Issue 10 5 April 2019 HEAD OF SCHOOL’S NEWS

Welcome to our April Newsletter which, again, is packed full of student events, activities, trips, visits, sport- ing successes and achievements. Every day the efforts and attitude of our students and the dedication of staff who enable them to reach their potential continues to impress me. This edition gives just some of the reasons why.

It has been an incredibly busy and eventful term; my personal highlights included the collapsed day and the music and dance performance earlier in the week. Firstly, the collapsed day which involved the whole of Year 8 travelling to Hunstanton to complete some Geography fieldwork on coasts and sea defences. We were very lucky with the weather, which allowed the students to complete the activities with great success. Thank you Miss Dixon and Mr Ayling for organising this, it takes a lot of planning and co-ordination to get nearly 180 students in the right place at the right time. Whilst this was going on the Year 7s were treated to a STEM day organised by Mr Joyce and Mr Sandeman, which was a huge success with students talking about it for days after. Secondly, our dance and music performance, this was a very successful evening with over 70 students taking part. Thank you to all of you who attended to support the students so that they had an opportunity to show their talents to a live audience. Without doubt, there is a lot of talent in this school and I am looking forward to seeing these students develop over the coming years in future events. Thank you to Miss Mead and Miss Ennin-Mensah who were the driving force behind this successful evening. At this point, I would like to wish Miss Ennin-Mensah all the best for her wedding over the Easter holi- days, we all hope that she has a fantastic day.

The final term of the year always proves to be just as busy as the rest and this year is no exception. Straight after Easter will see the start of the Year 7 parents’ evenings, which will take place over the first 3 weeks. We have organised it this way so that as many parents as possible can meet their children’s teachers. You will be informed via email when the slots are open for you to book appointments on Bromcom. If you incur/encounter problems making the bookings, please contact the school and we will assist in helping you.

There will be examinations taking place in Maths, English, Science, Geography, History and Languages for both year groups. These will take place in the main hall under full examination conditions. We feel that this is important so that students get used to experiencing the process so that they know what to expect when they take their external examinations at the end of Year 11. It also allows students an opportunity to demonstrate the progress that they have made this year. Timetables will be published after the Easter holidays but so you are aware, the Year 8 exams will take place the week beginning 13 May with the Year 7 exams starting the week beginning 3 June. Students have access to many online resources including the PiXL maths app, which they could spend some of their holidays using to prepare for these exams.

Could I ask all parents of students who use the crossing on Road when walking, biking or scootering to school, to re- mind them of how to use the crossing responsibly. We are constantly reminding individuals in school however, we are still receiving concerns from the public about children crossing when they should not be. Just recently there have been a group of

students hanging around at the corner of Hartland Avenue and London Road, waiting for other friends to turn up for school. This is a very busy corner and we are anxious that students are not putting themselves in a situation where they may get hurt. You may have seen recently that we are addressing this by being on duty down at the crossing whenever possible, could you also reinforce the message at home that students should make their way directly to school and not hang around in groups waiting for friends. Your help and support on both these matters would be appreciated.

Inside this issue: Hampton Garden News and Information 1 - 8 Attendance and Positive Points Leagues 9 - 10

Physical Education Department News 11 - 15 1

Hampton Gardens Hampton Diary Dates and Term Dates 16 HAMPTON GARDENS NEWS It has been another successful term in respect of sporting successes, the PE pages of this newsletter will go into more detail. However, I would like to thank Miss Mead, Mr Trewhitt, Mr Leach, Mr Matthews, Mrs Williams and Miss Goodey, who have given up their lunchtimes and their time after school to run training and attend the fixtures. Without this dedication and com- mitment these clubs would not run.

I am still concerned about the punctuality of a small group of students at the start of the day. Registration starts at 8.30am, which means that students need to be on site by 8.25am at the very latest so that they are able to get to form on time. We take attendance very seriously and feel it is part of our ethos that every child attends regularly to obtain a good education. This is so every student can take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. I have had a number of re- quests recently to authorise family holidays. I would just like to remind all parents/carers that we are unable to authorise any holiday regardless of the circumstances. It may also be worthy of a mention that the school holiday dates are available for this year and next academic year on the website.

