VOL. 04.08 JUNE 30, 2004

A triweekly review of French news and trends Online at: First Constitution for the European Union INSIDE Fundamental law is “good for Europe and good for " according to Chirac. 2 L’événement UROPEAN UNION LEADERS adopted the bloc's first-ever con- French Development stitution at the end of a two-day summit in Brussels on June 18, Aid Highly Rated after almost two and half years of intense negotiations. All agreed 3 France-Amérique that the new constitutional treaty is a great achievement for Space Symposium Co- Europe and for all Europeans, and a very significant milestone in the evo- Hosted by Embassy lution of the E.U. French President signaled the impor- tance of the event for his country by FRANCE DETERMINED 4 Profil TOASSISTIRAQIS giving a rare national television France and the address on June 19. He called the On June 8, the U.N. Security agreement "genuinely historic" and Council voted unanimously for 5 Économie / Science resolution 1546, concerning the emphasized that the constitution is restoration of Iraqi sovereignty. "good for Europe and good for Bioethics Bill After the resolution's initial text France," because, "for the first time in President Jacques Chirac speaking on June 17, 6 Société was "amended and improved" Europe's history, 25 countries are during the European Summit in Brussels. Louis XVII’sHeart at the request of France, expressing together their will to (Courtesy:Agence France-Presse) Germany, and Russia, the mem- strengthen peace and democracy on 7 Culture bers of the Security Council met our continent and give it new opportu- ther toward harmonizing fiscal and social policies, Fête de la Musique and formally adopted the nities for prosperity and solidarity." expressed satisfaction that "the 25 nations have put American-British resolution by a 8 Chez nous Bolstered by an that into place mechanisms that will allow States who so vote of 15-0. President Jacques French Curves indicated that 66 percent of the elec- wish to make headway faster without being blocked Chirac's spokeswoman, in Los Angeles Catherine Colonna, noted that torate would support the charter if it by those who need more time." the resolution "clearly reflects the was put to a referendum, Chirac said Before the constitution is put into effect, it must return of sovereignty to the that the document will enable the E.U. be ratified by all 25 member states, and several have Iraqis," by, for instance, asserting "to function more efficiently and already committed themselves to holding a referen- their control over their nation's oil address more effectively today's chal- dum on the matter. Chirac stated earlier that it resources and security forces. AMBASSADE DE FRANCE lenges." He explained that "Europe will could take him up to a year or more to decide AUX ETATS-UNIS In related news, Abel Abdel see its institutions strengthened with a whether to hold a referendum or seek parliamen- Mehdi, finance minister of Iraq's stable European Council president and tary ratification instead. interim government, who was in an E.U. foreign minister who will The Netherlands will take over the E.U. Presidency in July, and will oversee France on a private visit, was amplify the role of each of our the clarification and translation of the text—which is expected to take three received on June 22 by French nations." He also emphasized that "the months—after which there will be a formal signing ceremony. l l Finance Minister Nicolas Sarkozy role of the European Parliament will and the secretary-general of the INTERIOR MINISTER SETS HIS SIGHTS ON SIX PRIORITIES Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The be broadened," and that "a new voting As he seeks to tackle some of France's most serious social issues, French secretary-general emphasized the system in the Council, based on a dou- Minister of the Interior Dominique de Villepin announced on June 24 six top importance France gives to the ble majority (55 percent of the mem- priorities on which he will focus his Ministry's efforts. They include the fights success of the transition in Iraq. ber states representing 65 percent of against terrorism, cybercrime, drug trafficking, racism and anti-Semitism, as France's policy is guided by one the Union's population), will better well as protecting minors and ensuring that all French citizens benefit from the simple principle: to restore sover- take into account what Europe actual- same opportunities. Each taskforce will be headed by Villepin's cabinet in con- eignty to the Iraqis and assist ly is—i.e. not only a union of States, junction with a leading independent authority. them in rebuilding their country. but also a union of peoples and citi- Villepin himself will direct the anti-terrorism taskforce, thereby signaling its France is ready to take its full zens." He then welcomed the fact that critical importance for France. As a first step, Villepin announced the creation part in Iraq's political and eco- the new constitution clarifies the dis- of a new government agency in charge of analyzing and exchanging informa- nomic reconstruction in a bilater- tribution of powers between the E.U. tion concerning possible terrorist threats. Cooperating under this new umbrel- al capacity and in the context of and its member states. la agency, to be known as the Conseil du Renseignement Intérieur (Council of the European Union, in accor- Domestic Intelligence), will be the Directorate of Territorial Security—France's dance with the conclusions of the While the new constitution will give equivalent of the CIA—, the gendarmerie, and the Department of International European Council on June 17-18. the E.U. more clout on the internation- al stage, President Chirac explained Police Cooperation. With regard to the question of The Interior Minister also emphasized the importance of the fight against debt, France confirmed to Mehdi that "it will also give France more drug trafficking. According to him, "Behind every joint, there is a connection that, as President Jacques Chirac weight within Europe and enable citi- with a criminal or terrorist activity." Indeed, drug smuggling helps finance many had announced at the G8 sum- zens of our country to make their voic- of the terrorist networks operating in Europe. mit in Sea Island, GA, it would es heard (…) That is why this agree- examine with its Club part- ment is very important, and that is why With regards to providing equal opportunities to all, Villepin, who dismissed ners the modalities for a substan- I call it historic." Chirac, who would affirmative action as contrary to the principle of equality, announced nonethe- less that measures will be taken by his Ministry to hire more minorities. tial cancellation. have liked the summit to have gone fur- 1 En bref current events MORE FRENCH TROOPS L’ÉVÉNEMENT SENT TO AFGHANISTAN France is sending more troops to con- tribute to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan