You have some idea about the appearance your clothes, shoidd make for Maybe you couldn't describe it in words—but you know >i?lien Vou see it. f«=to«Io'''" J""^ ^''^'^^^ °^ ^^^^^^^'^^ ^^^^ y°^ come; modete ii^^^^^ testes as well as for ultra fashionable men. Ifs part of our servlceitd the commu­ nity to serve all of you m.en, whatever your preference in style or fabric may be. Harii SGliattner & Marx Gioil FOR MEN III °S'^^'''«? many variations of patterns, designs and measureixiiits, that we not satisfied ^^"^^^ ^""^"^ '"^'' ^^"^ ''°°'®^ ^^''^' ^"^'^^ "^ you are PRICES FROM ^38 TO $45 ^^; I Other Makes from $20 to $35 x'-d't:' If yov. prefer a Custom-Made Suit, drop In and we wiU nieasure you for either a IJart, Schaffner. & Marx or a Royal l^nor Suit. Hundreds of patterns to choose from. Made in any style you want, from $27.50 up. •- ..«4Sfi Men's Straw Hits Here are the Gool Summer Suits such as you require for your summer-^ Sere are the very finest the market affords. Every wantedilyle is here— doThes? ^^^^^^°^ *'°^® '^ ^®^®' ^^^ ^^^^ '^ °^o''e desirable than comfortable'; SaHor styles, made in coarse, medium or fine braid, with the famou^l^on Ton Ivy Sweat Bands. We also have several styles of genuine Panamas'for those who Blije Serges and Hair-Une^ are among the leaders this season. " '^'t prefer a soft hat. i Two-piece Suits br Regular Suits in plain grey or in faiicy-^Tnixtures, in' - Copyright IMI Hart Schaffatt & ilari MEN'S DRESS HATS FROM $2 TO $6 single.or double-breasted style coats. iVIEf^'S WORK HATS FROM 25^ to $1.50 Golf Suits, with knickerbockers and long trousers in the Scotch mixtures -? or English tweeds. ' "' ""' When a man or woman dresses up they look at their shoes. What do you Palm Beach or Mohair Suits are the thinnest fabrics possible for Men's Suits. We hafe theni also. ^^«:4i?^ think when you look at yours—the pair you have on now? Are they making good? -.<\~7 ... • • \ Z' ' ""^iS* Do you like to wear them?. Try WALK-OVER next time, and months afterward Here at this Men's Store you will find the clothes that \HU make your'^^^ notice how they keep their shape a,nd stand the wear. vacation the more enjoyable. PALM BEACH TWO-i?IECE SUITS..^......'. $18.00 All Mail Orders Carefully Attended to 5VS„^?!^5-^^^^^J^^^^ SUITS......................: $25.00 to $42.50^ FANCY MIXTURE SUITS... Telephone 209-4 .$25.00 to $42,50 STRAW HATS COMFORTABLE ' "f^; NOW AT UNDERWEAR : Fletcher Bros. Here is the kind of-Underwear tiiat Reduced Prices men who desire comfort will- appreci'- Main Street Opposite Depot AVER, MASS. Every Straw Hat now goes at a re­ ate; - Here aire tbe-well known stand-, duced price. .BTietter iiave aV one. arti.; makes : of undei^vrear, such. \as The Htjjfrie bf-Harti-Schaffner &'Marx Clothes and Dutchess Trousers- ^ss,..j5©air $5.00 Sennett Sailors now.. $4.00 <T6 SHIRLEY reputation Ifor quality and fit. They, New'S Items. $4.00 Sennett Sailors now.. $3.00 Thomaa Whltaker has sold to the $3.50 Sennett Sailors now..... .$2.50 come in -half-sleeves, - sleeveless; ,in President Suspender Company the power station and land which -was $7.50 Genuine Panamas now.. .$5.00 knee, three-quarters or ankle lengths.' A, G. Pollard Co. tormerly ownod by Q. M; Ballou. Athletic Union Suits ; Miss Esther Amsden, stenographer THE STORE FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE LOWELL, MASS. in the olTlce of the Samson. Cordage 85^, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.56 Works, Is enjoying a two-weeks' va­ cation In Jefferson, N. H. Fine Cotton Ribbed Union Suits = ?_. Merrimack, Palmer and Middle Streets '^ The Junior band enjoyed an outing Bathing Suits at the home of Mrs. Goozey, Tueaday $1.00, $1,50 and $1.75- atternoon. Mrs. Goodheart, Miss Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits in a Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers ; " . Marion Jubb and Miss Ruth Hooper assisted in looking after the children. variety of kinds and colors. 50^ and $l,O0f' Games were played, lemonade, lce cream and calie wore served. Men's Suits, Cotton. .$1.00 to $2.00 Athletic Shirts and Drawers July Now Advertisements Men's Suits, Wool... .