uu A FOOD CLASH WITH em II 1 I NEXT KAILS 3:30 From San Francisco Saturday, Doc 22. For Sm Francisco iEeinon Saturday, Dec. 22.

- Evening Bulletin.- Eat 1882. No. 974. 20 PAGES -H- ONOLULU, TERRITOBY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1917. 20 PAGKS PRICE FIVE CENTS Hawaiian BUr, Vol. XXV, No. 015. ran1! vr ft D Mil a HI DISLOYALTY IH COLLEGE OF HA WAIl'S BOYSn'ON U. S. S. ST. LOUIS GEOMUSlfllllt FORCE JOINS SEND GREETINGS TO HOME FOLKS :l!Al'JAII FACULTY tOEMIED; BOLSieilll; REGEHTSTELL OF IflOJIIRIES PART 1 FACTIONAL FIGHTING t m Pnituro tft Declare Uncauivocal Loyalty to til, inrHne Form Anti-Bolshev- iki Force With Southwestern Russians of Prwidcn ; ; Uf S. in War Are Dealt WitlcervHands .Unofficial Report Berlin Rejects Trotzky's Peace Terms Dean ''Idle Gossip" Aiiegea 10 nave Pacifistnainumand Not AH Pro- are now bat Waldron Resigns, Saying Dean is Late despatches today' indicate that five distinct factions fc Loyal tllng in Russia. They are the Bokshovikl force, the Cossacks under General fessors are Kaledlnea, the loyalists under. Keren sky, the combination of Rumanians, . --Ukrainians, new Teuton army organized College southwestern Russians and and the 'There has never ljcen a time in the history of the behind the Russian tines. Latest news does not Indicate a decisive victory spirit of loyal enthusiasm for any, though it appears that active hostilities are In progress. . ' ot Hawaii when a more admirable Various despatches today Indicate the development of an entire'y new the regents . hasMTailcd," declares a statement issued today by military situation in Russia the organizing of Teuton forces behind the R. Farrington, chairman of the board. Russian lines made up of German at?f Austrian prisoners released since of the college, through W. the Kerensky government was overthrown They are taking advantage of filrprt rrat as the result of re-- the civil war raging between various Slav and Cossack factioflSjuid may v Wwl'rneetines of the board Kealolia Admits seize Petrograd and hold it for Germany. held to consider rumors of (Associated Press by 13. S. Naval Wireless) loyalty in' the college faculty LONDON, England, Dee. 21. A despatch from Petrograd nA tin- - lwst rav of dealing today brings the news that a combination has been effected . Signing Uill at ; ' ,. ti-f-- - ;. ' S ) - . I Va "rumor mongers, between a Bolsheviki force and a Teuton force made lip of t the statement todaydetails Austrians and Germans, both officers and soldiers who have Fraulein n specifically the case of Theresa's Home; been 'prisoners in Russia but have-bee- recently released. The v;?i iWr. She is assistant Bolsheviki force is commanded by Teuton officers now. languages ' profess6r of modern oath in Circuit Judge Ash It is believed that the force made up of released prisoners -- - members flffeVnd(JcC. M. faculty tnrA'm rntirt' fhii J. KM ' ind one of two II I is equivalent to two army corps and is commanded by its own terms of Ioha, former supervisor, confessed that On left F. H. Wight;, on right, Hawaiian musicians on U. S. 8. St. Louis. Wight Is a son of Charles did not answerin & pres- officers. within striking distance of Petrograd, and has ; j ho the he did not sign In the queen S. Wight, formerly president of the Wilder Steamship Company and later manager of the Honolulu Gas Com- Itis anti-Bolshevi- to be well-know- ki unequivocalloyaltrto ence the document purporting pany. He Is'related to severer n Honolulu families already defeated an force at Tashkent, " late United States a letter of inquiry the last will and testlment ef the LUluokalanL Christmas greetings to the people sot) of Mr. Akina Walmea, up. Is untrue and unjust 1 faculty menv ne is 'a of eddressed to all He signed the alleged will, saia,, 0f Honolulu are sent through the Star- - Kauai, and It is due .to his great in- "I am . glad that all we left behind LONDON, England, Dec. 21. It is unofficially reported here j ka mrimAummm9 Ttiftnflft f ..... - . . . ; Dm. in the presence uuiieim oy a group or staiwan ana tercut and everlasting effort that he us are well and when all is over, Ha correspondent Exchange Telegraph. President her-reques- by the Petrograd of the Why j Owana Belllveau' and t t. patriotic young Ha wallahs aboard the and boys been able to estab- waii will not be ashamed of the boys . his have was ner nome on U.-8- help Agency that the Germans have rejected the terms of peace sug- The signing done in S. St Loujs, now "somewhere lish such a fine reputation all over who volunteered for the navy to ' 4 ? ' the Gore lotr King street. At that on the Atlantic. On this vessel are "This same "group entertained Mrs. uphold Old Glory and give Uncle Sam gested by Russian (Trotzky ) gbternment. ' : rlifluo-kalanT-wa- s the continued,-th- e name R- time, he members of . the, naval militia of; Ha- .W. - Rush . great many times, for what he ants 'respect' and 'free- -- a lh fl-- wrillen on the document, waii, one number, Charles an, even when dom of the seas.' Ff -- ttlvelvand. ' and of their she was. kind to us wno , LONDONEnglandi .Dec. 2L person i:iT-UhitA ltM but $bere were no'other signatures. S. Wight, has sent the photo above Alaua, one of the Hawaiian boys, was "Thanking you for all the - past cam Star-Bulleti-n. .Kealoha testified hat Theresa 'nd an . interesting letter to the verr lick with pneumonia at the naval favors that you rendered .us when we The Rumanians and the Bus-- ;c on three' occasions and asked hospltaC. visited him several were at home In- - the naval militia of " m .J .....II to him Sht I t the""College him .to be a witness t the. allege? Wight makes JLJOainJhat times, brindifk.fruit and - flowers and Hawaii, for jrourpaper.was always sians alone the northwestern rniw:la: v: i Tbe'accond ' retaining or wilL tne doing; alt She possibly could to make ready to give us a boost when we nave -- tne- acc&rd A irpntj, jpmea usrai afraid he wotld get la trouble jiatwnal battle for humanity . and Jus- Um comfortable. - .. wanted It, . ing to hit story. The third time, he tice, lie writes in part: y All of us otherwise are very well "Wishing yon the best of luck and ians whojhaveldw ' i ppjiss . (the continued he consented to go to the :.Edltbr Honolulu SBufletln, ; and j getting "along splendidly, . but 1 prosperity and Hawaii a-- happy Christ- their indeoeridence. in a" move ..thtw. ; - - -- will-fin- d ' " r ; ; - house, as,' she told him "Sir: Enclosed yoa , pic- certainly-- will let you know that an mas,. ' : whose. ",rJLr;;Wt?EtStM) tfora princes"- ment against the Petrograd ported Ihj Vhlch that 'there would be. no trouble, and ture of the Hawaiian, musicians that editorial such as the Advertiser wrote, "1 remain, 'SlAf a man named Lot was also going are nuking a big hit in air the parts about ' how Hawaii had been left in "FRANK H. WIGHT. government They have that " aj Seriously Short to be a witness. :He added that there (hat we have visited. 1 ; the cold and that she would not be on U, 8. 8. St Louis, care postmaster, n - : . pointed Gen. Stcherhatcheff as judgment or X had4, been some talk, about Theresa E R Akin a, the senibrv musician. the roll of honor when it was made New York. r lego r ' taking him to the' queen's home,; but their commander and the " (Ault(H ty U. Ntvsl WlrsleM.) vfrnrautlr 0P - Pti wwqjto, that they went' to- Theresa! home whole Rumanian front is under WASHINGTON, D. C Dec 21. v-- eent Fred u ' ram . ui a '.';.v?v Testifying . before the house commit- who Wteved tfc .' eKaloha, early in his testimony, said LATE NEWS AT A GLABIGE ROLPH SAVS his charge. ; tee Investigating the conduct of the vandM:wlao -- aign document, TJkfan-ia- n war. Retiring Quartermaster General as : regeui. he waa forced to the The Bolsheviki' and but' did not relate'how Attorney , W; Sharpe declared that the war depart- Kea-loh- a, are reported I to be United C. Achl attempted to represent THREE STUDENT FLIERS . KILLED AT FORT WORTH . troops ment, prior to the entry of the - but- was ruled ; against by the FORT .WORTH, Texas. Dec. 21.-O- ne American and. two British avia- POOD PROBE upon each other States Into the war, ordered supplies advancing troops. sup- courL-wh- o told hhn' that U he mada tion students were killed here today 'when the plane in which they .were for a million Last June any: more remarks court he would ground. about three versts (two miles) plies for half a million more were or- ii flying dashed to the The caase of the accident is not. known. ' ' 11 ' -- be ejected. VfliS:,:-- ' apart. ... dered. , v only com ' Prior to the' beginning of TCealoha's w.- Bin , ruRiariilft. noivc a bia ei n DELAYS WORK He declared that the Cot-bur-n ronit irco concerning shortage of sup-pil- es testimony the attorney! for J.VF. i ' 'K - plaints m""- - i WASHINGTON, D. O, . Dec. 2tr returns : from the Red .Cross Cbrist- tworcuiiy4 , cloth- 'J ual of the were aUowed U withdraw from ;inas membership drive are m are the have been in the matter of allowed to ' ' ing, and that General Pershing was ' . -- ; , - s . '.., ' numbep will exceed the original goat ji; . . : ., GREATfARMY v Wit-ne-ss f.nmn ..; withdraw as .the proponent "of hd al , Interruption By v Another. satisfied with tne Quality and; quan- ieged:19X7 Tdocumejltf 'XH ? - r A Brings Obje6ti6n; Swift tity ' sent to France, recommending ioc-ume- . , lt r- A formal contest f '.the 1917. nt only a few minor changes.-Ha- the Conn,' 2l.-Alic- e Vwefl-know- n & Co.,1 Chicago, was filed by, the; attorneysfor ; GREENWICH. Dec Neflseni singer,' . and vRefuse ; to looms in the country are working on y B1LLC0MING CoX- - P. laukea. , Attorney Ifrank Dr.'.Leroy Stoddard.'explorer ad.leclrer, were marsled here today," "Submit Govern- army supplies, he declared, and said C J , ., ' - " Records and hare . , CoUese of Hawaii tad Andtade was named to assist the court '.f , . ' that though the men were called Into of tte proper method yyt ment is ; Going After consideration, tho in examining, the.: ?.witnesses. CltT . Them service faster than the supplies were fey Naval W1r Sfl dealing with the rcfaor an--, rasMtttM Prm U.V .). finished, aU would be equipped by end Attorney M. Brown,' hhd 'was con-spirae- y bnay preadln ,' SAN FRANCISCO; pW DeVii:esyijsoday to', the Indian (AsMdatrf ki U. 8. Naval WiralMS.) . WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. The - motfecrt who hare hounced ' he will - place . the ' 'alleged case; Pnu ot December. Ie stated further that the wife of'Saran Gadafpa'decWedat Hjrar DyaL one of WASHINGTON, C, Dec. 21-- The army appropriation bill' for the next fraudulent" matter before the grand "a"; a the war department has anticipated College ot Hawaii are "the Hindus alleged to have, been revojutlonaxx isand associated United States government Is prepar- fiscal year is expected to carry five SSr of the" Jury, took voluminous notes . during t the appropriations Of congress, mak- eenUmenU with 'the Germans, and. asked r her 4 Switzerland ta sejaVa secret agent ing to take drastic action to get Infor- billions of dollars," exclusive of the J In their the testimony. - ing preparations to get the supplies to: disseminate revolutionary propaganda,- She hadtfeTc!.bid.' She says that mation now refused by food manu- appropriations for fortifications and oSndlfferent tn their , 'Rev Sam Kaxnakala. whose name before the moaey had been voted. many .women been ''':':'--.-,- ; guns.- - In the present have thus employed. ''j.1;':''' , facturers and dealers, Held artillery United States appears as a witness to the alleged of the house mili- me rumors, in my esti- Today was.learned that Swift & Chairman Dent --So- of these will, ! has already sworn to an affida- Jt reru e MERCHANT MARINE DELAYED BY IMPERATIVE NAVY. NEEDS, i Company have refused to submit Its tary committee said today the com- have been the vit that he did not, sign the document - mation, o win- gfve army everything women-wh- WASHINGTON, -- to commis- mittee the roesip of men and in ,queens presence.,1 in; JJ. C. Dec. Hatrman Hurley;Tof . tie shipping' records the federal trade OlliES the but the com- needs. The sessions of the commit- mitt he eUer employed, and others preh8e of Theresa and at; her request board testified this afternoon beforeke senate' ''Investigating 'conJ(ftea. sion which s investigating the it PKG - -- dlscttaslng these connaentlal by the deliberate He cited the use of shipbuilding, yards" and by' the nay.bWa pany's dealings. - T tee in teWn;fo6tered His tesUxaony isjilso to be taken this iacllitles w - Sro-Germa- -- will which alms,to imperative needs, as :one reason for; slowness Attorney . Francis J. Heney, acting military matters be executive. zi propaganda afternoon of .naval th of the merchant KJ with suspicion iS..s v:": He Iff big-- for the commission, announced that he HIT EOPE; scread the atmosphere Judge Ashford's . courtroom Vaa marine construction? said that the ''first task the. program vwas connoc-- . ships,'- - In intends actfon to se aid doubt wherever possible la filled ; with :' Hawallans. Nearly two not toe build but to fabrication. the yards of facilities' reparatory to, take 'drastic of ' any-actlTlty.- the cotiatry dozen attorneys were present. to shipbuilding! He also said; that the speed of construction is constantly cure the records. , Siwlth " ' ' Oil SIU1DS arid, more especially with a public increasing. ', . r.! -' . Auditor Chase of . the Union' Stock. TffiEfi co;:fidh:ce. ' : - yards Compiny telegraphed to the vis tv- ' commission today that he .la Ul- - and is V - Letter of Inquiry Sent SIX MORE ADMITTEO TOT TRAINING, CAMP; . w Oping south indefinitely, 'will be GETS OFFQUICIILY ' cAMMlates Prtu fcjr 0. S. Iftval wlrtst.) . members, the . , and . "In order that the of .Six more applications for the second officers' training, camp at Scbo; answer questions which WASHINGTON, D. 21.' word-thl- a unable to tne Dec might hare the opportunity, to field Barracks have been granled according ' -- fronj - C faculty toa afternoon the ..commission . has; directed to his Direct . assurance- m the : confidence t&emselTes. the president of department headquarters. They :are as follows": Ralph P. Quarles, . ,Ser company.- - Heney. reported to the corn-missio- n ANGELES. Cat, Decv 21. The which' British and. French comman- Fort-De-Jluas- LOS under authority from the geant William S. King, 9th Company, y; Mnn SlFERS Moiris S, .SUnley, that he has amp'e. other evi. steam Nuuann gronnded oil the ders have in the ability-o- f Gen. John tanker identical ? Ttftrd of Rekents, eent. an Cavalry reserve; Sergeant Gust 'Mas nnson. Com pany ,.E, 53d. Telegraph may port Pershing, commanding Amer- as tol- - deifce onwhich..the commission. sands 85 miles north of this at J. the i letter to each of them. ;It read Battalion; Quartermaster Sergeant. Fdward P, Heelan, Cooks and Bakers, base action recommendations. night. The. Tessel wire ican troops In France, has reached, school; 1st Class Sergeant John A. . " er midnlxht last Brush. Former Treasurer, Wadden of the lessed, in distress but afterward got the war department with- - the return" jo: Members of thetFacnlty Major-Genera- m -- the - Union Stockyards Company said tnat unaided, by own. power, s of l- Scott-fro- a visit , Orders issued, today from headquar foff her of the OoUegw oLHawalUv COMMERCIAL CLUB MAY EXPEL GEORG RODIEK ' Ogden '' Armour ' and H. toi England "and France. Gen. Scott ters announce a , J. Prince V. College of Hawaii 'Is an hulnber'ot .transfers - i'The I - Charges to the effect that he had violated the neutrality laws of the own yards- rail- brfngXAvord that-th- e European Allied ; :gor--; of enlisted , men in .the Hawaiian" de; the and the terminal NAVAL CASE PROBED i Institution supported ty the United States and acted In a manner unbecoming a . and; parlmenWas'tc41owarh-Si-:f?- to Commercial Club road. 'He sajd that; Frank' Pegram, commanders are greatly satisfied with emments of the United States membef were preferred against Georg Rodlek, former German' consul in secretary, is holder of stock, but BY U. Si GRAND JURY? Gen. Pershing's persoLality and abil- - Prlratea. Winiam;T. Bourshon, Hen- - the . the territory of Hawaii There.: Honolulu, to the meeting of the board of ,- governors of ' the Commercial is actual, owner, added, ity and with the breadth and sound- current; in4. Honolulu ry Plocber, Noble.T Britt and James not the 'and are "reports r Club noon today. Rodlek is still a member of the After" ' three' ness" -- H. Beckett' Batturyi B,- - 9th Field Ar-tnier- at Commercial Club and that there were fretfuent changes of deliberating for hours of Amer can preparations to appears on to' grand-Jur- Engineers, unassigned. there to be a movement foot oust him from his position. treasurer so that knowledge of the fi- today the federal y! .took: a place the nation's. fufl weight in the (Continued on page, three). to ?d U The board of directors decided to investigate the charges more fully before workings of company on noon to reconvene next weekj scaler with-I- Allies. ; . , Sergeant- - KIchard M.' , nancial the recess at 1 1 ; taking the-treasur- Troop. C,th. Cavalry, transferred as action. the part of was avoided.' probably on Wednesday, .when It .Is incident In- expected partial reportwiU be sub- a private to the Quartermaster Corps tery D, 9th Field; Private John Fal- Another of the various YOUR-- STAMP1 - REGULAR SAILINGS TO vestigations of food product regula- mitted to Judge Joseph Potndexter. ATCH at Schofleld Bamckar. and appointed coner, Battery C,"9th Field,, to perma " 'today before- - present deUberatfon of the wiisoiiuflsiiso; .W.'i'.:v ,''.-- f sergeant; quartermaster corps. nent school detachment for cooks and TAHITI BY. SCHOONER tions came the senate The . Star-Bulleti-n.' - probing sugar grand jury m secrecy, but Editor, Honolulu , v Corporal Nlela C Sorenson and bakers. Fort Shatter; Corporal Chas. subcommittee the short is veued f - age. George M. Rolph California, presence ,offlcera In court ' V'- Sirj office : la receiving . M. Kane, of the of naval ' Thla Private 1st Class Michael J. Murray, Troop L, 4th Cavalry as Announcement' is made In the Jour- ; ' 4- - post- - head of sugar bureau under the this morning signifies that the case Christmaa greeting transferred as of their present grades private Kame-hameh- a, Jhe' BIlllROADf if.!;s man, to 6th Aero Squadron, nal Offlciel of Tahiti of the arrival of organlzatJbn, was continuing. Investigation unlikely a local 4-- - cards, prepaid with only one cent from.the Hawaiian Ordnance Depot Hoover under Is the schooner Tsabel .May from Hono- an- I postage. Under new law, all his testimony on the stand when one. About 14 officers were in court, the Detachment to the Ordnance Detach- Corporal Joseph S. Gait Company lulu, with7 121 tons of merchandise. ' - meat, other witness was called to take his several them. from a vessel "which (AjMaMPimbT.tCa.liayalWlrltU ment; Sd wi 4- postals and 'post cards be 4 Engineew;;nd will proceed B. Sd Fields Battalion; signal Corps. The Journal states the-Ysat- Af xf 5 4. placed interrupting him before' he had for some - time past two cents. , duty.; - make-regula- has been here WASHINGTON,' D. Dec. 21. Pre- prepaiiwlth "H to Tort Shatter for transferred as a private to Battery E, j henceforth to r trips be-- C - 1 these finished. Rolph then told the com Prior to the meeting of the. grand Wilson present message 4. am sure the senders of 4 Promotion and appointment of Cor- ia neia; ca uioagett. Honolulu and Tahiti, with" sident will a - - mvaie calls "I had pun 4- cards do not desire to have, the 4 poral Niels C; Sorenson, Ordnance pany F. 2nd. Infantry, mittee: assumed that the Jury District Attorney S. C. Huber to. Congress' immediately, after the transferred to .at Fanning island every two month re- - 4-- postage collected "Sd Engineers, grade pose of the investigation was to ronferred with some of the commis- holidays recommending legislation to deficient from: Detachment to of adjutant enerars department na- -- - , -- -- trans-portatl- - unless ex-- 4- lieve the situation in the We sioned officers. meet the emergency needs L V the addressees but the sergeant of ordnance, subject to ap tional army, and appointed private 1st In a report which "has been filed East' for Is col--' in have been waiting here for a week, is understood that the lnvestiga- - requested, 4. for each card. thus proval, of Unit- It m He has in 'the tra rent of the chief ordnance. class. circuit court John F. Colbnrn. a & . master, postponing necessary work." .. now grana com- - they cannot be deUtered. 4 ed States army.v:i V'-t- - Salvia, Patterson, Company the uon or me case Derore ine .meantime,, that the interstate Private recommends that the accounts of the Serfatdr Reed of? Missouri Jury begun body -- - .irWlll you please asslstTae :in 4 V Private - Albert; DiCIngerJ: Company CVand Private Raymond A.' tHIgh. administrator of the retorted: was when that was merce'commlssion withhold any inTes- publicity this, mat-- estate ot the fat Ml suppose the sugar shortage will be last in eesslon, but was 'postponed be- Ugatlonst'.-i-W-.-i-- V filvins'wide ;to 4 22nerInfantry to ;Company: A, Jut Company D,? 25th ilnfaratry, ' - detaUed Francis . Mtfls. Swanzy,vhe. jippraved, .;...."- f blamed on congress, now." 1 ' 1 . V.ter. ;.,i iv-v,;.rr;- Infantry;, Private; Adolnhus ft Cum-miners-.' cause of the absence of wltnessel.;: i , , r for dntyfatthe school of and ad-diUon-al - p fire. Private that the administrator receive t . 4--' . H, MacADAit, Postmaster.- to-Troo- ..'-- , . . objector . IX 4 Battery D, Sth Field, William C:Astley. Medical Depart-- cgmmissions Jn-- ' V. at Tar!aai the sum ot injuri-ouseffe- ct d 4tn cavalry: - Private Morris F. Ijght is known to have an Joaquin Sanchez Toca, former pres sent to Secretary Driver t Is fim. ment transferred tor flimrf.rmsitsr 151,987.98. Tbe estate, is Talued at on pay. BoofTrpoji Cgva W ; bacteria;.hence it Is an ident of. the Spanish senate, abandon- month's Tha r:n.wn.'t tiat he ' ' A Blilaw" imoortajit hygienic; factor, ; ed his attempt to form a sew cabinet had earrel it t :t c: ;'.J r r ; :

0 uu

STAR-BULLETI- t-rsv- DECEMBER 21, u HONOLULU FRIDAY. lli V THIS IS A YARN A DRAFT CLASSIFICATION i NEW YORK STOCK I URGE KUHIO DAISY l(. SHORT MILE LONG; SHE LOST TIME EXTENDED ATKINSON WILL ! DILLINGHAM 'Mil' I MARKET TODAY UMIJ IT KNITTING ON CAR Yester Authorization t postpone date for IN - Today. day. FIRST NAME She mas a nice old lady and of classification of registrant?- under th ADVOCATE t0lW0Rl).S. MAKES law mhich requires JUDGE - 2 ANSWER on dratt Alaska Gold . . course very few noticed her the nm selective "'do-in- s filling out of detailed question- American Smelter . 70' 2 street car because he was bn the 62 ol was received today in a cable American Sugar Rfg. . . 93', HOUSE LOT DRAW her bit" knitting ocks for naires 'DRY'AHENDMENTI from Washington by Capt F. J. C.reen. Capt. ' Jack." Atkinson, quarttrma-te- r American Tel. & Tet. . . 99 diers and sailors. The Manoa street corps, was recently Anaccnda Copper 55 55' TO GOVERNOR i ar bumped and clanged it way along. draft officer. reserve who 77U 78 K. Short Just as the car started over Swanxy No extension of the time for enlist- graduated from tae training camp at Atchison Ttie name of Mm. Daiy named Hawaiian Assocation Prepares! Baldwin Loco 54' 53 was tbe first amone approxi- hill there was a scream The con- ments Is to be rra::ted from date of Schofleid Barracks, has ben drain al ' judge of a general court-marti- Asking Delegate Baltimore & Ohio 40 4 mately 170 this irsornin? a: the lan! ductor yanked the cord and the car lec. l.". however, accorciins to the advocate Resolutions Denies That Dredging Company! K. H It is in- Bethlehem Steel 69 68' 4 jffice worn thr ealed box rontalnin stored. A dozen passengers crowded cable. ht h is from Ma.i C.n. ordered at that pct. to Work for Prohibition 10' 2 Arrange-- old lady. She It had hoped that en- teresting to note that seven qCjof the Calif. Petroleum ...... 104 . sp)lications for the Waiasea houf Was Party to Any j about the Croder been ; are Canadian Pacific 129 Mi!o. wero opened refused to answer their questions but listments in the Hawaiian department eleven etneers named to the corf, to pro- lot. ment Between U. S. and; reserve corpe. . KeoIutinn urclnK conKre M. & St. P. (St. Paul 38 2 37' 2 a of in th-- j clambered out of the car and looked misht still be taken if th draft clas- trotn the ar to C There are total lets Capt. Atkinson a of vide for federal prohibition Colo. Fuel & Iron 33 2 33 ranging in size from 20,000 Territory down the back trail. sification time were etrded. has had number i area, Delegate !. K Kalanianaolcrj years' experience as a which handed to Crucible Steel 48' 47', 22,r.oo earh The prices range from Far in the distance was a little ball On the mainland the clas- lwr. Pro-- st.o-.il- ty the member' of the Hawaiian ' 26' 26', 8 Iredgins: Co. as yarn, leading arti- i quality him as a valuaMe man Cuban Cane j JIM to J I5f, to be paid at l' per cent 'The Hawaiian of its string to the sification work now proceeding. It kn-.t-tin- was one tectlve Association for presentation Erie Common 13 13' 2 ' not a to any a: rangemed made cle which the old lady had been 1. on the Srhofield board. He it! down. 10 ppr cent after six months rart will not t!ein here until .lin. and attorney general before the national lawmaker. General Electric 122H 1204 Ketueen I r.ite States engineer Evidently it had'been a big ball filling question- Ume deputy of the or-- , iBnd 20 per cent annually thereafter the the actual out of the plan formulated by the Motora. New . 9034 88 dredg- yarn lady's territory and at the time he entered tiow General j law also requires that each lot and the territory repardfn;; the of whA It fell from the old is to begin Jan. 7. Tbe cable j i Tbe naires, ganization materialize . . . 81-V- 81 the camp was with the firm of Thomp- Great Northern Pfd. j must feave a bouse on if 40 cost not ing out of the hubsti ucturtj of the old lap and now it was strung over two sail now l.Hnc pre-- ; N. K. son ililverton The resolutions are Inter. Harv., J i railway.' declared Walter Mocks. Put the conductor could not 6 will be less than S'W, and that the marine Authority cranted to defer Ha- named to the board are: pared by the asportation and Kennecott Copper 30' 4 29 a year Dillingham this morning v. hen he was wait to have the yarn picked up. and Others MiJ. '.ie: applicant must live at last waiian classification date to January C. 32nd Infantry; handed to the delegate before Lehigh R. R . 52' 4 50' if hf bad any statement to mate the car clattered on. leaving the owner William Russell. j on the place. aked 1. no are permitted leave for Washington, whl'li prob- New York Central . 637 64 but enlistments Capt. Byard Sneed. 32nd Infantry; Selection will he made at .Hilo in response to t!: charge madi before of the yarn to go back over the road December ably will be shortly after the first off - 41?, after. K.' Capt. Krnest J. Carr. 25th Infantry; Pennsylvania 4U2 court house on Monday morning. De the harbor rommissiun sterday that and pick tip the thread of her work. year. Conaol . 20' ' Capt. Orln H. Rigley. infantry. R. C; the Ray 2 20', 31. 0 were the territory had been gouged' oit resolu-- f cember at o'clock. Names war. The praers were in particular! Keller, R. In addition to presenting tho Reading Common . 68' 8 67 by carry FOR Capt. Albert infantry. C: following of approximately the GERMANS PRAYED i drawn today in the order: who down Infantry. R. C : tton. the delegate will also be askea Southern Pacific . 78',. 78'4 ing a for this partic- PRESIDENT WILSON for Nicholas Wagner, went Capt. Frank L. . he Mrs. Daisy K. Short. Mrs. Mary Ka out of contract Infantry. to work personally for prohibition, Studebaker . 44' 4 43'? dredging. BALTIMORE, Md. Several thous- wit! the destroyer Chauncey several 1st Lieut. Hjalmer Jacobson. of leialii. Earl Stanley Elmore. Chuichi ular Lieut. William having to the members Oil . 123V2 120 native-bor- n was a member of the R. Temporary 2nd intimated Texas Klmura, "William John Rell. Arthur C. Continuing lie said: and Germans and their weeks ago. He C: he Is strongly in . 104 10334 J. Matthias. 32nd Infantry; 2nd UeuU the association that Union Pacific Wneeler, Samuel Kalua. Mrs. Mary "Whether the United States engi- descendants gathered here recently court gation. "' C favor of the "bone-dry- movement. A U. S. Steel ...... 83-- 82 34 governor in Practically all the congregation is Frank F. Beckman, infantry. R. Lau On, Mrs. Makaleka Christian. neers are Riving the and the St. James' Catholic church and Mira- ho Star-Bulleti- n recently, he Utah . and 120 mem-be- r 32nd infantry; 1st Lieut. Powell told the 74. 75', N. Elizabeth harbor hoard a square deal or whether prayed for President Wilson and the of German extraction, fight for prohibition for Hawaii 78 77 Mrs. Deborah Fernandez. service. cle, infantry. R. C. 25th Infantry. will Western Union 2 H. or not the marine railway foundation men who have fallen so far in the are in the United States prohibition, if the people 353 K. Victor. William Hill. William or national Westinghouse '35 Hip. should be excavated at the price con- here him to. Mahi, J. Ishiru, Herbert Iai desire KaneWchi Yanaglhara, Te tracted for sand and mud are matters Delegate Kirhio Ik the hfcad of ""thf Bid. f d. Unquoted. an ruyo Okuda, E. D. Ayres, Ned Krues of opinion. Hawaiian Protective Association 'That! the governor ani the harbor ier-petuat- e Tong. E. Wbite. 1th president, its object being to ARGENTINA MAY BUY er, Chun Chin Frank Isojlro Kitagawa. Jnlchi Okamura. Jo board were forced to reconsider and the Hawaiian rare to as great CROPS FOR ALLIES fed- fme-kic- hi make good their promise to the an extent as jtosiiible. to give to the Martins, Edward L. T'atterson. Special Sale of Yanagfhara. Heitaro Egawa. eral government by removing the , such protection as they BUENOS AIRES. Argentina. The r Hawaiian Mary marine railway foundation is a matte.-o- 'need In all matters, to preserve tlij Argentine government la studying the 'Mrs. Hannah Kaaepa Lowe. race. Its mem- proposal made by Reginald Tower, jLlndsey Nawahi. Tomoji Matsumura. fact best tradition of the Sir concluding his statement bership Includes many o4 Honolulu the Hritlsb minister here, to buy in . Iniyazo Nakamura. Emma Reinhardt. Before Mary L. Kamoku, Su-- I with these remarks. Mr. Dillingham Misses' quan- E. Qulnn, Obed and host known Hawaiians. The prohib- the name of, the entente allies a Maruo, Miss Young Poon A reviewed the negotiations leading up , largely tity of the" exportable approaching ketaro ition movement was begun at ma- J dredging out of the the Instance of Rev. Akaiko Akana. a crops. The railways, under the ar- Ping Tong. Manuel B. Santos. Bernard to the final 1 railway He 6aid: director, who is prominently associat rangement, would be supplied with coal W. Vicars. Kamatsu Sakamoto, Wil-- rine structure. necessary to move the crop to the liam J. Stone. Gus H. "Webling, Antone "If your account of the meeting of i ed with the Hawaiian Board of Mi'H ' Children's ports. Kimi. Walter Henry Bradley, Mrs. the harbor board held yesterday was Annie K. Lowe, Edward A. Jewett, correctly reported. I feel that the Tom Wal Kim. Ruth A. Langevin. Star-Bulleti- n should hav a word Robert J. McKeague. Virgin H. Car-raTho- . about the facts under the camou- Thomas Orrin Mitchell, Mrs. flage. Lillian Yotaro. Kaimu Kaikuaana. "Governor Pinkham promised the Hichizo Nich U. S. engineers several years ago that weaters Robert Thomas Forrest. iraura, Shozo Murakami. Shinado Kit the territory would remove the marine On the Second Floor 1915, agawa, Mrs. Mary Keaweopala, Ame milwar foundations. Later, in garments make an appropriate gift, lia K. Ellis, Tomizo Segada, "William Superintendent of Public Works These comfortable company A Fine Piano A. Caliill. Joseph Kahauolopua, Ma- - Forbes asked the dredging t a moderate price. goichi Tanaka. Yosbio Koshimoto, what it would cost to do the work. -- On Mr. Alex Lyle's history of what Regular $4.50 Values at $3.50 j ; Mrs. Alana Kaluhikaua. Frank M. Is Great Economy foundation we estimat- a j Dias, Miriam K. Hookano, Nobuichi constituted tb4 Regular 5.75 Values at 4.50 Iord-Youn- g Nakao. Eddie Akoni, Mrs. Mary Ka ed and bfd -- IIQ.OOO. se- Regular (i.50 Values at 5.25 an economy in money because hana, Emma A. Nawahi, Moa KeTlInul. cured the "contract at about $3000 and It's Moses K. Doiron, John Puha Hale, were later glten an extra on the work Kegular 8.50 Values at . . 6.50 you get a high class entertainment Alfred R. Gaspar, Sajiro Abe, Heulu of $900. the year round. It's an economy Namuhoe, Mrs. Halli Kuamoo, Mrs. The governor then announced to Mary Low, Futoshi Arakawa, Clarence the IL S. engineers that the territory social educative stand- had done its part. The engineers at- from a and j W. Davis, Henry Brewster Mariner, tempted to force the dredging com- " j K. Maa, point becauseit keepsyour family Otto K. Reinhardt, John pany theory H. "W. William to finish the Job on the ' youv Charles Hitchcock. -- was at home, and enables to amuse "Wright. Helen K. Kaina, Mary Ann that the marine railway site within- - con- way. I A. the. limits of our federal your friends iri the best Akana. Frederick Clowes. Annie digging Kamoku. Joe Freitas Braz, Mary K. tract for sind and mud. Christmas. Kaaumoana, Hattie KalanI, Prescott Says Governor Erred Buy a Piano for "At the request of the engineering ' A. Foo. Amos de Costa, Mary K. Ke-kel- . j office we made a survey of the ma - K. Apu, t Knabe, , Kroner, Haines, Miss Louisa Kaichlro railway site, of which Mary Hussey, Es- rine the result Okuda. Ann Mrs. us the governor in his satisfied "I Marshall & Pianos. that 'V..i... : Jcndel ther Kekoa, Harris Doss. Peter, E statement to the .engineer office, to f iU Aroli, Lui Kwan. Mrs. Sarah D. Hen- the effect that the' jmarine' railway t UPRIGHTS LYERS , j ry. Mary A. ."Wilt Nobujlro Yoshlno, "T2 foundation had beep removed, was in $275 up to $65CK50aLip to $1350,--, Herman N. Kamai, Miss Sarah Ka-hel- e, error. Mrs. William J. Steward. Daniel '' ""-in "Thinking to save,our governor from r.-- KalelalH, Miyomatsu Ota. Hisataro ' Washing- ''' Oklna, Mrs. Helen Kamai Edmonds, an embarrassing call from .' Leong, Mr3. ton, I took the data and placed it be- Today Harray Asu, Chock Koon Arrived Ki-tar- Mr. explained Honolulu Music Co., Stella Kalminaauao, Kitaro Ishii, o fore Pinkham, the facts Takahashi, Mrs. Mary Peterson, which had been developed and asked New Silk Waists, Georgette models, embroidered with beads, light and dark shade's Eikichl Nakamoto, Rose Auna, Lizzie him what he wished me to do. Ltd "He said: 'I can't keep track of all $6.50 and $9.50 each ' Pua Match, James Ako, James G. :''r i.-- r Reid, Mrs. Kock Tow. Bernard A. the details; give the records to Mr. ' :' t Landes, Mrs. Mary Ann H. Holl. Joe Wheeler (Forbes' assistant), and 1 Hekekia. Keoahn Kelltanl, Eli K. will see him.' ' -- '.TV. u delay two Mr. - Kamehalku. Kaelemalrale L1I111, Kala-ma- "After a of weeks. t governor " ,. Kaanaana, En Kong Wung, Mrs, Wheeler said the and the ... . i r.; tepwaucuwrm Emma Smith, Florence TJ. Like, Gie-mo- n harbor board refused to consider the - SACHS' Sakamoto, Chong- U. Ping, Ume matter. "The particulars were then placed klchl Kanal, Harry D. Bererldge, Kal-1- 1 Pahee, Miss Evelyn K. Pea, Louise before the local U. S. -- engineer, in writ- Hotel Street, near Fort - Correia, Mrs. Annie Stevens, Lekayo ing, by him forwarded to Washington, Kawabe, Mrs. Joseph Langerln. Man and in reply the following message uel de Colto, Frederick J. Benny, was turned over to me by the U. S. Tsuneklchl Kanal, Hanjlro Tanaka engineer office in Honolulu, as coming Mrs. Wahia Kalilikane, Elphie E. from the. chief cf engineers in Wash- ; STOREIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIH;' Naope, ington yillHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllffllllllllllllllMANUFACTUREKS'TSHOE Langexln, Susie Mrs. Helen " Puuohau. XtTier Louis Helbnsh, John 'From the correspondence and William Bains, Hidetsugu Kanal, Sa-kjilc- statements, this office is convinced Nakano. Talchlro Seto, Eliza- that neither the specifications nor the beth Andrews, Kekntaro Maesaka. contract contemplate the removal by "T? Alice Medelros, KenJIro Kodama, Mrs. the Hawaiian Dredging Co., Ltd., of Keao Spoldlng, Yasutaro Furutani, the substructure of the marine railway

a, in Area F, covered by said Sadalchl Amasakl. Hlroklchi Nishf-mur- contract.' Machiyo Arakawa, Shizue Su- "A later contract of ours covered zuki. Hiroya Nakamura Yothlkawa. the removal of the marine railway Make your feet happy foundation. The deal was with the American, a German language U. S. engineers. The arrangements paper published in St. Louis, printed between the federal government and we were not first page in English. . the territory a party to. 2ws Whether the U. S. engineers are giv- ing the governor and the harbor board a square deal or whether or not sub- - mArine foundations should be excavat ewmmm ed at the price contracted for sand and mud are matters of opinion. "That the governor and the harbor board were forced to reconsider and with the sensible Christmas gift to yourself to make good their promise to IT the of of handsome, comfortable shoes. federal government by removing the a pair marine railway foundation is a mat mmm ter of fact" Our big stock makes holiday buying easy In the meeting of the harbor hoard yesterday afternoon it was decided by and satisfactory in every respect. vote to pay the 6um demanded of the territory by the federal government, 4T about $3500. For gifts to man, woman or child, a pair 40 COCKETT SALOON SOLO. of ZomfylFelt Slippers

The sale of the saloon license of I for mr Ii Cockett to two Japanese, Moeho kind of alipDers you zuki and Xakanlshi. was approved by Comfy Slippers be-r.'?- an liquor license commission at Vil int to wetr, tfofMn the its kick them meeting yesterday afternoon. The $6000. just the things license brought - v.V?"Jtv.,H)piTJ orer. The question of helping the whole- This is a personal interview with you men in which a little salers during the Christmas rush ir. ' Ter you Christmas hint is to be dropped. the way of facilitating the handling of the permits was left entirely to W. H Hutton, license inspector. r I suggest, Mr. Blank, that you get her a "set' of Aluminum i fxrtriK rd-- - Utensila --a present that is pleasing and practical. Your gift will Go to Thrum's for constructive toy be a constant, delightful reminder of your thoughtfulness and games. Adv. Christmas Shoe Orders will only delight morning, but every day Store open evenings Dec. that not on Christmas in any amount 21, 22 and 24. V for years. v. & Aluminum Sets FOR SALE. $22.50, $32.50, $45.00, $50.00 Set MISCELLANEOUS. Shoe Store New Nelson's Loose Leaf Encyclopae- Manufacturers' dia revised to October, 1017, for sale at a big reduction. See Ross 1051 St. Page, at Y. M. C. A. 6374 7t Fort 1 w. w Bimond & Co.,Ltd. the V HOUSE .OF HOUSEWARES FOR SALE. L. C. Smith typewriter, excellent con- dition, cheap. Honolulu Sales Co.. mniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiaiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia?) 150 v;v v v-.i- r r r w w w w w v w w v w w w w Beretania street. H'j'i 2t STAR-BULLETI- TTOXOLUMT N, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1917.