Finally, the summer term is nearly upon us and I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that students have the opportunity to wear the summer uniform. This means that students can wear the summer polo shirt (which needs to be tucked in) instead of a shirt and tie. This is not a compulsory so students can continue to wear their shirt and tie as normal. It is still a requirement for students to wear their blazar to, from school, and in assemblies even if they are wearing the polo shirt. After such a busy term may I wish everyone an enjoyable and restful Easter break and thank you all for your ongoing support of Hampton Gardens.

Mr A H Greenwood Head of School

Red Cross Dance and Music Show Hampton Gardens second showcase event was a fantastic success with 70 students involved. It was a lovely evening celebrating a range of talent from the choir, violinists, drummers, ukulele and pianists to cheerleading, theatre performances and street dance! Thank you to the dance leaders for their organisa- tion and presenting skills. A big thank you to all parents, carers, staff volunteers and families for your support.

We raised £1137.23 – well done!

National Spelling Bee Competition

On Tuesday 26 March our three Year 7 Spelling Bee finalists (Ella , Leo and Abigail) competed in the regional finals. All three students did extremely well and were required to stand in front of an audi- ence and then translate and spell as many words as they could from a random list of 150 words in German. They also had to use the German alphabet to spell the words, so it’s a very tough task! We

are very proud of all 3 students. Well done.

This is Language

This term the MFL Department have signed up to which is a website where we can set homework and students can complete grammar tasks to enhance their knowledge of French and German. Students can also play the very popular Nutty Tilez vocab game.

Well done to 8-B1 who have topped the leaderboard for this term with the classes getting 36,629 points!

2 Hampton Gardens Hampton HAMPTON GARDENS NEWS

Year 7 - STEM Day

Year 7 students undertook their first STEM day at Hampton Gardens and it was a massive success. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and the aim was to inspire students into thinking about these areas and how they might be able to obtain a job in one of these fields in the future. The speakers were hugely complimentary of the stu- dents saying “ They were incredibly polite and tried to achieve in every session, looking forward to coming back next year”.

This is a massive testament to the mentality of the students and we hope they enjoyed the day.

3 Hampton Gardens Hampton HAMPTON GARDENS NEWS

Year 8 - Geography Field Trip to Hunstanton

Another first for Hampton Gardens School – the first whole year school trip.

175, Year 8 students on three buses, made their way to the North Norfolk Coast to collect primary data for their Geography enquiry. As is usual on bus journeys, everyone had a great time chatting, listening to music or playing games.

We split the buses up into Old Hunstanton and Hunstanton Town to do the field work and the students set to work on the following skills:

 Counting Wave Frequency  Measuring the sediment either side of the Groynes  Measuring the direction of Longshore Drift  Completing an annotated Field Sketch  Completing a Bi Polar Survey of seas defences.

They did this brilliantly and all students collected primary data.

Of course, the best part of the day for everyone was lunchtime and many students ate fish and chips on the green. The weather in the afternoon was fabulous with clouds clearing and the sun shone brightly.

“I have never “We didn`t have “It was been on a lots of writing to “I hope we do fab!” beach before” do just data to something like collect “

this next year”

“The Fish and “The geology Chips were lovely” “We saw a dead was fun” baby shark which “We had a great was sad” day out”

4 Hampton Gardens Hampton HAMPTON GARDENS SIXTH FORM NEWS Hub Club creates a buzz! A new lunchtime club is helping our youngest students access helpful guid- ance on school life – but it’s not from teachers. The Hub Club on Friday lunchtimes brings together younger students with sixth form volunteers who come along to mingle, chat and give first-hand advice, all in a friendly and informal atmosphere powered by hot chocolate and biscuits.