French Aid Most Generous Among G8 this August. General Henri Bentégeat, REVIEW OF FRENCH aid policies and programs Indeed, in addition to the dollar amounts it sends beyond its French chief of staff, said on June 2 that released by the Organization for Economic borders, France works tirelessly to secure the better integration a French general will take command of Cooperation and Development (OECD) commended of African countries into the world economy, and to promote the ISAF on August 11, and 300 men will reinforce the French troops partici- Francefor the rise in its offi- sustainable development and democ- cAial development assistance (ODA), cit- ratic governance in developing coun- pating in ISAF, bringing their total to 1,000. ISAF is conducting peacekeeping ing it as the most generous G8 country tries. In 2005, France plans to host a operations in Afghanistan under a U.N. in terms of its ODA/gross national follow-up meeting to a forum held in mandate and NATO control. Of the income ratio. The report, released on Rome in 2003 to discuss more effective French troops deployed in Afghanistan, May 26, applauded the increase of ways to accomplish these goals. 200 special forces have been part of French ODA from $4.2 billion in 2001 While praising these numerous America's military operation, Enduring to $7.3 billion in 2003. France plans to successes, the OECD has also chal- Freedom, since August 2003. continue this rise by boosting its ODA lenged French authorities to bring their to around $9 billion by 2007, with over work to an even higher level, a task that FOREIGN MINISTER ON Computer class in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. half of that money going to develop- is far from simple. Nevertheless, France TOUR IN THE MIDDLE EAST (Courtesy:World Bank- Ami Vitale) French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier ing countries in Africa. hopes to respond to this challenge by traveled to the Middle East, June 20 to France has consistently played a leading role in interna- setting a new policy direction for its ODA, as well as by 22, and June 29 to 30, to discuss the tional efforts to harmonize aid policies, as well as to facilitate improving its field operations, thus making French ODA that current situation in the region. Barnier better aid management practices in developing countries. much more strategic, transparent, and effective. l l first visited Egypt and Jordan, where he reaffirmed France's support for the Road Map for Israeli-Palestinian peace. Barnier then visited the Palestinian ter- Environmental Charter Steams Ahead ritories from June 29 to 30, where he Charter will constitutionally enshrine the rights of the French to live in a clean environment met the Palestinian government and its leader Yasser Arafat. He is planning to RANCE IS ON its way to making a historic change to The charter, consisting of ten fundamental articles and visit Israel in the near future. its constitution by giving environmental issues as much seven points explaining its goals, will have to be ratified by a weight as human rights. Indeed, the bill framing an envi- national referendum or by a supermajority vote of the 2 PROGRAMS LAUNCHED F ronmental charter was adopted by the National Assembly on National Assembly and Senate in order for it to be included in FOR FUTURE WARFARE During the Defense Show held in June 1. Notably, it will allow any citizen to bring legal action the French constitution. l l Villepinte, near Paris, from June 14 to against state authorities if he or she believes that they are not 20, French Defense Minister Michèle taking adequate measures to protect the environment. Alliot-Marie announced two new The charter, initiated by President Jacques Chirac, will defense programs. EADS will receive enshrine the right of the French to "live in an environment 300 million euros to develop a drone which is balanced and respects health." The president, there- program, called EuroMale (drones are fore, called on members of the National Assembly to support pilotless planes that are flown remote- a "superior interest which is more important than ordinary ly or by onboard computers). The pro- laws." Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin agreed, saying, "It is ject will attempt to design, by 2008, very important that France show itself to be a leader in this an observation drone with a The Charles de Gaulle, range of 2,796 miles over a matter." And Justice Minister Dominique Perben insisted that the largest combat ship in Europe. 24-hour period. The second "it's time politicians responded to the concerns of our citizens (Courtesy:Marine Nationale) about the protection of the environment." program concerns the cre- BRITAIN AND FRANCE ation of a computer net- SET TIMETABLE FOR CARRIER work that will collect and French Defense Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie and process military information her British counterpart, Geoff Hoon, met on June in real time so that opera- Defense Remains Priority 9 to discuss the timetable for the development of tional strategies can be Chirac Reaffirms Commitment to Spending Increases their nations' joint project to build three new air- implemented quickly. craft carriers (two for Britain and one for France, CELEBRATION OF N A PRESS CONFERENCE on June 24, President which already operates the Charles de Gaulle, FRENCH-NORTH Jacques Chirac reaffirmed his commitment to increasing Europe's largest ever fighting vessel). The minis- AMERICAN TIES France's military hardware expenditure by 2.6 billion euros ters said that they hope to evaluate the progress Xavier Darcos, minister dele- I made by September and have set June 2005 as per year (from 12.5 billion to 15.1 billion, with total military gate for cooperation and expenditures amounting to approximately 31 billion euros in the target date for an final agreement. Alliot- Marie explained that by working together, Britain francophony, will pay an offi- 2003), in spite of current budget difficulties. The budget cial visit to Canada from June and France are seeking to "optimize costs and increase, which would not reach its peak until 2008, is part of 24 through June 27, during interoperability, and reduce technical risks." which he will participate in France's continued efforts to improve its military capabilities ceremonies commemorating and resources. new weapons and weapon systems, as well as the purchase the 400th anniversary of the Like many countries in Europe, France has fallen behind of current state-of-the-art weaponry (including the Franco- founding of St. Croix by the in terms of its defense spending, particularly German Tiger combat helicopter and the NH90 transport French explorers Samuel in regards to advanced research and development projects. helicopter). The proposed increase will likely amount to Champlain and Pierre Dugua This is cause for concern insofar as it diminishes France's abil- approximately 3-4 percent of the country's GDP, a signifi- de Mons. Established on ity to face uncertain future threats. cant investment that signals a deepening desire on the part June 26, 1604, St. Croix was The proposed injection of money into the defense bud- of France to match its resources with its ambitions and France's first permanent set- get would, among other things, enable the development of responsibilities on the world scene. l l 2 tlement in North America. TV5 ON COMCAST France & America Francophones across the country can now turn their dials to the French-speaking tele- vision network TV5. Indeed, Comcast Cable Communications recently added TV5 to its programming. Comcast is the Space Seminar Heralds More Cooperation nation's largest cable company, with over The symposium was co-hosted by the Embassy of France and University. 