The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION *"*• * ■fTtfrrrfi-ri rrrrrtrr~rrr-rrrrri r~r ...... 1 rr rffmifirm GETS INTO FULL SWING TODAY *- .- —— Vandy Grid Coach Bugs Released BRUSHING UP SPORTS . 12. Sens Beat Boston 1-0 —By Pap TEXAS LEAGUE Oklahoma GALVE8TON, April (/Pi—Th< Goes To Buccaneers lost two players through NORMAN. Okla April 12.—O'— outright releases, turned one bach A veteran of Vanderbilt's coach- and had another returned Monday. In outfielder, was sent 10 Inning Opener ing staff—Lewia W. Hardage—will Larry Cow, OPENING DUE to whom he had guide the University of Oklahoma's back by Shreveport i c been loaned. Keon Riley, out- Sooners over Big Six gridirons fielder, was returned to Pueblo. Bi# CHICAGO, April 12—— The NEW YORK, April 12.—iJP,— next fall. National baseball Clubs Into Action Jim and Russell pennant chase, a Eight league Swing Hardage. assistant coach at the Ryan, pitcher, dubs have been league a xjevJ WOftLO'-S Keith, semi-pro catcher, were re- dominated* lor six winning Me- set Nashville University for a decade struggle straight on two months or Wednesday With leased by Del Pratt, . games paper for RECORD W WJMAilM6 T4E- 300 >t>. and of all American stripe in the year8 by Philadelphia and New a little The Bucs In their first j more. Today, with cooper- old when the late Walter engaged /MeoieV Title. High good days nocturnal last at York, broke into the open again ation from the weather man, they'11 Hopes was chosen practice night Camp was picking ’em. set see it's to win them Moody Stadium Another is for today with the same two formidable If Just a* easy as Oklahoma's head football coach on ball field. tonight, the final before the Bucs rivals pitted against each other in the BY BILL PARKER by the university athletic council Some 120.000 persons were ex- open the Texas league season at the grand inaugural feature at Associated Press Sports Writer last night. Houston Wednesday night. pected at the four opening games he into the Texas baseball is Immediately jumped 8hibe park. in Ne w York. Cincinnati league one day Brooklyn, shoes vacated a few weeks ago by Washington’s Senators, off to a Louis. around the corner. and*St. the resignation of Adrian Lindsey. I ~1 start with an old fashioned The schedule was; The turnstiles have been oiled. flying opening Already on the ground. Hardage over their The club owners are Fire I 1 to 0 Boston in at St. hopeful. victory Pittsburgh Louis. likely will put the Sooner spring 10-inning opener yesterday, moved Chicago at St. Cincinnati. returning managers and three new have practice under way no later than over to the Red Sox camp for their Boston at nilots good and honorable in- wm Brooklyn. the end of this week. second engagement, Cleveland in- Phil at New York. tentions of winning the pennant. idelphia His was not disclosed He vaded lake shore rival, Detroit, Last year s opening days saw 56,- salary “IN OUR ltg will 'select his own assistant while the St. Louis Browns braved Close Race Expected 506 spectators pass through entrance likely — to succeed Dewey Luster, resigned. the blasts of Lake Michigan HOLOEfS—» gates- It all ended when Houston chilly looks forward now to at the home field of Chicago’s The league won the Texas league pennant, then races or A Fi_OCtC. White Sox. one of the most interesting lost to Birmingham of the South- ALLEY” In trade and Or Con Ian Will Twirl A lively pitching duel was in its long history. By AiAT.QKJAL^ ern association In the Dixie Series. all eight chibs have prospect at each battle ground, purchase, As the teams line uo in their 'eeak spots in defense Opener For Spuds topped by that between Vernon strengthened dugouts. readv to trot on the field. Listen— or offense until it appears not one WICHITA PALLS. April 12. (JPV— “Lefty” Gomez, the 22-year-old Houston. Dallas, Fort Worth and This as a stone Tor Titles Hank Severeid has an- unseemly weather. Yankee