Local Transport Plan 3 Report to the Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 20 October 2010
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Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010 Manchester City Council Report for Resolution Report to: Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 20 October 2010 Subject: Greater Manchester LTP3 Consultation Report of: Chief Executive Summary One of the key priorities of the Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS) is to significantly improve transport connectivity into and within the city region. AGMA and GMITA are working together to deliver Greater Manchester’s Third Local Transport Plan (LTP3), which will come into effect in April 2011, and will deliver a city region transport strategy to develop the transport system to best support economic growth, social well-being, environmental improvement and better public health across the conurbation. As part of LTP3, District Implementation Plans will set out local transport policies and proposals supported by investment and implementation programmes. AGMA and GMITA have now approved a draft Long Term Strategy for LTP3 and a public consultation, launched on 4 October, will run until 24 December. The attached report to Executive briefly summarises the key elements of the Long Term Strategy, which is consistent with the city council’s objectives, and invites Members to comment so that a formal response can be prepared. The report also sets out the consultation process and briefly explains the purpose of the Manchester Implementation Plan that will be presented to Members later this year. Recommendations That Members: 1. Note that AGMA and GMITA have launched a public consultation on the Long Term Strategy for LTP3 and forward any comments to the Executive to assist in compiling a formal response to the consultation; 2. Agree to receive a further report in February 2010 on the Manchester Implementation Plan Wards Affected: All 32 Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010 Contact Officers: Name: Keith Howcroft Position: Head of Transport Telephone: 234 3312 E-mail: [email protected] Name: Penny Boothman Position: Deputy Head of Transport Telephone: 234 3181 E-mail: [email protected] Background documents (available for public inspection): The following documents disclose important facts on which the report is based and have been relied upon in preparing the report. Copies of the background documents are available up to 4 years after the date of the meeting. If you would like a copy please contact one of the contact officers above. Draft Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan 3 Long Term Strategy Consultation Document published by AGMA and GMITA 33 Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010 Manchester City Council Report for Resolution Report to: Executive –27 October 2010 Subject: LTP3 Consultation Report of: Deputy Chief Executive (Regeneration) Summary One of the key priorities of the Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS) is to significantly improve transport connectivity into and within the city region. AGMA and GMITA are working together to deliver Greater Manchester’s Third Local Transport Plan (LTP3), which will come into effect in April 2011, and will deliver a city region transport strategy to develop the transport system to best support economic growth, social well-being, environmental improvement and better public health across the conurbation. As part of LTP3, District Implementation Plans will set out local transport policies and proposals supported by investment and implementation programmes. AGMA and GMITA have now approved a draft Long Term Strategy for LTP3 and a public consultation, launched on 4 October, will run until 24 December. This report briefly summarises the key elements of the Long Term Strategy, which is consistent with the city council’s objectives, and invites Members to comment so that a formal response can be prepared. The report also sets out the consultation process and briefly explains the purpose of the Manchester Implementation Plan that will be presented to Members later this year. Recommendations That Executive: 1. Note that AGMA and GMITA have launched a public consultation on the Long Term Strategy for LTP3 and make any comments that the Executive is minded to make on the consultation draft; 2. Request the Transport Board to co-ordinate a response and agree to delegate the Leader of the Council to approve the final response 3. Agree to receive a further report later this year / early 2011 on the Manchester Implementation Plan Wards Affected: All 34 Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010 Community Strategy Spine Summary of the contribution to the strategy Performance of the economy of An efficient and well functioning transport network the region and sub region is essential to the economic performance of the region and sub-region Reaching full potential in Accessibility to the transport network is key to education and employment local residents being able to connect to education, training and jobs Individual and collective self An accessible transport system gives people esteem – mutual respect access to a wide range of leisure and social networking opportunities Neighbourhoods of Choice Good transport links to jobs, education, shops, healthcare and leisure are important to a successful neighbourhood. Investment in local street infrastructure can also help deliver safe and attractive places to live Full details are in the body of the report, along with any implications for: Equal Opportunities Policy Risk Management Legal Considerations Financial Consequences – Revenue There are no revenue spending proposals in the report Financial Consequences – Capital There are no capital spending proposals in the report Contact Officers: Name: Keith Howcroft Name: Penny Boothman Position: Deputy Head of Transport Position: Head of Transport Telephone: 234 3312 Telephone: 234 3181 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Background documents (available for public inspection): 35 Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010 The following documents disclose important facts on which the report is based and have been relied upon in preparing the report. Copies of the background documents are available up to 4 years after the date of the meeting. If you would like a copy please contact one of the contact officers above. Draft Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan 3 Long Term Strategy Consultation Document published by AGMA and GMITA 36 Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Local Transport Plans (LTPs) were introduced in the Transport Act 2000 which set a statutory requirement for local transport authorities to produce an LTP every 5 years and to keep it under review. LTP1 (2001/02 – 2005/06) and LTP2 (2006/07 – 20010/11) were joint documents prepared by AGMA and GMPTA. 1.2 Greater Manchester’s Third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) is required to be in place by April 2011. Under changes introduced in the Transport Act 2008 the responsibility for producing the new LTP lies with GMITA in consultation with the Greater Manchester districts. Agreement has been reached that GMITA, supported by AGMA’s Joint Transport Team, will prepare a Long Term (up to 2020) Strategy that will be supplemented by a series of 3-year Implementation Plans prepared by each District. 1.3 Government guidance requires that, prior to publishing an LTP, a structured consultation be carried out with delivery partners, the public, the local business community and other interested partners. GMITA and AGMA have now approved the draft Long Term Strategy and the formal consultation started on 4 October and will run for 12 weeks until 24 December 2010. The consultation process is set out on more detail below. 1.4 LTP3 is the prime document for setting out local transport strategy and policy supported by investment and implementation programmes including how transport will be better organised, managed and improved to support the delivery of wider strategies including the Greater Manchester Strategy, the Council’s Community Strategy and the Climate Change Action Plan. 1.5 The city has secured significant resources from LTP1 and LTP2 which has supported capital investment in transport schemes together with the maintenance of local roads, bridges and other structures. It is clear however, that the level of funding available for transport, as with other services, will be substantially reduced as a result of Government spending cuts. Although the CSR will give some idea about the overall scale of the impact on each Government department, it is likely to be at least December before there is any clarity about the level of resource available locally for small schemes and maintenance. 2.0 The Consultation Document 2.1 The Consultation draft (a copy of which is attached to this report) presents the core objectives for LTP3 as follows; o To ensure that the transport network supports the Greater Manchester economy to improve the chances of residents and the success of business o To ensure that carbon emissions from transport are reduced, in line with UK Government targets, to minimise the impact of climate change 37 Manchester City Council Item 7 Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee 20 October 2010