STATEMENT 1 STEAMSHIPS " - REGENTS MIKE - - LM DENIED; 1 1 v.x- - M M 11 M III. """.it fl T I tffc- t " ASWfl W W .11 I mmm m. 1 II T I . BBV I B -- f w.- v - a W I X "BT BW mW II II W BI 1 I

Avery, to th? (Continued Irom page 1) of nupr!or attalDrntits In the resper William if. advisor tire d?; arttpems In whlrh thry were Asana syndKat presumes the an- questioning the loyalty to the employed to tearh. Th're did "not de- nouncement of the Toyo Risen Kaiba United SUtes of members of the velop any infrrmation which wouid taht it has determined to construct 12 faculty, of thla college. That there indicate that airy member of the co' stearnhit,s in a continuation cf th? ma be definite and authentic in- lepe faculty w: conductin; a pror building plans of the company which formation at their disposal, the randa among fjje student. Quite the were formed before America placed an fiotrd of Regents and the pres- reverse is truet embargo on the exportation of stel. ident of the college request earh "The first tnjlnt brought to focus in He says the original plans were t.i member of the faculty to furnish the discuslon of the regents v?z b'lild from one to CO ships. Four oi five already have been constructed. . categorical answers in writing whether the college was justified in not later than December 13th, to continuing tlae employment of an Three of these ships were to be placed the following questions: alien enemy, regardless of hi or her in the South American trade and the "1. In what country were you qualifications as a teacher. others on the UirouRh run between the "At the session, after a very Orient and San Francisco. born? iirst coming "2. Are you a citizen of the long debate, a motion was passed tha The announcement now United SUtes? a person owing allegiance to an alien makes him believe a large enough (a) By birth. enemy nation should not be employed supply of steel has been secured to (b) By naturalization. ed. make certain the construction of the 12 ships. This may "t. Are you unequivocally and "On the following day. this action steel supply have unreservedly loyal to the coun- of the board was reconsidered as It been secured by special release from try In which you were born? was believed that it would automati the A9merlcan government, but he is "4. Do you support In thought. callv disDcnse with the services of Inclined to believe it is part of the 11 rensed steel which gotten to In word and. In so far as lies in Fraulein Heuer, the assisUnt profe has been ei Japan embargo your power. In deed, the pur-poe- sor of modern languages, and it had since the was declared of the President's message cot occurred to the members of the I'nder the terms of the embargo al congrees December 4, 1917? board that Miss Heuer had been em steel contracted for and readv for de to of livery up to Aug. 15 yon think that your answers ployed for a period of three years could be exported If insuf- ending of 1918. under a license. Railroad and steam to the above questions are with the summer This ship freight ficient to make' clear your posi- in the opinion of some of the regents coneestion has materially a obligation delayed the delivery of this steel in tion you are at liberty to offer constituted a certain moral Japan, supplementary statement. which could not be set aside as 'a mere he thinks. "Respectfully yours, scrap of paper.' regardless of what --A. U DEAN, President" the strictly legal rights of the re The Replies gents might be. "Replies were received from all the Attorney General's Advice Asked two coming members of the faculty and, with "As a result of this point The employes of the Honolulu Iron exceptions, the responses were those up for discussion, the action of the Works to are to get a three days' Christ of unequivocal, enthusiastic loyalty previods day was reconsidered and mas holiday. The management post the United States and its part in the the president of the college whs ask ed a notice yesterday to to place before at the effect that war. ed the situation the both Monday and Tuesday be Eliz- responded would "The two exceptions were Miss torney general, who to the holidays, in addition, of course, to abeth Matthews, a citizen of the query In a letter covering the Subjec t Sunday. United SUtes and head of the depart- His conclusion was that the regents ment of domestic science, and Frau-le-U were entirely free to act In bo far as "I'll never forget my birthplace Maria Heuer, a native of Ger- an actual or implied contract was Hawaii," concludes a brief letter re many, assistant professor of modern concetrned. The attorney general's let ceived by Elizabeth Kaimana Hiram languages. ter closed with this comment: 'We of this city from her adopted son, "The response of Miss Matthews must remember that there are millions Feter Kamakalani Kuhooku Morse, was as follows: of residents In the United SUtes of who is now with the Canadian army the President and Board of German birth or German descent and He left here in September to join "To pre- the csr every Trustees of the College of Hawaii. though we should exercise forestry corps, but his letter indicates 'In reply to your request for infor- caution in protecting ourselves that he may transfer to the British mation concerning the loyalty of the against acts on the part of any of navy. y Mr ri mm mm v m membera of the faculty of the college them rending to give aid and comfort I submit the following reply: to our enemies yet we should be Just: Because he was in such a hurry to "'1. I was born in the United furthermore, we should not waste out deliver a message public charges ol that he failed to SUtes of America. energies in making carry the necessary lights on his bicy- "'I am a citizen of the United lhoe who are not a menace to the cle, Chan Kau. a messenger of the States by birth. community.' United SUtes Naval government Radio Communi- "3. I am loyal to the First Motion Passed. cation sUtion, was arrested last night of the United SUtes. After devoting some two hours to by Officer Ah Fat. and as no one was jiA XhT ? answer and JM. question I cannot further canvassing the situation f "4. This Inclined to put un 110 for bail. h directly. But that there may be no also endeavoring to adjust the indi spent the night police to opinions at the station. doubt as to my position in regard vidual of the members of the Tne bicycle, however, was taken back my country, I wish to make the fol- board, the original motion, which had by the radio office as it was necessary lowing statement: been reconsidered at the second meet ior me delivery of other messages. "I WAS very much opposed to the lng, ,gave way to a substitute which war and I was carried unanimously, as follows: United SUtea entertnfl thla JAPANESE SOCIAL WORKER 'till believe the should net have done "For the duration of the war, no per - so. But, I also firmly believe In a son who is not actively and aggressive TALKS TO MAUI PASTORS HOMERS or IQlWK&m democratic form of government by Lly loyal to the United SUtes shall be this I mean the rule by the majority appointed to the faculty of the Col (3pcUl Star-Ballatl- B Coirtivo&dssc.) the majority lege of Hawaii." WAILUKU, Maui, Dec. 20. Dr. Kat and since It teems that 4 1 17 people believe that thla war is The point then arose as to the status suji Kato of the International Commit of the Young is only riant. It Is clearly my duty to obey of those already on the faculty and tee of the Men's Christian' Asso It the instrument deemed worthy to country the responsibilities of the Institution, elation spent two days on Maul, re the expressed will of my Galli-Curc- i, however painful It may be to me, per-anall-y. both ,in protecting the College from turning to Honolulu last evening. preserve their voices by Caruso; any possible Inroads of .disloyal prop His special errand to Maui was to i ?T . fir Schumann-Heink- , rti "Concerning the liberty of thought aganda, and also Its responsibility in speak yesterday at the monthly ses Melba, Ruffo, Tetraz- - 4 TU. speech, I cannot grant that that doing full justice and seeing to it that sion of the Central and West Maui and the organization should be allow la a matter to be decided except by not ministers of the Hawaiian Board of zini, Calve, McCormack, and practically all my own conscience. To me that Is the ed to be made the victim of idle Missions. The meeting was held at element of democracy. I be- prejudice and gossip. the Japanese church at Puunene. essential Dr. the supreme stars. lieve It is my sacred duty to sUnd Left to President Kato outlined the work of the k principles, otherwise I After a thorough airing of the views International Committee on Friendly for those among ahould feel that I was a traitor to the of the individual members, it was Relations Foreign Students The use of a Victrola and Victor Records, wMrh 'bronchi my forefathers finally voted: He spoke of the fact that fully 7000 country nd which they have "That the matter of retaining or foreign students are in the American to thla dismissing colleges one with the other, is absolutely essential striven to mainUtn for over three Miss Heuer and Miss Mat and universities. Dr. Kato la my ceuer inai uu thews before the expiration of the also told of his own special work centuries. It period which they employed among Japanese to a perfect Victor reproduction. the only meant by which the world for were the students in n be can be made onsare ior cmn, emper-o- left tothe judgment of the presi America. and kings and aafe tor democ- - dent of the college.' "This action was approved by TV. R NEXT YEAR. Over 21,000 Records to select from Farrington, Chairman of the Board rMuUin Heusr'a Response of Regents, Mrs. C. W. Ashford and Up and down the street I know d C. R. Hemenway, members, was Now The resptnse of Frauleln Heuer but it that there is Grief and War ' vigorously disapproved by Mr Fred All day long the people go mm follows: . - - wm - U Waldron, As "To the President and Board of Re- member of the board, who they went before. to , believed that the regents should take $20 mmmtm Hawaii:; $400 - f Coll re of f - M definite and Immediate action to eli But when now go y- Ill .,.-:.,""in repiy yow ictiuw. w. the lads b- -- . - m mm mmm umirv nT inn minate from the faculty any citizen Careless look and careless elance Payments as low as $S mqnthly or an alien enemy nation who is un My heart wonders "WTiich shall He willing to pledge loyalty to United year ef Hawaii. I beg to submit the follow the Still next in France?" ing answers: SUtes In a period of war crisis. Mrami to. tnr natlonamy ana Idle Gossip Spread When the girls go fluttering t no doubt, as The canvass of the situation made flushing cheek and tossing head ettUeninlp there can be by Music Co., fctdL regents My Honolulu College the shows conclusively that heart says, "Next year shall bring vu engaged to teach in the Individual ' I whfle stm living in Ger-- members of the faculty, Which a lover dead?" f Eawall whose loyalty to the country Is un Fort, near Hotel Street - many. questionable, ; wrmM refuse to answer tne re-- have been made the sub Lord, let Peace be kind and flee- t- t ject of Idle gossip which might well Put an end Grief - malnder of the questions by yes or to and War: ' mm - n. TT1 be classed fpstering German - - - m. ma fiv V as the Let them walk the little street M II IIIPT HUB VUfc w MMtv "J 1 government for the following propaganda of spreading suspicion Careless as before! own and breaking down confidence by the Margaret WIddemer. in Everybody's. reckless use of Innuendo. ! fcftttftv In- humanity- and , ilivw - WILSON PASSES HAT on, vm "There has never been a time in the MiHBeriiT in bci nvv history of College WORK CEASED ON CATHEDRAL the late Joseph Pang Suey, a widely police to have been the onsjr persol ' l am orincipie the of Hawaii when THROUGH THEATRE BOXES - In aoainsi a more admirable spirit of loyal en OF ST. JOHN THE DIVJNE known Chinese herb doctor, And had who knew where the currency wtl any kind war, and, therefore, not FOR Y. M. C. A. FUNDS r :f war, but thusiasm, both for the nation and the MONSTER taken $42,41)2 from a room in which concealed. '. ': loyal to eny government at Y. pbyfkian had hidden money. college, has prevailed. The students WASHINGTON, D. C President NEW YORK, X. All building AMERICAN PRIZE the the to my own convicxiun j operations on of St. AFTER A MUTINY i Warren, v.ho formerly was a in Go to Thrum's for Leather Goods. - iJM,m. IOV, are Interested In their work. They are Wilson recently actively assisted in the Cathedral - xo AM MRMI nmi i Pang Sucy't, household, by Adv. inn ' mj making splendid headway and by their the Y. M. C. A. $35,000,000 war John the Divine, designed to be one is said the country and the human race alncerely fund ! individual deeds, as well as words, ara of the greatest cathedrals of the AN ATLANTIC PORT. Dec. 3. . KjtiiAVA in eroaresa ana in-- campaign by passing a hat through his sue as., a proving they aix, with the faculty world, are to be brought to a halt In a French harbor there is one peace in oemg ounoiy that own box and an adjoining one at a tematlonal wr Uken as a whole, actively and aggre local theatre. As one of the workers until whatever time peace shall come cf the latest designed German slvely faithful to the United States in approached the box occupied by the in order that the Episcopal church 4- - s, 400 feet long, armed with i war. Neither can one reach re- 4- - tlen to - 1U present crisis. The standards ot President, he took the hat, passed it shall not divert any energies or twainch rifles. Its crew of petry mutual helpful- - the Ideal of truth and the institution are high pupils, around among sources that can be put into the win 4- officers and mon are prisoners : wu aSslnct and klillno and the the members of his .uui.n ning of the war. j and its former commissioned of- - -- i7..i as well as the members of the faculty, party and then carried it into the next f ri dux.m. ... Iff. "Tee.cn otner, vj hicji constitute a body of men and women box while the audience applauded. This announcement was made by ficers are dead killed at the 4 wnuneaa, wi - ef love ana rcari; of whom the territory has reason to Dean Howard Robbing at; 4- hands of the crew which had 4; natlonamiee. be very proud. who express disloyalty to the United the opening session of the 134th an-- i 4-- mutinied and hoisted the white ,4 v In' nearly all the - "Having lived (Signed) States cannot but be detrimental to nual convention of the diocese of New j 4- flag. ' :J ' m R. FARRINGTON." wr f nm tn the T. 4-- - the pupils. They are paid with federal York. When an American patrol ves- 4 j fundamenUlly people Waldron - conclusion that SUtes Position money and are federal employes, and A resolution commending the en- - 4- sel took the submarine into tbe ; very much the same. Commenting upon his resignation - - are everywhere they should be dismissed. trance of the nation into the war and j 4- French port, the of-t- submarine's I. respect convictions and as a member he board of regenU 4-- Therefore, I "Dr. Dean was quoted as saying pledging the Episcopal church to full. dead officers were found lashed 4 j they from of the College Hawaii - wtionalItles though differ of because he that all the members of the faculty of cooperation in the war activities was; 4- to her decks. The report is that 4 i questions the loyalty of j - j my own. . Miss Maria the College of Hawaii are loyal to the unanimously adopted. 4- the submarine h?d been out on a 4 Now is the time to buy your Cbnstmas Footwear. ."If there could be any suspicion ot Heuer, a German citizen. Fred L. United States of America. I cannot Bishop William Lawrence of Massa-- ; 4- - three with only - months' cruise 4 the stud- Waldron declared 4-- toy attempting to lnfence this morning that allow that statement to go uncontra- chuseUs, chairman of the church war. two months' food. Food had given 4 j Good shoes will add to your xHeer, and -- m T HSV Csfanas .v . .will mrm tnlT "it appeared only thing 4- - fn the to do." dicted. They are not all loyal. commission, announced a campaign' out. and the crew mutinied and 4 i - attempt poison He - I ht I would never to Intimated that he had already "As for Dr. Dean himself, he ap would be inaugurated shortly to raise; 4- killed their officers. 4 comfort. thoughts of received the expressed 4-- young minds with. hatred approval of a parently is a pacifist. He does not be 5500,000 to carry on the organized j When the white flag was dis- - 4j so doing I would number of who place 4-- d discord, for In associates, the lieve in war, and he places the work work among soldiers and sailors in covered by an English patrol ves- - 4 i - own of right and war administration gov i 4- j be false to my Ideas orders of the of the college above the interests of camp and at the front sel, the latter, fearing it might 4-- jstylesNof ' - We carry the latest and truth. ernment ahead of personal sentiment the United SUtes. 4- be another trick, kept off, but 4j llea'f -- - and business conduct, j and still further Miss Heuer has stated, over her "FIGHT THE KAISER 4- later an American vessel went 4-- Women's Shoes in popiilar brands, and our - newspapers proof his resignation was justified sUte-men- t, j aT. reading tae since for own signature, and we have the WITH TRAITOR JCOIN" 4- after the submarine with guns 4-- - the reason 4- ! America entered xne war. i wmo w sUted. that she is loyal to no country ready for action, and received 4-- prices are always the lowest for the quality. Influ-sc- e steep my heart free from the In explanation of his resignation he that is at war. The United States is LEWISTON. Idaho Vice President 4- - the surrender. I might be able says: 4-- of hatred so that at war. Furthermore, she is a German Marshall . addressing a crowd at the to teach with a normal mind." "I refuse to accept responsibility for citizen. Northwest Livestock show, said that ' AGENTS FOR W. DOUGLAS; SHOES Question ef Advisability keeping, disloyal teachers In the col "My resignation ewas placed in the under the law, as he understood it, I K lege faculty. English i "This brought before the board of There is at least one mail, directed to the governor, this naturalization papers could be taken the language on the street regenU the question of the advlsa- - teacher, and perhaps two, who are afternoon." away from cMzons whose attitude and in his home he should be denied . t . mi mmtm mi9 ui.uua Va an disloyal to the United SUtes. We Mr. Waldron added that a promin was disloyal to the country by act or the light to ah i Institution supported by public funds, have the record in writing over their ent person told him this morning Miss word, and that if this was not the law n assistant professor owing alle-- " own signatures. I have Insisted that Heuer's services had to be dispensed he would be willing to resign his po- CHINESE ARRESTED enemy or a citizen Miss Heuer. who Is a German citizen, ' glance to an alien with by a private family because of sition nd enter upon a crusade to FOR $42,492 THEFT who might qualify his or her loyalty to should be dismissed from the faculty. rabid expressed German sentiments. make it the law Further, he said, She has not been I -- - country of his birth at a period of dismissed and can This, hs was told, could be proved by he would advocate taking the money BOSTOX, :v; t the no longer Mass., Nov. 21. Police 4 great national stress and danger. remain member of the wo well known Honolulu women. of such disloyal persons and "use officials have been informed of the 1005 Nnuann St. TeL2CC3- -; 'The record In the class rooms of board of regents. it to fight thj k.iiser." arrest o! Henry Warren, a Chinese, both the professors In question were "I consider that the influence of STAR-BULLETI- N GIVES YOU He said there be a law pro- in Worcester, on a complaint that r h. rr show them to he women; pro-Germa- n teachers and teachers TODAY'S NEWS TODAY viding that It a citizen did not sneak be had entered tha bnm hera rt 00-- A



- ! a i i r OF U. Glass, Commissioned in. don't alnt PLANS S. Captain .' My nam i Sergeant Smith of Re- From Colored Officers' ("ornpan- ('. ar.l I am Mat .ond a' WASHINGTON 1' He-"- . cnp Za iiarv Taylor. Y"i can r pledge to s'ipport and serve Camp, Tells Story - America's gave - Help intr- iiw if vo i wish He aio to maintain Flu- Bluecoats Are Drafted to pay ar. ue m effort 1 w imt I. did no? : s Courier-Journal- ) manian integrity has given Na- - fir (From the Lomtville to it. a I did not intend t hn Work of Building K - The attention to tnat government by President LuUSYILLK. M'i'il ra-r- y f r the affair at); mher. WiUon in a message sent to the tional Army teSfft the old South rarae into conf.i't I r w"-- a with the d:i o!ted the ntattf-- i king Assurance that the I'nited day on the turret white officer ho happened ' !e regulations of the raitlt n ry e States will continue to assist him W'.i iil.N'GTON. T t Kver noiice pa-n- g at the time, and aa prepar-in- of I'nited States, and his ptople in the wai were ir. ne.ome a tabihmnt tbe t move on. when a civilian ho. official the coun'ry ho i an offi renewed The message of the which xayv A nero a said to th- - non 'on;nio rart of the great macnine orgam.i in longer to regarded a.s a i.rent president follows: building national arm1 unde rer no tinned men 'You're in Kentm'--v no. tor the n be The people of the I'nited plans re nearo. hut an officer, and inut I rienartment announced noutli of the Mason-- ixon line. w iar -- i and watt bed ith feeling ...l. in. nn rMni.1 hi rank States have centiy by lrovost Marsha! General , nMMu "ivn iif ." e niggers down - n7jjTl nr... and don't salute ad- ' of warmest sympatljv and Crowrler Postal authorities also will point in question was rained mirafrcn tie struggle of rour ma r.lav an active u.irt in heluing to the j Leaves Scene of Trouble fuif-- when a negro officer of the new na jesty and the (opie of Rumania carry out the new regulations. I any authority andjTp (I tlonaharmy made an ' ' "mnel 'An did not have to preserve from the domination the department believes that with the V7- - LET CHRISTMAS t n - -- over the civilian and did no' are Ger-na- na- e P.. a white officer of militarism their aid of thet-- two atenc'.es local exempt St i in scrape, left thr scene tioned at Caniu .achar) Taylor to a fiznre an tional integrity find fteejom Tae t.on boards will he. greatlv assisteu in BE GRACED of the trouble, while tiie wh:tc (oni I lute him. government of the nited States registering the m r. and gettint them miHSlonerl ntfirer with w honi I had is determined to continue to as- - training camps as they are WCITH Forrrnr lonolulu Sergeant !,nnt(rlC, nttemnteH the to the Q5L in eti.Iain sist Ttumania in this struggle called. The nezro officer was Captain - ne enity of the enforcement or arm? same time I wish to a.- William Glass, who wan omtninpioned "At the Arrests Will Be Wade. discipline to the crowd that had gath your majesty that tlie I'nit- - rei-rv- e camp ture throughout the n.rion will "(1 at colored officers' I Police the ered uas not anpered at the man ed States will support Rumania Deti Moines, October 1.".. and be instructed to take into custody at la. at anv tihie and ienored the personal nfter the war to the hest of its to report at Cimn j men who fail to report for p;iy:cai had orders for ditv lnsillt fo ra p ,,rejdire H it ne- - 1 8s ability in any final Nov. Tap and that examination fir vhif violate any Sheridan. Chillicothe. O. ! am rommin9ioned a captain of in peace will use of.eV 1M gotiations for it regulations. TheyM tain Glass ha been in the service fantry in thp army of the I'nited he new rules and - its constant efforts to tee to it anu de- years, havins enlisted in Lotii- " obliged to uphold the ulto vull be charge'1 to arrest States and am integrity of Rumania as . 1 that the been July. KS3. and has in hi possession hlah standnrds of the commissioned liver to camps men ho have which a free and independent nation is info the military service by eiaht honorable discharce personnel of service I of " inducted the ha" adequately safeguarded. who fail to en- plve him an excellent record fron '' fered my services to the Kovernment the local boards and . Such mMi are conimandinu officers. At the out- will he exposed to the same hard train for mobilization. Candies and military law as desert- break of the war he was stationed at ship and probable death in France claksed under Honolulu as first sergeant of rnrn ers, and rewards of be paid as any man in the service. delivery at pany H. 2.th regular Infantry, from Experience Kind tor their arrest and the First of camps. where he was appointed to Den This is the first trouble of the sort JAPANESE NAVY Moines as a for a Postoffice Will He'p. . candidate rom"i that I have experienced, as all the .r-.- 7 slon. Canialn Gla gave the follow, junior off ir era grant me the deference Ail the elaborate machinery of inn account of the affair: to which my rank is entitled, and even noptoffice department will be used to 1 "I was walking with my wife on as I passed along the street following that questionnaires are clivered HEN ENTERTAINED by the street about 15 feet behind a the trouble any number of the officer to the men and are returned them f If y L In T cavati.iI-11- ' fiti.o limit nt.! Sk 'J If white officer, when two and privates erected me with th thn -- officers approacbtd from the courtesy that the regulations of the low ed for filling them out. Postal of" kf - t fi...r f V (Special Star-BUtl- a Conaioonenr.) opposite direction and salti'ed 'he ficiala aim have been instructed feSdi j miiltiry establishment demand No byjr.' wflb in isi a ia isssssssssssss isssi white officer according to tlie reu-- . one regrets the and the WAILI KI'. Dec 19 An evcut not PrePident Wilson and Postmaster Gen- affair attend - Maui .Japa- cooperate full- J T ft Iationa. The atreet did not happen to ant notoriety more than myself, and soon to be forgotten by the eral Burleson to to the r.r FOB SALS BY was the arrival last extent with local boards in W9 i be crowded at the time. thv hd I should he pleased if it were possl nese residents est the & Co. - the. Tokiwa, com- oelivering forwarding notices to' Henry May & Co. Quality Inn J. M. Levy ample opportunitj- to iee me as I ble to smother It in some man":-.- " Thursday of cruiser and en-- ( K ; If they had o desired. In manded by Captain Morimoto. registrants, particularly notices of Chambers Drag: Store HolliJter Drug Store rad d to f at$3d, bQwever. ol coming to a salute ADMIRALTY LORD SAYS from all parts of Maui trainnient. as failure to this' iu acknowlMKmept to the insignia on swarmed the streets of Kaliulul find notice classes the registrant as a de NOT DEFEA ED i 5 tajr haURfld; collar, they Immediately Wailuku. and many visited the cruise:. serter. y6i OR looked an Prominent Jai anese citizens of officer of the IX)NDON n Say.i, Eng. In reply to a q les-tio- Go to .Thrum's for Gentlemen's . fjroy of th United Statea and Maui united in giving at the Maui u subject in the house of commons. ( DeskJ vto antborltycalled Sir tel a banquet in honor of Captaia alendars. Adv them to account a Eric Geddes, first lord of the admir- the reflation give me, the right to alty, fiaid: Morimoto and his crew. Tlie cap'atu 'do. .One" of the sioke in Japanese to the people about ' "The good return of tonnage sink- -- men came Xo a aalute at once, "out the ing by enemy the banquet table. His flag ii- -i ten- submariaes last wetk speecn : ther declined to . comply, c!aim:n and roded the ant. Ozaki. interpreted the inalgula my comparatively favo English. made the that the of rank were not able result of the last two months Frank F. Baldwin r In peo- view. opened my. tbp coat and ought not to be taken as indicating principaj speech on behalf of Maui - expOBed my straps, ple. were made shoulder and he that the submarine menace is a thing Other short addresses mi 1 . then oi refused the acknowledgment. of the past or defeated." by R. A. Wadsworth, presided Maui Chamber of Commerce: I). 51. Case, secretary ol that body, and Har- old W. Rice. ALL HAWAII BUYS Kmphasis was laid by all tlie speak i , M I i V A ers upon the hearty triendlv uiations til exidting between Japan and .r.ifrica and the future rossihil'ty ot a perfect fS7 77 O understanding in all relations between the two countries. The captain sent a most hear' let- ter expressing his sincere u.auk-- 5 to the people of Maui for thei.- hospital nristimm , ity. MOBU mum StivmaMffl& GRAIN FOR Bill is answered in these few words: TO BE CUT DOWN II Buy Gifts at the Clarion WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 1. Tiie PP ?OTGHERIY president has approved the recommen- We organize every year to especially help the Christmas, Gift seeker 80 that the dation of the Food administration that accomplished in the shortest possible time. the alcoholic content of beer should choosing will be easiest and be reduced in the first instance to :! Everything about the store contribufes toward making the choosing easy - per cent maximum and that the vol- ume of grain to be used in brewing shall be reduced to an amount, approx- imately 70 per cent of the amount of grain formerly used, enabling the Is brewing of the same volume of beer. Further provisions are being made First, the to increase the maximum output of stocks: French Ivory cattle feed from brewing establish Brightly, cleanly displayed suggesting ap- Smmr. meats. The food bill provides for the pro- hibition of the use of foodstuffs in the propriateness clear through Supplanting production of distilled spirits for bev- erage purposes and the use of food p production stuffs for the of distilled drinks was stopped on September fcth 8 There is. however, in the country from Second, the variety: Silver? two to three years supply of whisky, brandy and gin and other distilled You can buy for both men and women friends The liquors. The food bill provides that unusual demand for French these liquors can be commandeered by as well as for the children of your own and i government if required for pur- Ivory this year is an indication the poses of manufacture of alcohol for friends families. of its growing jopularity. munitions. On the other hand, the requirements The various articles for industrial alcohol in addition to ' when the norma! output from sawdust and beautifully hand engraved and other waste products is at present Third, the store location: illuminated with monogram or negligible. Those who wish brewing entirely initial make exceptional, gifts, suppressed should therefore bear in On the most central corner of the cit' I moderate in price and as ser- mind that if such a course were pur- sued the country would be placed on a viceable as silver. whisky basis entirely and the amount of alcohol consumed would not prob- ably increase. Fourth, the helpful sales force: No extra charge for engrav- The desirability of saving all th? ing! and illuminating. grain used in brewing from the point of view of food conservation is there- So many men do their regular buying here fore limited by the social question in right volved in the exclusive use of whisky. that we may be relied upon to know the Have you seen sizes and particular tastes in many cases. our PLAYING WITH GUN, French Ivory Desk BOY SHOOTS SISTER ENCAMPMENT. Wyo. While play ing with a .30.30 rifle from which the Sets? father had neglected to remove the shells, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pantel of this place shot Boys: and instantly killed his vister, tco For Men: For Women: For 1 years his junior. The father had been Suits, Hats, Caps WALL & bunting and placed his rifle in the cor Suits, Separate Trousers, Raincoats ner of the room. Underwear, Belts, Shirts, Pajamas Trousers DOUGHERTY LORD N0RTHCLIFFE Hats, Raincoats, Phoe- Middy Blouses Underwear HAS YANKEE "PEP" nix Hose, Ties Phoenix Silk Hosiery Shirt Waists, Ties 1 "Lord Northcliffe is the most Amer ican-lik- e Briton 1 have ever met." said Jewelers Opticians Charles Andrews , a banker of Petrograd, Russia, at the Brown hotel. "He is full of vitality and rtrenuous- - ness that is said to characterize us Americans. He would be a distinct A MAN'S acquisition to tbe British government. OWN although I do not mean bv this that Merchandise Orders Lloyd George should be discarded." n CHRISTMAS Alexander Young BIdg. The final solution for Mannish Gifts Why not a subscription to the Star- - 112 STORE Bulletin? The best Xmas gift you Cferi! cnJffgf


Special Matinee Today at 2:15 at the Liberty Theater. MAN OF ARC RULING IS MADE BUSONESS F. C. MIGHTON, D. 0.

SCORES TH U PH ON DISCHARGING 204-- 5 Bldg. May's) mummm - Boston (over WIGHT mmr innVI m I KL C MOTlc ST. beams the entire tystem J 00 o'clock becomes permeated with IN ITS REALISM ARMY OFFICERS usurious acids. JESSE L. LASKY PRESENTS To relieve rheumatism Scoffs Etnalsloa is a double help; it is D. HOWARD HITCHCOCK ' Joan the Woman" cn the occasion Dishonorable discharge from the rich in blood-foo- d; it imparts of premiere Bijou theater army accompanied GEE3ALDBNE its at the must be hereafter strength to the functions and sup- Announces an exhibition of his recent work ot last night scored a triumph. It is the with long-ter- sentence by army most tremendously impressive tnm courts, according to a ruling by the plies the very oifrfood that rheu- THE FAMOUS AMERICAN PRIMA IN ' in filmdom that has ever come to Ho war department. The ruling is made matic conditions always need. HAWAIIAN SUBJECTS nolulu. Transcending in its realism. tc prevent men from committing Scotfs Emulsion has faithful to historical accuracy, replete crimes in order to get out of the army helped countless thousands At his Studio, Laniakea Grounds, entrance Alakea Street, beginning overwhelming with vividness. in and escape war. when other remedies failed. "JOAN THE magnitude of setting and The following radiogram has been 1Hh continuing until 22nd. WAIT SJbtHUtm, December and the ness of scenic investiture, it may trulj received from Washington and pub- Hi Jllnarl KahM be said to represent the acme of sue lished in the form of a Hawaiian de- Open from 9 to 5 daily Evenings from S to 10 The Wonderful Photoplay Masterpiece The Highest cess in the silent drama. It is a won partment memorandum: Achievement of Motion Pictures. derful production. "Owing to the large discrepancies View it which way you will it is a in the sentences given by general most amazing spectacle one continu court martial when dishonorable dis- SPECIAL MUSIC FROM OUR NEW $10,000.00 ORGAN ed denouement, of dramatic action charge is included in the sentence, the that keeps the interest at ferrid pitch secretary of war directs that the fol Prices 20 and 35 Cents. Reserved Seats 55 and 80 Cts. throughout with never a slackening lowing be furnished to all general of The General Film Service of absorption. Produced on a mam ficers exercising general court mar PHONE 3937 SEATS. BOX moth scale, it numbers crowds by the tlal jurisdiction: FOR RESERVED OFFICE - Dally New Oriental Goods thousands and principals by the dot- "(A) No sentence of dishonorable Matinees (except Saturdays and discharge will be given where the of Holidays; from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock. M. M. en; it depends for success not alone OPEN FROM 10:00 A. TO 9:00 P. on the impression produced by masses fender has within him the capacity Saturday and Holiday Matireea from and by rapid fire action, but superb for military service and where any 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 o'clock. Just Opened Every Ticket bought means 10 per cent to the Government. acting by Farrar as Joan, by Wallace other appropriate form of punishment Evenings (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45 Reid as Eric Trent and by several is sufficient to meet the requirements 'clock. Help your Country by attending the Theater. other renowned stars of the film of the case. PICTURES CHANCED DAILY world is conducive to realism. "(B) Whenever a sentence of dis Prices: 10, 20 cents THE CHERRY honorable discharge is given it should Some there were who thought the Open 9 1137 drama dealt too harshly with the Brit be accompanied by a long term of Until P.M. Fort St ish armies that invaded France, but confinement in the penitentiary or in National3 Ga r4ea yes Is to the disciplinary barracks. Where the (Ml PcUwa Ball whether or no. history not grave to be denied and is a page from offense is not sufficiently College Ua4art Joan warrant a long term of confinement Taeaaara Frtaar. history unfolded, as a condem- - IO a. ai. ta la a. at. not assumed offender of medieval events, but it should be that the ea S (a S p.aa. natioa rather has within him the elements of mill of ai an inspiration for the liberty-lov-- Dancing PHONE 6275 tng century. tary service and he should be made nations of the twentieth to serve. M 7:40 'clock filming, coloring, re- At 7:40 o'clock The the the "(C) When a sentence of dishonor A production th of Tow Exhibition of Battle the given unaccom rt able discharge is ers in which 3000 men are engaged; panied by a long period of confine the death at the stake of Joan, con DANCING Oil paintings by the Japanese artist, Mr. Katsnro Hara, JACK PBCKFOKD, ment reviewing authorities should in Take a prl lesson from demned by the renegade bishop whose suspend ite Madame body by general or remit the dishon Lester, Honolulu's leading teacher, and 0 9 m, 23. was afterward exhumed th orable discharge and hold the offen a.m. to p. daily. Closes Sunday. December Catholic church and cast to the dogs; have your faults corrected. LOUDSEHUFF der to service and punishment with Removed from I. O. O. ?. hail t the court scenes and pageants, are the organization to which he belongs. AND made on a bewildering scale, leaving The M. Lester Dancing Academy, Ln- - "McCAIN." ana Alapai streets. 6251. the audience almost awe-stricke- n as naiuo Phone YOUNG HOTEL the wonderful events of history are Punahou car passes academy. Sixth Floor. THEODORE staged with such realism that one al- ALL-STA- most believes he Is living in the days PICKFORD IN A POWERFUL R CAST, IN J. of Charles VII of France. The theme itself is most appealing; the story of Joan, the gentle, tender. 'Wat Mtaey Can't Buy" peasant girl, who, surmounting in ROMANI C PLAY A numerable obstacles Triaced in her patch by enemies of France and jeal v A STARTLING, ROMANTIC ADVENTURE, THE ous army captains; handicapped in mythical kingdom of Good-a-nd USUAL JACK PICKFORD WINNER of goal by a It is in the Bad Habits the attainment her weak Maritzia that the scenes of the story, Third Big Chapter of Billie Burke's Sensa- and imbecile monarch; regarded not "What Money Can't Buy," are played. as a woman but as a witch when the screen of the celebrated as easy to cultivate a good habit as it is tional Society Serial magic of her leadership routs the Eng The version "It's drama, which was written by George to form a bad lish and saves the day for France; Broadhurst, the feature offering of one." greater mis- is "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" her denial of love for a the current bill at the Liberty theater TIME TABLE sion; condemned to death as the re appear two popular stars, Saturday Evening, Dec. 22, It's as easy to get the habit of using good print- PATHE WEEKLY NEWS PICTORIAL trickery, born and in it the Pathe suit of of hate and in both well known here. Jack Pickford 1917, San Antonio Hall, 262 ing as it is poor printing. Get the habit of using Weekly 7:40 tolerance, and finally her glorious Huff. :! "The World Before Your Eyes" - J story and Louise our modern Printing you'll concede Serial 7:55 martyrdom for France the ol In the story Jack Pickford is the Vineyard Street. American Service and -- is tragedy personified. " ! Prices 15, 25, 35 Feature 8:30 Joan son of a New York financier who is Orchestra will furnish the that it's a good; 'profitable habit to own. Cents. Reserved, 55c. But out of it all, comes a great seeking a railway concession through music. All are welcome. message, a great appeal to America; Maritzia. The youth decides to visit Printing Depariment & lustrous example of patriotism, loy the country and he meets there Prin Tickets 50c. Ladies are cor- I . SPECIAL MAT U E E TODAY alty, ana sacrmce. cess Irenia. In the course of a series dially invited. 2:15 Geraldine Farrar in the title role of stirring scenes trre evil designs of HONOLULU SXARtDULLETIN O'CLOCK SHOWING is a revelation in her superb delinea a court favorite are irustrated and tire tion of Joan, giying to the character princess and the youthful New Yorker Geraldine' Farrar all the angelic beauty ascribed to the who has been raised to the nobility STAR-BULLETI- N GIVES YOU ! Joan The Woman peasant girl, yet injecting strength, as he is found to be a descendant of TODAY'S NEWS TODAY In determination and iron will into the a native of the country, are wed. The PRICES FOR MATINEE :: :: :: 15c, 25c, 35c, 55c portrayal of the warriod-woma- n. In part or the princess is played by - i the hands of Farrar the last hours of Louise Huff. V , . PHONE.5060 ,jfi'.' . tJoan on earth as she suffers torture Interesting new developments are !! I for her Savior, and then again as she added to the story of "Gloria's Ro Is wreathed in smoke and flames, are mance,' the serial . in which Billie given an almost beatific interpreta Burke is appearing as star, in the new tion. It is an emotional portraiture of instalment of the picture. Choose grandoise Conceptions. The weekly Pathe news pictures also are a part of the program. Go to Thrum's if you want service. I0IH Adv. from mmm At 7l4 THE DERELICT' .WM. PRESENTS these COMPOUND h STRONG PICTURE --In- Manrcloo Stomach Medl-Ci- ne and System Rebolldef r Uvr, Kldneyn4 Blad-- 1 i There are 99 der Remedy Fine Blood V,. EI3EI!IBCTn Cleanser and Laxative. All Dtp grists. The Derelict," the William Fox A STRONG, INTENSELY INTERESTINr DRAMA OF TODAY. production wuTch has been the main but days ; attraction, of the current bill at the 2 , BILLY WEST In "BACK STAG E. Everyone la enjoying this pic- Hawaii theater, will be seen for the ture to much we are holding It over for the balance of the week. If last time tomorrow. Stuart Holmes, you want tor have a good laugh. DON'T MISS ITI who long since became a favorite with more to RUTH ROLAND in "THE. MESSAGE ON THE MIRROR" 7th Chap. Honolulu audiences, is the central fig 'tef of THE NEGLECTED WIFE." , Prlcea: 15c, 250,35c. ure in the picture and he is supported ' 1 COMING SUNDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN In A. M." by w them, He plays a cast of unusual strength. mm ai ' ai " - . - buy l lone In this picture. Holmes as Teddy Brant is the hu man derelict of the story. His fall j.i P9r- t- from high position in the world is etwesxisgnouu xiat iron pictured in a matter that will not fir:t soon be forgotten by those who have Bed Lamp seen the pictured presentation. Teddy Brant forgets wife and daughter un rv Boudoir Lamp der the giddy beams of white lights tier v 'VV: V'-'- i ' .J: r "': His descent is rapid until he becomes Westinghouse Grill an outcast despised by all. In this con vy dition he feigns suicide to escape the fsxms , Never history Electric Range in has the American scorn of his friends and then his wife f nousewife given more thought to, or taken remarries. The marriage is legalized by more pride in do- Brant's death in a cell after fate her kitchen, than she is has opeped an opportunity by which Sew-E-- Z Motor ing today, It is but natural; then, that he is enabled to save the daughter Santa who has forgotten him. I Westinghouse Toaster Store The Bly West comedy, "Back The Logical Stage," also part of the program, has Smiles scored a decided success. The new Chafing Dish instalment of the serial, "The Neg when he sees you tying the holly card to the Decorative Lamp Christinas Gifts Are lected wife is also shown. Gift Electrical so does the recipient when he or she unpacks Desk Lamp Gas Appliances it. y LOCAL LADIES Xmas Tree Lighting Outfit These help her to "help Hoover." They Santa Frowns Modern Fixtures eliminate much of the kitchen drudgery. when he sees real money put into costly, extrava--. ARE INTRIGUED Portable Floor Lamp They make handsome gifts, and make pos- gant gee-gaw- s and riff-raf- f, out of which the re- sible saving in fuel, foodstuffs and in costs ceiver gets nothing of service, utility or pleasure. Westisghouse Disc Stove of living.. And charmed by the daintiness of Westisghouse the new Blouses, Dresses and Hats on Here are Electrical Gifts galore for every purse, Fan display at Jeffs. Dresses in Georgette, purpose, perspn and place. Voile, Satin and Westisghouse Toaster: Store WUHI77f. Gas Ranges Ruud combination mate- Automatic Gas Irons rials, prices $22.50 up. Smart and Every blessed one of them is useful, practical, sensible open Portable Badiator -- Gas Ovens novel in lines. Store evening . ., . ; r ' Waffle : "--: Water Heaters Irons tin xma: for shoppers convenience and they last for years. ' Adr, Thor Vacuum Cleaner You can't go wrong when you make it an Electrical Christmas for the whole family. Thor Electric Washer- - Honolulu Gas Co., If only 3 days AUITS More to buy your Xmas Gifts. Our Ltd stock of Toys. Books and Leather The Hawaiian Electric Co., Novelties ure going surprisingly fast M. Don't wait until the last minute to your j& ! j& do buying but attend to it now. HEADQUARTERS 3 i i fa ft i & t S. K. K CK. v Kemember "WALL NICHOLS rn. LTD.," the big Tov House, is onen every njteht. Adv. HONOLULU STAE-BULLCTI- FRIDAY, DEOrBCT 21. 1917. . r l r i Get In This Paper

