Record of Decision
Record of Decision for the West Davis Corridor Project in Davis and Weber Counties, Utah by Federal Highway Administration, Utah Division in cooperation with Utah Department of Transportation UDOT Project No. S-0067(14)0 September 29, 2017 This page is intentionally blank. Summary Introduction This document is the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Record of Decision (ROD) for the West Davis Corridor (WDC) Project in Davis and Weber Counties, Utah. The WDC Project was initiated for two main reasons. First, the project was initiated to address the expected population, employment, and household growth in western Davis and Weber Counties through 2040 by improving regional travel (regional mobility) for automobile, transit, and freight trips. This improvement in regional mobility would be achieved by reducing roadway congestion in the WDC study area. Second, the project was initiated at the request of the city governments and the area’s metropolitan planning organization, whose local and regional transportation plans and corridor planning studies have identified a need for additional transportation infrastructure in the WDC study area. This ROD constitutes FHWA’s approval of Alternative B1 with the Wetland Avoidance Option (Selected Alternative) as described in the WDC Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation (Final EIS). This decision is based on the information presented in the Final EIS and supporting technical documents; the associated project file; and input received from the public and interested local, state, and federal agencies. In making this decision, FHWA considered the expected impacts of the project and alternative courses of action under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, and other applicable laws, thereby balancing the need for safe and efficient transportation with national, state, and local environmental protection goals.
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