
's Prayer Our Father" who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy Name. Th~' kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it il' in heaven. Give us this day OUT daily bread. And for~~wc us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass a~ainst us. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom. and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. .

The Apostles' believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in his only Son our Lord: Who was conceived by the 1I0ly Ghost. Born of the Virgin ~ Iar\": Suffered under . Was crucified, dead. and buried: He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead: lIe ascended into heaven, And sitleth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty: From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. . I believe in the Holy Ghost: The holy Catholtc Church: The of : The Forgiveness of sins: The Resurrection of the body: And the Life everlasting. Amen. - TIlE ARi\lED FORCES PRAYER BOOK


, ) o~1C?, 1:0,0 Di 0 DLJ 7 ~i~~ 7 "l






THllT. IUT. II BSII,Y K. ~HfRlILL, D.O. TilE HOLY C()~I~ll·;\:JO:-;- 5 T \BLF OF EPI:-:'TLES A'D GO~PELS 2:\

Sl'll\ln·,\L C()~!\ l l·:-:I(J' 2,

june S. lQSl II OLY B,\I'TI";~1 31 T his Prayer I300k is sent by the Church to 13.\PT[~\1 " EXTHF;\l1~ 41 the men and women of the Armt:d f"orcl's. with A FORM OF COl\FE";~IOS 4:\ the of the affection. the deep inter(:st P HAYEHS 47 and the praY'.!n; of thc Church pt..·ople at home for Cod's blessing upun you. \\c follow all that P SAI.;\I<'; 65 you do and are with gratttude. )'Iay this book B IBLE HI· ·\ 1)1:\(;"; 81 be a reminder of your dcdKation in Bapti~m to 11)\1:\" 97 he Christ's faithful soldier and sen'ant to vour life's end. You wlil find these prayt.:r", h~:mns hDEX m l In!:"" 137 and Bihle reading" a dally <;ource of "ptntual I:-.m~x OF PRA YEH~ l:1~l ~trength and courage.

lIE:\RY l\.. ~IIEHRILL PTc$i(lillg Biy,hop The Protestant Episcopal Church III lhe l'nitcd States of America An Order of Worship HYMN The LORO is in his hol\" temple: let all the earth keep silence before him. !lab. ii. 20. I was glad when they said unto me, We will go into the house of the LOIw. Psalm cxxii. I. Let the words of mv mouth, and the meditation of my heart. be alway acceptable in thy sight. 0 LORn. my strength and my . Psalm xix. 14. o send out thy light and thy truth, that they may lead me, and bring me unto thy holy hill, and to lhy dwelling. Psalm xliii. 3. Grace be unto you, and peace. from God our Father, and from thc Lord Jesus Christ. Phil. j. 2. PSALM SCRIPTURE LESSON HYMt-: APOSTLES' CREED I believe in God thc Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ his onl\' Son our Lord: \rho was conceived bv the lIo!\' Ghost. Horn of the Yirgin Man: Suffered under 'Pontius Pilate. Was crucified. dead. and buried: lie descended into hell; The third day he roc;c again from the dead: lie ascended into heaven .."nd sitteth on the right hand of God the 2 An Order of Worship An Order of Worship 3 Father Almight\· From thence he shall come to judge of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ ; fo r the means the quick and the d(·ad. of grace, and (or the hope of glory. And, we beseech I believe in the Ilolv Ghost: The holy Catholic thee, give us that due sense of all thy mercies. that Church: The Communion of Saints: The Forgiveness our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful: and that of sins: The Hburrcl'tion of the body: And the Life we show forth thv praise. not only with our lips, but everlasting. Amen. in our livt.'S, by giving up our selves to thy service. and by walking before thee in holiness and righteous­ The Lord be with \'ou. ness all our days: through Jesus Christ our Lord. to AI/' If /" And with thy spirit. whom. with thee and the lIoly Ghost. be all honour ,Uinis./er. Let us pray. and glory. world without end. -Amell.

A COKFESSION Our Father. who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy o Almight\, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. we Name. T hy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On confess that \\'c have sinned against thee in thought. earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily word, ancl cited. I lave upon us, 0 God, after bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive lhy great goodness; accordmg to the multitude of those who trespass against us. And lead us not into thy mercies, do Clwar our offences and cJe,mse us from temptation, l3ut deliver us from evil. For thine is the our sins; flJr Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. kingdom. and the IXHver. and the glory, for ever and evcr ..\mcil.

AnS01XTiO~ 2 Cor. xiii. q. The Almighlv and merciful Lord grant you Abso· The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of lution and Ih'ml'>Sion of all your sins. true repentance. God. and the fellOWShip of the Holy Ghost, be with amendment of lifl'. and the grace and cO!1solation of us all evermore. Amen. his IIoly ~pirit. .·lmel/. HDI;\f PH.\ YEHS (to be chosen by tht' )'Iil;i"ter) ADDRESS

A GE:'\"EnAL TJI.\:";K ~G I\'I :\(; The LenD bless us, and keep us. The LORD mah his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us Almight~· Cod. Father of all men:i(·s. we. thine Thl.' LOlw lift up his counlenance upon us, and give um.... orthy st:rY~!I1ts. do give OWl: 1l10~1 hun"ble a:ld us peace, both now and evermore. Amen. hearty thanks for all tin- J.~oodness and loYing-kindness to us, and to all men. \\ c hless thee for our creation, pre:;erv::Jtion,

11 Allh( Cvmmlmion·lnnf llit' Iloly Table ;hall hcJt'( u/Xm il a fair u'h,1c lin(II dath. A lid lilt Pr;(.I/, _'/I.I"ding rr;'""'llly bt'jOT( Iii, Ilviy ]',;hI(, sh(11I l hi". Lord, hm'e mercy upon Wi, and l('Tile all Ouse Ihy Six dayssh.lt thou labour. ami <\"<111 that thou hast todo;bul l he Sl'venth un)' I ~ lhe ~aLh.lh ',f the LOl.:l) thy God. In it iaws in Ollr hemfs, we beseech fhee. thou l'halt do no mnmlt'r(,j "",,rk; 111<'u. and thy son. and thy daught('T. thy mall·~CI"\·'Ult. and II,}" r"aid·scrvant. thy cattle, • Tht'll ma.\' lilt Prin.1 say. and the Slrall!!:er lhat i· .... ithin tl,y I!;\IC·S. For in si x day ~ the LolI.o made he<\\"en and earlh. Ihe !

~ Thtn sill.\ klltei,,,,, Almi,ghty God. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I lear also what ~aint Paul sa.ith. Maker of all things. Jud)!t' of all men; \Yc acknow­ This is a true s3\·ing. and worthy of all men to be Jed,l!;e and bc\\ail our manifold sins and wickedness, recciv(.'(1. That Chdst Jesus came 'into the world to Which we. from lime Lo lime. most grievously have ~vc sinners. 1 Tim. i. 15· commiltt'd. Bv thought, word. and dLed. Against thy Divine l\lajcsly. Provoking: most Justly thy wrath Ilear also what John saith. and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, If anv man sin, we have an Advocate with the And arc h('artily sorry for these our misdoings; 'I'hl.! Father. -Jesus Christ the ri~hteous; and hc is the rememhrance of them j" grievou<; unto us; The burden Propitiation for our sins. 1 51. John ii. I. 2. of them is intolerable. Ilave mercy upon us. 1 lave mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For thy Son . ' .I/Ifr u'/Il,h tht Prit,1 ,J"dl prr"uJ. \(,)'m~, our Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Forgive us all that is Lift up \'our hearts. mCl\' past: And grant that we c\'er hereafter Serve and • 1IlSll'eT. \Ye lift thcm up unto the Lord . plea~c thee I n newness of lift,. To the honour and glorv Priest. Let us givc thanks unto our Lord God. of thy Ncmle; Through Jestls Christ our Lord. A'men. .' lllS/l'er. It is meet and right so to do . "I Tilt'! ,/:)/1 air ]";r I (tj, I~, II It' i/ I:r /lr prr till) ,1,lIIJ up, IJIW lunl' lIIb In Iht /'top/t, IY, • '/'I,,,, I, .!I :ht /'n .. 1111'" to lilt lIeJy To,/.I .... !IId '~I.\'. Almight:' God, (Jur 1ll'

l.;f!Cf'Ildcd up into heaven. to prepare a place for • ["POlllile 1~",phU/n. IJnd 'CUll ""y u/ltr. us: that where he is. thither we might al::;o ascend, and reign with him in glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord; who. in substance Therefore with Angels, etc. of,our m~rtal flesh. manifested forth his glory; that he m" 'hght bnng us out of darkness into his own glorious Ig t. WIIITSl':,,\ TIDE Therefore with Angels. etc. .. L'POII II'lljtqmda)" and ,j.T d,IY~ aftcr. Throu ~h ]l.'sus Christ our Lord: accordin.e; LO whose P UR WICATIO~ . A~:\" Ul"C I AT I O~, A~D TRA:,,\S­ most true promi<;e. the Hoi\' GhOSl came down as at FIGURATlO;-.; this time from heaven, lighting upon the disciples. to ",j L'INn lilt I'r,JIII of /I P fi to Ii"". . , It lUI fall(>n. """uncia/iun. anJ Trau.lfigu,a_ teach tl1('01, and lead them into all truth: giving them bolclnl'ss with fervent zeal constantly to preach th~:~~Usste in t: Mystery of the Word made flesh. unto all nations: whereby we have been brought {Jut of darkness and error into the clear light to give th e~~~\\' le~;~(I~~I~tg\~r~l !~etl~~ ~,ur hear rhts. and true knowledge of thee, and of thy Son Jesus Son Jesus Christ our Lord. - e ace 0 t y Christ. Therefore with Angels. etc. Thcrdore with Angels. etc. Holy Communion Holy Communion '\"] II'hrn Iht 1',irrtak tilt lin,,,/ Mj()U Ih, Prop/t. tlmf Illlu Iht Cup mlo hl_. ham/I. h~ 'IT Cpon Ih, Ft

f God, Son of the F3thcr. that

If lilt ((m'({Tulrd Ilrtad (JT HI/If /,/ 'trnl I~fort all hart communi· takest awa\" the sins of the world. hm'e mercy upon (AJlt11. lind trl.d. illg ,,·jll, IlIrlf U'.,r,k LI.Lrt.Lk,'r, "f Ills IIH,4 bll'~""d Un,l;- and lllood. ceive (lUI' pra:'cr. Thou that sittest at the nght hand '\I Wlltl! all ira,'( ({)mmumrn us. Tabir, ImJ ,("tirmlly riu,r U,.OIl IIlt'/1<11 nmalllt/ll of lilt wnsu'a/td For thou onlv arl hoI\": thou onl\" arl the Lord; Eie"'01/I. 'O'I'trllll: Ihelllml willi a/air lillt" do/h. thou onlY, 0 CI1!'ist. with the 11011' Ghost, art most "! Theil shull Ihe l'fI('1 )a)'. high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Let us pray. ,/"1"'11. Iht Pffl,~/r kllu/il1g,litr J'nt'l (/J;r nIl/lOp 1/ he br ,."Iml) Almighty and everliving God, we most heartily ,'Itrate in the remain with you always. Amen. m\'stical bod\' of thv Son. which is the blessed com­ pany of all faithful people; and are also heirs through hope of thy ever1astin~ kingdom. by the merits of his CE;';-ER.\L Rl'RRICS most precious death and passion. And we humbly oc­ ,. In Iht /lb'rna of a rTlt I. d Vlo.J(otl m<1Y .<<1), ullihal is bt/arraf'f'Qtnltd seech thee. 0 heaven Iv Father. so to assist us with thy unlo 1/:( r",l ,,/ lilt (;u ('ti. grace. that we may continue in that holy fellowship. L'",m I/'r .\u".I.l\"f all,1 (,Ilia ll"h /)<1.\'5. (tIum~h Ihr~r 1I'."""trmml and do all such good works as thou hast prepared for or Co.'HIIIIII"'II.) mill or