. was a NOT AKIN TO CHRISTIAN , strength into her wort aod e SCIENCE. I tl!ln to j.h-- and Ule fairly fcs . RILEY H. ALLEN EDITOR i friond and member of thi- Hon Hullft n ! cnrt ire he one time opvxis.il and id Hit OECV'-MBKI- Kd'lor :ulu Star Star-Bulleti- ! --J- 2 ' U a n, FRIDAY ! Sir: Iu vour uue of the lMh. ou pret nt r Las prov.V, U:nM fl Get into Saturday's an artVle in whlrh the Saro spkndid hurcessfiil soldier haTe Rv on Kamakata i nuoferf as savin that his He now enli&htena the wor.d r GERMANY'S VICTORIES ARE FRUITLESS religion is -- akin to Christian ienre. point of incalculable importance. As the Rer. Kamakaia follows the Rev. Africa, he tells us. Is full ot hardv him- men of superior physiqne who could 51 Newspaper bought by All to the Kekipi'a teachings nd as Keklpi The - (k-rmau- commerce are to be left for dimoeition For tbe third tiiiw- in necking peace and self told me he doos not claim to teach be trained b tens of millions into Saturday's live news peace conference. a He appeals to Hawaii for negotiation instead of br the sword. For as Christian Science does, his follow-er- most efficient soldiers through is the British and their allies, under any Dy It is evident that German v is offering lare con ought to know there noth'n and Sunday reading. t the third time her peace offer will be rejected akin, no relationshfr between the circumstances nver to tolerate th cessions. Whether the offer is or in not boua tide to To re I the AllioK. teachings. militarizing of that continent. shows Germany to be -- playing out her Mring" Germany her African colonies e it found turn the last 1 (IcrniHDv broached the ubjeri of jn-ar- after it seems to me. that with the will be nrt very rapidly. If. after Russia Las rollapsed and er of the Hoomana Tomorrow A year muiury-raa- u the conquest of Poland. It was rejected. realizing Science and Jdenio. ir any utiv. chance before Christmas. Khp has won a startline victorv in Italy. Germany that christian and equipping again. Again alike, lol- - were to start training ago almost to a day (iermany tried ita teaching are not the army. na- is ready even to speak of such peace terjns. tbe On Iowers ought and the pub a large African t!re other was rejection, more scornful than the first. to realize do same and there be approaching either exhaustion ought be thia fact. tions would have to tue TWO more days successful tral Towers must lic to informed of be shopping ! Now, on the vo tf Christmas, after a show the inevitable feo.uence to Africa Uussia, or such internal frietion that Berlin fears the Sincerely. Ing an armed camp would be another before Christmas. Italy, and after the collapse of M. KELLEY. drive into of strength and con fide we ran not le kept up much world s war as has resulted 'roro I a loophole of escape for christian Science Committee on Pub Germany is again necking longer. Europe being for years an armed if the war. goes on. lication for the Territory of Hawaii. camp. the inevitable defeat be Aus- be interpreted in the The suggestion that Poland shall under European and other soldier would lterliu's latent move must CANNOT TAKE THE WAR TOO arm - December trian suzerainty, and the further suggestion that be sent to reinforce the native Paid Publicity Serves Shopper. light of the last previous proposal. On SERIOUSLY and a catyclasta wotild result which Bethmann-Hollweg- . Turkey lie left intart, reveal Berlin's fear that von wonld the present "world's Star-Bulleti- n IS, 19H,, the Orman chancellor, 1317. belittle The general circulation of the Honolulu of neu- Austria and Turkey may soon lie reduced to the Honolulu. Iec. 2. war" as this war belittles th cam- made, to diplomatic representative Star-Rullett- The Brit- Editor Honolulu paigns of Napoleon, Caesar- and for the rive Saturdays was &"77.Q peace, and point of negotiating for separate pence. Although now fullv nt nations at Iterlin a suggestion of Sir: America is S74U, Qfi tral .Jerusalem must le Al- others. 1)771, 8477, 8271; or a total of J9JJVJ ;mn1tinniiftlv rommun icated it to Germany in a ish successes at Bagdad and committed to helping the Entente France can surely now be trusted - . vigorously assisting and S7l)7 Saturday. J ... shaking Turkish power to its foundations, and Tur- lies and is to have overcome her love of rnllltarv An average of every speech. At the same time, Austria, we leichstag Allied dip- carrying on her preparations, bear adventure. Italy has a limited desire. proposals. key now offers a point of approach for occasionally words of indecision and garia and Turkey made identical PTobalv novr satisfied, for expan j to lomacy. Austria and Hungary are quarreling over lukewarrcneas that- - show a lack of I The exact terms which Germany was willing sion In the lntnts of emigration food supplies, and Berlin, it is well known, had to appreciation of the seriousness of the of weeks there Hritain and the United States h ! ftffpr npver reached the public. For two great issues at stake. Buried yesterday in Ixx-- irw cem-- j FRhNCH RADIO SI A I IUN maneuvering, during come to Austria's aid on the Italian line to hold America are big enough and know it. was considerable diplomatic A strong sidelight has been thrown so that these, allied nations may safe- etery. HEARS CUtfVtKSATlUrtS OF be-r,nv- n through the winter. Qu-- eu made plain that they did not the Dual Monarchy safe on the situation that perhaps all hare ly be trusted to apportion and regu- KALALE At the s ncspital. which the Allies 1917. ifele HOHULULU AND SAYVILLE rhancellor's statement bona fide aUd that Germany has apparently abandoned all hope of not noticed or if they have, have not late in the Interests, of peace. Honolulu. Iecember 1. ih given due regard to. It should therefore be quite easv pahl Kalale. of rear of Lnnalilo included the,. getting back her overseas colonies, and is trying to 'M5Vr-na- l thev would consider no ieace unless it I refer to the- - statement published for everyone to give their full ap- Home, widowed, laborer, a native of in Its Usue of October li. the Ber- yes- rrance,, make the best bargain Rhe can as they pass to by General Smuts as to how out- proval and sympathy to tbe otject Hawaii, aged 47 years. Bjried Official" of Tahiti tells tnalnlm : eracuation of Northern imuiu the of Mahina, 19 wrongs lin, Portugal and Japan. And the rowession as to come of th struggle will affect Afri- of the war. to work and. give toward terday in Loch View cemetery. remh nirelea station e, for the Alsace-Lorrain- complete reparatioii kilometers of Papeete, harj Alsace-Lorrain- ca.. General Smuts, as is well known, Its success willingly and encourage HAO At the Queens hospital. Hono nrtbeat and southern e is significant of this bargaining very though with medium : ddne there, restoration of the eastern was a worthy antagonist of the Rrlt those who are able to go to the front, lulu. December 1!, 1917. i?araue distinctly, of one .ntt-nAii'- . made by the soate program of disarmament wim spirit in which Germany approaches the end ish while under the .delusion thai in their dangerous and arduous ser- Hao. of 206 Ktikui street, a native of niB anaets territories, and L. to commum-liuion- s W Savil!e. U station Iho from possibility of further me-- year of war and the beginning of another. Britain was inefficient and graspinc vice. Auwaiolimu. Hawaii, azed lis year. Germany removed Having, however, by exper Yours, etc.. eut by I'earl Harbor. Tha be known that terms, course, will be rejected if they are learned K1PI In Honolulu. December VJ. 8ayvt!!e and Mahina Th rhancellor thereupon let it The of ience that Britain would throw her J. B. Mrs distance between I.tl7, infant son of Mr. and u auuut h mflea On iu other rv would not give out her exact proposals ever formally made, which is doubtful. The Allies Kipu of Kamanuwai lane, Germany, fertilizer we will have to do with- Samuel hand, the communications sent by tha o demand the complete restoration of the ravished set a native of thi c'.ty. Sody cremateU. In view oi me nosuie amiuuc i I out. The shipping board has a prob- rean Harbor wire.es ra u.auucu LITTLE INTERVIEWS in-ieu- ii, statement. countries, and reparation for th,e wrong there, and lem supplying us with shipping. heard at Mahina, with mailmum 1 tLieresung uoserration afterward this was followed by the entry Turkey must given fitting punishment for her JOHN DREW: The shipping iaee ' Shortly ALBION F. CLARK: is PERSONALITIES beins made throuan a new receiving less for her keeping Its promise There of the United States into the war. cruelties and oppressions, not than board is certainly much difference of opinion as to th.? apparatus wMch la now on trial by tha However, the chancellor in his reichstag speech readiness to enter the cause of Germany. to supply the islands with cargo car width of roadway which the super- ONALD BLANDINC. artist, has en-f6fe- trench government. army now a mem- stetched' the outlines of the proposed terms. It will not! do, however, to feel that if these terms riers. visors should adopt for the new belt in the and la hA toad. The Ad Club is taking the mat ber of Company I. 2nd Infantry, Fort MRS. ELLA BAILEY DIES. folloTS : 1m fey were in brief as are rejected, Germany will near collapse. The E. V. TENNEY: Nearly everyone ter up and the road committee will Shafter. S Th Knronean man to be restored to its status very rejection will be capitalix'd by the public men of us seems to be getting involved iu report at an early date. Of course it is Funeral services for Mrs. Ella Bailey - - a deputy except and Lithua- mil- thia war in some manner or other. obvious that a rather narrow road- RALPH S. JOHNSTONE, of 113 S South King street, who died at jmo before the war, that Roland and press of Germany to delude still longer the office, who has That is as it should be. way can be built for less per mile, at the internal revenue j yesterday, will be held tnia as fed on the determination her home &ia be set up waepeuueui nu6wuii. lions of people lies about ?nd cocts less for upkeep, than a been in 'charge since the death of the i at Williams' Undertaking peace ' resigned afternoon Disposition of the Balkans to be left to the of jealous enemies to crush Germany forever. The FRED G. KIRCHHOFF: We are' broad one. late John V. Haley, has from i parlor. Cremation will follow, after 2 government service to enter private conference. rejection will be used iu an attempt to fix respon- working on No. reservoinr and for which the ashes will be sent to Baa f Christmas we hope to give jYuuauit TOM MERLE: My attention was business. Franciaco for buriaL The late Mrsv I occupied portions of bloods!.-- d To Central Powers to restore sibility for fnrther ujhmi the Allies. valley residents some clear water. called to a young man In one of our Bailey was born In New York City in s cap- Mr. Belgium and France, in return for Germany this extent Germany will spur her weakened people local theaters last night who was so FREDERICK ZIEGLER, son of 1S33. She came to Honolulu in 1893. C. W. Zleglerof this city, and colonics. on to yet more sacrifices and efforts. CHARLEY DAVIS, lepwy counJy intensely (?) Interested in humanity. and Mrs. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Boyle, wife of tured t-- formerly with the insur- in relation to the attorney The only thing to so compassionate for the unfortunates associated Captain W. H. BoyjyJ & X, retired. This outline should be studied Yet the Allies may derive solid satisfaction from give as a Christmas presentitis a bad of war-wreck-ed Europe, that he didn't ance department of the Hawaiian yester- - quartermast- terms of the coming German offer dutlined the increasing evidences that Germany has passed cold, and HI give that to anybody who j evn stop reading a novel while Attoi- Trust Co., enlisted In the Professor Pat, tell me, now, what wsr-t-s :t. nev maae a most tnruitng plea er's corps. National army, at Sin are as folloV .. ... "ters Is your solution to the world problem? which' on downhill. its-wor- day, the zenith of her strength and is the for the Red Cross and k in Francisco recently, and has been sent ' sor, we 1. The disposition of The end of Germany and ter associates is written JAMES W. LLOYD: As to a the futore. And be sat within six feet to Jacksonville. Fla., for instruction. Pat Well, I think should &b&rTMpM two a world democracy wiiu an to a vote by plebiscite oftbetonabJttnti of tne . only the Allies hang together aud put for- Christmas present, I am going to give of tbe speaker, too. have ' if - : plain bal- pottery.-- Adv. Irishman for king! Life. V- - districts. L. the board of supervisors a clean Go to Thrum's for ;'LliA ward maximum of strength in fullest cooiera-tion- . F. t 2. Great Britain u to par xor ine uermau VT their ance sneet with which to begin the G. KRAUSS (Maui): The need which hare been taken from Germany ta Africa by New Year. for rural insurance hi our homes tea g war began.. activities was shown strongly in conquest stoce the And, as the of year of war approaches, we S. Tbe money which Britain pays to Germany is to end a LOUIS S. CAIN: Not that I am sug tbe Haiku homesteading experience. used to rehabilitate Belgium, Serbia, Rumania and may derive comfort from the knowledge that Ger- gesting it but, say, wouldn't it be a When 1 started in there, I adopted the be In HONOLULU REAL ESTATE. 3 Northern France those districts which have been - and the swell idea for the city and county theoretically ideal plan of getting th v. uri ' many does not gard the Russian chaos possession of Germany and Austria. ' gov lment to present each employs best stock possible; paid $600 for two - Black by I 4. Russian provinces along the Baltic, the Italian conquests as justifying her in standing with a big turkey for Christmas? good horses, and lost both of them seas an! Prussia are to be Independents her previous proposals, much less asking for con inside of seven months because of NEIGHBORHOOD OFFERINGS independent, under Austrian I ' 5 Poland is to be MALCOLM : have the terrible strain they were put tJ of home offerings. Perhaps you'll suzerainty. . cessions instead of making them. Far from doing not had the pleasure yet of meeting on our awful roads. 8till trying to car- Look over this list . ' The boundaries Of Romania. Montenegro and this, Germany is hunting desperately o end the war Colonel H. Hathaway, Hawails new ry out my plan, 1 bought another find in it some of your own close neighbors whose Serbia are not to be altered. .'. before the spring opens attacks which threaten to interpal revenue collector. I am look- horse for ?CoO and soon lost that too. property values you are thoroughly familiar with. 7. Turkey Is to be left Intact. ing forward with pleasure to the occa If they could have been Insured, as ' of seas smash her lines and split Ler alliance to shreds. $4500 Hayselden Property, Kinau St. t. , The Issues of disarmament, freedom the sion. farm animals are insured in many other places, through the rural insur- 6 rooms; 100x9O-f- t. tot. Enjoyable home. No. 337 dictment has brought upon him. But it must be 1 V. Impartial arid Complete, NORMAN GEDGE: am looking ance regulations. I should not. upon $4500 Edgecomb Property, Waflriki Justice, remembered once the for every issue the very threshold of my homestead- that grand jury has found an forward with Interest 6 rooms, about soxi 14 n. lot. ciote to w. c. A. seacn. 11 in which edi ing experience, have had such a finan- r. - ror Air indictment on such a charge as this, the public is of tbe World's Work the No. 343 tor of the Providence Journal is re cial setback. Recently Puunui. entitled to an answer to the question "Who is the counting how the German spy systen. $2250 Built 6 rooms, 50x100-ft- . lot Near carline. No. 344 - letters to the daily papeTs of Honolulu, Dr. third party?" and it Ss the obvious duty of news in the United States was exposed by In papers his publication. VITAL STATISTICS H. Homer Ilayfs fobjet to the publicity that has to voice this insistent demand for complete. $3500 Noyes Home Kaimuki Hill. rooms; 150x15O-f- L lot. property, No. 132 morougu, impartial justice. : 6 Corner attended his indictment ; by the territorial grand H. D. MACADAM The plans for the MARRIED. J9 on the charge of performing a criminal" opera- - sale of tbe thrift stamps in Hawaii SC H OFIELD-WE- VERi In Honolulu. $3S00 WINSLEY HOME in Pumiui. jury are not quite complete as yet. It is go- public judgment ' be withheld December 19, 1917, Bert E. Schofield 5 rooms; lot 75x150 feet. Garage. No. 31S tion, and asks that One More Evidence of German ing to - provide an excellent method and Mrs. Emma Weaver, Pastor until specifically : the trial of his case, ne says for the poor man to make a good in- D. C. Petert of the JDbristian church $2800 PANGELINA HOME, Kalihi. the vestment, and at the same time help 7 To my surprise tad horror tt has seemed that Duplicity officiating; witnesses Mrs. Kath 6 rooms; 50x100 lot; near car. No. 319 v: granted Uncle Sam with his savings. tf , Dress of this city, not only hare taken Jt for erine M. Pettit and Adelaide I. It : ;,. entity, of this infamous charge; but Young. We will be glad to show you any or all of t mntt h. - ' comment The disclosures by BRIG. GEN. S. I. JOHNSON proceeded in 'every waytof editorial the state department RENOLDS-WAKE- R In Honolulu. De- likely properties. Just phonev3477. have community on foot to use Punch- these - and otherwise to atlr up a feeling la the of plotting in Bouth by Plans are the cember 19. 1917. Ralph Renolds and com- - America the Merman range frequently spring agalnst.me,and dally rl ee'my jume la editorial government bowl rifle this Mrs. Olivia A. Waker. Rev. M. E. add another chapter to the tale of in- and next summer. It is now ready for . ment held up to shame and degradation. Silva of Hoomana Naauao church torra!-.&...T.- trigue which involved our neighbors to the south, use and the federal government keer C. daiiy papers of Honolulu at no time have on range officiating; witnesses Arthur The and another proof of the ruthless, a caretaker the at all times Stuckratb and Mrs. A. C. Sfuckrath Dr. Hayes nor corruptive and Tbe headquarters building is to be attempted to stir up feeling against CLUTTERBUCK-Tompkin- brutally cynical character of German Weltpolitik. finished at a small expense. s In Ho- e of his indictment to pre-judg- his case. The facts nolulu, December 18, 1317, Reginald The first revelations of von Luxburg's plotting in Mark Clutterbuck and Miss Lily have been stated. , ; NORMAN W ATKINS: "depend BRADL15, CUAS. Ci. UKIftCR. J1U TKRA. - Argentina came as a shock to Marjon Emilie Tompkins. Canon f. H. lECt. comment of the Honolulu papers the Tnited States cn yourself as much as possible," is The editorial I was by William Ault of 8t Andrew's cath ; still trying to believe in the good faith of at least what told the San Francisco been directed solely toward unmasking the dral officiating: witnesses Sidney hn ' part of representative of the shipping board - the German government. The state depart R. J in thVease.- , when I discussed nitrate and fertilizer R. Jordan and Victoria Jordan. third par ment from time to time has furnished additional intirelypbyioua. before the rand jury shipments to Hawaii. This means tht IX if that facts backed by unquestionable evidence. The we are to try and charter as many DIED. been could have .indicted Xri fiayestt usthare latest proof of German duplicity, vessels as are "available. Fortunately, MAALEA At the Queen's hospital. while adding coa)l , I satisfied that 'the girl alleged to have been operated I managed to get a charter on a Jap- Honolulu. December 1317. leo to tne burning fire of indignation against Zinimer anese steamer while in San Francisco Maalea of King street, near Aala 2 been, found in the condition precedent to , upon had mann and his fellow-liars- causes no surprise what which will bring 6000 tons of nitrates park, married. laborer, a native of fuch an operation. And it is the man responsible ever. here from Chill soon. It we cannot Hanalei, Kauai, aged 32 years. Germany knew when France defeated and made to bear bis portion of the guilt. the flower his mask of her army at the Manic that she was v is not the slightest question that it would done for. The home of There in & military way, unless she could carrv through rtrnci iuimuib wau, iui t auoru creai iuuu uuuvu some political scheme that would harass the i to see the newspapers quieted. It is not Allies party, and eventually thrust them apart. The particularly comfortable for this man, whoever he foundations I for revolt in India, for strikes and munition plots C. G. Ballentyne 5 mav be. to feel that public inquiry is hot upon his For $2200.00 in the United. States, for distrust and enmity in uiumaieiy ne musi De exposeu. trial and tiiat Iatin-Americ- a. for "holy wars" in Mohameniedan conscie'neeof this city so deadened, is On Thurston Ave., t I 4 But is the countries, had been laid. German foreign agents A largo lot fronting 100 feet on loth Kalakaua Ave. so weak, that it prefers silence its moral backboue were ordered to "get busv." What the Teutons and Lewis Ave, with a depth of 200 feet. Property con- "this de- such a time .as. rather than an outspoken not-- is at could win in fair. fight, they hoped to nearly-ne- w two-bedrooi- n vietimirerof a girl be exposed for 0en tains a cottage. Thi. lot is large mand that the win by corruption, treachery, crneltv. We think not, we hold that atti- nithlessuess enough to be divided into four lots of 50x100 feet each. what he is? and and lying faithfulness. tude becausq this paper is daily encouraged by citi-- Uncle Sam's entry into the war released for pub-- FOR SALE' "lens who feel that the casey disagreeable as it is. A lie reading a whole volume of Germany's under good buy at only $2200.00. be followed to its ultimate conclusion for the (41,000 square feet) .must handed diplomacy. The present merely aferr of decent society. disclosures re-- add to the hxed determination of civilized nations 4 are times when It is more dangerous to t APPLY There to purge the world of its greatest, ugliest blot 'inain silent than to tqcak out; limes wWn it is nasty details to publish Germanism and its discredited Kultur. I worse to pass over than times when public welfare demands public them' ck)me uch-- a time. . ieople confuse the right of free speech lstatements. This is , . , H l man - with the right of free screech. enrj v'r There is probably, not a or woman in Hono- Guardian Trust Co., Ltd. Hayes can PORT s. MERCHANT STtiZJf HONOLULU 5 lulu but hopes that Dr. clear himself. would see Eeal Estate Department. TeL 3688. Stangenwald Bldg I Ifor only Wtbe most depraved wish to him Russia has proved itself able to support several h'reitunder the criticism rwud jury in-- revolutions at once oo n MILITARY CAMPS ALiHAWAll-- Pots and Pans Need BUY5W to be thoroughly cleansed DEFINED BY A. not merely washed J. and there is nothing "just as ' pood" as Sapolio for the purpose. InrnrTr.atimi has recently been re-rp;v-p from Washington that th Sapolio, the rcat labor saver juige advocate genera! of the arm? removes the preasc, touts the has deiUored an opinion as to what constitu'es h, military camp, the dirt and polishes like new. opinion beiric givrn with reference to Try it once and you will always use a recommendation that Tampa. Kla . jut whrr' certain trop were assembled prelimlnar-- , to th-;- tranter to a r.nw.wiii r'tvifiion training ramp, be declared ;t military post in order to require the closing of all saloons during the pres-rnc- f APOLIOSold everywhere of soldier- - there. !t was held t! a 'niiitary camps." Tkm MAJOR LYON TO g,mn SONS CO., New York d f'-- ENOCH MORGAN'S a HM-- m ' :it of May IS. fir X lf'17. ar.d ?hp radiations made under t authority thrrf sovorning the pro h i hit ion of alcholir liquors "in or HEAD R T. C. near military amps," had reference . 0. A Store purposes of of to camps established for n Tl mobilization, embarkat'on. etc . of troops and were not intended Major Robert M. I.yon. 2nd Infantry 10 apply to place- - of preliminary has been selected, by Brigadier Uener purh as that under considera- al John P. Wisser as commander o; Suitable Gifts tion the training tamp to open at Scho Ho This corresponds to a decision al- on January ". may field Barraoks T.e ready rendered for Hawaii, that the major is a West Point man. having ' law to word "camps in this referred been graduated from there in l :'.'. training or mobilization camps for He went first to the 11th Infancy, For Women forces being raised under the national then as first to the 22nd es- lieutenant Pearl Bracelets Psndants defense act and not the already Infantry and was transferred back Single Pearls G As applied Finger Rings forts. such it Lsvslllerss tablished again to 1It!i Infantry in 1f,!. 1 Pearl Necklaces A Complete Stock of Oriental Novelties. to the the trninin c;mip at Schofield l'.H" he came to 2nd Infantry at Pearl Collars fTirtquet Rings Neck Chains Barracks. the Fort Shafter. remaining with that reg Pearl Ropes Brooches Hslr Ornament iment ever since. He commands th ? Pearl Rings Sautoirs Flower Pins 3rd Battalion. Pearl Brooches Ear Ringi Lorgnons WITH Following N0T0N AND is the list of names fron Bracelets Bar Pins Bangles the 1st Infantry chosen for instruc- tion at the camp: Japanese First Infantry Regimental Ser. ran KEMP NDORSED geant Major Melvin L. Crisp; Color Watches Sergeant Mack ; Corporal? JSJK1BS BiHA2 Charles K. Boughan. Paul Kellam; Waltham Howard Psndant Watches with Sergeant Sydnor R. Klmore: Private? One Republican Philllpe Bracelet Watches Sautolr and one Democrat Jamet S. olhemis, Carl Schreiber. Patek were Indorsed by the Bar Association Paul A. Harold J. Kilty; Folding Leather-case- d Platinum Watches with Nurses' Watches azaar succeed Garretson. esterday for appointment to Sergeant Stephen Tammany. Corpor- or flexible bracelet Automobile Watches t Watches Pochettea hief Justice A. G. .M. Robertson in al Giles Patterson, Sergeant Hiel van the Supreme t'ourt bench of Hawaii. Campen. Corporal Charlie St., Catholic Church David I,. Withington Republican Blake. Ser Fort opp. is the geant Joseph Kilroy, Corporal Klmer H. Kemp' Democrat, and Judge S. the J. ' Hurley, Sergeant J. W'ere Alexander Miscellaneous Gifts chosen. The names cabled last Slowltzky, Corporal George Hurlbut, night to President Wilson, the attorney-- Sergeant Kdward R. Gunter. Cqrpora' Vanity Cases China Plates Glassware general of the L'nited States and William I commit- Jackson. Coriwiral Frank Belt Pins Cups and Saucers Psnclts the chairman of the judiciary Butler, Corporal Raymond P. tee of Jones Buckles Enameled Boxes Potpourri Boxes the senate. Sergeant Albert Yahn. Private Wil Belt Four names were presented to the Ham J. Sutherland. Bracelets Eyeglass Cases Sachets meeting by the seclal committee ap- Other names were published in the Bangles Fitted Bags and Suitcases Slipper Buckles iS With-ineto- PL- pointed at meeting. D. Star-Bu- V - the last late edition of yesterday's i Brooches Lockets Thimbles Judge C W. Ashford. former letin. Lip Salve Boxes Desk Accessories Judge John T. De Bolt and Judge S. B. Bonbonnieres Mantel Clocks Kern;). There was considerable dis- Card Cases Lorgnons cussion on the manner in which the Coin Holders Puff Boxes Hall Clocks recommendation should be made. It NO OR JURY Coin Purses Photograph Frames Porcelain Vases Gifts Early was finally decided to recommend one Lorgnette Chaim Papier Poudre Boxes Lamps Republican and one Democrat. On Umbrellas the first ballot D. L. Withington re Cigarette Cases have just opened .a large assortment of beau- - ceived thirteen votes which was a TRIALS THIS YEAR We j majority. On the second Judge Kemp tifully embroidered kimonos, doilies and table gf receued ten votes. Judge Ashford seven and Judge De Bolt two. Mr. Oriental Art Goods: Antique and Modern pieces, richly embioidered handbags, fancy place Withington and Judge Kemp were Judges and attorneys have give" up then declared the unanimous choice of all hopes of continuing jury trials be- cards, a large stock of children's toys, etc. the association. tween now and the end of the year, because of lack of money and the failure of the board of supervisors to appropriate any, but City Attorney if. CHILD ACTS TO Arthur M. Brown says he .expects to see two criminal juries rnnntnr full blast by January 2. , H.F.Wichrnan OZAKI Approximately 100 &C0. s. criminal cases LI CENSE BROKERS are now awaiting trial. These have King Street, been piling up since the courts went Limited. near Fish Market. broke nearly two months ago. it is understood that as soon as the appro- Platinumsmiths and Jewelers In order that he may ascertain priation for the next period is forth- which bakeries and restaurants in the coming, Judge Ashford will take a In Hawaii Since 1887. city should be licensed, J. F. Child, portion of the criminal calendar and food commissioner, has sent 300 thus aid Judge Heen's division in get- pledge cards to the hotels, cafes, res- ting rid of a large number of cases. taurants, boarding houses and baker- It is reported that a redistribution ies of Honolulu in the movement, for of the work of the three judges may the conservation of foodstuffs. be made on the first of the year, an 3 All bakeries use 10 or more barrels that all the criminal work will be as- army. say TRAIN TELEPHONE The of flour a month and all hotels, restau- signed to Judge Ashford. This reoort. the national Authorities SUCCESSFUL assistance of any contributing me- Waterbury rants, boarding houses and eafes howover, cannot be verified. they suspect the plot is of German dium. Reports of the tests declare Successful experiments with a tele- that the which make their own bread are to origin. V communication established Mr. phone apparatus installed on a rail- was in every way satisfactory, al- be licensed and with the cards CHARGED WITH VIOLATING The two, according to Assistant t&r Child sent a letter asking for particu- road car were carried out recently by though the train was In SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT United States Attorney Ben Moore, motion.' It la lars in this respect. agreed to perform an operation upon a representative of the signal depart- said there was no difficulty In hearing The letter in part says: SEATTLE, Wash. "Dr." M. Gor the throat of Joseph Gottstein, a ment of the Canadir- - government rail- distinctly every word of the message "The main thing which you should exchanged. Scientific American;'; is a man's watch don, and a Russian woman, Mrs. Les-- : Seattle registered man. They asked ways and the inventor of the device, watch is to see that your loaf weighs heira, are under arrest here charged! Gottstein for $3000 for their services the former in the car itself and the 1 ounces. 2." ounces or multiples with violatirg the selective service and guaranteed that the operation latter in the despatcher's office in the Philadelphia bakers received 2.00J thereof; that sugar, skimmed milk ana act by plotting to perform throat op- would render him unfit for army ser- Moncton yard. The transmission in barrels of flour at prices from 1 shortening, contained in your bread upon registered men which vice, Moore asserted, as it would re- this system of communication is made cents to $1.20 under present market specified. erations does not exceed the amount would render them unfit for service in duce his voice to a whisper. through wheel and axle without the prices. i "Whether you are subject to license or not, it is advisable that you com- It's good looking, short winding and municate witt me at once, telling me of the character of your business and V accurate. It's the small, stylish size how much flour per month you u?e. Then, as soon as the license applica- and fits your pocket. tion blanks are received, one will be sent to you with instructions, so that Jeweled $3.50 you can comply with the law." GROCER FINED Waterbury Badiolite tells time in the dark. FOR FALSE AD This J. . $4.50 0 Charged wipi fraudulent advertising, v At all dealers. the Money-wort- Wholesale Grocers of Chicago. Edward Perlman. manager, was fined $25 and costs in the muni- cipal court of that city. The case was brought through the efforts of the Better Advertising Bureau of Chicago. The concern, which has advertised in newspapers and magazines through reading Cables Pake Your Reservations Early out the I'nited Stateos. offered to sell sugar at 4 cents per pound and Gold .Medal flour at $S.:0 a barrel. Persons useful gifts for your "ding orders found that additional Make very goods up to a certain amount must be purchased in order to get sugar and and would be appreci- flour at tne prices quoted. The adver- tising had not contained such a quali- ated by any member of Chrisftmas fication. Vacationi flu This is an important victory, not the family. enly from the standpoint of advertis- at the famous ing, but also in connection with steps being taken by the government to conserve sugar and wheat. The low Prices within the reach price ofthe sugar would induce peo pie to purchase large amounts. Also of all. the food administration apparently is opposed to greatly reduced prices on assortments. certain items in merchandise -- The prosecution Mas brought under the ordinance in Chicago which pro- hibits false and fradulent advertising. This design in Fumed Oak Thii design & --fmned Oak or Mahogany Mauna Kea sails on Wednesdays and Saturdays. n : i t? . t vvuruiauica , creuas. '.':-- tSort Eye. Eyes Inflamed by $12-60- 1 MMIN ITIM QUICKly $10.00 renewed ty Murine. Try it In Ihter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. UUR uUfeSturtkf.JutErtCefrt : Marine rTyeRmedyS--,- WW IkSV W AAA. V J Ack I UU


! Club Stables LIBERTY CANDY IS SUGGESTED FOR Garage Automobile Stabled and Cared For THE WAY MADE (2 North Kukui St., near Nuuanu St IAS; HERE'S ITS .I. Telephone 1109.

-' Go to tha r- What about Christmas randi.?'.' rarrfled o: arige cr rrrtalli?t4 from the fruit. Melt unsweetened r.;ucJate lu Mum randy he omittel r e . rho.-o.a- I box for the boy at camp do-ibl- boi.-r- Keep the V Christmas solidify- dlit inn and the gill at school or from ti'e lit just i warm enough to pre.ent ono'n stockings? ing. With a silver fork dio, i :ece. of ? tie eacn for cooling sodas and soft a few fruit in chocolate Se thut Heforc answerlns. It fare re- v Fran"-jn- d pie& is completely coaKd. tiien fa-t- Our Allies. drinks. 'business to n harden. Italv, arc now depead nt m i. move waved tap'" Date I e tne best date. Amrii-a- bin a.id th1 bottom Stuffed si.ar the Kill with pea of th bin is !n sight Arcordina; to Kemce stone?. n walnuts, hirKory n;:ts or an an authoritative bulletin, "the pre- BURNERS nuts available. I'eanut butter niak'-- Is one Id wulih stocks ai Oil and sent ie.riod a filling is different. Kress-- Distillate, Crude pearly depleted In the United State gcod that ;l Cates in shape and rcll in granulated Your Christmas Turkey Kerosene and lb count i let on wbioh it diaw ' chopped nuts, or a mixture ol OURANT-IRVIN- E CO, LTD. nu Miar. Do the business facts rjean powdered 1962 ou are cocoa and cinnamon. 45 King St. Phone Christmas cnd? Not if through the mr.it and nuta Fruit Paste Put clever in combining fruits chopper enough cherry, peach r keep fresh a Ions time Such tvcftfi miin c preserves to ma'tH a iaif pint , kind for Christmas -- SEE and are Just iiie v.itli tlie Juice. Heat fruit aiiu add two boxes. They are delicious for desserts, and tablespoons of gelatine, previous! cirisp golden universally liked. tam COYNE wholesome and done are to softened in a very little old water. a sugar Is enough for FURNITURE One etip of white Stir ell and contiuue Mirring until i: FOR pounds of these Liberty Candies. Building five tiegins to cool and thicken, then pour Young Popearn Candy For making pop- Into oiled dish to make a layer one Appetizing corn candy either honey, maple jyrup, Inch thick. Let dry blowly. sprinklf moiaaaes, white cane syrup or corn with ugar and place in box with Flavorful sugar. DEVELOPING syrup may be used instead of waxed paper between the layers. A CHRISTMAS To one cup of syrup allow one table- PRINTING : ENLARGING mixture of dried apricots and date Tender spoon ot vinegar. Boil together until may be used for this paste. W ash ap FRUIT CAKES Best In the Cit syrup hardens when dropped in told ricots and soak overnigM in enough everything it should be, but couldn't & Tour over freshly popped corn to cover. water, bring Honolulu Picture Framing vter. water Four off home-ove- Supply Co. and mold into balls or fancy shapes It to a boil, pour over apricots, and be with ordinary n facilities. Properly aged. for th Christmas tree. Little poiv let 6and until cool. Put apriccts and corn men will please the children. dates through meat chop.'-fr- , and pro Mark in the features and outlines Mince Pies ; THE J. S. WINVICK CO. ceed with the proportions as given. with melted chocolate. Chocolate Dainties Put through' a own meat-choppe- r one-hal- Crystallized FruitsUse your f cup each ol Bring your bird to Assorted Biscuits IPAINTING preserves. Peach, pear, apple, quince dates, figs and nut meats. Add ont do. Drain juke", grac- V Paper Hanging and Decorating or watermelon rind will table spoon orange a little Rear Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 3134 from the fruit til syrup possible. Cut ed orange peel and one square ol Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. any size desired, sprinkle wfth sugar melted unsweetened chocolate. Mould and dry in the warmer or a very slow Into halls and roll in chopped nuts or oven. It may be necessary to sprinkle granulated sugar. This mixture ma. the fruit again with sugar during th? be packed iu an oiled tin. put under a L. AYAU SHOE CO. drying. When dry enough not to bt weight until firm, then cut in any st all sticky, sprinkle with suar and shape desired. Roasting W. L. Douglas Bakery tele Agent for pack in layers with wax paper be Maple Hoi.l for Creams one cup maple Shoes. tween. This fruit may be used for sugar with one rwp water until il bitter-sweets- . To be roasted as only the city's best roasting Phone 2663. 1005 Nuuanu, nr. King dipping in bitter chocolate for forms a soft ball when dropped iu stuffed and cold water. Remove from the firm and equipment can roast it. Ditter-Sweet- s An attractive va stir rapidly until It becomes creamy rtety of candies may be made by dip- Form Into balls the size of marbles and we will have it ready for you ping aweet fruits in bitter chocolate and put nut meats on either side. Lay You must let us have the turkey by Monday at 5 p. m., Use for this purpose dates, citron. on wax paper to cool, by noon on Christmas. . REGIONAL ILK RECIPES GIVEN Plboirae 1 43 1 TRIBUNALS ARE FOR CORN-PON- E

