.ail oman Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa CittJ

10 ceota a COW Aaociated Prell Leued Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, la.-Tuesday, January 24, 1. Mao Calls Army Int~ Action To Help Put Down Rebellion Anti-Mao Unit Formed, ~~~~~~T2Y~~}~~t~!~~ leadership was reported to have caUed the Paoling, 80 miles southwest of the Red army into action for the first time to Chinese capital. stamp out growing rebellion. AI a first aet, In an effort to divest President Liu Shao- soldiers were said to have seized control chi and his anti-Mao backers of any sem- of FBngshan, a rebellious luburb of Pe- blance of control In Peking, other 'wall TWIGS AND BRANCHES from an onrhanglng trH frame for thl, lone fisherman In king. posters announced creation of a revolu- the Iowa River Monday. Temperature. In the middle fifties melted the rlnr', Ice and But Japanese press reports laid wall lionary city government of workers, pea· posters told of "reactionaries" assembling santa, soldiers, students and teachers in lint ice floes downstream. The open w.ters m.de It pollible for the fish to surface 60,000 in Manchuria to fight pro-Mao forces the capital. '"d. The fisherm.n ••id the fish were biting. - Photo by M.rlln L.vlson converging on the Manchurian industrial Japanese correspondenta laid wall post· city of Changchun. These accounts said 40 ers announced that Premier Chou En-lal in Maoists were injured in clashes witl! work­ an address at a rally announced the call­ ers and students in Changchun. ing up of the army to luppress oppoSition Chinese arriving in Hong Kong from to Mao's proletarian cultural revolution, Canton said Mao's opponents were collect­ as the current purge in Red China's power High CourtVotes ing weapons and forming an army of pea­ struggle is ealled. sants and workers in Kwangtung Province, following reports of the success of a simi· Bulletins by .the militant teenage Red lar army in neighboring Kiangsl Province, Guards sald soldiers then moved into Fangshan and seized control of the Com· W.. k.nd CI.1htt munist party's county headquarters and Wall posters sald clashes occurred in the security bureau. There had been earli­ Loyalty Law Out Fangshan over the weekend and in Tient- er reports that Mao supporters had been WASHINGTON' (A'I - The Supreme Court ation or freedom of belief guaranteed by arrested by security headquarters in Fang­ ruled Monday New York State may not fire the First Amendment to the U.S. Consti­ 1UI III tt !tllllUllIl lIl"lHlI lll llIll llIU~1WI1II 11 UnI .... "I'IIIt;ii""'''''.. shan. There was no way of checking the ac· public school teachers - or any other tution. Parts of the teacher-loyalty pro­ STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA at Lo. Ang.l .. m.rched aero .. clvll servants - solely because they are gram, known as the Feinberg Law, were curacy of this report, or of other reports the eampul Monday onto tho office of Ch.ncellor Fr.nklln D. Murphy to protest the members of the Communist party. struck down also as unconstitutionally Tax Hike Asked of spreading opposition to Mao throughout The &-4 decision described the state's vague. the countryside. firing I." week by the BOlrd of Regent, of the Unlv.rslty'. prllldtnt, CI.rk K.rr. scheme for barring subversives from the In their final pubUc session before Feb. Primitive W.. "n' Befor. the mlrch they h.d .Hended • r.lly In P.uley Pavilion whir' UCLA', b.,klt­ I school system as "a highly efficient terror 13, the justice also: To Increase China watchers in Hong Kong said, how­ b.1I ,I"'" .ra pl.yed. - AP Wirephoto mechanism" and a menace to academic • Unanimously set aside the murder ever, that the "army" supposedly being freedom . convictions of two Georgia Negroes who formed against Mao In the southern pro­ The ruling dealt a fatal blow to New claimed racial discrimination in the se­ Social Security vince of Kwanglung probably was no more York's entire teacher-loyalily program and lection of juries in theirl county. than a group armed with clubs and wea· the state's 1939 civil service law provi­ • Refused again to review baseball's WASHINGTON WI - I"l'IIldtnt JohnlOn pons fashioned from farm and factory sion which made membership in the immunity from anti-trust law. proposed Monday the blgg." Incre... In tools. Social Security btntfIt. In 30 yoars. Ho Kerr's Dismisso'/ Communist party sufficient ground to fire • Ordered the U.S. Circuit Court in St. A broadcast by the New China News - or not hire - a public employe. Louis, Mo., to hear an Arkansas Negro's .ald It would take 1.4 ",II lion older Amort· Agency contended the anti-Mao facUon is They were declared unconstitulional claim that the death penalty is adminis­ c.n. out of pov.rty thl. ye.r. approaching "complete collapse under the largely as violations of freedom of associ- tered disproportionately to Negroes con­ But the Pr"ldent'l proposal" Itnt to furious Impaet of the great proletarian victed of raping while women. . Congress In • special "",.. g., Include In· revolution. " • Ruled 8 to 1 that Isaac Sims Jr., a crt.... In Socl.1 Security tlX" th.t would On the other hand, the official Peking Causes Protests Georgia Negro sentenced to death in the doubl. by 1974 the .mount deducted from People's Daily said that despite "hurri­ p.ychecks. BERKELEY, Calif. (II - University oC ments and demonstrate that we regard Rebels Free ~ape of a white woman, is enliUed to a canes of stormy class struggle," Liu and Currently, SocI.1 Security till", hlclud. his S\lpporters are at.lll in positions of California Berkeley campus Chancellor this liS a most serious threat \.0_ our way hearing before a state court judge on of liCe; and that we will fight against this whether his alleged confession was I", "" " ot.4 III' cent .f power. Roger Heyns llppealed to students and coerced. Income up to $6,6CIO • ytar, for In .nnuII "Power and more power!" the news­ teachers Monday to remrun calm over the intrusion with all the forces at our com­ U.S: Hostages • Decided by various votes in three tot. I of $290.40 for an Indlvldu.1 rec.lvl", paper exclaimed, is needed to suppress firing of Persident Clark Kerr. But his mand." Texas cases that criminal defendants are th.t much p.y. those who "attacked, persecuted and sup­ scholarly urging went unheeded. In his appeal, Reyns said: not denied a fair trial when the jury, be­ JohnlOn propo ..s thlt the tlX.bl. ba.. pressed" Maoists. As Heyns spoke, student leaders contin­ "The prerequisite for the progress Berke­ fore deciding guilt or innocence, is told ba r.lsed ntlCt y.ar to $7,800, which would Wall posters sald Chen Po-ta, purge ued preparations (or demonstralions and ley has experienced is independence to In Nicaragua the defendants are habitual offenders. 