If amon, those u:ho umrt /I) Ix l"l~t(jk"< of the lloiy Communion, 'he .I"mst~ .lh.}11 kn"I(' dny '0 be un uttll and nOlorIOU,\ roo'il Ijur, or to h,wt' Jont IHly ·wr(m.: to I:" "riRlrbou,. by 1l.'()I'd 0,. dud, .'01 111,11 TABLE OF A:-.iD Ihe Cong't;:"lr,'" III Ihuth), G,ff,",!,,}: 1i(,h<1!l lI( /0 (om" /0 IIII' w.r, TiJbf... 1'1111/ he hare opf'IIly FOH T il E ClIc HCII YEA H Jtdurr.J Imn~tff to hult truly 't/lnut.l dUll umn-.. /td his /orm,.,. nItl.\' t:T:if life. /h,'1 Ihe ClmKrtg"lion Iht'rtby ~ suli<]ieJ: a1l<1 that I,e ~'·"'II,\\"" .\"[) I'~:-.n\ \1..,' E"l-.T1.E 1. .Jth urompcn.!!!; or 01 ie,ul ,(ullJr( hIm elf kJ Ix III luff pllr"l}(I't so 10 do, as SOOH t C"'llnllo/('II'gi('tfrom Ih .. bnilam .JIll """,./,1\ j". \.1:('111 1'h,lipl,ia'b~:1 i l::it. J"hll 1 :1'J 211 of hlS btu'l all Ihlll Ihe IAiJa Imlh I'(.,~'J\\", '''''

JI/J". I-.I'J/'IJ.IXI "",\,"'PX

n,t 1·.p,r/r,"'.I' UI.I'~'an"J:1 11 St \1..lUIl .. " ;>:1-11 I,: ,... "" I.,,'

.... rtl"~"r\jlll.; SImd IY Il",Iinthiall~I}:ZI D !'I . .\1"tth!'" 2('1 1(, ...·('''I,·t\I''hl .... ''n./'IA 2C ..rin]iL;;o1lo I] :1') 31 St. Luk. l\ I I" O"''''/''rlJ,;"im,j II ,intILiall,11:1 I,; SI Luk"II':1i ~1 24 Table of Epistles and Gospels Table of Epistles and Gospels 25 ------'--:--­ EI'j'ilLI'; (;O~'I' U . S('''lJAY" .... '-U 1.. 1:; ... 11\-AI..... El'l"IU. (;''''I'EI

LESTES\r -1.'0.\ ""11111)'."" 111 ~I ISt,J,llnl;;·ll St. {>:19-JI /".\ullliu)" 1n Un: lC·,rll1th"tn~":1 III Sl .\I,lltl,,·\\ ';:1 II 1 'I .... 'I."/".\' ,,/Irr Tr,mlv I Sl. },hn .1:1,1-21 St Lllkl'14:16---2~ !n'J .... ''''JIJ.I III Un: J Tlw~ ..... LI'>lII'HI_~ \-1) :-.t. \L..uhe\\ 1.':21 !nJ SIHlJ,n-"jlrr '/r inil,,' 3r,1 ''-u"d.,~· ,If:rr Trlml\" 1St. ''.'l'' -"::' II :->l. Lukl' \.,:1 I. R,un"", X: I X· 2.\ ~l Luk~'b:ll) "'/''''''"'/<1 nlLnll EpJI<"_J.II1~ _,:! I~ S'"L ukl'll:II'lb 4th ";""'/"-,"cjor( I~ St. \1.\rk 111:1 1:1 St. :'I I.ltt!.l'W H: I 1 \ J l olI,{ay /I'I/~",t" lLrrk k(. HI:.l! I; S'..lul.:,·14:1.13._ !/l11i ,"" ' '''/'{>:W- 2U Sl. j "hn 1:16.,·1 Tut,J".\' III/;U la II ,.,.k \d !l:lh It St.Lul.:~·!I:.;b 48 St . .\Iatthe" 1!l:11 V; 15/ ,\UII'/II.1' ,,/In I .• , It'r I St. j. ,Iu. ~: I 11 .... Lj..hn!U:1? 13 !!.I./ ,"'lw,t.l\' ItJ.,hn 111;11 Ib !3rd .... un./".\ (j.lt'rt'~I:l, 11 1SL j "lm I():.- I." .':;u n.l,,) iu/QTr .ilh ."un 1./.1 "f:,., 1 .• / Ifr ..I dlt,,1 Jl'h'TIli;\1o 1\:- St, J ohn 6:~· H 1<"1:1.1110>1 ';/"'./<1 !->t,j,Hlw~I:111; St.j")IIII/,:!.i-B JlOL r 1>.1 1'. ... .'[· ... cJ-..\' .... /< ) \'1'1 1}f~ :)1. ..1 ",Jftlt' tilt I /,,)'llr .1'«"·/(m/)<1\' \\hLI·l1 SLLukeH:~9-5J (,\'UI· . .10) l{"n"Ul~ W:9 11 St. :'I latthew 4:18-11 .\1"1./.1.\ a/llT .-1 ,(II' "'''1 5 1, 'J"hmfl,H 11z( A pO'llt /),,\. [St.l'l·ll·r4:;-11 St.john 15 :26-27, (/)t( !t) ! !t 'hr~\\~ 1/1 \. 11:1 SI. j .,hn 10:11 ,11 ](.:1 ·4 Tilt ("" rr /(In of"'l /.",,11 1IIIIT\C.\'l1J)J~ (Jail !;j \~t·') I l! St \la U he" 19:2; JU 1I1111.',,,,d,,yU'wlc

71lt II"I! In ,,/. 'rr' I'Mlll ,11.:11 {'fltn tJ./mOnll/1 Iht p(,~f'I( Ihul tlrt,'" .Irf,f ""/ lilt H,'(ll"" of Ihtl' Ch,ldr..,•. und Ih,,1 r, I' ,nc> I «(JJI:~'I<{/II Ilwl l>dl'lI'lII ,i;",'/,/ f,t atimilll'lrrrd rtf''''' "'Uld,1\ lind '1I1'" 1101., /)",>-<. Sr::erlht/r". If 11("«(-,11) IU 'fIJI"", I>a/'li.'''' mJ~' 1>£ 'ldmllli.\i(ud UP011 (111)' otlur dOIY· A lid 011,,) Il, 'holll ;1',1'>1 1/;(111 thili. t.l,rpi for IIrgrlll (<1"'1:. lilt.' _Iuk ""lin hll:'( Iilti, Child'e', I>'Jf'li~ l'j i" Ihor 11",,,,- "I Fhrrr ,/,./11 '" /"r ,,'fry \I"lr-dlllo1 10 lor baf>li:td. 11'1>", Ihrl' (,III br /la,/. 1 .. '(, (;odjulhrr.l IHI.! Gilt Gudmol/'rr; all./ for ,,·rr.,­ tOlloi/{. U:l (;,,,if,aha "lid /«'() (;odm,;lhrrs; 11'/ ,-" nil al ,II or 11111;': ", I'~,(nlll~ I'r,/.w" or <11 "lCit olirer lim,

11'/)(11 1 Rt/i.:i""'

III.! ",,, ... tiloll

"tIl<' .\fu'i .'a, hll:·I/'I.~ , ,m, 10 ;/" F"nl. :,'lIltil i 1/',,, /<> / .... fill,,1 a rlli -"r ... lI'aUf, '/:

• If liIt.I' UII.'il'tr. :\0: Ihtl1 shall tI.. t .l!n,;'ltr ff(>("ud a' fol/o;er/I! Ikarly belov(:d. f()rCl~much as Ollr ~aviollr Chn :-> ! ~ atth. Nime can ent(:r into the kingdom of Cod. exccpt he he rcgrllerclt(:d and born anew of \Yater and of till' Huly Baptism Holv Baptism lIol~' Cho~t; I bcsced\ YOli to call upon God the o f such i<.; the klll.gdom 01 Cod. \'crily I say unto you. Fatht!r. through uur Lord Jesus Chri~t. that of Ius \\'ho<;()t,:\'l'r shall not recel\'c the kll1.gdom of God a .. a bounteous mercy hI.! wlil grant to this Child (tlJis I'. T­ lillic chIld, he shall not enter therein. And he t)ok .'on) that \dlich by nature he cannol ha\"c; that III thelll lip III hI:'. Clrms. put his hando; upon thl:!m. and ma\" he haptll.(:d \\Jth \\"at<.'f and the lIol ... Chost. hlt·"' ...... ,d Illt'll and n:Clwcd mto Chn~t's hoh" Church. and-be made • ()r !/;, a lInng III( mIll r of th~ ";;IIl1l'. Ilec . • 1'1.(11 /:,,1/ !/:(' .lIulI'II" say. Then.: \\":1<; a mall of the Pharisee:" naJm:d Nico­ J.e l us pray. dl'I1WS. a ruler of thc .Je\\'s: thc same came to Jesus h~' Almighty and Immortal (;od. the aid of all who night. and saiel unto hllll. Rabbi. wc know th::st tholl need, the helper of all \\ ho JiCI' to tilt,\.! for ~un:our. the art a teacher come from Cod: for no Illan can do th<':1;l' life of those \\110 bdil'v('!, :md t he rCSlIrrt:ctlon of the mlnh,-its that thou doest, except (;00 be \\,lth. hl1n dead; \\'1.' callujxJI1 thee for lhis Child (this tl1\" SUl'­ JtSUS answered and said unto him. \'enly. venh'. I (III/) , thall/I', cOining to thy holy Baptism, n~a\ rc­ S

Of 11I1(1I.'h.(I';trl w,'IIMe!.. ;"".III(_lIi"il" iI,,{{ 'r",kIO, all G"df"t/;(r ,,,,,1 (;,,,Im,,t/,,,, ''Illli '"i,,_ • Iril(" ,I .I( I II'rf (,'r \,:":,, :Iu .\1,,,i "/ 'ilull ",M" ,,,,,11 "'1 i'l U'I r. /};r /'''''(,)1. I. " b".~·i~,J al1 """ing Iii, qllr ' D earl~' bdo\'ed, .H' haw hrouc;ht Ihis Child here II J/I -', r : ..... /11 rf ( to be bapUztrl; H' have pra~- " d that our Lord Jesus \\ell~Bdo\'l.'d. YOU have come luther deslnn,g to Chnst \\(luld vouch"afe to recein him. to n.:lea<:l· him reel·in: hoi\' Bar)ti"m. \\ e have prayed that our fr~ml sin. !.o <;;U1ctlfy him with the !Ioly Cho~t. to gi\'e Lord .II. us'Chnst would ,-ouc:-tsafc lo receive you. Itt/II the kmgdolll of heavcn. and Lvcrbstirg life. 1 to rdC,N! you irom sin, to :>an~lIfy you WIth the 1>o<;t thou. lIll'refon:. in Ow name of this Child. I J lol\' (;110:'1. to gIve you the kll1gdom of heaven. fI'nounCl: the ell'\'!! and .111 his ,,-orb;. the vain P()IllP and- en:ria"tlllg 111i.:. and glnr\' of the world. \\'Ith all COHt(JUS dl':--in:s of the ! J)ost thou renounce the deyll and all his wort". o.;ame. and tht, sinrul dl'sin's of the !1L'sh. so that thou I the \'~rn pomp and ,glory of the world. wIth .•Ill wilt not follow. nor lx' It'd bv them? \ co\"(,;t~)US deSIres of the same. and the sll1ful deSires , ln~//'fr. J n'WlIH1Ce t hcnl all: and. by Ceers help. 01 the n(·sh. :-;0 that thou wilt not iollow, nor be led \\ ill ('IHleavour not to !(,!lo\\', nor he led 'bv t!wm . b\- tll"m? ;6 Holy Baptism Holy Baptism 37 AnslI'er. renounce lhem all; and, b," God\; ."ints/u. The Lord be with YOU, help. will endeavour not to follow, nor he led by Am:u"U. And with thy spIrit. them. J/ini:>!u. Lift up your he:uts, Minister. Do~t thou believe III Jesus the Chn-,t, .lnslefT, \\ c lift them up unto the Lord, thc Son of the Llvmg Cod? .Him·:stfr. Lct us give thank" unto our Lord God, .lnSI('('T. I do. .1mHH. It i~ me('t and nght 5() to do. ,Hil/isler. I)ost thou accept him . and desire to • 7 j'r'.. I,,, lIilli.ln 1; ... 1/ d. follow hun as tin !'avlour and Lord? II is \'t rv Ilwet. right. and our bounc\('n dut". that . insll'n. I do. wc sh0uld' give thanks unto thce. 0 Lord: 11011' .\Iinistn. I.)o-;l thou believe all thc Articles of FaLll('r ..\Imight\". E\'Crlasting God. for that th\' the Christian Faith, as contained in the Apo~lll'~' Creed? dearly beloved ~In .Iesu"- Christ. for the for.~I\,l'Il(,s" ilnswer. I do. of our sins. did siwd out of his mo<;t precious !'Idc ho~h waler and blood: and ga\'c commandment to hi.; l\finistcr. Wilt thou bl.' baptized in this Faith? disciples, that they should go teach all nation... and iln.'ill'tr. ThaL IS IllV desire. bapti;;e them In the Name of the Father, and of till' Minister. Wilt thou'then obediently keep God's Son. and of the lIoll,' Ghost. Regard. we beseech tlH'e. holy will and commandments, and walk in the ~ame the 'luppiications o'f thy colH;regatlon: sancUf.v tillS all the davs of tllv life? Water to the mVi'>tical wa"hinQ" aWl;~rd ht 1111 ..1./"/1, tilt thy merc),. 0 blessed Lord God. who dost live. and 1/IIIIIla ,I",I/I.;kl IInll /Iv tI;r h

