History of the National Flag of the United States of America
CR 113 HI8h THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE NATIONAL FLAG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PHILADELPHIA, LIPPINCOTT, G R A M B a CO. 1853. HISTORY THE NATIONAL FLAG UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY SCHUYLER HAMILTON, CAPTAIN BY BREVET U. 8. A. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPIXCOTT, GRAMBO, AND CO. 1852. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by LIPPIXCOTT, GRAMBO, AND CO., in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA: T. K. AND P. G. COLLINS, PRINTERS. C/f THIS RESEARCH AS TO THE ORICIX AND MEAXIXC OF THE DEVICES COMBINED IX nf Bnitri of lje Rational /Ing tjjr Itatrs Jlratrirn, 13 RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO MAJOR-GENERAL WINFIELD SCOTT, AS .V SLIGHT THIin'TE OF RESPECT FOR HIS DISTIXC.UISHED SERVICES, AND AS A MARK OF PERSONAL (!1! ATITfDE, BT HIS FRIEND AND AIDE-DE-CAMP, SCHUYLER HAMILTON, Captain by Brevet, U. S. A. 860?^!* I PllEFACE. As nearly as we can learn, the only origin which has been suggested for the devices combined in the national colors of our country is, that they were adopted from the coat of arms of General Washing- ton. This imputed origin is not such as would be consonant with the known modesty of Washington, or the spirit of the times in which the flag was adopted. We have, therefore, been at some pains to collect authentic statements in reference to our national colors, and with these, have introduced letters exhibiting the temper of those times, step by step, with the changes made in the flag, so com- bining them as to form a chain of proof, which, we think, must be conclusive.
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