The Hub Club was begun by sixth form tutor and Head of Health & Social Care, Mrs Carter, who runs it with Mrs Elliott, who is in charge of sixth form student services. The teachers are on hand to supervise the meetings and organise informal activities, but it is the sixth formers who are helping the younger students with stories of their own experiences in the school.

“It’s been a great success,” said Mrs Carter. “We only started the Hub Club in March but within three weeks we had more than 20 students joining us, and there was a real buzz around the classroom.

“The idea is to give younger students a secondary support network in school. They bond with the sixth formers over games like Lego and activities like colouring and card making or even from just chatting. Those relationships carry them through dur- ing the days and weeks of the school year.

“They chat about common interests but also things like friendships and personal relationships. Sometimes younger students don’t know how to cope with issues and certain challenges of growing up in a school, but they feel more relaxed talking to someone closer to their age who has recent similar experiences. It’s students who have walked in their shoes.”

Added Mrs Carter: “It works really well, and it also fits into the buddy system we have in school where sixth formers are as- signed to specific tutor groups. It helps bring the whole school together.

“The younger students get the guidance they are seeking and the sixth formers gain confidence from being useful and making a connection with those younger than themselves.”

The Hub Club offers games and organised activities, but there is no obligation to join in – or even stay for the duration of lunchtime. “You can come and join in or just sit and enjoy some quiet time with your lunch,” says Mrs Carter. “The idea is that you can drop in any time. Everyone’s invited.”

Health & Social Care students learn life-saving skills

As part of their studies the Health & Social Care, students have left the text books to one side to learn new skills. It’s a fact that if a person experiences a heart attack in the community their chances of survival are massively reduced if the people who respond are not trained in life sav- ing CPR skills.

The figures show that less than 1 in 10 people who have a cardiac arrest outside of hospital in the UK survives (British Heart Foundation).

With this in mind we decided to include lifesaving skills and first aid into the lessons, giving students these crucial additional skills to help create a nation of life savers. All schools can have the training kit and here at Hampton Trust, we have

the facility to train staff and students in CPR.

Students were trained using ‘Call Push & Rescue kit’ courtesy of Miss Bowd at Hampton College, the kit teaches CPR and other emergency lifesaving skills, including what to do if someone has chest pain, is choking, or is bleeding seriously.

The students felt that this lesson was invaluable not only to their education but to their personal development.

If you wish to know more about CPR go to the British Heart Foundation website: how-to-save-a-life

5 Hampton Gardens Hampton ATTENDANCE MATTERS

Attendance at school is crucial if students are to make good progress in their learning. Government research has shown that:

 pupils with no absence are over twice as likely to achieve 5+ GCSEs A*-C or equivalent and almost 3 times as likely to achieve 5+ GCSEs A*-C or equivalent including English and Mathematics than pupils missing 15-20% of KS4 lessons.

Attendance facts

The school day has two attendance sessions

 If your child seems unwell in the morning but seems better by lunchtime, please bring them into school for the after- noon session, this will help to keep your child’s attendance as high as possible.  If your child ever has to have an emergency medical appointment, please ensure that you try to make it at the beginning or end of a school day, this way your child would only miss a maximum of half a day for the appointment.  If it is a routine appointment please try to make it for after school or in the holiday period  Children who arrive late at school, after the attendance register is closed, are deemed to be absent from school. There- fore, it is equally important for children not to be late for registration. Missing 10 minutes a day equates to 6.3 days of school lost over the year.

A quick reminder of how to let us know your child is off ill:

 Phoning the student absence line 01733 246700 option number 1  Emailing [email protected]

If you child is marked absent and we have not heard from you we will phone you to check you know they are not in school. We will follow this up with an email and text message to try and ensure we have contact with you that day.

Finally, please help us to help you. If you are worried about your child’s absence staff are available in school who can help and support you.


Making best use of teaching assistants at Hampton Gardens

During this past term, the Achievement Support Department has been working with the Teaching Staff at Hampton Gardens, to ensure that Teaching Assistants are being used to their full potential.