\ Holy Baptism Holy Baptism 39 Church. Anel humbly wc beseech thee to gr;)nt. that We Receive this Child (Pcrwn) into the congrcga­ he. being d(;ad unto sin. Illay li\'c unto righteousncss. tllm of Christ's flock: and do sign and bcin~ buri(;d with Christ in his death, may 301"0 hm with the in token "crt rh( be /)ortoker of his rcsurn:ction; so that finalh-, wLth lIini,/(r 'hall that hcrcafll'r lu "hall not be ashamed w"lutl C, ....s. the re~idlLc of thy holy Church, he may be an i;i/u ri/or "f''''' (/;( Child's of thint' ev:.oria,>lmg kingdom: through Christ our to confess the f<11th of Christ crucified, r i'a.(,,,',) and manfully to right undt.: r Ill'; banner, f"Tt/r("d I.ord . . 111iUJ. against si n, the \\orld, and the devil; and to continue Chri"l's f;:Ulhfu\ soldier and servant . ' 1/.'(/) II.t .\flui·lor .lhull udd. unto his liCc's end. Amen. The Almighty Cod. the Father of our Lord Jcsu:-; Christ. of whom the whole family in heaven and earth IS . ' 1'''1'' h,/II 1/" 1/,,"' in ,,'y, named: Crant you to be strengtlH'ned with might b.v hi~ ~pirit in the inner man: that. Christ d\\"coJling Seeing now. dead\' hl'iovcd brethren, that fhis in vour he;\rts bv faith. yl' may be filled with all thl' Child ({hi.~ Personl is ·r('.~('ncratl'. and grafted inlo the j\liil(' .... of (;od. :1111111. 's Church. let uc; give thanks unto Al­ mighty Cod for ti1l'Sl' ]v'ncfit,,; and wilh one accord { lin' trlfl,.,11 IIJ,II ,-I '-v . L'{"II. II", b'If'li~e.t . .dum/,I fir "mfi'IIIrt! make our prayer" unto 111111. that this Child (this Per­ bl' /i,t Hi,h,J,~. I" '.p, ,1 ,I/Irr I,;. }-;'I/'1i.

, fht" 1/.,/11 lit ';e!'>, A!'> we forgi\'c Lllosc who tn'!'>pa<;s ag

" nun ,'hulllht .lfi'1I 1In say. We yield thee heany thanks. most merciful Father. that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this Child (tJli.~ thy Serl'ollf) with thy IJol~' Spirit. to receive him for thine own Child. ,mel to incorporate him into thy' hoh- Baptism in Extremis I f a dying comrade has not been bapli7.cd and wants tl) Ix'; anc\110 Cllaplain is \'."ithin reach: yOIi call baptizl' \-our fril'nd. Pour a httl..: water on the brow (or am­ otiH.'f place if brow is hurt or bandaged) ~ times, S3):. 11l~~ hi" first name. as "John" and thi,;: I baptize tlH'~ in the :\3111(' of the F:1t111'r. and of thl' Son. and of the 1101\' Ghost. Amen. Sign him With tht' "ip"1l of the cross ;:l11d ~a\' till' Our "'flt/Ilr . If \'our comradl.' (;\.;pircs, S3\" thi.,; Commendation owr him: . J)epart. () Chri<.;tlan soul. out of this \H)rld. In UK' l'\amc 01 Cod the Father :\Jmighty who created tlWl'. In the :\amc of jesus Christ who redeclllcd the.. :. In thl' Kame oj the HoI\" Cho:-;t who s.:"1nctifie-. thl'(' :-"1<1\" th~' rt.'<;t hI.! thi:; cla,\" in plm:e, ;lIld thy d\\"l'Ilill.~· place in the I'aradi"l: of God. (Cl\'\.' Chaplmn the facts. when you can.) The Way of Penitence "Confession is good for the sou\." So runs the am:il'nt proverb, the crystallized vcrdil't of human cXI)I:ricllcL'. j ust as the first Slcp in bodily healing is to relieve tl'll"ion tlnd di~hargl' pOlson~. "() the ::-pirit of m~l!l mu'>t have relief by tel1in~ his troubh:s to soml'Ol1'.'. The flnal .. ~ml'olw" is a\\\"<1\"s God. But most of us fllld that a sympathetic human !i'ill-l1cr helps us to tel! Gud. Tlll'fcfo["c the Church, while provldlllg a confes­ siomd moml"nt in all her regular services, abo say~ t!trough hVf pri('~t: ., If theft' be any of you who h.\· this (gcneral) mean<; GIIl110t (!uict his own ("ol\"Licncc, but rcquirctil furtill'! coml(lrl or COllll~l'l. ILL him com..! to Illl:. or to some other )'llIIistu of Cod'" Word. ami open his grief.·· (FIOII/ all nl/m/alioll a/ltr IIIf Commllllion OJ)ia, Book I~f (.11111111011 l'I(1YI r, /m'...l' 8.\). The Church III ord:lin!!ll! Ill[ says in Chri<>t'., :\"amc to tlll'lll: "\yho~..; ~in" thou clost forgivl', thl'y are forgiven." l'poll the IH.'xt page we ~iH; for those \\ ho cle"irc to u~c it tile mam part of a more formal and yet \,lr~ IIllimate type of confession. 13cmg pri\'ate t:d from ancient times, For t!lt.' "Ie!,; room, this form is shortt:lIcd hen.:.

This forlll of c(mf('s.~i(/11 rfquins /)fiNICY 1I'/IIIilfT in a ell/neil. home, IwsjJilal, or other place. 11 is /lsually hf.';[ 10 (/rrall.~e lI'illl lite clfrl!Y ill ad/'al/((, jm llli~ ."T/­ ·Ll The \Val' of Penitence The Way of Penitence 45 in. III/I allY ,,,il.\/ i,~ ruuly and ll'illin;!, III ilia, (I cfln· to alllho.. c who with hearty repentnnce and true faith ff~"iun (II/ till' -'fIllT (~I Ihr IIIfII/lflil if there is elf/! T':/ IIC)'. turn unto him; Ila\'c mercy upon you: pardon and ddiv\.:f vou from all your sins; confirm and :.trengthul TIl(' .1el all/'ay., /)Il!,ins l/'ilJi (J Rlf."sin.~ fllr It'llirl; /hc you in {til goodncs!>; and bring you to cverlasting life; POIilOlI a.~k.~. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. C/w/)/ain. Till' l.ord he in thy heart and upon thy 1';'('1/. a/lI'ay,'i. the Blcs$iWI,: hp.. , that so thou Ilwn .... t \\onillh- confe:->.s all tlw SinS. in the :\~me of the I'~:ll!l('r, :lnd of lhe ~n. and'of thc Chaplain. The hk's:-=ing of God Almighty. the lIoly Ghost. ,\men. Father. the Son, and the lloly GhO~L be UIXll1 thec Pfllihnl. I wnrl:s,:, 10 (;()d\!mH~hlv; the Father. the ;md rcmall1 with thee always ..\l11en. ~OJl, and lhe lIol\' ChosL that' I i1aYC sinned very Go (or. Abide) in IKace; the Lord hath put away much ill thought. word. and deed, bv mv own fault. all th\' sins . . \nd c"pccially I fl'l1ll'mhcr these ':>in~; ..

(thai' are .~ai willoriants oj /he above. The j)Ulih lit tlltll _,Ia/u; /II(' s/)u'lji( 'iillS III ['(11/ Tiliumoer. (/nd ..;,}wuld Ultill'illl (lie )o!l/JI/'IIIJf,:)

Pmilt lit For thc"C and all 11l": other sins. whidl I cannot now remember. I am very sorry. I promise to do bcll<:r. Ilx'g Cod t.l forgi\'c me; and you. Chaplam, to g!VI.! m<: penance. ;H.IV1CC: and absolution .

. liler fhl' IIninterTII/)lu/ rOIlJt~:;joll. 1111: (/wl)/ain lIIay 'md it lIef/Jjul to q/If~fiol/ the /)wifellt. so that atilice about pussiblt rr/mmlioll. or reslitutioll. or hOi/' 1(1 face /11/' fu(ure mort s/lcCfs.\j'ully may be ginn. . Then S011l1 form (~,- /)OIuna is git'nI. This is not a pcnalty bul .~ome /I,',ful act Iflticll aids tilt pUlilUlI 10 1I/al.:.. ouflnm! ulIboJimw{ uf his contrite pur/Iv:>£. 1'111.11 Ihe elw/)/oill girl'., lIll' .1hsolulioll ill these /tords i/'itll llif .,igll of Ihe Cros.':

.\B~OLl,T10;'\i . • Tlu a.',WlOlIC€ oj God's jorgirwl'Ss. Chaplaill. Almighty (~od. our heavenly Father. who of his gn.'at mercy hath promi5Cd forgiveness of ~ins Prayers

1;-..: TilE !\l oR:\!KG Into th\" hand ... 0 God, I commend Ill\'self tiu~ dm-. Let th~' prL'-(;Jlce be with me ~\·t.'n to its' clo!'.C. th:lt ~It night I may again gin: th:mks unto tht:c; thn~u.gh Jesus Chri-;l our Lord .. 111/(1/ . Grallt. () l.'1n.\, tliat I may not be ashamed to COll­ fess thL' faith of Christ cri!C:flcd. and m.mfu\ly to f'tgll l uncler his bmmer against sin, the world, and t:ll' devil. ~l!1d to continue Christ's faithfu l soldier