Novelties 2.4,820 interesting Silver PLACED IN USE AND CORN BREAD BOCHE AX MURDERER of warning to all other Austrian fam completing his work of killing, stood bushels, will be to OUT A FAMILY ilies in Virginia who bought Liberty under the shadow of a large crucifix people of the United States. Of the WIPES sat For Xmas Gifts THAT BOUGHT BONDS bonds or subscribed to the Red Cross. and washed his hands. Then he e; tire crop, 37.1 per cent is ucd for The bodies were horribly mutilated. down at the kitchen table and wrote assort- Regional milk tribunals, federally warning. direct human consumption; 32.7 pef W have a most excellent Tht two following corn bread and VIRGINIA,, Minn.-T-Thr- ee persons, They had been slashed with a knife the note of Christ-ima- s way of solving cent is fed to animals; and 6.5 per ment of Silver Novelties for appointed, is the latest corn pone recipes have been given to Mr. and Mrs.'Paul and a boarder. in addition to being beaten with an metropoli Star-Bulleti- n A. the whole milk problem of readers by Mrs. J. Mil- Treoieh. were killed bv an ax ax. All were in their beds. Uses for Potatoes in Sweden. cent is uced in flour making. Tho Gifts. adopt- Pater crop, storage 11.9 per tan areas. This plan has been ton, who has kindly offered to tell any murderer. Their bodies were found Wholesale arrests have been made. Uses made of Swedish potato loss in is cent and adminis- year at 84.- - 8 ed by the 1'n.ited, States food one wishing to know any details fur- today in their home here with a'note' Police say that the murderer, after officially estimated this r is retained 'or seed. tration following requests for aid from ther necessary. H.Culman Co., Ltd. contending parties in the milk dis- One interesting thing Mrs. Milton V i 1112 Fort St tricts of Chicago, and New York. In telis: Corn bread doesn t bake well in these and other cities the increases an aluminum pan. It needs an iron lathe prices of milk have created dis- pan; also the pan should be greased content among consumers. In Jnstin- - arid heated first very thoroughly. ...tlnn tha nmdiiptra hnvo rlnimed ris- - ; lng production costs, and the distribut- - SOUTHERN CORN BREAD WITH- ors have alleged rising costs of n. OUT WHITE FLOUR One, egg well beaten l pint sour or The plan of the United States food buttermilk, one teaspoon soda, one tea- iiiiiliiipillii fillip ; administration, according to G. Harold spoon salt, 3 cups white corn meal. r Powell, in charge of the division of Put salt and soda into meal, then pllliilli - fBIjiii perishable commodities, la to set up milk, ' . . , add buttermilk and lastly well regional ieaerai commissions on mcuLl.k beaten egg; bake in a hot, well greased ' producers, distributors, consumers, pan in a hot oven for 25 minutes. Drink public large tiiiiiii w IRON PORT milk experts and the at msm pf L-j-s- k- represented. These commis- sr- J at ll - will he CORN PONE will be formed, so tar as can be sions One pint meal, 1 teaspoon salt 1 JSv '""tain done, from citizens in the districts begin tablespoon shortening. concerned. They will at once Add enough boiling to parties in water form a public hearings, giving all heavy dough and beat as hard as you Interest an opportunity to assemble refreshes and Invlgoratea tired can; form into pats with the palm of It and present all milk data and atten- your hand and may upon equit- bake into cakes or Xmas shoppers. dant facts that bear pones; will make eleven cakes. able prices, decide according to the facts, and make reports that will ad- public of 4 vise the of the true status the milk industry In each of the dis- MEAT SUBSTITUTES TUMCEYS tricts named. As the costs of producing and dis- Impelled by economy and war duty, tributing milk varV. it is not ex- housekeepers are collecting meat sub- pected that a uniform national price stitute dlehes. These dishes are high 1 1 5,-v- r- outcome; is rea- in protein value and should be served will be the but there place 0 son to believe (hat Important reforms in of meat and in combination 'jl Inaugurated both among pro- with fresh vegetables. Potatoes and for Ckristaas may.be distributors as a of combine well with bean Is ducers and result dishes, Corn bread VENUS the Inquiries to be conducted. An- and a gTeen salad who want th nouncement was made today at the make an excellent combination with lest. 17 perfect food administration that the personnel the fish kedgeree. black deffreee, of too commission for the New York Beans and Rice. and 2 copying and Chicago dairy districts will be Two cups cooked kidney beans. for Tery pos- completed within a few days. Two cups cooked rice. I purpose. i sible Four cups tomato sauce. To make the tomato sauce Brown S tablespoons of flour in M cup of WALL-DOUGHER- BIu2Jadi TY drippings or vegetable oil and mix VELVET U with one quart of strained tomatoes PENCIL and 1 tablespoon grated onion. Cook sauce --five ia ft! CUss l minutes; combine hot rice SisrM wii i Mmm and beans; pour jver them the hot mrtc an Lead Pwca Cojlj, V I If ILL UL Ul Lll sauce and serve.- - I Creamed Peas or Beans. One peas pint dry or beans. r ' One-hel- if- - -- - d f cup milk. Less than one-thir- of the world's Every evening until Christmas for '700,000 m'Jes of railways is the accommodation of Christmas shop- One teaspoon drippings. pers. Adv. Two teaspoons syrup. One teaspoon salt. mm I Pinch red pepper. Choice Island Turkeys, alive or dressed. California 2 Soak bewis in cold water over night Dressed Turkeys, 45c per pound. While doing your holi- mm or until hulls rub off easily; rub be fca:3-jsa:- tween hands until all skins are re lfcu::;K.--a day shopping, come in and select the festive bird yourself. moved; boil Blowly with just enough water to cover them until thoroughly We will deliver when and where you want it. done; pass through a ricer: add other ingredients; whip as for creamed po- tatoes; serve hot. Green Christmas Trees in all sizes. Fish Kedgeree One and one-hal-f flaked cooked fish. 3-4-4- One egg. PHONE -5 Four tablespoons rice. One teaspoon chopped onion. Salt and pepper to taste. Two tablespoons dripping. Mlltl l 6c a pound clean Wash rfce and drop slowly into fast-boilin- g mm We will pay for cotton rags and water, with a teaspoon of salt, l will send our wagon to any address to get them. and boil fast until tender (about 20 Mettropoliltaiji minutes). Drain well, and dry in a colander. Boll the egg hard, cool it in cold water, and chop Jit coarsely. Just Phone 491 1 Melt the fat in a saucepan, stir in i5?H':3:n:n:H:3:;i:rr;: the cooked rice, add the fish and sea- - ! eoning. Make very it hot, then add ::u:::t-::;..;; your Rags and Support a French Orphan ! the chopped egg, and serve at once. Meat Market 'Sell If onion is liked, fry it lightly in the fat before putting in the race. We will remain open on Christ Star-Bulle- An appropriate Christmas gift. One mas morning until 8 a. m. tii subrcription to Star-Bull-e Xii Mo year's the lolulu tin. Adv. :: - ; "j. - Go....to Thrum's for Christmas Cards. r STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1917. NINE &

I u xi FV SLTTTtR SATURDAY FOOD SPECIALS 1 i!lilll!lll!!llilllll!il!ilil!::!l!!llll!ll!l!!!!!l!l!ll!!l!llll!lllll!il!llll!ll!l!!li!!IHI!l POTATOES DROP PRICES ON STAPLES AS WILED For Your Christmas PRICE; TURKEYS BY FOOD ADMINISTRATOR CHILD Wing Hing Co. Dessert Try j STILL AT 45 TO 55 i ECoiaa ' This week seps thf loral n3rkr'. CoiiinuxJity x Coffee x ! Fire v!l supplied with t'oofMtiffs f'T th j J Christmas holidays due to the X 4 POUNDS, $1.00 aiali 3 i, JiffyJdU of Revpral steamer? from the main-- J y. T. land. The prices remain pra t i all v L''i 12 -- .10 the sarre as they were a week asro ! Average Retail A: .05 !0 GRADE GELATINE DESSERT with the exception of Iri3h potatoes Tor ali of 1. S THE HEW ' .IT, .OS S IN VIALS whirh have slightly fallen off. Average Retail .10 IS .50 .'.0 .18 WING HING CO. TRUE FRUIT FLAVORS In the turkey market this Christm;. San Francisco H 2S .10 Hotel Street, opp. Bethel there is a small shortage of local Average Retail .1" .is .40 .04 "45 Phone 4341 rt- -. u 5 in dc-- x E5 sunply due. if ; New Vo k ... The latest birds under lat year's , I :ag 17 .10 .50 .34 .14 .u4 u:u oS4 . M is jaid. to poor weritlier conditions in ; Average Retail (lb. f Honolulu lli'Oi j nm'-nuh- vrh'wh thf1 the early part 'he season Tli" E Made of a ' elatiin', makers t 1"0 .05 .04 .10 - - (lb. .4'i .15 price of turkey, however, is thf sani- , Highest Price .i0 " I 3.50 S.T5 of JifTy-.Iel- l rontrol. , EE as last year For the local product Honolulu (100) . . aaaiZw aaaaa o .0:5 I the retailers are jukine an averace! lowest Price (lb.) .15 .M .51 .30 .11 .03 .67 ( 100) . . . 1'.40 6.50 I Flavored with the of true fruit juices, in- - E of cents a pound and 4 conts fur; Honolulu H esenre . . .VT .15 .16 .54 .20 .10 .03 the California bird of which thorp iv Average Whole E Mead of flavors. Honolulu :8 S.02 artificial n jrood supplv. Reeardless of the war, ; Sale tr-- demand Army retailers ??v taf for' andNavy S Karh flavor in a vial, kejt l'?v-- li until you ue it. Christ m:- turkey rrual." that of last, r Xot niixed' in the gelatine. EE ear and all the biz ? tm have the HONOLliLU GIRL CORN CROP Wholesalers of anything and everything to eat. same number on hand The banana Question continues t'1 LET US SUPPLY YOUR STORE. not scalded in preparing .Jiffy-Te- ll. Add E Hi Flavors . worry the producer as large numbers SEJ tliem when jell Iihh partly cooh'd. J are still decaying in the fields. The SEES BALTIMORE REDUCE PRICE OF demand for the Hawaiian banana is Service Supply Co. This new, dessert will delight you. We have strong" on the coast hut the lark of .r. uik prevents ship- Phone 2819 anything comparaMe in a gelatine desei t. transportation their Offices at Hawaiian Fisheries as rever sold ment At present the Territorial Mar- SAVING ALL EOOL MEAT AND M L keting division has a shipment of ex- SIX FLAVORS 2 PKGS. FOR 25c. ceptionally fine Hawaiian bananas i v.hich they are offering at 75 cents a HOOVER be without it. j con- Try it once and you'll never bunch. This higher price is due to the Reports in the. newspapers of I quality average con mainland, ami fs the grade servation of food on the NEW YORK, X. Y., Dec. ."..Lower 50 centr, a times, tinues to draw bunch. Hiso of actual shortages at are prices in meat, milk and other com The potato crop of Maul this yea- - borne out by communications received niodities, as a of the enormous rs .... r f Lin mBri ti result will be unusually large as reports n nonoiuiu irom peo.e ui 'a"";icroi) of corn which it is expected will YEE HOP & from that island C" v that iAtVi finow St nrCSOllt CI1 the mainland. l)ne OI ! be distributed throughout the country j by a CO will be harvested by fhe end of .Jan these communications received by January 15, were by Fed- is, forcasted V The House of Quality j uary. Of this amount 3"00 bags will lfonolulan from his daughter who eral Food Administrator Hoover in a S ! nttppHin? college Baltimore, is If EE in statement tonight. Heieelared that 3451 5 King Street Phone - m respect. The pumption and the rest sent to Hono- quite interesting this crop is t ' this extraordinary "the certain - in part: lulu. At present there is a large ship- letter reads economic remedy for high prices." j they this last week cut down . j i ment of the California potatoes here "For Mr. Hoover's statement said: very good our meals. They were bad enough of quality but the price for l "This crop is not only plentiful but j I now i it.. aon l t a a . t wm which they are going is lower than 'before, out reaii i kcu in ue soir. ai a reasonaDie pnre. us 10 nve on mem ins usual, it being from $2.50 to $2.75 i how they expect cost of corn is dropping every day. In wholesale. The Maui crop year We no longer have sugar at all; no proportion this is to the cheapness of corn to OLDEST BRAND IN HONOLULU the the island has ever produced butter at dinner; no meat on Tuesday we . best the farmers, shall have reflected air-tigh- For Your on Wednes- - Packed t, - and should obtain a good price. and Friday; aad no bread er prlceg of 6UCh commoditie3 as four packages to the pound,- this excellent butttr a always retains Its flavor and does not A big question which is now con- day. milk and meat. melt. . grocery store near . -: fronting is "There is a little "Corn is really one half of our food IT SATISFIES the merchants here the college, and I am on excellent; i Dinner: big bean crop of Maui which is now the and this extraordinary crop of ap- Christmas 'boss.' Me has being Hono- terms with the ben proximately and a quarter bil C. Q. YEE HOP & CO. harvested and shipped to long time, but yes- three r lulu in although out of sugur for a lion bushels is the certain economic' -- HOUSE QUALITY large quantities the got a of it. There THE OF demand is small. It is terday he barrel remedy for high prices." here estimated a for it, and he would only J King Street, near Fishmarket. Phone S451 Fresh Ranch Maui will produce 500 bags was rush As to the regulation of prices of al' that of to his regular customers, and to 100 pounds each. It is hoped sell commodities by the government. Mr. j that it none of college girls. But he did 11 the Hoover said prices Eggs will be possible to keep these I aston- that either must bej sell me some, and last night regulated or there must be a continu- beans in the islands instead of ship- by producing some Large, white, select; 1 dozen in carton. a ished our table ous wage increase. ping share to the mainland. The our unsweetened dessert, problem to be keep sugar for Per doz.. 65c settled is how to o hers' coffee." r' them here, disposing of and the '-- ft. them aa there is a demand and permit farm- t still the PAY ORE ers to receive returns on them, as TO Christmas DinneFwould not Newtown Pippin most of capi- the farmers have small O'BREAD. tals and cannot afford to wait. MR. SLICE grower on plan- Apples. $1.50 per box. First grade One bean Maui is I am a Slice of Bread. be complete without ning to put his beans up in small j Newton 'Pippins and White Winter Per box, $1.75 three inches by two Perrnam. Come and get them. Geo. sacks and the first shipment will bo - 4- and a half, and my thickness is A. Belayeff, 926 in Honolulu within a few weeks. The Maunakea. street. half an inch. Phone 3722. Adr. rvn sacks will be of three, five and ten My weight is exactly an ounce. pound only sizes and contain select- I am wasted ence a day by more we can i v graded The fats send to the Rice ed and beans. 48,O0O,O0Q people of Britain. allies the slipperier will be the skids ycurCi ! 100-l- b. I am "the bit left over"; the placed German autocracy. mm Hawaiian, per bag, $7.25 under absentmindedly when T r ...... A ' slice eaten ui really I wasn't needed. I am the will make victory Just as sweet and. on the table. Select jour Christmas Bird now from our waste crust. bring it much sooner. California Reports From you collected me and my If General Apathy and Private Inter stock of tender fowls. You will find here the finest 4-- companions for a whole week you select est are two enemies of our national! 4-- would f'.nd we amounted to Onions County Agents that welfare. Each is as dangerous as a tion of tender meats, fresh vegetables, quality groceries. 4-- 9380 tons of good bread. 100 Kaiser's agent and should be exclud Per lbs., $2.75. 4-- WASTED! . . ed from every American home and 4-- Two shiploads of good bread! la The peanut crop at Kaneohe is large dustry. 'r . and good returns are anticipated. 4- - Almost as much striking an 4- - average as 20 German submar-4- - Potatoes Mr. Lyman's place at Paumalu is go- ines cou'd sink even if they had 100-l- 4-- good luck. . ' Per b. bag, $3.00 ing along nicely with good weather Paragon Meat Market IT! 4- - you away 4-4- - conditions to help matters. The cat- When throw me or waste me you are adding 20 sub- - 4- - picking up with improved 9 i tle are navy. Phone 1104 St; pasturage and the hogs are looking marines to the German 4 Beretania, nr. Alakea California Feed .Go.; Ltd. 4- - 4-- well. ' ? 4 4 -- K Phone 4121 Queen ; .Alakea'and Sts. ", ... It t mm . The old alfalfa fields at Kahuku are Copy of handbill sent out by Na- - doing exceedingly well, the stand be- tional War Savings Committee, ing high, heavy and very uniform. This seed was sewn broadcast and although t ' Reduces Alcohol In Beer. That farmers are today receiving it was hot cultivated nor irrigated Go to Thrum's for Gift Stationery President Wilson has approved the for their wheat 40 per cent of the compares favorably with patches -- Adv. recommendation of the P. S. Food A- money paid for the cash loaf whereas which were. The fields are now yield- Youn dministration; that the alcoholic con- last year they received less than 20 ing at least 10 cuttings a year. Do Like tent of beer he reduced in the first per cent of the price of the loaf is a !!!!!!l!l!!!!!!l!lllllllllll!ltllllll!lillll!IIJ! instance to 3 per cent maximum. The recent announcement of the U. S. The sweet potatoes on Schofield j ss: grain ; it:'' Volume of used in brewing is Food Administration. Elimination of farm of 55 acres are now. being har-J-s be to an amount, ap- hoarding speculation m- also to reduced and together vested as required. The potatoes are i - proximately 70 per cent of the amount prices respon- with stabilization of are taken by the quartermaster's depart-- 1 of, grain formerly used, enabling the sible for the doubled share of the re-ta- ll ' That ment and about one sack a week is - .' brewing of the same volume of beer. price farmers are now receiving. issued to each company. While these! 4 potatoes are not as good as they might v. be, taking into consideration the fact Mark that they had no care, cultivation or spraying, they are in fairly good

For Lunch Today At Kailua Mr. Rice has planted nearly IS acres of white field corn which is making a remarkable growth. The Japanese in this district have For Breakfast Tomorrow large areas of onions and sweet corn. pPERRYfLOUR C- - t The latter ought to be ready for har- vesting within a couple of weeks. No signs of the hopper have appeared. i The bananas are looking well and the is the , AVE a cupof delicious taro plantings good. The rice crop is guarantee yl.i being harvested. Instant Postum for down-tow-n of butter good- According to reports received by . the ness. None but If .". food commission from the district of M lunch . at restaurant, Kaneohe, Waiahole, and Waikane the the best made rice crop is very promising and the from the purest iii't. ' hotel or lunch counter. harvesting is going ahead with very Large, Juicy Newtown Apples, $1.50 per box ' i .. little trouble except for occasional of milk by clean- . rains. Th Chinese, the report says, and other varieties. seem very satisfied with the results liest methods can Then a tin of Instant and the amount of the yield. At Kolai order get into the ; ?'- . new rice lands are being opened up - by ' i Postum from your grocer several Japanese. market under ftii ;n-- . and Come and Get Them! : ; ;.fl. Recently F. Child, that signature. in- J. federal food ! use it tomorrow for breakfast commissioner, visited Maul where he :. !!. conferred with Dr. Baldwin. J. Walsh, stead of the usual morning drink. Ir. O'Brien and others at the Haiku Ask your grocer to Kadp substation on the bean situation on show you the green Sparry ApU Cak. :?: i: Maui and the feasibility of establish- 1 top tour silk. 1 pint Sparry f wrapper. ( i ; ing a central warehouse, with facili- If he hasn't Flow, I tepOB oU, 1 2 BELAEMF ' it. ties for" grading and fumigating farm it, Y. WO SING & Ubiepeem .cgtr, 1 Mltcyooa m!L Importer.and Distributor '' is Rich ' Ib Postum products Intended for shipment for CO., opp. the Liberty IHx tnta Mft dnih and tpf4 H Honolulu. The question of, canning thlok In tarn ya wtn irHMd. rai. " C " J S Maixnakea beans also .came up and the cannery Theater, has. tod ear JUcy rat 1st. 926 Street i . in Mineral Salts authorities plr. irnnit on dcugh ud prtck! with "- became interested anJ (id aatjMC bUa tt - - - .... uxr, dnn.fMa u4 Opp. Territorial Marliet ; agreed to plant an extended area for buttar. Bak. SS mlaitm. (U) '. spring canning. riiiiinniiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniifiiiil iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij; ftPBBBBHHBBBBB 00 00--

- N r,MHr,K "Ji. ihit inj ' - .HOXOLIXr ST A R B CL LEU n;iiAV...... -- - ...

Movie of a Good Soft Lead Pencil By BRIGGS

. I . , " . T0 He-Re- - .. A FRiErOD Aixi L'iTemi Coe --r - OW ACK 5 SC F0 LOAN OP PEwOl wm TnftT ' CTCPTj. - -- - HANGS tT T0 iM UJA FR.fNiD PeuDl. i Pr-- D Something you fp not forget a box of Christmas ' j A AT CLUB FostS fA f,T Lr0si - j

WHO UJlSHE S To V I J 231 Candy from

sxdlitv iwm "! . lit,k

for each member of the family.

1 A si : That cuewtJ6 uAS " Ho mom - Sugss .. X. HEY, where Th - w - Lehnhardts N' , FOHGOT-rc- To You& Son uJho mS (PfeOc A BlAWk PE-- l phers Buntes J f

' I wfl W Vwm , Jar v RAWLEY'S

crow- - Ice Cream ctirdHac. hellish nandemonlum such' istic and revolutionary spirit is Pure ioe amc I inK so rapidly that it is expected to r as even a would never BRITISH SOLDIER GETS MORE MEAT to describe. endanger the supremacy of thr junk- The one best everyday "Herman nerves held out with tne ers by spring, and the military au- utmost resolution, constantly awaiting thorities are adopting most dinner dessert. f the moment when the hurricane or repressive measures. Ho also told a THAN MAN WHO REMAINS AT HOME fire would break loope. And the story of how Herman privates loft torm came. In the neighboring sec their officers to their fate in the face Special Flavors for Sunday i. on. how officers hated by 4 tor flame throwers were turned of fire, and of I Phone against this murderous engine no their troops fell on battlefields with notning tor in back?. Butterscotch Meat Issued measures avail. There is bullets their Walnut and ; Frozen Meat Constitutes 60 Per Cent of Total It but to get back into the rearward 4225 McKay Teterpon of Army rorK ana oeans nave hiju pccn uuhicw positions. Sergeant David and a dozen other flavors. to Bntisn "And then the enemy was on us. (lip Lafayette flying squadron had By Tommies Tank after tank loomed forward. r.tr, air fights in two hours of patrol These monsters appeared invincible, flight. - figured out at an aver- was by a heavy " ginning of 1916 and if one of them hit e i V wrwfvfi nniTlSH LINES . IN age of abont 12-1-- cents a pound, but shell the guns and machine guns in-tid- H has since risen to about 16 1-- 2 were kent eoine unremittingly, finally A ' ition fccale allowt one pound of meal cents. until their iron hail reached to each man dailj to the troops In the Requisitioning of fresh meat iu our lines. And behind the tanks came three-quarte- rs a see nothing trenches, and . of France for army purposes is almost Scots and Canadians. We 1 pound to those at home. It Is further negligible, and the herds of cattle but endless rows of enemies. ' required each soldier at the front car- - which followed armies in old-tim- e At last our reserves deliver a Hi ' ry a pound of meat In bis kit wars and were slaughtered as requir- counter attack. Murder breaks out The measures, by which air army ed, have disappeared from the field afresh. The field of dead become once equal to one-fift- h of the male popular of war. more a battle ground." ic tlon of Great Britain before the war, Froicn meat at present constitutes has been supplied with meat on th.is 60 per cent of the total meat Issued TREACHERY IN RANKS scale, amount to aomelhing like a rev-- ' to the British army. The remainder OF GERMAN ARMY army sup- - sev- Stripe Silks and Crepe. t oiutlon in the technique of is made up of preserved meat of We have on sale a large assortment of Oriental Silks, D. Interesting Nov-eltie- PU. eral varieties. The most familiar form WASHINGTON. C and Children's Gifts. Silk, Crepe, Toys, Curios, s, ' "bully which Germany's unset Come here for Men's, Women's i Committee Appointed the well known beef." statements about very beginning of .the pres- fa corned beef Backed in small ob- - tled Political situation and treachery Lacquerware, Etc. 4v At the army, by ent war It was decided to provide lonsr tins, each containing twelve in the ranks of the made mat for the army and the ounces. Some units cook tneir ouiiy an East Prussian prisoner, have neen " fmn despatches. boards of trade at once entered Into btrff. others Dreter it iust as It comes received here In official firms Importing from the tin. It,comprised the princi- According to this soldier, the social- - negotiations with army i; meat from the Argentine for a month- pal article of diet for the at SHOH ly supply of 15,000 tons. Later a "meat Gallipoll. 35 Hotel Street Open Evenings until Christmas committee- - was set up, and entrusted Pork and Beans BEN BRUNS, with the work of importing meat not Another form of preserved ration only for the British army, but also is a combination of about nine ounces - for the French and Italian gover- of meat and a halt pound of potatoes nments and for the British civil popu-- i and other vegetables. This la served MEDICINE MAN latlon. - after warming up; either by heatmg in by boiling contents In . ;: The principal cource of supply at the tin or the ? present la the Argentine with assis-tan-r a camp kettle, -- which transfer it into fmn Australia' and New Zea a fairly appealing stew. This combi Ren Bruns. known all over the states land. Both Australia and New Zealand nation, which is known in army par as the. medicine man, is in Honolulu, have reserved their, entire surplus linn aa "Mm and VftfCtlhle Ration." extolling the virtues of the wonderrui eupply of meat for the use of the Im- la manufactured by about u u r mAdTHne.- The fame of- this perial government, and over, $200,000,-00- 0 thirty firms, working under inspec marvelous remedy has penetrated Ha OLA of local government poara. Is on sale at an tne arug VICT1 worth of beef, mutton and lamb tion the waii and it A brought from those coun- Another : form of preserved ration, tores. R. B. C. is short for Bro. Ben has' been preparation tries. - nrtnntod from. th American armies. jamin,, Compound and is a v- - To carry these enormous quantities is perk and beast.' The. first supplies composed cf roots and herbs, contains f mamt trt thfi.trocros the board of of these were optajnea from tne Ca- no alcohol or poisonous habit forming TPacifJcCKatiway with great .'X. requisitioned all the shipping nadian Company and drugs. A fine general tonic trade on an experimental tnmaeh virtues, curing indigestion Chnstunas Y engaged jn the frozen meat traffic were introduced' for r an appetite ; Some cf the meat is taken to Eng-- ' scale In March. 1916. and dyspepsia, creating ro-t-- r amount of canned meats sup- is the same time a genue laxa -- land, but the greater part of that The and at quired for the armies is Janded dl-- plied to the troops, in France is enor tive: The B. B. C. medicine for the mous. a cans blood no equal as It makes new ; rectly at the base ports, where it is Three and hair million has makes everybody happy. i' discharged Into, cold storage" ware--. are received weekly at the bases, and rich blood and cleanses t'.e impurities houses specially greeted for the pur--; since the beglning of the war the from' the system, curing rheumatism array . pur nH other blood disorders. For kid pose. In this matter there Is delivered contract department has 1 - diabetes and 3 monthly 30.000 tons of meat for the chased over 400,000,000 cans of pre ney and- bladder trouble For it brings right into your home the world's best music, exactly as British armiea and 23,000 tons to the served meat. These cans would weigh sTivel it is especially neiprui tor r armiea of Gre&tBritain'a allies. about 178.600 tons: 'roughly the eauiv- - weak, delicate, nervous, anaemic and by the most famous artists, musicians and entertainers. n sung ; super-dread- - run-dow- people old and young it played or S , Rlae In Price a lent to weight' 'Of six ;. , cost of this meat up to the be- - nauchta.vy -' acts like a charm, and a 10 days' use Ipl Vic-trol- a e The. straining the of the B. B. C. medicine brings an What though Christmas expenses are your purse " amazing amount of strength and vital solution. It will more than take the place of BRITISH ARTILLERY FIRE MflST ity to the system even in wnai are( offers the happy a f considered extreme cases. B. B. C. is j scientifically prepared and compiles host of lesser .things, and you can get it for very little outlay of money with all the pure food regulations. U many sup- nt can do you no harm, and in on our easy-payme- plan. Come in and set us. SAYS posedly hopeless cases has restored I , Hi health and brought happiness where before all was darkness and despair. B. B. C. removes worms from the sys- mm , LONDON, Nov. (Correspondence hard labor under the enemy's fire had tem and so is especially beneficial to per--1 of The Associated Press.) A German createa. children. Ben Bruns is giving his destroying fire did its work sonal attention to the introductory j .BergstromMusic description of a British bombardment The campaign and for the convenience of; gaa, with rfenretsinsr thorourhnesa. seem 71 araoke screen, attacks with flame ing extinguish all life, and now the public has established himself atj throwers and tanks followed by a came the turn of the smoke shells. the corner of Kekaulike and Kinci i charge f Canadians and Scots pub- Thick smoke lay before our eyes, so streets, opposite the ftshmarket. w here lished by the Berlin Post is entitled that we could see notning, and yet he will be from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. every In the Flanders Hell."' ever further forward must we push day and will explain the B. B. C. med- Co., Ltd. -- For weeks, day and night." says our death-defri- nr nosts. A real fog icine and how to eet the cures. A the writer, "the British kept our posi-tlo- n is mere patchwork compared with this special advertising price is made of I under fire. Ever fiercer burned artificial fog which the British send $1.00 per bottle. 3 for ?3.50. or 6 for PIANOLAS-DUO-A-RT PIANOS I the glowing stream that poured crack-- j out in order to veil their dispositions. $5.00 the first few weeks. Directions ling down upon us. Every day this "When this appeared inadequate are in English. Hawaiian, French. Por- re--pli- and Victrolas, to $400.00 fire grew hotter. Our artillery the enemy employed gas. and the evil tuguese. Spanish and many other Victors $20.00 powerfully. The army com-'munlqu- o inista came rolling towards our lines languages. A personal talk with Ben epoke of a concentration of and passed over them; only our gas Brans will convince the most skeptl enemy artillery fire on Individual sec- masks : prevented, every living thing cal that he believes heart and soul in tors Even we cannot describe what from being destroyed. The gas had a the B. B. C. medicine, and he has '' that means. The history of the world singular effect on our weapons; all hundreds of testimonials of cures IflasmtvIjiimlm has never teen anything more awful. iron was covered with thick rust. made by it to back up his claims.' All calibres were brought Into action, "The English now judged that they 'Vi- and a crater of unprecedented extent bad done enough preparatory work, llke and King street, opposite the fish-marke- t, Pianos - opened beside the others, was exca- - for suddenly drumfire started with the every day except Sunday, from vated afresh. - swallowed up the old most terrifying effect. Shells of the 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Adv. 1020 Fort St. Phone 2321 'ones, apread out beyond the lime trees heaviest ..calibre thundered across, " and threw, np the hinterland. Nothing with mines, machine gun volleys, and Go to Thrum's for Hawaiian books. jMkilaed intact of 4i thAtnlghti of hand crenadaa all uniting ia & bjood-;-:- v --Adv. '' '" - -!-- t . OQ uu



I I There Will Be 30,000 Questionnaires and Each Will Contain Help to Accom-rdis- h 236 Questions Capt. Green Appeals for c Task Within Specified Time i

t. a bc'Dr"- Will you ai'l la th hie t'K tfcat ,h upon yo'i :n 4 territory 1 called ul-o- "J do flin:; " v ,.om "f th1 wno.. out the ue draft questionnaires rli the confuknc' . gooij by you in 4 l1- I edge of work done luch - is question I Thl the past. fh is irrd : " Green, draft officer, put. up today administration ats ! your aupt",frt and woman In Honolulu patriotic and hlp to evrv mn o "Anti ipati;i ;t 'a: orrihlp ani rr i to Mr in the force who fitted am inclosing on 01 : needed at the jrecinci Lrrith assistants fj'if.tionnalre' hlfh in fo to fi!lf; booth, this new development of the for style a OMt by all of thoe ho reBistrrci n 4 draft law which the officer big that of July 31. This will five you an oprn' a job twenty time. a. tunlty to judge character of tl)p day. the registration d (juestlons and tremndoii8 mien, or woman who can the during tud of the oporaffonn which m.uft h vote e'en an hour the) th- - we are to take up carried on tlirousho'it territory. from Jan. 7 when "In replying to these le careful f:i" the of dis-tric- filling out number of your precinct, the f I?" the by a post cara u is urged to volunteer and fb county, and rerrumhrr an im - Capt. Green. this office;- said medlat gnwr Is rpnuotfd. a tremendous task. TJ ; This i. accompl l.bed "I am lncloslr.s; herewith a list of work, mutt the members of thr lrgal - and with th . adl.sor. f It the specified time, board thro'ighout tho islands. Im of t t on ance of the clti.en. each case flic firf name apiarin ic MED that of the chairman of the loard THE CRO Will rou not send to headquarter-you- r to till out reply to this letter, also forward were 12 question, a duplicate of reply tTme This ins the to tht of re-ti- on2 question chairman of the advisory .t lesal board - invites you to the naire baa a total of jour county ?" 6 .11 of these mu t be HJ or mit.t fc read by tne We have receiver S?S Questionnaire lor u se bere TEXAS RIOTERS volunteering for It Giuiaird Armory in National and w dumber, dress of ldantl for-flcitl- EXPIATE Mn "2,mM be CRIME A' Their 0tnelr ward,fi2SltHrt?SJ"",bVlU upon oI the que when the actual filuni ON THE GALLOWS Saturday Evening, December 22, at 8 p.

Thirteen Negroes of 24th In fantry Hanged for Part in TO HEAR Outbreak at Houston

t.vot. row ienJM. jmi SAN ANTONIO. Tex, Dec. 11.--Thir- teen of the negroes of the 24ta Captain Lowe, U. S. A., speak on Modern Warfare Infantry, UnUed Statea Army, found cnllty of complicity in the riot and mutiny at Houston on August 21, were Dr. James R. Judd tell of his experiences in hospital hanged on the military reservation at Pbrt Sam Houston at 7:17 o'clock this morning. Announcement carry- uu of the work in France. to the TJnitea staie ing out of the sentence was made at oflhB w1: intelligent at-- ueaaquaners or the southern depart "in orQer i ment at 9 a. m. Only army officers and Sheriff John Judge Huber speak on the Red Gross. correctly recorum Tobln of lnt . ad in Question Bexar county were present tAe when the sentence was carried by ,- - force of rest xut Mntci soldiers from the post. No newspaper stere-optico- men or civilian spectators were allow, will be fully n and requested to devote Dr. Judd's lecture illustrated by tataeerrlce may be ed, the time and place of execution time m ch Individual having kept period of service been a secret tbie spare. The Of the 63 men by commence, probably, on the 7Ui tried the same views. will counmaruai, 41 were sentenced to January and continue for PP" life imprisonment of each chief One man was sen- mately twtmtjr 4ays. To tenced, to dishonorable discharge tfcewrwitt be delegated such from registrar to order the armr forfeirurA nf n .i authority aa may be accessary lowances Immediately proceed to and to be confined at hard that he mar labor for two and v half years. Three organlratWh of nls precinct and were the It should be sentenced to be dishonorably his force ' of asaktants. discharged from the nrmv tnrfr.lt n No No remembered la organizing this force pay Admission Fee Collection Taken and allowances be work of this character is and confined that patriotic ac nara iator ror two years. Five were Wconftoe toi the men alone but acquitted. that the womenot the precinct should Children Should Not welcomed in the ranis of Come be heartily SOCIETY FIGHT IS the workers'. , broadly speaking, the active period RETURNED TO COURT of work will last for twenty days. Dur-ln-f each day in this certain hours of Despite Circuit period there must b one or two per Judce Ash ford's rec - precinct head-qotete- rs ommendations that the affair be peace sons- available at each fully who must be able to lntell settled outside of court, The Associacao Protectora ITnian Mariei genHy adTlse each registrant how to - qoestlon-naire- . rense of California apparently de- record hi answers to the la necessary, in the termined to keen its ficht with No. 7 It will not be Funchal Council, majority of cases, for the registrars to the Honolulu chap writing an ter, in court, as it has filed an amend- perfom this work of the ed complaint r wherever so re- charging the branch with twers themselves, but sunary new quired they must be willing to do so. alleged violations of roles. ' Among other thinks, the California Each precinct will be provided by the - organization says V X administration with authority to ad- that the officers of on page 15 the local chapter deliberately violated minister oaths as required oy questionnaire. ue ruies musing to compel all of the members present at meetings to give are very reasonable In price. The ex- - "This questionnaire; will be mailed tension division of the United States person who has regis- the password. It is also ch&Mi HOW TO SAVE SUGAR IN COOIflNG direct to each that the rules were Department of Agriculture has sent July Si, and each person re- violated because out very tered on the chapter-- , failed to make monthly some excellent recipes for ceiving the questionnaire will be re vegetable jams or marmalades; one out at own remittances from money collected quired either to fill It hit from the members. must remember that these marmalades home, if able, or to bring it In per- IS DESCRIBED BY WOMAN EXPERT should be cooked very slowly until headquarters, whero son to precinct COOK-BOOK- ingredients are tender and the mix- WAR S FOR he will receive your advice and assist- ture quite thick. ance In preparing the answers. Be- LOCAL WOMEN WANTED The state food administrator's re- - yond such advice and assistance there SEATTLE. Wash. How to save su: war cake is absolutely reliable. It quest that there be one wheatless meal i will be no responsibility upon the reg A hurry-u-p call for 10.000 war cook gar. the second of the four foods that contains no butter, no eggs, no milk, a day as well as one wheatless day a x registrant must mail admin- I week means that nine out of every J Istrara, as each books for American women has been Herbert Hoover. naUonal food and no white sugar: ' his completed questionnaire to the sent to the national food administra istrator, has asked the country to Take two cups o brown sugar, add twenty one meals a week should be board himself. tion in Washington by the woman s economize in using, is explained by-Mi- two cups of boiling water, one table- - wneatiess. spoon Lawyers Will Aid committee of the territorial food com- - Mary Rausch. assistant professor of lard, one package of dark! --All regiatrara will have the active mission. The books will be distribu of home economics in the extension di- seeded raisins, one teaspoon cinnamon, , Y. C. A. assistance of the lawyers of the ter ted among the women of the territory vision of the University of Washing- half, teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon i W. NOTES. ritory, who will be appointed by the ton. She says: salt, one teaspoon vanilla. One table-- ! : i For years women have been accus- spoon of marmalade or jam is an im - Mrs. A. K. who will have president aa legal advisory boards to He (proposing in taxi) Sav yes ' Lincln. administration, and, as such, darling. tomed to the use of granulated sugar provement charge of the business clasp s at the the draft ' wUl be in contact at all times with the She Give me time. in making all pies, cakes, puddings Cook five minutes after it starts Y. V. C. A.. Is a graduate of the boiling, remove Trom force of registrars who have charge He Yes good heavens, not in and desserts. fire and add one Bryant & Stratton school, the oldest but government teaspoon - active part of the work. I will here. News. Now, the says we must soda dissolved in a table- business college in the East, of the Dallas sugar peo- spoon endeavor to get in touch with the in- divide our white with the of hot water. Let cool. Mix provided ple who are fighting with us in the war. three and a half cups of flour mea- - The Business Girls' club of the Y. ' terpreters who such valuable rise sifUng registration day and ar- The Hawaiian If we are really to help, we must sured after once) with two level v. C. A. will go to the Industrial; assistance on Annual brown sugar, molasses, syrups or hon- teaspoons making powder. range that In each precinct there may Add to first School on Near Year's Dav. A pro-- 1 OUR - i Japanese ey in our kitchen cookery. There are mixture. This mixture should be quite gram ha8 been arranged and presents i be available Chinese, and many can be along same ForJ918 excellent candies that will be brought to the boys in the! Filipino interpreters the made with brown sugar. BakeI In two shallow pans In a very 31. In carrying through scnooi lines aa July Its 44th issue will aoDear todav. and Use Brown Sugar niuuentie oven lor aoout one and a this 'work the draft administration re- will be found full of historic reminis Use brown sugar in bread, if you use half hours. If the oven is just right, your organizing three-quarter- "The Spirit of Sisterhood" will he! upon . skill for s Christmas . Sale lies cences and timely articles on current any sugar at all. Use brown sugar or it takes about of an your precinct, and you will have every presented at the Mission Memorial on events, among which are: syrups in making powder biscuit, in ; hour for the dough to come to top the Friday evenlne. December 2S, by possible help given by the administra- Hawaii In War-Tim- e. Red Cross in muffins, in cakes, in whipped cream of the pan. It a good the OP THE LATEST rises deal in un- legal advisory boards, s Fort Street Chinese Church club, tion, the the Hawaii. Hawaiian Pineapple Industry puddings, in all the desserts. baking. Baked in nvfnn nan 'h-.- ' auspices Y. TV. ('. A. dm. authorities and the police. Hawaii s Agricultural Strength P V.A.. makes Shnut twwilv.flvo rr.nA oKml der the of the and lU hoped i be donated to tha lt is that this work will be Weakness. The Passins of K&meha and sour milk in many ginger breads ces. Be sure that the pan is thor-- "Jpts carried along on the same high plane meha I. Early Days in Reirn of K imp. and plain spice cakes and cookies, oughly greased and floured before you. of selfsacrificing, uncompensated, hameha IV, Death and Lying In State We must set our old cook books and:P" ine mixture in. Drippings should Fall Mfllinery m national service which characterized of Queen Liliuokalani. Child some of good things I De used for this purpose. BRITISH CASUALTY LIST ! Welfare revive the that S : registration day and which gave to Movement, Must We Countenance the our grandmothers made. Brown Sugar Icing f is still going full blast and there are many beautiful . : unique place In the execu-Udtr- rf Hawaii its Hula, Customs Review. 1917, etc., with Buy one-thir- d : LONDON. Eng.. Dec. 21 British , or make less candy Brown eusnr Take one and! A and stylish hats to choose from. Prices are all of the !? the selective draft the usual retrospect for the year, sta than usual. Do not make icing cups 'casualties on all fronts for the-- week 1 your organi- cake 'a half of brown suear: rackine it verv lowest. time within which tistlcs and three-quarter- eigh-an- d The reference features. Price out of white sugar. Boil brown sugar j in tightly. Add s cup ending Tuesday totalled nearly f perfected I must be is short, 75 cents, re-ov- sation and at Thrum's, Ltd. Adv. when it is clear syrup, pour it of cream from the top of your bottle of teen thousand. Of officers, 331 are ! the stiffly beaten whites of the milk, one teaspoon of butter; cook un- - Ported killed or died of wounds, ani GIVE HER A WONDER eggs ana you have a delicious icing. ; til it forma a soft ball in a cuprull of 1039 are posted as wounded or miss-- : HAT ORDER FOR XMAS Make Icings for special occasions only, .cold water. Remove from fire, let lag- - Of men, 3181 were killed, and 13,- -' - like birthdays. Thanksgiving or Christ- cool, stir and spread on cakes for spe-- ; are wounded or missing. j Japanese Silk Goods mas. cia occasions and Curios. One of the largest bread companies Use raisins, dates and fresh frnitu-- i Boss Why don't you let the office of Seattle is using brown sugar in 'they contain a eood deal of suear in boy do that, instead of doine it your-- The largest stock in Honolulu and the best place to bread and thinks the flavor much im-- !a form that cannot be shipped. self? Wonder Millinery Self-importa- Go.,lt 6elect your Christmas gifts. proved. Do not make drinks like In making your fruit butters use Assistant The office i lemonade, that require a great deal of brown sugar. Color and, flavor may boy isn't intelligent enough. J sugar. -- : 1017 Open until 9 p. Xmas. Use brown sugar on cereals, not be quite so Eood". but the iam is Boss- - Well. then, all rteht Rut Nacana Street, near Kinj y muntil rc .coa oufcoi m juui ico, tunr5 f.uw jtiiu wiiuiesouie. nouseKeepers or Keep tne oitice dov Dusy Better give and chocolate Washington have a great many vegeta- - him some of your work. Buffalo Ex- - The government wishes you to use bles, and before cold weather comes ! press. SAYEGUSA sugar for jams, or fruit butters; they snouia maae a me or the vegetable 1120 Kuuanu St, just above Hotel are most healthful In the family diet- marmalades. 1 hey take less sugar A timely and thrifty Xmas gift. A ary, and may be used Instead of STAB-BIIIMSIMSPFiTf'- butter. than most of the fruits. subscription to the Starulletinv 1!" n iiMim fMin for CviaHiaa VmtfhW nn "I . .;; tho WMten Coast Adv.