21 million subscribers in 35 states. Other operators that offer TV5 in the U.S. include HE EMBASSY OF FRANCE's Office of Science space endeavors than any other country. However, he said Starpower and Dishnetwork. and Technology and George Washington NASA needs to come up with an agenda that will offer new University's Space Policy Institute co-hosted the opportunities for international cooperation. He added that FACC PRESIDENT HONORED third annual symposium on space exploration on NASA hopes to have such a plan ready for November. l l Serge Bellanger, founding president of the TJune 21 and 22. Approximately 130 international space spe- French-American Chamber of Commerce THE NORMANDY LIBERTY BELL. cialists, including 30 speakers, met at GWU to discuss space- and president of the Association of French related issues. "In Philadelphia, they were ring- Chambers of Commerce and Industry ing the Liberty Bell," said late Vincent Sabathier, space attaché at the French Embassy, Abroad, will formally receive his insignia as president of D- a Commander of the French Legion of said that France, as the leading European space nation (with Day, in a speech commemorat- Honor on June 30. Bellanger will be pre- its powerful aerospace industry and its funding of the ing the 40th anniversary of the sented with this honor by Ambassador European Union's space program to the tune of 40 percent of landings. Twenty years later, an Jean-David Levitte for the major role he its budget), has been a major bilateral partner in U.S. space exact copy of the 252–year–old, has played in the development of French- exploration efforts for the past 40 years. 2,077–pound bell was rung American relations. Recently, for example, Sabathier said the symposium started a global dialogue on during the 60th anniversary cer- Bellanger played a key role in raising funds space exploration and laid the ground for additional interna- emonies in Normandy. Laser to ensure the successful trip to France of scanning technology allowed 100 U.S. WWIIveterans. He has received tional cooperation. According to him, it was also an opportu- (Courtesy: nity to better familiarize Europeans with the new U.S. vision of for precise duplication of the numerous other awards during his career, Cornille Havard 2004) original, and the new $60,000 space exploration, which President George W. Bush presented including the title of "Corporate bell was cast in copper and tin by Norman Paul Ambassador" from the city of New York. in January 2004 during his State of the Union speech. Bergamo and his father. The bell, which sits outside the John Logsdon, director of GWU's Space Policy Institute, Abbaye-aux-Dames in Caen, will be rung again as part FRANCE AND AMERICA noted that the United States is the uncontested leader in of a July 4 ceremony called "Let Freedom Ring," during STRENGTHEN ACADEMIC BONDS space exploration because it spends much more money on which bells will ring out across America (and in Caen!). On June 3, representatives from both French and American universities met in Paris to discuss ways in which to further American Tourists Rediscover Paris improve their academic cooperation. They T LAST, AMERICANS are affordable for American travelers. focused on developing internationally stan- reclaiming the streets of Paris. Increasingly common as well is the dardized degree programs that would seek Hotels are booked, restau- resurgence of tour groups—the to attract the best students from all over A the world, programs offering not only rig- rants are full, and museums are packed. trend in recent years had been to see orous academic standards but also the Figures for March 2004 showed a more individual and less organized (Courtesy: Pascal Rostain and Bruno Mouron) opportunity to obtain a degree that would marked increase in the number of tourism (which implied a growing be widely recognized in both countries. American tourists in Paris, up 12 per- level of comfort and a gradual rap- "STAR TRASH" IN NEW YORK cent from March 2003. The director of prochement between the two soci- Two French photojournalists turned OLIVER STONE the luxurious Hôtel du Louvre in Paris eties). For its part, the tourist indus- trash into glamour by photographing HONORED IN PARIS noted with surprise a leap of 77 percent try in France is doing its best to selected items from the garbage of Oliver Stone, distinguished American pro- in the number of his American guests attract an even greater segment of famous people. Pascal Rostain and ducer, screenwriter, and actor, was compared with the same period last the American clientele, offering spe- Bruno Mouron have been working on awarded the Grand Vermeil medal year. The anniversary of D-Day in par- cial discounts and promotions on their "Star Trash" project for 15 years by Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë and are selling their poster-sized works on June 4. Stone, whose mother ticular attracted a great number of hotels and tours. All in all, it's a good for a cool $6,000 a piece (much of the was French, confessed that his American visitors interested in the time to be an American in Paris! For proceeds will go towards helping the love for film began with French commemorations. The recent decline more information, please visit homeless). Their goal is to record cul- stars such as Jean-Paul Belmondo, in the euro has also made Europe more l l ture and lifestyle: Marlon Brando's pen- Jeanne Moreau and Jean Gabin. chant for hot dogs, Tom Cruise's 13- A number of Stone's movies will strong facial product toiletry list, and be shown at the Paris Cinema Ubisoft Creates "Political Machine" 's Casillas Film Festival (see page 7). N THE PRECARIOUS window of time between July's players can Cuban cigar stubs. Their photos will Democratic National Convention and August's also compete remain on display until July 16 in the FRENCH RUGBY TEAM TO Republican National Convention, a new tool for political with historical eponymous Star Trash Store (28 TOUR U.S., CANADA I Wooster, Soho, New York City). The French national rugby team analysis