uu A FOOD CLASH WITH em II 1 I NEXT KAILS 3:30 From San Francisco Saturday, Doc 22. For Sm Francisco iEeinon Saturday, Dec. 22. - Evening Bulletin.- Eat 1882. No. 974. 20 PAGES -H- ONOLULU, TERRITOBY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1917. 20 PAGKS PRICE FIVE CENTS Hawaiian BUr, Vol. XXV, No. 015. ran1! vr ft D Mil a HI DISLOYALTY IH COLLEGE OF HA WAIl'S BOYSn'ON U. S. S. ST. LOUIS GEOMUSlfllllt FORCE JOINS SEND GREETINGS TO HOME FOLKS :l!Al'JAII FACULTY tOEMIED; BOLSieilll; REGEHTSTELL OF IflOJIIRIES PART 1 FACTIONAL FIGHTING t m Pnituro tft Declare Uncauivocal Loyalty to til, inrHne Form Anti-Bolshev- iki Force With Southwestern Russians of Prwidcn ; ; Uf S. in War Are Dealt WitlcervHands .Unofficial Report Berlin Rejects Trotzky's Peace Terms Dean ''Idle Gossip" Aiiegea 10 nave Pacifistnainumand Not AH Pro- are now bat Waldron Resigns, Saying Dean is Late despatches today' indicate that five distinct factions fc Loyal tllng in Russia. They are the Bokshovikl force, the Cossacks under General fessors are Kaledlnea, the loyalists under. Keren sky, the combination of Rumanians, . --Ukrainians, new Teuton army organized College southwestern Russians and and the 'There has never ljcen a time in the history of the behind the Russian tines. Latest news does not Indicate a decisive victory spirit of loyal enthusiasm for any, though it appears that active hostilities are In progress. ' ot Hawaii when a more admirable Various despatches today Indicate the development of an entire'y new the regents . hasMTailcd," declares a statement issued today by military situation in Russia the organizing of Teuton forces behind the R. Farrington, chairman of the board. Russian lines made up of German at?f Austrian prisoners released since of the college, through W. the Kerensky government was overthrown They are taking advantage of filrprt rrat as the result of re-- the civil war raging between various Slav and Cossack factioflSjuid may v Wwl'rneetines of the board Kealolia Admits seize Petrograd and hold it for Germany. held to consider rumors of (Associated Press by 13. S. Naval Wireless) loyalty in' the college faculty LONDON, England, Dee. 21. A despatch from Petrograd nA tin- - lwst rav of dealing today brings the news that a combination has been effected . Signing Uill at ; ' ,. ti-f-- - ;. ' S ) - . I Va "rumor mongers, between a Bolsheviki force and a Teuton force made lip of t the statement todaydetails Austrians and Germans, both officers and soldiers who have Fraulein n specifically the case of Theresa's Home; been 'prisoners in Russia but have-bee- recently released. The v;?i iWr. She is assistant Bolsheviki force is commanded by Teuton officers now. languages ' profess6r of modern oath in Circuit Judge Ash It is believed that the force made up of released prisoners -- - members flffeVnd(JcC. M. faculty tnrA'm rntirt' fhii J. KM ' ind one of two II I is equivalent to two army corps and is commanded by its own terms of Ioha, former supervisor, confessed that On left F. H. Wight;, on right, Hawaiian musicians on U. S. 8. St. Louis. Wight Is a son of Charles did not answerin & pres- officers. within striking distance of Petrograd, and has ; j ho the he did not sign In the queen S. Wight, formerly president of the Wilder Steamship Company and later manager of the Honolulu Gas Com- Itis anti-Bolshevi- to be well-know- ki unequivocalloyaltrto ence the document purporting pany. He Is'related to severer n Honolulu families already defeated an force at Tashkent, " late United States a letter of inquiry the last will and testlment ef the LUluokalanL Christmas greetings to the people sot) of Mr. Akina Walmea, up. Is untrue and unjust 1 faculty menv ne is 'a of eddressed to all He signed the alleged will, saia,, 0f Honolulu are sent through the Star- - Kauai, and It is due .to his great in- "I am . glad that all we left behind LONDON, England, Dec. 21. It is unofficially reported here j ka mrimAummm9 Ttiftnflft f ..... - . ; Dm. in the presence uuiieim oy a group or staiwan ana tercut and everlasting effort that he us are well and when all is over, Ha correspondent Exchange Telegraph. President her-reques- by the Petrograd of the Why j Owana Belllveau' and t t. patriotic young Ha wallahs aboard the and boys been able to estab- waii will not be ashamed of the boys . his have was ner nome on U.