Firstly, Teaching Staff were surveyed on how they currently use TAs in the classroom, based on research conducted by the Education Endowment Foundation in 2016. The findings of this survey identified the schools strengths and areas for develop- ment.


 Teachers use TAs to add value to what they do, not replace them.  Teachers use TAs to help pupils develop independent learning skills and manage their own learning.

Areas for development:

 Teachers sometimes use TAs as informal teaching resource for low attaining pupils (N.B it is recommended that TAs are not used for this purpose.)  Ensuring TAs are fully prepared for their role in the classroom.

Next steps:

 Teachers were provided with the following table from the Education Endowment Foundation, in order to support with facilitating TA preparedness for lessons. There will be time for staff to feedback the impact of using these strategies next term (below).

Ensure TAs have the lesson plan ‘need to knows’ in advance

Concepts, facts and information being taught Skills to be learned, applied, practised or extended

Intended learning outcomes

Expected / required feedback

 TAs were given a scaffolding framework that they wear on their lanyard, to continue to promote self-scaffolding and inde- pendent learning among all students (below)


 To prevent using TAs as an informal teaching resource for low attaining pupils, teachers are encouraged to spend 1:1 time with the students they feel spend a lot of time with the TA, while the TA supports with the general monitoring of the class.

All of the TAs at Hampton Gardens deliver some level of intervention as well, and are continuing to develop their under- standing of the Graduated Approach.

Sensory and Breakout Room

The Achievement Support Department have been creating resources for the Sensory Room. Pictured are some cushions made by Mrs Caborn’s craft clubs and sensory bottles made by Mrs Cava.

Next term, the Achievement Support Department will be creating a mural for the Breakout Room. Students who use this room have partici- pated in a survey on what type of mural would help regulate and calm them down. Judging by the feedback we will be creating an interesting outdoor painting on one wall, and space on the other wall for students to kick the balls and aim for targets to help them concentrate. If you can donate paints, brushes and dust sheets, please contact [email protected].


Miss Bullough will be leading year group assemblies for Autism Awareness Week. We feel it is important to collect the views of the students at Hampton Gardens who have a diagnosis of ASD to ensure these assemblies capture their experiences of living with the condition sensitively and respectfully.

Students are invited to work with Miss Bullough on creating these assemblies over the next few weeks. If you as parents also wish to discuss how having ASD affects life outside of school, feel free to email your responses to [email protected]

8 Hampton Gardens Hampton ATTENDANCE LEAGUE TABLE

5 September 2018 to 4 April 2019

Tutor Group Attendance %

7-AMH 96.34

7-BCA 96.17

7-HAC 96.81

7-HAW 95.50 Congratulations to Mrs Larsen 7-JAE 96.55 and her form for leading the

7-JAS 96.29 way in the “Attendance League” 7-PBT 96.61

8-ALW 90.51

8-ELL 97.80

8-GMT 93.79

8-JAL 95.76

8-MJD 91.66

8-SAM 96.22


5 September 2018 to 4 April 2019

Tutor Group Positive Points

7-AMH 4038

7-BCA 4296

7-HAC 4496

7-HAW 4344 Congratulations to Mr Tank 7-JAE 4780 and his form for leading the 7-JAS 3752 way in the “Positive Point

7-PBT 5918 League”

8-ALW 3686

8-ELL 5670

8-GMT 3706

8-JAL 3854

8-MJD 5448

8-SAM 4118


The Great Big Dance Off Competition, Birmingham

Year 7 & Year 8 dance students competed in their first dance competition performing at the Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. Students were in the second round of The Great Big Dance Off – the regional heat, which was an incredible standard! 16 schools competed in the KS3 competition which had a real mix of experience with Year 7,8 & 9 students, some from dance company training too.