southpaw, and big George can be used stepping Beaumont have been selected by Manager con- I / nounced that Conlan, young Earnshaw of the Athletics. i such outstanding pennant rexas league snorts writers as the Ton\ With Northers in April 1 tenders as the world champion right hander, will pitch the season Connie Mack bad Just about ..he four clubs to finish in the first di- And frost in March. Giants or Cubs. opener for the Spudders at Shreve- same baseball Sim- Cardinals, ths vision. Houston and Dallas are big guns—A1 deserve tomorrow. Severeid himself et al—in Perhaps the Cardinals even choice for the pennant. Fort port May hare you fooled. mons. Mlckev Cochrane, will catch. rest of the tc be rated as heavy favorites to Worth is the third The lineup position, while Manager Joe Mc- pet for place. not their third will be the same that has won five But, us, my boys, not us. had a shuffled line-up with win straight pennant Beaumont pets the fourth Dlaee Carthy believe of six exhibition games Prank but some observers the call. It is the concensus of league played. We are ready for you— the spectacular recruit. ! ehamnions will feel the loss of writers the rinish in Crosettl at third. Lvn Lary sport Septen- With suits and all that sort of pietro ; veteran right YESTERDAYS STARS at and Sammy Bvrd the Burleigh Grimes, ber will be like this: shortstop and outfielder Alvin Crowder and Helnie Man- apparent centerfield gardener in i handed nitcher, thing. Chick Hafev. league batting cham- San Too! ush. Senator*—former held Red Sox place of the veteran Earl Combs, ! Which will make love in pion In 1931. to seven hits and fanned ■even: you 1—Dallas or Houston. drive in Sena to fue Marberry Except for the pitching staff, the woooe. t.tles *i latter doubled In t«th to December— 3— Fort Worth. Cardinals. Giants and Cubs start WE PlCSMT > only of game. / 4— Beaumont. As did in Mar. Manager Walter Johnson plan- the season with only one change MATC^AL MEBrrf^r you ned to send another veteran right Car- 5—Galveston aoieee in their lineups. The And that's casting no reflee* fvJrder, Fred Marberry. against dinals will have Jimmv Collins in 6— San Antonie the Red Sox. who countered witn the outfield In place of Hafev; the 7— Wichita Falls tlons on May. a hander who 8 -Shreveport Ed Durham, right Giants will use Len Koenecke In Flock around, boys, flock complied a fine record of eigh* left field at least when opposed by Opening dav nmes will find Fort with the at victories and ten defeats I a right-handed Ditcher; and the Worth at Dallas, Galveston around— season. Houston. San Antonio at Beaumont team last I Cubs w‘H play Stanley Hack at We're ready for anything— Although their star shortstop third base. and Wichita Fails at Shreveport and clean-up hitter, Joe Cronin The p’-'Mlies* principal addition J. Alvin Gardner, league presi- Have even stood the shock of was still out from an attack of outfielder Davis while dent. discussing the 1932 race, said; i.~ George selling— . tonsllitis, the Senators played the Braves count on Art Shtres at “Each Texas league club owner an H. O. Stllwell, Jr, a shirt, errorless baseball and won f;rst base and Fritz Knothe on has materially strenetened his club frjfflfri H Of' r’*", home for the for vear’s race. The new Which knows he inaugural game at ; third. this major goodness firs* time In four years. Manush's After rule cutting down th° number of needed. double scoring Myer was the fin- Brooklyn Additions CARDS TAKE Campbell players National and American blow with one out in th“ league clubs can carry' meant the ishing has added Hack Wil- HOOKS tenth inning. Brooklyn sending of additional good players two son to the outfield. Tony Cunello Another Record A pitching duel between AND to the Texas league, and because Weslev .Toe Strion and George Kelly to rivals of high school days. OVER MONROE of this pew move. I beheve the lea- the infield. Clvde Sukeforth to the Ferrell and Victor Sorrell, added j gue will be much faster. Fmiaton l»ackstopp:ng denartment and Waite LONDON. April 12.