Ryan's New Federal
Montora Mike's Record hops... Joni Mitchell courts and sparks Since 1964 an dthe arrival of Rock I suppose I as an art form. For it is my opinion that Rock is have listened to approximately two to three thou the most dynamic art form to appear in many years. sand albums, singles, and tapes of numerous rock It encompasses music, dance, and dyric ability of artists. There are, of course, many high points the artist all in one neat package. For many Rock which I can reflect on such as Listenig to “Sergeant is just something they listen to or a vehicle they Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club” or hearing Jethro use to express a feeling and communication. Tull’s “Thick as a Brick,” but no album is more For Joni Mitchell Rock is her vehicle for expres artistically, stylistically and musically satisfying sion of feeling, emotion, and psychological develop than Joni Mitchell’s new album, “Court and Spark.” ment conflicts within herself and the outside world. Her ability to confront questions of freedom and Since her appearance on the Rock scene, she has values in our modern society are unquestionably been associated with “ice cream castles” and “soar unique and refreshing in Rock today. ing rainbows." Her last album, before “Court and Many will argue 'that Rock has no form, no base, Spark,” called “Blue,” certainly was just that, very just a copy of simple rhythms and rhymes. I do not blue. She spoke of very heajrtbreal^g situations agree with this; I rather argue quite strongly between her and her old man.
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