Judgments Against Trustees
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EDITOR'S PAGE ....................Page 1 WHY DON'T THE TITLE BUSI- f"'t"h .• m.:"' rt\.:·"·""'~ NESS STEP OUT? .................. Page 2 :f;..,':?,,. ... ""·~ ...... m .. ;; .... PRESIDENT'S LETTER ............ Page 4 -::-:!' ,:\\~~.:\m 6-r 11:·-'" ' .. • THE AMERICAN TITLE ASSO \.\"',:iy11,,.,~ .iu? !'":i ·., ,?, CIATION STANDARD LOAN t .:-.~.<~·,-,.'.\.,\ ..· \~\th ~ ..· .:\t-t .... , FORM OF MORTGAGEES .~: ':h'\l:i; r.:-n'?!'o~ ~\\'\~ POLICY. ...................... --- ··----- -- Page 5 -~~-~-~-~-"~-;"!~lrT " ANCIENT LAND TRANSFERS Page 12 u:'!\.'° ......"!.;\\ ~ ?_"\\ l~. :~ ~:. ,!1 i "JUDGMENTS AGAINST .... TRUSTEES-THEIR FORCE 't'"e-.jnu,,.?,t\~·v l\ \\;'h' H AND EFFECT" By Herbert ·:· ~.. h~ ..--:.r=~,, .:'\ uL• ~~ .... ,,. .? ...:::>\\~~ Becker ----- --------------- ------- ___ __ __ _ ___ Page 15 f;\~h\.!' \~~ f l ti\~ ..{y, ..-\n!\.~"'.:o~ .... 1\-'' .... ' CON- .. : .. ·, SAN ANTONIO-NEXT ..V\ 1!'-.•~::.,:~: ~\,\' VENTION CITY. ___ ___ __________ _____ _.Page 17 ~.:\.~,. ~ ..:-~ \.1~~, ·~"~~ ;"" "~~ .;:":"'' ... "FEDERAL LIENS AGAIN" \\f.. ~ :· .."'\ .. 1.:~1h:'• -t. \ .. .."\\~ ~· . .. By Chas. C. White __ ___ __ _______________ Page 19 l> .,m:\\\. ~:"\:11.,\ 11' •-n.•l'l "HISTORICAL FACTS OF '\ · \...,,:\~\ TEXAS LAND TITLES" By . W. C. Morris ................................ Page 20 I r:~· · ' ,.. ~ ~ ·" . LAW QUESTIONS AND AN- 1! ~.:'\ t" ! SWERS-Monthly Review... ... Page 22 ' ~h'\ ~ . MISCELLANEOUS INDEX. .... Pages 14 .:.. ~· n: , and 23 ~ l i'lftlitti l mi i itti l i7\i 1 f'Ki l jttj jttj!jffiljttj!jttjli&!jttj jttj ! jttj ! iro l itti l ittill'ffl® l itti l itti l @ 1 i& ' i&i&l®li& l ® i ®li1tfl® l f'Kil@ l it®'ft 1 mt® l ® I ~ Collle to San Antonio October 22-23-24 and 25 Bird's-eye Vie w, Business Section Twenty-third Annual Convention The American Title Association It's both Business and Pleasure Interior-the Alamo Fairway-Municipal Golf Course • w: ~ NEWS Issued Monthly by ·and as the Official Publication of The American Title Association Publi8hers, Kable Brothers Compan11, 404 N. Weslev Ave., Mount Morri8, JU. Price, $3.00 per vear. Editor-Richard B. Hall, Midland Building, Kansas Citv, Mo. Advertising Representative, Orson Angell, 850 Graybar Building, New York City. Published monthly at Mount Morris, JU.; Editorial office, Kansas City, Mo. Entered as second class matter, December !5, 19~1. at the post office at Mount Morris, JU., under the Act of March 3, 1879 • • "' I 1.i.1. IAl.l\IJ.U. /Jl.l\ Vol. 8 JULY, 1929 No. 7 Editor's Page y _THIS time the title insur section session will be the most inter The golf tournament should be a real B ance companies will have esting ever held and no one in title affair. Everybody come prepared to had the announcement and insurance can afford to stay away; play. Chairman O'Melveny says that, as specimen of the uniform mort usual, the examiners' section program ON'T forget, too, that this conven gagees policy and had some few is going to present and make available D tion, like the Detroit and Seattle weeks' time to study it over and valuable information and facts that ones, presents an opportunity for for put it into circulation. could not be gauged on a money basis. eign travel. The Mexican border is Those charged with the duty Ye Ed. has seen several programs in but a short distance away and there are of preparing and presenting the the making and finally produced at the at least two good Mexican towns near form will await with anticipa convention and he can conscientiously by where one can visit and partake of tion the reaction to this, the say that indications certainly point that the native atmosphere. title companies' own effort to the San Antonio program will be the most constructive and profitable ever l N this month's issue: The article on themselves fulfill an obligation to presented. ancient land transfers is printed the business, and provide for a The usual order of the program has with the consent of THE REAL ES demand and service. been altered so it can be scheduled to T ATE MAGAZINE-the official pub Comments on the matter will run more smoothly and there be no lication of the Philadelphia Real Estate be greatly appreciated. overlaps or interference. The first Board; Herbert Becker, vice president This issue of TITLE NEWS con day will be arranged to get a good of the Chicago Title & Trust Co., gives tains information of its history start; there will be some entertain us another article on an interesting and • and provisions of the form as ment and the crowd will thereby all get important subject; the force and effect finally achieved. acquainted. of judgments against trustees; Charley The Title Insurance