.\T :\'IG!!T () LI)rd . ~upport LIS a\l the d:l .... long. u'lul the shad­ ows k-n.,:tilcll and the ('\'cHin? coml':O: and the btl!;y world i.., hll~;I'l'd. ~!I~d the fc\"t:r 01 life is ov~r. and our \\ork is dlHlc. Thul in tin" n1UC\' rrant US:l o.:af~ lodg-­ mg. and a hol~' rcst. and pcact: 'at the lu..;t, .lmw 'I'll\' CIKi of peace hlm:;elf sanctify ml' \Vhf)II\'. and may my "'pirit ,mel :o:oul and body bt' pn's('rwd Ultlfl' wiOu/t't hlaml' at tilt.: coming of our Lord Jt ..,u~ Cllri~t. An/(l!. Abide with U~, 0 Lord, thi" nig-hl, and with all tilt, sick and sorrowful, the forsaken and \YI.,:ar\,. to !;{n'tH.:tht'1l and to cheer, and to give rest. , Ime,i. 47 Prayers Prayers 49 AT EARLY EU,HARIST _ Thine is the da~·. 0 Lord. and thin(' the night: .I\s look for the morning. so do we look (Jrant that tlh: "1:11 of nghteousness ma\' abide in our watchmcn hearl'>. lO dnH away tilt' darkness of evil thou,l{hts; for thec. 0 Christ. Come with the dawnin~ da~'. and make th\'scif known to us in the breakin~ of Bread, throu!!:h Jl'.~U'" Chrl"'l our Lord. Amm. for thou 'art our Cod for ever and ever. .lmeu . . 0 Lord, i.(lwr 01 mUl, \\-ho forgin;-;t us our sins: Cleanse us of all that I" ha"c or sL:i!ish. and make u:-; BI':FOI{E I l oLY Cm.nJl:-':lO:-: to bl' in all tbings thy "ernUlts. and the Ines"><.'l1g:cr:o: lnelLl1l' our hcmts. 0 Cod, that by the grace of lhy of thy lo\'(' .. 111100'. 1I0ly :';pml we may worthily approach these sacred Crant. 0 Lord. that \\"l' Inm" meet all dillicultiu; lllYsteries and offer ourselves to thee in :l11'iwenng and tl'll1J1tatilJ~l" \\lthy stcdfaslhc:trt, ill thl: stn..'ngth love. throuJ,:h Jt:sus Christ our Lord . . 1I11U/, of tin" mciwdhn,l! "pm!. , 1 11//11. ArTER ClIl'RCIl SEHrlel': ~Illeld liS, 0 (;od. frolll the darkness of soul which Sancl!!",O Lord, \X)th our coming in and our going sccth thee not, and from the loneliness of hcnrt which forth: al1<1 grcmt that when we leave thy 1I0use we hcarl'th not th~' voice. and through life ,md ill l!1l' mav 110t leave th\' PrcS(;l1cc, hut be thou eycr ncar valley of the !-.hadnw of death. forsake us llot; for tllY unto u~ and kcq) us near unto thee, throur,::h Jesus ~al1ll"s saki', . 111/01. Christ our Lord .. \ 11/0/, Deepen and quicken in 11~. 0 (~od. a Sl'l1<:l' of tl1\ A'\ .\IT Ill" .\JXJH.\TJO;"; PreSUK('. and make u'> to know and kd that thou art mort' rlad\- to teach and to ,c-i\'e th;1:1 \\l' to (l~k or to \\'orth, art thOll, 0 God, to receive the honour and learn: throu-.:,h J('..;us Chri:-:t our Lord . . l}}l(l/. the power: for thou didst create all thin~~. and be· cau"e of thy will thl'\' an- and were cft.:!a led. o most IlH_:rciful H..:dellller. Fri..:nd. and Brother. \ Iay 1 knl)\\' thee more cit-ark. (aory lit (0111((. 0 Cm/. ).tay I lo\'e thee more <.karh·: Cion· to tilee. 0 Christ. who didst redcl'lll with tin· ).tay I follow 1h('(; mon.: nl'~lrk ,tIllOl. loye men of ewry kmdrl'd and tongue and ,x:oplc and o Sa ... iour of the world. who h\' til\' Cross and nation. pn;dou~ Blood lla'it redeemed U'>: Save .t:'>, and help Glory h( 10 till e, 0 Chris!. us. \H.' humbh· l)l'~el'ch tJwe. 0 Lord . . b;un. Clory to thee. 0 JIoly Spinto for th: work in the O:"J EKTERJ.'\C Cm '!~C11 Church. which will not cease until thou ha~t made of all mankind one family. to the pr:11"": and glory of o Lord. J am in thy hol~ Ilou~e. Iklp me to keep Cod. ~lly thoughts on thee. that I may hear thee spcakin~ Glory In 10 Ilia, 0 lioly S/Jiril. 111 my heart. through Jcsus Christ. Amm. 50 Prayers Prayers 5' FOR GOD'S HELP and multiply upon us thy mercy; that, thou ~ing Grant us, 0 Lord. III all our duties thy help. in all our ruler and guide, we may so pass through tJlll1~.:; our perplcxiuC5 ,thy counsel. in all OUf' dangers thy temporal. that we fmally loSe !~ot the things eternal. protection. and In all our sorrows thy rC~lCC; for thc Grant this, 0 hcavcnly Fathu, for the sake of Je"us sakI.! uf Jeslls Chri~l our Saviour. Amen. Chri<.;lour Lord. ,1mI'll. Grant to us, Lord, we bescech thee. the spirit to think and do a\wavs such things as are rit,:ht; that FOI< GUIDASCE OF TIlE HOLY SPIRIT we, who cannot do anythmg that I:;; !!ood \\"ithout o God. forasmuch as \\ 11hout thee wc arc not able thee. may hI' thet' be l'lwbk·d to live according to thy to please thee; i\lcrcifuJ\~' grant that thy lIoly SPIt'lt will; through Jesus Chrio.;t our Lord. Amen. may In all thing" direct and rule our hearts: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amell. FOI~ GOJ)'~ P,WTECTIOX

o Ahl11ghty and most mc:rcifui God, of thy bounti­ F()I~ CImISTIA:\ GLAD:\ESS ful goodncc;s keep liS, \H: Ix'secch thee, from all things Cod ..\uthor of the world'" jov. Bearcr of the that may hurl us; that we, bClllg r~ady both in body o world's pam; At the heart of all our' trouble and sor­ and soul. may cheerfully accomphsh those things row let unconquerable ,(~Iadness dwell; through our which tll(!ll cOlllmandcst: through Jc~us Christ our Lord. 1111(/1. Lord and SavIOur Jesu" Christ. Amm. \\'c beseech thee. Almighty God. look upon the heart v de:;;ires of thv humble St,.'n..-a!ll:;;. and stretch FOI~ TilL CO\rp.\~ro;';:-;H!p OF' CIIR[";T forth 'the right hand of thy Majesty. to be our defence o blcs<;.Cd Chri",t. who didst draw ncar to t!lv against all our enemies; through Jesus Christ our (ll<.;ciples as they walked to.~cther by the way ~1:ld Lord .. 1I11fll. wt.'re sad; So drt how etten we sin against thee devoLLon; and III cverythLllg make us true to thee; with our ton.~tll·";: kl'('P us free from all untruc, un­ tnrough th~· Son. our ~:J.\"iom Jesus Chri."t. .1111Ul. kind, irn.:n.:fL'nt O[ unclean words: consecrate our spel'ch to lh,v sen-icc: and keep us often sill'nt. that FOI~ COUi{:\GE our hl'art" may speak to thl"\! and may li:::.tl'll for thy () Thou. who art heroic low: Keep alive in our voice; through Jc!'us Chri:-\t our Lord . . 1I1lUl. hearts that adventurous spirit which makes men scorn the wav of !'afetv. 'iO that thv will be done. For SO FOI( \ \" E Lm E TIIO~E only. Ci Lord. shall we be worthy of those courageous Almighty Gorl. we cntru~l all who arc dear to us to "0uls who in every age have ventured all in obedience th~' ncvl'r-failing em: and JOVL!. for this life and tile to thy call: throug-h Jesus Christ our Lord. ,1mnl. lift: to cOllle: knowing that thou art doing for them better thll1~s than we can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. F OI{ STEllFA-.,T;\ESS o Cod. Who rulest the world from everlastmg to FOR L~)YALTY TO Ol'H IlmlEs everlasting: Speak to our hearts when courage lails, Grant, 0 Lord, to those in the service of their and we famt (or fear; when our love grows cold, and counlr\" who have left wives and children at home, a there is distre~s of nations upon thc earth. Keep uS stcdfa~t loyalty through al\ the days of separation, resolute and stedfast 111 the things that cannot be that returning at kngth to their, beloved they ma~' "haken. abounding in hope and knowing that our labor know the JO), of unbroken fidelity; through Jesus is not in vall1 in thee. Deepen our faith in thine Chri'it our Lord. Anull. l'lernal pur(X>sc; renew in us that love which never fails; and make us to lift up our eyes to hehold. be­ FOI~ FIDELITY yond the thll1gs which are seen and temporal. the Teach us. good Lord. to serve thee as thou dc­ t1ung"i which are unseen and eternal. We ::lsk all in the scrVC:il: to give and not to count the cost; to fight Nam...: of Jesus Christ our Lord . . 1men. and not to het;d tl.c wound,,: to toil and nln to seck for rt',;t. to labour and not to ask for an\" reward, FOR GI{t\U:: TO FORGIVE save that of kno\\ ing that we do thy will; through !\krcilul God. in who>;c dear Son wc have redemp­ Jesus Christ our Lord . .rimtn. tion, even the forgiveness of ."ins; give us such strong belief in this the only power that can abolish evil FOI{ LOYALTY that we shall be enabled to forgive our enemies; and Almighty God. grant us thy gift of loyalty. For our grant us grace not only to forgive but to accept for­ homes. give u!' love and obedience; for our countrv. glvcm!s'i through Christ. the crucilied . ..1 men. S4 Prayers Prayers S5 FOR A O.\Y OF BATTLE With thy heavcnly grace; strengthen them In tht!r iIea\'enly Fath<:r, on a day of battle 1 commit my· tnal'5 and temptations: give them courage to fa~e the "elf body and soul to thy keeping. When I am in peril perils that bc:)(.'t them; and hdp them to know til::tt of life gin: me cour:.lg<: to do my duty. \\"hcn I am none can pluck out of thy hand those who put t hclr kmpted to sin give me strength to [(''''1'4. If I am sick trust 111 thl!e; through Jesus Christ our Lord . . \mO/. or \lolluded grant me healing. If I fall, of tby mt.'rc~ o Eternal God. we comm('nd to t h\' fatherh' care receive me to th~·sclf. forgiving me all my "ins. Hies,", '-til tho'>C who arc enil"ted III the Anlled Forn.'s. In all who arc IlL'ar and dear to me and kL'Cp thcm III thy time of preparation grant that disciplmc and tr.limn~ fathl'rly can..:, And in lhy good providence, out of thi~ Illa\' fit them WOrlluiv to serve our countr\'. and III til..: evil bring a lasting peace; through Jesus Christ f)ur da~~ of strife guide and sustain thcm in upholdlll.~ the Lord. /bum. caw-:.c of Juslice and freedom: till'Ollgh Jesus ('hn~t our Lord. Amfll. Fcw TilE i\'ATlO;\ o ctl'rnal C()c\, through whose mighty power our fathers WOIl their liberties of old; Grant. wc bt'scech thec. that we and all thc people of this land may have FOI~ SElnILD1E:-.J ,\'\l) S!~:{\ !C[~\\·U.\IE:-': ,grace to maintain these liberties in righteousness and Almighty I-'athlT. wc commit to thy lovmg care ;111 peace: thlOugh Jl:SU'; Christ our Lord. Amell. tho\ie s~n'!C(;nll:n and scryiu:womc!I upon whose faithfulness the '.\~lfare of our .. \rIlll'd Foret:,; dl..'jll'nds. In thl' fuliliment of their d'.ltH.:S gwe tlwm patience. F OH ALL l:~ TlIJi. SLl{\ICJi. OF CH'R COl':\T!t: I'rolcd and a'>"ISt. we Uc~eech thee. all those gralltuck: tllrougil J.:su.: Christ our Lord. ImOl. who at home or abread. br land. b,' sea. or III ttl' air. an.: ~t:r\'J:·.~ thl:-' country. that they: bt.:in,Q: anl'cG \\Ith th.\· ddLll<; . nl.1~· bl' pre~'l:r\'t:d cwrmon: in 211 perils: Fo,{ TilE A:{\lY :1m] h.___ l.l ....: filled with \\ is(IOIll and girded \\ Ith ;;tn.:ngth. m~l~ do thur duty t., thy hunour ,mct glory; through o LNd (;od ot' I lusts. ~trl'tch forth. W~ nr~l\ thl'('. JI..'~lh Christ our Lord . . 1m!!!. thllll' almi~lllv FOR Olm AI{~IE[) FORCES thel11 s.:lf~ frolll all ('vil; end".1c tlkm with cCllra.(:c mid Ilcavl'llly Fatl;er. we commend to thy gracious IO~·ill!.\·: and grallt tb.;:t in ,!II thinl;s tht'~' m~\\' ~;t'rvl' care and kCl'ping all the Illen and '\OlTIl'n in our Armed without rcpro:l~h: throu~~ Jesus Chri~t om L\lrd. ForcL's at h01l1{, and ahro3d. Ddcnd them day by d~ly 1O/( II. S6 Prayers Prayers 57 FOR TilE ;"\\\ Y FOR TI!E COo\ST GL'ARD o eternal Lord Cod. who :11onc "prl'ade:-.t out the o Lord, who of old didst still the raging of the sea, hea\'(·n~. and ruh:~t the ra(!ing: of the sea; YOllch"afe wateh over, we beseech thee. the men of the Coast to taKe into thy aimi,ght\- and most graciolls proLL,('­ Guard as thl')' !;ali tllX)!l their missions of hclpfulm.'ss lion our countrv'" i'\ return to till' eartll with a grateful <.;('n';(' of th~: mercy; U!t..·sscd Lord, who didst commi.<..;]on lhy d]~iples throu~h JI.'SU~ Chri<;.l our Lord . . tl1ltll. to con LlIlue lhl.: work \\hl\:h the Fathu sent thee mto lhl" world. to do, support. we b~~"eech tlwc, with thy FOR TIlE l\IAI?I:\E CORP,", Holy Spin!. those who mLlllst{;r III the .\rmed Forces o Eternal Fathu. we commend to til\" protection of our Cuulltry. Give thl·1ll grace that they may both and care the members of the .i\larine Corps. GUIde and b\" their life and doctrinc. set forth tILv true and dir.... '<:t them in the defense of our countrv and in the !i:'·dy word, and rightly and duly admini~ier thy holy maintenance of iu<;tice among nations. t'rotect thtm S"H.:ralll{;nt<;. Strengthen them in their tc:nptattons in the hour of d~ngcr. Crant that wherever the\' serve anc! make them courageous in the penis of their call­ they may he 10\·:-t1 to tlwir hi~h tradItions and "that at ing, that tht'y may glonfy thee before all men; and do all times they may put their trust in thee: through th011 hold them eva in thy gracious keeping; through Jesus Chri<.;t Oll r Lord . .. tIllNI. .h'su..; Chnst our Lord. Amen. Prayers Prayers .19 .:.trcngth; that upholding what is right, and followlIl$! Fon Tllo~l:: \\'110 ~II~ISTErt TO THE what is true, they may obey thy holy will and fulfil \\OUt\I)ED A:-iD SICK th), divine purpo<;c; through Jesus Christ our Lord. .4mrn. o merciful God. whose blessed Son went about dOing: good: l'phold with thy strength and grace fOR J l"STICE A:\O FREEIX);"I those who do service to the wounded and the Sick: o God. the King of rightcousne5.."i. lead us, we grant to the minbtcrs of thy gospt.oi faith~ulncss and pray thee. in ways of justice and peace; inspircu~ to love. to the phYsicians and surgeons wisdom and hreak down all tyranny and oppression, to gam for "kill. to the nurSes ~\"Inpathy and patience: and we l'v<:ry man his due rcward, and from every man Ius bc:'.\!cch thee to protect and bles:; them in all dangers. dw..: ~ervice; th<1t each may live for all and all m<1\· anxH.:tlcs, and labours: through Jesus Christ our Lord care for each. in JcsusThrist our Lord. Amen. "' • III/til,

