CPO Annual Military Ball to Swing Feb. 18
, • . Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, February 10, r967 CPO Annual Military Ball To Swing Feb. 18 \ S"OWBOAT rDrama Shows Steadfastness Dining, Dancing II By 'A Man For All Seasons' FlIOAY nUUAIV 10 Dramatic power combines religious- fllith and self·respect. Lively Society ''WALK, DON'T RUN" (114 Min.) Cary Grant, Samantha Egger with colorful pageantry tonight Members of the cast who 7:00 P.M. when "A ~an For All Seas· will wear the early Tudor rob· To Fill Evening (Comedy in Color) Electronic industrialist ons," the Community Theater es, gowns, and capes, designed finds the only -'pace to ,Ieep in Tokyo, due The usually easygoing Chief to the 1964 Olympic., i. the living room of and Light Opera special pro· by Flo r e n c e Green, include Petty Officers' Club at NOTS gorgeous Samantha', opartment. Cary sub duction, opens at 8:15 p.m. at Barbara ~alinauskas, ~artin lets his heM, get. mixed up w ith spies and will be taken over next week wind. up an unofficial Olympiad entront in the ~urray School auditorium. Landau, Frank Pickett, Walter by ~Sgt. G e 0 r ge Beatty, this laughfe.t. It's the land of the ri sing The prize-winning play by Koerschner, Will i a m Davis, US~C , and his crew of hard· FUNI (Adults, Y01Jtn.J FROM UNDER THE SEA TO THE STARS Short: " Chilcl Sockology" \1 Min.) Robert Bolt is set in 1527 in Phil Kelly, Warren Kirk, Hal working CPO Wives, as the y England when King Hen r y~ ~cCormick , Bob Miller, Suz· prepare the Club for another Vol.
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