IOC Florence Roberts and Other Wave a CAance t0 See IIThose Cincinnati Batters Runners Ready For Big Meet Surely Wielded the Wands

Excellent Program Arranged for Christmas Day Maui Horses Roush Leads the Individual Bludgeon Men and Christy's Team Will Arrive on Sunday Question Asked What Speed Runner Carries Off the Bat Honors for the Year Two Young Players " Can Keen Un Throuahout Seven Furlonas Majority of Top List of Batters Benny Kauff Finally Demonstrates His Winners Run First Furlong in 12 Flat 59 for Five Furlongs! Ability in the Hitting Line "Heinie" Zim is Near the Top

"hump-arriv-e : some - forty-fou- r play- Burns, 103. Max Carey led Although the Maui horses did not up start wouia require ? ': Two hundred and with the t re ! leg" on the part of a Jockey to pro- ' ers were engaged In the 1917 cham- base runners with 46 stolen bases; at the track yesterday. any ws c till enough enthusiasm to keepj voke such speed from almost pionship campaign of the National Geo. Burns being next with 40, and the rail birds busy. Word was re horse which might be named unless League. Of this number 170 partic- Kauff third with 30. Charles Deal had ceived from the Valley island that the he were being prepped for the old time ipated in the minimum of fifteen most sacrifice hits 29. Maulstring will Sunday, a load quarter horse stunt in wnicu pari.cu ' games required for rating in the of- Roush and Kauff tied for greatest arrhe of tof cattle shipped being the reason lariy fast times were made, but. ficial averages, with two young stars number of single safe hits, each hav- two-bas- e given for their non-arriv- yesterday. course, with the aid of flying starts. ' Roush (24) and Hornsby (21) ing 141. Groh led in hits Tickets for the big meet are going A Speed Phenomenon heading the list with 39; Hornsby in threo-baa- e hits at a good rate, and the committee on Of recent years there probably bas j Six players reached the .300 class, with 17. and Cravath and Robertson arrangements predict a record crov. hAAn no crpflfpr sDeed merchant or as against nine in 1916. This decrease had 12 home runs apiece. The hard A number of boxes Lavo been sold, track burner among thoroughbreds however, was more than offset by the hitting Cravath led all others in extra and many automobile parties are be than Roamer. which showed hlm3eli gain in .290 hitters, there being seven bases made on long hits with the sub- ina made ud to attend the two days' in the first flight among horses with the past season, as against one in stantial total of 7. meeting. early foot and as a front runner. 1916. aggregates champion by In team the Copra, Mary J, and Dovillo will be In the mile race won at Aqueduct The nerv champion. Edd. J. Roush. New Yorks led in runs scored with L-- unquestionably entered in the half mile event on Short Grass in 1:36 was born m Oaklrnd City. Ind.. May 635. and also led in base stealing with Christmas Day, and J. C. 's the best mile ever run in America 8, 1913, and is one of the youngest 162 steals. The champions also made entry' should make a good showing at (Anaifi's 1:36 4 to the contrary not layers win championship most single hits 10S0. Philadelphia which r to the title. Copra is by out withstanding), it was Roamer ' ? this distance. Slleo 8 Z I . He started his professional career in ied in doubles with 22S: Cincinnati is of Coppit and will carry 111 pounds ia aided in the making of this perform 1912 with 100 and New York in running with the Evansville. Ind., Club. triples this race. ance when he took the track, The following year he gnduated to the home runs with 39. of which 21re Florence Given Test the various furlongs in 0:12, 0:23, 0:34 Chicago Americans, but was sent to made at home and 18 on foreign 1-- 4-- 5, 4-- 5 1:24, to Johnny Carroll took Florence Roberts 0:46 0:58 1:10 and Neb., ex- grounds. Cincinnati, with 474 extra gave over the Lincoln. team for further for a tryout yesterday, and althouga the seven eighths, where he perience. In 1914 he Joined the In- bases scored on long hits, led the the Macfarlane runner was not extend to the eventual winner. dianapolis Federal club, and was league in this respect Chicago made ed. the official rail bird dockers As against the 11 3--5 seconds spok transferred to the Newark Federals most sacrifice lilts, namely. 202. 1.15 1-- en of in the question above propound caught her In In the last In 1915. In 1916 New York secured Luderus was the only player to par , race meet r torence 10 come up ed it is noticeable that Roamer re ticipate in all 154 games played by iauea furlong his services, and later turned him to expectations and Satlsfax won quired 12 seconds for his first over to Cincinnati In an exchange that his club. Groh played in 156 of easily. " and at no stage did he approximate also included Mathewson and Herzog. the' 157 games played by Cincinnati, H S !Ta ,a haa rAr A fVin rnlnnv of the average of 11 3-- 5 for each eighth Roush throws and bats 'eft handed: is and Carey in 155 of 157 played by owners, .having purchased Trmont except at the half mile. After the first 5.11 in height and weighs about 175 Pittsburg. eighth was 11 second 11UUI V.UUUC UUIU. Idiuuut UUB he clocked in pounds. In winning the title, Roush Based solely on the season's aver n.a each for the eighths, inclusive of th iiBier neen luirieu uul- ii . .uisuiuru- laced opposing pitchers 567 times. He age, the strongest batting club would three-eight- hs off no- Bv world or speed In mala. Mary and a falling is reached first 27 times on bases on consist of Packard, pitcher; Thos. Louise, a Lucas entry, worked a nan ticed In the flight to the half with 12 balls; 5 times on being hit by pitched Clarke, catcher; Chase or Holke. first .yesterday around .51, which is con 1-- 5 seconds required between three hits. 19 doubles, 14 triples and 4 home base; Cutshaw, second; Groh. third; eighths and the half mile marks. bails, and S times as result of field- Hornsby, short: Roush. Wheat and ; Question of Speed Slows Up Perceptibly ing errors. He made 141 single base Kauff in the outfield. The team aver five-eighth- s : The question was asked recently re From the half to the runs. were 13. and age would be .301 this despite the ' His sacrifice hits Carding the speed of a runner from (around the turn) a still further loss he struck out but 24 times In 136 fact that the leading bitter of the 12 3-- 5 one to 10 furlongs. The Question was Is evident with seconds, the games. second basemen is forty-sixt- h on the a. m m . a Asaea wneiner.a or noi a norso uw time between these points. Straight The leading run scorer was George list with .2."9. The standing follows: w -- .V l a- - home mighty son ." ened out for the the A.B. R. H. T.B. 2B. SB. H.B. SB. PC. eighth be- race from four to live furlongs or of Knight Errant ran the 178 217 19 14 4 21 .341 three-quarte- Roush, Edd., Cincinnati P22 82 tween five-eighth- s and rs Hoes he decrease until he becomes Hornsby. Rogers. 523 86 171 253 24 17 8 17 .32T 4-- 5 St Louis f couiq in 12 seconds, or In 1.10 for the six urea, wneiner or not a runner Zack. Brooklyn ?62 38 113 153 15 11 1 5 r .313 3-- furlongs, began to heat ifcet off In 11 5 for the first furlong where he feel the 89 172 217 22 4 5 20 .308 1-- Kauff, Bennie, New York 559 - requiring 13 5 more seconds Is a Question, but In checking over the effects 599 91 182 246 39 11 1 15 .304 seven-eighth- s Groh, Henry, Cincinnati records xnade daring recent years, It to the , where Short .1 97 103 180 246 23 13 5 40 .301 : may Grass, which had been well off the Burns, Geo., New York Is found that no definite schedule H.. New York 85 61 174 229 22 9 5 13 .297 . 1.IJ . I. n J...1a.m pace the early part, came through and Two of which will be In coming race meet. Maui Zimmerman. the4jore entered the Boy is one of the best known pacers Smith, Louis 462 64 137 184 16 11 3 25 .297 v blsen In beat the other handily. Is a matter on the islands and should show some real speed. The Macfarlane Jack, St marks have keDt as a record It stable will have a number of starters in the Carey, Max. Piftsburg f.88 82 174 222 21 12 1 46 .298 by . meet and one Honolulu, one must rely on the eastern of fact that the first half Short of the runners is expected to show something to the racing devotees. 70 156 211 20 10 5 16 .295 was 48 Cruise, Walton. St Louis 529 turf, records to reach some conclusion. Grass in this race seconds. 60 149 198 31 6 2 18 .295 - Smith. J. C. Boston 505 mnnarw i flnfn.0- AS 'J to assume rvnr anI nfhar It is therefore safe that 'Neale. S85 40 113 154 14 25 .294 by except in rare cases, and these A. E.. Cincinnati hardly ank with the time made C WILL swimming 110 11 32 44 3 1 2 .291 with the most perfect of track and at Y.I A Bill Crowd to meet Clarke. Thos.. Cincinnati L- 17 2 0 0 .281 mospheric Packard, Eugene, Chic, 2; St. - 6.. 52 4 15 ern runners. conditions, can a horse be 25 70 92 9 3 11 .286 expected to up any such pace as Fischer, Wm., Pittsburg 245 It Is an unanswerable fact that some take 34. .24,6 29 84 7 1 5 J2SS early is suggested In the inquiry and live Wilhoit, J., Bos. 54; Pitts. 9; N. Y. "horses are possessed of more CAVALRY Geo.. Philadelphia 53 69 f55 206 24 9 3 1ft .280 some others, and, over a route more than five- - MEET Whitted. foot than are fur of See Baseball carnival time Cravath. C. C. Philadelphia 503 70 141 238 29 16 12 :2iv ; : too near eighths of a mile the greatest. thermore, if a horse Is raced at Magee, S., Bost, 72; Cine, 43 383 41 107 142 16 8 1 11 .27 tfa Kaof In ar1v nthpr three-quart- er tha nf In the fastest of the 90 13 25 28 3 0 0 0 JZTt year, by Mitchell, Clarence, Cincinnati than a recognized dash affair, say, at m'le races of last that Thun 27 55 146 178 12 7 2 13 .277 6, TEAM SATURDAY Holke, Walter. New York a miter he will be less likely to stay derer at Aqueduct, July in which WILL BE LOCAL 02 71 167 237 28 15 4 21 .277 a a aai al MM M MM Doubleheader Chase. HaL Cincinnati . ina lonniBT man n ne were neia on he ran the distance In 1:11, it is re 28 112 124 12 0 0 4 .274 pace called great Killefer, Wm.. Philadelphia 409 bis .best sprinting In the early that the brother of the Mann, Leslie, Chicago 444 63 121 163 19 10 1 14 31? '.. part v Regret trailed Hanson for the greater Y. M. and Town Team Wodld Filipinos Have Sold Number' of Konetchy. Ed., Boston --4474 56 129 180 19 ,13 z 18 .273 As a general proposUion, a horse portion of the Journey the fractional George Angus Announces'That .257 42 97 127 10 4 4 12 .272 ? Powell, Ray, Boston S--5. 3-- 5. prevailed upon to put best times being 12 24, 35 47 and -- can be his Draw Large Crowd if Game Tickets for Games atMoiliili There Will Be No Big Meet Rariden, Wm., New York . . . .266 20 72 84 10 1 0 3 .271 race at his greatest 59 for flve-eight- ha where Thun foot forward and the Played Christmas Morning Field on Sunday Griffith, Thos., Cincinnati .263 45 97 133 18 7 1 - 5 G:27I derer flashed into the lead to win by Here Next February Brooklyn . .230 33 89 107 10 4 0 16 op-- . Johnston, James, era! horses have carried a speed a length. . , 119 12 6 1 The Y. M. G. A. will meet the 4th More than 200 tickets have already swimming Rehg, Walter. Boston '41 48 92 Dmiimatlnr repeated eighths of a mile H will is conceded to be some There will be no big meet 190 18 5 2 .1306 .263 sprinter Cavalry team at Moiliili field on Sat been givqn out for the Filipino base- during next February. Olson, Ivan, Brooklyn .. v 80 64 156 and he aids In bearing out the carnival Myers, Harry, Brooklyn 471 37 126 164 15 10 1 6 .283 .; urday afternoon. In this game the lo ball program at Mpiliili field on Sun- This was made to- mile. the .contention ,which is held against the announcement Wlngo, Ivey, ...S99 37 106 150 16 11 2 9 .266 sure, existing mile, a being to step cal gridiron players should win, as day afternoon, and the Rizal Day com- day by George Angus of carnival Cincinnati ' To be the half horse able the first the Paulette. Euaene. St. Louis ?32 32 88 123 21 7 0 9 .261 Are-eight- three-quarter- s rec- eighth 11 3--5 go the Cavalrymen have not had what mittee, who will handle the sale ot Inability well and in and on. In one of committee. to secure Pittsburg 30 15 61 70 7 0 5 MS slight of races year son one would call a successful season to tickets, reports that there will be a well known swimmers was the reason Wagner, John, ords show a betterment the his last the of Heno BoeckeL Norman. Pittsburg .219 16 58 71 11 0 6 .261 average 11 3-5- s. eighth from date. large delegation present from the decision not to hold any big of for each in took the' track that other. well for the Stock, Milton, Philadelphia 64 76 149 197 27 3 25 .264 t. two exactly known sprinter; High rfoon, The Y. M. C. A. anddTown Team are plantations. meet. the firsts Instances and and gal Merkle, F.. Brook., 2; Chic, 57 66 347 205 31 3 13 .264 that averare in the case Of the last loped the different eighths in 12, 23 scheduled to meet on Christmas Day The Asahis will meet the Co. K Without doubt there will be a local 146..... 3 Gonzalez, M Louis 190 28 76 89 8 1 12 .263 case seven- - 3-- 5, 34 2-- 5. 46 4-- 59 1.12. at o'clock, and the races are at the team of the 2nd Infantry in the first meet staged in which St named, while in the of the and The fur the leading Luderus, Fred, Philadelphia 522 57 136 183 24 5 5 .261 th TtmnrA Af 1:22 nr a long leading up three-eighth- s same time. This looks like a bad game at 1:30, and the Filipinos will swimmers of Hawaii will compete, Rnihn to the Jake, Brooklyn 468 59 122 140 4 2 11 .281 average 10 4--5 move from the attendance standpoint play the regimental team at 3:15. The Daubert alight falling off .from that mark, timed in seconds, was the but this matter has not been definite- Brooklyn 92 5 24 30 4 0 1 .261 and had this game been scheduled in Asahis are very popular with the ly Cadore, Leon, fastest accomplished on an American settled. With Norman Ross in 5? 70 145 131 24 4 12 .261 Tf ha fmtnrf the morning there would no doubt fans of city will with Fletcher. Arthur, New York ... i nmhiM vnnlit hn. track last year, but the first eighth baseball the and training. McGillivray, Cann and oth- 3 .264 9-- Maranville, W., Boston 61 69 146 200 19 13 27 am.. a a Afrith In 11 was well off have been a large crowd out. out doubt draw a large crowd to watch ers enlisted, is possibility fln the standard Involved in there no of Robertson, Davis, New York 64 138. 208 16 9 12 17 .259 footed, slow, question. With the game scheduled 10 the first contest. Nushida and Mae-sak- e any big stars, .32 from the usual flat walk the for securing and there Cutshaw, Brooklyn 42 126 169 17 7 4 22 .259 o'clock or 10:30 any num will be on the mound for the lit- would a s'trong Geo, ...487 there are be sentiment against Stengel, Chas., Brooklyn 549 69 141 06 23 12 6 18 .257 ber of who go. Rac- - tle Japanese team. bringing any mediocre enthusiasts would swimmers this N. Y.. 31; Chic, 280 35 72 97 12 5 1 13 .257 ng comes but a few year. Rudolph J. Smythe has been ap vear. Kilduff. Peter. 56... ANOTHER times each Mollwitz, Pittsburg 140 15 36 42 4 1 4 .257 MAINE but naturally will draw pointed chief umpire for the occasion Fred, the crowd Rawlings, John, Boston C71 37 95 118 9 4 12 .256 With the game scheduled in the and has promised to select the offi cials day. EMPLOYED BOYS OF "Y" Hendrix. Claudine, Chicago 86 7 22 27 3 1 1 .256 morning, the teams would certainly for the He was umpire in J2S5 draw five chief at the last game day, HEAR TALK ON SCULPTURE Kopf. Wm., Cincinnati E73 81 146 187 19 8 17 times the number that they the other H., 43; S. L., 104 499 55 127 178 25 13 26 .255 CHAMPION FOUND Hillside-Riversid- e Baird. Pitts.. would attract with a race meet as a' when the contin- .233 counter gent promised to draw on The members of the employed boys Nlehoff. John. Philadelphia .61 30 92 123 17 4 8 attraction. the curtain Doyle. Larry, Chicago 476 48 321 168 19 5 5 .254 the G. O. N. P. His capable corns of division of the Y. M. C. A. enjoyed a Chas., Chicago 449 314 131 11 3 0 10 .254 assistants will handle the base lines treat last night following the regular Deal, 46 f Printers, 4; Federals, 0. PORTLAND, Maine. Mrs. W.. 11 34 T9 3 1 0 5 .23 Jennie and outfield plays. Thursday night supper. It came in McKechnie. Cincinnati ...134 TVednesday night at the Y" alleys Hewey Bath woman, sister of the Fitzpatrick. Ed.. Boston 20 43 61 8 4 4 .253 v Stark,t MORRIS The Filipinos will have a strong form of an interesting and instructive the Printers took three games and to Mrs. Charles T. Jackson, now a resi- WILLIAMS DOING Paskert Geo.. Philadelphia 546 78 137 198 27 11 19 .251 team in the field to meet the reci-raent- talk on sculpture. R. N. Burnham. a plnfall from the Federals. Owing dent of Portland, figures in a Port- SERVICE IN FRANCE Elliott. Harold. Chicago 123 18 56 74 8 5 4 .251 tal team, and inasmuch as the ad- sculptor of wide reputation, who is to the brand new pins which were on land despatch to a Boston paper and Rueth2r, W Chic, 31; Cine, 19 68 4 17 26 3 3 1 .250 mission for both games is but 2" devoting considerable of his time to alleys neither team was able to the article will interest many of her The national champion lawn Prendergast Mike, Chicago 28 1 7 9 2 0 0 .250 the player, cents there is certain to be a real the Boy Scouts of Honolulu, was th make high scores ana, while none of friends in Maine. It says: tennis Lieutenant R. N. Wolter, Harry, Chicago ?53 44 88 117 ,15 7 7' .24 Williams. II, is crowd out to the park. Luis and center of attraction. He told of the the scores were high, they were close. Mrs. Hewey a somewhere ill King. Lee, Pittsburg 281 32 95 122 14 5 8 .249 Jennie Stark knits 1 will perhaps be the battery steeps' which it was necessary to The scores were as follows: Printers, France. Williams ranked No. for take Miller. John, Louis 544 61 135 174 15 9 14 .248 pair of socks in. a day. Mrs. Stark in 1916 among the Filipinos, and Lani may also in creating the sixteen foot figure St 791, 753; 748. and 2292, against the 729. lawn tennis play be Flack, Max. Chicago 447 65 311 113 18 7 17 .241 has JuBt completed' a month of such ers. 6een in action. which decorate the city hall of Bos- 723, 740 and the 2192 of the Federals. work as made every Red Cross McCarty. Lewis. New York 152 15 40 53 3 2 1 .247 has He is perhaps Sam Nott and Billy Miles have do- ton. Henley was high man of the evening up the first of the Steele. Robt. St. L.. 12; Pitts., 33... 89 8 22 26 2 1 1 .24 worker sit and take notice. ranking ten players to nated the park for the occasion and Mr. Burnham has a keen interest in with a total of 519 and he and Scott sol- first be Schmidt Walter, Pittsburg 183 9 45 0 0 4 21 Next to knitting socks for the sent across the ocean, although have placed the diamond in excpllnt work with boys and told of the work of the Printers, who made 501, were Mrs. Stark's form of Bancroft. Dave. Philadelphia 478 56 116 160 22 a 4 14 .243 diers favorite ! naition. The proceeds i f a sculptor in a way only ones to pass the 500 mark. all the others have enlisted, with 4 of the that aronnsed Zeider, Rollie, Chicago o 17 the amusement is playing golf. She was exception aouoieneaaer will go to a new interest in the minds '..254 36 86 104 14 .243 Una ups and scores were as the of Lvn Mnrrnv. the Rizal of the Krueger, E., N. Y., 8; Brook., 31 91 31 2 1 .242 The ?, of New York Golf Club - io 22 member the 4- who is employed a ,'Dna bovs toward art. xnd now a of in factorv Williams, Fred. Chicago 468 53 113 158 4 8 .241 is member the Portland which is making war munitions. Following his talk Mr. Burnham FEDERALS 1st 2nd 3rd Tl Country Club and Jackson. Charles, Pittsburg 3 21 7 29 36 3 2 4 .240 has a home in Bath, 4- Murray answered questions of the boys. mterback 104 1C3 152 419 wanted to enlist in spite 4 AERONAUTS WIN FROM Bigbee. Carlson. Pittsburg 4159 46 6 19 .239 but prefers, to remain In Portland. of fact, many 112 135 11 Estelle . 153 112 123 3SS 4 this but his friends Barnes. Jesse, Boston 101 4 24 27 1 1 0 .233 J VThrn the call come for volunteer persuaded INFANTRY TEAM AT Intimations come of Pletcher 127 151' 158 436 4 him he could best 4 "Y" changes Seaton, Tom. Chicago 21 2 5 6 1 0 0 .238 .vorkers Mrs. Stark was one of the in National League um- Mills . . 171 115 144 430 4 serve his country by staying at the staff of Snyder, Frank. Louis 313 74 90 9 2 4 .237 Jlrst to offer her services, very soon The main attraction in Y. M. C. pires for next year. St is Henley . 14 182 163 519 4 his present employment. 4 the Two new candi- Thorpe. Jas.. Cine, 77; N. Y., 26 J.03 41 73 110 5 10 12 .237 the became absolutely absorbed ia A. gym night was positions last the basketball dates for arc Charley Moran, Brooklyn 1 v, O'Rourke. Frank, 193 18 47 56 7 11 .237 -. 719 723 740 2192 this work and she found that it was 4 4 4 4 battle between the Aeronauts and the ho worked successfully in the South- - Total .- 4 4 4 4 4 Ward. Chas Pittsburg . .423 25 100 118 12 J rery easy for her to knit one stocking 444 Infantrv teams of the emnlnvoH hnrc' j ern League last season and 1st 2nd 3rd T! before Herzog, Chas., New York ...117 69 ?8 130 10 S &m j PRINTERS a day that stocking measuring 11 she krrtt. the more she wanted to knit, division. The game was. fought l that in the Texas circuit, 150 . . , 1 50 hard and Bill Pitler, Jake, Pittsburg . . . .?82 39 39 107 8 5 6 .2 Merrick foot and 10 in I" - To 1 f 4 n i . Inches in the inches in end one months' time she found she j and resulted in a score of three to two ' ntum rf lin 15S 159 117 431 Long, Thos., St. Louis ,..rso 4S 1 -H 14 21 .232 Jordan the leg. Turning off so many stock had averaged one pair of stockings a; in 123 12 favor of the Aeronauts. ciaiion. where he has a good record 2- 144 141 148 433 Grimes. B., Pittsburg . . 69 If 0 - .232 Sins ings at such a rapid rate she began dy- - U developed - as umpire and manager 146 173 ISO 501 later that the Aero- a3 well. Tyler, Geo., Boston 31 "3 4 0 0 !23l Scott to wonder if she could knit a pair a Mrs. used some ineligible ..H4 193 141 134 468 Stark knits from nine in thejnauta men on Miller. Otto. Brooklyn ..274 19 63 7? 5 4 3 .230 Williams day, and after trying it she found she morning 11 noon, their team and game Walter Maranville of the Boston 169 306 until at with one the will probably . . 1H 1 137 one pair of stockings every Braves has decided 10 Tesreau. Chas., New York 61 14 0 1 .23. Ham could knit hour for dinner, and begininng ; be protested by the infantry, en'list in thej her navy yoeman. Rudolph. Richard, Boston .. ?7 20 24 1 2 .230 day with practically little work again j volleyball games service as a If he really 748 after dinner and working Tne between the Adam, Pittsburg ?,ft 4?. 4 229 791 753 222 had wanted to try his sea legs- - ..111 Total until six at night, but rarely works ; Cavalry and Marines resulted in a and people' smell powder might Smith. James, N. Y .. 95 12 22 2U 1 6 At first marveled at the rate In the evening. The J victory he have applied first yarn that double for the Cavalrv. Coombs, John, Brooklyn 44 V, 12 1 1 on i for-- job Report from Oakland has it that at which this enthusiastic woman was Mrs. Stark used for knitting she re-- The Artillery team was forced to as cabin boy. but he's not to! Bos-nm- A Mamaux. Albert, Pittsburg 31 7 7 0 0 .226 recommendation the able to knit two legs and "set" the ceived through Mme. Go-(forfe-it game be hiameu because be never grew big Duffy Lewis' Eames de their rn account of a Meyers, John, Brook., 47; Eost., 200 13 43 fiO 4 4 .225 Rnr trill oav a fancy price to heel ana the toe and finish off a pair gorza, me noieu opera star, enougn to be an admiral. 25... or who has lack of sufficient men in fightin Kelly, Joseph, Boston 443 41 8 21 .223 the release of soft, fine, warm, wooly socks for body j the Oakland club for inrown nerseir and soil into form Tragesser. Walter, Boston 00 n; 80 5 .222 Lewis says some soldier boy far, far away from wax relief work Eyes '."7 Pitcher Speed Martin. Sr'tzn Vour riset? Carg Sallee, Harry. New York 77 7 17 17 0 0 .221 in the Dig home. The more Mrs. Stark thought : Martin is a sure winner Ask Thrum's. Ltd. to help you with Try Eye Remedy Hickman, David, Brooklyn riTO V. i 14 .219 sort of a about those boys the more enthusias Go to Murine n 3?.' ahow if given the right Thrum's for books for young your Christmas Shopping Wants i sarUo J jst Kya Comfort. H) car u McCarthy, Alex., PittBburg 131 13 4 ( 1 .219 along. tic she became, the more stocklnxa and old. Adv. j I no'iti or tJi.L WrU for Tr Kra Book chance to cet Ad; Betzel, Albert St. Louis . . , ,.:.28 24 71 84 4 3 9 JIT HONOLULU STAK-- B ULLKTI X. FRIDAY. DKUKMBKK 21. 1917. THIRTEEK

