Official Hansard Report
2020/2021 SESSION of the BERMUDA SENATE OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 24 MARCH 2021 Virtual Sitting Sitting10 of the 2020/2021 Session (pages 205–274) Sen. The Hon. Joan E. Dillas-Wright, MBE, JP President Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 24 March 2021 205 BERMUDA SENATE OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT VIRTUAL SITTING 24 MARCH 2021 10:08 AM Sitting Number 10 of the 2020/21 Session [Sen. the Hon. Joan E. Dillas-Wright, President, pre- MESSAGE FROM HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY siding] APPROPRIATION ACT 2021 The President: Good morning, Senators, and the lis- tening audience. The Senate is in session. The Clerk: Yes, we do, Madam President. Shall we pray? The message is number 9, and the message reads: PRAYERS “To the Honourable the President and Mem- bers of the Senate: The House of Assembly has the [Prayers read by Sen. the Hon. Joan E. Dillas-Wright, honour to forward herewith the undernoted Bill for the President] concurrence of your House, the Appropriation Act 2021. Copies of the Estimates of Revenue and Ex- CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES penditure for 2021/22 are also forwarded for the in- [Minutes of 3 March 2021] formation of your House.” And that is signed by the Speaker, the Hon- The President: The second item on our agenda is the ourable Dennis P. Lister, [Jr.] JP, MP, and dated confirmation of minutes, Senator Michelle Simmons. March 22, 2021. Sen. Michelle Simmons: Good morning, Madam The President: Thank you, Mr. Somner.
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