I~ TI;"IE OF WAR FOI1 TilE PHE~II)1'::\T OF THE l·;-...·ITED STATE~. AND /\1.1. [;..,: Cl\'IL .\l'TIIOHITY o God, who scest that in this warf<1re we arc seek:nc: tu ~\.!rv{! tl11.:e. and yet in the ,,"aging of it must needs Almighty God. who~{; kingdom is c\'crlasting and do many things lh~lt arc an offence a.e:ainst thy lovl.:. power infinite; IIave men:y upon tills whole land; hCl:ause of the fradty of our nature" Accppt WI,; pnJ" and ~o rulr the hearts 01 Lin" -.;crvants 'I HE PRESi­ tilet'. our impeded offering. Arm liS with thy ~pirit DE:,\T OF TI IE \ ';-'; lTED STATES, The COl'ernor 0) that our warf<.lll.! may further the victory of thy jll~tiCl' {fJi~ StaIr, •• n<1:tll oth~rs in tluthoril\"" that the\'" kilO\\,­ .mel truth; through Jeslls Christ our Lord, ,1111('1/" JlW \\'ho~t: milli..,tcr,\ they aft" mav alx)\'c all thi!l~s ~('k lin" l.ullour and glor.v: ~lHd that "we and all the Pcople, du"tv con..,idcrin~ whose authority they hear. mm· FOH \\"OHtD PEACE fait"hfulh- (lnd ol:)I'dicnth' honour them. accordin~ to Almighty Gorl. from whom all thoughts of truth and thv bll''''~l'd ,rord ,md ordinance; through J(:su~ Christ peace procced: Kindlc. we pray thee. in thc hearts of o11r Lord who with thee and the lIo!\" Ghost liveth all men the true love of peJ.ce, and guide with thy a;1d rl'ign~th evt'r, one God, worid without end" Am(ll. "tron~ and. pcClcl'ful wiwom those who take counsel for the Il(lUOIIS of the earth. that in tranqUIllity thy fOI( Tllo"~ 1:-\ ..\t TIIORITY kmgdom Illay go forward, till the earth shall be filkd with the knowledge of thy love; through Jesus CI1n~t o Lord God Almight\", guide. we pra~' thce, all our Lord, Amw. t/l(JSl' to whom thou hast commItted the government of this nnllon, and grant to them al this time special o Goel. who hast made of one blood all nations of gi Its of wisdutn "!lei understand mg. of counsel and nl('11 for to dwell on the face of the \\"hole earth. and 61 60 Prayers Prayers dldst send th~' blcs"l'd ~m to preach peace to them people. but the greater good of the security and peace that arc far off alld to till'm that are ni~h: Crallt that and unity of all mankind. that so thy Kingdom may all men l'vtrvwiwrt' m~\\ seek aft!.:r thct.' and lind thee. be advanced in the earth; through Jesus Christ our Culdt.'. "l'lx'Sl..l'ch thcl'", th ... :'\alion,:, of the world mto Lord. Amell. the way of JU:-.tILC m:d truth. and establl..;1\ amUIl,f.! FOR TilE \\·ou;.mED them tb;.t j'C. Civt' to them a right judgment in .111 things. knowledge of thy love; for the sake of Jesus Christ and tlw \\"111 to <'('l·k not onl~' the welfare of their o\\'n our Lord. Amen. 62 Prayers Prayers FO I ~ TilE PER:'ECUTED li ves in the service of our country. Redeem. we pra~' o ble~d Lord. who thyself didst undergo the pain thee. the pam of their bereavement. that knowing a~d suffermg of the Cross; l 'phold. we beseech thee. their loss to be the price of our freedom. they nl of thiS present age there may arise <1 thy Church may gn)\\ 111 grace and we ourselves in new and better world III which thy Will shall rule. perseverance. to the honor of th\' f'\ame. who with to the honor of th ~' Son. our Saviour Jesus Christ. tI~e Fallwr and the 11 01), Ghost art one (;od. world Imen. without end .. lmw. FOil Ol'R E ;-';E;"lIES o Saviour of the world, our Redeemer. whose lo\'e FOI{ TilE DYI:-:G embraces all mankind. we hear thy prayer from tht Cro~s: .. Father, forgive them. for they know not what L'ntn ( :

IJE;-'EUICTIO:-':S FOI~ O;-"E D EPARTED T he grace of our Lord Jesus Chri~t. and the love Almight,\' God, we remember this dar before thee of God. and the fellowship of the Iioly Chost. be with thy. faithful ser\'ant (S. ), and we thee tll .. t. pnl" u~ evermore, Amell, hanng opened to him the gates of larger life, thou Wilt reet.'I\'C him more and more into thy joyful .:;en·ice; T he Lord bless 1I'> and keep us. T he Lord makc his face to shine upon us. a nd be gracious unto us. T he that II( ma~' Will. with thee and th\' servants evcn'· where. the ('lernal netory: through' Jesus Christ our Lord lift up hiS countenance upon us. and give UI: peace. tl1I5 ni~ht and evermore, Amfll. Lord ... 1111 (11.

FOH TIIO~E \\1-10 I\JuL'R;-'; Almighty God. who didst orfer tlw onl\' Son to be ma?c perfect through suffering. and to \\'m our sal· F OH TIIOSE AT HmlE vatlon by endUring the cross; sustain with thy healing Into thy hands. 0 Father. I commend this dav power all those \\'hose loved ones have given their (this night) my home. my famil~ ', and all who m'e Prayers dear, to me. Bless them with the knowledge of thy co.nlll1ua\ p,rcscncc. uphold them in all carcs and trials: sustam them with thv power; and grant that drawing ~ea~cr to thcc and to each other. we ll1a~ P SALM 1 ever rejoice In the fellowship of those who trust in Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel thy goodness and thy love; through Jesus Chnst our of the ungodly. nOf standeth in the way of sinners. Lord. Amm. nor sittelh in the seat of the scornful. 2 J3ut his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. .) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. that bringeth forth his fruit in his season: his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he docth shall prosper . .1 The ungodlv are not so: but aTe like the chaff which the wind driveth away. S Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the Judgment. nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

P SADI 15 t LORD. who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 2 lie that walketh uprightl~r, and worketh right­ eousness. and speaketh the truth in his heart. 3 lie /110/ backbiteth not with his tongue. nor docth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. S lie tllal putteth not out his money to usury. nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved. 65 66 Psalms Psalms I be upright. and I shall be innocent from the grcat PSALM 19 transgression. 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the 14 Let thc words of m\' mouth. and the meditation firmament sheweth his handvwork . of my heart. be acceptable III thy sight. 0 LORD. m~' . 2 Day unto day uttercth' speech. and night unto ,trength. and my redeemer. flight shewcth knowledge. PSADI B :~ 7~here is no speech nor language, ll'lrere their vOice IS not heard. I T he LORI) i~ my shepherd: I shall nol want. 4, Their line is gone out through all the earth, and 2 lie makcth me to lie down in green pastures: their words to the end of the world. In them hath he he leadeth me beside the still watcrs. set a tabernacle for the sun. -' lie re!ltoreth m\' soul: he leadeth me in thc path:; S Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his of ri~hleOll"l1eSS for'his name's sake. chamber. alld rejoiceth as a strong man to run a 4 Yea. though I walk through the valley of the race. shadow of death. I will fear no evil: for thou art with 6 Ilis going forth is from the end of the heaven, me; th\' rod and til\' stall the\' comfort me . and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing .'i Ti'loll pn.'paresl a table bCfore me in the presence hid from the heal thereof. of mine enemies: thou anointest Il1V head with oil: i The law,of the LORD is per~ect. converting the my l:UP runneth ov<.'r. ' soul: the teslimony of the LORD IS sure, making wise (J ~urcly goodness and mcrc~' shall follow me all the simple. the daYS of nl\' life: and I will dwell in the house of 8 The statutes of the LonD are right. rejoicing the the Lcausc of tht: honeycomb, ' oppression of the enemy? 11 Moreover by them is thv servant warned: and 3 0 send out thy light and thy truth:.lct them lead in keeping of them titere is great reward, mc; let them bring me unto thy holy lull. and to thy 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me tabernacles. from falllts, 4 Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God : 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous Ill~' exceeding joy: yea. upon the harp will I pnlisc SinS; let them not have dominion over me: then shall llll'l'. 0 (~od my God. 68 Psalms Psalms 5 Why art thou cast down. 0 m,' soul? and ",h\' art thou disquieted within me? hope'in God: for I 'shall P S.'\L~I 5 I yet praise him, II'lio is the health of mv countenance, I I1ave mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy and my God. • lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of til\' tender mercies blot out my tran"'gressions. • 2 Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and PSADI .16 cleanse me from nw sin. 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present 3 For I acknowiedge my transgressions: and my help in trouble. sin is ever 1x:fore me. 2 Therefore will not we fcar, though the earth be .t Agamst thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done removed, and though the moulllc'1ins be carried into 1~lis evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justi~ the midst of the sea; fled when thou spe

