Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine Publications 2-1988 Opsonin-dependent stimulation of bovine neutrophil oxidative metabolism by Brucella abortus Peter C. Canning U.S. Department of Agriculture Billy L. Deyoe U.S. Department of Agriculture James A. Roth Iowa State University,
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[email protected]. Opsonin-dependent stimulation of bovine neutrophil oxidative metabolism by Brucella abortus Abstract Nonopsonized Brucella abortus and bacteria treated with fresh antiserum, heat-inactivated antiserum, or normal bovine serum were evaluated for their ability to stimulate production of superoxide anion and myeloperoxidasemediated iodination by neutrophils from cattle. Brucella abortus opsonized with fresh antiserum or beat-inactivated antiserum stimulated production of approximately 3 nmol of 0 2 -/106 neutrophils/30 min. Similarly treated bacteria also stimulated the binding of approximately 4.3 nmol of Nal/ 107 neutrophils/h to protein.