11ft the mlllirnum tax to $343.20. The tax chairman, and his deputy, Mao's wife, meetings to protest Kerr's dismissal Fri­ deal with our problems in ways appropri­ • Left standing a Taft-Hartley injunction ,.t., which h.d betn .cheduled to climb Kang Ching, had ordered the establishment day by a 14 to 8 vote by the board of re­ ate to an academic community." MANAGUA, Nicaragua (A'I - Foes of that force 2,100 striking workers to return to U per cent In 1"9, would eo In ....d to of the revolutionary city government for gents. Heyns, wbo campus speculators say is a the Somoza regime ended their 24·hour 5 per cent, for • maximum of $390.00. Theodore R. Meyer, regents chairman, possible successor to Kerr, said, "the \lre­ rebelUon Monday night in the face of to their jobs at an Indiana defense plant, Peking, badly crippled since the purge The Union Carbide Co. at Kokomo. of Mayor Peng Chen. said Monday Kerr was asked to resign be­ servation of that freedom remains the goal p.m. government guns and freed 20 North fore he was fired . He said Kerr's handling of this administration. American hostages held in the Gran Ho· of the Berkeley demonstrations and his "Its responsible use by Berkeley's facul· p.m. tel, informants said. threat to quit in 1965 adversely a!!ected ly and students will ensure the continued The opposition elements, said to num­ Kerr's status with the regents. progress that was President Kerr's part­ ber about 400 men, agreed to come out ing wish for us," he said. Baker Testifies He Was Reprimanded F•• r Gr.nt LOI'" of the hotel that had been surrounded by , Some faculty officials voiced fear that B.rkoley PI.n, R.lly tanks and National Guard troops, the the firing will cost U.C. some grants, The Berkeley campus was relatively sources said. Teaching assistants said they must answer quiet Monday morning as classes opened. The rioting that erupted Sunday night the regents' action ". . . in the strongest But tension was evident there and on most after a political rally left 21 dead, offic­ By lolmson For 1960 'Moonlighting' manner . . . We must go beyond state- of the eight other U.C. campuses. The uni· ials said. Three of those killed were Na­ versity system - the largest in the United tional Guard troops. Officials said the WASHINGTON \WI - Bobby Baker testi­ Texas and majority leader of the Senate. Kerr died Jan. 1, 1963, after suffering a States -has 87,000 students and more than Dumber wounded in the rioting totaled fied Monday he was "reptimanded and Baker did not use Johnson's name, saying heart attack. 6,000 teachers. more than 100 and that all the dead and only "the majority leader in 1960." Dan McIntosh, Berkeley stUdent presi· cautioned" by then Sen. Lyndon B. John­ The arrangement with Bromley involved wounded were Nicaraguans. son in 1960 not to practice law wbile in Ttllrd C.y On St.nd Hoover Says FBI dent, called a special meeting of the asao­ Demonstrators wanted to delay next his government position. some $24,500 in fees paid by five firms in ciated students to discuss Kerr's dismissal On the stand for the third day in his and Gov. Ronald Reagan's proposed tuition month's presidential election and sought "I was in essence moonlighting or sun­ trial on charges of income tax evasion, 1963-64. The checks were sent to Bromley, guarantees for a fair election. charge and education budget cuts, which downing, whatever you call it," Baker told fraud and conspiracy, Baker told of ar· a member of the District of Columbia bar. Is Able To Cope Kerr strongly opposed. The rioters barricaded themselves in rangements to associate himself with an­ Baker laid he was not licensed to practice the Gran Hotel and seized 40 hostages, a U.S. District Court jury. He added "I Regents were discussing Reagan's pro­ was doing it contrary to instructions" from other man, a member of the District of In the district and "I always associated 20 of them Americans. Informants said Columbia bar, "in my transactions." posals Friday when they suddenly tabled the hostages were unharmed and that Johnson. myself with a member of the district bar With Soviet Spies the issues {or one month and voted Kerr the rebellion ended when the rioters ac­ Baker then was secretary to the Senate The government's charges involve the in my transactions." out of his $45,000 post. cepted guarantees offered by the gov­ Democratic majority and Johnson, now alleged payment of fees by varlou8 firma Also, Baker laid at another point he WASHINGTON (.4'1 - FBI Director J. The associated students have reserved ernment. President, was a Democratic senator from to Baker through checks made to Wayne was not IUPposed to practice law while Edgar Hoover told a Senate committee the steps of Sproul Hall - the administra­ L. Bromley, a former close friend and he was in 1I0vernment service, adding that, Monday that Soviet spies operate actively tion building - for a noon rally today and associate of Baker. "My boas, the majority leader, had se­ from diplomatic missions . But he said called for an all·day "silent vigil" on be· The government charges also that Bak­ verely admonished me," not to do so. I Soviet consulates in this country would half of Kerr. er kept about $80,000 of some $100,000 present no problem his men are Incap­ Baker said he reported the 1963-1964 fees able of handling. raised by California savings and loan ex­ on his income lax returns, and so did ecutives (or political campaillls in 1962. Bromley. Baker said he did not willfully Secretary of State Dean Rusk agreed Baker testified last week that he trans­ attempt to evade any taxes in those years. the FBI "can cope with a few more" 150 In Assembly ferred the money. in cash in brown manila Communist diplomatic missions even if envelopes, to the late Sen. Robert S. Kerr, espionage agents are assigned to a con­ o ed brought in orne of tbe best profe sor Reagan's proposal to trim the budgeu in the nation. The University of Cali­ Reader says./highbrow' of California"s univer