Section will hold White gives some interesting, if not forth the entire time of the second day, startling, comments on the old subject THE air is getting thick with conven- with sessions all morning and after of Federal Liens. He is the unques tion stuff. Chairman Jones says noon and the Open Forum at night. tioned authority on this subject, hav the program for the abstracters section The Abstracter Section will follow ing in 1926 predicted such a decision is the strongest ever presented; Chair the same schedule on Thursday, the as was rendered in the Rhea vs. Smith man Lindow reports the title insurance third day. case; W. C. Morris, vice president of On Friday or the last, the morning the Stewart Title Guaranty Co., Hous will be devoted to the Examiners Sec ton, tells some intere ting facts on the tion with some unusual and important history of Texas and their influence other matters included and adjourn on the land titles of the state. ment of business matters by noon. The afternoon and evening will be devoted entirely to entertainment. THE entertainment will be out of the ordinary. Instead of a formal banquet as usually marks conventions, on the last evening will be staged an open air feed of native and local dishes with native entertainers-no speeches or discourses-just fun. THE golf bug seems to have worked quite a little devilment within our ranks. In going about over the country ye Ed. has noticed that a set of golf tools seems to be part of many an ab It's just a matter of days now stract office. Some of these title boys Attend the convention and make until the convention are just as methodical and accurate more money • with them, too, as in their work . 2 TITLE NEWS Why Doesn't the Title -Business Step Out and Lead Itself Into Prosperity? It is high time that those in the title business got every minute of the day trying to increase its "money-minded." scope of activities and profits. One of the characteristics of being in the busi Instead we accept every dictation and sugges- ti ness is to be more concerned with rendering the tion for the reduction of things necessary to get r particular individual kind of service and product from us and only us. that each customer wants than in prescribing what We should remember, too, that no one comes to • is real title service and only rendering that kind. us except when they absolutely have to and need Another is that we are more concerned in trying our services. No one orders an abstract just to see to be accommodating and spending more time en how his title is or buys a new title insurance policy deavoring to show a good title and pretty abstract to frame and hang up over the mantel just be than in advancing the welfare and prosperity of cause it is encased in a new cover or the form the business and those in it. has been changed. Those in the business have spent more time and The title business is facing a crisis right today effort trying to find ways and means of render because those in it never have had, and apparently ing the minimum of service and sufficiency of don't have now, any idea of being "money-minded." product than making it a full coverage policy or In addition to not being on the lookout for oppor complete and adequate abstract. tunities of making legitimate profits, just charg No matter where you go, it's the same old story: ing how, when and where they should, there are "The attorneys in our town don't want us to show some other things that enter into it. court proceedings; the real estate men tell us to One of the most alarming of these is that in ad leave all released mortgages out of the abstract; dition to the available volume of business in any the loan companies only order pencil abstracts and one community being limited, i. e., there being only reports; we can't sell full coverage owners' policies so many orders a year from real estate market or in our town because they won't pay a premium and conditions in general, the title man thereby being we can't sell title insurance at fees that will permit helpless to increase his output, this available num us to insure against possession, areas, taxes, mat ber is diminishing. As communities become more ters that would be disclosed by an inspection; the settled, as more apartments are built, as cities and loan companies won't pay but so much for a policy even towns are already over-developed and sub and don't care much what it insures against just divided, and becoming more so, as more long time. so it's a piece of paper labeled title insurance loans are made, and with business non-expensive policy." as it is now, particularly in the farming, mining The result of listening to all this and accepting and cattle states, the available volume has shrunk.