' furniture and Piano Mr Mr 15siiisiffimini3 Cwditd HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAYING CO. LTD PHONE 4-9-- J. J. BSLSER, Manager. SERVICE FIRST 65 71 ST. RESERVATION OF tt,000 TONS 0 EXPLOSIVES ON 579RAOE. TO SOUTH QUEEN NEW CONGRESS LOOKS FOR FULL CARGO SPACE UP i CARGO BROUGHT WATERFRONT ARE OceanicSteamship Co. YEAR OF WORK AND LEGISLATION 54 DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO T0 THE SHIPPER HERE N WEEK' CAUSE OF ALARM Regular Sailings to San Francisco and Sydney, N. S. W. Fifty Billion Mark May Be Reached for War Expenses for the According of the to William H. .'."!. Vessels Supplied for Island Ser- The Fire Pr nti'r. Bureau of Busi- For further particulars rail Fh' ifif l m ift:v ms'e-tiO.- i First Two Years War Legislation is Chief Matter apply to ti. the Aano ni.ae. vice Accepted Proof of biased ai rol embarRo on th ..: inier.- ' as campaign rccriii; th San Fran ness But Prohibition and Suffrage Will Also Be Considered cii-tr- pur-;.(.-- ! C. freight west for port !or v ;( Ship Board's Faith cin o waterfront i: t for the BREWER & CO., LTD. General Agents cargo spac had not ha of Hftcertaininz the exact situa- ben recrv.J j second class postage t presence of ly AtectaUd Pnul Revision of been in sin'-- as regards the ! effe ever firrt Favorable comment in made by th tion WASHINGTON. Dec. 3 The sixty, publications also promises Hot'h-r- lave rates for hy the Santa Fe. :;i.pmg men of Castle Cooke that I.a! underwriters (fifth congress reconvened today lor during session. been serioxish oncernr d frir some to be agitated the Pacific and the WeMern t'."'fi n.v tl.f FMuping board is faithfully lims jits second and 'long' session. ith the Creaticn of a congressional com- ill a month apo II? had n) up to its promise to supply oM.er time pa-- t nver allseed conditions n . leaders prepared to stay here until war 1n vvIcth fire liarards mittee to supervise expenditures, that iermlion for Iho ships tn replace the ornmande ered the next autumn. which Wilson prevented Watson I I President Navigation have !! reported dangerously in Company of the embargo had to Ma'il. Matsonia and Wllhelmina In As in the war session, which during session, will be urged (reased by the prom!. nous storage of sieial the last from the Interstate bringing freight to the Islands ended 0.t. prosecution of the ar by Senator Weeks of Massachusetts Direct Commission Kvldence of this is shown by explosives principal task facing the legi- Republicans. proposal Servic Between San Francisco and Honolulu f tour-in- 'is the and other The - Inspectors the bureau are The requirement that tii- voluntary statement that during slators. Today s opening meeting was Fitzgerald of house '! detailed reports are of Chairman the frelrbt charges mum he rsid it al last few days approximately 2 ttlH) this urea and las .'ial brief and perfunctory, accom appropriations committee for a single For further particulars apply to 1 expected to otnpleted shortly ance or guaranteed he . T,xn r tnns of cargo have hern reteived her? jpanied by ordinary scenes of a committee to I war appropria- the ouantity, location, haz- the centre a needles one. a the t arso i alwa by vessels from San Francisco, all of howin? new session handshaking and other tions also is pending. CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd., Agent, Honolulu 1 v - ards, or explosive suv ks of mlflcirnt taltie to rover rc i.-- ; t hi 11 are new ones on this run. ex- etc.. stored with well filed galleries Closer scrutiny of appropriations on pier.---. or felicitations charres. ceptlng the Lurline iIoc'ks. watehouses other and bustle and confusion. After and departmental estimates, during in t!;is section The bur much The of space on The greater part of this freight was of by both present session is generally pre- reserving shin wi'l is vigorously appointment committees the - eau cooerating ith the he entirely up to th- -.l ill! . 'brought by the Sagaland and Lurlirp, to notify Wilson and dicted, with efforts to preveut extra- ea: jmi state harbor commission board in this bodies President he states, as It has heen ince he with cargoes of about &mo tons each, each other of their presence for duty vagance while at trfe same time pro-vidL-" . with the result that several im s. effe.-'- i but other craft greatly augmented the wrk at war ne-d- first went Into ic provements along prevention and fixing their daily meeting hour adequate funds for tw i fire - - TOYO KISEN metho.1 of operation Is for the ship- total. The other vessels were 12 o'clock, th senate and house ad- Spectacular features during the ses- KAISHA lines have already befn brought about. I o per, or acting through a for. . dins Star line ships of the Alaska Packers' journed until tomorrow out of respect sion are regarded as possible develop-t- The board has also taken up the work - agent or Jobber, to comratinicpt" wi?n fleet and the Governor. The Sagaland. who during the re ments from the agitation against Sen-cess- Regular Sailings to San by starting a campaign of fire pre- members died Francisco and to the Orient e a offi.-- i r. I a new cargo carrier, was undoubted of Wisconsin j ator La Follette and others because Pacific Coast Steamship vention among all its employers and Senator Hustin; secure reservation for the of a ly diverted to the Honolulu servlc e and Representative Martin of Hlinois. . of their opposition to some war For further particulars ei tI - ' epply to e i wit.- tenants. specified amo'int of cargo, (j.-.c- thin simply to supply the islands of both senate and islation. He and Senator Hardw ick reservation la aeeurei i tifr:w t n irn necessities, as she is destined for an- house under Democratic control hav-- ' of Georgia have announced their in-in- g CASTLE & - COOKE, ber Is given the prospective caro, other Pacific port, to reach which she been effected at the special ses- tention to seek repeal of the draft Ltd., Agent, Honolulu and It is then accepted by the rrilroad would not have had to call here: T. K. K. CHIEFNOW sion, both bodies were ready to plunge law, while Senators la Follette and por: desig- Hut it is not only in the amount of waiting Sherman of Illinois have peace reso-l.egislatio- n. forfMment to the Pacific into the mass of business. ( I nated and from which the vemel freight received this week hut in the however, is not expected lutions pending before the senate for-t- o amount which Is now coming .to Mono eign committee, CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- named is to depart. get into full swing until next relations N j al-- ROYAL MAIL LINE lulu and will arrive here next week IN WASHINGTON ON month, after the Christmas recess, j Within the next few days President Wilson sen-foreg- o Regular Which causes the Honolulu shipping though there is some agitation to ( is expected to send to the Sailings to BRITISH COLUMBIA, FIJI, NEW men to believe the shipping hoard the holiday. i te nominations of many military and ZEALAND and IULAUEA BRINGS can be depended on to live up to its General, miscellaneous legislation ie civil officers appointed during the AUSTRALIA agreement. to come immediately before congress, j recess, or who failed of confirmation For farther particulars anDlv to Now bound for Hawaii are the Ma SHIPPING MISSION possibly including some measures af t the last session. ' T THEO. noa. Enterprise, President and a ves- fecting this country's course tn the ' ' H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., General Agents CHRISTMAS EATS sel by the name of Wlndber. Mari- war in view of widespread sentiment . M0NANGAHELA BRINGS 4000 time guides give the Windber as a among returning members tor decla- b. Asano, Jr., son of the president l.-- steamer of 2500 net tonnage, and ai rations of war against Germany's al- TONS OF COAL TO l. CO. tnd principal owner of the Toyo Kla-e- n engaged in the Pacific coast trade. Austria-Hungary- , Turkey end Bul- K.ilsha Steamship Co., and L. K. lies, FHONS 2295 BEACHES If members of the shipping board Congress-i- s expected, however, Even though four days weather Beamis. manager of San garia. had seen the carta, mostly fooduffs, SPANIARDS IN HASTE assistant the of President in bound and experiencing unfavorable 80 Francisco office of the company, ar to follow the views the . Hustace-Pec- k which was unloaded today from the this respect. winds like other vessels arriving from Co., Ltd. Inter-Islan- TO row in Washington. four-maste- d d steamer Kilauea. it is GET TO FRISCO Appropriation measures will require the northwest, the big ' ALU KINDS OF ROCK AND SANO FOR CONCRETE Wan likely they would not have worried Mr. Asano was recectiy In San general and schooner Monangahela. formerly the FIREWOOD AND COAL "whk, TAKE NORTHERN BOAT Francisco, much time. Fourteen About the people of JIawaii going but placing of an embargo special supply bills Red Jacket, is in from Seattle after a 93 QUEEN STREET p. Q. on importations caused him to probably several ,m, m uniTf. return fiscal year beginning July 1. voyage of 28 days. Other vessels have So anxious were 80 Spaniards from to Washington. for the The Kilauea came In from Kona and 1918. as well as estimates of additional heen taking from 40 to 50 days to the plantations, men, women and u R. Keamis is the T. K. K. man war needs, are to make the voyage with the winds Kan ports with her decks and holds who is to as money for present full, chJldren. to reach San Francisco thnt reported be slated man considered, probably Immediately which are now being encountered. perhaps greatly Increased over they left here by a steamer which ger of the Honolulu office of the be Pacific Mail the usual eargo because of the near- after New Year's. Two bills, the She has 4000 tons of coal for the Steamship Co. Vancouver, B. C. company if it is to open a Inter-Island- Regular savings to the Orient and ness will land them at deciui executive, and judicial and . Because or her high to San Francisco. of Christmas. One item of freight Flush with bonus money they separate office here. legislative, re- their measures, al masts, which cannot enter the Inter- - For further oirtleulara mnlv n alone would provide the piece de over two weeks ago So far William H. Avery, o; District of Columbia 86 luaus, were came to Honolulu adviser preparation. Island coal dock, she is lying at an sistance for for there and have been waiting about the city the Asano syndicate, now in Hono ready are under S. W. GOOD, Agent 80 Merchant St. just that many loose pigs on the ship. With S21.390.000.0OO already appro--! chorage Ewa of Pier 7 while her rig Phone 6299 vainly seeking an opportunity to pur- lulu, has had no word from Washing ! The cargo list printed below gives priated for the present fiscal year's gine is being lowered. steerage tickets to the coast ton regarding the prospects for the I - chase believe that. The schooner is in command of Cap lit detail the variety of the freight city. modifications of the coastwise needs, many members brought to Honolulu: tradt forthcoming appropriations, the tain F. O. Parker. FREIGHT Some one explained to them that restrictions. with NEOERLAND ROYAL 1 30.000,000.000 mark may be reached and MAIL & Forty sacks of corn, 7474 sacks of go Young Asano is expected to - they could to Canada and thei return years war. SEA LORD CALLS FOR DriTTrriMi.. sugar, 1566 sacks of coffee, 27 sacks down the coast to the land of their from Washington and pass through for two of AlaoTICKETS LLOYD Of 1VO New war revenue legislation is not SPEED IN BUILDING reservations VJ??um pumpkins, five cases of honey, dreams. Although the railroad fare here on ihe Shinyo Maru. SHIPS Any point on oranges 11 tobacco, scheduled for active consideration for the rtiittr SERVICE sacks of sacks of wj'.l t- -t from Vancouver to San Francisco 13,906.-000.00- Mainland, 15 barrels of tobacco, 16 barrels of a month or more. A deficit of LONDON, Nov. 1h. Sir Eric Ged-des- . be considerable they decided it woull CHAMPION ALIMONY See WELLS-FA- R. in this year's expenditures re first sea lord, In a speech in the be better to go by this route than MAN AGAIN MARRIED GO A CO., 72 S. tama pieces kos. 40 plecea of ohia, 12 quart many mains to be provided for. l ens c commons, rccfcllcil his recent NaBasaki, wait here longer. As of the SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Harry S. I King St' Tel. 1513 HongW rs of beef, seven dressed turkeys, 5 Political affairs will come in for speech in the house of commons, in wd Singapore. Spaniards as could he accommodated Harkness of New York, called the the session, I Sailing-dat-e loose pigs 113 crates of pigs. 80 crates were given pasage on a Union liner. champion payer, much consideration durin? which he said the enemy's attack on alimony was here on speechmaking, in British was being of chlckeas, 35 turkeys, 92 barrels of This, however, Is only a small por- a honeymoon with a new wife, for with considerable trade held but had baga of hides, IS pieces or view of general congressional elec- liot been defeated, that the Germans Telephone 3875 1111 Fort hides, I tion of the plantation laborers who merly Mrs. Florence Steuber-Gaine- s St iron rails, 1 Automobile, lfi empty oil tions next fall, at wfiich thirty-tw- o were building submarines faster than are trying to resch the mainland and of Erie, Pa. The couple were mar and The Standard Optical Co. C- barrels, sis sods esses and 316 pack- scores them daily are besieging senators, nineteen Democrats the British were destroying them, but - Brwer ef the ried in Greenwich. Conn., November Republicans, and the entire with improved OPTHALMIC OPTICIANS Co., Ltd.. Agents ages of sundries. plantation offices for passage, with 2. is paying $33,000 a year thirteen that methods he looked Harkness to chosen. men- Block Kilauea Also had 22 pas- prospect of to wife, Moss house membership are be for the eventual defeat of this Pantheon The cabin small being his first Marie Marbeck political cam- ace. Wjlter I. Seymour Pres. si Mgr. 0AHU sengers and 54 deck passengers. of White Plains, N. Y. Many members believe He also reminded his hearers RAILWAY TIME TABLE paign necessities may shorten the ses- he had said mercantile marine tonnage sion. was not being maintained against the The Democrats start the session in depredations of submarines. OUTWAJtD contrqol of both Senate and House, "I see no reason In what has hap Jor WsiAnae. Wita. KAhuku against StAUons-.- 9:H with 52 Democratic senators pened since, or in the favorable re p 43 Republicans, with one seat Sen suits of the last week," he continued, For Pearl City. Ews vacant. In house Mill M1 ator Hustings the "to qualify or modify in any way what SUtfbn.-t7:- 3Q a. 216 members, the , .f:lg tlse Democrats have I have said as publicly as possible. 11:30 Indepen g A.o, .2:15 p. Republicans 213, with five that the calls upon the merchant ship-p'l'- .J;20 :le p.m, JJ.-3-0 dents sod one seat vacant. of the world for waging war are p.m. tU:U jiT Many New Members so great that nothing should be left For WAhiaws end LeilebuA new have joined 1UJ Several members unsaid or undone which will bring A.nw t.io p.m, 5:00 p.m, the house. Representative Lufkln, Re- home to the people of this and allied p.m. e11:M publican, of the sixth Massachusetts countries that economy tn everything For LeilehoA-.7C:- 00 succeeding Augustus P. Gard e a.m. district, that is sea-born- has direct, vital - - SSI BBSBBk. m Bl T S m " " I ner, Republican, who resigned; Repre and early result in the successful sentative Deshlin; Democrat, of the prosecution of the war; that ship- INWARD twenty-eight- h Pennsylvania district. yards are short of men and women 'Arrive succeeding former Representative Honolulu from KAtuku and that all labor which can be saved WaIajua And Bleakley, Republican, who resigned, from unnecessary work and diverted YVaJanae i zs Republi- 5:30 .n , and Representative Merritt, to the shipyards will have a direct ef- pja. can, the fourth Connecticut, suc of fect on winning the war, I ask the Petri1 Citrl0a?lD,r Ewa MU1 ceeding .Representative Ebenezer Hill, house and the country not to be lifted A great assortment of m Republican, deceased. n;02 -- V-i- up or cast down by one1 good or one il- a.o.. nas p.a. n5" Important war legislation expected bad week or month in tonnage sink- beautifully printed and in- 1 to come before the present session ings. lustrated Arrive Honolrtu fm n-.i- .. cludes measures to give the president "The steady downward curve since ! UllehuA--9: aTm.ii pT further authority, especially over April shows that we bold and for the f enemy aliens. Senstor Chamberlain's present are mastering the submarine. Christmas The Haleiwa bill for universal military training, The rise in merchant shipbuilding at train (only fir.t-c:.- . tickei and measures to meet labor proposed present and shows we are leaves Honolulu evtry Sunda JaV counteracting the enemy's efforts. But BOOKS a. m. for Haleiw. Uotel; JeSrnini Chief among domestic concerns are I in- repeat that we must have an Viives in Honolulu 10-l- J - at if prohibition and woman suffrage. Sen- creased output in marine shops and The Umited stops proposed for Children oniyt cifJ etor Sheppard's constitu- shipyards. twA Alill and Waianae Ptl The World at Your Finger Tips amendment, whose submission tional DA1I. t Except was approved August 1 by the senate VILLA'S YEAR ABSENCE including all those in SundajSundar 65 to 20, will be pressed in the house. EXPLAINED BY TRIP TO the Library of Hawaii's CHr sljl " "Big while both - bodies will be urged to ! Ben" is tolling midnight in London PLAN NEW REVOLUTION 93 Nortn King approve submission of the d Christmas Display. Street B. Anthony Call and see our brand new Theater-goer-s Susan amendment fot PRESIDIO. Texas. Francisco equal suffrage, which been favor-abl- PAPETERIES "CHOP SUI HOUSE are sitting back for the last has mysterious fol- reported to Villa's disappearance the senate calendar. lowing a year ago CHRISTMAS CARDS Everything Neat and Clean Speaker soon will appoint a the battle of Parral, may act in New York Clark last August, was explained by First Tables be reserved by ohena chairman for the new special house Capt. Jose Juarretta, private secretary No. 1713 committee on woman suffrage. to Villa, who acccm- - News Business men Important general legislation pend declared he had Hawaiian have almost VIM- nwt ")AAA ..' reached the ndni aA - a LUMBER ? JL ? I I ir0w Parr1- - throuh Durango. Zacatecas, Co., Ltd. last course of L-- their evening meal in San I'J ?the San Luis Potosi and other Mexican Paints, Plumbing Supplies, Buildina ,nP,Trl X.J V, elete. to confer with chiefs regarding Voung Hotel Bldg. maisnai. low. Houses built in ; Francisco which twice on Instalmentrniplan. Choioe House passed the house and is the senates; Bishop Street ! Lots for Vi.i ' mato; u i a vuuuuicoivu tnI w a 1.1- - sal. When the unfinished business; the Shields! .Tiarrett-- . ,.f. CITY MILL COMPANY, said. 1 LTD. StnrBalletin goes to press in Honolul: at waterpower development bill; the' Hipolito Villa, a brother, has been Telephone 2473 p. o. Box 951 Walsh-Pittma- n oil leas-- , in the afternoon. and coal land commissioned a with the Villa 2:30 ing measure, and the Colombian colonel TIDES. SUN AND . i lorces. treaty, proposing payment of $25,000.-- - ' Villa an As the dty doies. from point to point, cable AftA tn fAlAmXia officers denied immediate and wireless systems movement of their forces toward If00 fweep the news of every important world event into our The administration soldiers and Juarez. They said they probably High Low Low editorial room. civil rights bill, passed Hl;h Rht sailors which would remain in Ojlnaga for the pres- ' THAT'S WHY the house last session but failed to Date Tide Ft of Tide Tld Tide Sun Sua tad WE ' - GIVE YOU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY. ent to oppose efforta of federal forces Large Tide Small Large Small Sets Sets- get through the senate, soon will be to retake that place. Riso . Delivered by Carrier, 75 Cents a Month. taken up by the senate judiciary com " " A-- FT. pTi. P.M. pJl. mittee. It operates in the nature of! MISSOURI NEGRO UNDER , moratorium, suspending court pro-- ' SENTENCE TO SLAY 1000 HUNS Sets cesses against members of the Amer-- ; Dec 17 5:57 2.1 6:34 1:33 11:13 :33 5:24 9:0 ican military forces. Other unfini!h-- . SPRINGFIELD. Mo. Morris Sharoe 18 6:38 1.9 7:51 3:12 6:34 5:24 ', 10:07 ed war legislation includes Senator a negro of the National army, wa A.M. Chamberlain's resolution to subject under sentence "slav a 19 7:19 1 7 9:14 2:51 .0:16 6:34 5:25 11:05 ' to thousand " "HAWAII'S OEEATEST NEWSPAPER aliens to the draft; Senator ("alder's German?." He was broueht before 20 8:03 1.4 10:31 3:30 1:42 6:35 5.5 .i...' bill for daylight saving and expedi- - City Judge O. H. P.M. A.M. ' - Travers on a charge s tlous naturalization of aliens, and Sen- - of fithting and testified that he was 21... 11:36 1.4 8:53 4:10 3:43 6:35 '5:26 f 0:6S ator Pomerene s bills to enrorce gov- - under orders to report to Camp Fun 22 9:51 4:52 5:51 6:36 ' 5:26 v; 1:04 -- '.t'i'ifii ii;liiiifa;iiijij emment control cf iron and steel pro-!to- n. When sentence was passed a.m. ducts and for reclamation of physical sharpe grinned widely and promised 23 0:r 1.7 11:0L 5:35 7:25 6:36 - lZl S 3:0S - " : ly unfit men for military service. he would "Sho' do my best, judge." First quarUr of the moon, Dec. 50. . ' : , , Honolulu Stock Exchange :: Friday, Dec 21. :: Business And Financial News verftANTlLr Alexander & Baldwin TRANSPORT C. Brewer A Co. Bonds j MILLION (QUICK War WATERWORKS IS THIRTEEN BUSHELS OF Ewa Plantation Co 28 28' Hik Sugar Co Hawaiian Agr. Co. . . SUGAR Hawn. Com. A Sugar Co. 39 3 40' ASKING GRAIN TO BE SAVED FROM BOOZE V. INDIES Hawaiian Sugar Co 30 31 British, French, & Canadian $250,000 Honokaa Cugar Ce ',2 Honomu Sugar Co 40 Hutctnon Sugar otanx. War Issues are now selling FOR NEEDS Ey C. 5. ALBERT. ment of the brewing industry in this NEXT FOOD MOVE Kahuku Plantation Co.. 1918 Spnl fct&r Bulletin CTToadrO countrv claim thai if the W.000.0O0 Kekaa Sugar Co at prices to vield from 1 -- WASHINGTON. U. C. Dee The lusheln of tariey ucre miI2-- d and Koloa Sugar Co 5'2$ order of I'refcident Wilson in reducing n;ade into bread it would produce a McBryde Sugar Co.. Ltd. 8 gram CZARNIKOW-RIOND- COA to PrOpOSeS of to be uwd in dt pouiid leaf of barley bread per day (Bv Oahu Sugar Co. 29' 5Upt. KirCnhOn lO.,hevoiumeof grain to b '..(mio.ooo num- NEW YORK. Nov. 30. The only used inbre lor people. The same Olaa Sugar Co.. Ltd.. . 47 5 Spend $150,000 for New inr to approximately TO per cent of ber of bushels of tarley now used in transaction made during the pat Onomea Sugar Co 47 50 - tons new crop -, ihe amount at present employed in, the beer industry is equivalent to 50,- week was one of 3o0 Paauhau Plant, c- Nuuanu 5ysiem sugar, for early Sugr the making of Deer, will result, in a: (mhmii bushel of wheat, based-o- n Porto Rico centrifugal Pacific Sugar Mill - of taring of 13.40K0 bushels of grain- their milliriK ratios. These same ad- - December shipment, the price Co Six urgent atrrworkR improve- Paia Plantation in this country, the greater portion 'of declare the food admin- which was left in abeyance to te Oo. and 27 improvements and ex urates that Pepeekeo Sugar ments which represents a consumption of istrator has stated that if we are to fixed later by the International Sucar Co 28 28' Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. tension that will be required in the "Guanica," the Pioneer Mill tarley for the production of malt.. Committee. Central . . . city and county, leed our troops in the war rone and San Carlos Milling Co. 18 near future for the y In 1310 ther was used in the pro- our as well, we must be read-- plantation which will manufacture . 22 Bethel Street. Phone 5725 a of more than a allies Waialua Agr. Co. . . 22' 4 V calling for total duction of - ship sugar involved in this out mail for the manufacture' to supply them with at least 220,000,- and the Wa.-iu't- Sugar Co quarter of a million dollar, are ex-- being of beer for home consumption and j Go bushels of v. beat this year, for sale. Is already in operation, MISCELLANEOUS lined In the estimates of expenditures port 60.000,(1)0 bushels or bar- to working in Porto for next about which there can be no substitute. the first start Endau Developing Co of the waterworks department ley. 3.-- j 15.000,000 bushels of corn and Therefore, if we could substitute thi3 Rico this campaign. i 7 year submitted by Pred K. Kirchhorr. 1st Is. Assess. pc. Pd iiOn.fXM bushels of rice. This was by At a meeting of the Cuban Commis Paid-u- p Mott-Sralt- barley for wheat on an even basis 2nd Issue 10 superintendent, to K. A. 30 per. ! by Menocal. ot about cent cf the normal bar abolibhing the brewing industry, it is sion appointed President Haiku Fruit & Pack.. Pfd chairman of the finance committee one-tial- f by Carlos ley crop and of one per cent contended, e si ould still need to of Cuba, and headed Senor Haiku Fruit C Pack. Com 11 .the board of Mipervison. The rejort year's crop. Cespedes. with the Inter- special of this com save 17000.000 bushels of wheat to Manuel de Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. A HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. will be brought up at the - Those who advocate the abolish- send abroad. national Sugar Committee, held thin Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 pc. B budget making meeting of the board com-nitte- e afternoon, at the. office of the Ry. Com 2 Bonds Sunday. agree- Hawaii Con. Stocks and at 111 Wall street, an Co. The-urgen- rur 191S. Hawaiian Electric .. t improvements ment in regard to the purchase and Real Estate Insurance will cost $i:..00n. aTe given in U. S. EXPORTS IN OLAA RECORDS Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. 4378 44 which sale basis price cf Cuban sugars for - Rafo TVmrvrit Vanlt reports as follows: New boiler Hon. Brew. & Malt. Co 17'4 m.x- the the coming crop was arrived at. the Honolulu Gaa Co.. Ltd 113 tubes and travelling crane for Kalihi figure being 4.90c cost and freight Authorised by law to act as Trustees, Execu-- pump, boiler for Ueretania pump, re- Hon. R. T. A L. Co New York, based on a 30c freight rate, S. N. riSy Inter 'sland Co. pairs to Makikl pump. Jlokauea OCTOBER VALID ANOTHER RISE an equivalent of about .4., tors, Administrators and Guardians which reflects . . 19'. Mutual Telephone Co. 20 V-- . street, Ena road and Saratoga road. price pr.j1 4.60c f.o.b. Cuba. The actual Oahu R. . L. Co 140 Included In the extensions for the of the sugar at New York can only near are the following: Filtra-tio- n Pahang Rubber Co 18 future be determined after the United States Selama-Dinding- s pump system for Nuu Olaa stock edged up to within an Plant. .. 14 til or artesian fixed the rate of Sclama-Dincjinn- AT DALF BILLION eighth of today shipping board has v '70 pz.) anu valley. 1150.000: Makikl district the five dollar mark which point it is hoped will dis- on & Ex- freight, Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. 36 improvements. 17.800: Waikiki the Honolulu Stock Bond within a very few days. Life, Fire, Marine, J14.C5C; change, gaining an eighth over yes- be settled BONDS trict. $5000; Kalmuki district. The adjourned to work S72.V), D. 3. terday's figure. Fifty on committee Beach War. Imp. Dist... 100 Automobile, Tourists' Palama and Kallhl districts. ana WASHINGTON, C, Dec. shares sold out important details in connection 7-- 8 Hamakua Ditch Co central districts, $0,500. American exports made a great gain the board at $4. and between transaction. Baggage or Accidex$ 50 with this immense Hawaii Con. Ry. 5 pc 80 fYouVant of at yesterday's closing ;; In the waterworks Improvements for in October, reaching a total value boards went That the matter of ample tonnage "2 of price of $4 3-- question is Hawaiian Irr. Co., 6s.... Insurance, the central districts are the following. $542,000,000. This is an increase The that and the necessary organization for the $86,000,000 over September, according disturbing stockholders and investors Haw. Tar 4 pc. Refund .. 12-inc- h main for Bishop street from expeditious transportation of sugars Haw. 4 pc Puo Imp 4 is whether stock, now Terr'l Kins to Allen, $5000; main for to a statement made public today by the that It has from the West Indies is receiving UPON the bureau of foreign and domestic assumed a bullish movement, will iw. Terr. Pub. Irrp. 4 pc CALL Halekauwila street from Fort to South careful attention became public this Haw. pc commerce of the .department of com- continue to rise. The majority of Terr'l Vz $6000; main for Punchbowl week. The information Vas contained Hfto Gas Co., Ltd., 6 pc. 97 100 from Lusitana to Ala Moana, merce. The exports for the ten months brokers are undecided but a few have in a recent announcement by Geo. M. street expressed as --confident Honokaa Sugar Co., 6 oc th ended with October of this year themselves $14,000; main for IJliha street Rolph that the transportation com- Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd., 5s r . amounted to $5,1 49,000.000, as against that Ihe upward trena will continue from Wyllie to Judd." $7000: mittee appointed by the United States Kauai Ry. Co. 6s. CASTLE & COOKE, Limited Souta 14,443,000,000 for the corresponding immediately after the holidays. While Joseph f Slain for Husucestr.cer-.lro- shipping board, and of which Manoa Imp. DisL, 5! 2 pc ch Ka-- last year. the stock is close to the $5 mark they i to Cooke, $1700 ; main for i reriod Hodgson, freight traffic manager of McBryde Sugar Co., 5s J Kama- - October .imports are placed at $221.-000,00- do not expect it to rise to the mark walahao street from Ward to the New York and Cuba Mail Steam- Mutual Telephone 3s . .. -- a falling off of $15,000,000 because $5 the brokerage is 12 kee, $3500; main for South at ship Co. is the chairman, will occupy R. & L. Co., 5 pc compared September. ten cents. The stock is expected to re- Oahu General Insurance Agents !" street from Queen to AlaMoana, with For the offices In the same building as the Co., 6 pc period "with October the main active or experience a slight Oahu Sugar ! $6000 ; main for Matlodk avenue month ended food administration at No. Ill Wall Oltfa Sugar Co., 6 pc $30g.0 imports. United were! drop until after the Christmas season from Piikoi to Keeanmoku. and a into the 8tates 4 street, New York. Arrangements and Merchant Streets i compared Hawaiian Pines held steady at $44. Pacific Guano & Fer. Co Fort main f--r Elm street fronr Piikoi ralued.at $2,504,000,000, as have been made for cooperation be- Mill Co., $2,010,000,000 Between boards 15 shares sold Pacific Sugar 6s Sheridan, $2300. with for the first ten at that tween this committee and the food San Carlos Milling Co ; ' Estimates ot expenditures for tod months of 1916. Seventy six per cent figure and while the bidding at the administration and whatever commit- tewer department, money; tor which of .the October imports entered free session was brisk the buyers would tees may be appointed by the vari Between Boards: Sales: 50 Olaa, 7-- 8 ; $43 corns of new sewer fund. of duty. , not offer over and the sellers ous West India Islands concerned, for 4.75; 10, 5 Hawn. Pines, 44; 15, 10 Pio- : will out the i : - . are set at $46,667. of which $6677 is for .Cold imports in October amounted would not take less than $44. the purpose of most efficiently hand- neer, 28; 22 Oahu, 29.50. only-$4,000,00- Twenty-fiv- e C. PETERS i urgent improvements and' $40,000 for to while exports total- Pioneer went at $28, a ling the expectea large "sugar crops Session Sales: 50 Olaa, 4.87'2; 10 E. Improvements and extensions In the ed $11,000,000. For the ten months steady price, and 32 Oahu sold at $29 of those islands during 1918. At a Waialua, 22.25; 10 H. C. & S., 40; 12 10 McCandless BIdg. c. che'jeo & co. I 1-- ended.-- with October gold imports 2, a fair enough figure, between In- 8. Honolulu, T. H. conference last week between the McBryde, t t i') The payroll! for the waterworks de--1 amounted, to $532,000,000, against boards. On the board 10 Waialua ternational Sugar Committee and Dividend Dec. 21: McBryde Co., .50. Stocks, Bonds,' Securities, Loans $480,000,000 for a similar period in brought $22 1-- McBryde to the ex- 1918. (LIMITED) partment for next year are estimated West Indian Islands during At Negotiated, Truet Estates Managed $6870, and operating expenses of 1916. Exports of gold, on the other tent of 12 shares sold at $8 and 10' a conference last week between the Latest sugar quotation: 96 deg. test, !fatthe department are figured at $70,200. hand,-wer- e valued at $360,000,000, as Hawaiian Commercial went at an International Sugar Committee and 5.92 cents, or $118.40 per ton. Payroll for the sewer department are compared- - .with; $101,000,000 for the even price of $40. West Indian freight interests the fol- SUGAR FACTORS first ten months of 1916. A notice was read the stock 100 sugar, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 'estimated at $16,25 and operating that lowing rates, per pounds of UNLISTED SECURITIES. P. H. BURNETTE ' Silver Imports amounted to $5,000,-00- 0 books of Ewa would be closed to upon New SHIPPING AND INSURANCE penses at $16,175.; were tentatively settled for 79 Phone 184 $38,000,000 from 5 un- Merchant St. AGENTS 'i'? in October" and to for transfer tonight at o'clock York delivery: Friday, Dec. 21. NOTARY PUBLIC 2.000.003 TEXAS CATTLE i tna ten moniDf enaea with that month til the end of the year in order to From Cuba, north side, 39c; south Bid Asked Commissioner of Detds utirvinr nue Tcv oRrtiTrtrWn'tprt of silver were val-- make out the dividend. McBryde an- side, 47c From San Domingo, 55c. OIL California and New York li a t, f lvuu,VVV tUI IUC OUlfrfc U1VUVU nounced a dividend OT 50 cents. From Porto Rico, regular liners, 40c; Honolulu Con. Oil 3.90 4.10 Draws: Wills, Deeds, Mortgages and FORT ST, HONOLULU, T. H. and tt$69J0$000 for the ten-mont- h In the unlisted securities Honolulu outside st lmers, 45c. MINING Legal Documents v CHICAGO, IllTwo million head of all period;"; Oil remained around the $4 mark with The weather in Cuba continues cool Engels Copper Mining 3.85 4.00 Seattle, sufficient to maintain 1,000,000 no buying soldiers in France for"; two or selling. Madera shares and favorable for grinding, and while Mineral Products Co.. .09 .10 'American sold to the extent of 1600 at 30 cents Mountain ifing Mining .06 .09 List of Officers and Directors: ryears. are starring to. death in Texas, GUILDER SHRINKS IN S. F. , there are only 5 Centrals thus far in PACIFIC ENGINEERING Montana-Bingha- j E. F. BISHOP.. President g and 1460 went at Montana Bingham Co. .37 .38 iecause of a record-breakin- drouth. operation, it is expected that several G. H. ROBERTSON., SO DUTCH SEAMEN me woDDiy ngure or cents. Mineral wm Madera Mining Co .29 .31 COMPANY, LIMITED area as large as Germany Is being is more Btnrt uo the verv near ...Vice-Preside- nt Manager VAn products brought 10 cents 100 and .devastated by lack of rain, according STAY CLOSE TO SHIP for future. Consulting, Designing and Con R. IVERS McCarthy, 6hares and 100 Engles passed at $4. Sales: 1100 Madera, JO; 960 Bing- v structing Engineers I to statements of Dr. Charles Supplies to over the period of ...Vlce-Presids- nt and tide ham, .38; 100 M. Products, .10; 500 8crtary member of the commission of the food scarcity here until new crop Cubas be- Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc- A. GARTLEY VlcPresldsnt administration, who returned herere-ufceatl- y SAN FRANCISCO, The reason THROW FLOWERS AT come freely available continue very Bingham, .38; 500 Madera, JO; 100 En-gel- s, tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys- E. A. R. ROSS .Treasurer from the stricken why Dutch seamen stick close to their small, although some is felt 4.00. tems, Reports and Estimates on GEO. R. CARTER Director region, - WALDRON'S NEW MANAGER relief ';- - Tbe loss In cattle, cotton andrfor- ships while in this port was explained Projects. Phone 1045. C. H. COOKE... Director - from the shipment of Louisiana rjaws age, he said. Is estimated at $400,000,- by the third officer of a Dutch vessel and the distribution of granulated J. P. OALT. .Director j 000. Parts of New Mexico andColo--j which, arrived here recently. That A. B. C. Dennlston, "Denny Sugar 5.92cts R. A. COOKE...... Director rado also are stricken, he said. An I anvpaid 100 guilders a month."' as he is known to his intimates on the ?""Z:",rLy D. Q. MAY . Atfitor . embargo against shipments of .cattle he replied, ?e is a big salary in Hoi-- j now th. new of towflner.- - gs of those regions is said "to be land and twice as big in the .Dutch thePJp--J and steamship depart- - Henry vleed from ' raws ttat the three Atlantic ports since Watemouse Trust Co, i - '., ment was pop , In favor. East .indies. Recently I changed a of Fred Waldron. Ltd.. TtUs year show decrease Ltd. & i ' I of 274,000 tons from last total Alexander "Pa, mother's lookin for yef.:,. American; money. One dinner and a shown by the following cuppir ie- th' Members Honolulu Stock and Bont gar .for corresponding period, thAt. Exchange Wnats she want of me now?7 . , taxicab and it was all gone. ding him which ie taken from a ports of refined sugars during the - Fort and Merchant 7' ! yer,- $1 Bank v : guilder be publication: of "She don't want nothing of The is said to worth Portland same time fell off 292,425 tons. These 12Q88trts yer "A. - Telephone vbut she says she's goln to give in Holland and much more in the B. C. Dennlston, one of Port- .figures indicate that the quantity of Baldwin ! passenger DENIES aomethlng. Toledo, Journal --''(V DutchLWewt Indies. land's former popular sugar actually distributed for home ATTORNEY HOLMES agents, was a 'visitor during consumption is about the same as it HAS PLAN FOR RETIRING the week: 'Denny" came to Port- was last year, but it nust be borne Limited Honolulu land from Omaha back early la the in mind that the figures of domestic A report current in local court and was placed chi-g- o '90s, and in of the consumption during the first six legal circles states that Henry Holmes, Great Northern's ticket oftic. When months of this year showed an in- anc! known Ltd. "Dick" died trans- one of the oldest best at Stevens he vu crease of more than 200,000 tons over torneys in Honolulu and now head of Sugar Factors Qusen ferred to and succ ;c!ed him ' Fort Street, near Seattle as those for the first half of 1916. the law firm of Holmes & Olson, is to WS STORE EVERYTHING ..5 CITY TRANSFER COMPANY general passenger sgent Commission Merchants Western The receipts for the week at tbe retire from the profession after the Transacts a General Banking - Soon thereafter Ottingsr, the San JAMES H. LOVE v VV PHONE 1241. three Atlantic ports were 7845 tons, first of the year and possibly leave the ' and Insurance Agents Business. iFYanci8co 'scalper,' established a chain compared 46,105 year with tons last territory. When asked regarding the your guaran- lof offices Throughout il.n Northwest, and 32,070 tons in 1915. report Attorney Holmes simply said, Invites account and induced 'Denny' to lea- - and efficient serTice. and the Gic&t "It is not true." tees safe Northern. He quickly cirij 'ii- - i Exchange, Letters of Credit and of the PARASITE FOrTsUGAR It has alco been reported that A. G. Agents for legitimate' was jooi t'je j Travelers' Checks Issued on ard back in ' M. resignation as fold, BEET PEST TO BE Robertson, whose Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar principal points. SILIMMETMRATES succeoling George Andrews as chief justice of the supreme court has passenger Pa- - i Northwest agent for the SOUGHT IN AUSTRALIA been accepted, is to become associated Company. ciflc Coast S. S. Co. This position i OAHU RA1LVAY and HALEIVA HOTEL he with Attorney Holmes in law practise. Company. Cable Transfers quit to I Haiku Sugar sell real estate and other '6uch ry AuracutM The chief justice, however, says he Ha-l.dw- ?rt Plantation Company Thirty-da- y Honolulu, and Walalua, a things.' The 'slump' soon Dec. 11. Paia excursion"' ticket I'areea. followed: SACRAMENTO. Cal The cannot announce his plans foi the fu- Maui Agricultural Company. First-class- , serand-clas- s, venture, or Kahuku: $2J5; $1.80. this and 'Denny' grasped the work or an imported parasite used In ture at this time. 'Sugar Company. opportunity to go to : Hawaiian Keep yeur Special weekly rates at Hqtea, daring aummer months, $25.00. San Francisco Australia to exterminate the sugar Kahului Railroad Company. Splendid bathing, golf,, tennis, glass-botto- m boats, rowing, pooL with Cal' Stone, whe nthe latter was beet leaf hopper, which is reported to Wages employes of ' of the Curtiss McBryde Sugar Company. wsort-:-lv-v- , ' ! appointed traffic manager of j SAVINGS An ldeal YaecUoa ; .. s the have caused considerable damage in Aeroplane & Motor Co.'wcre increased Kahuku Plantation Co. Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co. Later the beet fields of the Antipodes and per cent, at once. In & Land In a' safe pace. We pay 4 Interest on five effective Kauai Fruit Co, Ltd. 'Denny was made assistant cen--i which has invaded the fields of Cali $1 ."0,000 Liherty bond3 will Railvay-Haleiv- I addition in Honolua Ranch. BISHOP A COMPANY , Oahu a Hotel passenger j eral agent, in which posi- - fornia, will be observed here by E. J. be distributed to employes as premi- - tion he continued until the big an expert entomologist of the bines' were commandeered by the gov- - state insectary here. ernmeni. mis aisrupted tne organl- - George H. Hecke. state horticultur-zation- . H Is services were quickly In al commissioner, has authorized Vos-deman- Insurance His choice was to go to j ler to make an exhaustive study of B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. ' Honolulu with the F. L. Waldron Co., the results being accotnnlished and ho Just received and can be had for the asking, PHONE 4915 one of the largest shipping concerns ! will leave here about January 1. for Life, Accident, Compensation cn the islands. When 'Denny j Fire, first a five months stay in Australia. SURETY BONDS eft Portland upward of fifty of his The chief damage by the beet lea! intimate railroad friends gave him a hopper in California has been done in Dutch luncheon' at the old 'Palmen WAR Garten,' at which he was presented Unas valleys, according to H. S with a stop-watc- h handsome and fob. Smith, superintendent of the state in- A synopsis of the War Tax Money Loan ! goes to which he to bed and rises by to sectary. The damage dene tn the Sa- ims.aay. valley 1914 was ith accurate tables and concrete linas in estimated at HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF $1,000,000. he said, and caused somf i examples of its application to HAWAII, LIMITED WOU can transact ADMITS $70,000 SHORTAGE. sugar beet factories to be abandoned. S16 Fort Street Telephone 1S2J The insect cannot be eradicated by individuals, partnerships, any busi-- MONTGOMERY, Ala. . spraying because of its hopping pro- 1 - Dwigglns, New joint-stoc- k York manager of the clivities, experts said. It does its dam- corporations, J. F. MORGAN C0 LTD. Bankers' Life Insurance Company, ar- age principally by stabbing the beet here, made a companies, insurance STOCK BROKERS , ness in Hawaii, safely reted full confession and innoculatin? it with a fungus oi to federal officials before being taken bacterial disease. companies, etc. Information Furnished and Loan hack to New York. Mad -- and efficiently , Dwigglns is accused of a shortage in Merchant 8tret SUr Building through President Wilson received General Phona 1572 his accounts of more than $70,000. Obregon. former Mexican minister of '.t I He said it all went in the 4 4 stock mar war. 4 this ket He was arrested after hoardi-i- ? if Ask the i a train for New Orleans Ho FOR RENT ing under the name I j of Dunham. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, Electricity, gas, screens In all oouse ! Dwigglns said he has accounts of Bank ot Hawaii, Ltd. Aoxxae, $30. - LIMITED. Fine new something like $60,000 owing him and - - - t J cottage two, $11 '.' Capita . .yen Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts. Neat furnished for ne is wining that the sum go subscribed. 40.000.f00 ' toward Capital paid up yen 30.000.000 For loan on mortgage; 110.000. , decreasing his shortage. j OF HAWAII Reserve funds yen 22.100.000 for a copy. J. H. SCHNACK . Oo to Thrum's for Address. Engage-- ' S. AWOKI. Local Manager. ' C247 tZ3 r:nt and Line a nv TV.oks. Ad. S24 Kaahumanu St Tat f 00


ILK ayy d eposition of 1 er property j QREAT BATTLE ON KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ELECT I TODAY IS SHORTEST and of executing a wu.. SOL "FRAUD" STATES a ITALY LINE GOES ON DAY OF SEASON: RODIEK ON STAND COMING DRAFT The document, the delegate . Hoooluia Comu&fidery No. u i WORK TOMORROW leges, was procured by the nadae in .c. BEGINS Ifluence of Col. P. laakea and ttHNitM NMHU.1 Unt u.,r. n. .u. rtt) ixv.or omcers ntgnt. iouo- - IN "INDIA CASE;" DELEGATE AS TO the late John Almoku lkmlBis. wbo WASHI.NGTON. U C Dtci SI ta last in December 11. to-wi- t, today. Is the TO SEND was a protege of Ulruokalanl and at Kicnlng eTery energy and employias'im men wera ckosen: Eminent com ( halfway nous la the Gregorian cal- neavfly 1 ver- i one time circuit court clerk. Kuljio immense forces, 'niander, Norval B. Yotmg; sacral issi-- endar between th automnal and contends that the. document Is Illegal their objective, the 14 of " ridde. teneral ' nal eiutaoies, M .. t m-- r rit.;n IGNORANCE 1917 DOCUMENT proccM- - o in inrrw wir Is day la year and CLAIMS and void and thaf the Charles N. Harque,. prelaw. Kirk It the shortest the in?s to have it a In to rrooats be through to the Venetian flaina bere( n daylight saviag plan caa letfta V7HERESUITED td Porter- - R. M Mac dismissed. (r n.irr mixht be established treasurer. James en it by U. S. WirtltM.) ...... , cmnleted fo the Lean: recorder. James I Friel. censor is day ushers In the IAMcit4 frtas Naai -- Alleges "Princess" Theresa or niriiMi This the that BAN FRANCISCO. Cel.. rVc. 21. KV'io'areg V"- - Herbert Dunshee. j m.or war called winter, buf w sftould wfH1 o?nr - r; eon German consul Others Procured Document II1,' UhZ uTe are making but .den. John A. Palm-- standard oeai.r. l Hawaii, wtater. Geor Rodlek. former If He Can Serve Country Best " u AustroGerman forces worry" here where in Honolulu. the chlf Uns By "Undue Influence" 1RD!d wiJ...! 111i X ' small headway and their poaitioa tn Ashley J. ; sword bearer. UT. extsts ooty In the dictionary aad on prosecutionn yesterdav In th Factory, There U , N y. e.. John K. Clarke tops. for the in Field or ;t - ount. ft.m ; the uninhabitable mouataln ; IrT. ( . revolution conspi a i r t . sentinel. Thomas H. Hushes Although. parapbraaing Shak-tare- . the India He Will Go I),r-- t be i the sole appear on each o: UI.lH.Uii. h asertlon that uokalam triaJrac evATse. Hi testimony flalt chief!.-wit- isf and thetr ' the winter of Hawali'e petty next of kin and sole surviving hfir at He further declares that Not only are the luliar.s ( instrumrt. I the visit of the Maverick to Hlio. holding , TO PAY GUARDSMEN never else but glorious i'nder Me new system of draft law of the late Queen Lilluosalani i th hi;""" document as not s;gnc.i Allied reinforcements theit discontents Hawaii. Kala- - front, but they are attninsj summer." an umbrella la the hand wit- Nation, the draft authorities have niade hv Delegate Jonah Kuhio In tNr presence of either or both of .fe onn ia this te Before putting Rodlek on the j made .t! of this winters and air of men for m alleged 1. M- - the enemv. Official Anneum eifent l.alante - tn tmanaole contests of the alleged witnesses Kealoha tud counters aeainst I nit-- th rih rail reeiFTd o -t of wis- ness yenterday afternoon i 1Sm-3- . headquarters th. tomorrow m.i prove a wand stand , a ti as lor scrv-- wills of 2. and Aug. 9. 131.. " reoorts Issued in Berlin last night sati ternoon from -- Ho-- industrial nervier bef. Rev Sam Kamakaia. - Al- Attorney I'roston aid - taimeh- Infantry. National dom, Studebaker s Farmers' States - 1 Mntiiir Hawaiian titianl. for u- :lh a nfie of her majesty, which he filed in cir- He alleges further that the allege: l A i I CITBITM 'W""'1' aftck' ' ' diek had asked permiKn u, make Austro- - memhers of Companio;, A. C. manac has for Pecember 15 to If hf draft officers here believe'rnit court TTiursdar. will was pro ured by the undue ed by the Italians atarnt that the !on a statement to the Jury, and tnat this M win be given reaerai Heavy rain on north Pacific." and man will cerv the lee-gat- e Owana Wilcox He! German positions at Monte Perttcaj k and tneir t pro- that a drafted .regards the !i"ft dorument. of Theresa , geographical quarter request had been granted the a sugar plantation per- been repulsed. This report cla'm-- pav tonight. Hawaii is in that Uodiek rrurtr better on Kuhio allege this is not the liveau or some other prson or had ab- secution on condition that Id tat since December and not in the South Seas." aa than he vim. in the : document is fraud- Mi that in the fighting give testimony in the raw. This or in a fartory last will and testament of the fjueen, sons, and that the over a hundred thousand men tn killed would If. would . to call 11 Ptave and Brenta sectors sent lire'arv trei'ment hv Mato-men- tn""-he- they have that rijiht and t. e witnesses illegal and void. in the he had agreed to do and the t that did not attest; ulent, prisoners. Und wounded in that time, the cost to the law. according to a at re i. tir--e onftft Italians had been made presented tn him under it her "st At the of thai Austro-oeraia- n evidently John . Kocaeieiier characterises which he desired ( K. losses the nn? today by apt J. Green, 1 wages have been granted In the face of the tremendous ' Jury would be made in th course htateiiient execution of the document. The ieti-- Increased above anythtnc w !iich they the Liberty loan as best, investment the f charge of selective draft work lot and engineers of the Grand vhtch it Is known that the Teutons been far in tion continues. Lilinokalani mas not of firemen . . . . 1 . can of his testimony. I . I . J M fari nave oeen aoie 10 a man make the territorv. sound mind nd was incapable of mak-- ' Trunk Railway acinar Rodlek Testifies. t gov- coat- Kmphants is being laid the sworn Uodirk ua r After being cn that thLi new reg-istratio- ed and, in answer tn questions, fold; ernment the fart i industrial and agrl thA Hllo. i for f th vikit it Maverick to - ...... -- i as well a8 actual miu- . . u .niA i riiitural service wnere n was pipecwu .iui on- - nf the new i- t optes v. -j a .v, tr.hn- - tarr assignment .t. regulation which hae been received