jtie and col­ fornia is one of the nation's leading " . Ieget. schools. It must be made clear that the What did Reagan expect from Kerr Board of Regents did vote to fire Kerr when the governor proposed to re­ riot always enioyable 14-8, Reagan voting with th majority. duce funds? Acquiescence? No uni· r. TM Editor: Beethoven and studying and Stravinaklllld But It is also known that the governor versity preSident is going to m leI I've heard the 'Top 40' attacked in The Culture and Chopin. . . . ,. c wu quite intent on removing K rr, accept such a ridiculous propo al Daily Iowan In all sorll of scholarly and And lItat's when those "sounds" whld! and no board is immune from the wh n more and more students are elaborate styles, and now Mr. Koebler, Mr. Koehler cannot tolerate are Indeapea. sible lo me. c pressure of Ii governor. clamoring to get in the univ rsity's program assistant at WSUI, has presented The di mis al oC Kerr will undoubt· doors. the SUbstance of aU that innated verbosilY Well. you just lead on. WSUl . and maybe In one word - "trash." The 'Top 40' is I'll !lsten to you now and then. Bul III­ .. u edIy set back the schools in California. Kerr's successor is going to face a uaJly I'll get my (ill 01 education for Ihe trash, he says, and so must be excluded 8 Kerr and his educational writings are political hot·be(l. That's wbat created day long before that. and listen to 10IIII 011 from WSUl'. "unashamedly high·brow and known and admired by many col­ this mess, and with Reagan trying to records instead. or a jukebox. or go 10 • cul\ural" broadcasts. Well, so he cannot dance , or engage in some other sueD pri­ lege preSidents and administrators. run the show, that 1cind of m S5 will tolerate rock and roll: in the lime way mitive activity. You may make it diffi· He is high] re pected. undoubtcdly persi t. cult for us to enjoy ourselves (in our 0l1li lhere are times when [ limply cannot little pagan ways) as we "strive for ex· Just how poorly did Kerr handle It's a bad scene, ACTORI -_~~..c. ;.. ~. :,. tolerate any more culture. --- " .. ... ' ~ .. cellence." but you'U not make it impoui. ,-r.~,...... ;.~ ...... , ... ' ... ,>.. ': Some people may be perfectly content ble. ':' ..... ~ :~ .... :.... ' ..·.:1 .:!..' ; ~':. to exist in a .hell which excludes all that J'rry Fr•• man, A' ·i:· .... ,'.: '." ~ .. Sunrl •• Mobil. Ct. .' which i n·t presently accepted as refJned Patch the potholes .' .::.~ ... '. .. . .' '. .. ". 4 . :'. .... -- " and .ufficiently cultured. That's their For about nine months now, the Some of the potholes spotted :. ~ .. ," .:.' :: privileee, but isn't it a bit presumptuous to railroad crossings in Iowa City have around the crossings are large enough ,.'.. . -:. assume that [ will be better orf in there with them? I'm not in now, and [ never Today been deteriorating from terrible to to sink a basketball into. It is no long. .. " ., '0 - intend to be. abominable. When is om one going r a matter of being dangerous for ...... Koehler's statement that "~ople who on WSU I to fix them? Probllbl only wh n the autos to ero . The cro' ing are so \ .. , " like this bad music are addicted to It" is mayor's car breaks down from cros­ rough that an unaware driver could a piece of nonsense. I like Bach too, and I • If you cannot be there yourself. JOII certainly couldn't stand to listen to the may rely on WSUI and KSUI,FM to trans­ ing them. easily ]0 e control of his car. Beatles any "24 hours a day." But there mit tonight 'S concert by the Unversil! Last summer the city council warn· H the city believ..!s that fillin the are times when [ get so sick of books and Symphony Orchestra. At 8 p.m.. coo­ ductor James Dixon will begin a pro­ ed the railroad companies that if the potholes in th winter would be lISC­ gram that will include La Mer by De­ ero ings wer not repaired. tile city les becaus they would only reappear Iowan Cartoonist bussy, the "HaHner" Symphony (No. 351 would repair them and charge the in spring. then they had bett r look TodIY'. II tho first of many car· by Mozart and the Khachaturian Violin railroads. So far, n6ith r the railroad a 'ain. Th cros Ing ar both obnoxi­ toon. thlt will be contrlbvt" by D.ity Concerto. Charles Treger is tonight'l soloist, companies nor the cit has done any­ ous and dangerous now. Wh wait? lowln Clrtoonllt T.m Mllldm.tI, Al, Cecllr Rapid•• H. will .mpha.lI. clm· • A partial preview of tonight's "live" thing. Editorials by Nic Gocrc3 pus IHlln, Intersplcecl with city, Itlt., concerl will be offered in recorded form .,' national Ind int.rnatlotlll aHalrl. at 11 a.m. until noon when the hour wiU include a performance o{ La Mer. AlliO included : the Schubert String Quartet No. University Bulletin Board Letters Policy 13 in A Minor played by the well known Juilliard Quartet. UIII"'"lty lull.tlll 10.. 11 notlc.. mu't be r.c.I¥" It Til. D.lly 10w.1I offlc., 201 C_ L...... te "It "Itor a,.. w.lcomtd. ",Ulcttton. C.llt.r. lIy nOOIl Of th. .'Y befOre ,u'"cttl~. 'hey must be tvpect .ncf • Recorded mu ic throughout the af· tit".. lIy '" .clvl .., 0, offlc.r • hh. o,•• mutlon INIII' pubflcll.lI. I'u,tly socl.1 tuncI,on. All letters mUlt be lilned. should b. .,. lief ....1 .... for .hl. _.10tI. typed .nd doubl. ",ICed. L.tton shoulcl ternoon. from 1 to 4: 30 p.m. will include not be over 500 words; Ihorter letters Knoxville - Summer of 1915 by Barber, THI 'H.D. 'I'ANIIH ex.mlnatton will br nut .nd Industrial Placrm~nL urrtce. 102 Old 'High Today In Th. Mid-SOs a Paganin i violin concerto and the Sym· ,Iven Feb, • trom 8:30 tel 8:30 p.m. In I U.. "I.1 Bulldln •. Cor .nl",•• nd trr.nu.