—'^—Travel punch to the Detroit-Cleveland and Fort Worth have wonderful Hovt to the staff. at some 250 miles an hour should Inaugural. Both Ferrell and Sr-rrelJ pitching Six-Club Cotton States pitching corps. Dallas has one of Cincinnati, which rounded out SLIDES be fast enough to suit the vast came from North Carolina where the greatest collection of hitters eve.* its infield majority—but not Sir Malcolm thev often met In nrep days. I by trading Benny Prey j Saved in the leacue. Galveston has m- and to the Car- ! League By ! Campbell. Manaeer Lew Fonseca of the Harvey Hendrick proved. and Wichita Falls has a dinals for Hafev will I Less than two months ago the White Sox decided the opener was yesterday, Action Australian Tragedy fine young club that may surprise ,c?ftd have such other newcomers as British sportsman boosted the the soot for the ve*eran The death or Phar recalls you.*’ Babe Herman. Taylor Douthit. Lap world's land speed record to 253 968 Sam" Jones and his right arm. The poignantly the tragedy that ended Andy High. Gilbert and * ni p. h. with his Bluebird. Now he Three New Browns expected to start Walter Wally MONROE. La.. 12 OP)—Last the career of another great Aus- Managers Ernest Lombardi. April ; already is making plans for an- Wlfmann Stewart. minute assistance for the Monroe Les There was this tralian, Darcy. and — other try within a year and with W’hen the curtain goes up HOY — baseball club from the St. Louis difference: Phar died from FIGHTS LAST NIGHT Lap a more powerful engine. the show goes on Wednesday, three Cardinals welded the final link and loo and Les " eating much, Darcy announced last new will be their (By the Associated Press) . Campbell night managers making j the Cotton States league definitely died from a broken heart. NFW YORK—Benny Leonard. he planned to Install in the Blue- boar D'.ck McCabe, who won ?3 “Regeneracion” organized its six-club circuit for the Darcy was a great New York, outnointed Busfer Brown middleweight bird an engine of the same type and lor 7 for Fort Worth last year, Hablada y cantada en Espanol 1932 season which opens May 3. about the time when the World The BaKlmtre. (10). Enzo Ferimonte., that won the Schneider airplane has been elevated to the manager. Con After almost giving up hope of War began. To conscription DOEITA CTPRANO Ttaly, outnointed Jack Kiernan. escape trophy at 340 m. p. h. and set ut> A1 Job replacing Art Phelan mustering six clubs, financially able which Australians be sub- jf to would a world's record of m former major league tin Pelicula C arnica Lon« Branch. N- J.. f 10>. ; speed 407 . ■ to tide a full season, word was re- and E T. O’Sullivan CHICAGO — Jack Kilboume, | ject, Darcy p. h. last fall. The new engine, he «’ar and once voted the most “valu- ceived late yesterday that the loop an Sports shipped from Australian port. will 2500 in the American league. Una Comedia RK.O Australia, knocked out Haakon Han- had been completed and that the thinks, develop horse- able man Conscription hadn't been inaugu- of 111“ sen. Norwav, G>. Costas Vas.v*s, six clubs —Monroe and Baton power compared with 1500 h. p %laces Jake Atz as pilot Pathe 1 rated, but there was talk of It. the Henrv Severeid. Greece, outoointed Shuffle Calla- Rouge, La : Eldorado and Pine generated by engine wi*< which Shreveport Sports. I They slipped under a canvas on catcher and Adult Me 2 Spade han, Chicago. (5). Pete wistort, Bluff. Ark., and Vicksburg. Miss., he set up the new auto re %v at former major leamie ns. deck and were on the high seas Chicago, knocked cut Biff Bennett. Davtcna Beach, Fla in February. last year with Hollywood of the Ninos.lde and Port Arthur, Texas—were ready it became known had before they Ccast league, has replaced *» ML Fort Sheridan. 