will hit the markets. The tool's producers are none candidates, will play the United States on July other than Ubisoft, a French company that produces interac- such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, and 3 in Connecticut, and Canada on tive entertainment products. Founded in 1986 by the five even create their own candidates. By controlling the actions July 10 in Toronto. A few months Guillemot brothers, the company now distributes their that a candidate takes, the player essentially becomes the can- after having won the Tournament games to an impressive list of international markets, includ- didate's campaign manager. of the Six Nations, the most pres- ing the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Although game creator admits that it is pos- tigious European competition in This summer, Ubisoft, in cooperation with sible for the game's model to incorrectly make predictions, he the sport of rugby, France is Entertainment, is scheduled to release . stands by his assertion that it is an accurate reflection of already preparing its future suc- The game, targeted towards PC owners, is nothing less than a American public opinion. If this is the case, then, Kerry may be cesses with a series of exhibition full-fledged computer simulation of U.S. presidential elections. in luck; in certain scenarios, the simulation predicts that George games, including the ones that will take place during this rare trip In addition to simulating the upcoming Bush-Kerry match-up, W. Bush will lose by a substantial margin come November. l l to the Americas. For more infor- mation, visit 3 PIERRE DE COUBERTIN: FATHER OF THE MODERN In Depth Review PROFIL OLYMPIC GAMES

Pierre Frédy, Baron de Coubertin, was a man of singular determination. His pas- FFrraannccee aanndd tthhee OOllyymmppiicscs sion was educa- tion, the intel- French Olympic Glory Through the Years lectual and spir- itual instruction OLLOWING IN THE SPIRIT set forth by Baron de Throughout the years, France has produced a plethora of of new genera- Coubertin, France and its numerous Olympic ath- great athletes who have gone on to Olympic glory. One of tions. It was this letes have certainly produced their fair share of the earliest of these is Georges André, who made his first passion of his Olympic glory over the years. appearance as an 18-year-old high jumper in 1908, in which that led to the F The Panathenaic The new Peace and revival of the Olympic Games. He was convinced that sport was a source of stadium hosted Friendship stadium in moral energy; he believed the values of the first modern , which will host free and fair competition, the interaction Games in 1896. the volleyball games. of youth from all over the country and the (Courtesy: (Courtesy: world, and the physical challenge of ath- After de Coubertin successfully organized the first Olympic he won a surprise silver medal. At the 1912 games, André letics helped build better individuals. He Games in Athens in 1896, Paris played host to the second set of competed in six events. His career was then believed that nations themselves could be games in 1900. Then, in 1921, the International Olympic brought to an abrupt halt by World War I, in which he was shaped thus, that peaceful competition Committee voted to stage "International Sports Week 1924" in badly injured. Despite his injuries, André competed in two could serve as a nonviolent outlet for Chamonix, France. This event was a complete success, and, as more Olympic Games, earning a bronze medal in 1920 and aggression while at the same time pro- a result, became retroactively known as the first Winter taking fourth place in the 400m race in 1924 at the age of 34. moting all the values he felt were so essential to society. Olympic Games. Since then, France has hosted the Olympics When World War II broke out, André again answered the call At the age of 31, Pierre de Coubertin three more times, most recently in Albertville for the 1992 of his country, and was killed in 1943. announced his greatest ambition—to Winter Games. In addition, France is currently a top contender Another French athlete lived what she called a "divided life." revive the Olympic Games. It was his to host the 2012 Summer Games in Paris. Three months after graduating with dream that, no matter what troubles or high honors from the Paris TEAM FRANCE AT A GLANCE: conflicts plagued the nations of the ATHENS 2004 Conservatory of Music and Art, con- world, they would gather every four years cert pianist/track and field athlete in peace, regardless of alliance or enmity. After racking up 38 medals in the 2000 Micheline Ostermeyer competed in the They would leave politics behind and Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia, France 1948 Olympics in London. She won devote their attention to the pure art of will seek to maintain its fifth place position gold in both the and the dis- sport and sportsmanship. among medal winners in the modern era by However, it would not be quite that cus, and then captured a bronze in the sending an extremely talented and experi- . She delighted her team- easy. Few initially took up his call for the enced group of athletes to Athens. Key athletes to watch: revival of the Games. Undaunted, mates with an impromptu Beethoven M. Ostermeyer, 1948 Coubertin founded the International Cecile Argiolas recital following her shot put victory. (Courtesy: IOC / Olympic Olympic Committee in 1884. He Sport: Women's Fencing At the 1964 Olympics in Innsbruck, Museum Collections) designed the five interlocked rings of the Previous Olympic Medals: None (Athens 2004 will be 18-year-old Marielle Goitschel finished second in the Olympic Olympic logo to represent the five original the first Olympic Games to hold individual women's fenc- slalom. The only woman to beat her happened to be her older continents: Africa, America, Asia, ing). sister, Christine. Two days later, the French "slalom sisters" Noteworthy: France has won more Olympic medals in Australia, and Europe—a switched places, with Marielle taking the gold in the giant symbol of unity and interde- fencing than any other country. Argolias is looking to con- slalom and Christine sliding to a silver. The younger Marielle pendence. Two years later, tribute to France's total sum, and is currently ranked would return to the Olympics in 1968 and capture the slalom the first Games were held in eighth in the world. Athens, where the ancient gold that her sister had denied her four years earlier. Laurent Gané games had been held. History French athletes have also excelled in more modern times. Sport: Sprint Cycling had come full circle. became 's first triple medalist when he won Previous Olympic Medals: Gold - 2000; for team sprint The Olympics have bronze in 1992, then gold in both 1996 and 2000. Douillet's cycling always been and continue Noteworthy: Since 1972, no Frenchman has won the story is even more remarkable because