-8- help Agency that the Germans have rejected the terms of peace sug- The signing done in S. St Loujs, now "somewhere lish such a fine reputation all over who volunteered for the navy to ' 4 ? ' the Gore lotr King street. At that on the Atlantic. On this vessel are "This same "group entertained Mrs. uphold Old Glory and give Uncle Sam gested by Russian (Trotzky ) gbternment. ' : rlifluo-kalanT-wa- s the continued,-th- e name R- time, he members of . the, naval militia of; Ha- .W. - Rush . great many times, for what he ants 'respect' and 'free- -- a lh fl-- wrillen on the document, waii, one number, Charles an, even when dom of the seas.' Ff -- ttlvelvand. ' and of their she was. kind to us wno , LONDONEnglandi .Dec. 2L person i:iT-UhitA ltM but $bere were no'other signatures. S. Wight, has sent the photo above Alaua, one of the Hawaiian boys, was "Thanking you for all the - past cam Star-Bulleti-n. .Kealoha testified hat Theresa 'nd an . interesting letter to the verr lick with pneumonia at the naval favors that you rendered .us when we The Rumanians and the Bus-- ;c on three' occasions and asked hospltaC. visited him several were at home In- - the naval militia of " m .J .....II to him Sht I t the""College him .to be a witness t the. allege? Wight makes JLJOainJhat times, brindifk.fruit and - flowers and Hawaii, for jrourpaper.was always sians alone the northwestern rniw:la: v: i Tbe'accond ' retaining or wilL tne doing; alt She possibly could to make ready to give us a boost when we nave -- tne- acc&rd A irpntj, jpmea usrai afraid he wotld get la trouble jiatwnal battle for humanity . and Jus- Um comfortable. - .. wanted It, . ing to hit story. The third time, he tice, lie writes in part: y All of us otherwise are very well "Wishing yon the best of luck and ians whojhaveldw ' i ppjiss . (the continued he consented to go to the :.Edltbr Honolulu SBufletln, ; and j getting "along splendidly, . but 1 prosperity and Hawaii a-- happy Christ- their indeoeridence. in a" move ..thtw. ; - - -- will-fin- d ' " r ; ; - house, as,' she told him "Sir: Enclosed yoa , pic- certainly-- will let you know that an mas,. ' : whose. ",rJLr;;Wt?EtStM) tfora princes"- ment against the Petrograd ported Ihj Vhlch that 'there would be. no trouble, and ture of the Hawaiian, musicians that editorial such as the Advertiser wrote, "1 remain, 'SlAf a man named Lot was also going are nuking a big hit in air the parts about ' how Hawaii had been left in "FRANK H. WIGHT. government They have that " aj Seriously Short to be a witness. :He added that there (hat we have visited. 1 ; the cold and that she would not be on U, 8. 8. St Louis, care postmaster, n - : . pointed Gen. Stcherhatcheff as judgment or X had4, been some talk, about Theresa E R Akin a, the senibrv musician. the roll of honor when it was made New York. r lego r ' taking him to the' queen's home,; but their commander and the " (Ault(H ty U. Ntvsl WlrsleM.) vfrnrautlr 0P - Pti wwqjto, that they went' to- Theresa! home whole Rumanian front is under WASHINGTON, D. C Dec 21. v-- eent Fred u ' ram . ui a '.';.v?v Testifying . before the house commit- who Wteved tfc .' eKaloha, early in his testimony, said LATE NEWS AT A GLABIGE ROLPH SAVS his charge. ; tee Investigating the conduct of the vandM:wlao -- aign document, TJkfan-ia- n war. Retiring Quartermaster General as : regeui. he waa forced to the The Bolsheviki' and but' did not relate'how Attorney , W; Sharpe declared that the war depart- Kea-loh- a, are reported I to be United C. Achl attempted to represent THREE STUDENT FLIERS . KILLED AT FORT WORTH . troops ment, prior to the entry of the - but- was ruled ; against by the FORT .WORTH, Texas. Dec. 21.-O- ne American and. two British avia- POOD PROBE upon each other States Into the war, ordered supplies advancing troops. sup- courL-wh- o told hhn' that U he mada tion students were killed here today 'when the plane in which they .were for a million Last June any: more remarks court he would ground. about three versts (two miles) plies for half a million more were or- ii flying dashed to the The caase of the accident is not. known. ' ' 11 ' -- be ejected. VfliS:,:-- ' apart. ... dered. , v only com ' Prior to the' beginning of TCealoha's w.- Bin , ruRiariilft. noivc a bia ei n DELAYS WORK He declared that the Cot-bur-n ronit irco concerning shortage of sup-pil- es testimony the attorney! for J.VF. i ' 'K - plaints m""- - i WASHINGTON, D. O, . Dec. 2tr returns : from the Red .Cross Cbrist- tworcuiiy4 , cloth- 'J ual of the were aUowed U withdraw from ;inas membership drive are m are the have been in the matter of allowed to ' ' ing, and that General Pershing was ' . -- ; , - s . '.., ' numbep will exceed the original goat ji; . : ., GREATfARMY v Wit-ne-ss f.nmn ..; withdraw as .the proponent "of hd al , Interruption By v Another.
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