In fact, using a frequency obviously affects the magnitude of population transferred from close to resonance (0.2 a.u.) the doubly degenerate first excited the ground state into the excited state manifold as expected state enters in resonance with the ground state triggering a from Eq. (3.3). Figure 5 confirms this fact, showing a clear significant population of the excited state due to the large decrease of the amount of population transfer for a vector = oscillator strength associated with this transition (one order potential of maximal intensity A0/c 0.5 a.u., polarization vector √1 (1,1,1), and frequency ω = 0.2 a.u. Also at this in- of magnitude larger than the one of the second excited state 3 of  symmetry). In addition to the Rabi-like oscillations tensity, the first excited state obtains some amplitude from the also observed for the previous excitation (Fig. 3), in this ground state, but the transfer is never as complete as observed at case we obtain a net population transfer when the pulse a field of double intensity A0/c = 1 a.u. (Fig. 4). Nevertheless, reaches its maximal amplitude (∼100 fs). After this point, the hops between the ground state and the first (degenerate) excited transfer of amplitude from the ground state ceases, and strong states are still observed (Fig. 5, middle panel), leading to a large Rabi-like amplitude oscillations between the two degenerate amplitude vibrations of the Li−F bond length (Fig. 5,lower excited states take place. Concerning the localization and panel), which eventually will lead to dissociation. Further the frequency of the surface hops, we first observe frequent decrease of the field intensity below the value A0/c = 0.1a.u. short-lived transitions at the beginning of the simulation causes a gradual decrease of the population transfer until mainly occurring between the ground state and the first a complete cessation of the surface hops into the excited excited state. Instead, when the pulse reaches its maximum, states. a long-lived transition to the first excited state occurs, which Finally, we have also investigated the effect of the variation finally drives the dissociation of the molecule (Fig. 4,lower of the radiation field frequency in the regime of high-intensity panel). radiation (Fig. 6). To this end, we applied to our system In Tully’s trajectory surface-hopping scheme the quantum a pulse characterized by a vector potential that is set to A /c = 4.0 a.u. with polarization √1 (1,1,1) and frequency time evolution of the molecular systems is represented by 0 3 an ensemble of independent trajectories. Even though the 0.005 a.u., which corresponds to an intensity of 1.4 × investigation of the convergence of the nuclear quantum 1013 W/cm2. At this exceptionally strong field intensity, a dynamics as a function of the sampled trajectories is of great large variation in the amplitudes is expected and indeed interest, this unfortunately exceeds our available computa- observed for all states under consideration (Fig. 6, upper tional resources. It can be nonetheless interesting to look at panel). In addition, a large density of surface hop events


