34 years old (14 years of experience) French (native language) English (read, written and spoken fluently) Spanish ( asics) Nicolas D12134561S !el. # +4% 7' 2)1 57 3+ ,e site # https://atl3d.artstation.com/ Senior Technical Artist E-.ail #
[email protected] (''% (''& (''+ I ('1' ('11 ('13 ('14 ('1* ('1% ('1& ('1+ ('1) ('(' Creative Patterns Playsoft Vietnam Blitz Games Studios Exient Codemasters Electronic Arts – Ghost Games !echnical 1rtist e !echnical 1rtist !echnical 1rtist !echnical 1rtist Senior !echnical 1rtist Senior !echnical 1rtist c !rainer n 3arious ga.e proHects 2iveSpace 1ngry Birds Ao M 0i6! 4 /eed for Speed # 9eat a Softi.ageJ?S; l !rainer 2ooney !oons# 1ngry Birds !ransfor.ers 6K0 6K0 e Aalactic Aa.es 6K0 30 1rtist e Softi.age, : rush K 50< 6K0 81?Script Clockly Shaders 0evelop.ent r /intendo Aour.et =hef 9otel F 30 1rtist 6ace2ine == ?AS Engine 30S 8ax !ools for Ego !ools 0evelop.ent 0S S0< Fashion 0esigner # Style ;con Aiant 0S 7ES ('11 6K0 Shaders 0evelop.ent 8oonlight Sword BlitD!ech !ools 0evelop.ent 6K0 2ead 1rtist Shaders 0evelop.ent Stars of AaLa Sonic 4# Episode 1 !ools 0evelop.ent E.ilie Skills Education • 7ipeline creation 30 1ni.ationE3ideo Aa.es 0iploma earned in (''% at 8@8 Araphic 0esign, Stras ourg with honors • Shaders and tools develop.ent CaccalaurFat (1-levels)# 8athe.atics, 7hysics, Ciology" Earned in (''4 at 0u.ont dG5rville, • !raining, writing tutorials and technical docu.entations for students or professionnals !oulon • 7articles and visual effects Graphics : 9obbies 30 Studio 8ax,