~ .Iu· ar. approc:l.tecI. TlIo "It or ,.... rv •• Sch.. ller B.lL Candldal.. mould • .,n 'n d"nb ,with lhe ".""ptlon Of .n"lneerll ., .d· phony of a Thousand WlII llal ...... ter off. still no answer but more curses: his normal. intelligent. thinking studenls. IMMIOIATI alOIlTIIAflOtt at tbO Bull- ~II.Y: 11 :30 • . &. ~ 7:30 p.m. Sunday. that University studenl . no matler what aoo Of course we have spy agencies : what their field of study. are capable of rea· companion laughed gaily at each obsen· is accorded the same privileges ' 8nd re­ country doesn't? It is essential for our son. In thelr various channels o{ aca· ily. but said nothing. I gave up and left. spect. I am sickened. weUbeing and nalional defense and se· demic and ocial preparation, wouldn't This sort of scene is not uncommon. J.an D. Taylor. A2 curity which is of utmost importance, but college studen inevitably acquire the A k anyone who ever publicly dissented 130 E. Jefferson St. 111~ 1)aily Iowan 1 don·t see litem lIicketUng the Communists which are present on the campus when facility o{ rational thought and its appli· caUon? No. lItere has been failure some· Til. lJdiltt l0W4n U wrlttBn and .du.d by "Uli.nU and I.t g~ by II board of fw. they have thelr little recruiting se ions where, because it is quite evident to me ~\VERSI1Y O~ "wUnl tnut.. , _l.t.1ed by tn. "utUnt body and four tr'uIUu appotll/cll by 1M (although nol publicly known nor an· ",~.i(h1'" that a large percentage of Iowa students OFFICIAL DAILY IULUTIN .;) ·.1·' ' .1",,"- of til. Unlv.1lily. 1'/.. Val/y Iowan', .dJlUlUU po&y u noe an aptUlion of UnJVfI,IIty nounced by the University ), For we know :'l",.;" are as unrea onable as three·year·olds. UJ .. ., ""';'1110 0~ IIdmiIUIItlJlloo poll Tedl, , ,aphor ...... Merl,n L""lOn Smith, Institute for Advanced Studies, lulllcrlpt.... a.tol: 8,. c.NIer In (owa Clly, llllfOr.1 '''' Idlt.r ...... DAVlII .0011." may watch "I Spy" next week and see One is not obligated to comment on a 4 p.m. - Physics and Astronomy Gen· Princeton Univ

.. ,MUSr~ I4E CAN SURE 1M RieHl A fAX cL.-AM • OIlOeR ME TO oJ / /,/ 00 SOME -y • 6TUPID _ [A~Q THIN66.'

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~ "1)'»;~- ~ I.!"~.. ~~I~Y !"~ I~ City, I~~!,*- .M. 14, ~... 2 Frames Are Just Part Envoy Told Viet Policy Hampers Soviet Ties MOSCOW III - President heeD widely reglrded as In .t­ Nikolai V. Podgorny told the tempt by the President to &tart Ofi Fuire fighters' Job new U.S. ambaaaador. Llewellyn a t.baw in U.S.-5oviet rel.ttiona E. Thompson, Monday that Viet· chilled by Vietnam. IV ROGIR JAYNIIS has a separate alarm. Once when the Inelnerltor nem stands in the way of improv· The new U.S. ambaaaador did StaH Writer door WIS accidentally left open. the room tem­ Ing U.S.·Soviet relations. not mention Vietnam in bi. Fire-fighting Is nol the only job the low. perature rose until It aet oU the alarm. It WIS Thompson's first meet· speech at the Kremlin ceremony CIty Fire Department bandies. "Honest mistake. occur when people letuan, ing with the Soviet leader since but made an offer of cooperation A1lbough the majority of the depar ment's 529 see flames or smoke and think there II a fire," his arrival here Jan. 11. He pre- with the Soviet Union in IOlvinl sented his credentials IS aucces· some urgent world problema, IItIfI1e\Icy calls last year was for fires, a fourth the fire chief said. III tbelr Ume was spent on jobs altogether dif· sor to Foy D. Kohler, who re- An Amerlcan apokeaman IIld "reat. Emergency calli may mean fire alarms, "An example," he continued, "II the portable turned to Washington to become Podgorny and Thompson h.d a ,.. calls. honest mistakes. false alarms, or heatera used by construction compul... TIl ... t.be No. 4 man in the State De- "substantive" exchange after the Inftllltilltions. use open names. Ind people who ... them lite partment. credential preaentation durin, 1ft at night have called In allnna. III Jar.. IIhoppIaI The new ambassador said bour·long meeting. But detalia. Tbere were 351 fire alarms cases last year. President Johnson had inatruc- such as whetber Vietnam wu llid Iowa City Fire Chief Dean Bebee. centers light reflection. from IU the plate lUI window. will even aI ve the U1ualoa 01 fir•. " ted him to teU tbe Soviet presi· diacuased. were not diacloaed. ''1bese are classified IS fire In building. and dent that Johnson 1. ready to Thompson did not Ifve Pod­ /1m of rolling stock," Bebee explained. "RoUing 2,_ InlplCtlenl Melle cooperate on problem. facinl the pmy the melll,e he bl'GUlbt _06 consists of autos, trucks. tractors, and Otber duties besldea emercencr cllll IIIclude two naUons. here from President JohnlOll, Itber vehicles. Of course when the vehicle is inspections (over 2,000 I year). fire prevention "It depends upon the policy of This indicated It II meant for destroyed inside a building It·, part of content drills, and t.be Issuing by Bebee 01 burnlnl per. t.be United States whether this Premler Alexei N. KOIygln who danlale." mits and the sliDing of beer permit.. proves possible," Podgomy re- I. expected to receive th~ am. In¥lltlg.tlon. T.kl Second "We inspect a building completely and make plied. bal88dor later. 'Ibe .econd largest job (59 cases) for the fire­ recommendations for correctlnl hlzards." Be­ The Soviet president .ccused =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the United States of causing a t: men was investigations. bee said. "It also a1vea our men I ehaDce to "serloua deterloratlon of tbe in­ SLOW sIlVIa "Here there is a fine line of distinction as 10 become familiar with the bulldinp 110 we'U ternational situation" with Ita avinati lad whether tbe call is an investlgatJon or a fire." know our way around if there ever II I fire. KIIPING TRUCKS c ...... ntly "p11,," .mI ,...tty fer ...... , tmt,... ICV II • 1Ieftf'-endllll I_ involvement in Vietnam. spl:r.r4L Bebee said. "A smoke Investigation, for exam­ "By ordinance I'm required to check III down· fer 1_. City fll'IfMII IUCh .. tIIla _ -"'III ,,_ath en ....IM ...... the fll'lfMll tackl. 'nclude Tbompson, 61, served as am­ ds" "hid! I ple, is answered as if It's an alarm, but if no town commercial eatabllsbments four tim.. I rHCue calla, f,," .I.rms. end IntplCtlonl. _ PhIte by Marlin LIVI_ bassador In Moscow {rom 1957 SHIRTS e Indeapeo. /ire Is found. it's labeled investigation." year, all ouUying commercial eatabllshmentJ to 1962. His reappointment hu There were 53 rescue calls for the department twice a year, and, by contract, all univenlty and maybe lut year. for such things as personal first aid, buildings twice a year." STUDY HELP NIIOID? for ditch cave-Ins, or drownings. M.n·Powtr II PreltJem 5 $1 ~n. But U. U.· Se Rebuilds Victims' Homes Tutor, 1tvdy-e...... I.r on ror the "Usually one truck with a resuscitator is sent The department held 14 prevention exerclsea ot 717 Mtf..... Ave. n to IOIIlt 011 a rescue call." Bebee said. "On drownlngs lor the public last year, and I drill or trllnln, DA NANG. South VIetn~m (-'I - Marine Division Band. ship were also ' kILled. Mond.y • "rlcia." 