$3.00 to $5.00 '65^ and 73^..;^' Boys' Suits, Cotton 50f^ to $1.00 Boys'-Union Suits, Nainsook or Derby^- '-i?l| Peaches Bathing Trunks ..25^ and 50^ Ribbed ... .50^, 65^, 75^, $1.0^- '^ Clearance Sale HARVARD FRUIT FARM takes pleasure in announcing a won­ derful crop of peaches for 1921. The -IX TIIK- season will start about July 26 and MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS ,.: run almost continuously until Octo­ bor Hr.tt. DurinK this period thou- In Shirts we cover the whple range from Silk to l51an-> .sands of baskets of the choicest v,ari- tlos. such as CarYnan, Belle of nel. Special assortments in Percales, Madras, Cheviots,-^-^| Georgia, Crawford and Elberta, will Satin, Stripes and Plain Colore.' The Plain White Shlfctf Art Embroidery Section be on sale at th<> farm. Don't waste your money on South­ with collar attached is a great seller this-season,' Vl^VAiij ern peaches picked green and sTiipped hundreds of miles. Walt for thoso cool and comfortable. Collar iattached Shirts in Whitfe^^"' luscious white .ind yellow freestones Those who are familiar with our sales and know the genuineness of ripened on the troes. and Plain Colors, as well as Fancy Stripes. , ^." ,^ them, particularly look for them. Fancy Percales and Madras.... .95^, $1.45 and $!,!( HARVARD FRUIT FARM A busy time lies before us—come early, therefore, to get the best Woven Madras and Silk Stripes,. .$2.50, $3.00, $3^ selection. IL\RV.\RD, >L\S.S. Telephone 9 4 P. H. BABCOCK White Oxfords, Collar Attached Shirts $2.00 and f^Z:Sl(ff Fancy Stripes, Collar Attached $1.00 to $2.50ia Stamped Pillow Covers, in Oi^ni, nooclle Stamped Hat,s for Children, to 4-year WHAT OUR SERVICE weave and all linen. HeRiilar price sizes. Regular price 49c to 75c. Sale SOc to .$1,25, Sale price 35< to 59^ MEANS TO YOU! Silk Shirts, Plain or Fancy $5.00 to. $7.00' price 35< to 59^ Stamped Centers ,ind Scarf.s. in eeru, needle A busitic.'«. like a person, weave and all linen. Regular price Stamped Centers in white nicedle weave, sliould cultivate a personality pe­ Indian Head and linen. Regular prico culiar to itself. A-business to' bo Store Closed on Wednesdays at Staniped Night Qo^^^1s: .Regular price $1..')0 50o to $2.50. Sale price 25< to.$1.50 progressive iiui.st be different. 12 Noon to .$3..")0. Sale price 69«J to $2.00 So in our business, we aim to Stamped Scarfs in white. Regular price make it distinctive. We want to Store Open on Monday, Friday and Geo. H. Browi Staniped Combinati5n.«i. Regular priee .$2..50 SOc to 75c. Sale price 25^ to 50^ give "a little more" rather than Toe to $l.r30. Sale price 50< to 75^ "a little less" service. We want Saturday Evenings RELIABLE CLOTHIER to .4;3.50. Sale price 91.50 to $2.75 Stamped Lunch Sets. Regular price $1.50 to serve j-ou after we have sold to $2..50. Sale priee... .75< to^$1.00 you. And when we sell you, our Mr. and Mrs. N'olson Wamboldt aro Rev. Charles A. Cordier left We<J-.lwhich runs express, U~8.1iO ifonaajr -t^sv:^, Stamped Gue.st Towels. Regular price 2.5c vl.RltlnK In Sprlngfleld, Vt., mS.klng tho nesday-ovening for Ottawu to attend j morning. She woa t^olle^l ISxM. !>•-• ' '' Stamped Pillow Cases with scalloped and guarantee i.s—Absoluto Satisfac­ trip over tho road by auto. to 50c. Sale price.... 15^ tion, i, tho exorcises, at which Lena Stebblns sonla and Uved near Slab Ctty^croM* crocheted edges. Regular price $1.25 Wllllnm Burns, of New York, has and Marie Murray Uikc thq blaclt veil Ing. Sbo had Jxist lett her homo an^ '-^i!;.^ ^ Stamped Tray Cloth.s. Regular price 35c. been vl8ltln(f~hla sister, Mrs. Herbert and tho flrst Vows of sisterhood. stepped on tho crossing as tho tntlir>;''^p^ to $1.49. Sale price.... 95^ Behind our professional fitness Flynn, tho past week. The Middlesex County Farm Bu; came Along. She waa hard ot hM(s.(V^''" Sale price , 25^ are wide experience and.thorough Max Malonson has gone to Hopkln­ reau will hold an all-day'pionto in Ing and for some time httf niind hiadp^ Broken Packages of Stamped Gooda, marked training, the results of which are Concord on next 'Wlednesday from te!\ not been quite clear. 9h« pIcktkES! . Stamped Pin Cushion.s. Regular price 25c ton, K. H., to wonJ{ this summer. V4 Off Eegular Prices best testified to by the hundreds to four o'clook. There will be games great quantltlei^ of bltteb«rrles an^'u^^SJ to SOc. Sale price 15fJ The C. B. B. club mot on Monday and music by the Chelmiktord band, sold them to housekApwK Tho body %^ of pepple we have served to their evenlnjt with Mlss Mildred BadstUb­ In the afternoon there will be was taken on the traiit to''Ajrer, wh«r«t.<" 'j*' Finished and Kmbroidcred Models in Chil­ ner. Klvo of tho club. Misses Bad­ Stamped Children's Drcs.ses and Infants' entire .satisfaction. speeches by H. P. Hinckley and Rich­ Bdwafd C. Page removM the remalniTl' J^j dren's Dresses. Romper.s, Scarfs, Cen­ .stUbncr. Logue, . Desmond, Credit, ard Pattee. A play featlvAt will fol­ to hla undertaking rooms.
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