MICROFICHE REFERENCE LIBRARY a Projectof Volunteers in Asia a Series of Articles on the Use of Bamboo in Fillding Construction Collected by Dr

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MICROFICHE REFERENCE LIBRARY a Projectof Volunteers in Asia a Series of Articles on the Use of Bamboo in Fillding Construction Collected by Dr MICROFICHE REFERENCE LIBRARY A projectof Volunteers in Asia A Series of Articles on the Use of Bamboo in fillding Construction collected by Dr. Jules J.A. Janssen Published by: St ichting TOOL Entrepotdok 68A/69A 1018 AD Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Available from: same as above or Intermediate Technology Publications 9 King Street London WCZE 8HN ENGLAND Reproduced by permission. Reproduction of this microfiche document in any fornris subject to the same restrictions as those of the original document. a series of articles on the use of in building construction collec?ed by dr. JulesJ.A.Jacs?en Univemty of Technology Eindhoven The Netherlands BAMBOO CICA publication 82.03 collected by Dr. Jules J.A. Janssen civ. eng. Committee for International Co-operation Activities (CICA) Sub-Committee Microprojects Eindhoven University of Technology P.B. 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands This publication can be obtained through: Foundation TOOL ITDG bookshop 61A Mauritskade 9 King Street 1092 AD Amsterdam London WClE 8HN the Netherlands England Second edition, 1982, 400 x. Free use can be made of tnc? information in this publication provided the source is properly indicated. The Eindhoven University of Technology cannot be held responsible for the possible damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication. -l- In may 1974a manualon b&boo was published,in Dutch. !I%ismanual oon+&ed selectedarticles on the experiences of the catchengineers in Indonesiaduring the colonialperiod, with the buildingof houses,roads and bridges. Sincethese articleshave a wealthof practicalinfomation, they were consideredto be stilluseful for fieldworkers. Afterpublication, several requests for an Englishtranslation ~ereoeivedand,insteadof~~latingtheDutchtext, similaroriginal~lishmaterialwasbroughttoqether, resultingin a manualfor use by field engineersand ccmumity developnentwxkersin tropicalcountries. In1582 IzhisEnglishmnualhasbeenenlargedwiththeresults ofrmdemr esearchprograms. 3u3.e~J-A. Janssen -2- chapw1: Intmduction;advantages anddefects page 5 of bambx; pmsem&icn 2: Housing 21 3: Bridges 77 4: Roads - 101 5: HoatsandFbfts 109 6: water SuPPlY 117 7: Hanlbooconstnlctions 131 8: Banhmreinforcedconcrete 163 9: Referencesand index 171 -3- ., .i / 7 chapterl. : Introduction 1.1. -Advantigesanddefects ofbahoo,basedon thepublicationsbyMATIIuRand~ P* 5 - Preszcvationof bamboo. 1.2. -First, amre fun&mm tal articleby Pmf.dr. W. Liesein Gate (1981)no. 1 Pm 9 1.3. - Next, a practical.mnual, pages 20...24 and 26 fran %anualof ruralwocd preservation" p. 12 (Anyba3ywho is intesestedin preservation, isadvisedlmorderhiscopyofthismanual at the address: ForestProducts Research Centre P.O. Bax 1358 EXXOKO PapuaNew Guinea), 1.4. - At last,pages 92 + 93 fran the U.N. IMIlual p. 18 Note: this book referstobad inbuiPdingstructures. Hmever, anyreadertiois interestedinthecultivation ofbamboo, isaskedtolcokintothe indexandthe referencesin thisbmk, chapter9, page 177. .a In 1953Mr. F.A. McClurepublished his book '&n-booas a building 1 B:’ material".(ref. 10) Frcxnthis book followthe "Introduction"and a descriptionhm differentbamboo species might be. Introduction Bamboo is one of the oldest materials used envirtsnment bamboo is a natural feature by mankind to increase comfort and well- haae nmpiy de.moastr.ated its claim to a spe- being. In tudey’s world of plastics e.nd steel, cial place in their everyday life. bamb continuer to make its age-old con- A.5 technical cooperation continues to tributions end is even growing in importance. sing.ie out spec,i.es with outstanding utility,. Programs of technical cu6peretion among end to dissem.inate them more widely, along nations are giving recognition to the unique with the old skills end the new techniques qualities of bamboo and are bringing about a essential to their practical use, the lot of broad sharing of the varieties of bamboo and many now underprivileged people will defi- the knowledge pertaining to their use. in six nitely be improved. With a few plants of Latin American countries, project5 are going supeior bamboos in the backyard, a family forward tuday to test end select outstanding will have et hand the wherewithal to fence varietie’s of bamboo gathered from over the the garden, build a pigpen or chicken coop, world and to determine their potectiai piece or add a room to the house. They will also in local economies. These projects, now a have the means of augmenting their daily part of the Point Four program of technical income by making baskets or other speciai- cooperation, have been under way for a num- ties iri spare time for sale or ex.change et ber of years end some of them have devei- the market. aped to a point where bamboo’s multiform If techniques of large-scale, mechanized usefulness has become obvious end chelieng- utilization can