Hampton Gardens raised the roof with their performance of contemporary and street dance with choreography based on ‘the day-to-day difficulties of being a teenager ‘growing up’. The battles we face with friendship groups, families and school pres- sures. We love to dance it makes us feel free and happy especially when performing as a team, we forget our worries and enjoy shining on stage!’

We placed 7th overall and I am very proud of their amazing achievement!

Well done everyone!

Girls Cricket

The girls were looking forward to playing their competitive cricket matches after attending 6 weeks training last half term. Students were a little nervous, but worked well together as a team coaching and supporting each other to develop confi- dence and make good decisions during batting and fielding. Congratulations to Lacey for superb captaincy.

Results: Friendly match - HG V HC 76-64 Players’ Player- Carlin and Manager’s Player – Nell

Cricket East Schools Round (3 games) making it through to the County Cricket Finals:

HG V HC 67-51/ 89-54/ 76- 40 Players’ Player- Ruby and Manager’s Player – Zara

County Cricket finals at St Ives – a strong performance but sadly we didn’t make it through to the regionals, a great experi- ence for the students and all 3 games were brilliant to watch, the Chance to Shine Coach spoke to Hampton Gardens students to congratulate them on their improvement from training. Outstanding performances from Ruby and Olivia who scored over 50 runs between them.

Players’ Player: Zara and Manager’s Player: Ruby

Dodgeball Hampton Gardens entered a new sporting competition this year, hosted at Thomas Deacon Acad- emy we played in the U13 girls and boys competitions. The boys placed 5th over- all, they worked well as team and developed good tactics within each match. The girls came 3rd overall, they won 3 games, drew 1 and lost 1.

Boys: Players’ Player: Gabe; Manager’s Player - Keegan Girls: Players’ player – Ruby; Manager’s player - Angela



U13 Girls Football Tournament – Nene Park Hampton Gardens entered two teams at the U13s Utd Football Tour- nament. A lovely sunny morning with great teamwork, support and control through- out all 12 matches. Goal scorers: Emilia, Calleigh, Rebecca and Ella. We competed against 6 schools and both teams made it to the semi-finals. Both games were in- tense but unfortunately the A team lost to The Kings School 1-0 and the B team lost to IQRA 2-0.

A Team - Joint Players’ player - Calleigh and Ruby; Manager’s Player- Ella

B Team - Players’ player - Nell; Manager’s player - Olivia

U13s Girls Football League IQRA - We know this team are our biggest competition, it was a fast game with clear fight from both sides in the first half, Hampton Gardens stayed with the pace but went 3-0 down by half time, and unfortunately we lost 7-1, our goal scorer - Jameela.

Players’ player - Jameela; Manager’s Player – Carlin

St Peters - An excellent match at home, the girls played a calm game with good strong passes allowing majority of the posses- sion in the first half. We had a rotation in positions; Olivia and Nell playing in goal and Ruby out field. Final score 9-0 win! Goal Scorers: Ella 5 / Rebecca 2 / Calleigh 1 /Ruby 1

Players’ player - Ella; Manager’s player - Ruby

Overall results 1 HG v COPA 0-1 L 5 HG v St Peters 9-0 W

2 no game 6 HG v Nene Park – still to play 3 HG v Longsands 7-0 W 7 HG v IQRA – 1-7 L 4 HG v Hinchingbrooke 0-1 L

Year 7 Boys Football

It has been a tough term for the Year 7 boys football team, being drawn against 3 highly competitive teams in the Peterbor- ough league. Unfortunately, the boys saw 2 defeats with a particularly frustrating 3-2 loss vs Jack Hunt where Gardens were the better side. However, they showed great determination and resilience to beat 4-1. A fantastic

performance saw goals from Harrsion, Thomas, Owen and Rory. Players’ player: Harry and Manager’s player: Thomas.

