__ . ENS TONE Incorporating( the Gardens of Stone Stage 2 Reserve Proposal
__ _. ENS TONE Incorporating (the Gardens of Stone Stage 2 Reserve Proposal This map shows the location of the Springvale Mine and is circled in red. to Rylstone +Tayan Peak I I 25km \ ) WOLLEMI NATIONAL 1154m I \ BOGEE N:----!.: ( ,,1. t ( \ ) \ u~ ' \ r \ ( \ ,I ,» PARK J (] ENS ) I ( \ \ OF J {\l I I I t, -to TONE - ~O' Incorporating (th·e Garde~s of Stone WOLLEMI ' \ I CAPERTEE \ --, Stage 2 Reserve Pr,posal \ SECOND EDITION. MORE EXCITING PLAC:ES TO EXPLORE Ck / r ) NATIONAL I GARDENS OF STONE PROPOSAL DIVISION AREAS I Listed from north to sout h I NATIONAL( I Note: For detailed descriptions of Proposal areas see t e other side of the map, ) I , ..... ';' I I 111 1 // I PARK Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area, reserved arch 2011 _..'\.Private - - 1 I (a future extension to Gardens of Stone Natfonal / - - -..-., (jI _,,./ I I I Pik) I PARK I .......-. / - ( l) ('/~ ;j. ~ _ ......... ..... l I Other land _.,..,,. (\'3 \ ro.id.,,.,,. I ~o ....__,,,.- I (for protection as extensions to Wollemi and Garde s of Stone National Parks) Creek I CJ Propo1ed I /0° Capertee Natiooa l Pork I Genowlan I I 1 Ben Bullen State Forest and Wolgan State Forest, on t~e Great Dividing Range 1 ', \,t ,,- I 6t,mioo ; oint (for protection as Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area) A/J I CJ ' I \ o \ -o Saddle ' I I ' \ \ / ::1. ~ Lookout 1"1025 ' Newnes Plateau (for protection as Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area) I! Point :_ ' \ ··,, -~-------, , 1 ~ Hatteras CJ ,.(]. J • / ) ,.\a. •_/H~r7f~ II j j i 'Vf r Wollangambe Wilderness and other Identified Wil dern l s, NPWS 1997 \ or{ 1hc.lle ; ( ) / I (for protection as Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area) !!:1111.\" • i ' ,-, , CJ Mount; , •• --'·-,I Mugii 11111 '--,, I CAPERr1:1:~~;;,_ ,, , A1rly ·"'.::-/ ': , f 1034 J! ;.·-· ,,.-.,, -- ' / ,•The Western Escarpment (for protection as extensions Blue Mountains National Park) ~ s / " 1, l l <J ( Airly~:,: / Grotto Murum-ban CJ r,.11\'I ..,-- Turret \,{f' Genowlan 0/<<;;_-----<--p-,.,..-~ ~ =-,,,,~ / .,,.
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