Turner's Public Spirit: Vol. 53, No. 46 (16 July 1921)
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You have some idea about the appearance your clothes, shoidd make for Maybe you couldn't describe it in words—but you know >i?lien Vou see it. f«=to«Io'''" J""^ ^''^'^^^ °^ ^^^^^^^'^^ ^^^^ y°^ come; modete ii^^^^^ testes as well as for ultra fashionable men. Ifs part of our servlceitd the commu nity to serve all of you m.en, whatever your preference in style or fabric may be. Harii SGliattner & Marx Gioil FOR MEN III °S'^^'''«? many variations of patterns, designs and measureixiiits, that we not satisfied ^^"^^^ ^""^"^ '"^'' ^^"^ ''°°'®^ ^^''^' ^"^'^^ "^ you are PRICES FROM ^38 TO $45 ^^; I Other Makes from $20 to $35 x'-d't:' If yov. prefer a Custom-Made Suit, drop In and we wiU nieasure you for either a IJart, Schaffner. & Marx or a Royal l^nor Suit. Hundreds of patterns to choose from. Made in any style you want, from $27.50 up. •- ..«4Sfi Men's Straw Hits Here are the Gool Summer Suits such as you require for your summer-^ Sere are the very finest the market affords. Every wantedilyle is here— doThes? ^^^^^^°^ *'°^® '^ ^®^®' ^^^ ^^^^ '^ °^o''e desirable than comfortable'; SaHor styles, made in coarse, medium or fine braid, with the famou^l^on Ton Ivy Sweat Bands. We also have several styles of genuine Panamas'for those who Blije Serges and Hair-Une^ are among the leaders this season. " '^'t prefer a soft hat. i Two-piece Suits br Regular Suits in plain grey or in faiicy-^Tnixtures, in' - Copyright IMI Hart Schaffatt & ilari MEN'S DRESS HATS FROM $2 TO $6 single.or double-breasted style coats. iVIEf^'S WORK HATS FROM 25^ to $1.50 Golf Suits, with knickerbockers and long trousers in the Scotch mixtures -? or English tweeds. ' "' ""' When a man or woman dresses up they look at their shoes. What do you Palm Beach or Mohair Suits are the thinnest fabrics possible for Men's Suits. We hafe theni also. ^^«:4i?^ think when you look at yours—the pair you have on now? Are they making good? -.<\~7 ... • • \ Z' ' ""^iS* Do you like to wear them?. Try WALK-OVER next time, and months afterward Here at this Men's Store you will find the clothes that \HU make your'^^^ notice how they keep their shape a,nd stand the wear. vacation the more enjoyable. PALM BEACH TWO-i?IECE SUITS..^......'. $18.00 All Mail Orders Carefully Attended to 5VS„^?!^5-^^^^^J^^^^ SUITS......................: $25.00 to $42.50^ FANCY MIXTURE SUITS... Telephone 209-4 .$25.00 to $42,50 STRAW HATS COMFORTABLE ' "f^; NOW AT UNDERWEAR : Fletcher Bros. Here is the kind of-Underwear tiiat Reduced Prices men who desire comfort will- appreci'- Main Street Opposite Depot AVER, MASS. Every Straw Hat now goes at a re ate; - Here aire tbe-well known stand-, duced price. .BTietter iiave aV one. arti.; makes : of undei^vrear, such. \as The Htjjfrie bf-Harti-Schaffner &'Marx Clothes and Dutchess Trousers- ^ss,..j5©air $5.00 Sennett Sailors now.. $4.00 <T6 SHIRLEY reputation Ifor quality and fit. They, New'S Items. $4.00 Sennett Sailors now.. $3.00 Thomaa Whltaker has sold to the $3.50 Sennett Sailors now..... .$2.50 come in -half-sleeves, - sleeveless; ,in President Suspender Company the power station and land which -was $7.50 Genuine Panamas now.. .$5.00 knee, three-quarters or ankle lengths.' A, G. Pollard Co. tormerly ownod by Q. M; Ballou. Athletic Union Suits ; Miss Esther Amsden, stenographer THE STORE FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE LOWELL, MASS. in the olTlce of the Samson. Cordage 85^, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.56 Works, Is enjoying a two-weeks' va cation In Jefferson, N. H. Fine Cotton Ribbed Union Suits = ?_. Merrimack, Palmer and Middle Streets '^ The Junior band enjoyed an outing Bathing Suits at the home of Mrs. Goozey, Tueaday $1.00, $1,50 and $1.75- atternoon. Mrs. Goodheart, Miss Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits in a Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers ; " . Marion Jubb and Miss Ruth Hooper assisted in looking after the children. variety of kinds and colors. 50^ and $l,O0f' Games were played, lemonade, lce cream and calie wore served. Men's Suits, Cotton. .$1.00 to $2.00 Athletic Shirts and Drawers July Now Advertisements Men's Suits, Wool... .