7·11 p.m. SAVE-WAY orgolo, we put the resuscitator In my car and pull the exercise almost every day (332). U.S. Marines and Seabees Mon· One womln broke into tears U,S. Marines rushed to Ihe F...... ",Ice iIy CLEANERS r such prj. rescue boat behind." The boat can be hitched to "Our big problem Is manpower," Bebee laid, day turned over 52 prefabricated. a. she opened the door to one of Bcene to evacuate Injured and to UNITED CAMPUS ke It dilll. • fire truck, but it's not as easy to drive or "There should be one fireman per 1,000 popula· plywood homes to relativ~ of the single-room unit. thlt will provide cot., blankels and food CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Hwy.' Welt - c.rolvtn. in our 0.. .teer ... tion . Jowa City has 42.000 people, but only '1:1 victims of the Christm81 Eve serve as temporlry bouIing. for the homeless, 've for ex. crash oC an American cargo plane Three of her chlldren were killed Most survivors moved inlo the False alarms take much of the fire depart· firemen. By contrast. Burlington (33,000) bas it impoqj. that kJlled no Sout.b Vietnamese when the plane. IpproaCbinl Da Ilready overcrowded homes of ment's time. Although all lalse alarms are not 45, and Clinton (33,000) has 43 firemen. civilians and injured 27. Nang airbase in I IIvere Itorm, frleDd. and relatives malicious, the greal majority of those handled "We have enough equipment for more man. At lhe ceremonies near this crashed into Binh Tbai hamlet Theil, on Jan. 9, Sea bees from Hal'-priee to (39 last year) were purposely pulled. Bebee said. P\lwer than we have now," Bebee said. "In case Marine base, there were speech- and exploded In flames . the 58th Mobile Construction Bat. Burga Han Incldtnt of a bad fire we couldn't send more than three ea and music played by the 1st The plane destroyed 49 homes talion began work in an area e'ollege IItu.dents IJD" "Some of the false alarms are due to a mal· trucks because we don't have the men to mall .======0 and damaged 20 others 18 it lbout a mile east of the crash function of a building's alarm panel," Bebee ex­ them. We usually have only .even or eight men ripped a furrow through the cen· alte. In eight days, they erected lacu.lty: plained. "The Incinerator room in Burge Hall on duty at a time. II County Office ter of the hamlet. Four crewmen t.be 32 houaing unit. for 132 home­ Open At Noon aboard the Flying Tiger lJ.ne leu villagefi. the Dewspaper tluJt Tha John ..n COIIfttv motor , Vehlcl. Dep..rim.!If will epen Dewspaper people pursel(, you Renewal Plans To Relocate .rln, til. nton htur tIIl'tu,h M to trail$- J.n, ". HAWKEYE read• •• UnversH, H_.¥tr, tr.ns"" ef .IIM p.m ., coo­ rttlltr.tlon will bI h.ndltd At last count, we had more than 8,800 news­ in a pr~ 121 Businesses Announced ... 1., .-url", ,..ullr heurs .. er by IJt. PHILATELISTS paper editors on our list of subscribers to The • ..m, to """ Ind , to 4 Christian Science Monitor. Editors from aU y (No. 351 lowl City', department of Real Estate, Jones-Thoma! Ins _. smith, Iowa State Bank. B.A. "m. On wHkdllYI, Ind • I,m, ian VioJiD pllMinC and urban renewal re- Interstate Finance. John Knox Horner MolofS and South Mar· to neon on Saturd • .,., TrI... over the world. !used over the weekend a list (attorney), Pittsburgh PI B t e ket POIt Office, There is a good reason why ~hese "pros" read UNr Don.ld J. Kr.1I ••Id MEETING 0/ the 121 businesses to be reo Glass, Henry Louis Inc., Rog· Also durlnl the end of this Menda.,. the Monitor: the Monitor is the world's oJll7 located jf the persent urban reo er's Podiatrist, Roger's Shoe Re· two-year period. redevelopment Th. d.. dlln. d... b., which daily international newspaper. Unlike local oewal plan receives lowa City pair. Bamboo InD , Speidels IDC., would talce place in the areas new lie..... pl.... mult bI papers, the Monitor focuses exclusively Oil """" , council approval next summer. Hall's Gifts, Spratt Barber Shop, vacated by the above business· ... y.hlcl.. h.. not V.t bI.n world news - the important news. The 121 businesses are pres- Odd Fellows, Singer Co.. Bus· es. Tblt would be .t.ge .Ix of ..t, but th• ., must be pur. THURSDAY, JAN. 26 - 8 p.m. The Monitor selects the news it considers IJ//Jl located in buildings which by·Miller, Dunton Ins., Donnel- t b e program (redevelopment eII ..ed by Jan. 31. wClllld be removed to make way Iy's Tavern and Best Steak stage four) . most significant and reports it, interprets It, lor the extensive public im- Hou e. Project stage seven (the third ~~~~~~~~~~~~ analyzes it - in depth. It takes you further into pmemenls slated for the down- Barbara's Bake Shop No. 2, and final Itage of relocation) MICHIGAN STATE ROOM the news than any local paper can. t the al· ton area_ There are 68 more Strand Theatre. Strand Barbet would take place durin" the The Rose Room If this is the kind of paper you would Uke to. rill include buIiIIe5IeI localed in 32 build· Shop. Sweetings Flowers. Cook sixt.b year of the program Ind AT THE UNION be reading, we will send it to you right awar at ~y Barber. mea wblcb are rated as "Bub- Paint and Varnish, Kessler's would affect these 26 business· For Cocktails, 'Wines half the regular price of $24.00 a year. the Sym· llandard" and which may re- Restaurant. She r w i n·WiIliams es: Clip the coupon. Find out why newspaper. by Mah· locate tither because the prop· Palnt, Mean's Grocery, Li'j Bill's Ray Lewis Healin", B 1 u e and Dinners - men themselves read the Monitor - and why • erty O1I'lIer may want to sell Pizza, Linder Tire Service, Cen· Raider. Strub Welding, Sy Sey­ .very .venlng Eighth Annual Summer they invariably name it as one of the five best to the city or because an ex- tral Sand " Gravel, Dividend del Auto Service, Spencer Shoe papers in the world, teasl" remodeling project may Bonded Gas, West Music Co.. Repair. Oakes Bros. Coal, Mc­ IlIcept Sunday EUROPE EXPLORATION mike It impossible to carryon Burkett-Rhinehart Motors, Han· Donald Optlca\' Delta Chi Na- "lturlng bualneu. Isen's Used Furniture, Jim's tional Headquarters, Hamburg STEAKS $694.00 THE CHRJSTIAN SCIENCE n&V'~""'''''J In discussing the staging or SpecIalties. Arrow Sign Co. and Inn. Wagner-Connell Plumbing. CHOPS pbaing of the relocation plan, Frankhauser Chiropractor. Miller's Conoco, Hobby Ie Gift SEAFOODS With the University ot Vienna to France, Italy. Swit­ I ~ - '~~-"~iiiiiiiiiil ,r·(!).CUS I.":~:t~·._ .... ~., nnid