Form-C Public Notice by way of Notification (See rule 6/12) Government of Guntur District

Rc. No.3200/2019-G1 Dated. 30.01.2020

Where it appears to the Government of Andhra Pradesh / Collector that a total of 3.05 acres land is required in the Kanamarlapudi Village, Savalayapuram Mandal , Guntur District for public purpose, namely NAVARATNALU – PEDALANDARIKI ILLU

Boundaries Trees Structures Type Area under

Sl. Sy. Type Name & Address of of Acquisition No No. of Title person interested Land (in Acre)

N S E W Type Area- Plinth Plinth Number Variety Variety

1 112- Sale Govt Mandava Samatha 112/5 115,116, 101/3- 0.46 120 - - Nil - 5B1 Deed Dry (Subbarao) B part 117,120 2

Sale 101/3 - Govt Mandava Subbarao 112/5 115,116, 120 2 113 Deed 0.23 2 - - Nil - Dry (Chandramouli) B part 117,120

Sale 101/3 - Govt Mandava Subbarao 112/5 115,116, 120 3 114 Deed 2.36 2 - - Nil - Dry (Chandramouli) B part 117,120

Total: 3.05

A plan of the land may be inspected in the office of the District Collector &/ Authorized Officer on any working day during the working hours. The District Collector & / Authorized Officer is pleased to authorize the Revenue Divisional Officer, and his staff to enter upon and survey land, take levels of any land, dig or bore into the sub -soil & do all other acts required for the proper execution of their work. No person shall make any transaction or cause any transaction of land i.e sale/ purchase, etc., or create any encumbrances on such land from the date of publication of such notification without prior approval of the District Collector. Objections to the acquisition if any, and claims from all the persons interested/ affected for settlement by negotiation of the compensation, may be filed by the person interested in the land within 15 (Fifteen days) from the Notification.

Place: Guntur Sd/- I. Samuel Anand Kumar Date: 30.01.2020 District Collector , Guntur

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