111., (4>. for another season. Pacific m Ted gone. Carl Williams at Wichita Falls. PITTSBURGH Yarosz. Announcement that the loop had « * * for another ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■I Monaca. outnointed Vincent Ham- been successfully reorganized was Managers returning Besieged by Managers Movie at 10—?©—25 bripht. Cincinnati. GO) Mose Butch, made after a meeting here of the Sidelights pennant try include Hann Morse was for South EVIDENTLY Roy Hambrick has »ittsbu-«?h. stunned Lew' Franklin. board of directors. D. Aubrey Haas, The ship bound a Da Mas. Joe Schultz at Houston. Del transferred Pratt at organized quite a baseball team at Philadelphia. (3). president of the Monroe club, said American port. They CAPITOL Baker at Beaumont. Del an tanker bound for the at McAllen, for his aggregation took MILWATTKFE—Sam Slaughter. that Branch Rickey, vice-president to oil Surrounded by a powerful cast. Galveston and Claude RoberOson United States man- the measure of the Falfurrias Terre Haute. Tnd outnointed Dave of the Cardinals, had notified him Every fight In a powerful and novel story, San Antonio. Qtteefl in wanted to a will Brownsville VFWs Sunday in a hotly fought 8-7 Shade. Los Angeles, (10). the Cardinals would add the Mon- ager New York get Richard Barthelmess, First Na- Sisler. Severeid and McCabe * them The contest. At a glance, you might BOSTON—Leo Larivee. Water- roe club to its chain. ; piece" of Darcy. Many of tional star, opens at the Capitol be active playing managers — — and * Now "what of It?'* but when burv. Conn., outnointed Sam Bruce, President Frank A. Scott, of chartered launches to go out Theatre in / ts The others will be a***, liable as nlaving Showing say you 1 Tuesday | know who is on the VFW roster the Buffalo. GO). Rudy Marshall. Cos ■ Vicksburg, was authorized to draw meet the boat br'nging the fight- Doctor.” managers in case of necessity. answer becomes apparent. Johnny Ccb. Conn., atonned Snow Flake I up a 120-game schedule which will er. In the early dawn they raced Barthelmeas plays the role of Elissa LANDI with Port Arthur the first j Lynum, well known curve ball ar- Wri®ht. Buffalo. i3t. open at Baton tor the privilege of being Karl, an orphan, brought up bv tist, is with them; so are the Maun DAYTONA BEACH Rouge. Vicksburg at Monroe and to greet Darcy. Mother Brenner on a in Fla—Sammv farm CERTIF1C A TE of SATISFACTION brothers who have done with Mandelt. Pine Bluff at Eldorado. Tex Rickard took a launch duty Rockford. outnointed along Bavaria, with her other two chil- *m mi m 111., H’de’f’t Tourney Thr a|i«Ami( u«4 ’hi* p>rfwf*rt a4d-fM‘Mi I Charlev thr f*Qit»r * O# thr V»’« the ; and Mc- Eddie F^'ter. Boston. (10). Jack 'ull of newspaper men. dren. Lottie (Marian Marsh), and fn«Vt« MMM wW league last season. The VFWs went. MU’er. Jack«nnvITle, (8). Play ish cauliflower, and and Karl go to the of Date Is University Changed *1 »<** 4rtift *» h win i| •h* mm 4 LOTTERY” The an undefeated season last hired another 10 tbt A Of' ft 'ro» through MT.AMT. Fla—Tommv Freeman. Rio Hondo speedbrnt Munich to study surgery. Just be- fwerr*r* Ir«a| wtMMR |M pot year and continued so until they Tittle Rock. Ark., outpointed Billy Sunday j launches maneuvered around the fore graduation, becomes with The Brownsville ar- Stephan -Bv Staff Correspondent* SAN ANTONIO MIX CO ran Into Hambrick’s McAllen club, Tigers have each to be first II j Shell. Columbus, Oa., GO). big tanker, trying involved with Anna (Adrienne HIDALGO. April 12 —The Hidalgo ■Wtufr £\t *.Aw#4r« McLAGLEN Falfurrias is one of the hottest lit- ranged a game here Sunday with to _VICTOR LOUISVILLE. Kv—Cecil T'.vne, ; board. Do re) a bar maid, performs an tournament, to have been held tle baseball towns In South Texas. the Rio Hondo squad. It has been w w » polo louisville. outnointed Jackie Pilk- operation and when she is dying ; the week of April 18. has BEX HER brNPAY • announced Rio Hondo has a during in«»ton. Neward. N. J.. GO). O'Rourke Already There tells Karl. To save Karl strong ujgregation. Stephan. been postponed, but miv be held FALFURRIAS is anxious to PERU. Ind.