- local o Mce carry a foreword aid. it wan expected that the Maver- at the ...... i frnm th-- - Dresiaent- bearing out this 1CK would meet me Annie j,aien ami r .nrt-ammuni- fctord. It eays in part: . s--v w ia3fe0 VL .rr, i has come for a more per from her, thercc proceeding on The time tioo fect organization of our man power. to Batavia. At that time, witneisj muFt ear . J ft. v. .J Wwvi'Ia.Iia that The selective principle be Maverick was employed in (ha I 1(11 iv HO -- ' . - ths aiivaicomplete inventory of busineta of alleged conspiracy to must make the the Qualifications of all registrants in foment a revolution in India. to each man Others Involved order to determine, as Elbo, not already selected for duty with the Witness testified that Heinrlch military, in captain of the German ship Holsatla, rnlnrs. the Dlace in the A agricultural ranks of tbe and Edwin Delnat, captain of the Ger- dustrial or which nation in which his experience and man ship O. J. D. Ahlers, both of to serve s Honij-lulueHCtc- training can be made .vessels were then Interned in d best to prevent the provision- the common good. This project in- three volves an inquiry by the selection ing of tbe Maverick outside the domestic, industrial limit. He added that he believed boards into the .rail and educational qualifications of near- Emit - that neither Elbo nor Delnat, both of Mclm men. ' whom are defendants in the conspi-- ; ly ten million racy case, were cognizant of the fact "Members of these boards have ren- that there waa a conspiracy on foot dered a conspicuous service. The , work was done without regard to per. Secret Agent a pre ' Asked to where the money for sonal convenience and under M sure of immediate necessity which the. provisioning: of the Maverick came great .from, witness testified that it was imposed sacrifices. Yet the services of men trained by the ex- . transmitted to Honolulu by German Clhristaas! of first draft must of for perience the - secret agent "Number 17, who trans- ferred the money, ironv the German necessity be retained and the selec- consulate at San Francisco to Hon- tion boards must provide the direct- olulu. ing mechanism for the new classifies Rodlek will be called, upon for fur; tion. The thing they have done is of enjoy your Xmas more if you one-tent- You'll testimony as he did not conclude scarcely h the magnitude of tier the thing that remains to be done. It yesterday. ' , . -- both to our .;." A succeeded Ro-- is of great Importance K.' JSehroeder. who to our economic wear a Mclnerny Suit. diek as German representative tn Ho- military and interests nolulu, will also iettltj for the prose- that the classification be carried swiftly and accurately to a conclu- - cution, was announced by United made-to-measu- re it sion." These garments will put you States Attorney Prestoo.;, , , Holidays M AUI EXPECTED TO " ' THRUM'S ANNUAL OUT in tune with the spirit of the as noth TURN. IN MANY NEW l Containing a vast' amount of Infor- ing else can. RED CROSS MEMBER mation concerning Hawaii informa- tion which is both interesting and in- - but-they'r- While nd eflalfe' report has been structive "The- Hawaiian Annual," Mclnerny Suits cost more; e worth the money. Macle - book of Ha- received -- herd by A. L. Castle, cha known as the reference man, as to the number 'of members waii, has Just been issued. The. pub- from the finest imported fabrics, cut and tailored by the most which the Red .Cross drive on Maul lisher is Thomas G. Thrum, and this is has obtained, word as brought from the 44th number', the annual having expert workmen they reflect all that the most fastidious man 'A r 1S73. there today thaflhe-numbe- of new beenBjiecLregPlarly' eihe, Bom nembertwUV,be .large. News. from to those familiar and those unfamiliar wants in the way of fit, appearance and style. Kauai la expected tomorrow morning. with Hawaii and its. history and pres- The features-x-f th Red Cross Saw ent day. conditions, the. annual" will urday evening entertainment will be prove a-- valuable possession. . Arrange for your Xmas suit today. We will build you one .the war pictures and!. lecture by Dr. -- social Jimes Juda, a taJk.on,,modern war-- D. L.;ConklIng, city and county that will outlive two ordinary suits; and that will be a ;fare.1)yCspUln Thomaft Lowe, U. s. treasurer, .has announced that he will . A.. and an address toy District At- - soon take up $15,0.00 enrth of Manoa and business asset whenever you appear in it. 0 --i Yt i. n.j r district improvement, bonds and fl0, v Th entertafoment Vili tie held at the 000 worth of Kalakaua avenue bonds. - ; . armory and will be tabsolutey, free to This Is. the first 'call for Kalakaua

; V '. avenue bonds. Suits .alL . ? .v r Sack Suits $60, Dinner $80 ' i ," bring, Red Cross To the Christmas FOR SALE v n membership drive before as many peo-- PET 8T0CK. j . V CasU-- , pU m poesible A.1 has sent a Thoroughbred!, Collie; . Dress Suits $100, Special VM-tt- Scotch" a faith er tA 'fill h ihnrrhta in tn rl pro- " ful, devoted companion and asljg for special mentloa next 9 Wonday tector, months old; make a most day,;. .Rl ,bejU& .Ust.day to tlesirable Xmas present E. O. Farm, Pongee Suits $45 ; - -- 6974-tf Tel. llllS; , - , J ' To take charge ,of ;all Red Cross " r'hIpplng., particularly that from Vthe FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. X. t islands going throttgh K other to 'the ' - ; ftusaaMMae oaaaaiaaa wiai iWCUfc Lit,). Bungalow,: 1028; East 5th Ave., Kai-mu- ki 1, been formed with James. Wakefield ; f rxqlnutes " from car line. - Give Mclnerny Merchandise Xmas Order of Theo. it. Davies it Co. as chairman Modern conveniences.- Price, $1450. a and Bea Clark as,assistant V .7 E. O. Farm. 6974-t- t If you would prefer to let your friend choose his own gift so as to assure abso- lute satisfaction in his present five him a Mclnerny Merchandise Order. These . SUPERVISORS ON TRIP can be obtained covering any amount. Yqu simply pay us the money, and on AROUND THE ISLAND Asthma Catarrh Christmas morning give your friend our order entitling him to choose merchan- l a.: .wBoomo cowa, susaowc csocp ' i dise of any kind covering the amount. . ' " uTbe ooard'ef. supervisors left tills Bgoxcsms C0W23 . cous '.; morning for, a .trip over, the belt road. ..TJpon the windward side ot the Pall ; Zndneer A. S. Can tin will nolnt out to Silk Lounging Robes Dress Suits ' V the members , of the board "where the can be reduced and These stylish garments are made from sradef short cuts Perfect-fittin- g and luxurious ; irv pleas- i made, .t At Hannla where the 'Party cTausMre er -- the highest quality imported materi-- . U atopped! for lunch tne subject A tmr4c ufowndeffeetlTstrestSMtttfor of the b)cbtal traublra without doalag th ing color combinations of the finest als ; are made by expert cutters and relocation of the road at that point Auaartt wUu UrBfa. l's4 With socceu xras discussed. They are expected to tfclrtr ywr. tt fabrics. tailors; and in style and fit are the Tb ir rmderrd 0trtmtf aatlaptie. Is-llr- ed very latest thing. return to the city by live o'clock this with twj brth. makr brestStag evening. ear. sootb tbe mor tnmat. and atopa ti $6.50 to awn. samriBg rrstrul nights. CrHokM to $15' Uivatuabt t mothers wlia yonoa csildrea t Secretary Raymond C-- Drown of ths u a oem t saKarets Mclnerny Boxes - from Atbam. chamber of commerce has been noti- Cmotme rrtleve tke . fled by the board of supervisors ot the brK-t- a lal com ni Iratiooa These are all ready to be presented. county In f Scarlet Fevr and of Hawaii that accordance Maaka sad a vaht They contain shirt, neckwear and hose with resolution passed at the last bl aid la tbe treat Men's Neckwear 1 civic convention of comfort st ot DipfcUtsria. in colors and designs to rratch. Never before has our stock of Neck- aaSaaaaaaaa stations ; have been installed in the SoUhCJmists. county - and that more stations would VaeCrseietM Ce. wear been so replete in distinctive shortly be pntop. . - woorrutTtT.sv..sj.i. designs and colors. Men's Hosiery Smoking Jackets gifts In 50c to $5 In every size shade, Ready boxed in quarter One of the most comfortable and the store. Nothing could more please Bankors Notice to and half dozens. your Father, Husband, Son or Brother Commercial Depositors 35c per pair up $6.50 and up (This Notice Does Not Apply to Saviors Accounts) ' Pajamas ( Travelling In Oxfords, Madras, Percale and Silk. Silk Shirts ;S'i Thcs" custom prevailing among conservative banking insti- These are individual sets and are con tutions is to make a nominal charge for the handling of small Best quality obtainable. Per men and boys; also packed in the Mclnerny veniently arranged to fit in travelling:: checking accounts, in order to cover part of the cost incident ox, with neckwear to match. bags or suit cases. If you wish , to me. $1.50 to $15 to the care of It is now the practise in various cities on please, select one of these sets; ; ijie" mainland. The undersigned banks of Honolulu have $5 to $10 fgreed to adopt the plan. s7

A'-Therefo- re, whenever the average balance is below. $100.00, will be found in- -' 4 we trust; that it convenient to arrange to crease it to fit least this amount, otherwise a monthly charge of fifty, cents will be made and a charge ticket rendered for the same and- - enclosed with cancelled checks. ; 'Effective on and after January 2, 191S. Honolulu, Kawnii, Deeember 13, 1917. :'y - ; ARMY NATIONAL BANK. - . ; ,. ' , 1JANK OF HAWAII, LTJ). ; " ; " iJANK OP HONOLULU, LTD. -- -- - anfl v j. . BISHOP & COMPANY. Corner Fort LlccHnt FIRST NATIONAL BANK. .Vv''? :..1'-1- '.

00 '' - : S


l ; .v'y"":-'.svs- .' ay IP'

Mi&e Every Minute Count Study the advertisements on this page, for - each one tells you how and where to make Cheer get best results. your time and money the A Mern-- Christmas will be v made the merrier if the din- ner is given the proper Only2more Shopping days thought land attention For Christmsis

mm MH iWfmi

' US SUGGEST V; 01 LET 4Big V'i "Why spoftthewifeV the work and. that you select and place your order early for the meat; ChickeA worry of We suggest Turkey", and the cranberry sauce, mince fresh oysters, Saratoga chips. salad, stuffed olives, . , Vthaiyou'make reservations early as possible. V ' m 5 K ,1. i TRY OUR DELICATESSEN DEPT. . for Chrisjmas the cigars he has been smoking all the year. ? swejier cfipoxm canay ' s, ' ' . You'll Find them Here: VanDvck Reio am Meat , - Robert Burns General Arthur v HNMMRtl ,

t MMM ' . -- or famous Alhambra 'Brown Label Trio' ,:'-- - the v V ,'".' - - Market Alexander Young Hotel -- U: c i Phone 1759 EXCELLENCES ESPECIALES BELLEZAS King Street, Phone 3445 Pipes, Cigarettes, Tobacco v : Other appreciated gifts are: Pouches,- - Cigar' and Cigarette ' Holders, Humidors,: Etc. fiiveflHIer 3: "The House of Staples i ft Right on the corner of Fort and King Sts.

'Am.. "it will ye ybii a

v.. rr ' ' ' -

4T" You will find here the most satisfactory gifts, for the most fastidious of Men Folks. J the finest Chocolates imaginable. Made fresh daily are ' "in our awn factory', and put tip in fancy half, pound and We have the latest designs in neckwear, shirts, socks, What better Christmas Gift could oufliye . hats, sweaters, suits and underwear. your friend and be rhore enjoyed? - " Also plain and broken mixed Christmas candy.- - . AGENTS FOR ROYAL TAILORS ! MMli TT 2.-2- fU 1,17. .fr4

: r.1 . s wiusic man Fashion GIdthing Co., Ltd riawan... . r Store Hli-- ' Second Floor Young. BIdg. . Hotel St; opp Yoiing Bldg. :;; 1118 Fort Street , 1114 Fort Street

. C. "T . . . Lu ' wmmm

" - I ' S--wl A RED CROSS Membership makes the most timely and use- ful gift, you can possibly present.

It not only serves its purpose as a Christmas Gift, but also will .. - v ,. ! i- - - ease the sufferings of some poor fellow - countryman who is humanity. offering his life and all for the cause of - . ? l

- Headquarters with 5. '"V Promotion Committee

, W " I - , v; A "? ' J. ' Young Building rto 1 v. '?.', m;

- t .

- ;A;r?:Mi r : sit- !!' - ' iV- - ?; ...v' fert?r. STyiz ... twjis-- . ttZ.tS!Z..i r::t:: .?!...... v 4 I HI uu 7



repeated h(B Current Exhibition Contains! lands nearby have brought tributes from his brush, he has done Gift Land- - a good deal of Kauai and Oahu, and I Notable Examples of something now and aaaln from Ha- scape Beauties waii arrests attention and challenges admiration. both practical amd personal Lovers of Hawaii's varied beauty of The exhibit is so large in number ea and ahora who ae the vivid colors that even to begin on a description of y aboiifsverTwhere will b et-ciail- Individual pictures is useless. Each give practical records of in life appreciative of an exhibition of has merits of Its own, and those who Something that will the most events business or that oila asd watercolors now In progress. dD not particularly care for the high personal It is that by E. W. Christmas. R B. coloring of Hawaiian landscapes will may be used for recording the most experiences. A., who unites uoususl Industry with find also the more sombre tints of keen artistic perception and compet- Eneland and Scotland, and occa Supplies ent craftsmanship. sional fascinating glimpses of South An unexpected shipment of Holiday Kodaks and completes our stock in ail lines. Mr. Christmas is exhibiting more America, where he has traveled wide- than 70 canvases, Including some of ly and painted well. a particularly small size which he Tive monotypes are of somewhat calls "LilipaUana, In the large room picturesque interest, and his "Lllipu-tlans- " abort the Castle L Cooke offices on a group of tiny paintings 'Tort and Merchant streets. The ex- are sure to attract the eye. The note 1 KODAK and hibition began last Monday and will of color everywhere now in the run at least for another week, accord- clouds, now over the waters, now ly ing td bis present plana, inz in broad sweeps across some It's never too; early nor too late to begin the of picture j Tbt artist has Just returned from range of bills or stretch of cane fields. jojs number of months spent in Maui. Two of the paintings are tor exhi- Supplies making. ' Camera The Kodak assures the most satisfactory and certain and during his residence in the ter- bition at the coming Royal Academy, ritory has visited all the islands and Kngland. These are "Storm Clouds, results. F 7.7 lens equipments. ' painted .widely in each, so that this Oahu," and "Hayricks. England." The For the man who owns a Kodak or Camera, one of the many things in had wide success in Eng 'collection represents the islands artist has well as serviceable gift. their most beautiful phases. Ilsh, Scotch and continental exhlbl enumerated here will make a pleasing as .Christmas' daring use of colors has tions and it is of special Interest that already been noted in criticisms of Hawaii will be represented at these bis work In these columns. Few art gatherings of the works of famous Vest Pocket 1st have seized with a more appre- painters from many schools and ar Amateur Outfits ciative eye upon the blues, greens, tlstic circles. purples and various tones and shades Mr. Christmas has just received the Autographic ,Q f U these: and none has made the diploma he won with his great paint Mi Jralleys and sweep of mountain more ing, "The Christ of the Andes." at the striking In color than he. Some of Panama-Pacifi- c exposition, as well as For developing and printing, includ- Kodaks been around handsome brenze medal accom 4t his finest work has done the and equip-- lao Valley, Maui.' which has a pow- panying it. ing all necessary material With single lens, $7.00. erful attraction, as he readily con- The exhibition hours are from 10 a ment $1.20 to $1.95. fesses. Bat though lao and the up m. to 5 p. m. With F6.9 Anastigmat Lens, $20.00. LAID FOR CHINESE With F6.9 B&L Anastigmat COERSTOI Lens, $25.00. It? Developing Tanks A Full Line of SCHOOLATWAIPAHU; FUNDS RAISED AUTOGRAPHIC KODAKS In All Sizes For roll film, $2.76 to $8.00 The, cornerstone of the Walpahu hereby. Indorse this movement not Chinese" nchool was laid Thursday only as beneficial to the Chinese chil For film pack, $1.50 to $4.50 morning without formal ceremony, dren In Walpahu in preparing them - For plates, $2X0 to 2.fQ. and the schoolhouse is now being to receive adequate education in Chi- Brownies built , It will cost a little less than nese In addition to English, but also The "experience Is In the tank." Folding Autographic a thousand dollars, and will probably to prepare them to.be able when they be completed by the end of January, grow up to render valuable service, No. 2 2V4x31 $7.50 and $9.00. 1 while TltlS. au Tim the builder in the line of correspondence, to,the C3f No. 2A 2ax4y4 to $11.00. 193 M. Tr'Ahla guarantees the construc- commerce between these islands and tion, v r , ; , China." V rjo. 2C 2$x4T4 $11.00 to MJ0O. r . was The Walpahu Chinese .school Though they have not solicited from No. 3A SHxSla-SU- O to $140. .founded; by Chock Lun. now Us sec- the local white firms, the directors of Developing Trays retary,' and Tons Cluing Tatt, now the school, as customers of the firms committee, in tne of its txecutive and commission merchants, may come For developing, fixing, washing, July; when a private teacher dismissed to Honolulu to ask for funds if it is etc. Every Kodaker likes, to have Ma school. The temporary school necessary. a few extra trays. was opened' July 5, with Ma Wing Enameled Iron, 20c to $2.50. Box Form Brownies Yue Instructor. There were then rne .trustees for the school are Wong Sen Hing, the vice president, Porcelain Enamel, 25c to $7DO. about 40 pupils. Solid Porcelain, 60c to $7.00. Specially for giving to children, because founders were not satisfied Loo Beu, one of the executive com- The mittee and Ho Nam Sang, one of the Amber Glass, 25c to $1X0. they are so simple to operate. Very good with a temporary school so they pro- ' Composition, 20c to 75c. - directors. The officers for the fiscal results can be obtained. posed to erect new building. The 75c $11.00. a' year 1917-191- 8 as elected August 12, Solid Rubber, to campaign for funds immediately fol- No. 0 5. No. 2A 2ax4y $X50. lowed, tod contributions were Secured are as follows:. 1x2a T No. 2 2Vx3y4 $2.50 No. 2C countrymen Chun Wah San, president; Wong m 1 TM J1x4f$4J9. from their In Walpahu, No. 3 3y4x4y4 $4.50. with the Chinese laborers of the plan Sen Hing. vice : president : Chock TVT tattoo also-gtri- ng The Cbins-ffChs- w, .IrsasuretvwiUi Chang En Chew iNegative : Honolulu, Walau. Pearl City, Honou-liol- i, assistant; Chock Lun,. English secre- - ..Walanae and , Walalua gave tary, with "Henry Kam Hon assistant: -. Wing" large . amount- Some i Chinese of Ma Yue, Chinese secretary, with y ' Dan Chan Chung Man, other Islands also took "part . - assistant: Lau An. indorsement has been Issued to auditor, and Ma Wing Yue, book For film negatives, 35c to $10. ' the school by Tsz-en- g Woohuan, con- keeper. V. Glass Plate Envelopes, 30e to $10X0 Cartridge Premos sul for the republic of China in Hono- . Chun Wah-Sau- , as president, was per 100 lulu. It 14 as follows: deeply Interested In the school, but No. 2 2Vx3i4 $2.50, $60 and $8.00. "Satisfactory evidence having been on account of his farm work he had r paMsSw exhibited to me that the Chinese resi- appointed a special committee of four No. 2A 23x4y4 $30, $8.00 and $10.00. dents of Walpahu are anxious to con- men to charge Trimming take of the construc $12.(XX struct a schoolhouse for the Chinese tion of the school. The four men he No. 2C 2x4ft $4.50, $10.00 and children there and to solicit assist appointed are Loo Beu, a carpenter in Boards ance also, of the local firms of whits the. Oahu Sugar Company and one of merchants in order to oVtaln sufft the executive committee for the 6 to 15 Inches, at prices from 45c dent funds to complete the work,, I, school. Chock Chew, Wong Sen Hing to $11.00. . asiftysul for China In Honolulu, do ana Tong unung Tatt. GRAFLEX CHRIsSs Measuring FOR "SPEED" PICTURES BIBLE SCHOOL Glasses Priced according to sire, style and lens equipment, y Tumbler style, 2 os. to 16 oz.f 10c to 35c. 2V4x3V4 $5615 to $U0.75. -- TREES Wtl Graduate ftyle, 1 dram to 32 ozs., 15c to $1.50. 2y2x4V4 $825 to $ 99.75. $72.45 to, $136.50. Eattman "Visible," 2 ox. to 32 or., 30c to $125. 3x4V4 $101.00 to $1570. A: 3x513 ' "Al 30 o'clock, this crenlng Cen- ' . . Place your orders now for. green 4 x5 $87.40 to $224.70. tral Union- - Bible school will hold its A uruunas trees, at Henry May & Co 5 x7 $115.00 to $283.00. Christmas, entertainment beautiful Ltd. Phone.1-2-7-1- . tree has teen secured and attractively ; Adv. trimmed, the decoration of the rooms breathe the spirit of Christmas In every .detail and careful Xj reparations have been made for an unusually ul evening. ,. : i i Cyko Paper Miscellaneous 'I All .pupils teachers,'., officers and i parents of pupils are cordially, Invited ; Apples, 10 per box. Come and In many grades and surfaces. Prints to bei present and judging from the get them. Geo; A. Belayeft 926 Ma Supplies number of tickets distributed'' last tmakea street. Phone 3722. Adr. by day or artificial light. Once used, Sunday the attendance will be large. always used. - . Those entitled to receive tickets who Film Developing Clips, 25c to 35c pair. have not already . procured them may Bundle of secure thern at the church office to Just a Portrait Attachments, 50c up. day. --Visitors will be welcomed, as Nerves? seating capacity will 50c : 1 far as the at Enlarging Sky and Color Filters, up. I v i ; low. The progTam follows; . Brownie v Christmas carols by the echooL Autographic Backs only for old model Kodaks, N story by Rer. Albert W, Christmas Cameras $2.50 to $4.50. .'. Palmer.., . . '.: ' gifts by f Presentation of pupils of Make enlarging from your own negatives a simple matter. Tripods, metal and wood, $1.00 to $7.50: school. . v, the Full directions. $2.50 to $460. For negstlves from . . Christmas magical entertainment by 1x22 Carrying Cases, 25c to $8.50. Dr. JL XX Williams. - z inches, to those from post-car- d size cameras. alL 6 25c Refreshments for Printing Frames, up. .'. WATCH TOR SANTA CLAUS! : e Text Books, etc 10c to $i.bd: j.': ' if: Rev. and Mrs. Palmer Rubber Aprons, 75c to $1.00. Print Albums Sleeve Protectors, 50c. . To Be .Given . Reception riervonsnees and nerve naina nttn come Xrom.weakidn Many a per Making the permanent, easily referred Focusing Cloth, 65c to $1.25 son to, visible record of Kodak Vi who worries , over trifles is the or , Mr, and Airs. F. J. Lowrey will give and Ruby Lamps, 25c to $6.00. "an fc3nmrfv reception for Rev. A. W. troubled with neuralgia, rheumatlio Camera story. -r pains and backache, would . ;E- r,' ihenew . pastor of Central find quick . (Electric, Oil or Candle.) Churchy nd Mrs. Palmer, on relief through a good kidney remedy. In paper covers, cloth or leather r( If you have ervous Negative Racks, 15c up. "Saturday afternoon, December 22, at attacks, with binding. Loose-lea- f or permanently headaches, backaches, dizzv anA '3 o'clock at: their home, Lunalllo and kdii ; bound. " sharp,' v From 10c to $6.00. Small Backgrounds, $2.50 to $150. Victoria streets. All members of Cen- - shooting pains, try Doan's tral Union Xhnrch and congresatlon eacKacne Kiancy pma - They are for 4 the relief of weak kidnevx nA ere cordially . Invited. Also all others h,r. v who mar, wish to meet Mr. .and Mrs. brought quick benefit In thousands of : eucn . Palmer. Ady. ;. , cases. "When your back Is lame Nmcm- - f DAILY REMINDERS ber the name." (Don't simply ask for n i a waney. remedy ask . Istinctly for ' Tor Distilled Water. Hire's Root Doan's ' Backache ' Kidnev Pills ami Beer and all -- other- Popular Drinks take no other.) Doan's Backache Kid- try: the. Con. --Soda .Water Works Co, ney Pills are sold by all druggists and ; Dr Schnrmai ti, OitteCpaUvJc PhysW storekeepers or will be mailed on re- rfinvlQjresxa here..',Bre-ta- r ceipt of -- price by the Hollister Drug estasuthed -- a and..URlon str its,;. PhonV 1733.' Co, or Benson. ' Smith '.fc CoJ a pen fa CHKIblMAS HEADQUARTERS FOR KODAK GIFTS AND SUPPLIES 'i . --. r.' fox Islanils,r-Ad- Ti. he.ilawaiiaa t 00 EIGHTEEN .! UiALl o 1 Alt-P- L LiLtLi I li f nil '.A 1,1 'ILiK. fjiXrxt 1, ll' A .

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE First Judicial Circuit. Territory of Island Headquarters In San Francisco Masonic Temple ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH NEWS run Owcmn rnMiNt Hawaii. lAlMCittM ri,M m$ w. a. Wir.., Notict of Tim and Place of the Draw- HOTEL o STEWART (Visitor ho have not heen A ing Grand Jurcrs and Trial Jurors em ml red muit he In eB.ieiiuu ci i cue i.0i i for Service During the January, Rates from a day ) BAND Teir.ple by seven-fifteen.- DISCLOSURES SHOW PLOT TO 1918. Term of Said Circuit Court. $10 iUi-L- i lUifit-o- l mm euea ..y ( Mart rma Ifcctktut SOc: Sasdan 73c On Oary SU few frwa Cafe . a Ut lil.e lo lilt? e .ar s.lUdtlou Nctice is hereby eiven that at 9 I -- HWMy Calendar State DimcrSl; I "- - T ilun o ijio.ifc.ii toiw " rrcsiunu o'clock in ihe ,'orenoon of Thursday, Cd Suadr$l-2- 3 rtti til ttn nwy il ilinimri ALL SOUTH AMERICA AGAINST U. S. uJsi oi lit: ,iie.:iu ou rveull the :'7th da of December. 1917. in the ct a a e. VONDAY '"'a 'tit c. Chapter No. O F. S. .43 .uiutinj viuca uf Court Room of the First Judne of said lahi tne j fctuie Court, m City Hcnolulu. Mated. 7:30 p. m. jiuduuu oi nut li Circuit the of City and Ccunty of Honolulu, Terri- e Hats for Fall TUESDAY ky U. S. Wrt!t.) with fcrbearar.re because th" Areen Opposes Limit tory of Hawaii, there will dran , (AtMatt4 Prttt Nal 44W. P"-rial- 1 a nam j Honolulu Ixxlge No. WAriHIMiTO.V, U. I', lfc. tine is organ, red anu in a pciinon to iabst uppuoeu !ne piaci'i.; ul troi.i the Grand Jury Box of said DEL f.lOflTE ADORABLE school of Instruction of How tiic German foreign office and take btepe against n. ' upoa ciorLest.c cousunvuuii ol suji ("curt, the name cf a sufficient num- firer. 7 T,0 p. m. the German diplomats in South Amer- Argentlnos Surprised uiU declared that in ui oeaei it ns ber of persons qualified to act as new designs moderate prices. . Jurors, to a C.rand BRAND ica intrigued to unite the more impor Twelve oihr mtfsages from th unnece!.sar ne contenueu aiai Grand constitute MISS POWER Boston Bldg. WEDNESDAY-THURSD- AY tant South American countries in hos- German foreign ottue to Count von thtrc uouid be a larger otirpius iaL Jury of and for aid Circuit Court, abroad, iring the January. 1918. Term tility to the L nlted States and how Luxburg are piibupnea in full in trie ouid be needed to oe sent tor and of PureCranberry Sauce No. 1. the president of Argentina. Hypolne statement of the state departuieul. and certaiaiy a larger iliau saitl Coun. Honolulu Commandery u And at the same time and place r election of officers. IrlRoyeti. succumbed to the flattery of Press despatches received last night there vkoaiu be 6.ps uiailaoe may now be enjoyed all I POULTRY stated and cany, mere would there w U be drawn from the Trial at PRODUCE 7:30 p. m Count von Luxburg. are disclosed in from Huenas Aires, after Ambassa- iie predicted that forty messages whici dor Ptlinston had made public the be a plentiiul supply oi sutar during Jury Box of Faiu Court, the names of seasons of the year. MEATS a series ol persons Quali- FRIDAY Doctor Zimmerman, raesEage Secretary Lansin?. tne coming year. a sufficient number of passed between iron to Jurors, to consti- foreign of Germany state that the nature of tne dis nxplains Shortage fied act as Trial GONSALVES & CO., LTD. Territorial Marketing Div'n. the then minister nw tute PaneU of Trial Jurors for the 6ATUR0AY and the German minister at Buenoa closures regarding Count von Luxburi: Asked to explain tile recent shon Maunakca nr. Queen Fhont 140 th-sta- te Second nnd Third Divisions Distributors for Hawaii 'Aire, which were made public by has caused both chagrin a? to the age. Habsl saui that theie were hcv First. .Primarily n respectively of aid Circuit Court, for department yesterday. failure of the government to take .t eral reasons tor it. January, more decided caused by ' famine stories" which, led service at and during the The last message of Count von Lux stand against Germin 1918. Get more light cnarges hoarding o: considerable quan- Term thereof. burg to Minister Zimmerman, dated and surprise at the made to the Hawaii, WEONESDAY against The strides, in the m iner.es, Dated at Honolulu. this Schofleld Lodpe No. 443. F. & July 19. 1917, refers to the growing the Argentine president, de tities. 15th day of December. 1917. MILLINERY WESTINGHOUSE Argen by i. W. ". .. was an MRS. BLATT A. M.. special meeting, at 7:30 in Argentina against Ger- spite the official note of the fomented the By sentiment government accompanied reason. To these he ad(W order of the Court: Mazda Lamps savt money. o'clock p. in., work In the first many and to the probability of tine that the' other HENRY SMITH. formerly MacGregor & Blatt published message Great Hritain had from rva : nov at-- defree. break, concluding with these words: there that the clran Clerk. The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. sus-11- " v hicli would long as Chile neutral, Luxburg despatches contained a larj; 2't'M) tons of raw Tt 112 Unon St. "As remains I 669 Dec. 22. at 7:.10 Germany be able, the war, number of deUbrH untruth. hae normally sone lo the nited Saturday. will after mau o'clock p. m.. work in the to continue and carry out her South States. The canning campaign IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE gurated' by tlic '...,; i..r.;! ration third degree. American policy Just as well, if not BRITISH EXEMPTIONS TO FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. TER- YEE CHAN & CO. opposition to in K.'hsioncu a tar larger consumption FALL STYLES more easily in this BE REVISED, SAYS PREMIER RITORY OF HAWAII AT CHAMB- fatuated and misguided Argentina, than usuai. He declared. A large assortment of Ladies' Hats ERS-IN King and Bethel than if Argentina remained on out Ro!ph Testifies PROBATE. and Trimmings Sts. (Aiciat4 Prtti by U. S. Nval Wirtlm.) George .''. Hlph. chairman ct tiic side." 21 -- LTD. LONDON. Kng. Dec. I'lelge? sugar -- next In the Matter of the Estate of Helen WONDER MILLINERY CO.. ORIENTAL Bluffed to the Last given to exemption national commi'- SILKS British labor for called before the commission. He 1017 Nuuanu, near King Odd Fellows Hall Germany's Ilnal bid for peace with from actual military service will have Gertrude Atkinson. Deceased. Argentine, which came too late, said that the fixing cf a urice of seven the to be materially amended. Premier sugar and was sent to Count von Luxburg by Lloyd George and a quarter cents for beet Notice to Creditors. Most Complete Lin of Chines Fresh announced to the house bringing to meet that Pasteurized Zimmerman on July 24. This was in of commons in course the miners Goods at yesterday the price cane sugar was necessary response to the. ultimatum forwarded of a speech during which with Notice is hereby given that the last MILK, CREAM he reviewed not been done he declared Ger- INN CO. ' to Luxburg by the Argentina foreign the war and present military coniT If this had Will and Testament of Helen FONG and Ice Cream it - beet sugar would now be selling from Atkinson. of Honolulu. Ter- Chinese Curio WEEKLY CALENDAR office, demanding guarantees that the tlons. trude late Honolulu's Leading Honolulu 5n. twenty to twenty-fiv- e a nound Hawaii, deceased, been SL, nr. Pauahl Dairymen's Argentine flag would be respected by Owing to the exigencies of the sit cen's ritory of has Store 1152 Nuuanu the German naval commanders. nation, where available. Beet nrires admitted to probate by the above rnone 1042-467- 6 MONDAY the new demands that have so arranged to stop the Testamentary .No. 3. Reg- The German mmtter's reply was been by had been Court and letters Harmony Lod" made of the Allies reason of mountinj of price of cane sugar, granted to undersigned, meeting 7:30 p. . m. to Luxburg himself and not to the Russian collapse armistice, the tbe Robert ular at the and he testified Witlam Atkinson, the executor named ARMY and NAVY ' The second tm4 third degrees Argentine foreign minister and it enabling large withdrawals of German pledge German In the said Will. All creditors of the LADIES' will be conferred on tweWe the former to and Austrian troops from the Russian GUARD" UNIFORMS respect for the Argentine flsg if no CIVILIAN TO deceased or of her estate are hereby White candidates. front, the reverses which were suf- notified present claims, with for officers and enlisted men. Shoes at low prices. better arrangement could be made fered by Italy and to their other recent events PROTECT FRISCO PIERS proper vouchers or duly authenticated AHANA & CO. TUESDAY Such an arrangement was suggested men who have been severely wounded W. W. MANUFACTURERS' SHOE STORI Lodge No. 1. Reg- copies thereof, even though the said near Bethel . Excelsior . Want Zone Recognized are now forced to go back into the King Sl, 1051 Fort SL ular meeting ft 7:30 p. m. "Tour proposal is agreed to," cabl- SAX FRANCISCO. Cl.. Dec. 21 claims may he secured by mortgage lines too early, before they have fuliy Federal authorities and representa upon real estate, to Robert Witlam ed Zimmerman, referring to the mat- re- recovered from their wounds "and e, tives of the shipping interests con Atkinson, at his office, 404 Stangen-wal- d Home-mad- appetizing THURSDAY ter of permitting the ships en route gained strength. cir- Rebekah Lodge their Under such ferred yesterday regarding the admit Building, Honolulu, H. T., within The perfect roof Olive Branch to pass safely through the blockade, cumstances, the premier said, Is coating 2. Regular meeting at there tedlr serious matter of protection of six (6) months from the date hereof SPECIALS No. "If the Argentine government will nothing else to do but to amend the 7:30 p. m. Election of offi- following the waterfront and shipping. It was (which is the date of the first pub- every week at GRAPHILATUM accept our assurances in the pledges of exemption which were giv- MARKET cers; cards and refreshments Germany will agree to allow finally decided that private guards lication of this notice); otherwise METROPOLITAN MEAT form: en to laborers in 1916. employed, as has any, sanitary HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. on the roof garden. fx ships of moderate size under the should be just ben such claims, if Bhall be forever New, clean, white, German workers, Lloyd George done In New York city and other barred. Phone Agents . Argentine flag to pass In safety said, are only two-third- s as , FRIDAY efficient Eastern ports. The requisite military All persons Indebted to the said through the blockade and to return In as they were the first year of the war. Polynesia Encampment No. 1. present voyage, for such guards was not available ertate are hereby notified to make 1 p. m. safety while on their This is occasioned in part by the t Regular meeting at 7:30 convoyed by there and officials maintained that in payment to the said Robert Witlam VEST POCKET provided they are not blockade and the pressing need of ports 'Election of officers. warships of Instructions San Franciscoand Pacific Coast Atkinson at the above address. STEINWAY the Entente. food and in part by the greater with- prevailed. Honolulu, H. T., Decem- being through minis- the same situation Dated at KODAKS are issued the drawals from the ranks of labor to the Using private guards, engaged by 21, 1917. HALL ter of the navy accordingly. army. ber $7X0 upward. ranks of the the shippers and duly examined as to CO, is not absolutely certain that ROBERT WITLAM ATKINSON, HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY "It loyaltyand sworn in will be stationed Executor of the Will of Helen Ger- 1059 Fort SL Thayer Piano Con Ltd. these instructions can be formulated SAMMIES TO PLAY SANTA along where despatched to our naval com the' entire waterfront trude Atkinson, deceased. and shipping carried on and will keep a 4, at once, nor they can be CLAUS T0 FRENCH KIDDIES Is 6974 Dec. 21, 28, Jan. II. manders that cordon-- a hundred yards back. iMoM well-wearin- g Adler we agree tdven In time. However, will Through .this cordon none shall pass IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Natty, atyllsh, to pay compensation in cash In case AMERICAN FRONT Dec. 21. Prep- arations a merry n unless duly authorized to do so and First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii Valencia ; , any of the ships are sunk, as we will for Christmas Orandes ATTENTION: France are going ahead. Word was properly authenticated. At Chambers In Probate. COLLEGIAN kdmlt that the ships are constitution- Clothes for Men. ally" safe and Immune from, attack. received her last evening that 20,003 CHUN HOON - In the matter of the Estate of Will A The- Odd Fellows and In Argentina must promise sacks of mail for the American sol- THIRTY-EIG- H KILLED THE CLARION Hotel Fort Kekaullks, nr. Queen return port Prestidge, Deceased. No. 5327. Phone 3992 in the future her ships will keep diers had reached a French and IN RAILROAD Rebcfcalis, their.'wives and that that a large part of the mail was of SMASH away from the blockaded area. (Jut The Petition of Will Prestidge. Jr., Christmas will the parcels post variety. hereby aide that area. Argentine ships Thirty-eigh- t Honolulu, alleging Will Pres- children, are fra; carry It will not be all receiving so fa' LOUISVHXE, Ky., Dec, 21. of that oe safe provided they do not are known to have lost their tidge, of Honolulu, City and County of ternally invited to be pres- contraband or undertake any enter as the American soldiers are con- HANAN'S BEST SHOES cerned, for they have determined lo lives and thirty-nin- e to have been se- Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, died BOOKS prises hostile to os. riously injured, some fatally, in a intestate at Honolulu, on the 9th day New Fiction, Standard Seta. ent at the Christmas Tree "I authorize you to sign a protocol spread the joys of Christmas time and are preparing Christni: railroad wreck which occurred near of December, A. D. 1917, leaving prop- War Books, Books for Children. M'lNERNY SHOE STORE with the Argentine government in ac- hundreds of 17 Hotel SL to be given at . the Odd trees, Shepherdsville last night. erty within the jurisdiction of this PATTEN'S cordance with. this. ladened with gifts for the Fort, above King Si French children of. the immediate Runniag at a high rate of speed, the Court necessary to be administered Building on De- "If, however, the above pledges from upon, Ad-- ; Fellows neighborhoods where they may be fast passenger train of the Louisville and praying that Letters of IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN Argentina cannot be obtained, you ministration issue to him, having this cember 27th, 1917, at 7:30 may to president verbally auartered. and Nashville railroad crashed into NEWSPAPERS declare the the rear of an accommodation train. day been filed: Sport Coat the Imperial government enter- Friday, 18th p. m. Visiting Odd. Fel- that The wooden coaches of the accommo- It is ordered, that the Anywhere at Any Time, Call on or Mandarin Coats a well founded confidence that AUSTRALIAN VOTERS day A. D. 1918, 2 SULK tains dation train crumpled up like s j much of January. at o'clock Write stockings, Etc. lows, and' Rebekahs are no incidents productive of harm to TURN DOWN CONSCRIPTION mass of p. m be and hereby is appointed for shipping occur in fa cardboard and under this fraternally invited to 1q Argentine win splintered wood were buried the dead hearing said Petition In the Court THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY S. OZAKI ; ture. 21. Room of this Court in the Judiciary 24 Sanaoxne VANCOUVER, Canada, Dec. and the Injured. St. San Francisco 109-- 1 "As very secret information for Building, Honolulu, City County IS North King SL present. . IV' ;;' The second attempt to secure the au- Relief trains were sent from this in and '"'j your personal use I might state that thorization of the voters of the Aus- city as quickly as a force of physi- of Honolulu, at which time and place ISLAND CUBIO COMPANY ;U:--.;v- ? the Argentine shipping will be treated all persons concerned may appear and COMMITTEE tralian Commonwealth to the enforce- cians and attendants could be afb Largest of a conscription policy show cause, If any they have, why Hawaiian Curios, Stamps. Coins, stock of NOTICE TO OWNERS OF PROP-- - ment has ered. been overwhelmingly defeated, ac- said Petition should not be granted. and Post Cards. Tbe most com- ERTY IN KEWALO. By the Court: plete and attractive Curio Store. PIANOS cording to the early returns of the CAN GO AHEAD AND held yesterday. H. A. WILDER. In the Territory. - : HONOLULU LODGE NO, 1. .Notice Is hereby given that the Com- plebiscite . The messages from Melbourne an- BUILD WOODEN SHIPS Clerk. 170 Hotel Street Honolulu BERGSTROM MUSIC . mission adjudicate Kewalo C MODERN ORDER i OF PHOENIX to claims uncompleted Dated Honolulu. Dec. 14, 1917. 1020 Fort St Phon. S21 meet home, corner of under Act 126. Session Laws of 1917, nouncing the count state win at their that the government has been defeat- WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 21. WILLIAM B. LYMER, Beretanla and Fort streets, . eterv give public notice that the fourth pub- 33 South King Street, ed in Its conscription policy by a ma- The shipping board has announced LORD-YOUN- G Thursday .evening," at 7:S0 o'clock. , lic meetlngy of said Commission will Attorney for Petitioner. jority of one hundred and twenty thou- that it would do nothing to discourage Protective - w. ASCII. !r:v. be held at Honolulu. City and County 6968 Dec. 14, 21. 28, Jan. 4. Engineering; Co., Ltd. Agency of Hawaii J. iaaer. of Honolulu,' on Wednesday the 26th sand. the construction of wooden ships in (--' secretary. ,. on FRANK uunitAii day of December, 1917,. in the, Capitol American yards private contracts NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF Engineers and Contractors PATROLS v where the work upon these vessels Day II LODGE ft. P. OJ Building basement, in the Harbor FAMINE CONDITIONS THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Pantheon Block, Honolulu, T. H. and Night muni lit r wo'ild not interfere with the carrying Telephone 2610 4587 Board meeting room, at the hour of HAWAIIAN "NEAPPLE COM. and Phone 1411, 5--6 Z5 , meets in their ball PREVAIL IN AUSTRIA out of the government construction Elite Blda. t " 7:30 p. m. PANY, LIMITED. Vv W M f Kin RIl nM work. WM. E. MILES, Mgr. v-- W All , Fort, every Friday claims shall be filed with the Commission GENEVA. Switierland. Dec. 21. By ordet of and ! ".f evening. Visiting within thirty (30) days ihe President after the date of its first meeting (21st IJvintr nroofa of the terrible economic GENERAL TUAN HEADS Board of Directors, notice is hereby C. H. TRULUNGEB brothers are cor- conditions that prevail through Aus dially Invited to at-- day of November, 1917) or be forever CHINESE WAR BUREAU fiven that a special meeting of the Optician FEDERAL barred-;;- - ;' V- T tria were furnished yesterday in the tend..; Stockholders of the Hawaiian Pine- For the convenience of the Com- arrival at a frontier ooint of several apple Company, 'mited, will be held Successor to A. N. Sanford IS F1DDES, E. R. hun- PEKING, China, Dec. 21 General EL CEE hundred children, suffering from . JAS. H. mission, file all claims in triplicate. at its office, at Iwilei, Honolulu, on Liquid Roofing - Cement DUNSHEE, Sec. ger and weakly and emaciated, the Tuan Chi Jui has been appointed chief Faturday, Decomber 22, 1917, 9 Boston Block, Fort St. IL ALEXANDER D LARNACH. European at LYMAN H. B1GELOW. children having been gathered up in of the Chinese war bureau a. m., for the purpose of considering LEWERS A COOKE, LTD. will organizing 169-17- 7 HERMANNS SOEHNE CHARLES . Vienna and other Austrian towns. and have full charge of ihe advisability of increasing the cap- So. King St. China's ihare in world's struggle Honolulu Lodge No. 1 Commissioners. Some of these children had not tasted the ital stock of the corporation from One They will fed by as an ally of the Entente. v Versammlungen In K. w P. au Dated at Honolulu, December 20. milk for months. be Million Dollars $1,000,000.00) par Montag: 1917. the Swiss International Rd Cross General Tuan Chi Kuie has been value, to One Million Two Hundred MESSENGER laden ersten and drttten selected as minister of war, replacing 55 n S und 17. Janry. 7 nnd 22. 6974 Dec. 21. funds. Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00) par AND Deebr. Wang Shi-che- OS Febry. 4 und IK Man. 4 und IS. value, by tbe issuance of Ten Thou- General Versammlung Mara, 18. OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF clevelandVdaughter to sand (10.000) shares of the par value LAUNDRY a .:"'? EM1L KLEMME. Praes. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. FRENCH DESTROYERS SINK of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per share BOLTE, Sear. wed british soldier as a stock dividend. C. TWO HUN SUBMARINES (Signed) K. B. BARNES, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 21. 19ll en- 8TRAW ..... mnr.E Na. 2. K. af P. LONDON, Eng.. Dec. 21. The Secretary. gagement of Miss Esther Cleveland, ATHENS. Greece. Dec. 21. French Honolulu. Hawaii, Dec. 18. 1917. FELT in Pythian: Hall, corner Fort All bills Grovei destroyers met enemy submarine? HATS FORMS ' Meets yerv against the Department of daughter of the late President 6972 3t . -.. treta. Ftidav yesterday and in engage tna ee- viiitinr Public Instruction of the "Territory of Cleveland and known as "the Whits the uert STYLISH MILLINERY Hawaii, , incurred during the present House baby." through the fact that which followed two of the enemy un- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. T. OZU HAT STORE brothera curu . biennial period beginning January 1. she was born in the official residence dersea craft were sunk. Noni r.' the pp. Love's Bakery, 1123 Nuuanu St. o nnsuNcf. 1915, and presidents, to Cap- destroyers was seriously damaged. How Equip a a a ending December 31. 1917, of the American ESTATE OF JOHN MOSES ULUNA-HELE- , to i V P. K. R. and S. and remaining unpaid, for- Bosanquet of the Coldstream a. a ANGUS. C must be tain DECEASED. warded to the office of the Depart- Guards, son of Sir Albert Bosanquet CAPT.GRANZ0W APPEALS ment of Public Company of Instruction, properly has been announced. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Dec. tain "tiAftRE HEADQUARTERS made out on the regular forms, not Granzow of the schooner The undersigned, duly appointed BldglS4 MerchanL Open later than January 10. 1918, in Executrix of the Will and of the 9 1 1 I v ii up j : M- order TO 01'ST F0PEIGN Churchill, which he is charged with II li fl Maf?L a m to 5 P. -' Phone to insure payment - de- '"Iwl daily iroai o - qf same. having deliberately wrecked, has ap- Estate John Moses Ulunahele, Infantry TROOPS FROM HARBIN ceased, hereby gives notice to all per- . H. V. KINNEY. pealed from the decision of the Unit- told plainly Invited sons having claims against the estate In temporary ttors This Is all la tie - Ail Waiting Brothers Superintendent of Public Instruction.! ed States commissioner holding him ' A D. Dec. 21 Re- said to present same King St., opp. Union Grill 6974 7t I'ETROGK Russia. for investigation by a grand Jury. His of deceased the troops ha- (.cc::-ple- to undersigned place "B" "C" port (hat Japanese - appeal will be heard on January 21. the at her of "A" Vln'ivistok were der.i. i fcy residence. No. 1741 Liliha Street.' Ho- UKULELE LESSONS NOTICE. In the meanwhile, states District At- The Independent Review FREE Trotrky Iok nlfcht. He h"d Mt r.o torney nolulu, City and County of Honolulu, Equipment Book buy from - Preston. Granzow will probably Instrument you My iN- :t-.- t duly proper With any check, No. 4852. drawn upon tbe Japnnese nl been landed be reindicted in to remove authenticated and with Published Monthly f-- order arv 1 by Henry will made vouchers, within six months from e K. Kaai Waterhouse Trust Co.. Ltd.. in th.v a retnir lie flaws may be found in pres- date Leading English-Japanes- Magazine Ernest the sum of all foreign fore s that tbe or they will be lorever barred. Lieut. Raymond C. Baird, (Get Particulars Now) of 30.54. has been lost. Pay- withdrawal frm ent indictment and will be held for Subscription Rate 11.00 per year 2028 ment has been topped. Harlin All persons indebted to 474 25th Infantry, U. S. A. UnTon SL . All persons trial in San Francisco, not Honolulu. said estate P. O. Boi 30 Block 1126 art- a Tn A -- -i -- . . . hrrkv, .uvj aiuii neKOuai-- He is now being held on bail are hereby requested to make imme- Merchant Street. Honolulu Written primarily for the volun- ing same. I for ITALIANS LOSE ONLY $1500. diate settlement with the undersigned teer officer; it may he of service K. B. PORTER. WINDJAMMERS at her iud place of residence. to the regular officer as well 6971 3t THREE Go to Thrum's for your Christmas Dated, Honolulu, T. H., December 6, PRICE 25c NOTICE. ROME, Italy, Iec. 2L The Italian purchases. Adv. 1917. losses from German and Austrian 6ub ' LIZZIE ULUNAHELE. were The Star-Bulleti- n for one year sent I marines during the last week Executrix of the Will and of the Estate Star-Bullet- in will not be responsible for any (onflned sailing ships, twe as a mas gift will be appreciated. Honolulu to three Adv. of John Moses Ulunahele, deceased. one ' " over one hundred tons and under . 6962 7, 14; 21, 28, Jan. 4. ' - my written order Dec :. '.'123 Merchant 8t. . : from this date. that mark. One etearoer was damage I f Vhcn Your Eyes fIf d Df .STAP l!LLF-TlN.f!!VFnYn- X HONOU-I- STAR - BULLETIN. FRIDAY. DECEMBER Jl, 1917. XIXETEEN