Year 8 Boys Football

The Year 8 boys have had another successful campaign in the Peterborough Schools’ league, starting with a 4-3 win over Sir Harry Smith and a convincing 6-1 win over Nene Park Acade- my, with Tyler scoring a hat trick and Chris receiving manager’s player for a fantastic perfor- mance in midfield. Their third and final league fixture was against , winning 9 -1 and qualifying top of their group to play AMVC in the semi-finals after the Easter break. Players’ player Tyler for his 4 goals in 10 minutes and Manager’s player to Adam for a solid performance at the back.


Team 7A Team 7B Well done ladies, great development over the term with 7 Hampton Gardens V 7 Hampton College Varsity 5-0 (loss) fantastic leadership by Captain Olivia. The team have Players’ player: Hannah; Manager’s player: Aoife played their final 5 league games and won 4 and had 1 loss. What a fantastic achievement! Team 8A Results: We always knew moving up a league would be a challenge this 7HG V 7OBA 16-0 (win) year but the team have given great effort and commitment at Players’ player – Freya; Manager’s player – Suzanna training and games. Excellent teamwork in tense games has 7HG V 7HC 13-0 (win) allowed progress to made, well done to Captain Kumba for 7HG V 7AMVC 9-1 (win) keeping the team calm. 7HG V 7STA 24-1 (win) Players’ player: Suzanna; Manager’s player: Freya Results: 7HG V 7KIN 2-7 (loss) 8HG V 8OBA 11- 4 (win) Players’ player: Suzanna; Manager’s player: Angela Players’ player – Annabel; Manager’s player – Claudia 8HG V 8HC 4-5 (loss) 8HG V 8AMVC 3-5 (loss) 8HG V STA 21-5 (win) Team 8B Players’ player: Kumba; Manager’s player: Lacey 8HG V KIN 6-23 (loss) Congratulations to the Year 8B netball students for an- Players’ player: Kumba; Manager’s player: Amelia other brilliant win against . 8HG V HC Varsity 6-13 (loss) They are still currently unbeaten! Players’ player: Kumba; Manager’s player: Annabel Players’ players: Lily; Manager’s player: Molly They had fantastic pace and control throughout their final match. It was an intense match each quarter was AMVC Netball Tournaments equal with goals scored. Hampton Gardens managed to 14 schools entered each tournament with the Year 7 reaching stay calm and focussed resulting in a GREAT WIN and the final, placing 2nd and Year 8 reaching the semi-finals, plac- final score of 9-8! A big well done new players, Amie, ing 4th overall. Aaliyah and Eva for a great performance in their first game. The Year 7 team, had a tough group including City of Peterbor- 8BHG V TDA 14-2 (win) ough Academy and Thomas Deacon Academy providing com- Players’ player: Lily; Manager’s player: Molly petitive and well fought matches winning 1-0 and 3-2 respec- 8BHG V NPA 9-8 (win) tively. They went on to face The Peterborough School in the Players’ player: Dami; Manager’s player: Molly semi-finals winning 4-2 and then going onto play The Kings 8BHG V HC Varsity 17-1 (win) School in the final. It was a tense game where every minute Players’ player: Dami; Manager’s player: Lyla counted; unfortunately, they lost 2-1 but showed amazing team spirit throughout! Well done to the Year 7 team!

Players’ player- Suzanna; Manager’s player- Leah

The Year 8 team also had a difficult group, but managed 5 wins making it to the semi-final against The Kings School. They lost 4

-0 but kept their spirits high and re- focussed for the 3rd/4th place play off against The Peterborough School. The girls were calm, collected and controlled with all their passes tak- ing a strong team into extra time. Unfortunately, they lost 4- 3, placing 4th overall this is an excellent achievement, with great resilience on show! Well done to the Year 8 team!

Players’ player-Annabel; Manager’s player- Claudia


Junior Fenland Cross Country Competition Students competed in individual races at back in the Autumn term and earlier this term, overall we placed 5th out of 10 highly competitive schools. Top individ- ual results: Boys - Lewis (Year 8) 2nd, Ed (Year 8) 21st, Finley (Year 8) 26th, Owen (Year 7) 41st, Luke (Year 7) 42nd and Adam (Year 8) 45th.