—Rov Wallace. In- ! craft beat Rickards in says he the get The Arroyo squad took the Harvey's performed operation j in the near future at McAllen, it into the Valley Amateur league if dlanapolis, outnointed Charlie Ar- and board- and is sent to prison measure of the strong the jockeying, Charley has been announced. it is organized. The Item thurs. New York. Harlingen only <10>. outfit Sunday. ed and made a dash for Darcy Reluctantly Karl assumes Ste- The facts that Od«m has with- feainst the Jersey city la that Item MINNEAPOLIS _ Johnnv Dato. But be was met by Tom O'Rourke phan's name and begin* his career drawn and the 12th Ca-ealry is Dramatic or travel—long a bone of contention Cleveland, knocked out Paul as a Wang- with a good-natured grin. O'Rourke, surgeon. away on maneuvers caused post- In amateur circles. And on Valley ley. Minneapolis, (3). Candidate Hunter with a borrowed newspaper pass, ponement of the tournament. second thought. Johnny Lvnums CLEVELAND — Babe Triscaro. had come aboard hours before. QUEEN The McAllon Golf course, the Mc- is another item which the Dynamite! hurling Cleveland, outnointed Marty Gold. Speaks At Seguin Tile race was to no avail after Hailed as one of the really big Allen Chamber of Commerce and Valleyltes might not take so kind- It Philadelphia, ifl>. SEGUIN. April 12— being Vex York, threx Hans Bauer, Mil- any state office holder to receive pect stretched ahead for Phar Lap Beryl Mercer. Barbara Weeks. at McAllen. Lions at Mercedes. McAllen has j waukee. 21:07. pay from a corporation. But shortly the sinister whisper. Ha 111 well Hobbes and Herbert Mun- produced a lot of good ball players CAMDEN. N. J.—Alan Eustace. ‘•Slacker." went the rounds. It was din. will be seen. The Yoder brothers got their start Kansas, defeated Jack Ganson, asked why Darcy was allowed to Miss Lanai is a former member there in the American Legion lea- It rises above them all Cleveland, two falls ort of three; Harlingen C. of C. desert his country in time of war of the royal family who through gue some three or four years ago. Toe Maicewicz. Utica, threw Bob end come to this country to enrich her association with various men, —In drama, thrills, action That was the year Brownsville and Wilkie. Boston. 16:07. Backs Highway 77 himself while his native land suf- become a social outcast She is and suspense! McAllen clashed in the champion- has BUFFALO. N. Y—Henri Dealane,! fBv Ptnff Correspondent* fered. the winners of the Calcutta I ■ ship series with the locals emerging among 218. Montreal, threw Regis Sikl. 212. HARLINGEN. Apr. 12—Directors defense was that he was decided the run- winners after a hard fight. Merskv, Darcy's Sweepstakes, by Sensation! 33:13: Ka-1 Nowina. ’87. and Harry to the Harlingen Chamber of Com- too to be accepted In the of the English and, Brownsville twirler. was signed by young ning Derby, | j Cornsweet. 205. drew. 30; Len Ma- merce here last that he was not included In the Chisox on his showing that meeting nlgfc? armr. with the other winners, is invited ra luso. 204. and Dan Kolcff. 220. decided to continue the draft, that his father and the at the coun- Blasting the secret of a year. the first to scend weekend • • drew. • 30:00. for extension of Highway No. 77 six brothers were In the service try home of Lord Litchfield, owner famous surgeon's past NEW York—Fritz 210. from Dallas into the that he was to earn a news- Doomed! IF THE Valley intends to or- Kle.v, Valley. and trying of the winning horse and its Germany, threw Tiny Roebuck, 248. A. L. Brooks, secretary of the enough money to support his paper proprietor. RICHARD ganize amateur league it should Because the down to brass tacks Oklahoma. 