MUTT and JEFF-Jef- f will give ten bucks for a "twenty" any time, By Bud Fisher lrade Mark Reg. U. S. I t Offle.

THe LOVC PuW Dot-L- FlVfc t0ttA1s:. WHAT IJO kt.Tuu. A mi. . ? piwe collars is rrfV AUCTION, II T SAY. !

A If & ill1

V If

STAR-BULLETI- PERSONALS HONOLULU N FOR SALE FOR RENJ BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS BAMBOO FURNITURE. MONEY LOANED. CHIROPODIST. DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL- AUTOMOBILES. FURNISH EO HOUSES. - - - Have booked my pasae for the main- Desirable houses various parts of R Ohtani, Fort near Kukui. To!. Monev loaned on diamonds, watches DR. F. O. KANSLR, Elite Bldg. 164 Term et ftuhcrlBtlon: land, must sell my 1914 the city, furnished and unfurnished, 6S00 --tf and jewelry at legal rates. Federal' Hotel St. Tel. 5536. 6?6t tf Dally Star-BulMi- n 75 cents per month. Cadillac. Car looks like new, good at $15, $18. $20, $115. $.10, $35. $40 and Loan Office. 95 N. King St. 63bo tr $S per year, 6 cents per copy. NEW THOUGHT. tires, 1 spare. Full equipment. Some- up to $125 a m nth See list in cur CAFES AND RESTAURANTS. Semi-Weekl- y SUr-Bulletl- n. $2 per year King St. body's X mas gift for $600.00. Phone office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd.. Fort Fidelity lxan Office. 52 N. ' Boston Cafe CooleFt place in Monev diamonds, Free class In New Thought meets Advertising Rates: 6294. 6972- -4 1 street, between King and Merchant. ton. loaned on watches and Business Announc- After the show, stop in. Open day and jewelry at legal tes. 6769 lyrj each Tuesday. 10:30 a. m.. Beretania KB Clafci Inser- and night Bijou Hotel SL and Miller. Strangers welcome. For per each Five-passeng- Theater. ements! cent per word er Touring. For economy New cottage, 126 Kealohilani 6539 TAILOR. books or information Tel. 157S. tion, up to one week. buy this 1917 Chevrolet, only 1X00 (WaikiW also opportunity to pur- tf MERCHANT 6910 tf HAMM-YOUN- Estimate six words per line. 1 gal- chase fi:niture, curtains, gas range, THE VON G CO, lbs-- only 30x3 Vt tires, only Columbia Lunch Rooms; quick service H. Y. 1131 Union. line, on week .SO cents at a bargain. Call at house. Sang, tailor, Honolulu LIMITED Hile Per lon for 20 miles. To Halelwa "on the and cleanliness our motto; open day 6454 6m DRESSMAKERS. ' !'- -. 40 ; p.. vn wmwb cents Star-Bulleti- n 6948 niali" "Chevrolet," Care of tf and night. Hotel St.. opp. Bethel. DISTRIBUTORS P.r lln nn tnontk ...... "0 CenlS 7130. 6973 at Dressmaking, pajamas, shirts, etc, ea. mo. or Phone Completely cottages and 5518 tf MASSAGE. Per line, six months.. 60 cents furnished - made to order. Also repairing and , ex- apartments on Apply electro-neering- . Other rates upon application. Chevro:st, 1916 model, the beach. CLEANING AND DYEING. K. Hashimoto, massage and sewing lessons. Reasonable prices. v .tvortfaamftnts of Manors or cer cellent condition, tires almost new, Mrs. Crcssaty, 1909 Kalakaua Ave. Nuuanu St.. opp. Williams Mrs. Y. H. Chow, 229 Merchant,! will be ac- 6779 tf tain proprleUry medicines newly painted, new top. Address A. B. C. Renovator y ; clothes cleaned, undertaking office, Phone 1785. rear Hawaiian Electric Co. Phone! American Optical Co. cepted. . Field Artillery Exchange. Schofield dyed and repaired. Phone 4148. 3m 4058. 6881 lyr. two-bedroo- m 6400 advertisements, ac-dre- ss 6963 tf Large bungalow, partly 1148 In replying to Barracks. Per- 6104 tf Fort St. Honolulu your replies exactly as stated In . furnished. 1820 Anapunl street. Massage parlors for ladles. Mrs. S f.!rs. S. Masakl MaunaV-- i and Bere-- Opposite Catholic tenants, $45.00. Telephone Convent A BARGAIN manent Steam cleaning, Alakea St., nr. Gar-- Co. Hirao, phone 5 .3. 64 Kukui lane. tania. 6814 6m the advertisement 6973 3t THE HOUSE you are a telephone subscriber, Studebaker, good condl 4476. 6234 tf Nuuanu street. 6956 lm OF SERVICE If LANGUAGE AND PENMANSHIP. phone your advertisement; we will Uon. good tires, seat covers, etc $859. FOR RENT Cottage, equipped for COLLECTION AGENCIES. charge 1- - Cash or terms, $325.00. Tel. LAUNDRY. 4911. 6967 housekeeping. Inquire 1375 Fort St. MALTERRE'S French and Penman- OUR PHONE 18 tf 6972-4- t Quick Returns Collecting agency. See Wo. 1310 Liliha street, Thone ship Iepsons r.ow opened at Room FOR ALL PURPOSES H Dodge Touring Car, fine condition and F. Nichols, 12 Brewer Bldg. Tel. 5113. Called for and delivered. 3, Elite Bldg. Age no hindrance. Paper Bags, Cups, Plates, Four-roo- A WANTED a bargain, must sell at once, with furnished cottage. Fhone 3540. 6839 6m 6971 tf 6806 tf Napkins and Towels, 4324. 6968 6t Etc women to at- garage. Lt. J. M. Johnson, Fort AMHAW. PAPER CO, LW. P Wanted SCO men and 6973 tf CUT FLOWERS ANID PLANTS. PRINTING. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. tend the Saltation Army weeUnga. Shatter. Bungalow, partly furnished. Ring u Phone 1410 E Wed-.nesda- y. va- MME. J. Ashman Beaven, Mgr. 69 Beretania street. Tuesday, 4 new 6042. 6970 tf Coconut plants for sale, Samoan We do not boast of low prices, which CLEO and Studebaker Six, , an In Love build- R Thursday. Saturday top, complete equipment, riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Lihue, usually coincide with poor quality: has taken office the tires, new ing, 1140 6. M m A W p. m. Adjutant and UNFURNISHFD HOUSES. Kauai. 6277 tl put life, Fort street, room Don't 1 Sunday, at 7:45 first-clas- r Phone 800, but we "know how" to AULUH1UU1IH will welcome condition. fail to consult her if you need ad- Mrs. James C. West 6970- - 6t hustle and go Into printed matter, 6918-l- m Watertown. House bet c:a Vineyard and School, T. Kunikiyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1635 and vice on business, health, love or with and that is what talks loudest on Six rooms 6298 n Fort street tf Star-Bulleti- marriage. Phone 4115. 6952 tf Repairing twin PRICE 840C.00. A longest. Honolulu ' Ablate model motorcycle, either condition, kitchen, pantry and bath house. Department, 125 Merchant name, model, Cadillac good large corr table veranda. Suitable Toyoshlba. King St., opp. Vida Villa. Printin? FRANK COOMBS or four cylinder, State good tires. Cash or terms. Tel. 5S59. street. PERSONALS. price In answering. Ad- for small lodging house or large 6411 3m ana cjneen year and ,. 6970 tf Everything easy cianop TeL 2152 n. In- in jewelry sold on Box 772. Star-Bulleti- family. Very desirably located. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. dress CONTRACTORS AND . payments Depart- 3t . quire of J. D. Mclnerny, Fort and BUILDERS. at the Jewelry 6973 1 Peerless Roadster, electric lights ment in Merchant streets. 6972 3t G. Floyd Perkins. 603 Stangenwald The Model Clothiers. Fort and starter, in splendid condition. HONOLULU PLANING M1LULTD. street 6953 tf MEAT to Rtpalr We Gar-age- r Bid- - Phone 2907. 6809 em MARKET A GROCERY Roofs Demonstration Royal Hawaiian Contractors and Manufac- y - Ixm Bogets or Unfurnished two-te-c room cottage, Builders. ton all leaks. See 6967- -7t turers of doors, sashes, frames, LANGUAGE LESSONS. Alonto Jones. We lead. otnc.s 1436 Young street, near Keeaumoku. PLUMBERS. Co 816 So. 6947 blinds, molding, screens, brackets, ft follow. Eureka Paint Five-passcng- cr Chevrolet, model 1916, tf HAWAIIAN LESSONS, i Fhone 3451 etc. All kinds of mill work, finish- Won Loui Co., Smith street Tel. 1033. LANGUAGE v.. , SL Phone 2096. condition, Reilly, W. King excellent Liiut Three bedroom house, 311 Peck Ave. ing, tuning. Repair work and small 6815 6m J. Coelho. translator and inter-- ' C. Q. YE E H OP A CO. bed-roo- m 4th Cavalry, 8chofljld Barracks, preter in Public Land Office, is ; party a 2 or 3 Apply 283 Vineyard street. 6932 1 jobs a specialty. Fort St. Tel. 1510. the Xo rent by reliable - j district pre--, H. T. 6972tf 6806 6 m SHIRTMAKERS. now prepared to give lessons in Ha- cotUge, Punahou waiian to those wishing to Telephone 3930 V'--0- ; FURNISHED ROOMS. learn the ferred. Auto bargain. $300. Last chance. See Reed & McAfee, con-- and pajamas language. Classes for and for Honolulu. , 6951 marble and tile ' YAMATOYA Shirts ladies M'CHESNEY Box 17, Davis. Tel. 4400 2222. 6972 4t Desirable light housekeeping or single tractors. Office and show room at' made to order. 1305 Fort St., opp. gentlemen are now forming the per COFFEE CO. rooms, charges, lo- Nuuanu and Pre-- ! 2331. 6442 Preserving Paint Co-- also Box 775, moderate central Merchant streets. Kukui St. Phone lyr sonnei of which, are to be determin- COFFEE ROA8TERS Peerless Specialists, One 1917 Overland. Address cation, quiet, clean. Ganzel Place, Hmlnary estimates furnished". Phone ed by each class. For terms apply Pitch and GraTel Roof Star-Bulleti- n office. 6972 6t Dealers In Old Kona V 65 Queen St. 112 Vineyard, cor. Fort. 6940 tf 1455. 6944 tf Akagi, 1218 Nuuanu street, shirts and at the Public Land Office, Cap ito Coffee old stand. ( sUll at the ' 6041. ' ' pajamas made to order. Phone Building. 6972 Merchant SL 4981.. . . , ' u . AUTO ACCESSORIES. tl Honolulu Phone Large room for two gentlemen, also Electrical contractor charges reason-- ! 6307 tf ' single room. Special by able. Motoyama & I UghUcar. louring or roadster. Buick All makes of auto and bicycle tires rates the Yamane. Phone LOST HMf.rMii;vni oar cash. month. Heinle's Tavern. Phone 3018 day, 7364 evenings. 6916 6m G. Yamatoya, shirts, 1146 Nuuanu St. and tubes; auto accessories; also 6451 3m rjn.. 774, of Star-Bull- e- vulcanising, retreading, rebeading. 4986. 6743 tf On Moanalua course, Sunday,' Address Box Care M. Fujita, contractor and builder, rolf Taisho Vulcanizing .Co., Ltd., Nov. 25, open-face- d watch, gun-met- al Xl tin. -- ;vV. " etc Citadel Hotel. 71 Beretania rtreet. painter, paper hanger. Phone 5002 K. Tamane made to order. 348 N. PIANOS case plaid strap-chai- n. - 180 Merchant. Ewa Alakea street rooms, $2 King. 6805 6m with pattern, typewriting or bookkeep- 6582 Furnished rt and $2.50 per 6300 lyr. HONOLULU MUSIC Stenography, Phone 8197. 4m week. 6902 tf Reward for return to owner. Box CO., Ltd. a erenlng r Box Star-Bulleti- tag wanted-a- CONTRACTORS SHOE REPAIRING. 967. Care 6957 tf Star-Bulleti- n. 6944 lm wagon GENERAL. 1107 - 977, . Automobile, carriage, sujlies Rooms for light housekeeping, high Fort Street Quaker, Portage Urea, tubes. New A Pow Boat painted green, with clothing and elevation, close in. Phone 1998. Ohio Building Co., general contractors. NKW SHOE SHOP Army, ' Mfg. Co. 2742. fl'st-clas- s Re-- Br the Salvation Oahu Carriage Tel 6963 low, M. G. Telves doea shoe re- initials "p. W. C." in white. i - m tf Prices work satisfactory. Phone furniture , tor relief orlL .Phone - 6803-r-6- pair work reasonab'e prices. Re- ward for information leading to re- ' 2113, 1383 Emma street, near Vine- at V J166. yr.,-:- apartments. 1385 Emma 6918 lm covery or return. C. W. C. Dcering. Get 1324 & Furnished rooms and The yard street, Honolulu. 6886 6m member St all the light you are pay- Accessories; tires. TeL Smoot 574 Phone 7022. 6970 6t price will be paid for Alakea Merchant Fairmont. Beretania. 6929 tf ing: for by The best market Stelnhauser. and C. Yamamato, 82 TEA HOUSES. using cotton rags - tte 6803 6m S. Kukui St., phone Gold Lavaliere necklac- - set with clean washed br FOR RENT. 4430; general -. small Mazda Lamps. ,1 Star-Bulleti- n. - 6734 tf contractor; buildin- T. W. diamonds and pendant. re- Honolulu 6354 Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. Liberal tf Star-Bulleti- MOTORCYCLES, ETC. HOTELS Oda, prop. Telephone 3212. 6183 tf ward if returned to n of- ELECTRIC SHOP SITUATION WANTED. fice. 6972 4t THOR motorcycles; Pierce bicycles; DRESSMAKERS. TYPEWRITERS. boy. well known in town. supplies; palntlrg; repairing. K. THE PIERPOINT No. 3200. Big Chinese experl-- . Passbook Bank of Hawaii, bad 8 or years Okahlro, opp. Oahu Ry. TeL 4018. "On the Beach at Walklki" M?- - Yi"! Remington Ltd., Savings wbo hat of Rebuilt Underwood and Department. 6973 3t Gruen ha gen's Blue Ribbon ence ae a collector for a number Furnished bungalors and rooms; ex- rano, 1057 llTJ?e',3St. 6936 lm typewriters. Hen. Typewriter Ex., collec- EK1 agL, So. King. meals;, splendid Arms would like position as T. c.clemotor cellent bathing and 184 Merchant. Phone 5575. 6814 6m The savings in Canadian chartered - 1000-fo- ot ENGRAVING. tor for eome one firm, beginning ,f; 6804 6m boating; . promenade pier; banks increased durine Auaust hv Chocolates ' possible. ; Address beautiful marine and mountain ttnt of year it Calling and business VULCANIZING. over 4,000,000 pounds, reaching a to HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. -- P. O. Box 978.. BICYCLES. view; terms reasonable. Mrs. John cards, mono A. P. I P." grams, weaamg invitations and an tal of more than 190,000,000 pounds, Hotel and Bethel Streets :;. . 6966 12t Cassldr. Tel. 6708. 6202 tf Old made new, moderate prices. V, Komeyc. Bicycles, Punchbowl A King. nouncements, rtatfonery, tires which is 56,000 in excess of the pre- etc.; cor New Hawaii Vulcrnizing, Maunakea figure. styles. Star-Bulleti- n war bookkeeper wants work 6076 6m AtJCTlON rect Printing 'aub.hi Sts. 6814 6m Experienced BULLETIN Department, 125 Merchant and - day or evening, moderate terms. St MIYAMOTO, bicycles. 182 N. King SL WOOD AND COAL. dress "Kar tna." 6803 6m Take notice that we shall sell the con- SILVA'S . 6968 8t tents of the Tate Honorable Cecil FURNITURE. WAR. - Tanaba Co., Pauahi, nr. River st, tel. PUZZLES TOGGERY Home of Hart SATO. 330 N. King.' TeL 1026. 6803-6- m Brown's residence (removed for con- For furniture repairing, polishing HELP WANTED. venient display and sale) at the and 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole- Schaffner A Marx Clothes carpen inng by cay hire. See I. Ta-kan- 6297- -tf REAL ESTATE. rooms on 10 sale and retail. position In print-- - Tuesday next at o'clock 816 So. King Tel. KING. NEAR FORT Boy wanted to take sharp as follows in part: Koa Din- street . opportunity of 2096. 6941 MINISTER CRITICIZED tag Plant. Also 30,150 jq. ft Present Income $85 with ing Suite. Mahogany Parlor Suite, m schooL Good pay to start WILSON; HE RESIGNS available room for 10 or more cot- second-han- d Y. M. A. Walnut Chairs and Rockers, Ha- New and furniture bought Apply Mr. Thomas, C tages. Central location. See Guer- waiian Mats, Fi. e Rugs Mats, ICE ' 6734-41 " and and sold, none 3998. 1281 , , y ' Fort St FORT , Colo The Re a rero. 27 Campbell block, Phone 5489. Koa China Cabinet, Walnut Bed- 6453 6m , DISTILLED 6967 tf room Furniture, Pictures, Etc., J. G. Kk-se- for ten years pastor ot cost accountant to take complete Etc. from pure Al ' Etc. Also some extra fine Maho- Saiki. Bamboo furniture; 563 Bereta- First Fresbyterian church ot ibis waterrapid motor charge ot office. Must be absolute- MISCELLANEOUS. the delivery. : Star-Bulleti- n. gany Furniture, Bedroom Suite, Desk nia St 6078 past- ly Al man. Box 776, tf city, has resigned to accept the OAHU ICE CO. : Table, Sofa, Etc., and eight Persian 6972tf CORRUGATED IRON AND NAILS JUNK. orate of a church at Long Beach, Cal. Phone 1128 The City Mill Company, Ltd.. baa just Rugs, see special ad later. Klene is of German descent ant! Boya to irn trade, age 14 to 16. received a large shipment of 24 and Especial notice should be taken of Fur- considerable' Apply su- Junk bought and sold. Phone aroused antagonism Common school education. 26 gauge corrugated iron roofing, niture Sale, at 2121 Atherton Road. 4366 among the members of his congrega- Star-Bulleti- n. 6894 6407 6m perintend ert tf from 6 to 10 feet lengths, and gal- College Hills, on Wednesday next, tion last fcpring by preaching a ser- The Watftrhouse Co., Ltd. 10 o'clock, we Young vanized nails which we are selling at when shall sell for mon declaring that President Wilson White girl wanted as cashier In prices. Mr. vomilyant. Modern Furniture, MIMEOGRAPHING. living close In preferred. at the lowest market 6961 tf had. no more right to ask this coun- Underwood Typewriters Cafe. One a complete outfit in Ivory Enamel, try to go to war with Germany than 6973 tf Nursery, 2060 100 letters, statements or (25 Cabreira Metcalf street, American Rattan, Mahogany, Oak forms he had a. right to engage in hostili- YOUNG BUILDING cor. Dole, choice lot of growing trees and Birdseye Maple, all in fine or- lines) for $1.25. Excellent work. ties with Kngand. When Klene tend- in tuba suitable for Christmas trees, der, as sood as new, see special aa Samples furnished. G. F. Perkins. young ouvy. - ered hU resignation, no effort waj rtenHanJntioiei wwr from 3 feet to 8 feet in height. $1.75 later. 603 Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 2907. made to lave him remain here. to $7.50 each. Also a large quan- 6933 tf , WANTED. . The balance of the wholesale Grass fHOEMAKER cr-ap- tity of palms to be sold Rug Stock is being sold at the H. HACKFELD & CO- .- Shop, Hotel and 6963 14t Apply RegaTRepalr rtr.ms, at prices that can ncer bs -- ' - S Limited" '.' , union atreew.; , ;; .. " All of and duplicated in Honolulu for many kinds fruit, vegetables many rLo seeds. 1061 Aala street. Phone 3554. years, if it all. Call in and Commission EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. select what you want befors It Is too The oil Uerchants 6779 tf you will near late. Honolulu Auction Rooms, J. S. HONOLULU: Y Nakanirhl. 34 Beretania SL, Bailey. - nn.mi ssii. a. m. to 1916 Starr riano. Perfect condition. 5246-t-f Phone 3102. 6884 buy 7096. tf STAR-BULLETI- 6 p. m. Residence phone N GIVES YOU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY If you Japanese help of aU kinds, male and ARMY OFFICERS ATTENTION! value Will exchange eig power MultUux v female. G. HIraoka. izio your WHITE STAR LINER BRITANNIC Binoculars valued $75 for a Victrola ill IT UUUV avow. motor. Funk by mine in Ejean Sea, 50 live ii. and records. Address "Binoculars." one year ago today, "im lost November Star-Bulleti- n Adelina Patti LIVESTOCK. office. 6969 14t 22. 1916. ': CIGABS Find a person saved. V m : English Bull The Troy (N. Y.) Gas Co. Increas- I :' Thoroughbred Brindle YESTERDAY'S ed Its capital from $3,000,000 AXSWIRJ pup; year old. no Pbow to V FITZPATRICK BROS. Uttrf buted by Upper right corner low i Uktad ' ' ' 000.000. Pee.- -. -- - 6 y ,y, i 7774 after p. to. .y AUTO SERVICE A SUPPLY CO. lanrt fimtre. t . uu

Xertr kxmt trouble. Howrrfr dead a tioX spwoh ! for tnjthlng h Under all thtt ft one ma; be, the p-a- he carries on tutdb expedi- there lies a silence that is better. Silence is tions is sure to kick, or go off, halfcocked. an speech is shallow as time. ' deep eternity; WtotSn Artemns Wtrto u : - Carrie. Sim

HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, FRIDAY, DECEMBEB 21, 1917. TWENTY M ..,,...... mm ; -- . . - mmm - X F A Movie of a Man With Hot Potato in Mouth By BRIGGS

1 op HAVtMG . co-vjuer- GCTS HELPING Time of s mot MOT COALS io T-- e HS 'LlfC- - DEC'DES COALS' To FACfc "CHOWF.' MArf c PeTATcrs To a gtory (AiTHOuT LO.OvfliOG 41 Tell holy ;r v agony partins doing public service and memory all of the of WEARING MOURNING. will be a aesoia-to- n honoring hero s memory If with her loved one. all ol uer best her time she catches 6he puU on her old colored dress asa and loss. Kery BY DOROTHY DIX. dally cf eil sorouded figure Woman goes unwhlnlngly about her a glimpse her Tht World's Highest Pa'd In the mirror she sees herself as a Writer. i duties. w&lxins through a mid She saddens no one le with her KmKr rhnst no other woman night blackness and grief, ohe loses qutitloa of whether or not soitow. She stabs seems worth heart with a remembrance of interest in life, nothing THE women should wear to the forever looking over ones who her own loss or a sudden fear of the while with death mourning for their dear may coming to her, heexshoulder. She becomes morbid are alain In thia terrible war U being dread fate that be perspect- too. Her colored dress worn when her anffTiTsterlcal and loses her much discussed. mourning, on life. many believe that very soul is black with is ive There are mho courage. do- sorrow, these futile by shrouding ourselves in black we the red badge of She is This unavailing ing bit to keep up the morale of tears, this deliberate darkening of are showing only a fitting reaped to her i gave the men at the front and tfie women everything with shrouding crepe avails Tries To vJU66lF -- Akjd the memory of Jhose who their bring back the ThEio over lives for our defense. They forget at home. nothing. It cannot to Aa)At c Another reason why women should dead. It can be no comfort to them Potatoes To Right SUFFeRlMG that tue-- is a finer tribute than tears they have mourning. in imitat- not wear mouring during the war is in the far heaven to which Side and It consists ex- worse who went because it is needless waste and gone. It is utter folly, and than left ing the courage of those weave woman and bravely to meet pense. We need the looms to folly, for it incapacitates the forth blithely goods. We need properly the situation that death for the sake of the faith that other cloth than black for meeting the money that mourning costs for faces her; it wrecks her own health was in them. living to There is not one of those gallant other purposes to feed the living and and makes her sacrifice the could speak, would clothe the naked. the dead. spirits that, if It a woman may indulge not bid us not to waste time or money Every woman has a lot of dresses In peace times woe, have months and perhaps, years herself in the luxury of costly mourn- on the outward trappings of but that grief, to expend our overy cent and our of service in them that would have ing and a debauch of tears and every ounce of energy In prosecuting been thrown away if she went into but now there is no room for either our mourning. Going into mourning also Thousands of women who have been the war and seeing to it that men who dead have not died in rain. Involves a thousand expenses in the comfortably supported by woman puts way of the small but necessary ad- were competent money makers are Ordinarily whether a not only -- loses juncts to a woman's toilette. Black going to find themselves L on mourning or sot when she brotherless, V a member of her family. Is a matter articles hare to be of better quality widowed, fatherless and V personal to herself, and In which no than colored ones and consequently but forced out into the world to earn very cheap own living. They will need all j - But cost more. The price of a their eveo Aut Sri one else has a right to meddle. courage SAJALLOUJ5 bleary, war swept away all of our mourning outfit would buy a liberty the strength and they can AMD Gulps cold RED the has mourn- to "get over FACdvTfclCS little Individual stockades. Now no bond. The cost of a complete muster. They will need WATER To MeMTAL. himself. ing iqulpment for a well-to-d- o family their erlef as soon as possible, not fos ASSUME one lives to himself or dies to by CF Throat We are united in a common brother- would buy many liberty bonds. ter It, and they can best do this hood and sisterhood of humanity as It is said that this war Is going to leaving off the Insignia of death that never before, and what each one of be won by money and that the victors will remind them constantly of their rs thinks and says und wears, reacts will be those who hare the last big loss. directly upon a whole community. guns and the last tons of shrapneL I hope that the women of America : women of the country custom . For this reason I think that no mat- Therefore the will rise above the heathenish ter what a woman's personal feelings cannot only do a big patriotic duty, of decking. themselves out in black to in the matter may but arenge their dead by putting their show that they grieve. There will be and inclinations crepe. be. she should put them aside and not money into bullets lnsteid of no need of flaunting personal grief, wear mourning for her dead during Another reason, and perhaps it's the for at the bier of every soldier who the war. She should do this for the most Important reason of all, why dies for his country the whole nation sake of the morale of the general woman should not wear mourntnz dur will bew in sorrow, and his memory public." ing this war Is because of the effect will be held in immortal honor so long Everywhere she goes, on the streets, that clothing themselves in black win as history lasts. In the shops, at church, on the traftis hare upon their own health and spir- eb.e will meet countless thousands of its. (Copyright. 1917. by the Wheeler Syn- either women whose men are "over That women are depressed by wear dicate, Inc.). mess . . pleasure, day was spent scouring the place flowers on our and recreation trenches, on firing lng mourning and are made sick and tlful scenery and the most glorious day but it is not all and first there In the the advan- my advice to girls who think com- from top to bottom. To hear the girls rooms and everything was spotlessly line, seas, dally and hourly ea nervous Is a. well established fact. Dorothy Dix's articles "neir regu- stretch of sea. With such rf or the tages absolutely in ing over 1 Is 'don't come out ex- talk one vould think It was a huge clean. We feel almost swindled. In- " women's woman looks down larly in this paper every Monday, we feel we are 3re posed to danger. These Every time a at pecting a picnic you won't joke, and the way in which they asmuch as we were definitely prom torn with anxiety. Fear her black gown brings back to her Wednesday and. Friday. clover, because we had. expected a becadse hearts are it lot of hardships, and Instead we have g". Whenever we feel inclined to made the best of the situation was ised hardships but so far hire been , may happening to their if " ; of what be only Inconvenience. Our life in bil grumble at certain things we think splendid." able to dlscorer none. y fcelored rery souls con- tears at their lets, being army, is of course very of the men in the trenches, and we A woman sent to a base camp tinually. LABOR OF WOMEN WINS APPROVAL feel that our grievances sink into complete men work- Miss Wilcox had been glring the Perhaps they hare come out on the crude, and we have dispensed with where a staff of on as we insignificance by the side of the sac- ers was displaced writes: "We were class an elementary talk architec- street because fhey felt that If they such luxuries tablecloths, but ture. "Now," sne said, "can sny one pic- hare delicious white bread and white rifices they are making.' afraid we would be unpopular with stayed at home another hour and in the class tell me what a 'buttress sugar. We get a of bully beef, A girl recently arrived writes: "Our the men on account n turn leg them " the horror of lot ; tured to themselves MILITARY-OFFICIAL- some out jobs, but nothing of the Is?" ;s: ... ( ; shrapnel and bomb swept battlefields OF BRITISH and I haven't yet risked my teeth on draft through mistake had of their i'r-- arose, his beam- S the army We telegraph a sorry time on arrival, noth- kind. They are rery glad to see us Little Walter Jce they would mad. : In , the crowds. biscuits. are rather intelligence. to. ing haying prepared us. We and gave us a cheerful welcome. ing with a quick flash of gay operators on night duty. We have a been for - i In the shifting' scenes, Is the every lux -I know," he shouted; m buttress is t windows they are trying to earn bathing parade at 6:30 every morn had to put up at a hotel that had not They had indeed 'provided store - nanny0 goat-- " Buffalo ww. - ; - Astedatef FrtssI ly expected, which is saying a great ing. sounds summer holi been opened for- four years and the ury""you can conceive. They had put an hour's forgetfulness. . i j tlr It like a HEADQUARTERS . OF WOMEN'S may Suddenly, in the crowd their eyes deal. Army rations , be a little AUXILIARY CORPS, BEHIND BRIT- food we been . woman,! women, ; a rougher than the hare fall upon a two ; - ; , FRANCE. The dozen, perhaps a hundred- women all ISH LINES IN used to, but the quality and quantity mourning. They are Women's labor as a part of the Brit- is good, and hunger is the best of dressed In deep army, now passed the mothers, wires and sisters of sol- ish In France has sauces. The work is interesting." stage and . won the , - through its trial Here is a girl's account of her dally diers. They are living .Illustration of army authorities; ,war - war approval of the routine: "We hare breakfast at 7:30 the dangers of and . what response "Hdw do means to the women who are left be- In to a question, and parade at 8:15. We march down BROKEN MIXED SWEETS' hind. It brings to every woman whose the young women themselves like to the offices and commence work Wom- fin-Is- , "CHRISTMAS men are at the front a poignant active servicer the censors at at 9. We leare again at 1:45 and CANDIES loved en's Headquarters hare permitted the at 5 for the day. We are the near- refutation of the risks that her correspondence to CANDIES ones are facing that shatters her csur-ag- e Associated Press est camp to the line, and the work, at home-wardboa- Christmas Stockings soul take extracts from a number of this base is therefore very important For and fills, her with 'bleak women despair.,-- .C.:v-:;':';V:r- r letters written by We are free to go out from 5 until 9 What of the psychological effect, not now serving in France. o'clock roll-cal- L That gives us a de- 20c PER POUND $1.00 to $7.50 per Box? only trpon the minds of women -- but . One tlrl writes to her brother: "We lightfully long evening." upon men, of the sights of thousands are billetted In empty Tillages and ev- The free time is weU employed, as of women dressed In mourning Is ap- erything , Is . done for. our . comfort. one girl writes:' "We went out on palling to 'consider. It would' cast Army 'blankets and, no sheets seemed Sunday and tried our French, which over us all a pall of gloom In which a little peculiar at first, but all Idea to our, great surprise was understood hope would die and effort slacken and of sheets has now ranlshed from our by the Frenchwoman. We are now everyone would be down-hearte- d, v minds and we are dereloplng an af- studying hard at it, and are also get- That Is not the spirit In which Tle-tor- y fection for these warm army blankets ting up a shorthand spewed class. The is won. and so the woman whose as a covering. The restrictions - are army is dereloplng us already." husband, son" or brother has C sacri- not at all formidable; in fact,, we are A girl working 4n a coast Tillage ficed isllfeonJhlscountryaltM allowed more liberty than I personal writes: "We are in the midst of beau-- piHiiiniiiiiiip

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