I. a Comment Made on 31 August 1931, Quoted in Le Journal De Robert Levesque, in BAAG, XI, No
Notes I. A comment made on 31 August 1931, quoted in Le Journal de Robert Levesque, in BAAG, XI, no. 59, July 1983, p. 337. 2. Michel Raimond, La Crise du Roman, Des lendemains du Naturalisme aux annees vingt (Paris: Corti, 1966), pp. 9-84. 3. Quoted in A. Breton, Manifestes du Surrialisme (Paris: Gallimarde, Collection Idees), p. 15; cf. Gide,j/, 1068;}3, 181: August 1931. 4. Letter to Jean Schlumberger, I May 1935, in Gide, Litterature Engagee (Paris: Gallimard, 1950), p. 79. 5. Alain Goulet studies his earliest verse in 'Les premiers vers d'Andre Gide (1888-1891)', Cahiers Andre Gide, I (Paris: Gallimard, 1969), pp. 123- 49, and shows that by 1892 he had already decided that prose was his forte. 6. Gide-Valery, Correspondance (Paris: Gallimard, 1955), p. 46. 7. See sections of this diary reproduced in the edition by Claude Martin, Les Cahiers et les Poesies d'Andri Walter (Paris: Gallimard, Collection Poesie, 1986), pp. 181-218. 8. See Anny Wynchank, 'Metamorphoses dans Les Cahiers d'Andri Walter. Essai de retablissement de Ia chronologie dans Les Cahiers d'Andri Walter', BAAG, no. 63, July 1984, pp. 361-73; Pierre Lachasse, 'L'ordonnance symbolique des Cahiers d'Andri Walter', BAAG, no. 65,January 1985, pp. 23- 38. 9. 126, 127, 93; 106, 107, 79. The English translation fails to convey Walter's efforts in this direction, translating 'l'orthographie' (93) -itself a wilful distortion of l'orthographe, 'spelling' - by 'diction' (79), and blurring matters further on pp. 106-7. Walter proposes to replace continuellement by continument, and douloureusement by douleureusement, for instance, the better to convey the sensation he is seeking to circumscribe.
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