Alullll'h ST. JOHN's COLLEGE at the Annual
J d ! / D)lLIVERED BEFORE THE ALUllll'H OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE At the Annual Commencement 011 the 22d February, IS36, RY THE ,v jf~ § . HON. ROBERT H. ~OLDSBOROUGH, lN THE PRESENCE OF THE VISITORS _AND GOVERNORS OF THE COLLEGE_. THE GOVERNOR, AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF.THE STA.TE THE TWO HOUSES OF THE _GENERAL ASSEMBLY- AND A LARGE CONCOURSE OF CITIZENS, --. ' JN THE COLLEGE HALL, ANNAPOLIS. ANNAPOLIS: .Printed at the request of the Visitors and Governors of the Colkge~ JONAS GREEN, fn!N'l'EI\, -,s February 23d, 1836, ta meeting of the Alumni of St. John's College, held this day, following resolution was unanimously' adopted: ,-Resolved, Tbat 'William Pinkney, Johri II. Culbreth, John G. otid, Jr., Thomas II.'Hagner, and George Grundy, be a Commit. we' to present to the Hon. Robert H. Goldsborough the thanks o:: -the Alumni of St. Jo[m's College, for the eloquent, interesting, an& instructive Address, deliverc,d oefore them at the recent Commence. nicnt of the College; and to request of him a copy for publication, ANNAPOLIS, February 24, 1836. \Ve have the honour to transmit to you the enclosed Resolution, passed at a meeting of the Alumni, held in this City ov the 23d instant. In discharging this duty, permit us to express tlw jiratificat10n it will afford us to receive for publication a copy of tlu, interesting and appropriate Address delivered by you on the 22d o~ February lust, in favour of the Institution, to which we are so mucb l,ndebted, and on which we look with g~atitude and affectionate in.
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