J. Markusse, assistant di· When the relocation of these Shop, Bradley Print, SwaU's zerland, Greece, Yugoslavia. Behind the Iron Curtain reclor 01 planning and urban re- businesses nears completion, lhe Refrigeration. Phillips M, Love· HOlpitality Salad Tabl. are many lleWal. emphasized the built-in fourth stage of the plan (the tinsky Auto Repair. Breese Co., to Prague and East and West Berlin. Denmark, Swe· . Where e.ncept of f1exibUity in the mov· third stage of . redevelopmenll Standard Auto, Mille.r Repair. Smorgasbord den, Germany. Three meals per day, all hotels, trans­ -r~~!:~~~!i~:~~~~~~::~~:~s-----l They are In, program. would begin to take place. IUniversity Physical Pllnt Of- Every Sunday )orlation within Europe, guide and entrance fees, Please enter a Monitor 8ubeeriptlon for the name beloW'. , but with 'N.....,., GO!' Out' Stage five of the plan (the fices, UnIversity Stor8~e and I am endosinr , ____ (U. S. fundI) for the period nt.s would AND 24 SPECIAL EVENTS : Concert, Theater, Moun· The plan that WIll be sent to second relocation stage) would Garage, Egglestone Oil Co .• checked. .11e&r ,12 9 month. $9 month. t JEFFERSON 0 0 0 6 '8 or their the federal gove.roment next continue during the fourth ann I" '" ~dic R.R.• Nagle. Lumber Co .• tain Climbil1g, Opera, Night (Club) Tour of Paris. Id claim 1IICIII!h does not mclude exact fifth years of the program anri ;cye Shell ServIce and Carl· HOTEL Send Coupon to Int.m.tlon.1 Student IlIch.nge 'n Europi Name ~g dates f?r each af!ected would call for the relocation or _...;R~ea~I~Es~t~a~te~· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~:~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~~~ Hou .., 60S S. lUll." Urban., III, Street.., ______• Apt,IRm. #_ the pro­ busmeas. but It does .glve a the foUowing 48 businesses: rned that timetable for the relocatIon pro· Name: .•.••..•••.•.•••••..•.•••.••• CltT State Zlp, ___ w did he tram. VeDepo Barbers, Jack's Lunch. Mouthwatering Specialsl civilized The first two phases of the eonette. Norge V i II age. Kel· Address: ...... o Cottege .tudent. Year at craduatlon __ -J ity lailed pla!l will be development stages Iy Cleaners. You Smash 'Em, o Faculty member p.ar.u an edu· In whicb new structures will be Wilson Sporting Goods, Lenoch TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ven grad· bWIt on .ites now vacant or & Cilek Warehouse, Nail Motors, La,.. P.pperonl Pilla with Salads for Two ...... $2.25 ------roeess in \ lites that could be vacated quick. Universal CIT, Goedken CPA, erson bas ly. A substantial number of the Cocheran, Beeler, Natkin Mech. Half Iroast.d Chicken Dinner ...... $1.49 F,e next to 10 residential structures in the anlcal, Don's Grocery, Craig & Spaghe"' and Mu.hroom. (Salad and Roll) ...... $1.29 ents, and urbIn renewal area will be evac· Larry's Barber Sh' p, Campus -and reo lilted, but these two stages are Hotel , Goody S hop. Varsity Golden lroast.d Chicken Liven ...... $1.19 Cleaners, Maid-Rite Cafe, Jack· primarily redevelopment phases. Old Style Polish SaulOg. and Kraut ...... " ...... $ ,H Stage three of the plan is the son's Inc .• and Burkley Hotel. c ••1IIIIute te Technical fint .tage of commercial re­ Messer & Cahlll. attorneys, 0,..,. 2 .nd 4 SarvN WIth Salat!, Potlto .nd Roll location and over a one-year Campus Grill, Ray's Beauty - Two locations - period (the third year of the Shop, Paul & Joe's Grill. Hawk­ • project) will affect the following eye Barber Shop, Union Bus De­ GE .. )RGE'S GOURMET RESTAURANT 47 businesses: pot, Qara Press, V.F.W., Uni· 130 First Ave, • lent Dial 338-7101 Abbe's Restaurant, Saltzman versity College of Cosmetology, hrnilure, Walt's Tavern, Mich· The Annex, Pizza Palace, R.G. GEORGE'S GOURMET INNE lei's Tavern, Unique Cleaners, Dickenson & Co .• Kenney's Tav· 120 E. lurllngton Dial 351·3322 Woodburn Soun~ Service. Steele's ern, Alden's Appliance, Bohem­ Yarn Shop, MUler Bros. Manu· ia Cafe, T. Wong Studio, Whit· - Plenty Of P.rkl", At Beth Locotlo", - lety Lee­ IIIIIIt, As&oeiates Discount, and ing.Kerr Real Estate, Don Hub· f Morton American and Lucky's Beauty er Agency, Johnny's Barber Studies, Sboppe. Shop, Anna's Beauty Shop, Ew· Auditor- Lucky's Barber Shop. Moffit ers Shoe Store, Gibson Black· Chicago's new Gild ns al Exam- New Sorority To Stay co,. (}IfIi4Itl • • • ere.e", .... comMVflleatlon. tyItems MATHEMATICIANS. DOWNTOWN end equlpmentJ unknown .nywher ••Ia" To define. formulate and .OM Thlala tile ml.alon ofthe Nation.1 Security complex communications·related In Mayflower Next Fall MOTOR INN AtlflCy-' million which In tum crMt.. problem, In lupport of the N5A ptOblem. of I high order of difficulty. re- minion, StatistlclII mathemlltlc •• , Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority haa price. ""iring an uncommon Imount of Ingenuity. matrix IIlgebra. finite field.. probability IIIlved "0",' To Aff I. Th. "Cipher DI.k" ••• "SA ayIII.... It. housing problem for "We asked t.be dormitory office i Ther. no other organization like It ..• combinatorllli anlllysis. programming Ind .ft... no other a~nlzltlon doing til. HIM im­ and one of the alde.t alld moat lOt faU. If they wou Id let us Ii ve on I aymbollc logic .re but I few of the tooll ttve k..... portant work, or ofttnlll the lime wteltll applied by Agency mathem.ticiln •• They crrptegraph" ...... Carl. Conn, A3, Iowa City. floor of one of the women's dorm­ of opportunity for imlginati¥lgradultH III Jlrelident. said. "Arter exhausting itorles but they refused," sbe enjoy the full ,upport of NSA·. completely lIIath.matlca or the ...I~ng Icitnoes. equipped computer iaboratory where many "'1'7 opportunity to find a house added. A ..".rat. 'Oeney ~ng within the of them often become In¥olved In both the .NOdaIIon, and IUIIta 10fI to IIIMd Me ar I lot to build on, we have Elaine Roscn, A2, Wilmctte, .....n .. Htablishmlflt, NSA bal I crltlc:11 hardwllr. and .oftwlllr. of advanced com­ OVERLOOKING GRANT PARK requlrem.nt for: tJontl ","lings, "",'nlls, Ind COfI,.,.nc.a. IIIIde arrangement. with the Ill .• a member. said. "J am real· puting Iystem •. Theoretlc.1 reaearch II Located be1wnn Washington Ind Ba~ IlllDagement 01 Mayflower Hall Iy glad we are living next year p,.ti,. ~tioM 011 Micrupn AVIIlu.