Gyro gearloose comics pdf

Continue Daniel Ducentrib is a Comic Book character created by . It has the form of an anthropomorphic chicken, is a graduate engineer and inventor by profession, proving his ingenuity and ingenuity over and over again. The alliteration of Daniel Desentrib was written by German translator . The original name of the is ambiguous - the gyroscope means gyroscope, Gearloose can be translated as a simple or free V-belt, but it can also be understood as a free gear and thus as a reference to a phrase to have the screw loose. Daniel Dusentreb's motto in the German editions Nothing to swear on Ingeniaru comes from an engineering song by Heinrich zel (Nothing too hard for an engineer). Daniel Desentribe's creation first appeared in the comic book in May 1952, but a similar figure appeared in the animated film Interior Decorators back in 1937. Barks contributed to two of the film's projects. One figure was Franz Hans, the other was not used at the time, but later formed the basis of Daniel Dusentreb. When Barks needed a character for Gladstone's Terrible Secret in the 140-episode Walt Disney comic book and story series, he let Daniel Jettribe pass by in five films. The reactive instinct tried to turn the cream into oil using an inflatable stilt and tied a barrel of oil. In 1956, Daniel Dusentrib became the main character of a four-page story for magazines for the first time. In 1962, he received his own series of books, which was quickly discontinued. Barks later said: If I had known that I would ever make my own booklet with jet-driven history, I would only have done so about the size of Donald or Dagobert. Then it would be easier to draw. It was a big, lanky bird chicken that didn't fit easily into the pictures with the ducks. Daniel Dusentrieb's father was called Debel Dusentrieb (Fulton Girluza) and ran a small repair shop in Entenhausen. His grandfather Dankwart Dusentrib (Ratchet Girluz) looked like him as an inventor and had already worked for Dagobert Duck. According to , Daniel Dusentrib was born in Entenhausen in 1914. The characterization of Daniel Dusentrib's assistant Daniel Ducentrib makes his invention out of joy at work rather than out of financial interest and fits into the garage inventor's cliches. He often sells his inventions well below their value. He's got Things like a bread grease machine, dark light, a portable hole or a phone with a built-in iron invented, but can also easily build an ultralight spaceship within a week, and in this context also proves the existence of tachions. For Dagobert and - especially for his alter ego Phantomias - he always has the right invention at his disposal, and when something happens, his small, homemade and artificial intelligence-making robot helps him (Little Assistant or just assistant). Unlike Donald Duck or Dagobert Duck, Daniel Desentriebe's personality was captured from the beginning - a somewhat alien and absent-minded but ingenious inventor whose machines and inventions often work differently than planned - he always wants the good, usually only creating evil. Another of his statement: It is better to look better than to build a bad self. The character of Daniel Desentribe reflects the little Carl Barks, who himself would like to become an inventor. Initially, all the inventions of Nozzle Drive came from Barks. Daniel Desentrib is a minor character in the DuckTales series - Neues from Entenhausen and DuckTales. The name Daniel Desentrib is now synonymous with the ingenious, somewhat bullying inventor in German-speaking countries. For example, the University of Hamburg, together with the Association of German Engineers (VDI), has launched the Daniel Jet Drive Competition, which awards the annual award to schools. Also see the residents of Walt Disney's Entenhausen Literature: Nothing to swear on Ingenior. 