J Psalms Psalms swallow a nest for herself, where ~hc rnav Jav her ,'ollng, el'CII thine . 0 LOIw of hosts. "my "K ing, 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night. and m\" God. . , lIor for the arrow llial Oleth b,' da\': -t 13icsscd are the\- that dwell in tin" house: they 6 Sor for the pestilence lhul \\~dkl'lh in darkncs<.;: will be still prai"in~ th(;c. nor for the dc::.truction Ihal \\'astcth at noonda\'. S Blessed is the 01C heart are the \\an 01 thon. "and at th~' right hand: but it- shall not com~ nigh 6 Who pa~illg through" the valley of Baea make thee. It a well; the ram ai-..o flllcth the pools. ~ 0111\' with thine e,'es shalt thou behold and see tht' i They go from strcn.{~lh to strength. ct'ny one reward (if tI,t,; wlcked.- of litem in Zion appcarcth hdorc Cod. ~) Because thou hast made the LORD. I~'hiclt is Ill" ~ 0 LonD God of hosts. ht.:ar 111\' prayer: give car, rdugt'. ('I'CI/ the most Hi~h. thy habItation; . o God of jacoh. - . 10 There shall no evil bebll thee. neither shall an\' I) Behold. 0 Cod our shield. and look upon the plague come nigh thy dwelling. . face of thine anOInted. II For he shall gi\'e his angels charge over thee, to 1() For a day in tllV courts is better than a tholls,tnd. keep thee in all thv wm·s. I had nlthcr he a d(~)rkccper in the house oi my God, 12 TI\('\' "l!;:\ll bear tilee up in /luir hands. lest tholl than to dwell in the knts of wickedness. da1ih til\' foot against a stonc. t 1 For the LORI) God is a sun and shield: the LOlm U T i)()u shalt tread 1IlXlil the lion and adder: will give grace and Rlory: no good tliilIg will he the young lion and the dragon shall thou tramplt· withhold from them that walk uprightly. undcr feet. 12 0 LOlW of ho<.;ts, blessed is the man that I·t 13ecausc he hath set his love upon me. thercfon' trusteth III thee. WIll I deliver him: I will set him on high. bccau<;c ht· hath known mv name. I ~ I Ie shall'c~lll upon me. and I will answer him P ~.\U.I 9 1 I /I"ill bl with hun in trouble; I will deliver hun, and He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most honour him. lligh shall l. 2 Serve the LOIm with gladness: come before III"> presence with smgmg. .,. . PSADI 96 , I,now ye thalthe LOim he IS (,od: If IS he that hath made us. and not we ourselves: /I'e (Ire his peopll'. lOsing unto the LOlwa new <:.ong: sing unto the and the sheep of hi ... pasture . Lcmn. all the (,~Irth. ... Enter mto his gates With thanksgiving. anti into 2 Sm.~ unto the !.olm. ble~s his name; shew forth hi" courts with praise: be thankful unto him. (lml his salvatIon from dav to dav. ble .. ..; his name . .~ Dedan: hi ... ,glory among"the heathen. his wondl'rs 5 For the LORD is good: his mercy is everlasting; amon~ all people. and his truth {;lldurelh to all generations. -i For the L(Jlm i.\ .~rea t. and greatly to bl' prai:-;L'epeth Israel shall neither ~lllmbl'r nor sleep. 4 BUl there is forgiveness with thee. that thou 50 The L?HD is thy keeper: the LOim is thy shade ma\'est be feared . upon thy nglll hand. . .~ I Walt for the LOim. m\' soul doth wail. and in his word do I hope. . 6 The SUIl shall not smile thee b\' da'- nor the moon bv night. . . 6 :\I\' soul wailt/II for the Lord more than the"­ i Thl' U'.HW shall preserve thee from all evil: he that w;ltch for the morning: I soy. more tholl the}' shall preserve thy sou\. that watch for the morning, X .Th~ LOHD shall preserve thy going out and tllY 7 Let I<;ral'i hope in the LORD: for with the LOIH) is merc\'. and \\'lth him plenteous redemptIOn. commg JI1 from this tunc forth. and even for ever. then is morl'. 8 And he 'shall redeem Israel from all hi~ iniqUities.

P~ALl'Il 114 PSAU! I SO If it had lin/ h(,01 the LOJm who was on OUf side, Praic:e \,e the LOIw. Praise God in his S

P SAU,I 130 lOut of the depths have I cried unto thee. 0 LORD. 2 LOI{J~. hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the vOice of my supplications. 3 If thou. U)!{t), shouldest mark iniquities. 0 LORD. \\'ho shal l stand? Readings Come now. and let us reason together. saith th(' LORO: though your sins be as scarlet. they shall be .J~ \\ hite as snow; though they be red like crimson. the) shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18 Fear thou not: for I am with thee: be not dismayed: for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea. I will help thee: yea. 1 will uphold thee with the right hand of Illy righteousness. Isaiah.p:1O Look unto me. and be ye saved. all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I saia" 45:22 lie hath shewed thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the LoRD require of thee. but to do justly. and to love mercy, and'to walk humbly with thy God? lIIicah 6:8 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. :10 This is a faithful &'1ying, and worthy of all accepta· tion, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. I Timolhy 1:15 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy. and my burden is light. A/al/heu; II :28-30 9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in. he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and fmd pasture. 82 Bible Readings Bible Readings 10 The thid cometh not, but for to steal. and to 3() As It i:> wnlten. For th\' sake wc are hilled all kill. and to destroy: I am come that they might have the day long; \\c are accou'nted as sheep for the life. ;md that they might ha\'e il more abundantly. :>laughter. til am the : the good shepherd 3i Kav. m all these things we are more than c()n­ giveth Ius ltfe for the sheep. John 10:<) II qucrors lhrough Illm that loved us. . 1 Ld not n)ur heart be troubled: ve believe in 3R For I am persuaded. that neither death. nor God. believe also III me. . life. nor angtis. nor prmclpaiities. nor powers. nor 2 In Ill\' Father's house are mam' mansions: if it thlll.l{S present, nor thmgs to come. !are not so. I would have told you. i go to prepare a N i'\or height. nor depth. nor any other creature. place for you. shall Ix: abk· to ~epiJrate us from thc 100'c of (,od. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for YOll, I will \\ luch IS III Chn.;;t Jl!SUS our Lord. Romall;:; ~ :35 ,W come again. and receive you unto myself; that where I am. 111fT( vc mm- be also. ST I U~:-;GTI! FRml GOD -I And wflithcr', go ye know. and the wa:' ye know. 28 IJast thou not known? hast thou not heart! John q:l -I that the everlasting God. the LOIW, the Creator of the 23 But the hour cometh. and now is. when the ends of the earth. fainteth not, neither IS wcary~ true worshippers shall worshIp the Father in spirit Ihere is no scan.:hing of hiS understanding. and in truth: for the Father scckcth such to worship 29 lie givelh power to the falllt; and to them Ihal him. htllf 110 might he Illcreaseth strength. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must 30 Evcll the youths shall fanlt and be \\o.!ary. and worship him LIl spirit and in truth. john 4 :23.:Q the \'OUIl,,! men ~hall utterl\' fall: 11 This i') my commandment. That ye love one .; i l3ut the\' tlwt WiJlt upon the LOlw shall rene\\ another. as I h;n'e loved \'OU. Ihcir str.... ngtll; the\' shall mount up With wmgs 3S 13 Crcater lo\'{; hath no man than this. that a man eagles; the\' shall run. and not be \\'ear~'; allll the\' lay down Iw; lift· [or his friends. john 1'=;:12.1.) shall \\alk"~lIld not famt. haiah 40:2S 3 1 .n Thc~c things I han spoken unto \·ou. that in Tm: PRIZE-\\'!:\:\ER me ye Illight have peace. In the world ~:e shall han! tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome 2·\ K no\\ ye not that the\' which run in a ran.! run the world. joltll '():,U all. hut onc rccciveth the prize? So run. that ~"l' may obtain. I COIilllliialls 9:24. i\ 101m TIIA:'\ COi\Ql: EHOHS 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tnbulatlf)J1. or distress. or persecution. or famine, or nahcdness, or peril. or sword~ Bible Readings Bible Readings 8,- . 25 And eV,cry ma~ that striveth for the mastery 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: [or their's is the IS tem~rate In all thmgs. Now they do it to obtain a kingdom of heaven. corruptIble crown; but we an incorruptible. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be 26 I therefore so run. not as uncertainly; so fight I. comforted. not as one that beateth the air: 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the 27 But I keep under my body. and bring it into earth. subjection: Jest that by any means, when I have 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after preached to others. 1 myself should be a castaway. righteousness: [or they shall be flllcd. I Corin/idons 9:2.J- 27 7 Blessed aTe the merciful: for they shall obtain mercv. TilE PEACE OF GOD 8 Blessed art the pure in heart: for they shall see . ,4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say. Re· God. JOIce. 9 Blcssed are the peacemakers: for they shall be 5 Let your modemtion be known unto all men. The callcd the ch ildren of God. Lord is at hand. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for 6 Be careful for nothing: but in every thing by righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your heaven. requests be made known unto God. 11 Blessed are ye, when 11Ien shall revile vou, and 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all under­ pt!rsecutc yOll, and shall say all manner of evlI against standing, shall keep your hearts and minds through you falsely. [or my sake. Christ Jesus. 12 Hejoice. and be exceeding glad: for great is your 8 Finally. brethren. whatsoevcr things are true, reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets ~vhatsoever things (~re honest, whatsoeyer things aTt which were before you. Just, whatsoever thmgs are pure, whatsoever things IJ Ye are the Salt of the earth: but if the salt art lovely. whatsoever things are of good report; if have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it there be any virtue. and if there be any praise, think on is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out. these things. PhilifJ/>iolls 4:4- 8 and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye arc the . A city that is set TilE BEATITUDES on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle. and put it under I An~ seein~ the multitudes, he went up into a a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light mountam: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: unto all that arc in the house. 16 Let your lighl so shine before men, that they 2 And be opened his mouth, and taught them, may see your good works, and glorify your Father saying. WhICh is in heaven. :1-16 86 Bible Readings Bible Readings P RAYER nor yet for your body. what ye shall put on. Is not S And when tholl praycst. thou shalt not be as the life more than meat, and the body than rai· the hypOCrites (HI": for they love to pray ,>tanding in ment? the synagogues and in the corners of the streets. that 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, the\' mav be !'<.'t.'11 of men. \'crilv I sa\' unto "OU. neither do they reap. nor gather into barns; yet your The\' ha~c th(!ir reward. '. . heavenly Father feedeth them, Are ye not much better 6 'But thou. when thou prayesl. enter into thy than they? clo~l. and when thou hast shut thy door. prm' to 27 Which of you by taking thought can add one thv Father whICh is in secret: and thv Father w']lIch cubit unto his stature? seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider 7 Hut when yc pr

Bible Readings Bible Readings 0, 2 t Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity 12 Saying. Amen: Blessing. and glory. and \\;s­ of naughtiness. and receive with meekness the en­ dom. and thanksgiving:. and honour. and JXlwer. and grafted word. which is able to save your souls. might. be unto our God for ever and eYer. Amen. 22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers \.' And one of the eldus ans\\ered. saying unto only. deceiving your own selves. me. \\"h at arc these \\ hich are arran;d in white 23 For if any be a hearer of the word. and not a robc'i? and whence came the\'? - doer. he is like unto a man beholding his natural face Jl And I said unto him. -Sir. thou knowesl. And in a glass: he !)aid to me. These are the\" w}lich came out of 2-l For he bcholdeth himself. and goeth his way, great trihulation. and have washed tlll'ir robes. and and straightway forgcueth what manner of man he made them white in the blood of the Lamb. wag. 1.; Therefore are the\" before the throne of God. 25 For whoso looketh into the perfect law of lib­ and serve him day and' night in his temple: and he erty. and continucth therein, he being not a forgetful that si tteth on the throne shall dwell among them. hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be 10 They shall hunger no more. neither thirst any blessed in his deed. more; neither shall tile sun light on them. nor ,my 26 If any man among you seem to be religious, heat. and bridlt:th not his tongue, but deceiveth his own 1 i For the Lamb which is in the midst of tI l(' heart. this man's religion /$ vain. throne shall feed them. and shall lead them unto 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the living: fountains of waters: and God shall wipe awa) Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in all tears from their eyes. Ret'elatio'l 7:9- 17 their amiction. and to keep himself unsJXltted from the world. james 1:,6 27

TilE VISION OF TilE FUTURE 9 After this I beheld. and. 10. a great multitude, which no man could number. of all nations, and kindn'ds. and people. and tongues. stO

• Kumb('rs in p:uentll("$('R indicate the nUmiJ('r of the hymn "1 Th~' \Ya)'~id<' ilrlllll;t1, pllhli~hed by Tht, Furward Muv("II\("!ll. 41 l ::i,Lall\Ore Street. Cirlcinn

I n~ed Iliff. 0 I need thee, 3 I need th), presence every passing hour; EI'( ry /tour J 1/fed thee; What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power? o bif:ss me nO/(l, my Saviour, Who. like thyself, my guide and stay can be? J come fo thee.' Through cloud and sunshine. Lord. abide with me. 4 I fear no foe. with thee at hand to bless: 4 I need thee everv hour' Ills have no weight. and tears no bitterness. Teach me thy' will; • Where is deatll's sting? where, grave. thy victory? And lhy rich promises 1 triumph still, if thou abide with me. In me fulfil. 1 IIced l/tee. 0 I need thee. S I loki thou thy cross before my closing eyes: t;eery hour I need thee; Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies: I leaven 's morning breaks, and earth' s vain shadow'i o bless me I/o/C, my Saviour, I come 10 tllce! lice: In life, in death, 0 Lord, abide with me, Amen.