he came back from a to be far more than a simple individual cycling sprint. With four world cycling champi- serious motorcycle accident to win his third medal. Twenty- athletic competition; they onships under his belt, Gané hopes to become the first to year-old Karine Ruby became the first woman snowboarding have from the beginning strike Olympic gold since Daniel Morelon. champion, taking gold in the giant slalom at the 1998 symbolized peace, chivalry, Olympics. She won silver in the same event in 2002. egalitarianism, and a cele- Fabien Lefevre Marie-José Perec, the first woman bration of the beauty and Sport: Canoeing/Kayaking potential of mankind. They Previous Olympic Medals: None; this will be Lefevre's ever to win gold in both the 400m and represent an island of sanity first Olympic Games the 200m in the same Olympics, and tradition in an ever- Noteworthy: Although Lefevre has not yet participated recently announced her official retire- changing world, thanks pri- in an Olympic contest, he has won the last two world ment this June. Perec had been trou- marily to the vision of their championships in men's K-1 whitewater. bled by injuries for years and had not modern founder and his officially raced since July 2000. She commitment to peaceful Sport: won her aforementioned two gold and fair competition. As medals in 1996—which came in addi- Baron de Coubertin would Previous Olympic Medals: Bronze - 1992 tion to the one she won for the 400m say, "The important thing in Noteworthy: In addition to being the star of the hand- Marie-José Perec the Olympic Games is not ball team, Richardson will also be the French flag bearer at race in 1992—and for these exploits (Courtesy: winning but taking part." Athens. After having participated in three Olympic she will certainly be remembered as 4 Games, Athens will be his last. May it be his best! one of France's greatest athletes. l l George Herringshaw) FRENCH GOVERNMENT UNVEILS CO2 QUOTAS Economic News TECHNOLOGIE In accordance with its Kyoto Protocol commitments, the French government has elaborated a plan to reduce France's CO2 emissions over the next three years. Factories belonging to the eight most French Senate Adopts Bioethics Bill polluting industrial sectors will be asked This revision of 1994’s bioethics law creates a new Agency of Biomedicine to regulate research. to reduce their emissions of carbon diox- ide by 1.8 percent relative to their current HE FRENCH SENATE adopted, on June 9, a heavi- transplantation, reproduction, embryology, and human genet- forecasts. This plan will be submitted to ly revised version of the bioethics bill that was first ics." One of its missions would be to ensure that the laws regu- public scrutiny, before being presented to passed in 1994. Before being defini- lating these matters be enforced. the European Commission on July 7. tively adopted, the new bill must be Reproductive cloning would be unlawful, FRANCO-GERMAN COOPERA- Texamined by a joint National Assembly–Senate with penalties of up to 30 years' imprison- TION IN WIND ENERGY commission, but political observers do not ment and fines of up to 7.5 million euros. France and Germany announced on June foresee any major obstacles. The bill pri- Therapeutic cloning would also be a crime 4 their desire to promote wind energy marily regulates cloning, embryonic stem punishable by up to seven years in prison and through a joint program of off-shore cell research, and organ donation. a fine of up to one million euros. Embryonic wind-turbine construction. In particular, According to Health Minister Philippe stem cell research would only be permitted on the two countries will attempt to reduce Douste-Blazy, the proposed law "would give a case-by-case basis, after authorization from the costs of such turbines, making them more competitive. These off-shore wind our country legislation illustrating what our the Agency of Biomedecine. energy parks could be built over the next vision of mankind is." Finally, organ donation between living decade for a unit price of between 250 Dolly (the world’s first cloned One of the important points of the 2004 human beings would be permitted between and 500 million euros. Germany is the animal) and her lamb Bonnie. bill is the creation of an Agency of extended family members, and with any per- world's leading producer of wind energy. Biomedecine. According to article L.1418-1., (Courtesy: Roslin Institute) son who can prove that they have been living the Biomedicine agency would be "competent in matters of with the organ receiver for at least two years. l l AIR FRANCE-KLM ATTRACTS MORE PASSENGERS Air France-KLM, Europe's leading airline, Unveils Budget Car for Developing Countries has reported a 21.3 percent rise in its passenger traffic in May compared with Priced at $6,000, the Renault Logan is designed to make maintenance a breeze last year. This strong performance is due to the resurgence of traffic on its RENCH CAR MANUFACTURER Renault, ranked challenge," said Louis Schweitzer, Renault chairman and CEO. American and Asian networks (the latter eighth in the world, unveiled its new inexpensive model Renault explained that the X90's design has been optimized had especially been hit hard by last at its technical center in Guyancourt, to reduce costs. It is plain and simple, with a year's SARS epidemic). The carrier's load F factor (a measure of the average per- a city in the southwest suburb of Paris, on technology adapted to driving on poorly June 2. The X90, also known as the maintained roads, and it is easy to repair. centage of seats sold on each flight) rose to 76.3 percent from 72.6. Logan, starts at 5,000 euros ($6,000) and Renault has already started to produce will at first target markets outside the car at Dacia's factories in Romania A FLOATING SWIMMING Western Europe. (Dacia, a Romanian car manufacturer, was POOL ON THE SEINE Renault created the 14-foot X90 to purchased by Renault in 1999). The X90 On June 3, the Paris town council entrust- meet the needs of those who want modern should hit the Romanian market as well as ed French architect Robert de Busny with vehicles but who have limited buying The new Renault Logan. those of other Central European countries the task of building a floating swimming power. "Designing a modern and reliable (Courtesy: Renault) in the fall. Factories in Russia, Morocco, pool on the Seine, near the car at a base price of 5,000 euros was considered to be impossi- Iran, Colombia and China will also produce the X90. Renault's Bibliothèque Nationale. The pool, ble. Logan is proof that we, at Renault, were able to meet the objective is to produce 700,000 units per year by 2010. l l 90 m long and 20 m wide, will use treated river water—making it environmentally friendly—and will be able to accommodate Digital TV to Explode on French Screens in 2005 500 bathers throughout the year (it will be covered in winter). The Digital technology will