15:33; Sammv Stein, 200. chamber of commerce, reported on mother. get right away. • • • threw John 304. the the world knew him The major league seasons are under Newark, Maxos, meeting of state highway RIVOLI—SAN BENITO Greece. 9:47; Dick Shikat, commission which he attended. Knows Better wav and the Texas season opens 2lfe, Harvey 411 the sensational events of a as her brother. BARTHELMESS Philadt’ohla. threw Geortre Mc- lifetime are sun- Wednesday. Darcy was roared down. Gover- crowded In from —Their pass i o n In • • • Leod. Boston. 26:22: GOOD NEWS FOE 207. Century THE nor Whitman of New York barred set to cuneet In Samuel Ooldwyn'e m*u buried alive—with Milstead, 210, New Haven, thsew ENGLISH SUFFERERS BILL CABLER. B. J. C. athlete, him from fighting in the state latest screen triumph. “Street SIDNEY an "alias’* for his 4ndv Zaharoff. 218. Syria. 4:2..8; mem- is due back in town sometime this LONDON.—Long-winded That crushed Darcy. He left New Scene.” which opens at the Rivcll ■huam epitaph. The an- Kola Kwariani. 216, Russia, threw bers of week after participating in the A. Parliament have given Eng- York and m-ent down into the Theatre. San Benito, today, life, COlUIR Jk>. swer will stun ‘Alias the Doctor’ Bill a • I* i kb* Junior Nelson. 208. St. Louis: Mihalv land bit of the best news It has — A. U. boxing championships Tennessee mountains. death, love and hate arc ‘he basis your senses In Bill received with at Boston. After beating the New O-trovanvi. 201, Hungary. threw in years. The legislators A short time later it was report- of this epic, ally';. which could unoac the most stu- Middlekatif. 212. Florida. Lee are to cut down MIRIAM MARSH England champion. Mike DiConza, 10:05; going the length ed Darcy had contracted influenza have happened in any city In Matinee Evenings pendous dim a x was Pinetzki. 270. Poland, threw George of their Cabler eliminated in the semi- speeches. He died But ycu never could tell America. Lower ever devised 'or a Hagen. 212. New York. San- It has been finals by Mark Hough. New York 22:15: agreed by members his friend, old Charley Harvey that “Street Scene” comes to the Ploor talking picture. NOW SHOWING Golden Glove champion. Hough der Szabo. 204. Hungary, won by supporting the National Govern- the flu caused hi* death. Old Char- screen with members of the original wras defeated in the championship oecHion over George Zaharlas, 220. ment. that no one will give a ley knows better. Old Charlev stage cast augmented bv such Balcony 25c Pueblo. 20 Children 10c bout by Ray McCulli’m»of Detroit Colo., speech lasting longer than ten knows that Les Darcy died of a cinema names as Sylvia Sidney. Wil- Children 10r According to press account- of the WORCESTER. Mass—Gus Son- minutes, no matter how well their broken heart. liam Collier, Jr., and Es.elle Taylor. i>»»»h final bout, the decision for Mc- nenbercr defeated Archie Oolembe^ki contribution may be received, or W^nesdav was in defeated Cullum unpopular. The De- 49-58- Georer* Zarvnoff however much they may have toft LARGEST BASS WAIT A MINTTF Midnit* Show behind Tim • troit boy appeared Hough Heshn. ?3:32. to say. Weighing 24 pounds and about “Now.” said the hypnotist to th* Sat. Xite 11:30 each of the three rounds but in This movement, which may be- 35 inches long, f! world’s record audience. “I shall make this man “THE fJROWD to two of the three There are about 103.009.300 Ger- come the rule of the House of Com- ’aree-mouth black bass caught on foreet everythin^.” ROARS* Fes. Cabler gained a world of ; •vans in the world, cf which total mon*. 1 3 Sanaged been made to enable a rod and reel was taken by George “Hold on!” a man In the Ui yelled experience the fights at Hous- onlv about 63.000,000 live in Ger- more delegate* to debate a J Nichclls Tombigbee ques- from the back row.” -he owes me 110!”— 1 SAN BENITO ton and Boston. 1 many. i tion put before the house. River, in Alabama, in April, 1926 i Pathfinder.

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