$3.00 to $5.00 '65^ and 73^..;^' Boys' Suits, Cotton 50f^ to $1.00 Boys'-Union Suits, Nainsook or Derby^- '-i?l| Peaches Bathing Trunks ..25^ and 50^ Ribbed ... .50^, 65^, 75^, $1.0^- '^ Clearance Sale HARVARD FRUIT FARM takes pleasure in announcing a won derful crop of peaches for 1921. The -IX TIIK- season will start about July 26 and MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS ,.: run almost continuously until Octo bor Hr.tt. DurinK this period thou- In Shirts we cover the whple range from Silk to l51an-> .sands of baskets of the choicest v,ari- tlos. such as CarYnan, Belle of nel. Special assortments in Percales, Madras, Cheviots,-^-^| Georgia, Crawford and Elberta, will Satin, Stripes and Plain Colore.' The Plain White Shlfctf Art Embroidery Section be on sale at th<> farm. Don't waste your money on South with collar attached is a great seller this-season,' Vl^VAiij ern peaches picked green and sTiipped hundreds of miles. Walt for thoso cool and comfortable. Collar iattached Shirts in Whitfe^^"' luscious white .ind yellow freestones Those who are familiar with our sales and know the genuineness of ripened on the troes. and Plain Colors, as well as Fancy Stripes. , ^." ,^ them, particularly look for them. Fancy Percales and Madras.... .95^, $1.45 and $!,!( HARVARD FRUIT FARM A busy time lies before us—come early, therefore, to get the best Woven Madras and Silk Stripes,. .$2.50, $3.00, $3^ selection. IL\RV.\RD, >L\S.S. Telephone 9 4 P. H. BABCOCK White Oxfords, Collar Attached Shirts $2.00 and f^Z:Sl(ff Fancy Stripes, Collar Attached $1.00 to $2.50ia Stamped Pillow Covers, in Oi^ni, nooclle Stamped Hat,s for Children, to 4-year WHAT OUR SERVICE weave and all linen. HeRiilar price sizes. Regular price 49c to 75c. Sale SOc to .$1,25, Sale price 35< to 59^ MEANS TO YOU! Silk Shirts, Plain or Fancy $5.00 to. $7.00' price 35< to 59^ Stamped Centers ,ind Scarf.s. in eeru, needle A busitic.'«. like a person, weave and all linen. Regular price Stamped Centers in white nicedle weave, sliould cultivate a personality pe Indian Head and linen. Regular prico culiar to itself. A-business to' bo Store Closed on Wednesdays at Staniped Night Qo^^^1s: .Regular price $1..')0 50o to $2.50. Sale price 25< to.$1.50 progressive iiui.st be different. 12 Noon to .$3..")0. Sale price 69«J to $2.00 So in our business, we aim to Stamped Scarfs in white. Regular price make it distinctive. We want to Store Open on Monday, Friday and Geo. H. Browi Staniped Combinati5n.«i. Regular priee .$2..50 SOc to 75c. Sale price 25^ to 50^ give "a little more" rather than Toe to $l.r30. Sale price 50< to 75^ "a little less" service. We want Saturday Evenings RELIABLE CLOTHIER to .4;3.50. Sale price 91.50 to $2.75 Stamped Lunch Sets. Regular price $1.50 to serve j-ou after we have sold to $2..50. Sale priee... .75< to^$1.00 you. And when we sell you, our Mr. and Mrs. N'olson Wamboldt aro Rev. Charles A. Cordier left We<J-.lwhich runs express, U~8.1iO ifonaajr -t^sv:^, Stamped Gue.st Towels. Regular price 2.5c vl.RltlnK In Sprlngfleld, Vt., mS.klng tho nesday-ovening for Ottawu to attend j morning. She woa t^olle^l ISxM. !>•-• ' '' Stamped Pillow Cases with scalloped and guarantee i.s—Absoluto Satisfac trip over tho road by auto. to 50c. Sale price.... 15^ tion, i, tho exorcises, at which Lena Stebblns sonla and Uved near Slab Ctty^croM* crocheted edges. Regular price $1.25 Wllllnm Burns, of New York, has and Marie Murray Uikc thq blaclt veil Ing. Sbo had Jxist lett her homo an^ '-^i!;.^ ^ Stamped Tray Cloth.s. Regular price 35c. been vl8ltln(f~hla sister, Mrs. Herbert and tho flrst Vows of sisterhood. stepped on tho crossing as tho tntlir>;''^p^ to $1.49. Sale price.... 95^ Behind our professional fitness Flynn, tho past week. The Middlesex County Farm Bu; came Along. She waa hard ot hM(s.(V^''" Sale price , 25^ are wide experience and.thorough Max Malonson has gone to Hopkln reau will hold an all-day'pionto in Ing and for some time httf niind hiadp^ Broken Packages of Stamped Gooda, marked training, the results of which are Concord on next 'Wlednesday from te!\ not been quite clear. 9h« pIcktkES! . Stamped Pin Cushion.s. Regular price 25c ton, K. H., to wonJ{ this summer. V4 Off Eegular Prices best testified to by the hundreds to four o'clook. There will be games great quantltlei^ of bltteb«rrles an^'u^^SJ to SOc. Sale price 15fJ The C. B. B. club mot on Monday and music by the Chelmiktord band, sold them to housekApwK Tho body %^ of pepple we have served to their evenlnjt with Mlss Mildred BadstUb In the afternoon there will be was taken on the traiit to''Ajrer, wh«r«t.<" 'j*' Finished and Kmbroidcred Models in Chil ner. Klvo of tho club. Misses Bad Stamped Children's Drcs.ses and Infants' entire .satisfaction. speeches by H. P. Hinckley and Rich Bdwafd C. Page removM the remalniTl' J^j dren's Dresses. Romper.s, Scarfs, Cen .stUbncr. Logue, . Desmond, Credit, ard Pattee. A play featlvAt will fol to hla undertaking rooms.