-flcing ENGINEERS. To carry aut boic end elaa I primary COIlCtl'll at NSA. _ing to mor •• NSA il 11.0 near til. Ch ...,.. .. . to let UI live together in a wing at the Mayflower. Our chapter Lake Michi,lIIl IIIld OrAllt Park - 10 close to businl!lll, .pplled r.... rch. -Ian, ....opm.nt, the fact that the pre .. nt ltate of knowledgl B.y. ocean bHCh .. Ind other lummer Ind, at the building." adviser and officers went out lteatlng ancll'laluation ofl~1e c~ In certain field. of mithematici I. not winter r.c:reatlon _. Th.locatfon per· convention centeno Ihoppm, IIIld .i,btaeein,. Ideal .ufflcl.ntly advanced to lItIaty NSA re­ first to look at the rooms. The bu.ineu men. vaeationen or families. communlcatioM enet EDP a,.terna. EngI­ mill your choic. of City. luburbln or The IOrority colonized last year rest of us then went out and voted neer. ""y .110 pertlclp.te In relattd Ilulr.mant •. country living. lid pro~bly will achieve soror· to live there for one year." • Hut.d mm",'", "", ,"II'd. filII .tudl., of "ectromeonatic propagation, CAREER BENEFITS Starting .alarl••• depending on educe­ upper Itmo'ph.,. phenomena, luper. With NSA. you Injoy all the benefit. of tion Ind experlenc •• rang. from $7,129 to , 1t1 atatUlln Marcb after finishing Mayflower Hall will offer the Ind b.varalll • Fm IlUrt.. , c.r_iIirCl~tJ conductivity and cryogenic. u.ing thl Federal empioyment without the nllcellity S12.S13. Check now with your Placement !be alx month probationary per· women many conveniences other tllroulhout dlwntOWll Ial.. t equipment fof advaneed r..earch of CIvil Service certification. Offici to Irrange In Interview with the lad required by tbe University sororities do not have. Miss Ro­ within the AtlflCY·. fully In.trumanted NSA's g.n~s grldu,'. "udy progrem NSA reprellntatlve vI.itlng your cempu .. IIId the naUonal sorority. sen said. The women will be able • Fft. plrklnl en "...'_ .boratorl... Ca,.., proora"" Ir. de­ PHmlts you to PUISU' two ..mmlr' 0( ful'· or writ. to: Chief. ColIlIge R.latlon. The women began looking for a to use tbe heated pool, .auna , Fr.. Wlill up cofftt eIg"ed to dl\lllop til. prat... ionll en­ Um. gradu,'. sludy II full .,1IIy wlUl leI­ Branch. Suite 10. 40485 Wllconlln Avenu .. ,lnHI' for I full Ind lItI.fylng future In COIl. ",Id NSA. "SO N. W., Wishington. D.C. 20011. An equal .. PIacie \0 live almost immediately rooms, and pool tables. d.mk by Th. Ag.ncy ~horrne~n~ Incau",.. partklpatlott In prof.. ,/on.' opportunity employ.. , MAF, , liter colonizing, The University The sorority hopes to bave a · 'm RadII, TV· 'III lei Itqairea IOrority members to live place to locate permlnently by Home 01 '--- CeI. Pnnch Merk.t and I.e Cave Iocetber If tbe sorority is to ra- the tall of 1968. There are about Lounce - IIIltertaiJUDent ailbtly_ Senaibl. ralet at all ItIaIa on campus. 30 members right now. Ideally times. PIIIIl your ant trip, or Ill. meetin( now. IIiq Conn Aid the sorority tbey should have about SO memo 'national security agency !tied with the help of real eltate bers to maintain a house. Tbe PHONE WA 2·2IOO-TWX: .312-431·1012 Write Dlpt. _La to find a house or I lot national sorority bas agreed to Fo, relfrllGtiolll-.".it. tw PM'" diT.ctly, 6032 ••• where Im-alnatlon I. the ....ntl .. qu ..lflcatlon. ~,wItIch to bluld'. They couldn't help them with finance on 8 or thru YOUI' trouel OIIl"t. .... IIIIthlDI the rlPt &in or buJldin, project. t ..... ~"". DAILY IOWAN-.... CIty, I_.-Twa.;, ..... M, ,. U£LA Unanimous Choice For Top Spot In AP Poll Home Sweet Home-Hawk-sWin By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS led in the fifth position. :1 The unbeaten UCLA Bruins UCLA , 14-&, downed Portland , are unanimous choices for the 122-57 and the Univera.ity of CaI­ Hold Off Michigan 91·81 top spot in The Ass 0 cia ted i.fornia at Santa Barbara 119-75 Gymnasts Trounce Ohio State :.... Press' major college basketball last week_ North CaroJina, Hous­ poll for th lleCond straight ton and Princeton _ere idle. Lou- For 19th Straight At Home Vi • North Carolina is the isville defeated Dayton 66-50, then new runner-up while We ern lost to Cincinnati 59-58. For 3rd Conference Victory By CHUCK WANNINGER Kentucky and Vanderbilt moved The Top JO. with first-place Iowa's gymnastics team con- bar competition with I score of StaN Writer In among the Top 10 teams. votes in parentheses, season ree- tinued on its way toward the Big 9.1. A score o( 10.0 is perfect in The Iowa Hawkeye! fought off a comeback by the Michipn . The Bruins collected aU . 39 ords through Saturday and total 10 title Saturday as it easily de- all events. Wolverines to post a 91-81 Big 10 basketball victory Monday uighL fint-place votes in the balloting points- feated Ohio State 1114.095 to 143.17 The Haw" captured the top The win boosted Iowa's home victory streak to 19 games. by a national panel of sports 1. ucLA m) 14-0 m at the Field House. The win three places tn the still rings, A Michigan rally in the second haH changed the game from an 'llearoritel':S and broaceddcacst en. fNurth0rth ~:~O~rl~lr' IH raised the Hawkeye's coruerenee parallel bars. side horse. and t m apparent run-away to a very tight ball game. The rally WII by IDa • d van rom 0 • . LouuvllJe 15-2 us reeo d to s-o Door exercise. led place in taking over the No. 2 5. PrInceton IS-! us r . Wolverine sophomore I>ennb Stewart, who scored 14 points in the lpot from Louisville. Houston ~: ~: w~ltra ]2·2 lot Don Uf(elman was the only Results : Lolli HOrN - I. MlklO Heller 1 U SA VE MONEY on mobile home- tn· flnanelal Independence In a proflta· LakesIde Town Hou.e, 2nd Mille &­ .urance Wllh Farmers Insur.nce ble bu6lnell of your own, or earn ler. 338·6648 alter 5 p.m. 1·24 I) dee. CI\rtI Before you ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Theses Group and Ben See 351-3710 . 2· 19 extra cash . Selling equipment fur· MALE ROOMMATE wlnted .econd MOVE THE illoonnen dick_ ud term pape... 351-1735 2-7R.C. nlabed Cree. Intero.ted? Write to semelter - near clmpu• . 825 E. threw D.rt 11183 TOWNHOUSE by Ronobom .. £.M. Bistow. Knopp Shoe. Brock· lIurllngton, apt. tarter 3 p.m. LAKESIDE TYPING, experl@nced. m1o!, carbon IO'x56' 2 or 3 bedroom. Centrll lon, M... . 01402. 1·24 (I) doe. 1'1111 plan your mlk . ,Ibbon. Phone 338-3·,65 _er a. heatln!, air conditlonln~. Mrs. Ba· NSW TWO be .. room rurnllhed .pert- 2-10 eIen. 3 1·1720 or North L berty 5i~li men\. Free laundry. Marrl.ed APARTMENTS (05m die. honeymoon ftI!:SlI:S, .hort paperl•• m.nuICrlp u/ couples or up to 4 sIngle perwon •. ~1JIjn« letter•• etc. Phone ",,7.7188 2,.11 ..oR RENT OR sale. 1959 - 8',,40' A SPECIAL Park·Falr tnc. _t201 or 131·'110 Unfurnished and furnished (I) dec, l'1li 2·7 -ALFIE" IS Wlcked CALL 13&-7113 evenIng. and week· Elcar. Immediate po.sesslon. 