Girls - Amy (Year 8) 20th, Claudia (Year 8) 22nd, Calleigh (Year 7) 27th, Erin (Year 7) 36th and Ella (Year 7) 37th.

Relay race results – Hampton A Girls placed 6th and Hampton A Boys placing 3rd.

Hampton Gardens Girls A: Calleigh, Ella, Amy, Claudia. Well done to Megan and Erin who showed a positive attitude and helped fill in numbers for Deeping and Bourne.

Hampton Gardens Boys A: Lewis, Fin, Luke, Ed and Hampton Gardens Boys B: Owen (ran twice), Archie and Sam.

All students should be super proud of their efforts and achievements - it is fantastic to see that every single one of them im- proved during their time in the competition. Our most impressive achievement was Lewis who placed 2nd out of 123 boys - so a big well done to him!

Trampoline Competition Congratulations to the Trampolining Team for their excellent efforts recently. Megan, Kacie and Claudia successfully made it to the final with Megan coming 1st place and Kacie coming 3rd place in the Year 7 & Year 8 Novice Competition.

Overall, Hampton Gardens came 4th out of 11 schools which is a fantastic achievement. All competitors should be super proud of their routines - they looked great!

Kingball Inter-Form Competition

The Year 7 and 8 inter-form competition saw some highly competitive Kingball matches. 10 pupils from each form (both boys and girls) battled it out over several lunchtimes in order to win as many matches as possible.

The Year 7 Results were as follows: The Year 8 Results were as follows:

Form Points Position Form Points Position B1 13 1st st A3 9 =2nd A2 12 = 1 st A4 9 =2nd B1 12 = 1 nd A2 8 3rd B2 9 2 rd A1 7 =4th B3 6 3 th B3 7 =4th A1 5 4 B2 3 5th A3 0 5th

Congratulations 7B1 and 8A2/8B1! Well done to all the students who took part, it was great to see so many students partici- pating and competing for their forms!

Level 3 Bikeability Congratulations to the 19 students that completed a valuable 3 hours of assessment biking around the busy roads of Hampton and Yaxley. The Level 3 Qualification was led by Outspoken Training.


PE Department Clubs - Summer Term 1


Robbie, Year 8

Robbie has been doing trampolining gymnastics since he was about 6-7 years old, with his club Aero Ki- netics. He really enjoys this club and now trains twice a week. He recently took part in a competition in Lincoln and came 1st receiving a gold medal. He was placed in an age category 13-14 years old, an older group as he is still only 12. Robbie performed fantastically well even though he was very nervous. His whole family are extremely proud of him. He has performed in his clubs home competitions but this was his first one away and hopefully many more to come.


If you have a gift or talent you would like to share please let Miss Mead know.

15 Hampton Gardens Hampton DIARY DATES - 2019 Tuesday 23 April 2019 Year 7 Parents Evening (Forms 7-AMH and 7-PBT)

Monday 29 April 2019 Year 7 Parents Evening (Forms 7-HAC and 7-JAE)

Monday 13 May 2019 Year 7 Parents Evening (Forms 7-HAW, 7-BCA and 7-JAS)

Monday 13 May to Friday 24 May 2019 Year 8 Exams

Monday 3 June to Friday 14 June 2019 Year 7 Exams

Tuesday 2 July 2019 New Intake Parents’ Information Evening

Wednesday 3 July 2019 Year 6 Move Up Day

Wednesday 10 July 2019 Year 7 and Year 8 Summer Grade Cards

Monday 15 July to Friday 19 July 2019 Enrichment Week

TERM DATES - 2019 Friday 5 April 2019 Spring Term closes

Tuesday 23 April 2019 Summer Term opens

Monday 6 May 2019 May Day Bank Holiday

Monday 27 to Friday 31 May 2019 Half Term

Friday 19 July 2019 1.00pm - Summer Term closes

16 Hampton Gardens Hampton