triple the number of stations available over the airwaves 15-million euro pool is scheduled to open in 2006. URING ITS MEETING on June 8, the Dominique Baudis, CSA president, declared Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel (Higher that TNT will triple the number of free TV NEW WEATHER SOUND- Audiovisual Council, or CSA), which regu- channels in France, and will ineluctably lead to ING BALLOON TESTED D The National Center for lates French networks, agreed on a launch date for the end of the traditional analog broadcast net- Scientific Research (CNRS) and land-based digital television (known as Télévision work. Indeed, digital TV signals will be picked the National Center for Spatial Numérique Terrestre, or TNT, in France). Fourteen up by the same antennas that now receive Studies have designed a new free channels will be unveiled beginning March 1, broadcast channels. French television viewers sounding balloon, the 2005, followed by 15 premium channels after will simply need to purchase special decoders in "Aeroclipper," which will be September 1 of that same year. The 14 free channels order to have access to thirty public and private able to simultaneously study will include current broadcast networks, as well as channels. As well as increasing the number of the surface of the sea and the many channels that for the moment are only avail- channels available, TNT will also greatly lower strata of the atmos- able via cable. TNT's roll-out will be gradual, with improve image and sound quality, and make phere. This capability will help meteorologists better forecast 35 percent of France being covered by March 2005, possible a wide range of interactive services, tropical storms and cyclones, half by September, and, if all goes according to plan, such as personalized weather updates and as well as the "El Niño" phe- 85 percent by 2007. online shopping and reservations. l l nomenon, which regularly (Courtesy: CNRS) affects parts of the U.S. 5 PARIS IMMIGRATION Social News MUSEUM TO OPEN IN 2007 SOCIETÉ Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin offi- cially announced that a museum cover- ing the history of immigration to France The Lost Dauphin Found at Last from 1850 to the present day will be DNA testing confirms that a preserved heart belonged to Louis XVII inaugurated in Paris in 2007. At President Jacques Chirac's request, the RANCE'S OWN Anastasia legend has fallen victim, recognized as Louis XVII's until a recent DNA test proved it museum will explain the political, social like its Russian counterpart, to modern sci- had indeed belonged to the son of Marie Antoinette. and economic impact of immigrants on ence. A heart discovered long ago has final- Until now, a rumor had persisted that the child France's culture and society and will ly been categorically identified as that of who perished in prison was not in fact the true thereby illustrate the museum's slogan, tFhe last Bourbon king, Louis XVII. Dauphin, but an impostor (according to this "Their history is our history." Sophisticated DNA testing has established that rumor, the real Dauphin had been smuggled POLICE SPECIAL FORCES the heart did indeed belong to the 10-year-old out in secrecy and replaced with a common- MARK 30TH ANNIVERSARY heir to the French throne who was robbed of er's body). For most, however, the DNA test France's special forces, known as the his freedom and his life over 200 years ago. has proved conclusive; although many still GIGN (Groupe d'Intervention de la The history books seem to have been prefer to think that the child escaped the sad Gendarmerie Nationale), celebrated their right all along. According to them, the young fate that awaited him. 30th anniversary in June. Like SWAT king was imprisoned by his parents' execu- On June 8, the remains of Louis XVII were teams—their U.S. counterparts—the tioners for three years before dying of tuber- given a royal burial by French royalists at the GIGN intervenes in risky hostage situa- culosis in his cell. His heart was secretly cut Saint-Denis Basilica, near the graves of his par- tions, kidnappings, hijackings, and con- ducts anti-terrorism operations. The now out of his body for preservation, following Portrait of Louis XVII ents, hapless victims of the French Revolution 113-strong brigade has successfully com- royal custom, but the organ was not officially (Anonymous Artist) Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette. l l pleted 650 missions since its inception, freeing several hundred hostages and arresting 550 highly dangerous criminals. French Skipper Michel Desjoyeaux Breaks Transat Record HANDICAP-ABLE ICHEL DESJOYEAUX won the 12th Transat, Desjoyeaux's race was nearly perfect. Taking the lead from Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë wants to turn his city into a more handicap-friend- the British solo sail- the beginning in Plymouth, ly environment, and has set aside 24 mil- Ming race across the England, on May 31, he man- lion euros to do so. Improvements will Atlantic ocean, on June 8. The aged to stay first all race long. In include equipping 1,500 crosswalks with 5,000 km race was first run in spite of being unable to avoid audible signals, lowering some 30,000 1960 and is held every four some unfavorable winds during sidewalks to make them wheelchair years. Desjoyeaux smashed the the last day, which made him accessible, and providing professional previous race record with his lose much of his lead, he finally education and job market awareness to 60-foot multihull, Géant crossed the finishing line two limit discrimination. (Giant), arriving in Boston in 8 hours ahead of his nearest rival. days 8 hours and 29 minutes Michel Desjoyeaux was the LIFE EXPECTANCY GENDER GAP CLOSING (beating the previous best time ninth Frenchman to win the According to a recent survey, French by 39 hours), at an average Desjoyeaux arrives in Boston on June 8. Transat. His compatriot Franck men are increasingly closing their life speed of 13.61 knots per hour. (Courtesy: Benoit Stichelbaut - DPPI) Cammas came in third. l l expectancy gap with women. The gap has decreased from 8.2 years in 1980 to seven years in 2003 (life To Hunt or Be Hunted expectancy in France is now 82.9 for women and 75.9 France tries to balance the welfare of wolves and farmers POLICE DISMANTLE FROG POACHING NETWORK for men). Heightened aware- OR THE FIRST TIME since years. With an estimated population of Seven people in eastern France were arrest- ness of men's health issues 1979, the French Government is some 55 animals in the mountainous ed May 30 in has helped bridge the gap, connection but men continue to be considering whether to allow the regions of southeast France, the wolf is F with a poach- more susceptible to risks controlled culling of France's wolf pop- thriving in its new surroundings. ing ring that linked to the consumption of ulation, by granting hunting rights for Yet, while a