Presented to the Uníversity of Manítoba Ín Partial Fulfillment of the Requírements for the Degree of Master of Science
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UPPERMOST ORDOVICIAN AND LOI^IERMOST SILURIAN STRATIGRAPHY AND SOLITARY RUGOSE CORALS OF THE EAST-CENTRAL UNITED STATES Robert J. McAuleY A thesis presented to the Uníversity of Manítoba ín Partial fulfillment of the requírements for the degree of Master of Science I^linnipeg, Manítoba 1985 UPPERMOST ORDOVICIAN AND LOWERMOST SILURIAN STRATIGRAPHY AND SOLITARY RUGOSE CORALS OF THE EAST-CENTRAL UNITED STATES BY ROBERT J. MCAULEY A tlresis st¡bmitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Ma¡litoba in partial fulfìll¡ne¡rt of the requiretttettts of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE o 1985 Permission has been grartted to the LIBRARY OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF MANITOBA to lend or sell copies of this thesis. to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA to microfilnr this thesis and to lend or sell copies of the film, and UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS to publish an abstract of this thesis. The author reserves other publicatiolt rights, altd neitlter tlte thesis nor extensive ext¡acts from it may be printed or other- wise reproduced without the author's written perntissiott. l_ CONTENTS 1 Abs trac t Introduc tíon 4 Abbrevíations and RePositories 8 9 Acknowledgments Stratígraphic Sections and Collectíons 10 Eastern I.^Jísconsin 11 l1 Northeastern Illinoís . Eastern lowa 13 i3 Nor thr¿estern I11inoís T4 Northeastern Missourí . Southeastern Míssouri 15 16 Eastern Oklahoma I6 South-central Oklahoma StratígraPhY and SolitarY Rugose Corals 18 South-central Oklahoma 18 1B Lí thos tra tigraPhY Biota 23 24 Age of units Depositional envíronments 25 26 Northeastern Oklahoma LithostratígraPhY .. 26 26 Bio ta 26 Age of uníts 29 Depo sitional environments Southern Illínois and Southeastern 1l- Missouri 30 30 Lí thos tra tigraPhY 30 Bío ta Age of uníts 36 Depositíonal envíronments' 3l Northeastern Míssourí and 38 üles t-central Illinois 3B Li tho s tra tigraPhY Biota ... 44 Intraregional correlations 47 51 Age of units Deposítional environments . "' 53 Northeastern lllinois and Eastern Wisconsín 55 Líthos tratigraPhY 55 Intraregíona1 correlatíons 60 62 Bío Èa Age of units 66 67 Depo sitional environments NorthwesËern lllínoís and Eastern Iowa 68 Líthos tra tigraPhY 6B Biota 13 Age of units 75 Depositional environmenÈs 75 '71 Solitary Rugose Coral Assemblages 83 Age of Units and Interregional Correlatíon al_1 88 PaleobiogeograPhY Evolutíon .... 91 93 Sys tematic PaleontologY Suborder Streptelasmatina l^ledekind , 1927 93 Family Streptelasmatidae Nícholson in Nícholson and LYdekker, 1889 93 Subfamily Streptelasmatínae Nícholson ín Nícholson and LYdekker, 1889 93 Genus StrePtelasma Hal1, LB47 93 96 S subr re (Savage, 1913b) S. amsdení n. sP 1 2.?. S. leemonense Elias, 1982 133 L4l S. sp. cf. S. leemonense Elías, 1982 L43 S. sp. A S. sp. of Elias, 1982 r46 r47 Genus Grewíngkía DYbowskí, 1873 r47 c. sp. A Subfamíly Dalmanophyllínae Lecompte, 1952 150 150 Genus Bodophvllum Neuman, 1969 B. shorÈi Elias, 1982 i50 151 Suborder Monacanthína Neuman, 1984 151 Famí1y Lambelasmatídae I'leyer, I973 Subfamily Coelostylinae Inleyer, L973 151 151 Genus KeeloPhyllun n. gen. 153 K oklahomense n. sP. rsB References Cíted 179 Pla tes l_v 200 Appendix 1: Growth Form and Curvature 209 Appendíx 2: Bíometric Data 233 Appendix 3: Cardlnal Fossula I'Jídth and Shape 242 Appendix 4: Tabulae Per Unít Length v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TexË-figure Page 1. Map of the east-central Uníted States 5 2. SÈratigraphíc nomenclature and age assignments for units ín south- T9 central Oklahoma 3. Stratigraphic sections and locality maps in south-cenËral and northeastern Oklahoma 2T 4. StraËígraphic nomenclature and age assignments for uníts in northeastern 2l 0klahoma 5 Stratígraphic nomenclature and age assignments for uníts in southern I11ínois and southeastern Missouri 31 6 Stratígraphic secËíons and localíty map in southern Illinois and southeastern Míssouri JJ 7 SÈratigraphíc nomenclature and age assignments for units in nort'heastern Míssouri and r¿est-central lllínois 39 I Stratigraphíc sections and locality 4t map in northeastern Missouri ' 9 Stratigraphic nomenclature and age assignments for units ín northeastern fl1inoís 56 10. Stratigraphic sections and localíty maps in northeastern Illínois and v1 eastern l.lisconsín 58 11. Stratígraphic nomenclature and age assignments for unÍts in northwestern Illinois and eastern Iowa 69 \2. StraÈigraphic secti-ons and l-ocality map ín northwestern lllinoís and easEern Ior¿a 7T 13. Composíte stTaÈigraphÍ-c sections showíng age and correlation of uníts and distributíon of solíÈary rugÕse c.orals in the east-central Uníted States 78 14. Paleobiogeography of Late Ordovícian and earlíesÈ Sílurian solitary