FIG. 6. (Color online) LiF under an isotropic pulse, with ω = FIG. 7. (Color online) Oxirane under a polarized pulse λ = 0.005 a.u. and A /c = 4.0 a.u. For the description of panels (a)–(c) 0 (1,0,0), with ω = 0.22 a.u. and A /c = 1.0 a.u. (a) Population of and the color coding, see Fig. 3. 0 each state for one trajectory noted α. General color code: black, ground state (GS); red (medium gray), first excited state (S ); blue between the ground, the first, and even the second excited state 1 (dark gray), second excited state (S ); orange (light gray), third is observed with consequent rapid increase of the average bond 2 excited state (S3). (b) Potential energy surfaces along the dynamics length (Fig. 6, middle and lower panels), which eventually obtained by DFT and LR-TDDFT calculations. Green dashed line leads to photodissociation of the molecule. The occurrence of highlights the running state. (c) Shape of the applied series of high-intensity field-induced out-of-resonance photodissocia- pulses. tion of small molecules was already observed in a number of experimental [68,69] and theoretical studies [28,70–72]. The interaction of an intense field with molecules is therefore not Our calculations employed norm-conserving pseudopotentials restricted to the case of resonant electronic transitions, but [75], a cutoff of 70 Ry for the plane wave basis set, and a field-induced nonadiabatic transitions can also play a decisive threshold of 10−7 a.u. for the convergence of the orbitals. role in the reaction dynamics of molecules in intense laser As discussed in Ref. [44], our calculations are restricted to fields [70]. the first three singlet excited states, which have an energy below the ionization threshold (corresponding to −HOMO) C. Photoexcitation of oxirane with a series of short laser pulses at the LR-TDDFT-PBE level of theory. All other compu- tational details are identical to those described in the first The developed TDDFT-based trajectory surface-hopping application. scheme is also suited for the description of the complex The functional form of the applied radiation field is given photodynamics of large molecular systems for which, in by addition to the photoexcitation event, it can also provide detailed information about the subsequent relaxation dynamics πt A(t) = A λ sin2 sin(ωt) , (6.2) through nonadiabatic processes. 0 T Here, we present an application to the study of the photophysics and photochemistry of oxirane in gas phase, where the frequency ω is set to 0.22 a.u. and λ = (1,0,0). The which was already the subject of a previous investigation [44] envelope frequency, 1/T,issetto0.083 fs−1, which gives rise where, however, the dynamics was directly initiated in the to a series of pulses, each with a duration of ∼12 fs. excited states without explicit coupling of the system to an Figure 7 shows the photodissociation dynamics of oxirane external radiation field. obtained with a series of pulses with maximum intensity The electronic structure of oxirane (or ethylene oxide) A0/c = 1 a.u. The initial configuration is randomly oriented has been carefully studied in previous experimental and with respect to the Cartesian coordinate axes and therefore theoretical publications [44,73,74]. The main radiationless we do not expect a strong dependence on the chosen field pathway is summarized as follows: the system is mainly polarization [λ = (1,0,0)]. Directly after the first pulse, the promoted through photoexcitation in the UV to its S1 electronic initial ground-state population is distributed over the different 1 excited state (1 B1(n,3s)) and evolves there until a crossing excited states. The majority of this population is transferred 1 with the S2 state [2 B1(n,3pz)] is reached. At this point, to the second excited state, which is the leading state until the character of S1 is changed and dissociation of oxirane is changes in the character of the first excited state occur observed. (∼160 fs). At this point, the nonadiabatic transition to the Here we reproduce the experimental oxirane photodissoci- first excited state promotes the dissociation of oxirane, exactly ation dynamics by applying a succession of short and intense as observed in Ref. [44]. It is interesting to note that using pulses on an isolated oxirane molecule and monitoring the a more intense pulse, A0/c = 4.0 a.u., photodissociation is following radiationless decay. The isolated oxirane molecule induced after a couple of pulses only (see Fig. 8). In this case, is placed in a box of dimensions 12 A˚ ×12 A˚ ×12 A.˚ the system is directly promoted into the second excited state