338· -check in with _lIDI~ end. lor experienced eleclrtc typ­ .180 8-12 •. m.; 1·5 p.m. 1-25 INVITATION TO Efficiency partments and a. "ALFIE" - Coming 500n In, H rvlce. Want papers of any mand-- Ienlth. 10 page. In by 7 p.m. Com· RN'S and LPN'S Two Bedroom Townhouse (If) deC . .. I CARTOON & SPECIALTY pleted _. evenlft,. 2,.11 AUTOS, CYCLES FOR SALE iLECTRIC TYP~RiTER . TheHs An exciting naw $14,000,000 SU dee. Gordla and Ibort papers. Dial 337·3843. It65 MUSTANG Cfast back) perfect bed ho .... '.1 I. now openl"l ano The Price Is Rightl DUE TO POPULAR DEMANDI WE HAVE 2·17AR condItion. • opeed. Call 338·7"1 eddilional nu r ... are nMd.d .... ) dee. IIeIt ::MIL;;:-;L~Y:;-;KI=N;;-L-;;;EuY'--;;Ty=Pl;:n=lI-ae=rvICe. 2·5 _dlcel su,glcal nUrllnl, 0,.'11 Frigidaire Appliances 1"1 rooml. and othe, select.. 1'0-,;1Ie I.B.M. 337-437. z.17AR (MldeC. PIdI 1164 TH UNDERBIRD. full power .r•• " Intlnsivi two WI.k orletf Air Conditioning ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER .horl air, low mllea,e, new tires. be sl tallon. t Heat and Water ) d• . lUll HELD. ·. OVER .. HELD p.pen and thelles. Dial 337·7772. otcer. 338-84:1.4 ltn If VOu ,'e loc:klng for , tll,lIl· Included 2-17AR 1881 CHEVROLET Bel.Alre, 4 door Inl nlw nursing .. ,.'Ienc., W. II) dec. De" ELECTIIIC. Experienced Mcretary ,...,141 '"' )lappy to h... \'OIl Villi Apartments sedan with factory air condition· Roclla.'er Ind tou, the new no.· ENJOY ) dec. Theses etc. I3&-H81 day., 35].187~ In,. Pbone 338·7406. 2·13 Ind SUMMER V.,. .venlna" 2-SOAR pltal f.clllties. til. Mayo CltnlC SPRING 1180 CORVAJR - mU lt ..n , but of· and the city propa, a. ou' ....at. 810 W. Benton MONTHS AT ..... IlARY V. BURNS: typill" mJmeo­ fer. Call 644-3712. 1·14 Int.reste" nu,... may co.... t. ,raphlnc; Notary Public. 415 Iowa IItllt'. Slite B.nlt BuUdln,. 337·2&58. 8-1AR FOR SALE OR trade - 'M T'BII'!IJ limply ..nd u. 'lour nlm•• nd Ar. Now , Reacly for '2,000. Call 2-8981 , Mlren,o. 1·Zl) ,deI,e.. and .... will .. nd you LAKESIDE 1111 VW - radio, heater •• now tires, complete detail. (no obllg,tlon) es .clual mUeage 25,300. Excellent ... call eollld: Immediat. Occupancy WHO DOES m condition. 337·9800. 1,27 ~.-... I lu,.",IIO,. RECREATION NOW • • • ENDS FRIDA YI Ilfl CORVETTE. 283 - 4 speed, Rochast., Methodl.t Hospll.1 urI ft.UNltJNG IIA TIl or S\.4U.dc.7 C.II black, low mileage exceUent con· Rochest .., Mlnnesot. 55901 • Conv.ni.nt location, - IN COLOR - .Janet _8306. 1-2li dltlon. 351·3644. 1-27 Pho... (St7 ) 2.'-11 .. CENTER "An Equal nea rUn i versity ,n.y IBONllIIGS - Student boy. and rtrl• . 1115 Viliant - V-B. 4 a_dj radio. OppOl'\unlty Imployer" lUll Rocheate-r 337·2824 ~R he.ter, snow tires. Be.t offer. 35j- Featurin\t: Calif. III - DW AYNES radiator Hrvlce, iuto ~9 &Iter 6. ,. :z.a • H.at and air condition· Heated Swimmmg Pool ack N!ci· heate,:", ,a. tanka. Tune up, bralle S... VE MONEY on car Insurance Health and Exercise Rooms "rl!. JUIO ap.e. to rep.1r Jour wllh Farmers Insurance Group Ind $~- Ing furnished Steam Baths "Ul mlld'!III!ILIl iea in • own ell'. 1113 S. Gilbert 33U19O. Ben Sce 351·3710. 2-19 the $104,- "SHOCKING AND CONTINUOUSLY PROVOCATIVE!" 2-11ILC. Cocklail Lounges , oum.,.,.t -A. H. W./,." H. y, JI ... SEWING, alteraUo"" Orlent.1 and • Central carp.ted Private Party Rooms MODERN formal. Included. Profelllonal· J duel wP lY trained. 351-4086. 2-17 ... R EGGLESTONE corridor Bridge Room ~Id WANTED Colored TV P.-· BRIDE DlAPERENE rental IOmce. by New Billiard Tables Proceu Laundry. 313 S. Dubuque. OIL COMPANY - • 1 or bedroom r:-Gid ,tit The big Spring issue of MODERN "A VERY UNUSUAL .... _ 33?·II6M. 2-17AR TELEPHONE 2 Ping Pong Table• 0, 1hOt~ BRIDE is a honeymoon special-with IQ.Ii:CTRJC SHAVER .... p.1r - 24 rlcnic and Barbecue Areas Ilia PICTURE! BEAUTIFUU" hour "rYlee. Meyer'. Barber Shop. OPERATORS • Heated swimming pool Kiddie Korral ~ ',1(1' complete information on hotel living ~A""" WI._. H. 'I. , ... HIAR Ie IIIIIs for newlyweds. YOU 'll also get the for e Furnished Private Lake MONEY LOANED bride's·eye view of special honeymoon "AN EXQUISITE IOWA CITY or unfurnished {or "tales ()petI delights from the Pocono Mountains ~. Center... GuM, Swimming rvund s ~e to the Virgin Islands .•. learn the FABLE OF Typewrtt..... , Wetchll Call Iowa City • Sound proof.d Fishing ~ Nick:: .nswers to the questions colllgl girls L...... MusicellnlfrvlMlltl Canoeing ask most about marriage .. , preview INFIDELITY!" HOCK·EYE LOAN NORTH STAR 337.3151 • Drapes and carpeting Ice SkaUng heavenly bridal and trollsseau fash­ -T;"" ...... ,111 DI.I »7-4535 STATION coll.ct and many extras Live Where The Actinn Ions .. . learn how you r.an wi. AND _.. - Ag •• 1.·35. No prevlOilI See Our Model A I1t West Burllnetoll Let John Myers, manager, • lavish, paid/for honeymoon in rOo IGHITJON experience nece... ry. mantic Sl Thomas, Virgin Island$. TODAY CARBUREtORS e\gare"" • •• 31c show you your GENERA fORS Sl ARTERS Northwestern Bell Dlrections: Across from the JUST 7st-ASK ABOUT THE SPECIAL --le~fJ Britt. I St,..... Moten R.g. Gas, , •• 27.9 Telephone Co. SEVILLE APARTMENT Procter and Gamble Plant IALF.pRICE STUDENT SUISClI"IOM IATI Highway No. 6 in Soutbwer.t AVAIlABLE THROUGH COLLEGE BOOKSTORES III IAITlIANCOLOR -( A ClOYrll ...... co.. MWet' PYRAMID SERVICES Ethyl, •••••• 29.9 An equal 810 W. BENTON IOWA CI1'Y )/I m .. .,.,... opportunity employer Open from 9 a.m. III n P... ~1N. DAILY IOWAN .... 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. NASA Plans Launch , Names \'!he 'Dany -Korean Orphan Fits Quic;kly . ,; : ~~~------~~~ Crew For First Apollo Flight CAMPUS·NOTES Into American Way Of Life By KOH MYUNG SHIK Robert McNee, Watkins. perience of American li!e. WASHINGTON (1\ - The N•• and COIItrol facilities. lOS MilTS sentation. The first, "An Occurr· ence at Owl Creek Bridge," is StaR Writer When she was greeted by her Likes French FriIS tional Aeronautics and Space Most of these cbects can be . ~t. for a Democra~c ~. How long does it take for a foster parents at an air POrt, Sbe also developed a liking for Adminiatratlon (NASAl off'tcal. com Iete