boon for naturalists, the preyed upon a tobacco or alcohol. as many as 10 wild wolves in the coun- growing wolf population is cause for much-prized try's southeastern region. concern for breeders and farmers in the but protected TOUR DE FRANCE Originally completely eradicated region as the wolves turn to livestock for delicacy: the frog. The slippery amphibian, America's Lance Armstrong from France in 1924 due to unrelenting prey. An apex predator with a histori- whose legs have been on the menu of many is going for his sixth Tour de hunting by farmers intent on protecting cally controversial reputation, the wolf a French restaurant for centuries, has France win, a feat that has their livestock, is, for many, not a welcome addition to become relatively rare in France, forcing the never before been achieved. wolves have the region. Faced with the rising fear of government to set rigid restrictions on its Already a heavy favorite, capture and consumption. Such restrictions Armstrong nevertheless had since made a farmers, the government is seeking to have, however, driven up the price of frogs, a close and challenging Tour small come- achieve a balance between the interests making illegal fishing a lucrative business. A last year, and his eternal rival, back, aided by of man and the interests of beast. With single night's catch can bring in 1,000 frogs, Germany's Jan Ullrich, will legislation the proposed elimination of a portion fetching upwards of $300 on the black mar- once again be back to try to safeguarding endangered species. First of the population, the Ministry of ket. Accused of breaking quotas and flout- prise the Yellow Jersey from spotted in 1992 in the southern Alps, Ecology hopes to reduce the attacks on ing closed seasons for the catching of both Armstrong's grasp. The 2004 where most researchers believe they livestock while maintaining the safety of pool and edible frogs, the poachers, along Tour de France will start July crossed over from , the wolf has the majority of the wolf population. with a restaurateur who knowingly bought 3 in Liège, Belgium, and con- managed to naturally reintroduce itself For more information, please visit the illegal frogs, will face legal action. clude on Paris's Champs into the environment over the past 12 l l 6 Elysées on the 25th. les coups d’oeil Cultural Highlights CULTURE MAISON D'ARCHITECTURE GIVEN NEW HOME In the presence of Minister of Culture Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, the "Faîtes de la Musique, Fête de la Musique" Maison de l'Architecture (House of Architecture) of Ile-de-France, housed in HE MINISTRY OF CULTURE launched "La Fête For the past 10 years, the Foreign Ministry has taken part in a newly renovated building located in de la Musique" ("The Festival of Music") on June 21, these festivities, and this year it organized a concert in the Quai Paris's 10th arrondissement, was official- 1982, giving musicians a d'Orsay's gardens entitled "Music From ly inaugurated on June 10. Designed to chance to fill streets with Around the World in One Garden." promote interaction between the archi- Ttheir music and city-dwellers an Conversely, the "Fête de la Musique" phe- tectural industry and the French public, excuse to dance and celebrate. nomenon has itself spread across the plan- the Maison de l'Architecture is a profes- Typically, French cities set up desig- et. This year, 110 countries representing sional association that will hold various nated areas where musicians are five continents participated in the event conferences, forums, visits, and exposi- tions along architectural themes. able to perform for anyone who (in 2003, seven large cities took wishes to listen. The festival on the role of a concert stage in UNDERGARMENTS becomes a concert marathon with the United States alone). AND CORSETS EXPOSED the city as its stage, a hundred con- Fête de la Musique Arequipa, Peru Miami, for example, hosted its A historical exposition of lin- certs going on at once, a medley of (Courtesy: Ministry of Culture) seventh annual "Fête de la gerie, corsets, and other inti- musical instruments and genres overlapping into a joyous Musique" on Miami Beach this June. Around the mate garments entitled summer evening. By late night, musicians of all types play in world, from Morocco to Mozambique, all the way to "Dessous et Corsets" any spot left vacant, and lonely stragglers will often accom- India and Japan, June 21 has truly become an inter- (Undergarments and Corsets) pany a group and play or improvise a tune. The result: a national music festival! For more information (in will be on display at Paris's whole city come to life, awakened and culturally stimulated. French), visit l l Viaduc des Arts through July 11 ( Also THE SECRET LIFE OF on display are a photo collection VINTAGE CLOTHING Fashion "Rises" to New Levels of classic celebrities donning lin- In an unusual exhibit, the Galliera gerie, including Marilyn Monroe Museum of Style in Paris is now offer- EOPLE MAY SOON be asking, bread enhances fashion and Sophia Loren, as well as a ing visitors a rare, behind-the-scenes "how does this baguette look on because of its sensuality and section on "Art and Lingerie" glimpse into the world of vintage fash- me?" if Jean-Paul Gaultier's newest sexuality. (Courtesy: featuring works by Jacques ion acquisition and restoration. In its P line of fashion takes off! Every dress, The real pleasure in fash- Nuits de Satin) Chereau and Félix Ugos. introspective exhibition entitled thong, bag, boot, ion, Gaultier "Ouverture pour Inventaire," the muse- BREST2004: MARITIME high heel, and says, is "just surprising um has chosen to create a "museum- CULTURE AND MUSIC umbrella in his new people and inventing." style reality show" that highlights its The city of Brest, in Brittany, will host its priceless collection by displaying not "Pain Couture" And invent he did, piecing fourth annual festival celebrating inter- only the clothes themselves, but also ("Bread Couture") together biscuits and national maritime traditions and music how museums collect and conserve exhibit is made from wicker bread basket from July 10 to 16. BREST2004 will fea- such pieces for posterity. The Galliera's freshly baked bread. bustiers to create the culi- ture the maritime cultures of four guest collection in its entirety comprises some Baguettes, butter nary equivalents of some countries: Brazil, Norway, Switzerland, 90,000 pieces that span a period of croissants, of Madonna's most outra- and Ethiopia. In addition to displaying a over 300 years. Stored in unmarked meringues and geous outfits. The variety of fleets and replicas of historic vessels, the festival will also feature two warehouses in Paris that are designed ladyfingers are pro- baguette is an especially to keep the clothes dry, dust-free, pest- concerts each evening by several duced on location integral part of Gaultier's free and at a constant 64 degrees