'The Great Event A sequel to The WARNING by John M. Haffert Nihil Obstat In keeping with the decree of the Congregation for the Propa gation of the Faith, A.A.S., 58, 1186, the publishers have exercised due care that there is nothing herein contrary to faith or morals and further declare that in all matters, and in all reference to alleged miracles or private revelations, they submit to the final and official judgment of the Magisterium of the Church. Copyright by John M. Haffert, January 2000 Distributed in the U.S.A. by: The 101 Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 151 Asbury, NJ 08802 Phone: (908) 689-8792 Fax: (908) 689-1957 www.101foundation.com e-mail:
[email protected] ISBN: 1-890137-42-1 CONTENTS Chapter Page FOREWORD 5 LET THE TRIUMPH BEGIN....................................... v INTRODUCTION WALLS COME DOWN................................................vii Twelve stars of the Woman of the Apocalypse at the borders of fifteen nations 1 COMING: THE GREATEVENT ............................... 1 Foretold by Saints — Coming Soon 2 WAITING......................................................................... 5 What is going to happen? 3 NOW MOST URGENT ............................................. 13 “Nearing its fulfillment.” -Pope John Paul II 4 “ONCE WAS MARY” ............................................... 19 Her power and Her Royalty 5 MIRACLE OF BLOOD .............................................. 25 More than a miracle is needed to change the world 6 MIRACLE OF FATIMA UNVEILS THE FUTURE................................................................