~ I need thee every hour Most 1101y Or1c; • 4. (7) o make me thine indeed. Sun of mv soul. thou Saviour dear, Thou blessed Son! It is not night if thou be near; o ma\' no earth-born cloud arise I need titfe. 0 I need thee, To hide thee from thy servant's eyes. Ern)' hour I nee(llhee; o bless 11It' IIOIf' , my Saviour, 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep I Cume to thee! Amen. 1\ ly weary eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought. how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast . 3. (5) 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; For without thee I cannot live; The darkness deepens: Lord. with me abide: Abide with me when night is nigh, When other helpers fail. and comforts flee, For without thee I dare not die. Help of the helpless. 0 abide with me. Hymns lei 100 Hymns ~ Through the long: night 'T;atches. 4 I f some poor wandering child of thine Have spurned to·dav the voice divine f\.l

S \Yalch b~ the sick: enrich the JX>Of 6 " 'hen the morning wakens, \\ ilh blessings from thy boundless store; Then mav I arise B~ c~~r\' m?urner's sk'Cp lo-night, Pure. and fresh. and sinless LIke \o(<.Iot s slumbers. pure and light. In thy hoh' eyes. An',en, 6 Come near and bless us when we \vake Ere through the world our way we tak~ Till in the Ocean of lhv love • 6. ( 11 ) We lose ourselves in heaven above. Amen. Guide me, 0 thou great Jehovah. 5. (9) Pih;:rim through this barren land. I am w<::ali.. but thou art might\'; Now the day is over Iiolt: OIl: \,,'ith thy powerful l~and. l':ighl is draWing ~igh. Shadows of the evening Sleal across the sky. 2 Open now the cn'stai fountains \\ hence the living waters now; 2 Jesus, give the weary Let the l icr~'. cloudy pillar .~alm and sweet repose; Lead r:lC all my journe... · through. \\ Ith thy tenderest blessing 1\ lay our eyelids close. 3 Feed mc with the heaveniv manna 3 Grant to little children In this harren wildernes's: \'isions bri~hl of thee; Be mv sword. and shield. and banner. Guard the sailors tossing Be'the Lord my Righteousness. On the deep. blue sea. 4 When I tread the verge of Jordan, 4 Comfort every sufferer WatChing late in pain; Bid IllV anxious fears subside: Those who plan some evil Death of death, and hell's destruction, From their sin restrain. Land me safe on Canaan's side. Amen, 102 Hymns Hymns 10',) 7. (16) 8. (17) o little town of , o come, all ye faithful. How still we see thee lie! Joyful and triumphant. Above t·l1 y deep and dreamless sleep o come ye, 0 come \'c to 13cthlehem; The silent stars go by; Con1c aad behold him Yet in thy dark streets sh ineth Born the King of angels; The everlasting Light: o come, let us adore him, The hopes and fears of all the years o come, let us adore him. Are mel in thee to-night. o come, let us adore him. Christ the Lord. 2 For Christ is born of Mary. And gathered all above. While mortals sleep. the angels keep 2 God of God. Their watch of wondering lo\'c. Light of Li~hl, o morning stars, together Lo! lie abhors not the Virgin's womb: Proclaim the hoi v birth! Very God, And praises sing t o" God the King. Begotten. not created; And peace to men on earth. o come, let us adore him. etc, 3 How silenti", how silentlv The wondrous gift is gl~en ! So God imparts to human hearts 3 Sing. of angels, The blessings of his heaven. Sing in exultation, No ear may hear his coming, Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above; )Jut in this world of si n, Glory to God Where mt.'ek souls will receive him, still In the highest: The dear Christ enters in. o come. let us adore him. etc. 4 o hal)' Child of Bethlehem! Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our si:1 and enter in, 4 Yea, Lord. we greet thee. Be born in us to-dav. Born this hapey mo.rning; \\'c hear the Christmus an~els Jesus, to thee be gory gIVen; The great glad tidings tell; 'Word of the Father. o come to us, abide with us, Now in flesh appearing; Our Lord Emmanuel! Amen. o come. \et us adore him, etc. Amen, 104 Hymns Hymns IOS 9. (19) 4 "When through flerv trials thy pathway sh~1l lie. Silent night. holy night. f\.l\' grace. all·suflkient. shall be thy ~upp!y. All is calm. all is bright Tile flame shall not hurt thee; I onl: desl~n Round yon virgin mother and child. Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. lIolv infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace. S "The soul th3t to Jesus hath fled for repose, I will not I will not desert to his foes: 2 Silent night, holy night, That soul. though all het! shall endeavo~. to shake, Shepherd::; quake at the sight. I'll never, no, never, no. never forsake. Amen. Glories ~ t rl'am from heaven afar, IIeavenly hosts sing ; Christ, the Saviour, is born! 11. (29) In the cross of Christ I glory, . 3 Silent night. holy night. TI)\\'erin~ o'er the wrecks of tlme; Son of God, Jove's pure light All the light of sacred story . Hadianl beams from thy holy face, Gathers mund its head subli:ne. \\'ith the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. Amen. 2 When the woes of life o'ertake me. I lopes deceive, and fears annoy, 10. (18) Never shall the cross forsake me: How firm a foundation. ve saints of the Lord, Lo! it glows with peace and joy. Is laid for your faith in his excellent word! 3 \\'hen the sun of bliss is beaming ,rhal more can he say than to VOli he hath said, Light and love upon my wa\', You who unto Jesus ror refuge have fled? From the cross the radiance !'trcaming, 2 "Fear not. J am with thee; 0 be not dismayed! Adds new luster to the day. I. I am thy God. and will still gin thee aid: 4 Bane and blessin~, pain and pleasure. I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to sland, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. Joys that through all time abide, 3 "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow; S In the cross of Christ I glorv, For I will be with thee. thy troubles to bless, Towering o'er the wrecks'of time; And sancti(v to thee thy deepest distress. All the light of sacred story . Gathers round ib head subhme. Amen, 106 Hymns Hymns lOi 12. (30 ) 3 But the pains which I Ie endured. Our salvation have procured; \\"hco I SUfVCV the \'\'ondrous cross Now above the sky IIc's King. On, ,,;hieh till': Prince of glon' died, Where the angels ever sing .. :\J" richest g~m I count but loss. Alleluia! And pour conltmpt on all my pride. <\ Sing we to Ollr God above 2 Fo~bid i,t. Lord. that I should boast. Praise eternal as His love: Save III the uoss of Christ. mv God' Praise lIim all ye heavenly host, All the V

IIail him. the Ilelr of 's line, 4 Judge not the Lord Ly feeble sense, " Whom I )aVld, Lord did call; l3ut trust Hllll for II is grace; The (;od IIlcarnatc! i\ lan divine! Behind a frowning providence And crown him Lord of all ~ l ie hides a smiling face.

4 Yc seed of I<.;raers choscn race, S I lis purposes will ripen fast. Ye ran<.;oml'd of the (;:tIl. l lnfoldll1g every hour; lIali hUll who "m'es you b.'.. his gmce, The bud may have a bitter taste, And crown lum Lord of all! But sweet" will be the nower.

5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err. Thc wormwood and the gall. And scan I I is work in vain: Go, spread your trophies at his feet. God is lI is own interpreter. And crown him Lord of all! And Ill' will make it plain. Amen. 114 Ilvmns Hymns 22. ( 15) 2 Other refuge have I none. Hangs my helpless soul on thee; Rock of age~. ddt for me, Leave. ah! leave me not alone. Ld Ill!' hide mn;clf in thee: Still support and comfort me! Let the \\atl,;[ ilild the blood All my trust on thee is staved; From thy sIde. a healing i100d. AII -m\' help from thee I "bring; Lie of :;.i ri the double cui·c. Cover Ill\' defenceless hcad Save from wrath. and ma:,e me pure. With the shadow of thy wing.

Plenteous grace with thee is fou~d. 2 Should illY tears for cv~r lIow. Grace to cleanse from every sm; Should 111\' zeal no languor know. Let the healing streams abound, All for Sill could not atone, l\lake and keep me pure within. Thou must save, and thou alone: T hou of life the fountain art. I II Ill\' lwnti no price I hrill~, Frech' let me take of thee: Simply to Uw cross I cling. Sprin~ thou up within my heart. Hise to all etcrnit~,. Amen. 3 \\'Iule I draw this fleeting breath. Wht.!11 mine crelids close in death, 24. (48) When I risc t'O worlds unknown. o Love that wilt not let me go, And behold thee on thy throne, I rest mv wean' soul in thee: Rock of ages, cleft for'me. 1 give thee ba..:l~ thc hfe I owc, Let me hide myself in thee. Amen. That III thmc ocean depths its flow i\ lay richer, full er be. n Light that followest all my way, 23. (4 7) I vicki m\' flickering torch to thec: '\Iv 'heart rcston.;s Its borrowed ra\'. Jesus. Lover of Ill\' soul. Let me to til\' Ilosom nv. Tliat in th ... sunshine's blaze its day While the nearer waters roll. i\lay brighter. fairer be. While the tempest still IS high: ,) () Jo\' that scekest me through pain. I hell' Ille, 0 Illy Saviour. hide. I cannot dose my heart to thcc Till the storm of life be past: t trace thc rainbow through thc ram. Safe into the haven guide. And feel is not vain o receive m\, soul at last~ T hat morn shall learless he. 116 Hymns Hymns 1 Ii -t 0 em"" that Iiftl'.;,l up mv head, 26. (54) I dare nol a'Sk to II~' [rom thee: For all the samB who from their labors rcst. 11m' 111 dust life',; .~Iory dead. Who Thee b\" fatth before the world confcs:-ed. And from the ~rollnd there blossoms red Life that shall cndlc:,;s be. Amen. Th\" name. 0 Jesus. Ix! forcver ble..;1. Alleluia! .\lldul:I'

1 Thou W. and tllcLr 25. (51) :\llght: There's t: voice the waters heard And hushed their raging at Th~' word, 28. (60) Who walked'St on the foaming dcep, And (a1m amidst lb rage dld'>t sleep: Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult hear us whl'n we en' to Thee Of our life's wild. rc:-.tless sca, o For those III penl on the sea! Da\' bv day Ills SWCCl voice soundcth. Saying, ;'Chnstlan, follow i\le." J ;" 105t Ilnl\' Spint! who didst brood l'POI1 the' chaos dark and rude. 1 As of old. Saint Andrew heard it And bid its angry tumult ccase, By the Calikan lake, And gIve. for wild confusion. peace; T urilcd from home, and toil. and kmdred, hear liS whel1 we cry to Thee Leaving all for I IJ" dear sake. o For Ih os<.' in peril on the sea ! Hymns r 2 I 120 Hymns 2 0 beautiful for pilgrim feet • .J 0 Trtnit~· of love and power \\"hose stern. impassioned stress Our brethren slueld III danger's hour: A thoroughfare for freedom beat From rock and tempest. fire and foc, Across the wilderness! ProtL"Ct them wheresoe'er the\' go; America! America! Thus evermore shall risc to' Thee God mend thine every flaw. Glad hymns of prai~ from land and sea. Amen. Confirm Ul\" soul in self control, Tin' hbert v in law, 30. (631 No\\' thank we all our God, 3 0 beautiful for heroes proved \\"lth heart. and hands, and voices! In liberating strife, Who wondrous things hath done, Who more than self their countn' loved. III wilom Il is world rejoices: And mercy more than life! ., Who from our mother's arms America! America! II

31. (65) 32. (68) o beautiful for spacious skies. God bless our native land; For amber waves of grain, Firm rna\' she ever stand For purple mountain majesties Through storm and night: Above the frUited plain! When the wild tempests rave, America! America! Ruler of wind and wave, God llhcd lIis grace on thee, Do Thou our country save And crown thy good with brotherhood By Thy great might. From sea to shining sea. 1 22 Hymns Hymns 123 2 For her our prayers shall risc 3 Let music swell the breeze. To Cod abovc tilt" .. kies: And rmg from all the trees On 111111 \\1; wait: Swcct fre edom's song: Thou who art cver IlIgh. Let mortal tongues awake, Guardm.\( with watchful eye. Let all that breathe partake, To Thee aloud we LrV. L

3 Our fathi.'r~' Cod, to Thee, 4 Our fathers' God, to thee, Author of liberh', Author of liberty, To Thi.'e wc sing: To thee we Si;lg; Long may our land be bright Long may our land be bright \Y ith freedom 's holy light; With freedom's holy light: Protect us by Thy might, Protect us by thy might, Great Cod, our Kmg. Amen. Great God, our King. Amell.