50 years of Daniel Jet Drive, ISBN 3-7704-2793-9 Michael Barrier: Carl Barks. The Biography, ISBN 3-9238-0199-8 Single Evidence s Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 140-02 a b A brilliant inventor celebrates the 50th birthday of Daniel Düsentrieb (Memento, 19Th century). November 2008 in the Internet Archive) (PDF; 660 kB) - Poet and Mind Man in: VDI nachrichten, 23 June 2017, No. 25, p. 3- Heinrich Seidel: Ingenieurlied in: Die Deutsche Poemsbibliothek - Daniel Düsentrieb will be 60, retrieved on 6 May 2012 ...... Entenhausen's biography - fiction or reality? (PDF; 1.8 MB) - Donald Duck - man like you and me! (PDF; 364 kB) - Engineering and technical heroes from film and television (Memento of July 18, 2009 in the Internet Archive) - Daniel Dusentrib in Syddeutsche Tseitung. On May 19, 2010, access to the newspaper Syddeiche zeitung was available on August 10, 2020. Institute of German Economics: Waiting for Daniela Link/ (page is no longer available, web archives search) Leonard Vosburgh, Otto Elert, Paul E. Blackwood, Gerd Werner: Erfindungen, Die Without Silver Welt ver'nderten, S. 37 - Daniel Dusentrib-Preis Abgeruffen von WDC-S 635 Gyro Gearlo Gearose is a Disney comic book character. Oh Giro He's a wacky inventor of Duckburg. He is a gentle, passive soul who tries to invent things to make the world a better place. Almost everyone from to Grandma Duck was looking for Giro skills for one purpose or another, however, The invention of Giro doesn't always support their established integrity, often becoming quite a disaster after all. Although often under the exclusive use of Scrooge McDuck, Giro is also a secret agent for the D.I.A. (Dakburg Intelligence Agency, which is supposedly a unit of the S.H.U.S.H.), under the secret name of Dr. G., where his skills are used for the government, especially with regard to Dr. Nogud and agents of the F.O.W.L. (Foreign Anti-Corruption Organization). His role in S.H.U.S.H. seems to have been supplanted by Dr. Sarah Bellum (also a chicken) in the series. Giro's nemesis is the evil inventor Emil Eagle, although he is also under threat from others such as and Magica De Spell. Giro seems to have had some trouble maintaining his weight in the early days, where he sometimes appeared rather hefty at times, but his main aspect is slender. Giro has several peculiar techniques for cleaning his mind and tremors to creative inspiration. One common method is to jump upside down on a helmet that has a pogo-stick attached, and another is to hit yourself in the head on a sledgehammer. Giro's protege and nephew, Newton, often visits his workshop, and his creation called Little Helper (also known as Li'l Bulb) can often be seen somewhere in the general proximity of Giro to do something stupid. Crane or long-haired woman with a pony-tail hairstyle named Matilda has appeared as a friend of Giro and as a friend of , in at least two stories (in Walt and Stories 310 in Gyro Gearloose: Real Cool Canoeing and Dell's Daisy Duck's FC Diaries #948). Appearance Cover Cameos Fictional Character in Disney Universe Gyro GearlooseGyro with Lil' HelperFirst appearance of Gladstone's Terrible Secret in Walt Disney Comics and the story of #140, May 1952Soved ByCarl BarksVoiced (1987, Sport in Soccermania) (DuckTales) (Donald Duck: Goin' quakers) Chris Edgerley (DuckTales Remastered) Jim Rush (DuckTales 2017) Giro Gearloose is a cartoon character created in 1952 by Carl Barks for Disney. An anthropomorphic chick, he is part of the Donald Duck universe, appearing in the comics as a friend of Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck and everyone associated with them. He was also a frequent star DuckTales. First he he in Carl Barks' comic Book Gladstone's Terrible Secret (Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #140, May 1952), and was a regular lead character in four-page backup stories in Uncle Scrooge's Barks, beginning with the release of #13 (March 1956) and continuing through the #41 (March 1963). Biography of Giro is dakuburg's most famous inventor, although his inventions do not always work the way he wants. His outrageous performance is presented as a factor in the quality of his inventions; because he always comes up with new ideas, the fact that his inventions often do not have an important feature, often cause problems for Scrooge and Donald, who are known to often buy his inventions. He is known for being good-natured towards others. The gyro is often helped by his little assistant (or simply assistant), who is a small anthropomorphic robot with a light bulb for the head. In addition to Little Helper, he also has a thinking cap, a hat shaped like a roof and a nest, home to three black birds. Wearing this thinking cap helps Gyro figure out a particularly complex problem, but it only works if the birds are currently nesting in the lid. Some stories have involved birds leaving the thinking cover of the giro, making the lid become ineffective. Some of Giro's relatives include his father Fulton Gearloose, his grandfather