STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION (Under Right to Information Act, 2005) Samachara Hakku Bhavan, D.No.5-4-399, ‘4’ Storied Commercial Complex, Housing Board Building, Mojam Jahi Market, – 500 001. Phone Nos: 040-24743399 (O); 040-24740592(F)

Appeal No:16895/SIC-BM/2018, Order dated:13-08-2019

Appellant : Sri Chenna Narsimlu, H.No.8-82/9, Ankapur Village, Mandal, Nizamabad District- 503224.

Respondents : The Public Information Officer (U/RTI Act,2005) / The Deputy Tahsildar, Armoor Mandal, Armoor, Nizamabad District-503224.

The First Appellate Authority (U/RTI Act, : 2005) / The Revenue Divisional Officer, Armoor Division, Nizamabad District-503224.

ORDER Sri Ch. Narsimlu has filed 2nd appeal dated 28-12-2018 which was received by this Commission on 31-12-2018 for not getting the information sought by him from the Public Information Officer / Deputy Tahsildar, Armoor Mandal, Nizamabad District and the 1st Appellate Authority/ Revenue Divisional Officer, Armoor Division, Nizamabad District.

The brief facts of the case as per the appeal and other records received along with it are that the appellant herein filed an application dated 14-09-2018 before the Public Information Officer requesting to furnish the information under Sec. 6(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 on the following points mentioned:



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The Public Information Officer through Lr. No. C/2323/2018 dated 12-10-2018 furnished available information to the appellant.

Stating that the appellant was not satisfied with the reply of the Public Information Officer, he filed 1st appeal dated 31-10-2018 before the First Appellate Authority requesting him to furnish the information sought by him u/s 19(1) of the RTI Act, 2005.

Stating that the appellant did not get any response from the First Appellate Authority, he preferred this 2nd appeal before this Commission requesting to arrange to furnish the information sought by him u/s 19(3) of the RTI Act, 2005.

Basing on the material papers available on record, the appeal is taken on file and notices were sent to the parties concerned directing them to appear before this Commission for hearing on 13-08-2019 at Hyderabad.

The case is called on 13-08-2019. The Appellant is absent. Sri A. Laxman / Public Information Officer/ Deputy Tahsildar, Armoor Mandal, Armoor, Nizamabad District is present. Sri E. Sailu on behalf of First Appellate Authority Revenue Divisional Officer, Armoor Division, Nizamabad District is present.

Heard the Public Information Officer and perused the records.

As the Appellant is seeking information relating to several offices of the District, the Public Information Officer replied on 12-10-2018 directing the Appellant to apply to each and every office separately.

In view of the above, the appeal is closed.


Section Officer Copy to: SO / SF / OC


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