SYRACUSE CITY Syracuse City Council Work Session Notice June 25, 2019 at 6:00 P.M
SYRACUSE CITY Syracuse City Council Work Session Notice June 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. City Council Conference Room Municipal Building, 1979 W. 1900 S. a. Meeting called to order. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer. b. Public comments. c. Request to be on the agenda: Dr. Cody Hawkes’ proposal to build and operate a storybook theme park in Syracuse. (15 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Bingham. d. Discuss proposed resolution approving the use of eminent domain related to a parcel of land located within the right-of- way at the intersection of Bluff Road and 1000 West. (10 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Bolduc. e. Planning items: 1. General Plan/Vision 2050 Recommendation from Planning Commission. (30 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Maughan. 2. Review/discussion of Section 10.45 of Syracuse City Code – Sign and Lighting Regulations. (15 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Peterson. 3. Review/discussion of Section 10.35.040 of Syracuse City Code – Home Occupation Parking Standards. (15 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Savage. f. Discussion regarding practice and equipment storage space for Syracuse City Orchestra (10 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Bingham. g. Continued review of draft Parks Master Plan. (30 min.) Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Bolduc. h. Budget discussion (1 hour) 1. Additional discussion of operating budget as approved. Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Maughan 2. Certified tax rate. Council discussion, if necessary, will commence with Councilmember Peterson.
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