Stephanie Acello
Kaleidoscope WoJo™ A Reflection on Women’s Journeys™ Writer’s Interview – Stephanie Acello Writer/Pen Name: Stephanie Acello Social Media (we can tag you for greater recognition): Facebook (Provide Link): Instagram Handle/User Name: @ stephanieacello_author Website: Twitter Handle/User Name: @ N/A Include BIO in 2 or 3 sentences tell us a little about yourself. If you want people to see your smiling face, please provide a picture. Serious writer faces are also acceptable. Stephanie has been on the road of Self-Discovery her whole life, practicing various self-inquiry and meditation practices. She lives in beautiful Colorado with family, friends, and her animal gurus. Do you belong to one or more Writer’s Group? If so, please provide the name of the group and their contact information so we can notify your group that you are being featured. I belong to a small local group, no contact information. What writers do you read? Rumi, Kahil Gibran and contemporaries such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Anita Moorjani, Joe Dispenza, Sadhguru, Science of Yoga: Patanjali Sutras, Fiction: Celestine Prophecy, Elizabeth Gilbert’s books, Alice Hoffman’s books, Dan Brown What is the mix between fiction and non-fiction that you read? I read mostly non-fiction. How often do you write? Everyday What is your routine? I write or do something (marketing, organization, correspondence, etc.) concerning my writing every morning, 5-7am. Tell us about your writer’s place in your home or elsewhere. I have a little office in the house. I also live on a small farm and spend much time outside for inspiration.
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