Ratchet Gearloose, and Newton Gearloose, his nephew. Sometimes there were stories about a friend of Giro Matilda. In some stories, Giro's main rival is Emil Eagle, although he is also antagonized by Beagle Boys and Magic De Spell. With his inventions, he is also a very important ally of Donald Duck's alter ego, Paperinik, in Italian Disney comics. According to the two G's to his name, he bunkers on shelves containing odds and ends, which he named Gewgaws, Gimcracks, Gadgets and Gizmos. An appearance in other media Gyro made his first animated appearance in a 1980s feature film, on the Sport Goofy Soccermania television special, with only one line of dialogue, voiced by Will Ryan: Scrooge parting with a million dollars? In the subsequent 1987 animated series DuckTales, Giro became an ordinary character, with Hal Smith supplying his voice, while Barry Gordon recorded it in several episodes. Among Giro's notable inventions in the series was the creation of a GizmoDuck costume, which was to be worn by a security guard for Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin. Although the store and the Giro house are on the south side of Dakuburg, it was born on the north side; the sign marks his birthplace and mentions one of his inventions: topless hats. In high school, the young Giro was a baseball pitcher with his madball pitch - in fact just a straight pitch ball. When Giro forced to pitch for Northside, pitting unhittable baseball against another of his inventions, can't be missed the bat made for the Southside team, the result being total chaos. Giro is a classic eccentric genius. He once persuaded the people of Dakburg to rebuild Dakuburg into the climate-controlled city of the future. Unfortunately for Giro, his ideas worked too well; Donald Duck worked only 1 hour a day and spent 23 hours of sleep, which left him more grouchy than usual, while Uncle Scrooge McDuck's robot made him so much money that he filled his money bin to the point where McDuck couldn't even burrow into it. The last straw was that Robot Assistant Giro makes a robot to replace Giro as inventor! Realizing that Dakburg is not ready for the future, Giro returns Dakuburg to the old me. Contrary to his recordings in Don Markstein's Toonopedia, Giro never appeared on . Giro, in his usual role as an inventor, is replaced by in House of Mouse and many other cartoons. In the Toontown universe, Giro created a robot that, when Scrooge accidentally wired it wrong, made the cogs, the game's main antagonists. They are gloomy businessmen, like robots, who can't take a joke. So to take care of the infection, the Toons (the main characters of the game) destroy them with gags such as splashing seltzer water and throwing pies at them. Reimagined Giro appears in the 2017 reboot of DuckTales (voiced by Jim Rush), in which he supports the lab for Ben Scrooge's money. This Gyro combines the characteristics of his more stern, early self comics with those of his original colleague DuckTales along with adlibbing Rush; The result is an eccentric who struggles with social graces and has a short character yet retains a good character and makes an effort to stop his inventions from harming people. He also has a track record of inventions to get whimpering and becoming evil, although he claims that some are just wrong (a feature that the show's creators also attribute to Giro himself). In his debut episode, The Great Dime Chase!, he presents Little Bulb (a version of this show Little Assistant) that gets out of control under The Direction of Louis; although Giro manages to solve this problem by replacing the head of his invention with a lower watt lamp). Later, he begins brainstorming the creation of a Gizmoduck costume codenamed Project Blatherskite. In subsequent episodes of the first season, he took on Fenton Craxhall-Cabrera as an intern, ran into Scrooge's rival Mark Sachs and forced Donald Duck to swallow a voice modulator. In the season 2 premiere, he used the modified invention of the compression beam to communicate with microscopic civilizations in McDuck households, only to be taken hostage when he tried to become their god-king. Later in Season 2, his oxy-chewed gum (used by Della and Donald Duck to survive on the moon), Time Teaser Flinthart Glomgold in the scheme against Scrooge McDuck), and Time Tub (used (used Giro himself to return to the Old West and Louis as part of the Get Rich Fast scheme) to make appearances. In