Rugosa in North Ameríca 89 15. Relationship between number of major septa and coral diameter ín SËreptelasma subre ulare r02 L6. Relatíonship beÈween length of major septa and coral díame ter in StrePtelasma 105 SU aTe 17. Relationshíp between thÍckness of najor sepÈa and co ra1 díameter in SÈrePtelasma subr are 108 18. Relationship between width of cardínal fossula and coral diameter ín Streptelasma subr re 111 19. Number of tabulae per centimeter of coral vl_ ]- length in Streptelasma subregulare and S. amsdeni 1i5 20. RelaÈíonship beÈween number of major septa and coral diameter in Streptelasma amsdeni . L24 21. Relationship between lengÈh of najor septa and coral diameter in Strep telasma amsdení r26 22. Relationship between thickness of major sep ta and coral diameter in Streptelasma amsdeni t28 23. Relationship between width of cardinal fossula and coral diameter ín Stre Èelasma amsdeni 131 24, Relatíonshíp between number of major septa and coral diameÈer in Streptelasma leemonense and S. sp. cf. S . leemonense r36 25. Relationship between number of major septa and coral díameter Ín KeeloPhyllum oklahomense 155 val-l- LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Latest OrdovÍcian and earliesÈ Silurian solitary rugose corals Ín the easË-central UniÈed States 80 2. Gror¡th form and curvature for Streptelasma subr ulare, S. amsdgní, S . leemonense (including S. sP. cf. S. leemonense and Keelophvllum oklahomense 100 J Proportions of data poínËs above, or on and below, arbitrary 1ínes drawn jn Te.xt-figures 15-18, 20-23, for characteristics of major septa and cardinal fossula in Streptelasma subreeulare and S. amsdeni 104 4. Length and thickness of cardinal septum in Streptelasma subr e and S. amsdeni 110 5 Proportions of each type of cardínal fossula shape in Streptelasma subregulare and r. 13 S amsdení 6. Morphologíc characteristícs of Streptelasma subregulare and S. amsdeni... 118 I UPPERMOST ORDOVICIAN AND LOI'IERMOST SILURIAN STRATIGRAPHY AND SOLITARY RUGOSE CORALS OF THE EAST-CENTRAL UNITED STATES By ROBERT J. MCAULEY DepartmenË of EarÈh Scíences' UniversítY of Manítoba' Inlinnípeg, Manítoba, Canada R3T 2N2 ABSTRACT succession of three so'lítary Ïugosan assemblages ís recognized ^ \^7ithín the uppermost ordovícian-1o\^Iermost silurian sequence in the east-cenÈral United States. The lowest is a Late Ordovicían assemblage (Elías' ín the upper Maquoketa Group (Richrnondian) ' Salvadorea randi 19B1) occurs in southern Illínois, north\,IesÈern Illinois and eastern Iowa. Grerdínskia canadensis (8i11íngs, 1862) ís presenË in easËern l{isconsín. These speci-es represent the Red River-Stony Mountain and Richmond solitary coral provínces' respectively' They became extinct when Ehe epicontínental sea withdre\.I at the end of Ríchmondian time, possíbly due to a glacíoeusËatic sea-level drop' This study is focused on Ëhe middle (Edgewood) assemblage. The strata containíng these corals are thin, dominantly carbonate uníts' due They were deposíted duríng a traûsgressíon from the south, possibly to a glacioeustatic sea-1evel rise. Normal, open marine envíronments vrere introduced to the region. The Edgewood corals \47ere derived from taxa prevíous1y restricted to the continental margin' The Keel Formation of south-central Oklahoma contains Streptelasma subre ate 2 (Savage, 1913b), S. amsdení n. sP.' S . leemonense Elias, t982, s. sp. cf. S. leemonense Grewingkia sP. A' and Keelophy l1um oklahomense n. Ben., n. sp. In southern Illinois-southeastern Missouri, specíes wíthin Êhe Leemon Formation are S. subregulare, S. leemonense, Streptelasma s p. of Elias, 1982, and Bodophyllum shorti E1ias, I9B2 Streptelasma sp. A. is present in the Noix Limestone of northeastern Missouri. The overlying Bryant Knob Formation yields S. sub regulare from the unnamed member and S. subre ulare S . leemonense, plus Grewingkia sp. A from the Kissenger Límestone Member. The Cyrene Formatíon, whích ís laterally equívalent to the Noíx and Bryant Knob, contains S. subregulare. I¡r uortheastern Illínois' S subregulare is present ín the Schr¡eízer and Bírds members of the lJílhelrní Formatíon. This specíes has been reported from the base of the Mosalem Formation in northwestern I1línois. These ïugosans comprise the Edgewood Solitary Coral Provínce. S . subregulare, the dominant speciest exhibits a wíde range of íntrasoecific varíabi1íty. The Keel Formation, Leemon Formatíon, Noix Límestoner and lower Cyrene Formation aïe considered to be Late Ordovician (Gamachian) in age. The lower part of the Schweizer Member, Wilhelmi Formation, and lower part of the Mosalem Formation may also be Gamachian. The upper part of the Schweizer Member plus the Birds Member of the l,lilhelmí Formation, the míddle portion of the Mosalem Formatíon, the Bryant Knob Formation, and upper Cyrene Formation are Early Silurían (early early Llandovery) . Thus, the Edgewood assernblage spans the time interval from Gamachían to early early