comparing the results of the calculations with more accurate computational approaches or with experimental results. The described extended trajectory surface-hopping scheme has been applied to the study of the photodissociation dynamics of two simple molecules in the gas phase, namely LiF and oxirane. In the first case, we observe photodissociation of the molecule when the frequency of the applied field is in resonance (or close to resonance) with the energy gap corresponding to the dissociative transition HOMO (or equivalently HOMO-1) to LUMO. Due to the symmetry character of these transitions, photodissociation only occurs when the radiation field has a component oriented along the axes perpendicular to the LiF bond. We also observed a clear dependence of the dissociation yield on the intensity of the applied field, and in particular we were able to obtain photodissociation with an off-resonance radiation field with FIG. 8. (Color online) Oxirane under a polarized pulse λ = extremely high intensity. (1,0,0), with ω = 0.22 a.u. and A0/c = 4.0 a.u. For the description The configurational space of oxirane is already sufficiently of panels (a)–(c) and the color coding, see Fig. 7. large to make a detailed analysis of its photodissociation dynamics using conventional static ab initio approaches impossible. Here we have extended our previous investigation with only rare, short-lived back hops to the ground state, and [44] to include the explicit interaction of the molecule with the undergoes dissociation within a few tens of fs. This behavior external radiation field. We have observed photodissociation has also been observed in Ref. [44] where the dynamics was within about 200 fs from the switching on of the pulses, while started directly from the second excited state. the same dissociation dynamics is observed as in [44]. The coupling with the radiation field induces frequent surface hops between the ground state and the first two excites states, which were not observed when the dynamics was directly initiated in VII. CONCLUSIONS an excited state [44]. A detailed analysis of the convergence of Very recently TDDFT with classical trajectory photody- the dissociation pattern of oxirane as a function of the number namics calculations have become possible [5,21,76,77]. In this of computed trajectories is, however, beyond the scope of this work, we have extended Tully’s trajectory surface hopping to work and will be the subject of future investigations. the case in which an applied external radiation field is coupled to a molecular system and eventually triggers its photoexcita- tion. The coupling with the electromagnetic field is derived in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS full details and, most importantly, all quantities required in the The authors acknowledge Neepa T. Maitra for useful surface-hopping scheme are formulated within the framework discussions. This work was supported by COST Action No. of LR-TDDFT, including nonadiabatic couplings and the CM0702 and Swiss National Science Foundation Grant No. coupling with the radiation field. This allows for an efficient 200020-130082. implementation of this nonadiabatic dynamics method in all software packages that enable the calculation of “on-the- fly” energies, forces, and coupling elements. The resulting APPENDIX trajectory-based description of photoexcited processes is well The radiation field is represented by the quantized field suited for the study of the complex nonadiabatic dynamics operator, triggered by an incident radiation field. The dynamics is performed in the full, unrestricted, configurational space of the  1   h¯ system without the need of introducing constraints or reaction Aˆ (r,t) = √ c [aˆ (0)λeik·r−iωt 2ω k,λ coordinates. V k λ While the derivation of the different coupling terms using + † λ −ik·r+iωt LR-TDDFT is rigorous, the modification of Tully’s surface aˆk,λ(0) e ], (A1) hopping switching probability with the addition of the coupling † term with the radiation field is motivated by simple physical where aˆk,λ and aˆk,λ are the annihilation and creation operators principles [78]. As in the case of the original Tully surface of the radiation field operating in the Fock space of the photon hopping scheme, there is no rigorous proof that the ensemble of states characterized by the wave vector k and the polarization independent trajectories generated using the newly developed λ,λ is the polarization vector, andhω ¯ is the energy of one nonadiabatic dynamics scheme will reproduce the exact quanta of the field. In this representation, the Hamiltonian nuclear wave packet dynamics. In particular, the use of the operator for the radiation field is given by stochastic algorithm to induce population transfer among   the different PESs together with the so-called independent Hˆrad = Nˆ k,λhω¯ , (A2) trajectory approximation can only be justified a posteriori by k λ


ˆ = † =| | ˆ · ˆ where Nk,λ aˆk,λaˆk,λ and ω k c. The corresponding the quadratic term A A, which makes no contribution to time-independent many-photon Schrodinger¨ equation reads, first-order (single-photon) absorption, we have therefore,   ; n − 1|Hˆ | ; n Hˆ |n ,n ,... = n hω¯ |n ,n ,... . J k,λ int I k,λ rad k1,λ1 k2,λ2 ki ,λi i k1,λ1 k2,λ2 e i =− J ; nk,λ − 1| mc  (A3)   h¯ + · − × ik ri iωk t · λ| We can now formulate the interaction of the radiation field c aˆk ,λ (0)e pˆ i I ; nk,λ 2ωV with the molecular system. In the Born-Oppenheimer approx- i k ,λ  imation for the separation of electronic and nuclear degrees e nk,λh¯ + · − =−  | ik ri | ·λ iωt of freedom (which is assumed in Tully’s surface hopping), the J e pˆ i I e , (A7) m 2ωV total (nonrelativistic) Hamiltonian is given as1 i

1/2 Hˆtot = Hˆmol + Hˆrad + Hˆint, (A4) with J ; nk,λ − 1|aˆk,λ (0)|I ; nk,λ =δk,k δλ,λ (nk,λ) . Comparing Eq. (A7) with the classical treatment of a vector where (c) = (c)λ +ik·r−iωt potential of the form A A0 e , we can identify  1  1  e2 Hˆ = ∇2 + ∇2 + A(c) = c nk,λh¯ . In a typical molecular transition in the mol 2M γ 2m i |r − r | 0 2ωV γ γ i e i


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