be developed-as, for example, ing. in the manufacture of high-quality papers and Bamboo is a versatile pient material, rayon-new industries end increased national whose potential can he harnessed in the ser- income may be brought to underdeveloped vice of the humble es well es the greet. in areas, It is with these prospects in view its adaptability to human needs, it has few that bamboo is being used es one of the ve- peers in the plant kingdom. in the Occident hicles for implementing the Point Four pro- as well as the Orient, the peoples in whose gram. Differences Among Species As with steel, bricks, cement, stone, 8. Relative proportions and distribu- clay, timberwoods, or any other ‘building tion of different tissues (bundles end paren- material, it is necessary to think of the chyma) in the wood ,(which effect the prop- bamboos in terms of individual and distinct erties listed under 9 end 10) kinds, each characterized by a combination 9. Density end strength of the wood of properties peculiar to itself (fig. 2 3). Certain 10. Splitting qualities of the wood combinations of these properties are use- 11. Susceptibility to fungi and wood- . ful for identification; certain ones must be eating insects, taken into account in evaluating the suita- Specifications for bamboos are not yet bility of individual kinds for one purpose or stendarixed on e wide geographical scale. another. Here are some of the properties Within any bamboo-using community, how- that determine the best use of a given bem- ever, the close observer will find that where boo end the relative value of available kinds there is a choice of several species, cer- for a given purpose: tain ones will be used for certain purses with greet regularity. And where there are 1. Average dimensions of cuims established bamboo markets, many of the 2. Taper of culms bamboos offered are found to be classified 3. Straightness of culms into more or less well-defined grades with 4. Sire end distribution of branches distinctive names. Such markets, end the 5. Length of cuim internodes local artisans who work in bemboo, are 6. Shape and proportions of internode5 sources of much useful informatioxi not 7. Thickness of the wood (culm well) to be found anywhere in print. -5- BElmlxmha!sadvantages, anddisadvantages aswell. Mathur (ref.8) givesa sumnary; we start with: SOME ADVANTAGES OF BAMBOO HOMES 1. Bamboos are circular in shape and sobd or hollow. As such bamboos can be easi!y cut into required size or split up with the help of simple tools, This helps in quick construction of houses. 2. At every joint in the bamboo there is a cross partition wall on account of which bamboos at their joints are very hard and do not bend or break easily. Bamboo houses are, therefore, strong. 3. The texture of bamboos is such that they possess a high tensile strength ; they are elastic and as such seldom break, 4. The dimensions of bamboo-its length and thickness-are such that bamboos can be conveniently stored and easily used in construc- tion. oh account of this, construction of bamboo houses needs less skilled labour. 5. The surface of bamboos is hard and clean. The colour of bamboos is also pleasant, This gives a good appearance to bamboo houses. 6. Bamboos have neither bark nor any material which goes waste. Therefore, bamboo can be used readily as such for house construction. Even though treatmeni of bamboo is desirable. 7. Bamboos cost very little and in almost every part of our country bamboos of good quality are available at cheap rates. Bamboo houses are, therefore, cheap. 8. When treated bamboos are used for construction of houses and when such houses are maintained properly it is found that bamboo houses have sufficiently good life. 9. Bamboo houses are comfortable to live-in in hot and dry climates as they provide adequate protection from heat. 10. Bamboos are light in weight, As such bamboo houses suffer very little loss due to earthquake. If such houses fall down due to earthquake, these can be reconstructed very quickly and at little cost. 11. Temporary construction with bamboos can be made Very quickly at low cart. 12. A varietyof usefularticles of everyday use like tables, Chairs,COts,mats,etc.andartisticabjects fordecorationcan bepeparedfranlxmkws. The areveryusefulfordanasticuse. -6- Next,wz continuewith: SCGEDEFECTSOF- HOUSES The housesconstructed with bambooshave sme defectswhicl- are due to the follming: 1. (a) I&e to dampnessthe bamboo startsdecaying and rottingvery soon. (b) Termites and borers attack bamboos and by eating it make it hollow. This shortens the life of bamboo structure and renders them dangerous sometimes. As such, houses constructed with un- treated bamboos may not be very durable. 2. When bamboo is buried in the ground, it starts decaying very soon and is also eaten away by termites and Insects. Therefore, bamboo should not be used in the construction of foundations for houses. 3. Bamboo catches fire very quickly and is burnt to ashes in no time. Bamboo houses, therefore, need fire protection treatment. 4. With the passage of time, the strength of bamboo decreases. fhis is responsible for short life of bamboo houses.
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