notable performers. For more and cleverly crafted designs because it is "the Fahrenheit, the collection includes arti- information, visit cles worn by Marie Antoinette, into sweet smelling Delectable symbol of Paris and of the Napoleon-era ball gowns and the ensembles. Gaultier, (Courtesy: Stefano Pandini - Fondation Parisian that I have Givenchy dress worn by Audrey 52, whose child- Cartier for Contemporary Art) become." Come see, smell, FRENCH AUTHOR PRO- hood dream was to be a baker, claims and taste Pain Couture at the Cartier DUCES FIRST BOOK Hepburn in the 1961 film "Breakfast at WITHOUT VERBS Tiffany's." "Ouverture pour Inventaire" that "baking and fashion have a lot in Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris A French author, writing under is showing at the museum until August common," and aims to prove this point before October 10. For more information, the pseudonym Michel Thaler, 8. For more information, please visit in the exhibit. In addition, he believes please visit l l claims to have completed the first book without verbs. The feat, which has received mixed Cinema Takes Paris by Storm reviews from critics, has been compared to author Georges ITH THE SECOND edition of the Paris will compete for four prizes, including the "Grand prix du Perec's 1969 project to write a Cinéma film festival opening in the capital city at Public." In addition to the screenings and competition, the book without using the letter "e." Thaler, who entitled his the end of June and the surrounding Ile-de- festival will include several tributes to important filmmakers W work Le Train de Nulle Part (The France region continuing its push to attract more filmmakers, (such as Oliver Stone—see our brief on page 3) and a festival Train From Nowhere), explained Cannes and the Côte d'Azur may have found a worthy rival for for children. The festival comes at a time when the Ile-de- his motivation by stating that the title of most cinematic spot in France. France region is attempting to reinforce its reputation as the "the verb is like a weed in a Launched last year by Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë, best location in France for directors to make their films. The field of flowers. … You have to Paris Cinéma ( aims to be a rendez- French government recently expanded regional cinema bud- get rid of it to allow the flowers vous point for French and foreign film professionals. This gets and Ile-de-France is cashing in: Jean-Paul Huchon, pres- to grow and flourish." It is year's edition, which runs from June 28 until July 13, promis- ident of the region, expects to receive 12 million euros next Thaler's hope that his work, es to be as vast and diverse as the inaugural one. Close to 450 year (up from 10 million last year) and up to 15 million there- published by Adcan Editions, films will be shown in theaters all across the city, 22 of which after, all to benefit French and foreign directors. l l will soon be translated into English. 7 in brief France in America CHEZ NOUS As every year, News from France is taking a well-deserved break this sum- mer. Your favorite French newsletter will be back and better than ever on September 1. In the meantime, the French Curves: the Automobile as Sculpture entire News from France team wishes French automobiles from the 1930’s are on display at the Petersen Automative Museum in L.A. you a great, warm and sunny sum- mer, as well as a happy 4th of July and a rousing Bastille Day. The French OLUPTUOUS, PROVOCATIVE, sleek and curva- of physics into their designs from the get-go. Cars therefore Embassy in Washington, D.C., and ceous; French automobiles of the 1930's evoke an image quickly progressed from basic "square box on wheels" shapes to a our consulates throughout the coun- rarely glimpsed in cars today. Renowned for their beau- more rounded style inspired by teardrops ("gouttes d'eau"), since try will be organizing events on July ty, the vintage French automobiles are currently on dis- the teardrop shape was—and continues to be—considered by 14. For more information, please con- pVlay for their one-of-a-kind craftsmanship at the Petersen experts to be one of the most aerodynamic. tact your nearest consulate. Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, California. Surprisingly, fashion couture also played an important role The museum launched its "French Curves: The Automobile in the design of these cars. Designers collaborated with leg- News from FRANCE as Sculpture" exhibition on endary fashion icons, such as June 11 and the cars will Elsa Schiaparelli and Coco EDITOR-IN-CHIEF remain on display until Chanel, to create illustrious Nathalie Loiseau January 23 of 2005. The fashion ensembles. Glamorous EDITOR exhibition features magnifi- womenwere often shown in Emmanuel Gagniarre cently restored, aerodynam- couture dresses alongside a ically designed French cars French streamlined car in MANAGING EDITOR produced between 1930 and matching color and style. Amaury Laporte 1939 by the masterful minds Meanwhile, the Dupont SENIOR WRITER of Voisin, , Bugatti, Company in the United Aude Rabault , and Talbot. States and the Nitrolac The 1930's represented a Company in France were WRITERS Dalia Abu-Eid, Caroline Auger, Nicolas time of great political and developing all new paint col- Blarel, Claudia Garver, Cathleen Hamel, social turbulence. But the ors, including metallic Goranka Cop Henegar, Emily Miller, Cara Moody, Mark Overmann, Claire Saule, creators of these French 1938 Darl’mat 402 by Pourtout paints, which gave both Frederic Jean-Baptiste Surville masterpieces overcame the (designed by Georges Paulin) automobile and fashion Great Depression, labor (Courtesy: Petersen Automotive Museum) designers a broader palette To change your address, subscribe (for free) or unsubscribe, please contact: strikes and geopolitical ten- from which to work. FRENCH EMBASSY PRESS & sions to manufacture automobiles that were nothing like those The streamlined French car designs of the 1930's quickly INFORMATION SERVICE that had existed before. These elegantly crafted vehicles combined became a worldwide phenomenon. Their innovative curves 4101 Reservoir Road, NW Washington, DC 20007-2182 an unlikely duo, the science of aerodynamics and the art of fash- left behind a legacy of improved technology, and modern Tel: (202) 944-6060 ion couture, to create unique works of art. models continue to display, sometimes overtly, sometimes Fax: (202) 944-6072 As the need for speed in automobiles became more relevant, subtly, their influence. Finally, these designs revolutionized E-mail: [email protected] the science of aerodynamics proved to be essential to new designs. not only the style and design of cars to come, but also those Indeed, the creators of automobiles realized that in order to pro- of all things in motion. duce very fast cars, it was necessary to incorporate the teachings For more information, please visit l l