Adang, Tanko, Kachi & Abdulwahab Proceedings of 6th NSCB Biodiversity Conference; Uniuyo 2018 (117 - 124pp) Bird Species Richness and Diversity of Lokoja and Environs, Kogi State, Nigeria *ADANG Kombe Lucas, TANKO Dauda, KACHI Jolly and ABDULWAHAB Umarfarooq Adavudi Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University Lokoja, PMB 1154, Kogi State. *Corresponding author:
[email protected]; Phone: +2348033686583 Abstract: A study on the bird species richness and diversity of Lokoja and its environs was conduct between November 2016 and February 2018, using the point count and line transects methods. The bird species encountered were identified with the aid of a field guide and recorded bird songs. Diversity was determined by noting the habitat type on which each bird was encountered. One hundred and eight species of birds belonging to fifty-six taxonomic groups and forty-three families were recorded. The families with their number of species recorded were Estrildidae (9), Sylviidae (9), Turdidae (8), Accipitridae (7), Columbidae (6), Nectariniidae (5), Ploceidae (5), Ardeidae (3), Falconidae (3), Musophagidae (3), Cuculidae (3), Capitonidae (3), Malaconopidae (3), Viduidae (3), Phasianidae (2), Psittacidae (2), Bucerotidae (2), Hirundiniidae (2), Timaliidae (2), Pycnonotidae (2, Apodiae (2), Corvidae (2) and Emberizidae (2). The other twenty families had one species each. New bird records were obtained for the area such as the Magpie Mannikin (Spermestes fringilloides) of the Estrildidae family, the Green Turaco (Tauraco persa) and Violet Turaco (Musophaga violacea), of family Musophagidae, the Egyptian Plover (Pluvianus aegyptius) of family Charadriidae and the Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) of family Accipitridae, a near threatened (NT) species. These bird species were characteristics of specific habitat types since they were only found in these areas.