the season 2 finale, he developed a spray clone that he used on his own and produced a small army of Little Bulbs with a paradise-talking function. In the third season, Giro's past is explored further. Decades before the series, he worked as an upbeat young trainee under robotics, Dr. Akita. Giro built a children's defense drone called 2-BO and treated him like a real boy, but Akita forged his software and used it to terrorize the city of Tokyo. Disgraced and losing his creation, Giro is angry and suppressed his memories of android. When Huey brought 2-BO, now B.O.Y.D., to him to be fixed, Giro was forced to return to Tokyo and confront his past as well as Akita. As soon as he found out what had happened and beat up his former mentor, Giro reconciled with members of the B.O.J. Girluza family, Ratchet Girloose, Girlo's paternal grandfather, created by Carl Barks. He knew Scrooge McDuck: he first met him during his Mississippi river days. They later met on the island of Krakatoa. Nothing has been known about Ratchet since then, but it is assumed he ended up in Duckburg, as his son Fulton Gearloose is one of the first three . Fulton Gearloose Fulton Gearloose is the son of Ratchet Gearloose and the father of Gyro Gearloose. Created by Dok Rose, he was first mentioned in the Guardians of the Library in The Adventures of Uncle Scrooge #27 as the inventor of the For Services to The Younger Woods badge, and as the first person to be awarded (for his invention). He first appeared in person in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Part 10 as a small child and one of the first three junior Woodchucks. He appears as an elderly man in the history of the First Invention of the Giro. Newton Gearloose Newton Gearloose is the nephew of Giro. It first appeared in 1960 in the story of Gyro Gearloose under the title Ting-A-Ling Trouble, written by Vic Lockman and drawn by Phil Delara, in Walt Disney Comics and Stories #308. Newton was a fan of his uncle's work and wanted to be an inventor like him when he grew up. Newton was also a younger Woodcuck and a friend of Huey, Dewey and Louis. Newton was nicknamed Giggy. After the early 1970s, Newton stopped appearing in the new North American Disney comics. It continued to be used in some Brazilian and Danish Disney comics in the 1990s, while it still appears in Dutch and Italian comic book productions. A similar character was in the episode DuckTales Superdoo. Like Newton, he was also in the Junior Woods. Although his name never spoke, he bears a physical resemblance to Newton Gearloose. Names outside the English-speaking world, Gyro Gearloose has the following names: Arab world: Abaqrino Argentina: Pardal Brazil and Portugal: Professor Pardal Pardal Sparrow) Bulgaria: The queen (comics), queen of Latin America: Giro Sintorillos (Giro Wintless), also known as Ciro Peraloca in some regions. China: 吉罗 Jalua Croatia: The Raisin (Inventor) Mudric Cech: Sikula Denmark: Georg Girelos Estonia: Leidur Leo (Inventor Leo) Finland: Pelle Peloton (Pelle Fearless) France: Goo Truvetu (t), Giro Sanfraine (Geo-finds-all), Giro without brakes) Germany: Daniel Dusentrib (Daniel Reactive) Greece: Κύρος Γρανάζης (Cyrus Gear) Hungary: Saki Dani Iceland: Georg Gerlausie Indonesia: Lang Ling Lung Italy: Archimedes Pitagorico (Archimed Pyfagorian Japan: ジャロ ギア (Jairo Giaresu) Korea: 자이로 기어루스 (Jailo Gieolowseu) Latvia: Bruno Bezbremze Lithuania: Sriegas Bivaretis Mexico: Siro Peraloca (Siro Panching Ball) Norway: Petter Smart, Goggen Skrg The Netherlands: Willy Thief Will Square Root / Will Carrot) Peru: Ciro Peraloca Poland:Diod Russia: zurab Tsereteli (Vint worked freely) Serbia: Slovakia: Giro Vinaleska Slovenia: Professor Umnik Spain: Ungenio Tarconi (Pune with Eugenio, common name, and Genius) Sweden : Oppfinnar-Jocke (Inventor-Jock) Turkey: Sivrichek Uzbekistan: Ixtyrochi Vint (Screw worked-free) Ukraine: Indax. Received on December 3, 2019. Andre, Tom. From Burbank to Duckburg. Carl Banks and the Disney comic. University Press Mississippi. Received on February 1, 2012. Scrooge McDuck Comics - b Walt Disney Golden Comic Digest No 29 June 1971 - Walt Disney Golden Key Comic Digest No 21 April 1970 - Uncle Scrooge Adventures #27 (July 1994) External references gyro Gearloose on Gyro Gearloose on Don Markstein's Toonope. Archive from the original september 1, 2016. Extracted from the gyro gearloose comics pdf

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