34. (71) 33. (68) Once to even' mall and nation l\ 1\ countr\'. 'lIs of thee, Comes the' moment to decide, S\Vee l land" of !tbert \', In the strife of truth with falsehood, Of thee I sin~: . For the good or cvil side; Land wherc my fathers died, Some great causc, God's ncw :\lessiah, Land of the pilgrims' pride, Offering each the bloom or blight. From even- mountamsidc And the choice goes by for c\-cr Let fn.'i.,dolll ring. 'TWixt that darkness and that light. 2 Then to side with truth is noble. 2 l\ 1\' native countrv. thee. \\" hen we share her \\Tetcht.'d crust, Land of thc noble' free, Ere hcr cau"i(: bring fame and proht. 'I'll\' name I love; And 'tis prospcrous to oc Just: I lov~ thy rocks and rills, Then it is tbe brave man chooses. Thy woods and templed hills; \\'hlie the coward stands aside M y heart with rapture thrills TIll the multitude make Vlrtuc Like that aoovc. or the faith they had denied. 124 Hymns Hymns I 25 .) By the light of burning martyrs 3 Though with a scornful wonder Jesus' blccdin.c: fl·Cl I track, ). len see her sore opprest. Toilin,C: up new Calvaries l'\Tr B\" schisms rent asunder, \\",tll lhc cross thallurns not back: ' l:h heresl\!s dlslrest: l'\cw occa"iol1'l teach new duli(!:'). Y ct ~"'lnts their watch are keeping. Time makes ancicnt good uncouth; T hclr cry .~ocs up, " !Iow long?" The\" must upward "'till and onward. And soon the mght of weepmg \\'ho \\'Oulct keep ahn:<1st of truth. Shall be the Illorn of song. -l Though the cause of evil prosper, 4 'l\ilci toil and tribulation. Yet 'li'l truth alone io,; strong; And tUlllult of her war, Though her portion he the ~caf[old, She walts the consummation And upon the throne be wrong. Of peace for evermore; Yd that scaffold ,>\Vavs the future, Till \\lth the \'lsion glorious And, behind the diin unknown, I kr longing eyes arc hlest. Standeth God within the shadow And the great Church victorious Keeping watdl above his own. Amen. Shall be the Church at rest. 35. (7·1) 5 Yet ,>he on earth hath union \\"lth Cod the Three in One. The Church's one foundation And 1l1\'stic sweet commumon Is Jeslls Christ her Lord; \\"ith those whose rest IS won. She is his new crcallon h;IPPY ones anel hoi ~ By water and the word: o y From heaven he came and sought her Lord. "~I ve us grace that we Like thelll. the meek and lowk To be his holy bride: On high m,l.\' dwell With thc·c. Amell. \\,til his own biood he bought her. And for her life he dil:d. 36. (751 2 Elect from even' nation. Gloriolls thin.!.!" of thee arc spoken. Yet one o'er all the earth. ~I()n. CIl\" of our Cod: I Icr charter of sah'ation. l ie \\"ho~c word cannot be broken. One Lord. one faith. one birth; Fnrmeci thec for his 0\\'11 abode; One holv l'\amc she blesses. On t!w I~ock of .\gcs founded, Partakes one hoi v food. \\ hat Gill shake til\' sure rcp0'>c? And to one hope 511e presses. With salvation 's \\'all~ s.urrounded. \\"ith every grace endued. T hou may":,;t smile at all thy foes. 126 Hymns Hymns ] 27 2 Sec. the streams of living waters " People and realms of every tongue Springing from eternal love. Dwell on his love with swcde<;,t song: \Yell supply thy sons and daughters, And mfant voices shall proclaim And all fcar of want remon. Tlh.:ir early blessings on his ~ame. \\"ho can fallll, when such a river .. Ble,;sings abound where'er he reigns; Ever will their thirst assuage? The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, Grace WhiCh, like the Lord. the giver, The weary fmd eternal rest, Never falls from age to age. And all the sons of want are blest. 3 Round each habitation hovering. Sec the cloud and fire appear .:; Let every creature rise and bring For a glory and a covering, Pccuhar honors to our Kmg: Showing that the Lord is near. Angels descend with songs again. Thus dLriving from their banner, And earth n.:pcat the loud Amen. Light hy I11ght, and shade by day. Safe they ked upon the mann;l, 38. (79) Which he gl\'l'S them ,\hen they pray. Hi<;e up. 0 men of God! 4 Bkst lIlhabltants of Sion, lIave done with lesser things. Give heart, and sou\, and mind. and strength \\".lakcs them kings and P'[Il'-.ts to God 2 R]~ up. 0 men of God! 'TIS hiS love hiS peop!t.: J"

-l Crowns and thrones may perish. (82) 40. KlIlgdoms rise and wane. Onward, Christian soldiers But the Church of Jesus ~ larching as to war. Constant will remain: \\" ltll the cross of Jesus (;ates of hell can never GOlllg on before! 'Gainst that Church prevail: Chnst the rova\ f'.. taster, We have Christ's own prOinisc. Leads agai;lst the foe; And that cannot fail. Forward mto battle. Onward. etc. Sec, Ius banners go. Onward. Christian soldiers. ,:; Onward. ther.. yc people! I\ larching as to war. Join our happy t hron~! With the cross of Jesus Blend with ours your vOices Going on before! In thc triumph song~ Clory. laud. and honor. 2 At the sign of triumph Cnto Christ the King; 's host doth flee; This through countless ages On. then. Christian soldiers. 1\ len and angels sing. On to victory! Onward . etc. Amcn. 130 Hymns Hymns 13 1 41. (83) 42. (85) Stand up. stand up. fC)f JrSllS. Be still. my soul: the Lord is on thy side; Ye soldiers of the cro~s~ Bear patiently the cross of grief or p"\in: Lift high his rond bannl'r! Leave to thy God to order and provide: It must not suITer loss: In every change he faithful will remain. From v ictorY unto victory Be still. my soul: thy best. thy heavenly Friend His army' shall he k 0 God. our help in ages past. grace shall deal; .. - . . Our hope for years to come. Let the Jlero. born of woman. crush the serpent l3e thou our guide while life shall last with llis heel. And our eternal home. Amen. Since God is marching 011. (Refrain) 134 Hymns Hymns 135 -l l ie has sounded forth Jlis trumpet that shall never .:; Thou spread'st a table in my sight: call retreat; Th" unction grace be::.towcth: l ie IS sifting out the hearts of men before I-lis And b what transport of delight Judgment-scat; From Thy pure flowcth! o be swifl. my soul, to answer lInn: be Jubilant. my feet! 6 And so through all the length of days, Our God IS marching on. (RtJrain) Th" goodn..::-;s faileth n~\'cr; 5 In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born. across GOO(!" Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise the sea, Within Thy house for ever. Am~n. \\"ith a glory in I lis bosom that transfigures you

46. (57) The King of love my Shepherd is. Whose goodness fadcth neyer: I nothing lack if I am Ilis. And lie is mine for ever.

1 Where streams of liVing water flow 1\1)" ransollled soul lie leadeth. And where the verdant pastures grow, With food (dcstial fccdcth . .) I 'cr\,u-;c and foolish oft I stra\"(,x.l, ilut yet III love lIe sought me. And on lIis shoulder gently laid. And home, rejoicing. brought me. o! In death's dark vale I fear no ill With Thee. dear Lord. beside me; Thy rod and staff my comfort still. Thy Cross before to gUIde mc. Index o f H ymns

'\'urul)!'r" in pan·nth,"". imlkatl." th(' nn11l1)('r~ of till' 11)"11111 11 TIll' \\;,y~i,h' IlyUlnal, l'uhli.l ...d hy Tht' FnrW,lnl \I"n,,, ... nl, I irwinn;lli !, (lhi".


;) \hide "ith lilt': Lt~1 tall~ the p\"(~lilide .. kknow!cdg:mcnt is d ue the porward J\lon.'llll'llt 'II (I,l) \lIl"dl tl\l' power of Je~us ;\ame 11'" ! Puhlicatlons, ·Il~ Sycamore Street. Cmcinnati. l! (Ii:;) II<- ~lill, my ~"ul: tIle Lord i~ 011 thy side 131 Ohio. who have kindl}: granted pernllssion to indudl:' Iii (II) IIk,.1 I". lh,' til" II,at hinds 110 !'I (I,!) Elt'rn,,l F,,\Ilt'r! ~lnl11" to ~a\'l: 11') 111 this volume the follo\\1I1g: 13aptlsm in Extremis from" l\ lanual For ServKTll1cn ", A form of Confession ~IJ (.:;·0 For ,tilth" ~;d11l~, Ilh" frum their labors. 117 1(, (i ,<;) (;I()riolls Illil1;:~ (If th,'(' an: spokl'n Il" from "Be of Good Chen ", prayl'r For a Day of 12 (hll) (;1111 hll"~ "ur Il;ltin' 1;(Ild 121 Hattlc from "God Be \\'Itll You ", pran:rs por Our , I (I I) (;,,11 IIIOI',·~ III a 1tty~l('ri()u~ way 11.1 Arml'd Forces and For Chaplain:-; in- the Armed (, (II) ( . \1id(' ""', () rl",u "n'at J,'h'''';\h 101 Forces from " l'rayers for All Occasions ", prayers 17 (,IIi) 1I"ly, lIoly, 11<,ly' l.ord (;"J \lmighlY J(I') For A Will to Peace, For the Bcn:aved, For the III (Iii) 110" I,nll a f"und,ni"n 101 l'nited :-.JaUoH", For Courage, For our Enemies from 'j ("1 I 10\"1' Thy kin,,(hm, Lord 1" "War-Tullc (>ra\'er5". The services of I lolv Com­ H) ( 111'\'d Th,'(' "\"t'ry hour ~) 7 II 12") In Ill!' l'T"~~ 01 Chri.t (~I"ry lOS munion and T he J\ lmistration of lIoly Baptism are 'II (M) J,·.tI~ <".,ll~ lL~: o'"r tIll' tumult II' taken from The . II (II) J"~u~ <:hri~1 h ri",'11 1,)1"iay lilt, (17) JI'~II~, L"I'("r "I my ~"1I1 114 \ in) JI:,.II" ,h,0I1 r,·i;:11 wlll'Tt'pr tlw ~un IU, 1 (, ,!II) Ju"t ,I' I a111, without olW pk,~ 11)11 \1 i n,' I'y(·~ h,ll'I' ~""n t h,' glo,ry "\ thl." coming ~,f tlw " I~,~ Ijj (oS) \\y (ountry. li~ "f the.. 112 1'1 (iJ) \1)" I"ilh I.. ()k~ U!) t" The" III II) Ifd) '>;'''1 th,!Ilk w,' ;til "ur (;"d IlfJ ,<; ('I) '>;('" Ih" d,,~ is

PU~E ;1, '0) o \1a~tl'r, kt tnt' \\:Ilk with Th"l' In III o ~;\\'inR \'ictitn, opt'ning wirt.­ 'H ,I) On("(' tn ('vl'ry 111;111 01."1') n.ltioll 123 Index of Prayers ";0 (1m ()nw;\nl, ('hri~li1 llil' ( "u'lIry. ,\Ii ill ~"II'il'1' of ( "II rag", I, ,or il"p,,!t,'d, 1'0,,. (llll' !h 111-:, F",. tl,,· I, III '!lI\'~, I" ,r , ur I, ll,-tin}: (hun II, \Ul('!\ I, :ity, Fllr 1"1', "or (;r.I\'" lu II. II', F .. r iy ( ""'IILIII1I<'II, h'r I! ~"I1't, j."r (,uid.tllf" "f the II ,. h, Th,,~, at J li'I' ;H~(II'!n'd,uII, 1-,,1' I ,h', '-PI' thl.'

I. '~-llty, I· or ~I "ilW ("lp~, For lit(' ~1, lltal lJad;nl's~, h.r Tllo~e in \II""Y, "or ~1, r, hanl .\larinl', Fur tb(' ~!"'1)illg, I n tilt, :"1"lIrn, For Thus\' \\"ho Index of Prayers PAG !!: :-': \\',,)\<1 1"·.11..... ]'"r 6 1 \\"ll11